CARRIER'S ADDKES TO THB VATROSI Pf THI COLUMBIA Uli MOCK J I', January , 1317 Hinct last you hid lh Cr.i. t' tong, Another year hi jnjgd t niuitering, iimrtiing Spring you'te seen, Dreu mother EUrth in iob of gretn, And round her nikeJ hnuldm trd A wriatb ofroiei bluibii.g red, Till the old jJ bereelf looked gy, And allied t ONO'lmai will to dy. Bus Spiing'i a ihonghileii, mild coquette, Whoie herl hie not been touched yet. She eitee for naught but dreie and long, And mirth and glee, the whole day long-, And one might die amid her bowere, For who could live ou eoog and floweret No uieful fruiti, no etorea has ahe, S.te'11 do to laugh with. It I he I he I And rtieh oarai Banner quite gay Ai Spring drteied for a feitut day Bat though her faoe it eweet and fair, Still thought with fun ie blended there. 6h doea not think alone of &ou, Of butterfiiee, and eunny boere. She i engaged lor eny. And niuaea on her wedding day, She'e boneat, modeit, kind and true, Warmhearted, loving, ueeful too. She looke ahead, and hence prapoiee 8 e half grown applee, peachee, peart, l'lumba, epriooia and ruby cherriae, And every kind of grapee and berrioe. l idetd eie'e worth ten ooquatte Springe, Thoie dilly dally, fooliah thinge, Who amile and wave their gulande gay, And think they've atole your heart away, When all the time you with them gone, That thoughtful Bummer might coire on. Nix'hontit Autumn, frugal dame, Io ruiaet robee atdately came, Bhe'a the thoughtful, prudent wife, 8 jlace of maa'a loiliome life, Not rigged out with wreathe cf flowere, Dwelling not io myrtle bowere, Practiaing no take in arte, Laying enaree for do poor hearte. She can laugh, and yet not gigg'e, She can walk, and and yet not wriggle, She can amile, and yet not languitb, Biub her toe, and not acream with anguiah. Yet ahe'e full of mirth and glee, But aenie ie oiiied with jollity, She will not romp, aud teat away All night, and eleep in bed next day. Tier glanac will never drive one cued, Hut make the iomoat tpirit glad. Look arouod her, thtre'e potatoet, Turnipa, eabbage, and tomatcet, 'Corn fox ouch, and those tweet dodgeri, Loved by many boneat eoageia. Oil abe ie the frugal wife, The totite of wan' toiltomt life. Let Spring and tunimer eoiue together, With their flower and balmy weather, Humming birdt, and, Muaical and love tick eigne " Tet Autumn with ber cooing dove, Her cor-jngal, and aober love, Shall win ray heart, and bold it too, In inim of all that thev can do. -r . , And next came Winter, eroia old maid, O :whom creation ie afraid, Ah! every eingingbiid the drove, Tar, far away, and etripped the grovat Of every leaf where they might ehelier, And cent them all off, halter ekelier, ?,or fruit, nor flowere, nor bud hat the, Nor butteifly.nor buty bee, iSor ligti ng uroeje, nor co-nil ui, Ncr aught that wbiepere peace or love. Her voice ie loud, end ehtrp and ahrill, Whoie lonea the heait with trembling fill, Ah! elie will chill you through and through And pinch your note till it iabluej Will bluater round, and ttortn and rattle, And kick up every day a battle. cannot like her, nor can 1, AVhen aha it dead, heave one poortlgha By his tireleee conraert diawn, Tirr.e it ewiftly ruthingon, Snatching aa ahe passe by, Lus re from frail Beauty'e eye. Siering from hercheekt the rose, Shedding mid her locks hit ennwe, Hurling mauliood, youth and age, ilero, coward, fool, and tage, To the evr gaping tomb, Noisome worme and horrid gloom Overthrowing great aud email, Tower, Citj, Kingdom all That the handa of mas ean rear, Without riiy, shame or fear, 'ear him e Be rushed by, I 'HumS1 "J lo y Cry' Rise, and reur' hm 'nd , in en hour, llaielva; at e mot,. , , . . dream! 1 nifiui .viiitli are not, ... . ... . .' which seem M'n and irlDe thete alone- ifll pire, teaks ftVns ydar t)wu, Patrons, let me recommend Pi'iien advice, he it your friend. .hi Tfiith and tinuo hold the rein, IM I 1 out round toeing again. Meantime a lisppy New Year'e day To one to all en ctnti Good day. CARKlEIl. MISS M. l HOB1SOX, Ol'LU raaiietiifully inform the citixen ol Idlooiuaburii and vioini.y, and thit Lndiw apecutlly, that sheilas Just received, and 11 can aiantly receiving from fuiladelpuia, Uw 1110 aplsndid aMOUaivul of FALL & WINTER MILLINERY, F.iSCY ARTICLES, mVUb ui ha found, velvets and Milne of fl.iwsra. ribbona. beraiia for kid mnA oolton alavM.linan and cotton bund kereUiefa, polka and plain eoiuba, aliall anr" other J.r.,. Iirodil nina. eliAwl uim anJ all oilrr of pinOmad and ottiar neeuiea, gJiu anu i r pnoila, ilr and oilier IhiiubUa; iteel bead, rin anil toawU, haded and plain twinl for purw and hgt, cUa tt ltJ, pur.ea end bg ready m.U a'.ot nmk ribbom of diQarent ktnda, culUr- .tt. ! Mtuff. edainir and borda'iiig, bd JiOi i. bracelete, hooka and eyea, thresd, t, 4c, in fuel almiMt ery thing uiualiy to bo found iu a fancy atore, all of wiiknme ui uiauw iu nm m. oan beobtaioad lawhere ii..-..hi,Hube UO?int;i anu VAro mad and kept ou hand for ail M ovewber T ENOCH HOWELL. T A I L ) 81 . BJaPEClTULLY, inform the publiethat he Its Removed his Shop io Eypytown wheraha will alwaya be ready, aa heretofore, to make any kind mo enone nd in the beat and moat fashionable atyle. I rom i ' a v i ai r t at ri cei tli Iflfl UUSLIlOarlt ilOli.- .i a : ha H Inr. ..: if ihi hai nhall continue to tm goiiral sat Ufaction and thereby hope to twelve aaure ofiUt imblio patronnge. All kiude of oouutry produce tuLen iu paymont foi work, lapytewn, May 9. 1849. DAIRY SALT. HAIIK.S cf Vtiry Bailor tne neai UetoherlO 5i PKXCt et,d tir f mi J. jm u N.,l auu Ur e... "u. l. rUPRT. WWD0T7 PAPER, ahaded and plain, of Y V new atyle juat revived ot the New "tot aVi I Wi a,we Aug. 1. A JOURNEYMAN 0 the TIN. SHEET wu. ano oiw, 1 OTAT I? iMwint,.. ia wanted immediately by tne ub. irribar. Oood waaea ana oonaiani .i,,,...., will be given. D. J. IlICE- Bloouiaburg, Bepteaibflr i ALL thoae having unaettled accounta with thf .h,-rlliera are hereby notified that the aaim- r?T i. oitl..d without further clrlay, or the book will be uloc.d in the handa of the proper offlcere to be proceeded Willi accoraing i, .,., u ri iix'i1 xr ci rnp STONE COAL. rnr. .Ml,.rihera haveonbai:d a auperior artic .rruincf.'. smr.o.toi' a i,y,iiBaiiiti m A r, whiclithe aro anxioua to soil. IlL.rL.L.l J lutinwij""'"" Oct 4 PLASTKU. SCOTIA. i'LASTER, for TkTOTA SCOTIA lor laie f..t Mil Caah or in exchange for all kinda of graii or good Lumber, by HliFLliY 45 MlikNUkiWiAi-L.. Oct SI CLOCKS! CLOCKS! WTnSS eight day and twenty, four hour Clock? itJi) ju' received at ihe Arcade AliUltlUIll .MC.itili Oct 10 . BLUE STONE CHINA WAKE. N Setta or eeparnte piecea; juat receivtd aim for aale at the Arcade ALBRIGHT 4t MENGEL. Oct 10 A TACZ TOR SLI3.!S rpIlt: aubiicriber oflcra foi aale hia Farm aitu- 0 atad in r lahmgcrewa tuwoalup, Coluinl'is ocunty, containing 92 ACHv.S, about 59 nf widt h ta improved and under a prr:d altte ofcoltivation. Unori the rrsmiKca thr-e i-, u Log Home, a Frame f'W.$ a large Apple CJJ( and nevr fail- "f'tu1 feSfVil i"g prints. ? The above pronurly will he fold on tho umai rraaonal teriua U'jn application 13 the aubsciibei iving on the primiara. IS,AC KOIJir.S. November 28, 1618 32tf IS 0 T 1 C E . All person indebted to the hat.iie of Samuel IL'gMiburh, deceated, either upon Vendue INoies, or otherwise, must make pnymenl iminediataly to the subscriber or cost wi.l be niBile. I). HAP.ENBUCH, Mm'r. All persona indebted to the subscriber inut aUo come forward cmlfl up their ac counta mi (I pay up, or ib.e e;)i. sequences , . i will follow. flITTU Jinrn.and Orchard, L HAGENLLOJtl, HUE ulncrilier wili to inform their fiiond II. and cu.Uiinai. jfonerully, Unit thry have j ml tecirived tnt! aru now ojmning a apluudid aaaoitiuenl FALL JSD WISTEIl GOODS', Such at. tuperflne Fitnch, Engliih and dmtrican Utotht and Lasnnere, 'an cu Cutnm'tts, iatinelt, ailk velvet, tut in and fancy vesting). Dans good in variety, tuck ai canhmeies, cuthme relit erupt de laintt, rnuiliri de luinet riiiihnins, calicott. &c. ti'ool hood, woolen comfort, tutpendert, glovet hosicjy, ttoi kt, botoint, handkerchiefs. th'fad: lanes, mid a general orlment of notion, In fact gen ami aaauruuent ot DUY GOODS, GROCERIES, HmiJ, HOLLOW n.iliE. CE UAR WME, QUEEXS. ir.1IlE.ic -e. and all other articlea uuolly kept In oounlry aores all which thev have nurcbaaed n ull gr?at care ami on the beat terma, and lire anxioua In ochunge foi CaaU or country produce at very low pricea. HITLKY & MKiNUt-iVllAl. ZJlooujabur, Out, 16. N 0 T 1 C E . W h'rena mv wile Mil Iiai let m bed end board wif hour yt cu nr prnvo (!8ioii,bII persona are hereby lo.biJ Imrhor ir.g ortrusiug her on my arcounf as 1 ahull nav no debfe ol tier coniracf ng alter fine dfitt, JOSHUA WEBB. Cenfre ownahip Nov. 29, 184P 3'J. Mows from riexicoj AND NEW FROM THE CITY. Albright & L2ensl XFOK.M tht public that while General Taylo ia puahiog with hix army for Muxcio, tliey uve been luinuiutig in .lllC. IDE STORE tfith a splendid and entire new aud eitensiv aa tortniaul of Tall and Winter Goods; vhicb they will sell cheaper than any ever before dlcrtd in Uo uiolna couioy. '"- "b "j ie found among their a.-aortnieut Cuuimeret, Clothi, Sattinelts ,y Veiling ,.f .11 nnalitiea and nricca, of Anierican, French and EDglish Fabrick PRINTS! PRINTS Of new and fd-,hii)iialpo patterns; conipriaing ovary variety of style and quality, very cheap, DKESS GOODS. Plain, black, ossortcd colors and barred alapac" ccs, bombazines, mariuoM, fine ricotch plnuU toi .'hildien dieasea and plaid clouka; ciifchlueres ol dilfcient description!, ikliiini in pieces and obt uuttcrna, ailka of imported colois, euilnlon and do- mtatic giughama; ludit-n and gcnlleuien's asjuil I'olors ol kiu.aiut, casiinicie huo couon giovcx, an extensive nasorlmcnt of shawl of every kind ami varirlv, ladies' bluck ailk urid alatu Colored Cat,h- mcre host; &. cVc. FLANNELS. Plaii and twilled red and white HOOTS AND SHOES. A general assortment of ladies' gentlemen's thin uid thick boota andkhoea of every description CEDAR WARE. HARD WARll, CROCKERY WARE HATS AND CATS, nd a general aud an extensive assortment of GROCERIES ANU LIQUORS. All of which they will sell very low in exchange ir LUMBER, COUNTRY J'RODUCE, or CASH. ALBRIGHT & M EN GAL Octoper 10. Cull brfore purchasing T.lstvdirrr. i the New Factory of Lurlfuhivtut," tj THOMPSON & HICKS. r!TVIE subscriber:' have opened a VOTTL'nV, f nil mn oan leaning iiuoi i.iaui in i niiu hi, icsr the Mctliodist C'litirch, lHooiiislmrg, C'oliim- na couiitv, where thev intend to mniuifucliire vare of the best materia!; the latest and mont ai iroved patterns and finished in l!ic very he.t man ner; such as Pots of nll'dcKnii -lii'iis; lHliesof ev- i.'ty variety and Jugs ot Ml s:zc; end u variety ol ilher articles too nuinerous to lucnlinr.; in lact nil unda arid every variety which mnv be wanted by my who mav fuvor thrni uith a cah. A supply 'tept com;tanlly rn hunt! wliiili will bo sold b .vludf sale or retail a little clu arei thnti the chrap- r l for ca,h or cuntrv produce. Also dry I'iue WiiodtuKcu in esclmnge for work if delivered al their alioji. ljloooisbarg September 5, 181620 Lawns. OT r:ew and bauti(ul patterns juat received al he INew Store. L D RUPERT. May 80 LOOKING GLASSES; F various siiea and of the test of UUm, juM rcaeied nt the Anode. ALBRICHT S- AlEiNGEL, Oct 10. BASKETS! BASKETS! Travelling, M.irkel md Satchel Baskele ust rtce iveu ai ttic new More. . . n If. B. RUPERT. Aug, 1 XXOUSC. ' 1112 aubycribe would ri)clfully infotnithe public, that he hua taken the all ip lutely oo d by 6'jinuel Lilly, near the upper end of uialiurg, where heia carrying ou tho in all ita vnrioua bianchea, and where he will be happy o wait upon ull thoae who uiny fuvor him with their custom. Ilia r urnllure ia wairunU'd to beiu.ide of good uutetiul and durable, end he U teudskeeping on hand Sideboards, Secretaries, JJnreaus, Wardrobes. Card Tables, Dining Tables. Ercakfnst Tubhs, Cupboards, Stands, Jl'ush Stands, Bedsteads, Diiugh'truvghi, Coffins', &c. and all kinda of work in hia line, which ho wi ae! upon aa reaonuble term a aa they cau be purchased in the county. 11 y strict attention to hiatnoia ha hopei to rc :eive aaliue of publie patronage. L'LI UPvOWN April 23, 1815. lyl OltE PROf)F.-!-'The Crv ia atill Thev Come!' Lvcry in:iil hrinizN tidinee of iheii iiicciaN. r rom Last to the re:iiolcsl ent fnnr. C.uiuda on the North, lo Mexico and the IVe.t In diea on theSouth-are ull unaninuma in their pmife. Of a medicine o univeraally known and eatuouicd Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, it is hardly necessary to speak in detail. At poriod of its history has the lepulutiuii of that mcd iciiie atood higher, and we may say that uu repu lation ia likely to be nioro enduring. Adapted all constitutions, to cveiv form of disuaae, and u I climatce. VViiuht e Indian Vccetable-1 UU are above every other medicine, fitted for tho use i man under whatever cireumslaneeshc may be pi cid. At sea or on land, at home or abioad.insum mer s heat and winter s cold, with a common re gaid to the conditions of health and with Wright's Indian Vccetable Fills at hand, there U no excuse for being sick, unless the constitution be utterly ii recluimable. Is our object is to atato where the genuine nied icine can bo obtained, rather than toeive it an ex tended notice which our limits forbid wo shall merely subjoin one or two of the numerous teati monials that havejiiHl como to hand. Hundreds of the same kind might be added; but wo arc sure ithe public will save us tlie trouble- ol ananging tiieiu. (Dxtrnct of a letter fiom Hernando, Mississippi.) 'To W. Wright Your I'illa have given univer aul' stisfaction, and are justly very liopului. lean sell from 30 to 40 dozen anuuilly if 1 could be suj plied. Yours, VV'm. Hksiit Joiixsox, Ascnt. ' It oUL'bt lioie 'o be remarked tliat too medicine has been but recently introduced into iVissiasippi ((Extract of a letter fiom Jersey Shore, eml) 1 '1'he Indian Vegetable 1'ills excel everything of i lie kind ever offered to the public iu this si c.iiouol the country, notwithstanding the combined elliirt u! lume few unprincipled mercenaries to put then down, S, WlVCIIKSTEIt & Sox. The following highly respectable store keepers have been uppointed aj;enib for tin tale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Tills in Columbia County; II. I'. liahl)-Danville Siephen Italdy Catiavvissa Cyrus Iiirion Kspyinwn Hrown L Creasy Mifllioville Abraham Miller Herwick O. II. Fowler Briarercek Win1 6'ovRnliovan Orange villa Ceoiae Masters Milvillo Leu lieisel Jerseytwon Levers & Sons Columbia Exchang Robert McCay. asliingtonville (Jeorge Weaver Hlnomshuro Light Street Iron Co Light Siteel Low it Thompson Lime Ridga II. 0. Freas Btinrcreek El iss Wertiuan Roharbhurg R. l Wellivtr (ireenwooil I'. &J, L'E.irurt Oraneevillo Hugh Mc Williams Aloorsburg The popularity of WRIGHT'S INDIAN VC( I A lit. v. I I I, Ij .1 his proved a strong had to un principled then uhnjiristhrritcd by the hope of prnin lenipl lo palm off a spurious uriii'le on the unsus ting. 1 o detent thowicied de.-ii;ns of such mc wo hiiver procimd iiev labels, and the Vi IIITTMN sir;NAH !ii: UV WM.WI'K.'MT WIl.I.NUl UI') 101 ND ON '1'IIK Till l.AUKI, 01 IJ.U'H HON. i'e ut.'icr I Pennine, and A yiuiilcrft:;! tills iifur.n. iiMiii iii:' r, Hie onlv oriiimnl and pentiinc I?i D!AN V.'CIM'Alil,!: I'l'.l.S l,:,v0 iho WAI'l ! ;.Mi'.ITJ,'i; or M V;.R.UT on the op I'ibel of e.n !l hi:. . (HVice-i devoted cu'hiMVcK tn l!ie r lc ofWrit;,! ndmn fTit'ildc I'iIh lioii-.alc iiii.I retail. I Of A'acc street I'hiladclplua; (ircei.n icll street .New rk and 10!) I re.i, out street, Boston, September, 19 HMO 22l. House and Lot Tm IN LIGHTS I'KEET, Sale T subscriber offers for rale his IXGU22: mm TAILOR'S SHOP. S!W vvn irvP -v . LS-jil nn i uui. -ilu.ited in the flourishing village of I.iuh'street, ii ubiom township. It la a (rood situation for a'I'ailor, being in the immediate vicinity of several Furna ces. I Ho ironerty will be sold on reasonnl. e terms; R, IT CUTllBblKT Lightstruet, September 1922 CROCKERY WARE, UI the latest style, just received at tho New Store. L. B. RUPERT. A I) M I N 1 ST R A TOR'S NOTICE, On the Estate of THOMAS WILDOR. MER, lute of Imhingcreeb township- JVTOTICK is horeby Riven that Letters of Ad ministration de bonus non, on the above iientioned estate have beon cranted to the submri. r. All persons indebted lo tlis eslnts sre hereby notified id make immfdiate payment, and all ihos having claims are reijueaied to present them pro perly suthenlic ated, Id A. W. KLIN R, Adm'r de bvnas w,n. F'ishinprreek. Noiem'rr 20. 1SK! fi:i A LARM and Common, newstyla just rsceived arm lor sals tiieup al Um new store. L. D. RUPERT. Cablnot Varo OUU MOTTU.NOT TO BEOUTDONE 11LACKMITIIINU liSTAUI.iallJMiM Ily .Santte & Mlvci (horn. THE uiidciaiiisd having Uiktn the h formerly oceupiLd by Marshal .Silveiilnun, moat respeotiully inform the public that they intend to carry on the above bunnli ol buriiic.a and will at hII timet b reatU Iu do work a liult! bt-iter and rlivaper Ibati any oilier I'ttabliehuietii iu lliu lia;e , 'and lhf hope by strict attention to buaineaa lo .nen l.irjju portion of the public patronage Ail kiii'U of country produi e inktn ii exchange for work & ti e ready noi refused ISA SiM I'ili, MARSHAL 81LVEUTI10UN Bloomshui) Feb. 21,1846 44 MAttaSIiM YAIiD. THE business will be continued fey tin "ulscribtr ut the old eland; tshere urn he hail at nil limes. MONUMENTS, TOME-TJHLi'.z, TOMJ-S TONES, UEsilt Til JJ1MUS, M.1NTL ES. J 'VI IN T STONES, MULL EES, ke. or any oilier work in his line. He is ulso urenareil to luruim W INDOW CAI'r- aiul SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEl'S itc either of Ma.ble. Limo or any k'unloi sione that can be procured in this vicinity jrj" Having had 'lonsiilerable experience in the business, lie plenties his won; Ii he executed in rs hati'lsunie a style as ran be furnished from Miv vurd cither in ll.' r city or countrj'; and on as reafcn!le tern EIMIRAIM ARMSTRONti Bloomsburg, Nov. 3, 1813. ly 28 J' IV VAXD12 .(SLICE, t-GS leave to inform the public, iIihi "e ia prepared to attend lo all ihe oper alioni in dentistry, such as removing The Tartar and other foreign Sub stances. From the teeth, rendering them clean, am the gums and breath eweet and healthy. The cavities of Decayed 7'eeth Will he dressed out and filled with GuM or other toil: of the fineBl qualuy, as tne t:,ise may require, which will generallj tirevuiii their aeliintr or further decay, and render them useful lor years; and in many ca&ea r'uring lile Teeth and Stumps of Teeth Which have become useless oi troublesome will be extracted in the most careful man iter, with the latest and best improved in struments. TorceUain Teeth, Ofihe best quality and latest improvement, will be inserted on pivot, or (in connection with Dr. Vallerchamp, with whom he is in paternship in plate work) on Gold plate, from a single lootli to a whole set, to look as well as the natural, and warranted to answer all the useful and ornamental pur poses proposed by the art. In hliort.every operation belonging to the profession, will bs reformed in the best nanncr, with choiseel material, and at ihe shortest notice He then fore hopes, bv slriet attention to business, to obtain 8 shart i a ol public patronage, rtny person or pri sons wishing any ol the above operations performed, are respectfully requested to ve him a call. N. B- The public are hereby it formed ihal we the subscribers have tnlered into a special Partnership relating only to plate woik as it is more convenient for each to attend to the other branches of the 6ciene; en his own account. A. VALLFRCHA MP. J. II. VANDEIiSLlCE. Mount Pleasant, Nov 8ih. 1815 3m. I ill. I'ublic are hereby rcspocllollv infi rmrd ihtit wc have lately entered into Copartner?), ip n the. above, bieiineps tit the liiick Hhon, formerly oc- upied by Mnsen Oilman, on Main-elred, below tlieiu w Mure, v. Hero v. e nitrnil to cany o:i t!if aiiovn naoietl hu-iiics in j,l lis hrtioehes. 'i !(.( on'-cl'.es thai woik done nt !!.. shop .'hl no executed in as m at and wt.ikivaniikc inaimfi ind on as reasonable Icrms, as cmi be done nt an other shop in this place. W'c thirtftm. hone b lrn t ullention to Iiiisiiic.-k, to mciit and receive n luc proportion of public pal-iniai'e. M. ( OTl MAN, S DUOESr Ai'rill.'i, lsifi. A'. P.. SHOEING dene nl thf. re hied price of Jr,c EPoU'JV. Smul profits end cjuii Jc return our motto. Centre cf Gravity. A nrAv TAILGXUIIG TABLSIH1C ITT. THE subscribers respectfully inform the cili. zens of llloonifbi:r;;aiid vicioiiv, that they have lo- a'cit themselves in I linnitnn s r s h.,n ;.. ilm'i, tiro dimrn it low the Corner of Main nnd Markit slsrels, in lilonrnshurp, where they will sl ays be found on hand, ready to accommodale hone who may lavor them with a call. Their oik will be donrin the latest and moM arnrovnl tyle for neatness and elegance in the business. rrom their long experience in tho businees. ibev lit.., ,lirl.A.. - Ill , I naut'i lu. iiif..1' oi ite none iik neat an can be dono elsewhere. All woik intrusted in their eaie warranted tn fit, fl f ITTI Nf.' ""e on the slmitcst notice and warranted to 1,1 H properly rnnite up. ELLIS Si VAN BL'SKIRK. Mnv 2. lS1R-2'f N II.COC.N'TRV' PRODUCE, nt the ma. k, piic, will be taken in exchange for work yrimow glass SJ, LfcT received at the NEW STOKE L Ii IturECT y.m- 53 CANCERS, WARTS, U)UNli&3 THIS aubaeribw Infirm ths ttiUic. iUi I- a. uhls to eu:,. all kind of C Warts and Corns with very hinfl ,t . shoittiina. llemfaraio leveral reapsctabU col zena in hia i.eigbooihood, mi ll aa fcSomuid Kraw V illiani Kile nnd olhera, ihsl ha- 1 .,..r..i in several inHanctt and ia not humbuKgii-g aa ia loo Irctpjcntly tils c. mnong ,,,r(. ii. . ruutacertaiu etiie in any cao he undertake, .,r HV. (L j-Warts, ie. on eatlle mid oil Im. euied by the soi.aciber ubo esides in Mi asi.t townshiii on t10 m,,;,, r. r ,.: r Miilv,l!,Mo liloomslmrcb,,,,, 1 n.ijes from eiu .i .uiilei s I gveru hera , . ( t vi.una uiv l,l,uu ; JOHN ALE. May 30. 1316-1 v j hp, K1 rjp'IE sulncriber respectfully informsilier oblii K loHt ho has opened u sbo,,, o H.i.ilrMi ' ' , -it"-"- via ion s j aveio, io BUmab-j'a beie he ,.!,! n.rryingon lh above Lo.iuwt tn ml Us turious brantbes. ' TIN i',lUE, if cvflry dearrirition. will 1, L.. , l t. . .... WHOLESsALE or KK'I'AII. r siii-:kt IRON '.anufactUled into flIlv fnil required, STOY'K MFKS, ofal,ze,tMnea))llyonUu, SMjst.h sir.B determined to do business in tho riehl y. hereips a to nii him ,el-orc ihe county " os eiiean us II m Ur. ,. ... j .... ib j'. purchased ir D. J. KICZ. September 20, 1815 ly 22 aus and KKGS of Aaila und pikei,just receivad ana lor isle at tne itiv .Sirre of L. 13. Rl'I'iSKT 6ur!hen us. TO X-fcA i-La? LUS 0 The subscriber offers for sale his mm uvi silunted on the corner of Main and nat-trff(. in flloomsbur,', Columbia (.'iiuuly, fa Ii i,i calculated for tho location for s.J'ublic Uouae o oiore.i'Ciiig (ifi Feel front on Mainsrctt, U 1-3 feet on East-street, nnd the road lending to the lilrnir.sbnrg JJail ion Company's Furnaces. '1 his Lot hurll nr.i en I- minted for liuildiiifr upon KaM-dtreet as vvoll , .Main, nnd being silunted in the centre of the Ii Ueion of Columbia County, is well tvorihv , ns on ilia hlienlion of iht capitalists. l or any information respecting the eondiilnr. enquite of Bleomsburg, Peocmber SO rina'siN CHEAPER THAN E EH. fFHE subscriber very respectfully informs tho public that lich.i on band and is constant ly Maiuiljcturinj,', HOOTS and HUO EH of all kinds which he will sell at the following low prices. Gentlemen's Wear. Morocco or Calf skin isoots $i Cou.'se JJ.iots 3 Course or Fine Shoes Miner's Shoes $2 to 2 00 25 75 25 Morocco Slippers 6i Laihks' Weak. Morocracr Vu'f Skin Luce Foots Thick Soe French 'Tics Ptnnpx Springs or French ) i r.n 1 '25 ! ". Oilier '..iiuli of Slippirs 75 f ents o 100 .. U. The abov;' uie all ot'mi' ov. n .Mnnufactrro ari l nro v..r-.iil:J lo :.n;d. I have aUo on Land, a larye slm k of IIasteux made Koots and Shoes, uhit'h I will si ll at small ptofits. (Country Men bants and others who buy I v tho dozen, are invited to c.ill and examine wiy toods nt I will ;.tll tn such al a laifje reduction. (!') iJemi-mi-er ihe place at the Ai' Y J1O0T o'd -lilL HOliL, lower end of Main-si :-, .!. Dloomsl'ur w r.rssEi.L Jul 4 1S.13 rLAixni:i.i) mhskiiils, I!y W.M. WKKJHT. Near York Springs, Adams county, Ta. A T this psta! lishmcnt all of the most approved varmlica of AND The rironrielnr has dircrtf A 'leuriy ins whole attention lo the Aurservl!ii(ii,.s ror the last t entv-fve or lliiity yare, sod is i:ovv irrpared to ciTer lolhefmil profters of Ci.lumlia mil adj'dniiifr eoe.ntiea, one nf the largest and best issnrtment of trees in the United .State. i'lairdit'ld Niifscrira are Fitnali d about ciliteen miles from lliimsbuiir, at ubii h idnce trace caa it Bny time bs pot oo board of boats ood transpnited to anv point on the canal desired. II orders w ill becait fullv filled olid the Ireta t A. b. "d in the 1 est Mariner. Catalnenes con be ftunithnl lo t!in?e ff.irn 'hem, by addiesainv the pro rietor thi iUSi. I'os: Cilice, or fiom John K. Meyer. I!()ur,s Or, W. IV. Rinhter Berwick, or U. N, ' V. Riuhter n.n.llln 1... ....t.atVat tan'. aai WB n be n.ocured i-.....,.,., nuw a. k "."- jjr me sr., io arc i l,. ;tb- on Ao; 1 MLrAliatt isy