The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 26, 1846, Image 3

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    ,, 1 Wl not be eoi fumed u n tlio nine
i-hall be pun! first by lhe peunonem.
Pamphlet Laws 1813 page 32-3
Ami then, hv the U. li Secimn of hi
Acipiftied I1MI1 April 181(5, lor. untii.'
m l ia c xictult d to the county ol Col illibla,
h follows.'
fuCTI-'N 10 Tiisl provision ill Hn
fi r 1 ; second, tli l i.l wild low III iecuon id at.
aci, entitled '.n Ai l relative lo public rodr.
in certain counties therein named,' passed
llie 'J J:li day lYbuary, A I). 1845, be am!
they are hereby extended Ij the count) l
Columbi '.
Pamphlet Laws 1810, p:ige 288.
The diiiie of Viewers itmler lhe forio
ing law ata clearly pointed out, and may be understood.
Notioi:. Under 'J.I Seet. ncl of 1815. an)
one or all the viewers shall give the public
notice therein mentioned, in the lolloping
1. In all eaues of a view of a public in
private road.
2. L nil cases of a Review of a public
ro. d.
And the viewers or reviewerx, ax the cm'
n ty b;, should forth in their report i.i
the Con 1 1, that sic;!) notice was given, in
canes where it is necessary
liei.KASKS. These are only to be procur
ed in caie of a public road; by viewers to
lav out such public road if they report in it
favor, or by reviewer in case they lepori
in favor of a change of luru'.ion in the road
lln-y were appointed lo review. The He.
leases should be under scul and in favor ol
the county.
Damaged In asses-i )g 'a s the view
ers or reviewets, wc (oppose, are 'to take
into comideratioi) the advantages derived
from such road passing through the land'
ol the person claiming dni'aaesi us provided
by 9di. Sect, act of 13 June 18UG, relaiinK
to roads, highways and bridges Aid d;m
gers are to be allowed nut for the soil itself,
but only a right o( passage over it by the
public. It is the duty ol tha viewers or re
viewers to lake into consideration a well
the possibility of the road levening bac k ti
the proprietor of the soil, by being vaciited
9l some future day, us the rights luft to him
under and over the highway in subservience
to the public passage; and aUo, the advan
tages derived by the owner Irom the road
passing through Jiis premises, which in
some instances makes the rtsidue more
valuable than the whole was before, and in
most cases gives increased value to the re
mainder. In some instances however, the
total value of land taken may be lest.
These are considerations which Viewers
ifcc should weigh in determining the ques
tion in regard lo damages. (8 Wa:ts 177
It will make no difference in allowing
d.nnaL'Cs, whether the claimant for then) it
a petitioner for the road or not; (.)
It is the duty of the viewers oi reviewers
in tl e first place, to procure releases if pos
sible, and this provision being for the pro
tection of the county treasury, should bt
scrupulously obeyed.
(real care anil judgement should be ob
served in the assessment of damages, as it
seems that the court must reject the road al
together (unless he petitioners for the road
will pay them. J or allow the damages a
stressed out of the county treasury. Tin
court, it seems, cannot appoint a view fot
reassessment of damages.
Sh igl.ii g ;s gocd and L'tiisirirs-s brik
in liloomsburg.
Cor.i's, (,'ui ens, ('ilvsi mi'tidn. cvc.-- It s!i mli! ill it a coni;li isuhvays an eiiileie-i
tlint some i.-iipurily is lodged in tin; im'-. wlucli il
not speedily removed will no irritite; d.dicale
organs a; t.) prodnej inl iiiimiilion n I lit: u:-y a
di.-i'ase which we all know is the hiji'i roa.l to eon
kUinptlon. Wright's liitliiin V(:;rtnLk 1'ilh nr.' sufe ea-
and ciii tain ftno lor eohls and coughs I'ecau.-e Ihei
ca'ry oil' by the stomai h and lunvels liioe inoilm!
humors whieh if deposited upon the Iniiys am ih,
cause of the ahnvc J uienuis cinpl lints. A sin
f!)e. twcnty-lie cent box of s.iid Indian Vegetal. It
1'ills is jeiici-ally sulllcient lo m.ikf! a perfect cure
of t'.ie in i-t ub.ilin ate cold; and ;it the .-.jine lime t'o
cieslloli is improved and the lilood so coinj.lcti l
purified thai new life and vijj.ni4 arc given to tin
whole frame.
ffcWAiir. nr C irvrF.ari-.i rs. The imhlie an
cautioned against llie many spin ions niedii i;-,-whieh
ie onh r to deceive ate callrd hy names sim
ilar to 11 itht's Indian M e-'iildi; Tills.
The tiult o'o-(ii a, td ifrriiiinc. Indian
Vegetable Fill have the si-tiuitift ;
ll'm If'fizht writtai with a pun nn lb'
top uhel of Each box. 'Fa countertit
this iJarcnj and all others jhuitld b
ihiuined as poison
OliiiTS devoted exclusively tn the s lie ol Yr!'Jit'
lidiurl Ycctiihte I'ilt-i wholesule and n:lail, Hi'J
Haec S-. eel I'hil.i lelphiu; V!SS Ureeuwich trtd
Iew Voik; and IU3 Tremont ."Slreet, Huston.
Aent for I)loo:iisliur, Gcoigo Weave-, for oth
er iL' tee advertisements in another column.
.4 Quantity
nf i iiLsji nrrn.K v
. . .1 O. ... I...
ha.J at tin
Sheriff SaBcs
V virtue i.f a writ ol vend ex. In mi- diiec'cl
will I... n el t.. null it sale ut the Cl-uit
ti.iuic in uiiviilf, mi
Muh.iiiij the Ifit'i day tf Ja'Hrny. next,
,n I u'vlnik, I'. M. tin' billowing propcity, lo wit-'
A'l II. i r k!'i . 'Hie .ii il in I
l" '''hi"
! n;li h in ci" tain lots ut 'jpuiud i-i t ) "to n
il.iuulie, Lolumlua tiiuiil) . continuing two ntwii'n,),) ,UTI.H ,,fivliii li la clcan'd lird, limnuleil hy
IuIk, I'liumli d ill I'.i lit l i'ii.c ill n't, mi die east (inuld tsi,. Crevlinu, J.uiili W'tsn III r, 1ii-liuei
hy factory slioel. n 'lie will It I'V a" alley and on ya(lV( ueker, I'.lias :! lleiny and utli i-we.-l
liv lot in p.i'M's-iiin of da lin Me' 'cilli-liT, W,.J(., (. erected -iu;hi-vii; Housct and
Alieiiuin m en-i led nM.ainc I,..,; e 101.I (.l.ilile, Vt illl
die iiiii i-i-iiain es.
hi-icJ. l iken in and to iu Kuld an the
ii:oeilv ol U.ln lli,;:lo.'.
A ce.l.iin lot ol'i; rilnalu in the lioiouli
of ciwick, rolinnli.a i-oun y; cimtAining
line cigill id an acre inoie oi lusa, liouiido.l in IV ml
liy front street adjo;niii!; lot of 'ull and
John Snyder, wliereou in elected a fiame ilwcliiiii;
liouseodil ,lde wi'li t lie aiipui lenances.
.S'ciiid laken in emotion and to lv sold as tile entie I .ml aner
proiierlv ut' Milu-i K. l'raii. Deirv Andiew lls ( 'iiinmin
Alii50 Friinklii, .Vfilliam IJoid-ImcIi
A l.I l!m ri;;ht, title and interest of the delend- j Fi-limu'ereek W illiam J'ark, John ho.ani,
. ant in a'cerlum Had ol land sitifa e in Main! ''' It. Kline
lovmsliip, Coluioliia cuiilV, cnUiuiim iHi a iea (iieenwood- ilium Dyer, William .Vathcrs
more or le.s, liounded hy iand-of Henry AliUe.,! H'-mloi k-James Koat
losepli M.wldler and oihers, hereon is erected a ! Malioiiiuji ( 'lia. Ich Conner, I lionen lurk
le.u Mouse and a Lou Uaru with the un.iiiitciian.'W'iih-ion- William Mosiellei Daniel lioal
t.Jt Mdliu. fharles Wo,kl:eiMT
.S'ii'd, taken in execution and tn he sold as ll Mam-Jacoh (.'eaiiienrt
propei tv ol CalliaiinelJ ..iman. Montour- J.imis W.ioiUiileg, John hieliards
!'r:lllKi Sliimnl llelz
a . - . i . r.., ......I ;,.,,!,.;., t ...1i..n tiovn.' lioarinereek lc Herein Winlrf-teen
.1 Cl'l I till UU HI (juiuiinniiu"..- . - .
diip, t'ohoniiii couiiiy eonl i
or less; UuUllulM " I.IIIIIS III U I 11 1 Ollinu nrioifni
and Ann (Ninth; wheieon is erected a fi aine hou. e
and a frame ham with the app' cs.
AiiSO- One other Lot of (; uuod a .
coiitaininir S." acres ruo'e or h ss; l.oinnii d hy land.
of John Derr; Ann Smith; Jvh.i J'. Lvcj ami
Lli.-ha tinith deceased.
Si i,ed and lakeu in execution and to Ic sold a
the property of Hugh .Mnitli-
A certain tract or piece of land situate in
Siig irluuf lowiiship CJ ol n in hi a Count)
.onlainniJ CI acres more or less, about -10
acres of which is cleared land bounded b)
lands of Smiuel Shultz James .Mather ami
Seized aid laken in execution and lo h"
sold us the property of I'eier liUiigi r with
notice to IJijiiiiin lli-ssterre tenant.
Five lots of ground in Units addition ol
the town of Danville in ColuinhiuCouiii)
oik! ol them situate in M ill and Washing
. . ii i i i- . i . . i ! . . : i
ton streets and ex'eoding cs in Mill strett!
lUdleeini a 1 51't-et alley-, me oilier siui funj
v.jill street on llie south si le of Hie ibo t-1
described lot and unjoining the same t x end
i io back 150 feet lo me aloresiid alley
mi; other lol situ tie on Mi sreel aforesaid
iiljoming llie lol described and a Inl ol
Daniel Uamsev and extending lot) del to
hu aforesaid alley one other lot suu-j'.e
mi Milll s;reel afores iid adj lots oi
Daniel Uimsey and Charles White and ex-
eliding back I5l) feet In said alley, T.,aie
lots are eath 11 feel Iront .ne other lot
-iiuate on Washington street bi iuy 35 leel
ironi and ix'tuding IS5 let t U inches back
hounded bv lautls ol the Mini lour IronConi
paiiy on the west lol of Chailcs White on
lie sotiih 'ait a:id llm s nl ulley on llie east
kjeizedaiiil taken III cxccijlioil and lo he
sold as the propirty of Daniel and l'eici
A I llie right title and initn st of die de
:endaiii tn a certain building, situ ite in the
IS iiough of Derwick, tit the iciiire id M.u
ktl strcci, Cblh d the H. rwick Aeiiimy
Seiz -d taken in execution and to he soli!
as the rnpenv ol ll;u Trusiets ol tie lii-r-wich
A ceriain lot of ground "iiualc in Cen ri
township, Columbia County, emita )
one third of an acre, innre or less, (nininleii
nv I is of Je.-sc Kiikendall, Jnl.n ivuotr,
Siiah Iluck de c, an I the l.uck hn
i. d t iki ii in t X' C ilinii and in
is the property ut I'etei N.-iciiei!i
Al-fcU -
At the s line lime and place, hy virtue o
i sec ind alias levari laeias, nil th it ci rialli
iiessnage and inn t fhlld. situ tie in -M it'
ll ii niviishiti. ('olutiibia Cuuii.v, hoiiinh il
is iollovis, h'l'iiiing hi a comsr i:t a pub ic
mat'. thence hv land par Iv id' Ueniv Yohe,
Ohi.r'.es Miller, and Cliri-ii.ui M ilh-i, South
.ixiv ilenrees. west 151 tierelies. lo coiner
hence hv Ian
i.f Jacob Ko-tenliaili r, a nil
partly ol D.itiul 1 ohe, oi .li .JO iltiirees
vci 155 perches to a post, tln uee by I'tnl
,f (ieoroe Keleluier, Cemoe Die.-ll'T. and
John Ce nhari, South hlj di ui i t-s no I unt
il i!f east Mi perches and seven l nths -in h
ill degrei 8 I-tst (18 petches, linrtli-? tie
ni'.;'l pen-lies south III.) deei.fs
' i-' liv! pen In -. n.n 'Ii 7li -'cjri-i s east 1 li
n.ri h. s :iml inn t nili- in I'e t r Cears
li,l I ,,;ii r I. in'. i'.i 'id h '.he - ion; Sowili
') dierees ei-l ,.''1 p. r. i.e . nl.d seven
eild.S to ll'i' j.l .,-e 1 I 10 e ,i.ii .j 1 ii:,l.-::lne
) ;,i r-s I I I .111 r'.i and 1 l-i'V iliecs lu
ll. s.iiii: inoie i..iss l.ei'.er w I d I :lit-
rt-i'lla'l.l lit.
So .. d I .I,.
a.ol ..p i.'! en .01 1
II 11, 1 i co'l.iii .1 1 1 1 1 10 he Sinii
is r...-
p.'M V .I1 I : ." ' ' 'I ll-tl t.
I.WU N H Y MAN .M.eriil,
Si ir- Udice ;
le I), e 'J.) IS !l.
Is herchv 1'iM'ii that I Law ;unh:i-id al
C, ii. -liable Sale, Hi the property of t 'nam
.7, llnlleiiiaii, ih I . d ' o 1 1 1 if ai l i lts 20
, i ..... . i ..i ...... i. ... oi
variu in i.ii(i.."i, .',, .. , A-",-v IkliM IV inn rt'4-
0f rj,er. half hirril viutyar li tubs S i EAj ''"' d iramu Mjole. nod upon the
arain ( 2 sho'ts- horse-I eel of, jl 5, oil,, r a sni .il Fmuh- Hom-e.
h-.rne- I la,ry--.i.'l .'' I'll th a,l,eito-3f ''hey will oe.-ld t.y,t,vt or f,p
i , ,i I 'nun. lo Mill I uiUi ..i is, ami on reasoiu.-le t.o.n.
ejri s ii ear .eiii c i-n-r '-"Ml1
l.js ri.itff:.loll ilDflu? ii. V J h-.i-ire, and
forbid any person laltinc 'ben Irom h'rti
either bv pin'chite or oihni-e, without
tn y coneeni.
F.Yun.m n.n;.
tiVdour, V.ZZ 1910.
Ti I
V virtue tila temaiiuu vond- vx. to inn ilirrct-
H iff " "- '"-"" " l"""" "ulc 1,lu ""uu
' L-"villo, on
T'li'rsdiiy the 1-17. da; of January next
ut I o'i-I i k, I'. M' lite following pr.)'i'rly, In wit:
A 1 . 1 . the right, tille and iultirc.siof the heirs of
!,, rtr Unit.' ,1,','OU J.l.l III H l'lrt:lill IrHCt 111
I,,, ill tilualc iii I'isliinucici k tow iishin, Columbia
canity, i-niilainiiii! '21)00 acres inoieoi ha ,ui .ml
,lt .h iik: willi lliu BiM'Uitenai'CeK; known aa the
U eidinan land'
ei;cd, taken in rxeculion and tu till void tin the
jiuicr(y ol Anion a kiim, m il
HKNJ W11N II A V MAN. Sheriff"
Siiuni'i-'a (liFiii; Danville: Dee, '!5, 1 Hi li.
For January ''i rm 1817.
i'riercrei k Knos Adams, Nallmli .ecly
tfuLMiloal I'eler Mess, John II. Davis, Thomas
First week. January Verm. 1817.
Uh.oni Samuel liineliard, F.edcrirk Dn hei, Wil
liam llroivn
Ilrierrreck Joseph l'ilkiii;;ton, filbert fowler
Cattawissa John .ic;lcr
('entei lleiijainin Fowlei, Jacob Shellliainnier
)(.riy--Sini1'l Mnllley, J icoh liiddle
I'ishinereek t'dniolid (,'iawford, arman I, alio.
Daniel Kilcheii
Franklin Solomon Hartley
(ooenwuod Isaac 11' Kline
lleml uk Eli Thoiiitou.Johii I'ursel, 31. (i.Hr.e-
lil iker
.lacktoii Wiliiani Lemons, David Ilendey
Limestone John tinith Jai oh I 'nw fold
Mount I'Lasai.t J. W. Vamierslice, Jacob Ship,
M iili-on John Welliver
I .ii ii seth lla.tmar, John K infer
Montour I'eler 1!. Ki.-sel, Jdinea Uarton, J. Me
N inch
Mahoning M. McAllister, U.tvnl Philips, .loin.
Kevnolds, sen. Jacob Keynulils. .laeoh eclilcr.
William Dieet, William Moiean. licu'.icii 'oii
llrau"c- John .Snyder, Jesu tolemau
lioariirrcreek-"S,.m..el diars, Join-' ! :ihi;n;er
David Veisjer. John llerniner. .siln Johnso.i
SiiL-arloal I'hillip Krickbaiun, l'etci Applemaii,
John l.aubacli
UILAI' ! CllEAi' .' CilE.M' !
iikmiy zriM'iM.i:::.
IvSl'KCTl-'I'LI.V informs the pulili,: thi.
h.) has localid liunsi II ill the back rouii
ol I nonius 1 s oiuce, on i in- slip- o
Maikel, above Maiu-sliiet, Dloomsliir, n il h
prepared to
Repair all kind of Clocks ami With dies
In the best manner and on the n usuimlil,
lei ma.
kept constantly on luiml for sale.
December 12, lfjld-dlly
Li. U..
The snh'erilier having hern i ne-uMjil m.' ii
ihiriy years in the .Mere. in, tic IJifiuc-"'
-jvishes In lellfi! a ,d settle up hi' rmieei ns.
and uive youuger hands mi uperrtinilv o
in ikii g moiii v, ofl'i rs Ins I'.'fOj'Eli I Y
l lil.OOM TOW NSIMI'. eensisiii.o i.
smitE. MILL, FAKMS, l'Lr.'N AC t".
Hiid other pi nperiy thin piepenv is situaii-e
.in hit! l''i-lili'L"'ieeli miles from th'
canal and same distance troiii lili'innsl.ui;.'
llie new S.'al of J istice ic is a gii.l lot anon
for any public bn-ine-s. .li!i h-:s Imir ; air .if
Stones, will, the? necessary I'm': an. I nllo'i
matter". I-'urnace calctdali (! tn 1 1 1 .hi; li,".
I'ons 1'iij Iron tier week is suited to use
L, )rt (; (,;,,.,! 0, fi,,,.,.. (:,,,h-is I;. e:i
m Mi !cescl'ul operation lor the past
years. 1 r
hi (ire plentv in the neitfhhnr-
lino I and u,.o.lji,di within a l..'w nub s n!
dip I'uma. ii
( r ooi I s-',l (.no h.i!f the I ;i. n -! in im
properly to a petsoii cililipeli III and Wlillt-a
to t ike a-i ;.e:ive hand in the m in i-'i no'iit.
Mi ess to l.ihlstreul I'ost Oili- e C.i'uinhis
e.iimtv l'i. M. McDOi'i El, I,.
I ) ei-'i.her I), Hid.
The Diuviilt- )i-iiiiiC il Miner-' J nulla'
foot-l ll'i'. I)t :rt 1 Al0s,lvisllil,:ll.'
. Democrat, I i l.It ii. W ill tivn tin
above ,-'( e insertions aiul lol iv . r 1 1 tin-ir b,!l
i ir o iiuieiii to M McDowiil, !,ieh;-Sifi i"
nr tn this nli,v.
2 Ilousns and - LotLi!
I I uli s.Ch.
mlifcriher '!' rs for -
lilS J' I !
i-e It.'ilci
on one iheie
I'll V .11 ll.ll.. I oil M Illl- In e' .
(Ilopkun.' addition) a few doors .i
I-ov-iler-.'. 'I'll.: two lots adj an. I.':
j:- ;i two sliey
p.n up.
""' IUKNAUI) sEY Rio! !',
rrcsh Arrival.
HBI! II siili. cribcri. have just received sod lire
now opening a Nilenilnl anrlllionl ul
which thev nr., prepined to sell a little ('III'AI'Kh
than lliel.dlKAi'LM'.
Dec. 111.
A few HiiitcIk of fist rale No. 2 Mii. kerelitt
j. $H I"'' Uanel 01 J 25 hull lianuU
All kinds id Ufr.VTICV I'lHtOl CK taken in
exi hiinte fn gooda at the New (Vh mre hy
J II 7MHTUN & i'o:
)ec I'J
I I! friends no douht nie nwnm that we
11 iiuiiv inoiicv toeaity 011 our hu-inesn, v.c
iherefore tnku lilis method of inloiliiini; them thai
e are now impaled in liiakini; up hnlances on
liooks. We. expect all those knowinx llieiiibelves
uiilehted to ii on .M)'l -.'. 1H)D 01 HOOK AC-
't)I .N T. of more lhau tun'. ear's stumling, will'
1 I.i. I .1... IW ,f next
and s.-ulu the same wilhoiil imv harder talk In. in
us. W.M. McK'.'I.VV A. Co.
Dei. I'J.
IS 11 LF Kli V 6'!7;N,
praO all h jialccs, creditors in d olher pe suns in
Q lerested in the eslatcs ol the respective dcie und minors, lhatihe ailu inistiation uui immi--
i Ian uccoii nin oi n.e saiij tMiues nine uceii int-u
, ii.-, i ,. i i-
in t he o lies ul the Ueijisler ol the ol U
a .. '.
i.i i . . i . . i ..n..i :
lumliia. and will l e iiresenteil lor eonlirinalloli
and allowa. ce to the fiphaids Court, lo he held
il Danville; in and lor lae county aloresan), on
Wedi. esdoy the 20th day of January, next, at -,
, , 1 1
oelocK, I . VI.
1 The account of Samuel Orea-y, Administra
tor ol the estate of Henry (Jrcjsy, lale of Millhn
township, deceased.
2 I he account of John Jcalcr, Administrator
, I'the estate olj.lliriiliaiii L'caler, lale of 1'isliiii;;
ereel; township, deceased,
3 The account id Th as Mendcnhall, Kxec-
ul.irtif he last Kill and testament of John Smith
late of Sunarloaf town: hip. deceased.
CIIAKi.r.S CONNEU, 1,'cgis'c.r.
Keoisict Ollice, )
Danville, Dec. 18, 1810. S
llLRJlll ! UVRAlll Ill' 1! All!
Bn7li.l 'a not
t ai d a rumpus' lliere has he
V Ci '
w sinco llie arrival I the celebiatcd lioat Mer-
haiit. lniiii;inL' the largest .-.lid eheapesl ia'l!o, his
.season of
whii h were dcpi silcd at
ii M, iii. -.t:i it. fin vnii' now -selling at such a
i.iiiid i.ita i.i c-i.iseipi.'neo of their low prices.
that f.-ars are cnterl. lined that cue half the people
will not jcl their w inter s supply out of this chea
stock. All those, then, who want eoiiil cheap sood.
should call immediately and supply ihemsidve:
wil'i .'; 1 1 li I .ll.s s-'.it!il:. its, I'..-., Over.
coat chilli. Ve.-tin- or of.iitv ih sciipliou of chilli
lor'.. wea. rriuis ol any dcseiiptiou and
pnee. I'..h.i.-I,;ne-, ( 'adimeres, Mousdclaines. 'n'-
li.-haiid 1'ieiii b Miviicvs, Alp'ieeas, and satan
Tnki I V. I 'a .-hnieies or lllankcl Shaw ls, I'eckel bi.-ls. .la, ii i,: ! und Sci.-s Lili-iill! uui
f iisi-ci i.ui. lilovcsN,i,-,:i:.. in f.P't any thiin,' el-c
ihal may I..' wanted, Von cannot a.-k amiss,
CROC ER IK V -ll. llUlW. IL'K JlSD
ud von n.av :il-o h ii e vnur i 1. 1- not of nn e I en
nve as-orl nt of I.MH.I til l: Mil SliOV.S
..nil HATS wild CATS.
''all soon or you will will be to 1 .te to buy the
fieapesl and best guods in town.
A'ov. 2H
srri'LV nK
I 'loths from oC1 cents In "i
- iil'nicils I'roiii II'. to h'. J ei;;it.
( ',i-. lini ic: I'i.iii H7 l ent- lo';-'l,CJ
t 'iiin.i res S.ilins Silks
V civet Vcs! imr,s 'lioin "i .". et ill.' to .)
( ' .i-l. inn res delains 'V A !!a.:iin .illiiisfinH "! toll.'.
splendid .i-oiiin'i.tof print from 1 to H leuts
d o.h A lii-eys nf s.-veral kirn! .
I i-l ...I....I i i.i.M.. .,!,.,! no: Ims fioei lil ,. 1 1 et.-
( ;i-illeiualis A ladies cr.iv il.. ij.ivcs ,Vc. iq
In smut a full a.-si.rii.eiil ol .by goods
.1 sph'-nii.l aortmeiit of Q-i.vns-vi'cV Hjrdw-are
1100 I S AM) SHOES.
ru cour e I ro-in Him-s
is c!f s'i ics good i I .
,,s r.
hols SI b- I
V.-n.- line
b -..I.
..m ;
I Ir .-i lli- I
lol a-ses f.
S,, , ,r (',.;!
! I .
dl o-.iMity
to (ill cents per
ii T.i ri
:,l so f.,rth.
-i-l,,., ,,. ,., i.ulv ii.vile the illention of the imb-'
to an i -. riii:iati"U of the miU.
j .. -. ii. A oi i -nicer
is. HAzrrox
PJ) lisi'lll'l'l'l
SO, the p'd'hc
I'.sniC I'l'I I.I.Y invite
the ailei.tii ii o!
to tho
v he ll tbcv luv.- uo v op '.inl in th.i lower p.ot oi
Vlooins' 'I'be stock h .s b. e.i caiel'.illv -eh'. I
c.l, and it is beliei. d the late at which tin
". .'oils nie sold will give in in-' il -aii.-fai lion. A
il.rv imend SKI.MN'i "''io'ly fill! C. il
will be unnece:iliy to i tar::e a ni:;n prolit lo se-
i cure t in-in -i-1
'ii ni-cl'-cs I . o il I i-s m hicti .il'vav:-altc'i'l-th'-
CH'illt sv: -i fill.
iiirtmeiit "I
'J'heir stock eoii.i .U ol a neiu!
Dl'V iOOI). l'Ofl'i"il, AlC
.... , ...
Mole, rs K-l to . i-r-nli per gallon.
.:!f, e lirn.i S to 1 'd ivut per pound.
l.oaf .--U..MI-troMi to ( J. ceill P" r011,,'l
1'epper 1 j .en's p.-r pound.
J C ,hr.i.-l'i..ii: ; to ( 'j ient pr yard.
.hisslin trom .1 t .t J) tlo
Siittinctti fri.m 5 "?5 ('
t'a-peta frDin 4" GO '
-I'.fi a rpl'.-.d.:! ;.:,..-::afr.: ..f Mou.nii d- l.iiiw..
lp,,'.,.1lari.,.1,Ae-A-f. -troesa.nep.or-
rffl1lll'' milHeiihera wi.h In inform their liiend
g and custoineii, ((eneially, that they havejii.l
leewived alii' llie now opening a splnndid acsiirtmi lit
Such as superfine Fundi, F.ngHsh and
Jlmerimn Cloths and t'assimires. fau
lt) Cassinfres, salinetts, silk velvet.
satin ami fancy vvstinjis. Dress goad
in variety, such a,i eashmeiex. cashuu
relts crape de laines, muslin de lainr
ginghams, calicoes, A.C. iroul hoods,
woolen comforts, suspenders gloves
hosieuy, storks, busomi, hanilh rehi'Js
th'iud-, tapes.
and n general assortment of notions, in fact gen
eral assortment of
;.'' goods. (;iion:nn:s, n.uu
iinu, nou.oif (':
uit, rv.'A7;.vv.
J V.J UK 4'c A1-'.
and all other nrt'u les u-llall kept in e mnlry .us
I , 1 : I. .1 I I I .. ..1 1 . .... t.i.
" wmen iney nave pun .u.,eo H, .....
on the best terms, hi d ne anxious to exchange fn
cash or coillil V produce al veev h.w pnccii.
iii ri,i; A ,l I.N I J K -N 11 ALL.
Jluomsbury, t'et. lo.
'('he subscriber oilers Inr sale his tow n
:tn neriv. si.naie on Main bireel IJionnm
,. .- 11. 'l'l ..,.,... 1 1. r.
huio ( liinkins ai ditinu). here are tlirei
""' t "I . ' . .
...... I. ..j ..I f.f l..l r.,r,l drill arlinliilno
t" u '"'"i ' -
upon one is a FUAMi: HOUSE and sis
hie, i nd a good well ol water, near the
Jour. The w hole w ill be s dd tro'ether oi
separately to suit purthaiu-; upon reasuua
ble lertns.
josErii nxowN.
nioommsbtirg, December 5, 181G.
' No Humbug.
TB-TUI'l'IIKI! ore we goini? to talk about ' 'nr
between the United Slates nnd Mexico;' nor
ol MilliiiK a;ooils 10 per cent. I clow city prices.'
.Neither nri; we goini;tii string together hi our ad
veilisemenls every thing we have for sale, from a
needle to no anchor,' hut mark what we say
H e arc going to
Keep us nice a variety of Goods,
of both ipiality and price, as thosi who make more
noise in the papers than we do. He have pur
chased our i'ooiIs ns chean as it is possible to buv
iliem.and we will sell them as cheap, il'uur friends
will give us a ca 1 at our
recently erected hv R. II' LlfiGS, directly opjio
site the new l.'ourt House, nnil noxt door south uf
Deoblei's llotid, we will show them an
elected expressly for their accommodation. A
niong tliu articles of
we have French and Ameiican CLOTHS, C'as
simeres, sutlinetts, vcsliims, Ac.
For llie l.ndies we have ( 'ashinc'i'?, Monslin
de luins. Ciishmere Holies. I hoiking, I'rints of ev
cry btyleand price fiom I lo 5 cents per yard,
"hawls, Gloves. Sec. cVe. in fact everv viirietv ol'
merch.i'idi.e usually kept in country stores, besides
some things a little Jijj'iri.nt.
Also ata and t.aps of every desciiptiou.
As for our
c:.ll and es'iiniiin the ri for your--.dve,aml )ou wil:
liud lliein evci-llent and very cheap.
They h ive aUo an assortment of
Am! th" best of ( ' K K ll K L '' -
Irish Salmon
.1 a su n' i lor ipianiy
..o.e.l of I.i i.v ll.iu;
All of iihi.-h villi ho do
lor fa di i r Counliv I'm
II!"oina ijr,. .Nov; 7, 1
UK orgy: WE.'ER,
Fall and Winter Goods
A N 1) pun hj.-er;; will liud a l:esh and splendid
iiiMirtmcnt of
I) y Good, Grew im, Qnr"iii,;ire.
1 1 17 j tJwtive ,1 eiui -wj re, I ! o j ,
C pi. )' 'i7 and
onsi-im-in part ot Cloths. Wn iin-1 fancy Cas s, Dii'iioi- tibisio-.v and Kcntui k" jeans
-ullinehs nnd v
tii!R,alpai:-a and p.itanunu clolli
l'renih ('. hnu ie and t .i.-lnocri tl-, inousliii d.
1'iins and pilots ol lue nmt fe-hioiisble sty le, cash
on res mode thii'ii, Ml'l.. I.'anish and woo
-h..vU, ,V...
To all them Mishi'if, I'.i diioiiible and cheai
,r,i ,,, the lest now utters. I all .,,rl;. the a is'.uiuciit is mil fur tlm ruu-.vt ol' I.ji
iKt. 31,
Second meek January Herat I-"I7
yiien rcck. .fic .Ii Uid.-i. nnv
li ei.i., h, .M. U
.l.vkson. :chi!.iiid enry
Itloiim. I'a -pei K ressler. I ieor-jn .loliri
I'lolre. .I.n-oli Hess, William hid' hilt", I 'fef .!
I'ohe, Levi A H itehis m
( aitawissa. Is-u'e S. Monrie
I'lslunceiei k. David A in enhnrh, McKinnev
Itocli dew
jfireenwood. Uaa- Kvans, Isaac Ikiler, Philip
I llcese
n-m!.ick. M'dlia.n Cox, Ds;d lr.nh, !.iar
. jjW,.y
.lVciinn. JbinielF n. l. Kofeit Edgar
, Mhertv. Joseph Poan, Joseph Kerr
',M.,(3.sMn. Alliahim Hro id, A hrdh im Hiinn
'Mshoning. t'liarlea C. Utt'.dy, Philip iSidler, (V
'.Miftlii. Am." Hcrlnrker
iWfioe. William White
Ko.o inr reek. lurUh Ch. finr-t Geor-e Fetter
cua p ..
Altorney af Iaxxs,
OJflce South aide of Main it. lelow
Aat k el
HI.0O.WsuUK(;f COL. CO.,
I'llice, tori.ur uf L'aat god Main-steet,
Allorncy nt Law,
IfioMscuKG, Columbia Codntv, Va,
Oflce on Market a few doors above Main
. 0lf
AV3I. Ji. II AWKIXS, 31. 1)
EMiVMicin ami Surc on,
AVI.NG locaited himaelf in I'lonfiishurg, ten
dcrti his ptolfSbii..iii servicm to the public-
ile may ho consulted at all limes -it his , flii t
W'illi-im Rohison's, opposite Dueller's Jloltl
Aui-ust 20, lHlli IH
(TTHEOLU stands
Right Side Up!
Win McliKLVY & tK
fTNFORM the public that thy aie utirl doinf
business ut the 01,1) STAND, in the 'Right
May,' and having just received and now opening
one of tho largest and most cxtenaivo adsoiluicul
ever brought into this neighborhood, ar dntermiii
ed tn continue doing business in the m ulii
Kiyht Hay,' that they may keep up with lln
times, aud sell, as usual, aa low as they can be pur"
chased elsewhere in the county. Among iheu
m.iv he found
Muuslin de )uines Cohurg Clothi net
style of Chinking, Egyptian Velvets
' LV.icoef fro?nil to 20 cents per
yu'A Cusriinc.rcs from
Cents per yard.
CLOTHS from 7i Cents to !?0 p .r ycf.
us wi II as all olher kinds of cloths foi adies' ami
( ierit k'ntou's wear from a Cap for '.he head to a
storking for the fuot, at the same icducud low pri
They have al o an unsuaily largo assortment of
and a general assoitnient of all kinds of
for Ladies ind Gentlemen. Also, lurga lot p
i:l!td and lla icrt'd Ilur und
o Hi or Iron,
oiitabhi for ahnsl nnv use m the country.
All of wli'chthey will exchange fur Cash, Coun
try I'rodiiee or l.umbel upon such leruiit as that
all who trade with them will he .aUalied Uunurt
November 14
Chair IVSanufactory
(frjl NEW FIRAJXj)
Look well to your intei cuts
B.-fore you purchase, ami if you want
ioo j bargains, just call l ihe shop ol
1300.N it BARTON
,.n Main street nearly oppos'ne 0. Kahlers.
itriee, where you i-m find ihem ready at.
ill limes io furnish Fancy and W imlsor
i-ha.rN, fetteea, Itosloll Roekini; ehairs. of
any kind which may be called lor. Hb they
will alwHVo have on hand a nnml assort"
nent of all kind 4 whi'h ihev will sell et
the lowest prire postuhle for rash or tf
Iraiieti lot Iniiibtr or country pioduce;.
From iheir !nnf exi erience in hosiutsii and
i drtei initiation to do ork tneh eannot
be surpassed in ihe eouniv, they axk for I
shate of public patronage. 7 he) will also
X'Ji ute
llmsc. Sign, (tnl unitivienla Faint.
itg nnd lmtse Papering
n im- i.eateM iid oiosl approved 9t) le and
,...,ii ttasul.dblf Icriiis,
l!;,ii iiis'ouri 0.1. 14, lhlfi. 20 y
nevBiipply of lfiunt rnr!in( just inrjv
jA al Ike new atore.
L. B. i; upkr-i;.
An?. I
7o i he C A R V E N T E U I N G B li s ! N f; 8S.
are wauled immediately, Two a. livp 1hi,
Itjti 17 yeara old will receive gnod unmoor
ajjeoieir, Upon appheatijn lo
B.'oornfburg November 14
The snbscrihprs have on hand fr J'd jj,.
?'-air, and 'eueti Curpetiug which they wili r;''
try lov, v
IlI.ANKS!! MiNlw!!
rou eam: at tii its urncr.
:S"wCaSh""r,'i:' II. HAIM'ON ii Co
Hop-lie I i-v pT.
Novtinbe:- 11-JO