MARRIED -IV. h Mih De- v A-II. K'iui' E q Mf, Stmmipn Kii k t.' M' Mum Mi-v'iu.i i sii'.h ol Oulim Ii j cuunly , (In Thu'wl.V lire. bv R r. Jl .1 Mi. Mini.vr.i. " Mm AnUEUNK IllCllART. bolll l I Orll0. t 111 iii mmii w wmtmmmwu m bmimii hi ii ti DIED In Midi il township, o Weilnpudiy the '.'31 uli. Mr. Lrc v A ax M i llrh, nftl 29 years, fi month. On the 25 h. in M . ill n, Mim Runnr c daiifcltier of Christian Miller, aged 20 yers. On the 29 h in Hrisrp ri k. Mr. Se BASTlNA Kisneh, sgnl about C5 year, SALT ! SALT ! 50 Hirrrls of ihe first quality of LAKE SALT j'lHt rprrived and fur sale liv IIEFLEY Si MENDENllALL. .Lnuary 8 7T FT The JotsctiVr wishes to engage 40 000 feci of Oak Rid Am I Timber 4 by 0 inches, 1,C00 Feo Posts. CL$,G0 feet of Boards and a la rgfl quan tiiy of oiher Ltimbpr. CHARLES R PAXTOV, Marager 11.11, R. . Co. January 8 J T,. EVER. WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER. SpESl'EC I'FULLV informs ttio citi zona of Columbia couui), and i!k' public generally, thai Ik; has Waiei! himself in If !ttOKlLt!t', where he is prepared to do all kmJ ol work ii; Ins line ia the neatest and hem sy le baring had suf ficient experience in the business and having procured a good assortment of the RES I ENGLISH & FRENCH MATERILs ilUf is himself lhai he only needs a PA III TRIAL in order to secure the custom. 11a liDd on hand a general assonmanl ol Spectacles and Glasm o suit all age-, Also Silver Pencils, Thimbles, Keyes, Uuardsi est, Fob and (Juard Cuius.' All of which will be sold hi the most reason able prices and warranted lobe what the) are sold for. CLOCKS AND WATCHES. of every description neatly repaired una Hurranled, And especially persons will Oo well locall who have fine Watches surl as Lepincj, Duplex Escapement., Anchor & other Levers, Repeaters. &c, as thev will be caref illy rep tired and warranted to per form well. N. 11. The golden rule in our busing is C.'lSIl, dud in order to justify our piiic this will be required. Shop on Main-street, btlow Model, nearly opposite, George I Trovers' a Store December 12, 181G-h31 LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Ojke lltooinsburg Pa. December 31s 1810. IS B, Andrewi David A bran: Andrew IS in in am Hubert ISaston Jarome Konkle Prtrr Reif-uivdvr Joseph Ri'ifaii der Wn, Prior Capl. Thomas J. R .MOVER, V. M. LIST OF LATTA'RS Remaining in the Post Ofice at Catta wiisa for the Quarter ending Decent' bcr 31, 1810, Darninger Will Uell Vbraham Urook John lirobsi C. Junningl:am George 2 Deeuei .'j? rn os Davis. Jzriah Krlh r 6'narles 2 Krishcr (-Jideoii Altller.'iJam 15'iper rhnmas I Khtlliaid John Schnih Charles iikilline T. V. S nilli Xainncl Thomasi'nheccaS. Vouijht John Wadswoilh Z.iz Waieis aron NVatcrs (Jeoren V.1UL R. IJ.1ADY, 1'. M. A HOUSE AND J TO.VN LOTS FOR SALE. The subscriber oilers fur sale bin luvvt .rontnv. si.naic on Main direct Liooms Com ("iloiikiris addition). There are tbrei town lots, ol 50 t'eel from rach adjottiinc upon one is a FR ME HOUSE and si.r ,;e htid a iiood well nl water, near tin d.i-ir. Tin. u bole wilt be sold lofeiher or eep nateiy t i suit p'irchaicrt; upon teasona l ti-ia,i. JOSEPH r.HOWN, UlooujUis'jurg, nw'CCii.ber 5, 181G. t di trd W V v!,t,t ,.f n .nil iiI'vpiiiI . Iii ni. ili ti-.t i' 3 will lo rM cl Li initiili. at the tVuit ii.iu x in ( a.jMlln. .hi h'o;,iy tl.t Hlh . of January, uvrt, ll I nVlni l: . '. M tlif tnltiivv ih.r tiri.i.iMlv l.iuit: All 'in- r. !', ttui: iii-msl i-f I'illli .fiiijiiiH iii I ao civ turn loi ill n iiiiinl eim-ilo in, l.''i.i i-.iinil . i-.miI iiiiii-4 iwd town loin, Ixmiiilt'il in I'mnl tiy 'inc h!;n-l, on t lit fiit iy y-'ni-tiiry uticol, on '.lie kuliii 1v u:i u'lcy nn.l on m.Hl liv lot in i.t-i--.-nin ol jlii;-lin Mi-( 'ollii-lcr, vim, cm i cri-clid a t.uino lioiic uml t.ili, wuh i-ihl lurm; will) llm upjun U'li H'ct. n; ki:uviia llu iiu iiiM-U'oiini-in. i llri.Imun liniil1 t-uil. (i.Uii iii i-xi'Oiilion unl lo lio kuIiI a.-) llic, li;ld, l.ik-n in cxccnlion and t.) lie yolJ lis llip ro'n-rt ol' i-'.lin llnylna. AIM) IJKNJAUIN HAY MAiN. Slier if ri'itain lot ofground ittnilu in the lioromji iSiiniici V Omc; Dmnlli: Die, V!.", IS-10. " i)f ii'iwick, tolimilim cuiiii'v; '.iiii.oni.ii'l iy i-lli ol'iiu nrro inoio or k-, liounilcil in Iront! CiRANlJ JURORS, ju front ttrccl ailjn;iiiiiy lot of - Suit nmlj ,ijin Snydi r, whecon incuvu J u fiamc tt welling ; For January 7'i rin 1817. use add luiiie at ihlo wi'li llin iippurti'iiaiiccM. hicrcrcck JIumh AJuihh, Natlniu feci ly id u lun in I'kiTiilion and lo bo sold an tlic I 't'iitrc i'mil Zaiii'r jiiopei ly of Slim E. l.'ruiir. Ui-iry Andii-iv li. (.'uiniiiingK ALSO Frnnklii Willijin K, tficli the rislit, lillo ami interest oftlio d.-fi-n l- j ""LintrtTifN S iliiam I'ork, John LiiMrue, Hi out in a cu.uiu liucl ol laud niluate in Main """ '' Kimu town.sliiii, Colimiliitt rounly, onluiniiiK 'Ml acii-a "fPenwood W'illinn Kyer, William A'atlicr uoro or hwa, UounJid liy landa ol' lU-rny MilliM.j Hemlock Jiimr liuat loscli M nicllur ami oilicrM, wlu-roon is er.-cli-d a ; M ulloiiili . t 'Inn 1,-s ( 'oinn'r, TlioiirH Claik llouao and a Log Uaru with the iiju'iiiU-nan-j ."di.-din - William .M. sii ilir l'.inii l liout ,-cs, Milhin C'lmrlcn U odilicitiir Seize J, laken in execution und to bo gold thwi '' Jucl ('tiaiiifsiti ;iroici ly of Catharine Uo inan. ALSO A cert tin lot of ground siluutc in Mudison town sliip, Coluinliii iMiinly cont iiniii i.t-riM nune .ir less; boumli'd by lauds ol' A'lMu iSmiiii dn-t-a eil and Ann cSmitli; wheieou is erected u fiiicit- hoiiat mid a frame Imm with I lie appurtenant et. ALeiU- tine oilier Lot of ground .st 'iremdil; coiituiiiiiiii ;!3 acres liio't- or li ai-; lioi.nneo ny la-.i,.-if John Derr; Ann bir.ith; Juhu I'. L m. d ami Klit-hu fcmilli deieuscd. iSiizcd and taken in execution and to lie cold an die properly of 11 ugh 'milli. ALSO A certain tract or pieie of land situate in Sugarluuf towuaiiip Coluiiibi County itontainin;' 01 actes more nr less, aboui 40 acres tif which ii cleared land bounded hi amis of Samuel fSliul'.z James Muthcr am' ulherH. Seized and taken in rsccution and lo le sold as the properly of i'eier Lui'jjer will notice to iJrjunin Iles tern tenant. ALSU Fiva loti of ground in llo its addition o' tlio town of I) uiviile in C jluiiibiaCuonij nne uf them situ He in Mill and Washing ton streets and extending 1riii Mill sirec loOiuctio a 1 5;eet ullej -one oilur M'u ite m ..lilt s.reii un the sjuth stJe of :lu ibuw djsrrtbed lot and a 'iuiuini! the sam" extern: mgbick 150 feet to the ulnresiid alley iu mht r lot situate on Mti street afort-sain ii'jniniiit' the lot desciilud and a hit ol Daniel Rimsey and rxiindino I5U fed in be aforesaid alley one other lot siuiatt hi Milll street aluresiid aili iir.inu fas nl Daniel Rnnsey and Charles White and ex ending back 15.) L'et lo a nd alley. There mis are each 4 1 feet (ront ilu other hr Hitu a le on Washington i-treel beiu 35 (eil root add ex ei'diii" 185 feel 1) iuclics biek bounded by lauds ol the Mm. lour IrouCoiii pany on tliu west lot of Ciiailes White on In; pninh "ait aad ill'- g dd alley on the ea.-i Seiz-'dalid taken 111 rxeeutinri "d In hi 'OKI as the uopu.y of Dautil and relet lloul. ALSO A, I the right liile and iiuer.PM of (he de teudaiitina cen.iiu building, situ tie in llu U ooiioli o( Uerwick, in the iciiire id .Mai ket street, Called the II. rwiek Aeadi-my Sp'Z.'d taken in executinn and in l e s.ihi is iho prnpeny ol the Trustees ol i;it IL-r-wich f-cadciny. ALSO- A eeriain lot of ground 'iluate in Ci'n'ri ownsli,), t.iilnn.tiia v . ii ii -i l v , cunt unniii me tliii'd id ;ri acre, more or les. Iihihii -iv I .is of Je-se Iii ken l,ill, .Iniin Knurr, Siia'i lliiek .K and llio Lock lot' S. !2 -il taken in (XiciiUiin ami to b'J Sold is the propt-rtv ol IV'td .Sciyho (! ALSO At thf st tli t time Mid dace, bv ir!;t ol i secnnii i,na levin I n-i an iii.n ci-rtn'ti ii'-i-sn oje iuiil iri't (I In:. I, f.' ii Mil lin townsliip, Coluiiiliia Cnuiiiy, hjiinili (! s Inlio'.ts, liiininy .it a rnrosr to a p.ih:ic 'o i!, thence bv land parti v ol llentv Ynhc, 3lrr!es Miller, and Ohrinian M illi t.Snnili ixly deorees, west 151 percl:es, in cm tier, ounce by land of Jacob KoMeiibade r, and lartly ol Dentil Y'ohe, North 30 depreo wpt 155 perclies. to a post, thence l,y I rid f (leore Keieliner, Oeorjii; Diesher, and I dn (ieaihan, South 83dt(cs nnd one n-i'if east 80 pctchi s and seven l ndis..-on Ii S3 degrees e ist Cd perches, ii"iih fcT de- jrpp. Cast "Jil pcrcliei' smin ,jj (icyi(e.i a' 32 perclu?, iinrth 7G dejjrees east 13 pun. lies and two it nllit lo I'uir (ie.ns hail other land tlif nee bv the s.i, ne soulli 20 degrees east 2n perches and hcvwi enths lo the plicn id h.-niniio.' i nnii-i iii'i; 01 acres 111 perches mil a Inwanei lie ihe saatft mote crltss I loetln r vvi.hilie heri'diiametits and appi rti n mi i s. Sni.eil I ik' t) in execution and to be sold is llie propeitv o( i'cter (Jem 'iai l, LEM.WllN DAYMAN Sheriff. SShbV Oilier I Danville Dec. J3 18 1(5 NOTICE Ij hen bv L'iuet) that I ir-.v? iiurclia-otl at I '..,,.1.1,1.. X ,!., il,i r.rooi.rii- n( Wili.., 7. P.idlt man, the l-dlnniiijr at li -It - 20 yards nf i arpeiir one ( lock one ti irn 1 1 il eider ;r-i n ri .1. -11 b irr, I tiiiiunr '2 I n In !. 2 tho its I Iioise hnrness- 1 .ni;p and luve lift in Ins inv ileasnre, ant, I'nrhid "ny pers-m tamnr them from him either liv purchase or oiht t i-e, without my eotiMjiii ;;mia7.yi iiavs. Mor.'.ottr. De. 2G ll'5. tut ill n tei,uiiiii veiiil' ex. In inn direct- Ll W l lll ! mmwisI lu imlillf fculc ill Umlmc U.'' ' Iuttiliiu cou.ilx, on Siri"rlrv the Ifi.'i iLiu vf Jn.tuary next i V,,k, I'. - ilu f.ilUwieg ptaporty, to wit: J A I I . Hid riijlit, title ami iul" --i imp neirii or li'r.rv lh'i., ili ii'iniil, in a a'duiii iracl ol u,ul iutUNtp lit l''i"liiiii!crcck tmvn.liin, Cnlniuliiu t - niinv , c.nil.iiiiin i0 ncrm nio.i' it'ml 20(1 acu-.i ol vslikli M tlciiuil, tmumlnl I') IiiihIh nt'.Suiiini'l t 'rcvlinc. .l-.n-nh W'cnm r. Wicliui'l iiU lunhl S tnlur. I'.lia- .VI. ilt-mv mid otlii-r ulnvciu urc cii'i-lnl rili'i fn Lotf llousci .unl iron'ilv ol' tim Ucimof ilnnry llciA, ftioiiloiir- J::mcs V, oiuLsid.-fl, John Kicliarda ()riiii!c .SmiMiel lletz lvoauii,'ciiik leiliison Wiiilrr-ti'on .Siiaarlniil 1'eter iiet,s, John II. Liavi;, Thornin Alendcnhidl '1 RAVER3E JURY, rirsl week, January Ta in. 1817. IJIonin Sainucl liim haid, Fiedcriik Dieiiei, Wil liam IVown Hrieieiei k Jusrph l'ilkim;ton, (.'illicit Fuwlcr CiitlawisMi John u.fder (.'eulei-nei.jimin low lei, Jacob Shellhanillier l)erry-"snnHiel Mullley, J rnh Hidd'c Fisliinjcreek -.'ilinond Crawford, barman Labo: Daniel Kitchen Franklin Solomon I'm (ley (iiccnwoirtl Nunc K' Kline Hendick Lli Thornton, John Purse!, -V. G.Sh ic-nt-iker l.ii'lison Wiliiam Lemon.-, David lit-ndey bniierilor.e Juhu .vinilh Lihcity Jacoli ('rnu-foril Vlounl 1'La lant J. W. Vaiidersliic, Jaci.Ii ehip man M'ii John Wcllivcr Maine "Selh U.ntinar, Julio Kiefer Vliinlour i't-l.-r li. itissel, J.iiiim Uarlou, J. M,-- inch M ihiiiin'-M. MeAll'nler. David Philips, John I !-, sen. Jacob Reynolds. Jacob S,-ih!er, William Died, William Moiynn, h't-uben 'oii Oraiiiie- -John Snyder, Jessu Coleinari Hoiirimjereekiilii.til .Vears, J ,iihm Fahiieger David Veayer. John Kerniiiger. i!,n Johnson S u n ii r L. i !' - J ' i 1 1 1 i ) l Kii-.'kbuu.n, 1'clci John Laub-icll Appii inan CHEAP ! CHEAP .' CHEAP ! i ! i : :v i ; v 7. u ; J v i v c : i : 1 1 CLOCK $ WATCH M KKU, T.C'I Ti LI.Y infoims the i-ublic th.i' i, liabas iiciili d hiinsi If in t.!.,.- 1,,,,. ,-,,,,, ide i ,i,d Maikel, aboe Main-alrcct, liluuiiisbu iireparcd to 1,'cpalr all hind of Clocks and Watches in the tuvl manner in, d on the ii.est ri h.-.inal.ii lerlin. SEW. IX I) SECOSI) 1L1M) WATCHES l;fil constantly n;i bioid for ,.,ile. December IS, I Hid :My p7rf JP, Sf-J Jv7-- The sit'oieriber havin.r l;P.--n me imi! near r i yeais iii the ,Mri-i.Miri!e JLisiin-ss. wishes 1 1 it'll ci- a:. A senle up conci rns, mil nive yooiiL'er baud-i an i peirutiiiy r I n ikiiic; nuniev, ofi'. rs his PROPERTY IN I1LOOM 'POWNSII!',', e.u-isnn.. ol STORE. M ILL, FARMS, FU.'NACE. nd otln r prop' riv ibis iioierti i-t siluatei! .in bii; Ftfliiiio ek tb;ic nn'i s from vln- canal and same ilu-taiicp fiiiin y.inoinsboro die new S.-.:l of J istien & is a i'.u, loruiniii for any pnblii' Iiiisincss. dill Ins four p;iir,)( Stones, widi tin; necessary ILiits and nlhei mailers. Furnace ivdculali d to make 35 Pons Pio lmii per week is suitid lo use either Cliar Coal ot Sim c Cml has been in SUCCCshI'.iI opnralinn for ihe pisl two years. Iron me plenty in the to iohbor hood and! Iji.ds w ii.iui a o v miles ol the Fiiriru c Or wo'ihl sell nnu half the l-.tcrct in the property to a prison e imn oi-nt ao'l willmn lo tike an tie ice band in ihe in .lutioeincnt. V'Mies? io Lihtstrcrl Pon Oili c Ootiiuibi.i coaiiiv Pi. M. McUO'.VEI.L. D 3, 1810. 'The D.invid-! Demoerit, Miuprs J nirn il P n'tsvilie, Dcmoer"! nn' rotJ1E:isinn,'ittd .efl rson )i-ni-'ei-it, I i .-. ! i i-'. w ill gvt tin ':hvefirc iiiscrtii'iis i.nd forwiitd their bills for I'lMiiunt to M MtDowtll, Liht-S.n i". or 'o iliis iilTic. I 1,.)R SALE. 2 II IS st.b-rritii r oilers for s tl.. hi eilv ii: u il. , mi Miiin-iin ei, !;,i b pro- l-illll. D niiti (Hopkins a ldltloiO a lew 1 lots aliove i" .nvdi i j . Th two I. its iclj an pun one '.here r 1$ 1 vm Life "I lllbs-l;,-.,, .M(J p,,, :.;,., ,,,! ,'l(, -I ftl ol n0l -i otbei asm-.ll Prime ll.u-e. the Millie ii'i'J Tin Wd! be sold to-e;l,rr or se,.. ....I hii .n, I., suit i nr. Ii.i..-is il .....,. .11,, 1.,,.,, 1 I cf ? n ilo l.i sun tin ii,i. e: p ui ai'plic.i'.'. i.i I ' P.ARNAKD MS Y II ER T, Ll.ioni-'.iu;.', Nov-coi'.i?r !S ri'.'if IILANKS ! ! BUNKS ! ! FOR SALE AT THIS? Ori'K'E ' Fresh Arrival. f RII K tiiili.i'Cilif r lnie jiiht icm ivcd and an J& How ojieniii); HiU'iiiliil uKMiiliiunit of I5DDTS, " Hu ll lin y Ur nriMim cl i.i hc-U n htd.t ( ' 1 1 K A PK I CJ1 Tt..v r. l)t,(. )u U MchLLV t Cu. CAKl'ifi.NTICUS' TOOLS. A '.'""fip umoi liitfut nf'tho Iii'.hi kiml of nn fi. ii lei' I'noU jiim riTi'ivi'd mi J will liolicpl cuu- umly on K.iii.l ul iln Aituili". ALIIIJIO'll 1 & MENOEL. Oct 10 AOltC3. M,y nipnie money to entry on our Im-dncKS, we dune fine take tins of iritoiui'ng theni (lint n ma now cneimcil in makinir up luilaucca on liookH. We expect all tliouc knowing tlieunielvei. iinlelitcd to un on M)TJ'.', liOM) or LOOK AC I'HU.N'I'. nf more lliun one jear'n Nluiiiling, w ill call lie ween tliin und (lie liul of l'eliruaiy nexl and Hi lllu Iho sainv willimit any hiinlcr talk from us. W.M. MiKiLV V ii. Co, Dec. 11). NOTK E IS 111- HE 11V G'irAN, rp." "'I b'M'itces, crcililorrf m ,1 oilier pe ons in Q tere.ted in the estates of 'he respect ive deic ili his anil minors, tliat tliu mill tniti;iin,n urn cuur- dian ui com, is of the mii.I ilales llatf heen filed ill the i llii-i" of llie licci-itcr of the eoutilv of Co- luinbia, and will Ic presenled l'r conli, nation .inu hi nil; ui Jiuanis iuori, lo ne I1C, a ul Danville; in nnd for tuec.ninty iiforesaii', on WediiCMloy the aoth day of January, next, at " o'clnik, t M. 1 'J'lic account of Samuel Creasy, Adminlsira uir ol the eMate of llcury rcas ), lata uf Mifflin low uship, deceased. 2 I he iiccoiuil of Julia j'eaVr, Admini -dralni if the cs'utj ol .liirnlium Dealer, late of Flaliing creck towio-hip, deceased, 3 '1 he accoiinl nl Thomas Meiidenliall, Lxec utorof he lnt,t will and tctamcnt of Juhu thudl, late of Sligarlouf township, deceased. CHARLES COfuER, Rc'slcr. R. gteei Jlliee, ) Danville, Die. 18, I8IG $ V1CTCHY! VICTCJiY .' llVUJlll ! IIUU.IU! UUiiAU! n'HfAT ' a lint nnd n rumpus' there has been V if since the arrival III li '.irnt.Hl 1;.n:i Mrr- chant, hiiii(;iii iho laiycsl tnd caigo, hi. u'ason nf SRVf' GOODS wliiih Here depu.-iti d at a ; nu pa tts suir sronr. hi J'hcy aie now telling at such n I l!a in c i:i-.e.pii.-nco of their low prices. crs arc eiiti ita.w llit.1 one hal.' the will nut ki t llii-i, wiale, s i,i:ppj oul of tld.i cl.ciij All those, tin u, who want gi.i i cheap (rood should rail iuimed..ile!y ami siiiily thcu.bjic--.vith ;,n uli-loths, iattineil, Can .imens, Ov i- coal elnili, Vesliii.M or of'iinv dc lor ,1eu's iM-a. of any .-ript'oti of cbal. description ami l"'i'e, I l foes, (Vhmei'i f, .Moitsdi I, dues. LnB. iiMinmi i- leiu :i .'.Icrmnos, Alpnceas. mill naliiu TuiKrv, ('ii-hmere.-i or lilaiihi't h,ws, Pee;e Man Ikflcliic fs, .Lnimict and .Swiss IMii;; m,, loseiiion, (l.ive--;St ) l,in:;K. in fid an;- tlion' ei e 'iiat hiay be wanted, "oil cammt a. k a'nisi-, a hOC Eli IE V- 1! Dir. I HE AMi LWOCKEUY WA1E. Ami von may n.-n have Votir nick nut of an e'on ive !is,rliiicnt of t.M)!.l M'SWIM SJ U C. S n'd iiA'J'.-s Mild CAP. ("all soon nr yon will will 'ic to Lto tohuv the b' apc-l am ba.-i yui.ds in town. .'ov. V j il.VVK Ji;sT IIKCKIVKJ) AN ADDITK'N Al. sri'ii.Y nf C!..!lm!Yrim r.n.l cents to ?5 s.iltiiieii, IVi. in :;7' to K7l ecnN ''niiueii's fi-iint t-'i cents lo I'lis-iineres. Latins iV ilks Velvet Ves'ines lieni V5 cents to I?1! I ( 'asl.imcrcs delains iV AlVafcan si:tliifr,m ," t,4i,', .1 -plentlid niortni' iit of prints I'liim 1 is ceiiU I'li'da tS: lynsevs of seve al kinds IllcachcJ S unbleached lon-li is f oniC to 11 1 1 1- Ccntleiniins i'v ladies cravat-idnvcs ,f,, In saoit a full ussordi.ciit ol'diy i;otiIa ALSO, splendid assortincul of ( iiieenswarc.'- Ilni.lwaii l!Ot) TS AND SHOES. tlfiii cnur-c Inocan shoes slcenU Mens call s'.i ics gnu, I Sl,2") Mens roaise bouts J 1 (i'J t Mens line boots fu-m W.Cn. Ui f?,,l7J (iroccries ofll.c. best tpialily .lid t-ses ft nin I'.O lo lid cents per gallon S ti vtr Cnflee and so forlh. I liey resieclliiiv invito inr nueeii.-u nl Hie pui,. lie to an eva ni-iation of the rpin.U, L ipcyloivn. Noveiubtr "S .rT.'ilS. t3EiTOxV f; Vih W$ !rr,("!TI I.I.V invito the nlti-nti,,,, ,,i Jft t!ie public to tin) which lin y btv-'i-i-v ojiune I in the I,. wer pint ol Jl.ioiii-linri, The slock ha.- been cau l'ldlv ,.,., ed, and it is believed lhal the r ite :il whirl. In, iomls mi' soM ill uive if ocial uti.f ij,,,,, , ..i-i l ive ........ 1.. ... llV nti'lltl ill l-" eiiuuiv l iitv I AS, i be lutlieccs-ai v to I'. ii -jc- a bi.J, profit In , . , ' ., p.e. I'.ieo bin uh: -b n!e n , .,i(.; ri dit sv -iciii. I hen stocli con-loi., oi aiieiieiu! n I incut i f HARDWARE, IM'.ENSWAIOS. liry iinoiU, a'fOfc'icx, Thry nave Mol-ts i-s frmit JJ1 I.J ti .II .eiiis per cdluit. I 'n!V,., I'mhii S Ui 1 :) em's --er pi.u id. ; I eul ie:o f-oill -' to J (-.-Ills ''' IT' r ' ' "l;' l,p' I'"""'1- ! ' 'ah t""" -i '" I ! ' i tils per yind, Mu-.-lm In'in t J) do per pound o i-t; iclt- In, in ; 1 lo ' 1P1 Caipets I. out ( 1,1 (;() do with a splendid assorlnn ill of Mmi-lin ih: t'i-,3, Mpai-eas, iiuia 1. lotn, ore- ie. at 1.10 fame propm- tionate low (i-i.Ts Nj.ciiiIcj 1-1-30 ?nCOLi.KATIClT- WHRKEAS, tit- lion; Joseph D Avnioxr. I'resideiit of die Comts of Iyer nnil'ler oni.ei mid (Jeiicnil Jail lleliveiy, Coml u Ijimrlei "essiium nf (lie l'eucn. anil (Joint of Common' I'leasn nud Oipbiois' Cunt; in tin liiylit Judicial District: compciful ol llie (.'oimtiea .N.iihumliei land Coluiidiiii und I.) cumin;;,- ami t lie ll hi. e-a m i ti.Oakh ami firri'iii N D im v, Ksij'rt. l--ai'inti Indies in t'oluililiia .onuty have ij-ucd llieii i. ccpl hem iliK dale tllcDih day of .N'ovemliei in th. year ol'our Lord une tli.iii-.inid cifdit hui iiud ui.i; foily tix anJ to ma directed for holding A Coiut of Oyer and Terminer; an l fit)' cra Jail delivery. General Qnni 't rSi s lion of the Pence, Conunoii 1'iioiono Orphan's Couit, IN DANVILLE in the County of Columbia on the third Monday ol J.uiuaiy next beinj tl.i Itllli day and lo continue two ecU; Notice is therefore lieiohy niiento the Coione tin) Justices of ihcreaee and Cmislnhles of the said county of Columbia thai tlicy be then and thcie in their proper persons at ll) o'clock in the fore noon of said day tfhh iheir records inquisitions anil other remembrances to do lhn things which to then olliccra appertuin to he dona. And tlioi-e tout j ,,,, that arc or in ,v be in the Jail of s,i,: ute U.niiiil :iy recognizances lo prosecute :i);uui! ('utility nl Columbia; n;c lo be then and tin le ti prosecute against thmu its shali he ju -t. J.ircr ure re.iie.slcd to be punctual i:i their alien, lance agreeably to lliuir notices, I , . , . Tt -It., nr.11 I'aicii at uanvitie me x.ju o iy ol liemcetniier in 'he vein of our Lord one thousand einht liiimb i il mil forty-fix and in the 70th year ol the Itidcpeu ilelice ol the L'liilcJ .Suites of Anieiieii, UE.7 DAYMAN, Slif. " WE ARE NOT rUFFEUS.'" jJI'ITlIFI! ore we point; lo talk about ' V'r.r 1 between llie l.'iii'cd Stales and .Mexico;' lim it i-cllimj (roods 10 per cent. I clow city prices.' i.-iiiii r nn; wo gonn; to Miiiif; lordlier in nui n '"""""'" every mine; we navo lorcalc, l.iiia a necille lo an nnciior, bet mark what we sue We are going to Keep u3 nice u variety ofGoodi, l,"'L iptahly and price, in- n who make more iioise m iho papers I Mint we do. e have pui eha.ii. J our uoods us eheun ns il is possible lo bov hc.n.aiid we will sell then as cheap, if out f.-iwnh. vill yivi: us a nl 1 at our rerriilly erected by p. IP IilCfi.s direcllv eiipr die I he new Court House, and next door south ufl Deoldcr's Hotel, wc will i-Lnvv tin m an ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS -elected expressly for their acconunoduliolt. A "louij the arliehsof DRY GOODS we Have rencli nud American CLOTH?, Ca.-I iii-eres. tut, melts, ve-iincs, Ac Ar I'oi :iie le Li i us I Lad cs we have Casliiiicc. Mousliu mere Lobe.-. (. h .inc. Prints id i v. I rv Hi U niil p ice I'liim I lo 'i't cents per Mini. Niawl.i, (iloves. eve. cc. in fuel eveiv Vanetv ol fiicrcb.nidi-.'.e tisindly kept iniouutry lores .b.siiliv ome tliii,j;s a Utile tlijjtruit. 7als nnd Cups of every description. I .o lor our GROCERIES-, ml! ' 'id ."iv;- tt " f,,r yours '!vei,and you will find ibi-in excellent and very cheap. They h itr also an iissortinenl of QUEENS AND 11 Mil) WARE. And the best of MACZiKKKI, a"'1 Srish Salmon if a-sopeiiur qtiaiity. Alli.f which ivill bo di iii-ed of i.i I'Xchaiijjo for I'm .a Ci.ui.tiy Pu luce. M.OAN & MENDZ-'NUALL. Dlooms urg. Nov: 7, llti LA'IES'T AA'l) ci;i:ai'i:st. G ROUGE WE.i';'ER, is just c;i'i.MMi ins Tall and Winter ccuis A ND purrhascra wi'.l find u f ixL. "aortnu lit of ,iud j I'-uiii, 1) y ( luoth, G roe: !i . Qn mi v ;, n e. Wuni'u'arv.CrthniuiiC, I !,.v, C.;v. 'io.v nnd SlintS, iyc. eonsi-iinii in p.o't ol Cloth.--, plain am! f-mc v Cus siineies, llu-yo t'l.i- ;,uv in.. I I'vcnlm ky jean i.illn ells nnd vesting-, alpacea nnd poaiinnis i Inlh. Flench Ca. hincre und ca.-'inneri II I, mousliu di lains and prints ol Ine in -l f. i.-lilonin nl v le,ra h and woo an res nio thibtt, MDL. l.-.i.,i.h aha .v is. iV.-- To uli them wishiit!; fadiionul le nud -,o. ds llie be. I opporlunitv nmv oilers. C: .ihile lioi Hanoi lint lit is lilil lor liie la:i t .riil'S. (let. 31, i he.. I ii'lv ..f Nn. I'RWERS JURY Second Wiik Jninntnj frrm IS 17 iiri.-n leek. Pi t'-i n,,i D'cli-ric'l, M. .1 icks.iii, A ictiibH'd .'.-ttrv lib., .oi. ( ' i -pi r Kre.- n 1. 1 i'rnti... I -troll Hi-:.., i'li.t lame. Leu A. II m !: I 'aoaw ii-s.t. I ...ii,- .-s vt m: 1 'i.-iiin-.;cici k . Dn'-id Am . t, j ! I. l at. . 1. ' a. K, McKmtii-v !er, I'll ili; lillckdevv ( i cciiwtMil. Isaac Lv.ois, L.i,u-Kec-;e 1 1. mil. irk. U'lllnuo Cnv. 1) lk -iniili, Naai i ..i. '.bnksoti. hum, IF n. I. If,.'-.! K.l-nr l,,;,,.,.,. J..-..-j.d i,- ',, .,,,h Ivc;r j.M.tdi-'ii. Albaiimi llioid. !ii .iii .in ; i f : i . i X, :i!i 111111.4. Chanel (j. HA, I'll, lip . .c'.-r. ( . It. Iitoiv 11 Mitlbo. tno-i ll : iince. W llll.ini In'e Loai liicie. k, I ml di In 1 1 01-Ion, (icori.e I ett- r 111 Hoeulo if. Jnfin Mclleritv. Fli-is JM.m . V..V.7. Divi! M-..'.m!I, Lia.i'it. u.ry I CII.'Uil.KS 1 laCKAI.HAV A tit) nicy at Law. iLG'i.iJ.3 fice South tide of Main St. Lt'vnt Ma'ket t "VVIU. A1 TEND COURTS IN THE COUNTIES. OF COLUM1IIA AND LLZKKNE. C IlAlcrjSS KAllLKIt, JDSTICK OF TIlU I'EACL AND ( .VKYAt ULOUMSIJURO, COL CO.. Ihlico, corner of L'usl and Mnin-strccts. 0 KJOR o e o7" w a lli: u 7 " Attoraiey al I.iih', Hl."OMSI)UUO, CotTJAUtlA Coo.ntv, Va. ) lire nn f,l-l,i..A... i. . . o - - - ujvw uoorn uouve Alain. Street Otf 3Sg va7. WViilTj) fLOOMSliLIii;, Pu. W3I. Ji. HAWKINS, 31. j7 EMiyMicia .nij surffeC, 5"M AVI.VO lorntcil : fl f3 . ,. ,, ; " lonnihl.i;i ilf. ten fj iooh iiih proiessional serx ii -8 to the public. ne may ne consulted H nil ij i n(i0 I. it fTl-niEOLD ST A N Daj) Right Side Up! Win ffcGELW & CO.' TNFORM the public thst th-y ,0 will dohv !.Us..,e,;..l,eOLD BTA.D, in Ihe '.'i, i't Hay , n ,d havms jm rwcivc.I and ,.,,,,,,. oneol thuhuijest ana most extensive uJllmJx j?A.Ii AND ever ornujiht itn a neihborliood, lire delemiiti d to continue doing Inwiutss in iho B,,,Mo old i.iht Uuy.'tloit ihey may keep up with iho nines, and sell, us usual, as low as thoy can ho flo 1 eluaed elsewhere in. the county. Among thc.t DRY GtJODii .)luli.ilin de Ulinca. Cohurf CU .em. j- """v , :;, -""rg vurfh, new btytc if LUwkuig, Eftyijiian dlt els, Ca.icoef omii to crnt9 VT ya'i-Casimerin rro;n U7 1-y to If Cents jier vard. CLOTHS firm TC Cents to &Qp,r -.., m 'M II as all other kinds of rlotl ( 'ciitliMiicii's wear from a Can ii nn ..'i,-.' ..., ilu br -I.,, !,,,,. , .. -locking' for the f;ot, at the im '-v:.i.i ki, J'hey have ! 0 au unsuaily largo no.lir.H.t ,.) r; U0 C E Rt ES, II A R D , u E, Q V lV . WAUE, CEDAR WAR&, ind a general assottmcnt of all kinds of HOOTS AND SHOES.. tor 1. a .ics arm Uentlemen. Also, a lunte lot ef :i:lk'U anil I2;nMT!:j-'d ijur oihvr Ii-uu, .uitable Tor ubn,,st Bny UHP m ,iu, or,m,,rT Ail ol'wh'chlhey will exchange for C'11-h, Coim-. ny Produce ,-. umbel upon t,Ulh lenns as that .11 wh 1 nude v.ith theni will be b,iti,li,.d Jjt.iitu aud CALL AT THE 0! D STAND. NuVi nila-i 14 FANCY AND WINDSOR Chair Manufactory. CJ'J NEW l'fM.f Look well 10 your interests Before you pun base, and if you wao pwjJ :.Hrg tins, jnsi call at t!,t. s10j, 0j LOON ii BARTON mi Main streei nrarlj opprsito Kadltrn dhic, wheie von rnn find them reatly n t:l iiinis in lurnish Fancy mil Yi,lsr I. airs, scu ts, Boston Rockini- chairs, or my kind whiih mat he called ..r, as ihey will hlicvs h ivp v, baud a ,,,,,1 U!.sr tt' lit id all kinds uhiih tin v ' will mII ,.i die lowesl prirr pnssihl,. r , (t. ). . hini:ti l,ii Inmhtr or cnnniry pi, !(. From Ibtii J.nin 1 xt i-rn ore in businrss unii 1 i.Viermii,aii.m in do work which curinot he surpassed in ihe count), they 8kk for a -hate of public patronage. 'J U will hlen execute House. Sign, and ornamental Piiinl ing and lluusc Ptpcnng m ir e. hp UeM and most apptovril bi- hi nnl 1 ;.)u ii-asonaiile li rn.s. BOON' v HAK7TDX. l'.'.nonii-'nirn 0,1. II, I8D!. 2(i y CARTE i lNCJ, ' ' " ft ,1,-v s-,;;v eleve.,i,urar-,.g ,ft u,fAl ' : id ,0 t.ii new hinie li. TilTLJiT. An-. 1 TWO AIM'RETINp Tot! pCAKIMSNTERLNC llCv.tNr ss ne w-u.H'jI imiitPiliatelv. Titri aiiM.,ds Ui'i l7vpatsod ii nr,u, u.,-,,1 ,,,., , laeilielit UjlOII r,);iltr.i-.ini -o 'II A LLCS !;;; 1 Pi'iioriubiirp N oi-eti I , r ) ; caul: - , : r 1 ,1 I " i Tin, sub.rribersh.i . inch ihey wiling lj. -a.. :o il ' ei.i ila '' si.oN iTOMPSO ,, nv.l V.. L I-