Fr.buhilty 'f another iiuttln. () if ol ilio Oi I' ana 1'ic ) line's r ii' v n ri rupiuulou1 ij .. I: ih ni'ii c.iu'i'il. il, dy i lie r (Ti t i t c our r v iieio r A' , thai llie L x c h s ti'V fiiv. Sin J.'iid Poii'iti is i in dfcni; iti.tti of ( in daily heioji MrenHihiMiril till more, anil il nrny In ihai lit? builn of Palo A'lo anil llewica an J i h 0.10 if Moniery, were but ejn ci menu of wbnl nu)' occur l) lorn SanLu Olliccu believe liai a hauler fijit limn ptiy one ytt in In-fore ihrm. Sni I.ui 1iom in one of lite richest ciiicn in a1 Mexico, being iln Clly in iho mimng ili-ti ids, & 3 nu may depend Ujion il the Mixicans will make the l Mand lline. From Simla Fc .7n extract nl a leittr from a volunteer at Saul i Ft daied Octobu 23. ami published in the Si. Louis Reville, 8 ales il) il (eats wete entertained v( nn ;n eurreciinn among ihi inhabitants. A team flcr was murdered, and lo Spaniards hail been arrested on suspicion of having ruin mined ilio murder. The volunteers weie paying from lite to ten dollars for wintering theit hoists. Inflammtohv Surf. Throat or Quiny h an acti e and some i nea highly danger ins complaint and should he altend''d lo in the early stage of the tii ihdv as ihu slightest ilolay is ohen attended with HPrinus conse quences, Wrii-hi's Indi-in Vegetable Pil's of th Nodh American College af Health are the best medicine in the world for the cure of an inflammatory sore throat because they not only purge from the body those humors which are the eatis of everv de scription of inflammitiwi and swelling but Ihey suit all ages and miv be administer' ed without a moment's delay Tor i grown person from four lo eight of said Indian Vef-eiablo Pills should be l?ken night and moninj, until the urgent symptoms have abated after which thiee or four Pills taken once in twenty-four hours, will in a short limo make a perfect core. Jbwikk or CicTTEiim-ra. The public tm cautioned against tlie many spurious medicines which ii: order lo deceive aic called liy names sim ilar to HVislii's Indian Yckc aide Pills- The only original and genuine Indian Vegetable 'ills have the signatwc J Wm Wright written with a pen on the top label of Each box. To counterfeit thh is forgery and all others jhould be shunned as poison Office devoted exclusively to the sale ntW'-ighl's Jtd'an Yege'ahle whilcsule. and retail, 109 Kace S'. cet Phila lolphia; 288 (Jicmiwich Kticct Mew York; and ID'S Tremont Street, Boston. Agent fur Uloomsburjr, George Weaver, for oth er 4?enn ieo advertisements in anulher column. M ARRir.I) On the 2tih insi. by the Ker William .1. liyer. Mr .1i:m-ii nl rrankliti township to Msi Catiia im: Lkiby, of M.mtcur townihip. On thft same day by the same, Mr, Tii imai Vatine, of Runh township Nor thumberland county, to miss Li:naii Voctrr of Franklin township. 0.1 the same tlav by the Rama Mr. Frdd r.RICK 'il ALER tO Miss Jt'LIAX JaL'INK bull) of Cattawissa. On Thursday 2 lilt inst. by Rv. 0. J, Jaller Mr. Jessk Hoi.i.ingsiikad to stiff Harriet, daughter of John Deiienck tiq. of .Montcur. IMF.!). On the Udi tilt, in Oavi Elizabeth, wile cf Simuel Yotks, eixtylirst yer of hui age lo Mrs. in ilu lllJTTHIt. A Quantity of ritl.m! Kt'TTMt it ceuts per pound, by the roll; to be had at the IN'cw Cash Store nf J. II. HARTON L Co Bee C a house and ; io a n lots FOR S.ILF. The subscriber oflers for sale Iih town property, Bi.tiate nn Main street IPonnis hwg. f Hopkins additinn). There ure ihret town lots, id 50 feel frni.t raeh adjninina. upon one is a FRAMIu IlOUSli and sta ble, tml j good well of water, near tin door. The whole will be sold together oi aeparalcly lo suit pnrchaiers; upon reasur.a b!a terms. JOSEPH HHOWN, B'oommsliur!;, December 5, 1810. Fssblic ac. To be sold at Venduo by the subscriber on Saturday the 2nd day of January next on the premincs situate in I'loom lowns iip Columbia County, about one mile (mm the town of Illoomsburg on the great road load inc from Hloomfbure to Orangevjlle and immediately io the Iron region of Columbin ountj a certain lot of ground contain 2 acres strict measure whereon is erected n lnij home and loir stable a well of water a the dnor and a variety of fruit trees, Sale to commence ai io ,,'c0ck A. M. and term? .made known IHDlNnS fiARKLEY Acting Exerolor nlfierrrfe Linn dec Blooajsbur.De'iouiber, 5 1S16. V virtue of n writ til vend ei. to me diiecled hi if vtillh" expired lo public salo kt Oralign wdl I expo cl t, public sale ut ihu ('unit wh', in Columbia county, on iiou..iM ai.viile.on Surdity the l(Wi day cf January next Monday the IH'i day of January, fier,'Bi o'clock, P. M- tlio fnlluwinir properly, to wit: it 1 o'clock, P. M. the lnllovt propifrlv. lowiti'.. All the r tjhi, tide and tn.rrm of l'.llia Hultet in t'n certain IiHh ulgionnd niluiltf in Danville, Columbia county. c.iiiUinniK two town l.iU, bouiided in I'lniil by i'ine xiicet, nu llie cast by 'ai lory sticct, on llie kouiIi bv nn alley nnd on vvivt by in posM'sion f ,1,'a liu Mcl nllmlcr, ivbeieon is erected a liamu I.ouki and nUblc, uilli llie iippccttfimnceH. Seized, taken in execution and to be mid as the ptopeily of i'ilis Hughes. A I.St) J A ceilain lot of ground xitiia: in the borough of jenvick, C'liluiiibjn coun y; i'niii:iiiii,nr' out: cliun ol an ucn moie or less, nuuiiiieii in irunii by front Ktrcet adj 'iniiiK lot of ull and! luhn .Snyder, whereon m creeled a fiame dwclliui;! Iiouie add liHinesl ihlu W'i'h the appurtenances. j .S'eiz d lak'-n in eiccuiion and lo bo wdd as the f property of mIuj E. Craii;. ALSO I.I. the riht, title and interest of the defend- I' I'lniiu'crccK illium I'uik. John Luiaruu, Hi nnl in a eel Liiii iiuet nf find situn'R in Main' """ Kline Mifhip, Cobnnbiii county, cuilaioiou, Mi.ire ,,r l,i,.,d,.d l,v bin.l-i nf lleiirv t i It,.. I loxepli Mrmcllrr and others, whereon is er. ctcd a : ' ...... i J - hog House and a Lo,j Llaru willi the ii.purlcnan CCS. iSe!z?d, taken in execution and :o be aolJ the properly of Catharine lion nian. ALSO A certain lot of ground situate in Madison town ship, Colurniiii county coul'iinim; y acres mole r less; botimled by lands ot Lll.-lu .Smilb deceaf-ed Old Ann Smith; wheieou is creeled afiuiiiehnuse mil a frame barn w ith the ajipiir'en.iiices. ALSO- One other Lot of gumml as ;.f:nsuid; colitainina; .'t. acres more or lc!-s; hounded by lauds il John Dorr; Ann fSinitn; J. 'in 1. Lnoi and b'lisha t'lriith deceated. Nriicd and taken in execution and to be sold u.-. the property of Hugh .S'niitli. ALSO A certain trtcl or piece of land ailnste in Sngirliiaf township Goltiuibij County ontainino Gl acres more or less, about 40 teres of winch is cleared land bounded by .I mis of Samuel ShtiHz James .Mather and oihi'ip. Seized md taken in execution and to I sold as the property of Peter Lunger with totico to IJcj.imin llessterro ttnani. ALSO Five lots of ground in Moils additinn ol the town of I) inviile in Coliiiiihia'Jouiiiy of litem situate in Mill and Washing. tin streets anil ex'ending c,t n Mill street LiOlweiio it 151'eet alley-one other stui'tcon Mill s'.reet on the south si le of the ibove described lot and adjoining the same extend Hi'' back i 50 feel lo the aforesaid alley otii; other lot situate on Mil street aforesaid adjoining the lot described and a iot ol Daniel Ktinsey and extending 150 feet to die aforesaid alley one other lot siiuale in Milll street aforesaid adjoining lots ol Daniel Rnnijey and Charles While and ex .ending bick 150 feet lo siid alley 'Pnere lots are each 4 1 feet front :he other lot situate on Washington street bi-iu 115 feel front and fx'cnding 1 85 feet 9 inches h ick bounded by lands of ttin Montour IroiiCom ,iany on the west lot of Charles White on he smith ea?t and the s .id alley on the cast Seized and lalu n in execution am! to he -old as the property of Daniel and Pciei lloals, ALSO A I the right title and interent of the de fendant in a certain building, situate in ihc ILnougli of Ucrwiek, in the centre ol Mai kel street, called the Ilirwick Academy Seized taken in execution and to l e sohl is the property o( the Trustees ol tin: 15er wich academy. -ALSO- A certain lot of ground situate in Ceivrr '.ownship, Columbia County, cuntatnin" one third nf an acre, more or less, (j!iinn!ci: h v I If of .L'sse Ki.krnd.dl, John Knorr, Sim!) Puck-dew, and (hi) Lock hit' Seiz-'d taken in exccntioii atid to bo aold is the property ol Petet StitjIYud! ALSO At t'lf same timu and place, by virtue, ol i second alias levari facias, all that certain nessuage and tract cl find, situate in .Mil ilm township! Columbia County, bounded is follow s, bigining al a cornsr in a public roid.lhetiee bv land partly of Henry Yuhe, Charles Miller, and Christian Millet, Smith . i x t v degrees, west 151 pcrcfu-s, to coiner. hence bv land of Jacob KuHi nhadi t, mid ... . i f , ... I V . I. .. N' ..I n. I .... parnv ot w inici i uiiK, .vino ,io m greif vvel 155 perches to a post, thence hy ,nd ,f ( I'eorge Kelclincr, ticnrgi; Dreslier, and I din (ieai ban, South and one naif east 80 perches and seven Ii nt!is.o:i It S3 degrees east 03 perches, north 5-7 de grees, east 20 perches south 71'.) degiies as 32 peri lies, north i 0 degrees i jm 13 perches ami iwo leutiis to 'e er lie irs hart other land thence by the same south JO drgrces ea:i 2d perches and seven enihs lo the place id hcginin eoniifiiiiiii! )1 acres 1 14 perches im I a lo wanccs be til'1 same tnoift or less together wnh Ihe liercdilameiits and appertemiiccs. Seized l iken in f xeculinu and io be snld is ihe properly nf Pc'er (icaiharl, liEN IAM1N IIAYMAN Sl.criflf. Shlfs. Oll'n'0 ille Dee. 25 1SIG. J Danvi ri ) i i i: H hereby givnn that 1 have norchaord r,t Conatable Sale, b the property of W tllinm liidleman, Ihe following ai tiles-20 ...,.1, ,.( nmirj .i.. , I.. ,1, U 1 Jfjl'.r. ... ... v.. w Ull.7 mil I ci of cider hall barrel vinegar 2 tubs 1 grain rradle 2 shout" I horpe jet of harries 1 hnrgy and luvo lefi the same in bis possession during toy j lcasure, anil forbid any person inking ihem from him either by purchase or otherwise, without my consent. :imi?.7m IUVS. Montour. Dec. 20 1315. IV V vidua ofa tuitauuu vend' ei. lo me direct the right, title nnd iiiliweal of lite heir of lei.rv lleii, ileceaxed, ill a certain tract ol innate in Pishincrei k towihip. Uolunilna county, emilaiiiiriK i!l)0) acres inore or Icai.uliaut iOO ucich uf wlii, Ii i cleared la-il, bminded by lauds of Nuiiou'l Crcvliuij, Jacob Wciintr, Michael Viiple, Punii I S ueker, l'.lias Mrlleiny and ollicit; whereon uro creeled eih'een Lnji tlousci and eihl barn;wilh the ttppuitcuanccb; klluwu as llie lUcidinan land' !circd, taken in execution and to be fold as the pioperlv of tiio lie ri of Henry Ileisz, lillNJAMIN IIAYMAN. Sheriff !Siit.iiiir'a Oirict; Duiiviliv: Dec, S3; 1818. f. ?A!l Ilt?l'llJ4 ' For January Term, 1 S-47. Wrireieek Knoa Adams, JS'athuii t-eely 1 ''"tie Paul Zantr Perry Andirw It. (.'inoiiunjjs I'raiiklii, Willi.mi K'oa-bach 'J uciea.(,,",,!"w""d William i;j-,.r William iluthera ' '''Uiioi k James Ivoat M..I. .... ... . ""''"lung iiailes i.nnner, I nomas Llark T .. . I : . ... HVir .. jMaili-ain William Mostillcr. Daniel liout Milluii (,'luir'es Vi'iokhei.-er Main Jacob (:e;oiipart Montour- Jjiucs WoodHides, John I!iehurJ Orani;e Samuel Iletz lioariiicrceli h li'.Tsoii Wintcrstcim lSui!.irlnal'--l'elei HesH, John 11. Davis, Thomas Aleiidcnliaii TRAVERSE JURY, First week. January 'Firm. 1817. niooni Samuel Kineliard, Fiede.rick Dielier,Wil- liani Rrown I3ricrcreck Joseph Pilkinton, Gilbert Fuwler '.'attaui:;sa"-John Zicfjler (nter--l!etijaiiiiu Fowler, Jacob Shellhammcr l)erry--S'aimiel Mufiley, Jacob Uiddle ri.-liingcreek 7'ihnoiid CravsforJ, ainian Labor Daniel Kitchen franklin Nohiinnn Hartley (iieenwood Inac I!' Klino lleml ink ICli Tlioniton,John Pursel, M. G.fihoe- m iker laekion William Lemons, David Remlcy l.imeMlot.e John .inith Liberty Jacob Cwwlord Mount I'kuaant J. W. Vanderslico, Jucob Shii man 1 idison Jnlm Wclliver Maine Soili llailuiar , John Kiefer Montour Peter II. Ki-scl, James lljrton, J. Me Much Mahonini; M. McAllister, David I'bilipi, Join Ucvo ild", sen. Jacob IJeynolds. .lac.ili Scchler William Died. William Motrin. Ileubcn 'ori- Oranrjc- -John Snyder, Joh.-o Culrmaii l!oarin;creek !Sam Ji I iVcars, Jones Faliiimjer David Yeaupr, John lieriiiiirr. f-ilas .lohn-on Sugnrloaf I'liillip Krickbauin, 1'ctei Applcnian. John l.auhacli CULIAI'I CUE A I' fJHEAIM II EMIY z urpi sr. E R. CLOCK , WATCH M AKI-JK, P"Th i;.Sl'KC 1 r l.l.l.Y mforiiH the public thai lu has locati-d him it It in t!:e h.n k roon ol I lioiiias I'ainlni's nlli.-e, on ihe east side ,! Market, above Main-street, IJIoonii-hu.g, tiul ; prepared lo Repair alt hinds nf Clocks and Wuii his. in the best manner and on the nv rcasoni:! ', tciiin, SMFJXn SFCO.XI) HAS j) iirrc:ii:s licpt ennslantly on bund for sab". December VI, lSl;:;ilv The subscriber having liecn fi'iio'ed uea; thin years in the Meroniili! ILimiuvs wishes lo ictire acd seitlo up h'u r.-incerus. mil give yoonaer ,aii(U an npprrnniiv of naking inoney, ofT'ers his I'ROJ'ER'I'Y IN lll.OOM TOWNSHIP, rooMstinr; nl STORE, MILL. I'AIOIS, FL'i'N ACE nid other properly this pieperiv is sjtuaieil on big Fl-hingcnpk tlnie miles from l!o canal and sanin distance from JJioomsbuig. the now Scat of Justice & is a good location for any pnldio business. lil his four pair. if Stones, will) the necessary !o!;s and otlor matters. Furnace ealcnla'oil to nuke 35 Tons Pig Iroti per week is suited to u s r either Char did or Stone Co. I has b-t :i nn mcci shIuI operation lor iho pi.-l twi. years. Iron ore plenty in iho neiohhor hood and w.ind within a le w miles ol the Furnace Or would scl "no Inlf the Interes: in tl,p property to a person competent and willing lo lake an active hand to ihe iiriuannoiM. ddtes to Lbhtstrcct Post Office Cnbnnhia county V M. McUO.VELL, D'cembr.r U, ISP). The Dinville Demoerat. Mitier.s J uirna! Pool'iville, Deinoetal nn Ar(iiis,E'islon,and .ellerson Dcmocr ii, Reading, will u'ivn the above fire insertions and forward their bills fur payment to M McDowell, Light-Siree: nr lo this ntfieo. O PfllKW nnd - . i ;.i llIHl OtS i uu .i.viIj. I a 1 mi ' u 'hp ...i '. i ir r . . rj nr. Fuornner oner" lor Pa.e ln pro niv sitiiaicd on Main-tteei. f:lni)r,i-,boiP ; (Hopkins' H.ldition) a few dears aho.-n Damei s",',,'rs'- The two Im, ndj .in I'pon one thorr Iw" prick irorsE '" ' J S i3 :l r""'fl '"''le. and upon the ft'lH!!K other a small Fran.n Hon.,,. Cj"'ill'2-iJ 1 '"'J' VVM he Hold together or sep- r, Ti? 'jL'Vi ... .... . . urate to suit f urchaa'ts, and on reasoniblo trrms pan application to HARVARD SKYBEKT. IJIonmshuri. .oven. btr 2S J t f I5J.ANKS ! !ULTNKST1 TOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE Fresh Arrival. rH1'IE iulicerilmr hav just revcived and trt JJ, now opening a splundid un(irtinoiit of HOOTS, which Ihey w prepared lo bell u little CHKAPEIi man ineLHtAJJi:6r. WM, McKEI.VY A Co. Dec. in. CARPENTERS' TOOLS. A larije assortment of lha benl kind of Curpen. 2a. lt'r Toola jiut received and will bkept con otumly on hand at the Arcade. ALBBIOU1' & MENOF.L Oct 10 NO'llCE. VX fiionds nu doubt are awara thnt wo rcuoiru money to eniry on ouc business, we ihoicfore lake this method of iuloimiiit; them that iv e aro now engiiKcd in making up balances on liuokn. We expect all tbosu knowing themselves indebted to us on NOTE, liOMD or HOOK AC COUNT, of more than one year's standing, will call between this and llie fust of February next and nettle Iho saint) wiihoutany harder I u Ik from us. WM. McKL'LVY 4 Co. Doc. 10. NOTICE IS HEREBY CITZ'N, HjO all legatees, creditors ai d other pe von in tcrchlnl in the estates of the respective dete denis and rumors, lhatthe inln inistratiou am guar dian accounts nl the said estates huve been tiled in tlieohicc cf the liegieter nf the county of Co lumbia, and wiil bo presented for continuation and ullnwu.icc to the Orphanls Court, lo bo held at Daiiv illc; ill and for tue county aforesaid, on W'ediiesdov the .lull day of Jauiiiiry, next, ut 'i o'clock, '."M. 1 The uccount of Samutl Creasy, Adminiftra tor nl the estate of Henry Creasy, late of .Miflliu township, deceased. !i 'l'bo accounl nf John ?eaer, Administrator i i'thn estate ot.lbrahain L'uuler, late ol Fishing neck lovvusliip, deceused, 3 The account ol Thomas Mcndenliall, Exec utor of tUa last will and testament of John Smith late of Hu(.'arloaf township, deceased. CHARLES CONNER, Register. Kegisei 'Jihce, Danville, Dec. 19, 1810 VICTORY! VICTORY .' IlUlUtl ! HURJtlll Ul'RAlU WHAT a tiot and a rumpus' there ha? been since the urrivul (the ccleliratedliia'.Mcr elianl, bringing iho Lrgcst ami cheapest cargo, hi .season of XKVf COOKS which were deposited at A. . RFt'FTTS M:W STORF oi M:iin-treet. 1'liev are now selling at siteli u nil. id ia'0 in coni'ijtlfnco of their biw prices, that fears are eritci taiin d that one half llie people will not act their winter's supply out of tin.) cheap stock. All those, then, who want good cheap goods should call immediately and supply tlininsulves with roadclnths, h'attineitJ, (Jassimeres, Ov.'i . 'oat cloth, Vistin.4 or of Hiiy description of cloth tor M uh wear Prints of any discription mill priee, I'.dinettca s, Oahmeres, Mousdelaines. I'm;, li.diand Ficiich Meriuncs, Alpaceas. and satins Tnkery, ( 'a-hmeres or Hlaiikct shawls, Pocket Han Iketchiefs, .lackonet nnd ISwisa fining nu1 Insei lion, tj loves; Stockings, ill fact any lhiui eKe that may ho wauled, Vou ltd; amiss, GROCER 1 1: HARDWARE AND CWOCKERY HAWK. ndynu n;av also have vnur lick nut of nn ex ten sive asrt.neut of I.MII.l Itl lSIHM SliOi.S and HATS, ml CAPS. i 'all soon or yon s ill will he In lata to buy the hcapest and best goods in town. .Vov. 'ii IIAVK JL'ST REC'KIVEI) AN APIHTIOXAI. Kfl'l'I-Y OF floth" from 5 cents to ?5 S iuinetls from to "C4 cento ( ' i -simcif .. from HJ cents lo $,,23 t 'a'iincrcs Satins S; Silks Velvet Vrslinas liom 75 cents to S3 t'a-l.imercs debiins it Alliian sattir.sfrom So toC," .1 splendid a-nrtincntof prints from 4 to IS cents plajds it lyney" nf several kinds llh'ached -V unble-ieheil mil dins from G to U Cts (ICntlenuiiis t ladies cravats ulovcs iVc. .1c In slioit a tt.ll assoituicut ol'dry goods ALSO. splendid asisrtmeut of Q'lctiv.vnreA- Hardware I500TS AND SHOES. '-n.T course bro;;in nliocs Slc?n!s Mens calf slm-s good l,?.r) Me, ni 'oor.-'C boots $1 h'J Mens fine b.'n'i cm i.C,n.U, 52,S7 j fifoeerie nf the best rpiality .lnlassPH fioni bfi (o fid eenti per gallon i Simar foil'. c and so forth. They rcspecti'uly invito tlie (iitenln n of tin pub lie. to an examination of llm gnodt. Eapeylovtii. Movembec 'iti J. II. CO. H F.sPEi'TKI'LLY invita iho tl.o public to thn attention of STCH2. which they ha no-v ep-ned in the I,.w.r p1vt ( Alooinshiiri. The slock ha.' b. en cmefullv !cci.. ed, and it is believed that llm ut whnhtne ood lire Slid will give uerieral sati,'a( lion. A iliev inlend SF.LI.LNfJ entirely pi K f.-H, it p.vili l.e iiiineces.ary to eiiarn a hiol, prolit tfr. ,-urc thei.iselvet fi 'H Iom whirl, always attends !,e l,, ...iiim 'I heir stork con. kt. l ,,n,ui sssort'iient of HARDWARE, Q U V. E V S V A R E , Dry diowls, (-Jroctrits, fee Thev ho Mollis e c m . mm 'nniiorit. u lili'I'l .', X'l i'l '.liilill, IPilil" e trnn ,tl 1- j to .1 1 rcr' rrr eil'cn.'i : i ColleefromStolOcentsperprund. MiKar fioin 1-2 to 14 P pound Pepper t cents per pound. PTXVf? ( arpets fiom . u, ()() (, with a spb-nb 1 itsijrtment of Monslin do I lines, Mpio cna, Cala Cloth, cVc-cVc. at ftio same pnipoi- tionrrte prf.-e. fjoTflnber llW) PP.CCLi.Ki.TIClT m P. . . ...... t-. ,, fHEPEAS, the Hon; Josnen B.Asrnotr PiBsident of the CouiU of Uver and far. miner mid General Jail Duliserv, Coint ol'Ouarlc Spssiom of the Pence, and Court of Ciiiiiiiiii. I laso and Orphans' Couil; in tlu Light Judicial Diktricl: comncsed of thn Cnunlii i IWihiin.hoi- hmd Columbia and Lycoming and the Ihu. Sam t'TLOitt arid .Srininx Htur, L'iq'rn A .i. t 'UU)zei in Unlumliu county have issued their pr. . cept beating date the'JOth day of November in t! e year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred am1 forty lix and to ma directed for holdinif Ji Cou. t of Oyer and 'Terminer; and Hen era J ail d livery. General Quarter Ses iion of the Pence, Common J'liutund Orphan's Court, IN DANVILLE in the County of Columbia on the third AAmday ol January next bem the lain oayj ana to continue two wet-lit: Notice is therefore Iwiehv civento thet'orone; the Justices of ihelVacit nnd Constables of ihe miii! county of Columbia that they bo then and theie in iheir proper persons at 10 o'clock in the fore noon of siid day whh iheir records inquisitions and other remembrances to do those lhiiif;s which to their ntficers appertain to be done. And thut-e that ate hound by recognizances to prosecute ujjainsl the prisoners that aro or may be in the Jail ol said county of Columbia; aiulo be then and there to prosecute against them us shall ha just. Jurors are repieskd to be puortnal in iheir attendance agreeably to their notices. Dated at Danville the 2dd day of Deinr ember in the year of our Lord one thousand eiiiht hundred and forty -si t arid in the VOth year of the Indt peu dcruo ul i tho United 6'tntfs of AmaricB, HEN J IIAYMAN, SiViT. ' No Humbug. " WE A HE NOT PUFFERS. Ta.TKITilEI! are we eninr; to tnllt about ' War ' between the Ulii'ed States and Mexico;' nor ul telling good 10 per cent, lolowcily prices.' .M'liiier nro wn going to string toeelher in our od vciliseincnts every thing we ha-.c for sale, from a ' needle lo an anchor,' but tnaik what we tav A u arc going to Keep as nice a variety of Goods, I !ioth (unlity and price, as tliost who make more noise in the papers thun vse do, W'e liave pur-i.lia:-ed our goods ns chean an it is possible lo buy ihoin.iitid we will sell thuin ua chtap, if our friends will give us a ca I at our recently erected bv K. H' 1HGC!. directly orsno- silo the new Court House, and next door nouth of Deobler a Hotel, we will show them nn ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS -Reeled expressly for their accommodation. A "loiijj th articles of DRY GOODS we hare French and Ainericsn CLOTH'J, Cas siineres, Mittinetts, vesting, de. Ac. For llm Ladies wo hove Cashmces, Monslin lo lains. Cidimere Holies, Cl .aking, P.ints of ev ery style and pricefium4 lo 45 cents per yard, ha .s Is, (dnves. Sic. d'c. in fact every variety of merchandize, usually kept in country nlorca.beaides some things a little different. Also au and taps of evory dcacriptlon. As for our GROCERIES, I'd! and examine thorn for yoiirselvnand you will find ihem excellent and very cheap. They Invo also an assortment of QUliENS AM) IURDWARR. And the best of MACJCBR12L Irish Salmon of a superior quality. Allofvvhu ii will he dis pose.! ol i.i cxthaiige for Cash i r Country Pn SLOAN & Mi lilooms W'. Nov: 7, 18-10 i'D.NIIALL. LATEST AM) CHEAPEST. GEORGE WELTER, is ;csr OrENI.NO 11 IS Fall and Winter Goods A N D pun hasera will find a ficth and If ndii: Q msortuifiit of l)y Goods, Greenes, Qitrmwre Hardware, Cecunoarc, Huts, Lps. v mil C.'l'CS, 4'C. '"onsisiina in pnrt of Cloths, pluin and fancy Car "in.eies, t)rei;oi (.iliisgotv and Keniucltv jenns -.'il'lio Its sod vcstintjs.tilpacca and parumniis rlollo riencli Ca-dunerc and ca-hmoretts, inoittlin ib ! lins and prints of Iiih moM fasbintiublft stvle,cah. nii'rcs lunda ihil'tt, A.DL. Uam.h and woo l'.iawla, To all tho'ii wishing fishion.ibl"! and chfa ,'oods thn best nppoiliitntv now oil'em. Call rar vliil.j the a.sottmeut is full for the rarest of bar : lin-i, Oct3t, Ml AVERS JURY. Sscnnd week January rerin 1RI7 Drlcrcreeli. Jneob Rider, enry DVterich, M. V .l.i'ksoii, Archibald eury I'.loom. Casper Kressler. I ieoruc Joint. I entre, Jscoh He.o, W'illism Keb bncr, Jowpl Polie, Levi A. H ''ntlawiBH. Issue S. Munire Kishinpcretk. David Auconha:h, fcKinne Buckah'W Grctir.vocd. Isaac Kvara, lisa' PkbIh.', Phi!t Ree? Tf..l..l. '.'!:. t n...j cm. r ,'k In.nicl F..,n t, Robert Tdgar ,rliprv, Jns j,,,,,,,, Ke,r Ma,ii,-. Allraham Broad. ar.o., MiS,, Trnoallerlnckcr William While ; : Rout inert-k. lu.lnh Cheiir.glon, Gcnr Fetter man , gr-qfrrT"f . ?)hn fl'J?'1'? ' iViittv" DVid Mattel!, Ca; i C IIAHLKS U. BUCK A LEW A Homes' t lMi Jpct South side of Main-H. below Market YUV lL-v?7Em ' COURTS IN In.) uKjf 0F coBiA jus j ice or the peace; AND COVfiYAitEK, Uf.OO.WSUURo, COL. CO.. OiTice, 1!oriief f t.Ml ikJ Mt,MnMtaj oeorrF g. waller; Al!opner at Law. HwoMdjirjKO, CoLnMau Conxrr. Pa Office on Market a few door', ulcVt Afuin. uiret4 - Plf So W. WISA WTO ' "' ALOOMSBURO, Pu. W3I. Jl. HAWKIXS, M- T) fSijicin aii.l siinr-on. fAVLN O located himself jn M00niH,,ur ders Ins nroiCFsini,,,! c,.,l ",''" He tnny hc consulted , .1. , . . P.. 'Iic Wdlhm Rohiso,1?, pp0sit Dof bler a Hoitl ' " august U, LHVi 18 CTTllE OLD STAND Right Side Up! Wim. uIcKELVY & CO. 5NFORM the public that thy Hre atill dnin business at the OLD STAND, in Z Hay and havi5 Ju,t received and now opening moot tl.B lcrt and mo meuah6 usJlllluI PALL AND WINTER evorbrou-lit into tin. iieiBhborhood, aro dotarmin edto conln.ue doing business iu tba amuu old Mbl Uay,' that they may keep up with tint limes and sell, as usual, as low as they can bo pur chased elsewhere iu thu county. Among tliuir DRY GOODS may bo fuiind Mouslin de alnei, Cobur? Cloth-, nev style. ifC'lcahing, Egyptian-Vtlueti, Cahcoetfromll lo 20 cents ptr yari Cns?imeres from 27 12 to H;o Cents per yard. CLOTHS from 75 Cents lo SG ptr yd. as will as all other kinds of cloths fol ..adies' rl Gentlemen a wear from a Cup for -lie head to a stocking for the foot, at the same reduced low tu ces. They have nl o an usually rSo assortment .j 0 E 0 0 E K 1 E S , 1 1 A I U ) V A K E , tO U E E N a WARE, CEDARWARE. and a general apartment of all kinds of HOOTS AND SHOES, ,or mi.ii uenticmcn. Also, a large lot of EColled auI Hjunmcred Bar ami otlior lrou, suitablo for almost ony uso in the country. All of whicliihey will .chane for Cash, Coun try Produce or Lumbci upon such terms as that all who tradc with thum will bo atisfled. JJe.ura and CALL AT THE OLD STAND. N'overubor 14 FANCY AND WINDSOR Chair Manufactory. Q32 NEW FIIiMXS ' Look iccil lo your interest! Refore y nu purrhase, and if ynu wan ;'ood ;;argains, j'usi call at ihe shop of nOON Jk CARTON on Main street nearly opposite C. Kadlers "Hire, where you can find them rraiiy it all limes to furnish Fancy and indsmr chairs, aeiicea, Uoston Rockini chairs, or any kind which may be called for, as ihey will always Iihvo on hand a good ansoru .neniofall kinds which they will sell at the lowest priee possible for cash or ex change fni lumber or country pioduee; Fnim iheir long- experience in business snJ i tle'erminaiioii to do wnrk which cannot be surpassed in the county, thev ik for a hate of public patromge. 7hey will alsu exeruiB Ihuse. Sign, and ornamental Faint, ing and House Papering . in the neatest and most approved style and upon reasonable lernip, BOON & RARTO.V. IPonmtibtirg Oct. 14, 181fl. 20'y CARPETING. new siipjdy of elegant raTpntitip jmt reciv. cd ai the new store. L. B. RUPERT. Aug. 1 TWO APPRETINLS. To 1 1 1 C A R I ' E N r E R 1 N O C U SINE 5 S gtA wanted immediately, Two active lads Iti r 17 years old will receive good encour errement upnn appiicaunn io ' mini re r;nilti Blootmhnrg November U CARPE'l INO. The snVcbin have on hand Mme spleYtl'd In rain nnd V'errctia tVpeting which thay wili ral