rtfl rfl A id I Jw.' I I I 1 NT I have wnrnnpon the Alter of Jol, eternal hostility to every form of Tyrauny ever the Mind of Man." Thom Jefforeon If. WEBB, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Volume . OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT Soum side or Main, a few poors bc low Markkt-sthkkt. TV nor. UMIiM DEM0CRJ1 Twill be published even Saturday morning, al TWO DOLLARS per annum payable half yearly in advance, or I wo Dollar Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year. No subscription will be takenor a shorter period than nix vionths; nor any discon tinuance permitted,until all arrearages are discharged. ft D VER TISEMEXS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the Jirsi three insertions, and Twenty-five cents for every subue aucnt nser'tion. ICT liberal discoun ma le, to those who advertise by the year LETTERS addressed on business, viml be post paid. From this .New York Spirt of the Time APFLYING THE PRINCIPLE. BV THE YOCNG 'i:N. Jl biace of legs, thrust considerably too far thro' a pair of moltlnl pants, and attached to couple of the largest -i zed feet, which were encased in twin cow liide brogani, formed under pinning to long, slab-sided body otherwise ger.er cus proportions, the whole being sur mounted by a head, which was covered with a gray 'five year olJ' (at loast) seal skin cap. The sum total legs, pants, feet shoes, body and chapeBti was the properly, by possession, of Mr. Z?nas Humspun. Zenaa had been on 'a bai' during tlu night previous, and had squandered full half a dollar on himself, in while ey eweetning. But his returning sense triads him feel philosophical and on the motning we speak of him, lie stood si an early hour in street gBzing me chanically at the telegraphic wire so liliquizing, thus wis: 'ic! That's the lelegrujff W 'ic well, I don't poorseive nuthin' per 'ic culler 'bout them sti ings.on'y one' bigger 'en t'othei -ic' That's the 1 ghtin' line, big 'un,'siid an urchin in the door way near by. 'When does she 'is atari?' 'You'd belter ax in lhar.' 'In the office, up thar.' The loaier was shown to the door of the building; and 'by lmok or crook' found his way up three flightg of stairs, into the Telegraphic office. The attendants enquired 'what the gentle man had to forward.' For'ud- ic who's she! What will you send?' 'Send whai?' 'This is the Telegraph office, air' Well 'ic who'n thunder said it wasn't' I supposed yau had business, sir-' Nuthin' o the sort ic', q ' i i t e the the re 'ic verse o' the conlruiry.' 'What will you have?' I want to make some'ic quiries.' T'le hour being early, & little doing the clerks very charitably deiermined to have ome fun with the fellow, with the view to sobering him. The opportunity for anything gratuitous escaped them, how ever for as they commenced a consul tation upon the best means to benefit the intruder, he sleppedupto one of the batteries, which happened fortunately to be but lightly charged, and conclud ing that the nobs were portable, he put led his cap over his forehead and bI tempted to remove one ol the ball, tlu next moment Zenaa lay stretched upon the floor. He arose as beat he could, and turn ing to the cletk, with Look here, Mister 'ic wot's yure name? I kin lick ss many sich like kuoks as you, as cculd be diuy into HLOOMSIUTRU, COLUMBIA COL NT V, PA. SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1847. - - - ' - J n '" i"ir; " ,; '"' " ' ' '' 1 '""' '" rr it r- . r --- fortT eiker loi Wot in did yet 'ic nock an innersent man down that. wv fei? Kh?' Nobody touched you' said thp eleik. The they 'ic didn'i!' No, air. Yon took the' Took wot? Yere's yu-r contempt hie copper' and proceeded to dash a loose penny towards the attendant, which lay upon the machine his fingers fame in contact w;th the battery, and awiv he went again heels over head, across the floor. 'Look ere enn'inued the surT"rer, who by this lime.was well nigh sobered 'od blast yer infernal pic'ur, what in thunder are you 'bnott1?' 'You miMln'l bundle the tool.-' ob served the clerk, nearly bursting with laughter. Look yere! Mr. YVoi's your nam ain't to be fooled this yer way fo ntithin'I arn't. Hy thundet! I'm a independent individonal,! am and this yere norkin' people down5 without no lice of no kind, arn'tlhe thing, by Ef you'll open that yere door I'll go out o' ihis, and no quelion asked ' 'That's the door, sit' 'Thai brass handle?' i Yes.' I'm blnwrd if you do, though! This child don'l meddle wiih no more hud ware in ihis trap no how?' The donr was nppned by the oleik. and the frllnw sidled cut. suppress ed laugh prevailed Ihe countenaceof ihe attendant, as Zpnas departed, which, as the door closed, vented i'self in a broad haw haw. 'You'r a smart young genlleman vnu are?' bnvled the loafer, through the keyhole as he held the donr fast will both hanct 'you're a very smart young may be! You'd like lo git cut 'o that. uid goto your breakfast, bimcby; may ht! A u' of ve r do pit any eruh afon loon, j-st let a feller hoot my sz know of it will yet.' I'll tract) you k knock people down, gimulianeoiM'y, lm othin' 1 will' and, from the piepan- lions making on (he outside, the pros pect was that the 'insider' wtre lo b made prisoners. A thought struck the attendant. ) isconrecied the wirp, and pUring it n ontaci with the nob of the door on the midf ,his companion let on Ihe bitteiy. fhe door flw open instantaneously nd our valiant stranger, wiih the seal kin cap, was discovered in the act ot antiangilar descent down stair", the ide of his head scraping Ihe paint Irom the edges of (he steps, and his leg, meantime performing an involuntary piroutte, which would have doue infi niie credit to a French dancing master. It so chanced thai Znas had purchas d a bunch of lucifer matches the night before, which had been deposited in hi coat pocket. In his progress down the stairs the matches had become iguited.oV by the lime he had reached the fir.it fligh he had partially recovered from the first (Teds of 'the ahock' but the fluid ling fd through hid veins, his coat tiile were on fire, and he was not 'set for ward' in his imagination any, by thi last effort of hii tormentors. lie ds covered the fire, and presumed It wa;- pari and parcel of the 'ousid invention' he sprang lo his fret, and with boih band briskly at woik behind, for the purpose gf smothering the flame, which was roasting Ihe seat of his inexprest bias he 'put' for the street door at ful gallop! 'Fire.' Fire.' Help yere Ow! muni fire.' help!' shouted ilia vieum, as he lartcd into the stteet. Away he dashed towards Bdtimore, A a speed which the 'lihtin' line' itself might have been p'oud of. Luckily, a a rquare elf he discovered a servant with V hose attached to one of the hydrants busily engaged in washing off the pav meni. lie rnhed to the spot a id lurn ing short before him a posteriori he begged him, At the lop of his voice 'foi God's sake' to 'put him ou'' Perhaps his sable friend's eyes didn' glislf n, may be his 'ivory' didn't shine as he charitably turned Mne current of i hat stream upon the unmenlionablt portion of the poor devil's netberment'- The fne was extinguished withoj serious damagps,'as the papers siy 'h loafer wis thoroughly saturated am! having exchanged hib'tieavy inside wet' lor a skin drenching, he departed, per 'eciiy sober, amidsi the j r s of ih crowd who had witnessed the finue most vociferously cursing all improve menls in magnetism and combustibles! NO PAY NO WORK. Little boy, will you help a poor oh' man up the hill wiih his load.' These words were apoken by an olii (gray headed man who wasdiawing .'i.' . . . .. handcart which contained a bag of corn for the mill- I cae'i I'm in a huny,'said Hanson, ihe boy addressed. He was in a hurry to get to ihe echool-huusc, thai he might enjoy a fe minute' play with boya before school! began. I'he old man sal down on a stone at the foot of ihe lull lo rest himself, mmI gather strength for the ascen', lie gaa nd after Hunon as he p.issed npidly on, and sighed as he ihotigUt of the days of; his youth now so far off in the disiaiio ind of the Iriends of his youth now ir the grave. A tear was brgining n. gather in his eye, when Jjhn Wilgnn enme along and said, 'Shall I help ym. ip Ihe hill with your 'load, sit?' The old man brushed I is eys will he i uff of his coat and replied, 'I shal e gUd to have you;l iiave tin rheum;i ism in my tight arm so badly that it i t no use lo me, and my lelt mm w lever very suong.' lie aiotie and Inking the tongue ol lis curt while John pushed h nil, the) sennit d ss rapidly as his fa I eiing atej e would permit. When ihey ieclied thi tup of t!ie hil they discovereil a rent in he b.ig on the under Side, from which the corn was tscaping. Wiih gieat el (oi t f and con.'-i lar.ible expends of time he bag was tinned, solIM there was no further lose of corn. 'I'm much obl'gad to you,' said tin ))J man, as John set out upon a tun fn the school housp, 'and may the Lord ie ward you' This last expteaston w.- not heard by John. When John reached the school-houae. he was about ten minutes tco late,and in consequence received a mark for the want of punctuality and promptness. Ii he had lold (lie teacher the ci'se ol His detention, be would have been ex i?used; but he thought il would look a little ostenla lion lo do so. Al tecess.IIsnsen said to John,'Wha did you get a mark for?' Because I wasn't here when schoo begun,' said John. 'I know that; but why wasn't you here in time? You were only a lntlc vays behind me al the foot of the hill.' 'I know it.' 'I suppose you s'opped lo help oh1 Slevenson up the hill with hU gnt. IL nied to stop me, but I don't woikfoi nolhiog.' 'Nor I neither.' I know you don't; you got a mark fer your job this morning, that's all you 20 1. 'You ilont know that.' 'Did you get anything else?' '1 didn't do it oxpecting to get any thine for it.' 'What did you do u for then?' Kecause I ihoughtl oufthUohsIp the poor old man.' "P6811 10 American people; and, in doing It is ihe business of his relations to il w" bolh ,lis "ib and his duty to de help him?' nounce those who were engaged in an un- I. is everybody's business lo help ev. h,0' e.ff,,rl ,0 balk 8nd 10 ,hwarl ,he elTor.a J J Af thai MmiMl. ... ... I ery body who needs help.' If you are a mind to be such a fool . . .. o woi k for nothing you may. No Pay -No work, is my motio.' To be kmd and tenderhearted rnyof which lhe wor,j WOuld juilge for ihem rnnttnt John might have said with truth tjul he did not say so. John did not hink he woi ked for nothing when he irerformed acts of kindness. In the first place ,he had the approbation of his con science, and regarded that aa worth omeihing. In the second place, he uid Ihe pleasuie of doing good, and re yarded '.hat as worlh something. And n the third place, he had lhe gratitude nd love of many, and he regarded tha is something. And finally, ho had the livine promise of a reward for even so small an act of benevolence ag giving cup of cold water lo a disciple; and lht he regarded ss worlh s great deal. Did he work for nothingDoes anybody work foR nothing when he does good. JrT'During debaie in the House ol Representatives on the lOih of December, 1816 on a motion tu refer the President' Message to the appropriate rommitlee' Mr. Kenedy, while rallying to Mr.Seriiiy, mnilii the folbwing remarks: Mr. KENNEDY d'd not suppose it ve ry material to thai committee lo know weth er he had intended lo speak on this occasion or not. The gpriilnman over the way.how ever, tiad infirmed ilium that he bad not ui- itnded to make a speech now, bu", was in- luted to do so thil lie might bring himsell under '.he denunciation ol the President n he United States. And did the gentleman, hen, intend to 'give aid and coailorl to qui rneinieel It was against such persons on- y that the President's dennneialinn hart tieen ilireciodi When Mr K. heard ill gentleman sy this, he tSnughi that, if suet was his olj'ct, bo must be possessed 01 nervp, both mornl and physical, equal to ali hat he professed. For a man to avow I ha ihe object of bis speech was lo g'ne aid am! oinlori lo the enemies of his country, prov I'd that he had neive indeed. Mr. GEN TUY inquired whether the I'pntleman was meaning lo speak of him? Mr. KENEDY Btiid, as he had detlareil tiis objeclto be to bring himself under the lenunviation of the President, and as the President had denounced only those who gave aid and comfort tu our enemies, he in (erred thai such must be the gentleman's ob ject. Mr. GEN rUi said bis object had been io show bow much he despised and scorn- id It i t7i . Mr. KENNEDY, resuming, said thai, hough I lie gentleman m i lit have displayed some ability in giving nut and com fori to die enemy, he had exhibited a great wain of tact in doing it; and though if Mexico might show gieat zea! and courage on tlx lie hi of buttle, her friends tdiowcd but lililt skill in their movements on this floor, Mr. GENTRY said the gentleman, ol course, had a right to draw any conclusion from his speech which he close, but when ne contended that Mr. G. had had for hie object to aid and comfort the enemies of hi itountry, he inferred what whs without foun Jalion. What he had spoken fot whs, to show that the President bad violated the Constitution, and to remind the Representa lives of the people that a usurping l'resi Jem was more dangerous, if not resisted, than hundred Mexican armies. Mr. KENNEDY asked if ihe gentleman mended to add thi to his speech? It he lid, it was not fair. Mr, sho ltd not stop to comment on the gentleman's langnge or gesture when peaking about the Diutuoitcy's fawning on the public power; he lliougbl it neithci very classical nor very beautiful. Did the'riven us to the wall; they bad driven us to gentleman feel himself to be capable of such lhe necessity of vindicating our national conduct? If not, why did he impute it to other? Mr. K. showed that he held him elf above all such motives by refraining from charging ihera upon his opponents held h the President had a right C , ' , 7 g 8 " W,r as1 . . . . , inf'Or in the manner the otise had vrneu. ed. If he denounced their conduct in turn, a fair issue was made up between the paitiec selves. If gentlemen had a right to charg improper and unworthy mniivea upon the Administration, surely the Admiristraior bad the same right on its pari. Why should the power of speech and of Ihe press belong only to ihose who libelled their own Government? He had not understood th righw and duties of American repsenlative in that light. It was sometimes said we were a great people, and a great Congress; but what were we doing? Here was the seconi! week of the seoond session, and afier wc, the Srs session of this same Congress, passed a vou leclaring the war, hpro we were criticising md denouncing our own President for car rying oul that declaration; and all ttYs in the face of our enemy. The oldfashioned wiv of proceeding was, when men thought a war was wrong, lo vote boldly and oppnly e- ijaiiist it, and lo continue lo denounce it all through, as was done by some in our las war. True, they had had their epitapl written by lhe finger of public scorn; yet hey were at least entitled to the praise ol honesty and consistency, How did ;hej land in comparison with men who first vo ted foi a war, and then denounced il as un holy? A man might be honest, and still vote against a war in which his country tvas engaged; but he man who first voted for a war, and then denounced all who car- iediton, W8sa knBve. What, were wi 'ecome so thoroughly degraded thai wt vere afraid to take the responsibility of out wn acts? Were gentlemen willing liret u neak into a war, and then to sneak oul of t? Hut the gentleman had said that Congreat tad been constrained to vote a lie, or lo acrifie Taylor and his brave little army. Dtd not the gentleman, when be gave thai vote, know perfectly thai before that lirm General Taylor had either extricated him jelf, or was beyond the rearli of what tha' vote would do for him? Certainly he did;' and therefore, Mr. K. sat down all he saio in that subject a whai western people call ed cli-ihmaclaver. Did gentlemen, when they voted to givf ihe President ten millions of dollars and fifty thousand mer, expect tint was to lib erate Taylor fiom his dangnf No, not a- dl. Nn: it was lhe old leaven thai was h work. Gentlemen were against thejr n- natinn's war, but they had before then eyes the dread of the denunciations of a vinuous people, and thereforo they dared not vote against it.- but now they wanted to crawl out from under the weight of their own vote declaring the war and providing I'ur it, and Ivy a!l the blame upon the Presi- lent. This might be all very fair and very lion orable, but how would gentlemen lookiSUp- posing they could succeed in convincing mankind tPat our rountiy was engaged in an unjust war? Did they want lo disgrae their country? Did they want what iho said believed abroad? No; be did not think they were as unpatriotic as Ihey affected lo be. They did not, in their hearu, believe this war to be wrong. They knew tin war hau been lorceu upon us. J bey well knew that if England bad pursued sui Ii a course toward us, or anything like it, we should have declared war long, long ago But Mexico was our neighbor,, and her gov ernment approximated at least to a republic and she hail much of our y inpiihiee as hav ing one, resis ed the tyranny of .he mother country But Mexico bad taken advantage of this feeling on our part, -and had made an onalaught upon our people. They bad dignity. Vut Mr K. would tell them what was the true seciet of all their complaints: .i .1. .i .I i . , uiougu uiey oeneveu tnoir uovernraent wa bound to make wtr, they hated lbs head o! .If umber 37 (o.the Government so profoundly, because h was i uemocn , 'hat, though they welj knew ihe war lo be right, for she poor, ptt ful end of puljjng him dgwo and getting 'he reins of power into their own hands, they thus violently denounced the war. Was it creditable lo them thus to give aid md comfoit lo our enemies? Was not such. course rather unpatriotic? Here waa our Government engaged in righteous war, md they, knowing this to be so, set them elves to work to frustrate and embarrass its .irogress, and to denounce the President for partying it on. The truth, lhe whole truth, was, thai lhe Administration had carried otj the war with more success iharj gentlemen thought they could or would have done. Now if, instead of ihis, our amy had beet) badly whipped two or three limes, and we) had lost a part of our teiriiory, ('especially in Texas, would not gentlemen have corns here in a much better humor ihao they were in now? Mr. K had no such ihinp ss per sonal dislike to gentlemen who thus acted; be knew, on the contrary lhat very many of them were clever fellows; but ihey cer tainly were in a great error. What baij ihoy done? Had ihey not ordered too President to carry on this wai) And wbaj then, did they complain ol? Thai he had conquered California and New Mexico? No; but only thai he held on to them, ('hey were for his not holding to the posi tion we had gained. Jl lo executive usurpation, the most per tinacious, captious quibbler could find noth ing to quibble about. Where was all thil lo end? Did gentlemen mean to cripple the Administiation ia carrying on this war? Was that their object? If il was, let ihern ay so. Uiu iney want us to lose some of )tir territory? How could a genlleman, 'oriiing himself from a slave State, attempt, is the gentleman from Tennjssee had done, to throw firebrands among his own house- 'told, and to set up tbe slave States against he fret? The gentleman had intimated hat if we did gel any of the Aexican territ ory, tbe moment we got it we should fall o and quartet about it like dogs over a one. He could tell the gentleman :hal ha ;reatly feared 'his wish was father to hie nought.' He thought that the Democracy mild not be whipped unless suoh a fire brand wis thrown among them. But tha gentleman showed thai he did not under- -uand the nature of ihose ties by which the Democratic, party was held together. He judged of thera by lhe Whigs and thpiighf what would separate lhe Whigs would scp- irate them but no, they did not regard such telly matters, They held by great natioo- I questions they were united on the in- icrent rights of men their right lo self- government. their right lo prevent the few fioin prey ing on lhe many These, and such principles as these, war what belt) ibem so firmly together. But the gentleman apprehended tha( there were some who were trying to break, ur Union; he wondeied whet could have put that into the gentleman's head. Ha jtui wanted to see any man try it. He on Id tell lhat gentleman that if all the poli tician! jn bolh our great parties were lo lay aside all party strifes, and unite hand (q '.and lo effect a dissolution of this Union, hey could nol do it. No, the great masses f the people knew full well its Inestimable value and tbsy would hiss oul of sight the nan who should propose to Ihe u such an id and he would soon become what aH would sooner or later become who occupied, themselves in vilifying their own Govern-; ment when engaged in a just war. Mr, K. had not risen here to vindicate the Piesidenl he cared no moie for tha 'resident than he did for any oihrr man lhat treated him genteelly. Dot he was the executive magistrate, and Mr. K. hnpei) 'ie should be spared the self-mortification i,f ever denouncing him as a liar, Mr. K . isserted that if the Pre-ident had failed lo idvan.e his army to the Kio Grande, when. and as he had done, and to maintain hi potition there, he would have been justly mpeachahle, and, what was worse, be be ieved that in thai case the Opposition ould have tried their hand trt impeaehinj urn. We had adopted Texas into Ihhj Union