I have aworunpon the Alter of God, eternal hoeUUty to every fbnn of Tyr&nuy ever the Mlml cf Mau." Tlwunas Jcifajraoa IL WEBB, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Voic X llLOOMSUUIlC, COLUMBIA OObXTV, PA. SATURDAY, JANUAIIY O, 1847 OFFICE OF THE IWCCltAT S.mru iidk of Main A FK" BOOR. I . ni LOW M ARKET-aTKEKT, TERMS : 77,e COLUMBIA DEMOGHATu-Ulbe wt'Anhtd every aaiuTuuy innia,u. 'I'H'O DOLLARS annum payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollar, Fifty Cents, if not paid within theyrar. Xo subscription will be taken for a shorter period than 3ix months; nor any discon tinuance permit ted, unil all arrearage nre, dtsr.harprd. JWVE U TI SEMENS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously insertedat One Dollar jor mt jn uw.iw. ... ,; Tmitntu-avt cents for every subse nuent nsertion. iwtrai u.stou, made to those who advertise, by the year TETTERS addressed on business, must T i i; be post paid. ADDRESS. Delvtred ly Dr. 'I'hos. W, Minncr to the 'Wyoming rfrltllerists,' upon the rrcasion of their departure for IheSeatofWar. Ccpt Dana Officers nan commission ed Officers and Soldiers. Gentlemen: When I view this fins com pany of young men regard yoordoti nation and the motives which lead you to the field, my hert overflows with admiration and plcasnrn. Your country engaged in a distant war. to vindicate her violated Jrigti'e and instill , honor, called for additional men- rot for the parade and encampment of a monrti, or a year, but for the whole war. Fully aware of the deep responsibility you assumed the Luzeroe Volunteers a prang with alacrity to anna, t irit in the State to proffor their services, with b numc roue company the pi Ida of the. Valley and the elite of Lozaroe, ynu were first arcepled and hare the honor to be called first to the field. This p omptnesa on your pert and walked distinction by the authorities, imposes on you, new obligations. Commencing with a high character for patriotism ud promptitude, we are all confident that you wilt redeem (he pledge and sustain your reputation. It is not in human nature but that there should be anxieties in every breasi in your own and these of your rela tives and friends, whom you leave on an occasion involving bo much sacrifice and responsibility. It is shared ly this whole continuity. This company is not composed like (he armies of Eu, rope of the refuse oi the streeU,men fly ing from vice or misery, to drown in the mingled sounds of wir the harsher notes of domestic want or woe. Ainoug you all respectable we recognize the virtuoui and intelligent prients who assume arms as citizens of the Repub lic impelled by the high behests of du ty and inspired by the hope of sharing the lauiela of glory, reaping in such rich profusion in the orsnge groves of Mex ico, by our gallant and conquering army under old Rough and Raady already wearing the trophies of three splendid victories. nd who shall lightly say that Fame Is r.otti ing but an empty name When memory of the mighty dead. To earth worn pilgrims' wislfiil eye, The brightest rays of cvheering sled, That point to immortality. Soldiers Man is a mixed compound of good and evil, of the nobler and ba ser passions. Selfishness, wisely 1 doubt not, implanted in our nature is perhaps necessary to our preservation. Avarice and individual ambition appeal 10 control him with irresistible sway .Self-security and personal acquisition, (.tnsual indulgence and placid use, snd ihe delighis of life fill his eye snd alltu him wiih msgic power. Sheltering himself under any pretext from impend. ,4 danger, you would ..nagiue thai uL' fnhneee was the maatar principle of his m.,i Tf i.iuiiii man in Ihifl iintA I , imuu. i" ih iii.ii. 11. ..... ..j.-v t not poaitively unemiable; you would ob serve little to excitej reaped, absolutely nothing to enkindle admiration or eliol praise. Bi.t. again, behold him Towe shakes over him and his country the rod of oupressior! Sentiments the most no ble & elevated now ire hiiioul.IIis bo aom swells with lofty and gmerous e motiens. Disdaining danger, scorning fear rising above all selfish considera tions, he tramples seoeuelity and ease beneath his feet. He sees only the dinger of his fellows. lie fesis only (he enslavement ef his country. Hp bursts away from trsartrsof le uty and the lender embrace of wife, sweethearts and friends, despising all the allure ments of pleasure. Like the galleot Taylor snd his brave battalliooa, ha rushes ironnerved sod lion hearted to .he battle field. Take then your farewell like men. Let oeilher sorrow r.orsadoes darken your path, and at the beat of the drum caat all care to the winds. Yeu are pro tected by the same Almighty power 'hat rules at home. Do oot think it unworthy of a Soldier la coaictsio so habitual reliauaee on His protecting arm. Never for a moment forget that you stand net alone, but are the reptesnti ives and special guardiaos of Ihe hooot of Luzerne, Remember in (he raging of the battle, in the rush of some ties perate fifht, thst your are Pennsylrani ins, and have the character for chivalry of cur noble commonwealth to sustain Let neither Tennessee, cor Kentucky, nor Louisiana, cor Ohio surpass you. In he path of duty ley tVcmost and most active, aa iu your profJsra of ser- ai.it a S vice nnd let tno volunteers or tx .State io the Uoion, seize before you, the laurel that should wreath your brows In the intervals of battle, remember you ire gentlemen. Subdue yeur passions While under the contra! of reason cod uDoscieoce, they impel aa upon the gent !y rolling sea of life like animating spir ts in the course of virtuous love, pair otic effort, benevolent du,y and ura ad'1 vancement or manly resistance to wrona but ungoverned they toss aud scattm ndiviriuile as nations, hka ehifJoD the billowy deep. Mure thso all, keep ev- cr in mind that you arc Soldiais of th( United States, our common snd blovcd coun'rv, that Hie eyes, not only cl riends el home, hut of all Europe, Irsce your courpe, snd : hat national chars scier, which is the foundation of naiior al atretig b. sod individual tenuity, (if Independence and Liberty, must be ei 'ntially marred or sustained by youi conduct. Genilemen I tannol leave Ihe sub Ij'Cl here, i our nigh ehararter fr in tslligence, wairants me in unfuldicg to yoe another aud broader viawef tlx the subject, national iu its aspect and which in my viewf g!tej inereasfd dig nity and imporlsnM to your expedition Whatever riiffereneaa ef opinion may have existed in re "pett ta the annex at i or. f Ttxns, the deed is dour, the marriage is cmturnmattd. Txa is a sler Stale of the Union, her representatives vole and have voted, in the national coun cils, arid there are few wise men, I trust who would see that S'a'e repudiated from the confederacy. Our minire havr not only taken Mauniorns and Monte rey, but ihe whole of California, sm nesily two thousand milts of coast south of Oregon on the Pjcific ocean. Scents of tast extent and imposing magnitude nnen hefote us. Ins is not mere r change, L is revolution. Mark me! Soldiers, hat coaM cn th Pacific and ihe intei vrneing country li j)f Jy UJ ihe Atalaniie, can never begivcn up ralenlina trasn of Death. No adminis- W7 '"V I ration can or dun make peace with Mexico, and give it back. If any olh ir nation, E'iropean or American, shall nterfrr.; you sre training, snd 50,000 noreara training, I trust to dtfand il to he last extremity. Besides the contro eersy respactiug Texss, we have lonj: existing and gravinua wrongs to som piain of against Mexico. Yearaao, according to well eitaliititd national law, weahonld have been jusiitisd in waging war against her to obtain redress by force. Indemnity for ihe expenses of ihe war, by erery just principle, we are entitled to, Mexico is poor and cannot pay m cia wrwisa. Jlexioo is treaoriMoue snd faith' lees; and would not, if sbe could. Neces nity, aaoctionsd by justice, than warrant? ns in Disking our possession permanent, while the aouodest end rooat enlargd poll ey approves the d.ed That Picifio coaai in (he hands of uoeuterpriziog iguoranee has been toe lung withheld in dssolsie dark oess and ifllsss sterility fr.m lie wants of uommeree snd the tserr.ing labors of the plough, And what is it be) rssoming our evat ill the early nlaims of ihe ilaatie settle- aieuts exteodad fir'y to tbe Pacific. These olaims Lavs bean fur a lime in abeyance.nnt extinct, lby have slspt, bnl were net dead. Provirienoe bss oaened a way to ilieir resetoptinn, and we are faithless te our country aud mankind, if we do out a- ai ourselves of It Soldiaral You are s. bout to march to aid in sflfaoting this gigan- ic and nobis duty: Lot os arouse oursalvas and etpaod our minds to grasp this great eobject, and trace t in some cf its more Important and inter ssling aspsets.ThePaeificOaaa and its ca pabilities for commerce is jail opming to be world. Twice as large as tba Atlantic tnd less liable to storas, it covsrs fifty mil lions of square miles. Its ten thousand is laois tbe ludiac and Chinese roast sod i-oontries tsemira; with myriads of indua- trioas people, vitb all their countless wants and wealth k trade are breugbt near neigh bors to us by tbe powsr of steam, end ibe wonderful faoilitiee of Byroad traoepor)- tioo: Tbe most ugscious saoaot Ugin to srr the boldest would fail to predict the re sult of thirty yra peaceful pesaessioe of hat oeeao eaaat, on tfcs trade and preapari- ty of the United State A projected railroad to Orsjao, C earned raaterday a vitionary scbems, will now And hands to do, and energy to accomplish it.- A notbar road further anntb, aud pass- ng by its tracti ibroogb mora genial climes stall connect tba Mieeissippi w'uh tba Pa cific. Lei os say to ibe hardy, the virtuAun and oppreMed. of every nation, front over populated Unrope, especially to th. indue 'rious German and nobis hearted Irishoisn hare is ao inviting asylum, wbere you may find not only rest and plenty, but rise to the diffnity of freemeo. Let streams ef emivrsote, foni fold as great aa the Crcanles poured into Asia fl iw oeward and onwati' 'o people California and Oregon. Let nen states grow ud there, based upon Fisedoir apenking the English tnnjue, the Kngtngt of Liberty;, founded with two rapieaenlar live ehamb'ors lo add new and lu.tiuos star bright though distant sad beautiful ts Ver tiar. thnuyli far away, to add new sslendm to our glorious constellation. Send lliithai the ballot box, that foe to, and detestatior of tyrants send thither Majna Charts, tlx dial by jury, a learneid ami independent jn diciiry ihe DibU and minisi ;rs of the gns pel, coininen schools snd the scliooliriasiei ith his spelling book, his ferule and birch Rear the templs tf jneiice. Let thu spiiefj of churches dedicate J each in its own do- inniinatinn to freedoio and piety, powit ii thotisandi of v i 1 1 a 2 e lo the ekius, wherr anthems of praise and enlfiiui pre-er ma rise in wmship to the grsa', Jhoali, awiik ening in ihnae, now scenes of desolation. all thai is bright and lieactifnl in fieedoni, t!l that is rtfined anil joyful in civilin.ion To aid in accomplish all thii, gentlemen, it pail of your mission. A I! these charming visions, so full frattgh ailh blettiiigs to ito west, buw will they aflsot the intareala of the ld thirteen Al laotio Stetee? Thia la a giave end moat impuriaiii tununj. i aiiawar, ill uij upiu- .on healthfully and inv.ger.t.ngly . lake P.nn.ylv.ni. and ibe S.ataa ...terw.rd, musi ueepiy .ngagau in cuiuiusrc. onu manufactures, Thai sailing vesaala ef eve - ry description, stesin ships of every aiie, will ba demanded for this western trsds foil many years in a eompound ratio of increase akepticisiD cannot doubt. Every ahip yard and every material for building oo the whale eastern coast, would be in stssdy and profitable demand, Vast wealth would flow in upon os from the niiies. The light oing Telegraph would daily announce from some western Philadelphia (he pricca cur teat. Our eyeteeu of revenue laws extend ing from ocean to ocean, end embracing the shores of both saas, incidental protaalion would be afforded lo all manufactured arti olaa throughout this wiis silent of country presently to embrase s population of one hundred cnillione ef eoueiiBisrs. In this slste of things while all New England would proepsr. the manufaolurea of Psnnaylvacia and mors especially her oal and iron would And a profitable dsvwl- opoieot equalling tbe hopvs of ihe most ssn- f Qine. iu the mean tisie, while mo natio ia growiog in magnitude if sDme men hon estly tixid are disposed to fear let us re member that oor sluts and our househoh gods our home laws aud domestic institu tions are by our own State constitution ud- !er our own supervision and proteoiion an tu the event of unfuieeen evils, springing up are sre oot only prepared but have tbe on- doubted power now as we ever have had, to dsfeod cod preteot ourselves, Lei tit then bear bo whieperiDgs of disunion. Treason is irt the thought and ruin in tht eonsummation. I. at us chug closer eon losir tu ocr Fura! constitution as tb afe gvard of Irendom, the citadel of pever Let ns scan with bold and unblenching ey his gieat rsvulutioo usrk its progrsss, am ssgaoiously take advaatsge of ike imuiaast :tieijgas lo aecore tbe bent n -a it must iulrc- duce. There ate tbose livicg yet, who reinam ber wall whan the savaga oootasted eburpK fur the Ohio, ae tbe north wcsiero bouadai if the wbits caao. Bsboldl tbat DOrthwea territory is oow inbabittdby a mora ouoisr- oqs papulation tbnn tba whole aoofcderaoy eontained at the o!ose of tbe RerolatiaQan war. Ttere were naaay ef ike gcod am' a i m m t wise wdc saw lue auoexatton oi liOBieisDe carious spprehensioo. lietk the blsa ains and prosperity derived from ihe U- aiua. They ate nr.sppreoiabte iu their ex. teol aid value. Il is difficult for our slug- gish minds to keep pace with our advBmi inf greatness aad increased growth. Do yeu sea tbat atar said Napoleon! Do you use that star said Napoleon I ! Tbe sler ot our destiny leads this Diiiori lo a position o( sievation the world baa never witnessed May wisdom guide our councils, and ferti- uide nerve tbe arm of our soldiurs, Gen deman; you go on a great and glorious er rand Faiewell, Farewell. Our confidence and love go wiih you. ilfay Cod Almigh ty protect and return jou, your brow wreathed wi th laurels lo oair welcome sqO HO.brace Glorious Record. At Ncv London, Conhnecticnt, ilia fllowi,.g inscription i found on a grave stone. The records of jocieut K me or tireece d not exhibil a uob'ar ina.aoas of patriot httiois n: 'On iKc 30th of October. 17S2. 4000 English fell upoi the lowo with fire and (words. 700 Ameiicms defended the fun or i whole day; lu l in the evening about 4 'clock it waa taken. The commander ul lie besieged deliverd Hp his awonl lo an ingliahiiiiin, who immediately subbed him. Ml his ro Tirades were put to the sword V line of powder was then laid frrn the mga-ina of tiie f ; r I to the eca. there lo he ghied thus to Mow the fonn.es into the ar i u . I . J air. winnm notinan. wno lay nui lar Dis tant, ly llifft airokes of the bayonet in his body beheld il and said lo one of his woutid-i ed frisntls who was slill alivr; ondssvour 10 crawl to this line I we willl ompletely wel ihe powder with our blood nod thus will we with the little lifo thai re mains lo ta s art iLq fort coagarine and per kapa a few of our comradss who are only wounded lis alone hsC strength soonjli .uiiDoipiiait IU1S Oiiuie USSlgtl, lo tllx Jtl.ll year he died on.be powder which hr ove,. flowed with bis blood His friend j and aivso oi oia wouuueu companions by ijuat 'meana bid their Ihes preservad." Altai this narrativa are the following words in large characters:-'!! EKE IUCSj'8 TV 1LM.4M 110 Vii AN.'- Hartford Cour. A SIMPLE STORY. About one hundred years azo, there livd io MisjechusolU a clergymao who 1. ....11 Ll. L I law a i vruvciaus neiitriocir oeiune to lli ptrish,who was notoriously adicied ta ly ing, not from any malicious or pecuuia y purpose, but from a perversa habit He vvjc every day grieved by Ihe evi -.x ample of his neither. The pdMoo was Captain Clark, a friend of Ihe par- sod io all temporal matters, and a man useful ia the paiish. Dut his example was a source of much inquietude lo tht parson. He was determined lo preach ssnimonfor the occasion. Accordinr.. ly he look bis text, 'Lie oot lo o it g ioiher.' lis expatiated on the folly, wicked ness, and evil example of lyiog, io such i -1 i i pouueu manner, mat neatly every parson piesent (bought him aiming at thai captain. Meeting being done some one sjid to the captain, 'Whal Jid you think of the urmt n?' 'Kxcsllant, ex- oellent,' he replied; but I could not 'or my lira keep my eyes off of old mother Symington, for the parson cer tainly meant her.' This story waa tuld tbe writer by his mother, who waa a daughter of the tier gym an, aud heard the eermon;io which she added, My coo, when you hear any fol'y or vice exhibited fiam the pulpit, oefore you look out for a mother Syta- ogton, look withie yourself and see if Pantaln f'loilr ia rnl 1 1. .r. tl .. .J rice bad some ifLct, ami may have a gain, A Senvble Dodvr pretty yooog widow applied to a phj s,oian to relieve her cf three diatrasaing complaints wiih which she was aflicttd. 'Ia the first plee,' said ihe, I hjve iiltle or no appetite. Whet shall 1 take for lhat Doctor? 'Fer that madam you should lake aii and exercise.' Vfnd. Doelor, I am quite fida-ely at oight and bfraid lo lie aloyr. What shall 1 lake for tht-?' 'For that Madam, I ein only laeoau cnand that you take- a !ubui'!' Fie! Doeler. But I hits tho bhes, lambly. What shall I tali for ih..tf 'For that, madam yeu have b. ds. (king air, exeioisaanJ a husband, to lake the Nkwspspus. Sniibiblu Djc or thst. A Credible Witness. Two clai manls for one dog la ely appeared be fore s justice of Ihe prsce, in a town near I3o-ton. Svml wiinesses swor positittly to Ihe ownership of each liti- tan1; when the ssgriotis nsgilrste di rect-d ihe plantiQ 10 tAe his place on oia lig1 t and the defendant to occupy a ccrrci-j onuii'g position on Ihe left; he (leg in di-pule being remau lei' I s si,t part of lh rcom. The par ties were ilien comm mdfd lo whittle, heu Ihe dog nude (or the dylfodanl 'Mr. ,' said ihe jo.tice jo tl c'eik 'record the riici-ion frr dtfendan1 the do 11 ie the only nedibh- wiinesa in ihe ens--,' A dandy erkett ebaibtr's by had iter sliaicd a morkey?' 'No, if h. si:;' aSW P,f d the lad, 'bit if jcu will takr M.a PM I'll Irv.' j 'I got some bojl iu that bargain,' a- the loafer said when he t kicked out gj douu. A GOOD T1S T. We heard a alory the oilier day which is too good to be loai. Termer Dickons for so we wil, him cne ,h( oei hborln York county farmers, alike ootad or his siuewdoess and preiiy girla was sieiied by Jo Jenkins under pretenoe of trading oxen while his real object was to secure one of Farmer Dicken'a daughter Finding no way to accomplish the real objnci without s direct appeal lo the old man he ventured to pop the question, and received in return a most decided negative Jo was not ahiewd enough to manage for the girls. Jo nothing doomed, pushed the trade in oxen and in spite of lhefarraer's shrewdness suc ceeded in a bargain by which the old man found himself esaenlia,ly 'shaved.' d, ih uext appearanee of Jo at Farmer Dicken'c all was changed and (he old man at out: a declared thai he might go ahead for if he was shrewd enough to cheat him he oould riak him with theg-ila. He went ahead; took possession of his desired object and thus far has shown that the old man wis not ia enoi as to Lis coatclusion. Eagle. A clergyman beiog iudisposed and con fined to bed sent bis seivant lo see what hour it waa by a sun-dial wbioh waa fasten. ed io a post in bis garden. The servant went there but being at a loss to fiod it out jtliougbt the shortest way was lo pluok up the post. He did ao and carried it to bia master with lbs tun dial say rjj to hire bare il is air look at ii yeursel.f for il is ejj a myatery to me.' 'Master Dugins' come up and tell me who was Cleopalral' 'Cleoptra was sister to oue of ibe Hegypia and oome to hei on happy end by awallerin' of a waap 'Good boy good boy you'll be a Gibbon one of these days.' A matter of fact old genthmen in New EngUod whose wife waa a thorough de truationisi was awakened out oT aleep one atoimy Maroh night with. 'Husband! did you hear thai noise? It's Gabiisl coming It's the sound of bis chariot wheels 1' 'Ob! pshaw you old fool!' replied the good man xlo yen suppose G.briel) auch in ass as to come on wheels ia suoh good aleigbing as this! 1 tell yeu it'a Ihe wind turn evei and go to sleep ' falhelis. 4 leuned youeg lady being sked at a tea table if she used segar repli ed -7 kave a diabolical inriacibla repugoaiica to sugar far In oiy iusensible cognitions up en the subject ihe flavosiiy of the sugar nul- Itfiei the flavoaity of Ibe tec and reodera it vastly obnoxious!' A Cotemporary speaks tf sleeping on 9 fenoa rail with twa yards of ipe far a cos erlng. Some people' accoaio.0 lations arc rather short, truly. J Honorable Dig es It ia fontempla m to bestow on General ale La Vega, iha honorary degree of L. L D. which moans Licked Like the D . Why is grass like a mouse? Because (ha ml' II sat il. 'The way to say it 'Adeline ah, Adeline." '.Well, ho.?' 'Dost thou love me.' Delight of my oul! Tell me, doiil thou?' 'Oh, having Don't V.' 'And will thou have me then, fair an- 'When; Jky, when?(Wnh great ear? it'rness. ) 'To-morrow, eweetone, to-morrow.' Good gracious' did you evei Well, I won'i do nuthiu' else." 'Ah, John, my u.icle has been inN'ew, Voik, snd youm hauf' -We II, what of thai my uncle has been in jail, v youm haitit ' rgymen ia A Vr cat lor disablg'j diocie ot ibout to bo tsiabisJ0Tg,Qn Maryland, rif-c, Pre it st a""'' 1