THE CAUL AX 1 f root Gtthtm'i JWagnint for Dcrnb JT HE UNKNOWN WAY, IT WM. CDLI.BN BRTaXT. A burning iky o'er rat, Tbo undt beneith ai flow, Ai onwir J, enwir J, weiriljr, la tbo iulirjr mora 1 go. From th duty path (here openi, Eastward, in unknown way; Above it winding, ;leaiaruly, The woodland brinobei play. A liWery brook comet stealing From the ibadow ol in treti, Where slender herbs of the loreat stoop Uefore the enieriog bieetr. Along tbe pleasant winding I would my journey lay, Where the abide is cool and the dew or night It not yet dried away Path of the flowery woodlandl Oh whither dost thon It sd, Wanderiog by grassy orchard grounds Or by the openjmeid? Goeat thod by neatling cottagel Goeat thou by ttately hall, Where ihe broad elm droopi, t leafy dome, And woodbines flaunt on the wall! By iteepe where children gather Flowers of yet fiesh year! By lonely walks where loere stray Till tender stare appear! Or haply dost thou linger On barren plains and bare, Or cltaaber the bold mountain's tide, Into the thinner airt Where they who journey upwards Walk, in a weary track. Ami oft upon the shady rale With looging eyes look back! 1 bear a aoleran murmur, And, listening to the soond. J know the void of the mighty sea, Beating bis pebbly bound. Dost thou, -oh path of the woodlandl End where these waters roar, Like haman life, on a trackless beach, With a bouudless sea before! Stent in a Post Ofice.-'Mr. Post Of fice man, I want to pay the poataga of thi letter.1 tSingle, or double, Misal' Double sir, (who. a courleiy.J teas married ait week Circulation of Uewpaper$.'Tht Philadelphia North .Smerican idles the issue of certain newspapers of thatch) to bo as followi: Public Ledger, 30,000 tlailyi Dollar Newspaper, 31,000 week ly; Saturday Courier, 60,000 nearly; Neal'i Saturday Garetle, 15,000 week- A Good Joke ia related by one of the Cincinnati paper, of a gentleman in thai city, lie had.proraieed hia wife a .fine fas turkey or (linear on Thanksgiving day.aml thoy were awaiting in arrival, when -hear ing a knock, the genileman haeiened to the 3oor, picked up a basket and returned to hit wife, saying 'Ken, my dear, is the tui .Itey.' The lady took the biskei and taised 4he covering, when to tier aaloniefeed eyea appeared an interesting infant of an hour! Sefore fainting she had onlf time to aay Dear! if you call that ainefal turkey, you can cook -ii yourself!' FuWic alc. To be sold at Vendue by the subscriber on Saturday the 2nd day of January mxt on the premises situate in Bloom township Columbia Counly.about one mile from the town of nioomohurg on the ernat road lead ins from Blooiniburg to Orangeville, mul immsdiately io the Iron region of Columbia County, a certain lot of ground contain .2 acres etrict measure, whereon is trecied a loir house and oa etable, a well of water at tbe door and a variety of fruit tre8,-Rale to nmmence at 10 o'clock A. M. and leirui aide known IDDINGS BARKLEY AoVin,? Executor olGeorge Lina dec M1LL1M.KY. MISS M. l KOBISOX, m WrOlLDrarctfullv inform the citiMin ol bloorDiburir and firiui.v, tad lh Lftdiw pcilly, that ilia hoi tu raceivad, and u can tinilr fcivin from i'uiUddnbia, a n eou splandiJ iitoriuiimi of FALL k WINTER MILLINERY, AND FANCY ARTICLES, raong whioh may ba found, elvett and antlni of .11 frtihxr. flowara. ribbon), bareae for vaiU.kid and cotton ulitvea. liuen and cotlor. hand kerchieft, polk and plain comix, ihell am' other iila numbs, breatt oin. ehawl pins and all other kind) of pint, bond and olhor naedlce, gold aim ' fir pencils. eiler and othi thiniblea; tel head. ring! ind losiele, !iadcc, ana plain iwm lor pur.r. . and bag, claspe for hags, pureee ana wgi "Buy ,n,U. v'.ot ntok ribbnue of different kind, collar ette, oap atuff, aduing and boidVing, hand dieaat'. bracelete, hooka ana eyea, mrcaj, iap, etc., m ni almost every tiling utually to be found in a fancy tore, all of which the ill dispote of aa low aa they t ntitnin,! claewhare ai. r..h:,iAiSli BONNETS auJ CAPS made and kept on band tot tule November 7 ENOCH HOWELL. TAILO 11 BKSPECTFULLY.infjruit the public that Le Ha Removed his Shop to Espyloxv,,, where he will always roady, aa hcratofora, to maka any kind of clothing, nt the ahnrtast notice and in thi bait and moat fanhiouable atyle. From th husincii, he flatter lung k!m..lf lhal he shall continue to give general aat ufaction and thereby bops to receive aliare oftbe public patronage. rr i'atticiiliir attention paid to cutting. All kinds of country produoe Ukcm iu payment foj work. Eapytewn, May 9, 1848. DAIRY SALT. ctAt;K3 cf Dairy Halt of the heal Bill nuality just received at the Arcade ALU RIG1 AT & MEN 0 EL. October 10 - S J'.Yfl ond WtV ll I I- ji't i. eived and for sale at t-e iNaw Htore. U. Lj. Illl Jin . WINDOW TAPER, IDE and Narrow, eluded and plain, ol e new atyle iut received at the INow morr l U. KITEHT. I. Aug. A JOURNEYMAN 0 the TIN, SHEET IRQ ami sim hi.siiiPM la wanted immediately by the uD- aenber. Good wanes and constant empioymem will be given. D.J. ncE- Blooma'jurg, September 1 NOticc ALL those having unetlled accounta with the ...i.....a.... ... I, .,,..), u nMlifii il lliat Ihe aame mut be aettlcd without further delay, or the books .... . ., 1.1. ..'.I... ..n1..Ar tl. will be placed in inenanmoi me ymi um.. , , i ..L ... u, oe proceeuea wua acsoruing w m. r iiBiiiis'l'A.MNTEC. Ujiwuw STONE COAL. HIE aubacrihera have on baud a superior artic ofCOJMIK, BUOKK.Y ud HCUKE.XIM rtl 4 I.,whichth are anxiou to sell. V.- f'n ,,,.ri,l.iH'llllt Oct 24 PLASTKIS. NOVA SCOTIA fLASlhU, lor aaio lor Cash or in excliango for all kind of grain or Rood Lumber, by Oct 14 CLOCKS 1 CLOCKS! 15 IMS8 eight day and twenty, four hour Clock jut received at the Arcade ALUK1U11 I (f ilt?iyLI Oct 10 BLUE STONE CHINA WARE. N Setts or aeparate piecea; juat receivej and for sule at the Arcade ALBRIGHT Si MENGEL. Oct 10 A TARVfl FOR SALE S f-TlHE aiihrfrribar off.ri for anle hia Farm aitu JL ated in Fiahingcrcoii township, Columbii county, containing 02 ;i V a. i "'j about 50 of which ia improved and under a pood state) of cultivation. Upon the premise the' ia a Log House, a Frame Barn, and a large Apple Sc25'fJ' Orchard, and never fail- ing Kpring. 3JS"v The above properly will be aoUl on the mop! renBiuial tcrma upan application to tbe eul'strilin living on the. premises. ISAAC KU HI IN IS. NovemU'r 29, 1818 3Slf NOTICE. All persons indebted to the F.atato o Samuel llarrenbiich, deeeaKfil, either upon Vendue Notes, or oiherwiae, rnnM moke payment immediataly to the aubscriber or cosl will be made. B. IIAGENBUCI1, Adair. All persons indebted to ilie subsniher must alao come forward settle, up their ac counts and pay tip, or HK conifquencen will follow. B. NAGENBUGH. MACKEREL. 4 tiprior lot, Juat rceived and for sale very GEORGE WEAVER. rBnME subictibers wili to inform thair friend 1. and cudoinera generally, thitt they havejuat eciriTeU and ate now opening a nulendid aoortuient of FALL AM) WINTER GOODS, Such as. tuptrfint Fitnch, English and American Ulottis and Lassmertt. cy Cassimtres, titinett, silk velvel, latin nul fancy vesting. Dress goods in varietv. such as cahmtits, cashme relit crave de hints, tnuilin dt taint. ginghams, calicoes. Sic, wool hoods, woolen comforts, suspenders, gloves, hosicju, stocks, bosoms, handkerchits, thrfud. tarns. und general aa.rttnent of notions, in fact a gen eral asnortuient of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, 11ARX) IVAUE, HOLLOW If ARE. Ct IJAR IV ARE, QUEENS WARE. $ c :. and all other artiilos imially kept in country forc all which they have iiurchased with grut care und on the heat terms, and are anxious to exchange for caell or country prodtire at very low prii-e. Hl FLr.Y M r. IJuiN rl ai.i. Zlooniabug, Oct. 15. NOTICE. Whereai mv vnfn ELIZ haa lelt mv bed and board witnm mt j-busb or provo cation, all perioii are Imreby fo,bid harbor in tr ortroainir her on my account as 1 nliall pay no deba of hor otitrac, ug alter lhs (Wr. JOSHUA WEBB. Cenre ownsliip Nov. 28, 1810 32. News from IVIexicoj AND NEW . GOODS FROM THE CITY. Albright & BIcngcl INFORM the public that while General Tuylo in pushing with hi army for Muxcio, tliey lave been furnishing ihj ARCADE STORE villi a splendid and entire now and extensive a- ortmant of Fall mul Winter CJoOds; hich they will aell cheaper than any ever before illurtd in Columbia counly. I He ionow ng may ie found among their assortment Cassimtres, Clothi, SuttintUs V Vesting f.n i,.litii .ml nrie.ri. of American, French 1 nu , ud English Fabriika PRINTS ! PRINTS Of new and fashionable pattern; comprisiii ovary variety of style and quality, very cheap. DUES- (J00DS. Plain, black, assorted color and barred alnpar' cea, uouihazlliea, uiarinoes, nue ncotcn piaiuj lui ihildicii a dressea and nUiu cloakx; cashmeres ol dilVeient defiTiptlons, ilclain in pieces and ruin1 patterns, silks of assorted color, ear.tnn and do- metic BiiiL'hams; ladies' and genlli men's as,ortei! colors of kid.iilk, ta.slimcie and Cotton ulovcs, an extensive aKsniliin'iil of shuwln ot tverj kind .ami variety, ladies' black silk and ilalo colored cash mere liOHo; die- eve. FLANNELS, i'laii and twilled red and white HOOTS AND SHOES. A general assortment of ladies' gentlemen 'a thin md thick boots and shoes of every desuiption CEDAU WARE. HARD WARE, CROCKERY WARE HATS AND CAPS, nd a seneml and an extenMve assortment of GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. All of which they will sell very low in exchange or LUMBER, COUNTRY PRODUCE, or CASH. ALBR1611T Si MENGAL Octoper 10. 1 Call before purchasing Elsewhere (if the New Factory cf Earlhenwute," by THOMPSON & HICKS. nrVlE subscriber have opened a VOTTr.ltY a on uio ouu iriinin 110m .1111111 iu j uiiti m near tbe Methodirt t'hurib, lilonrnKburg, (Joluni liia county, where they intend to manufacture waieof the best niHtenal; the lui est ami most ap proved patterns und finished in the very best man ner; such as I'ota of alljdeiicriptioris; Dishesofov- ty variety anil Jugs of 4I1 sizes; and a variety ol ther articles too numerous to mention; in fact nil kinds and every variety which mnv be wanted bv any who may favor them with a call. A Piippl) kept constantly on ham! which will be sold l whole sale or retail a I it 1 1 r- cluapei than the cheap est for cadi or country produce. Also dry I'iue Wood taken in exchange lor work n delivered at their shop. Ulooiiitibirg Mepteni!""! i, ibih M C.iugliaiu Lawn, OF r;ew aud buMtitul pattern, iuhl received at ihe Kcw 6'tore. L B RUPERT. May 80 LOOKING GLASSES; o F various and of the best of Glass, jui received ai iop Arcane. ALBRIGHT 4- MENGEL, Oct 10. BASKETS! BASKETS ! Travelling, Mukrt and Satchel Baakelt u8l received at the New Miore. L. 13. RUPERT. Aug. I Cabinet Ware House. HE1',UU,;;il?1 r-Hpetfully infonnthe public, that he bua talteu tbe h p lutvly ou dbyi'amuel Lilly, near the upper end of - v..;...s ,. OiiI-52iyiai? Hj'JfiliSflSiSi) inallita various branclwa, and where be will l;'"" , reapecmniy iiiior.n me public Dial happy o wait upon nil thoe who may favor him with llioir cujtom. Hit Furniture u wai ranted to ba mid of good mateiiul aud durablo, und he in- tnndikeeping oa hand Sideboards, Secretaries, Bureaus, H'ardrubes. Card Tallies, Lining Tables. Breakfast Tubles, Cupboards. Mauds, Wash Mands, Bedsteads, Dough-troughs, Coffins, S'C. and all kind of work in hia line, which he wi std upon a reasonable terms as tbey cuu be purchased in uio county. Uy atrict attention to buinoii he hopea to rt cetve aahare of publie patronage LI UKUVViN. April 25, 1815. ly I ORE PKOOF!-'Tlie Cry is still They IfJBL Oorae!' Every mail brins liilings of iheir mccm. 1' rom tast to the remolent V cut Irom Canada on the North, to Mexico and the Meat In die on theSouth-are all unanimous in their praie. Of a medicine so uuiversully known and esteemed as Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, it is hardly necessary to apeak 111 detail. At no period of ita history has tho reputation of that mcd icinu stood higher, and we may say that uo repu tation is likely to be more enduring. AilapteU to all constitutions, to eveiy form of disease, and to all climate. Wright' Indian Vegetable 1'ilU are above every other medicine, titled for tho use ol muii under whatever circumstances he may be pla ced. At sea or on laud, at homo ur itbioad, in sum mur's heat and winter's cold, with a common re said to the condition of health; and with Wright' Indian Vegetable Fills at hand, there i-no excune for being sick, unless thu constitution be utterly ii reclaimaljlc. Ai our object is to stato where the genuine med icine can bo obtained, rather than to give it an ex tended notice which our limits forbid wo sball merely tubjoin one 01 two ol the numerous lesti moniulnthal have just come to hand. Hundreds of the same kind iiuyht bo added,- but we are sure tin: public will save u tho Irouiilo ol anaiiguig them, (Extract of a letter fiom Hernando, MWissippi. To W. Wright Your Fills have given univtr-a-slisfuctioii, and are justly very popular, lean ell lioin 30 to -JO dozen annually if 1 could be sup plied. i'ours, Wm. 1 1 .-11 1 Joiin-sox, Acent. ' It ought bete 'o be remuiked that the medicine ha been but recently Introduced into .Vi.stiiippi. (Extract of a letter fiom Jersey Shore, IVum) ' The Indian Vegetable Tills excel everything of I he kind ever offer-d to tll lublic in this tcclionol the country, notwithstanding the combined effort of ionic few unprincipled mercenaries to put them down, 8, WlSCIIF.STKIl ct Soif The following highly respectable stote- keepers have been tippotnied iiuentb for sale of Wriglii's Indian Vegetable Pills- ii Coluinbia CoiKii) : II. P. Balil- Danville Siephcn IJaldy Caltawissa Cyrus ISartnn Espy town Hrnivn Sl Creaey Mifllinvillo A bra limit Miller Uerii'iek (. H. Fowler llriairreck W in- t'ovanliovan Orangcvillo Geuioe .MuKirr Milville Levi Hi'isel JereylHim Lever? (Si Suns Coluinbia Exr.hargi Riiberl McCay. ashinuuiiivillfl Georpo Weaver nimiiii-ibiirj,' Liybi Sireet Iron Co Ligin Sneol Low Sz Thoiriison Lime Ridge II. C. Ereas Rriarereek Eliis Wertinait Roharsburg R. P. Welliver Grcetiwood E cv.I, Lazarus Orangeville Hugh McW 1' I i am 9 Moorahurg The pnpulaiif of WKIGHT'S INHtAX VKG- ET;UEE PILES has proved a slronij bait to un principled then whn;instigbted by tbe hope of gain; tempt to palm off a spurious article on the unsus pecting. 1 0 uctcat tlii wicked designs ul such men we have procured new label.-, and the W KITTEN iSNiNA'ITKE OF WM.WKICiHT WILE NO 11 IK EOEND OX THE TOP EAliKL OK ','ACH ItOX. i';;ie other is ircnuinv, und Iu counterfeit this in firstly. AVmcinhcr, tbe only orimnal ami genuine IN DIAN YVGETAW.E PILLS have ihe. U'A'IT- I iXbK-.W TI.'A'E OK WM WEIGHT on the top label ol each box . Ollices devoted exclusively to the sHe of Wright V Indian Vegi table I'illi wholesale and retail. 16!) A'ace street Philadelphia; 2"H Greenwich street, New Yjik and 199 Tremont street, Doalon, September, 19 18'IC S8lj. House and Lot For Sale IN LIGHTS 1 KEET. subscriber ofTera for sale hi TAILOR'S SHOP. AM) LOT. situated ill the flourishing village of Ligh'street, in Ulonm township. It is a good situation I'oraTailor, being in the immediate vicinity of several Furna- es. 1 he properly will be sulci on reasonable terms; l(, 11 I L 1 ii UEK1 Liglitsttect, September 19 " CROCKERY" WARE, Of tlm Iate3t style, jiifl received at ()p New Store L. It. RUPERT. A I) M 1 N 1 S Tl. A TO R' S NOTICE, On the Estate of THOMAS WILDOR. MER, lute of Fislungcreck township- WJOTICE is hereby ftivrn that I.elters of Ad- ministration rc liunnt iwn, 011 the above incnlioiifd esiiiie nave oeen granted to me milwcn iier. All pemons indebted to tbe estate arc hereby notified in make immdiate payment, and all ihose having claims are requested to present them pro perly authenticated, lo A. W. hl.l.M'., Adm r tit luiin non, Fishinttcreck, ciovein'vr 20. liSIfl flw.1l LARM and Common, new ittyle just received and for talfl cheap at ihe new stuw. L. I. RUPERT. J. HE Aug 1 nt'UMOTTo.NOTTOBEorTUiiNK ,5L.U KS.MI TIII.N "iIhTA UMhIDIGM y ;UlU'l X S l Vt'T I ItOI II. , ur uniler-nifiitU lavmir taken I iu .lion twly 'fcpi.-l by Marshal Sj.lvenliorn. lIlt imeiiu to carry on wie aiiove r-rmn-n ui tiufiness stiu will at all unit' be read to tin work h little belter anil cheaper limn any other eel.ihljMuiienl in ihn place, ml tlie hope by strict attention to bueirieiin 10 .'iitin a large portion of the public putrin;ige All kinds of country produce tnktn 11 exchange, for work & the ready not refused ISAC SAN TEE, MARSHAL SILVKRTIIOK.V Bloomshiire Feb, 21, 1840 44 YAI.J). THE business will be continued ky tin subsrnber at ihe old stand; where inaj be had nt nil uiiipk. MONUMENTS, TOMB-TABLhS, TOMBS TONES, HEAR TIl JAMliS, MANTLES. TAINT STONES, MULL EL'S, kc. or any other work in his line. He is also prepared to Itirnim WINDOW CAP?1 and SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEPS &c either of .la.ble, Lime or any kind ol stone that can be procured in this vicinity. I laving had lonfidciable experience in ihe business, he pledges his work tn 1 . 1 . . . . oe executed in as lianilauine n style ae can be furnished from f.nv yard either in the city or countrv; and on as reasonable term.' EPHKAI.V1 ARMSTRONG Bloomsburg, Nov. 3, 18-13. ly 28 J. ir v VXDEKSLKi:, DENTIST. IGS leave to inform the public, thai "e is prepared to attend to all the oner atiom in dentistry, mich as removing! Tte Tartar und other foreign Sub- stances. From the teeth, rendering thein clean, am tho gums and breath svveel and healthy. Tte cavities cf Decayed Teeth Will bo dressed out and filled with Colt! or other lull; ol the hnest nualitv, as toe case may require, which will generally prevent their aching or further decay, and render them useful lor years; and in many cases during life, Teeth und Stumps of Teeth Which have become useless 01 troublesome will be extracted in the most careful man tier, with the latest and best improved in sirunienit). Porceliain Teeth, Ofiho best quality and latest improvement, will bo inserted on pivot, or (in connection with Dr. Vallerchamp, with whom he is in p,iiernhip in plate woik) on Gold plate, Irom a single tooth to a whole net, to look as well a the natural, and wiirranied to answer all the useful and ornamental pur poseH proposed by the art. In bhort,every operation lelon;ing to tlx profession, will ht pclornied in the beci manner, with choiscM material, and at tin shortest nolice" He therefore hopes, L) strict attention to business, to obtain ? shun of public patronage. Any person r r pri sons wishing any of the above operations performed, are respectfully requesied to jive him a call. N. i The public are hereby ii formed ihal we the subscribers have entered into a jpeci:il Partneiship relating only to plate work as it is more convenient for each lo attend to the other branches of the science :;n his own account. A. VALLERCHAMP. J. II. VANDERST.ICE. Mount Pleasant, Nov 81I1. 1815 3m. eJI:itKiiil!iin!:.(nlIh!i3iiciil THE Public aro hereby respectfully informed that we have lately entered into Copartnership in ihe above business at the LJ rick Shop, formerly oc cupied by Moses Collinan, on Main-street, below the new store, where wo intend to cany 011 the above named business in all its branches. We i;di;c ourselves that work done at ibis shop shall be executed in as neat and workmanlike manner, and on as reasonable terms, as can be done at an other shop in this place. U c therefore hope by strict attention to business, to merit and receive 11 due proportion of public patronage. HJ. CU r r'M A I , S JJKOBS'i" April2.r), lSlfi. A'. B. SHOE ISC, done at the re dated price of One Dollar. Small profits and quick return our motto. Centre f Gravity. A NEW TAI ORING Ti.BLSIZl ITT. THF. subscribers respectfully inform the fit,. ,,,1 i f rloombnrand vicinity, that they have lo-,-n', (I thenirflves in Thornton's .New Minp, iu Main, ftco ''"""' ,"'l"w the Vomer of Main and Markti stnfts, in liloomsburg, where they will al ways be found on hand, ready to nceomniodati ihose who m.iy lavor them with a call. Their work will be doiicin the latest and most approved style for neatness and elegance in the bnsinrps. Frmn their long experience in tbo business, thr lei themselves that their work w ill be done as neat as can he done elsewhere. All woik intrusted in their caie warranted to fit. t'lTTTI'f" "" ''ie "hoilesl notice and warranted to fit if properly made up. ELLIS & VAN RUSK IRK. May 2. lMfi2tf N 'H. COUNTRY' rnODfCR. at the niaike price, will Itken i'l exchange for work U8T received at the NEW STORE L B RUPERT U-j 30 CANCERS, AKl CORN!?. THli ubm:ribe,r informs the t tblic, i i 1. able incur., nil kind- of Cumemui.d induce WaiU md (.'urim with veiv litlie l ain ui d 111 u bhoittimc. He relern to reverul KhpeilubL i.ti .eim ill bin neiglniDihodd, i-Uili 88 ISunuicI Jlci-.-. Uilliam Kilo und others, llmt I,hk been nuci en-liil in neveral iiibluncc und in nut hunibiigii.g u it loo licquciitly the cum uriioitr ipiuekH. Hewn rualiicertain cure in am cae he uiulertukcb or n pny. (Tj" urtn, Ac. on cuttle md other unlmnls ur alto cured by the mihtciiiicr who icMdev in Moniu I leanint IoiihIii, mi thu main rou.l ledding fr(,in Millvilleto Hloom-buiL-.dbuut Ii miles fiom Kied- eiick Millei'u Tuurn v. hcr pernonB are invited to an. JOHN ALE. Muy 30, lHtOUfl Tiss J Sheei III-: nubicriber respectfully inform the publit that hu him oneneil n slum ,, I1; "'ly Ollllonitc CluvtonV 'I'avi.m in Hl.,.,,,,.1.... where he intemls curiyingon thu above Luaiiinjf,' in all its vurious branclie.s TIN WARE, of every description, will be kept on hand for Ball at WHOLESAI.K orKliTAII,. SIIKE'P IKON Manufactured into imv form required, STOVK PIPES, ofull sizes kept conutuntly on ham1. Stovce finili cu to order. Ueirg determined lo do busmen in the riglu way, hu reqesls all to call upon him before they purchase elwwlieic, as he v. ill fuinilh all orticlra in ni hue as cheap uk they can Ic rurchad in the county, d. 1. i;k:e. September 20, 18-l.r) Iy22 K'ails and Spikes. KEtirt of NaiU ami pikesjuit received anu lor sale at theiNcw More ol L. U. U L'l'UUT fiuplhen AM Fz'iv$i$e SALE. The subscriber offers for sale hi HOUSE IT df r Hi situated on the corner of .Mum anil r.t.uir. in ZJIoomsburs, ('olinnbia Couiity, Pn. It jswel calctil.ited for the loca'ion for a J'ublic JJouue 0 !Store,beiug (G Vet front on Mainsfrrtf, 211 1 feet on East-street, and tbo roud leadinp; to tho I!b;omt.!nir(r Kail ),kJ lion Company 'v Furiniccs. This Lot jMe ral culatcd for liuildiiie: upon Kayt-r(ieet as vu- uk 1111 Main, and beinp; himated in the centre ol'ihc Iron I'es'ion of Columbia Counly, is well worthy ilm st:entiori of the cupitnli.-its. For any information respecting the condition er.quite of UlnhI-:S KAFiLKR Bleomsburg, Derembci SO BOQT AND CHEAPER THAN EFAl. fg;HE subscriber very respeefiilly informs ths pu!iliclil on bund and is coi.stant ly.WtfiiutiictiiriiiR, IOOTS anil SIOKS ofiillkimla which he will sell at the following low prices. Gentlkmen's Weak. Morocco or LulJ skin isools 61 00 Coarse Hoots 3 25 1 75 $2 to 2 25 671 Coarse or Fine Shoes Miner's Shoes Morocco Slippers Ladies' Weak. .1ororco or Caf Skin Lace Boots Thick Soe French Ties Pumps Springs or French 1 50 1 25 lot Ul her kinds of Slippers 75 cents to 100 i. U.The above are all ofiny own Manufacture and are wrrnuled to stand. I have also oil bund, a larirc stork of Easti-hn made Roots and Shoes, which 1 will sell at small profits. Country Merchants and olhers who buy by the dozen, aic invited to call and examine my goods, as I w ill .-ell to such nl a large reduction", fj lli 'member tbe place at the KEW HOOT and Xlldli isTUUr., lower end of Main-slrcct, flloonibburg. W RUSSELL Jul 4 1846 FLAIXFIELD NlTiSKRIES, Hv WM. Wh'K.'HT. Near York Springs, Adams county, Fti T this establishment all of tho most apnrovtd varieties of F.-UIT AND O !t X A .11 E TA T4 Ttee!, The proprietor has directed nearly bis whole attention to the Nurservllusinrsi for the hist twentv-Cveor thirty vtars, and is now ireparcd to offer to the fruit growers of (Ylumbi.i ami adjoining counties, one of the largest and best assortment of trees in the United .Mates. 'lainfield Nurseries are situated ubni.t eighteen miles from Ilarr'sburg, at w hich nlacc trcs can nt any time be put on board of boats and transported to anv point on the canal desired. All orders will lie earctully blletl and the trees r ack ed in the l est manner. Catalogues can be furnished to those denn ipr them, by addressing the prm nelor through ihe PostOfTice, or from John I!. Mover, llloomst ui. Dr. W. W. RiRhter Beiwii k, or (i. M. Mim.p. D.mvil'e, who arc atjihotijid ojents fox the dtl iithmcnt.l 3fy &M?S3 A 7- an be p.ocured