The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 26, 1846, Image 2

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The New 0 lesni Picayune of tin
XQ h init-, In psprs from the ctt) ol
Mexico to the I7ihi( November,
fortnight liter than any other Kice.
Active jrepira'ioni wire foi
the meetinit of CorarPM. About forty
of the dpputies had already arrived Iron
the different department's and the gov.
ernment piper ursd the ssemblin k ol
the body even in advance of the app ini.
oJ lime, on account of the infancy of
the matters pqiiiiinR lejtisUii ve notion.
The 'events of '.he war with the United
Sties; the necessity of fcreat resources
to sustain it, and som other points rel
ative to the same impattunt matter,'
erp enumerated ai the pincipal bui
npM to be lf( light btlore the Co.RfPf.
Oen, Almonto continued in the de
partmenl of war, and hia numerous pub
lished oidera in relation to the aetvie
evinced much spirit end activity. ( ,
We find in ilieMexicin papets official
communicationa from the authorities ol
the different States assuring the Govern
ment that the dissensions and threats ol
dissena ons which appeared in the cpi
tal in October last have not availed to
disturb tranquility in the States
We find a paragraph including the
American army undar Gen. Tsjloi
might be expected from the North b)
the way of Siltillo about the 21l ofNn-
vember, threairini San Luis. It wil
receive a terrible thrashing aaya the ed
i(o', as the reward of his temerity.
We ee nothing definite in relation to
the army concentrated at San Luis; not
do we find any mention whatever of the
elissentionswliichsrs reported by way of
Tampico to exist in SantaAnna'srank's
Various propofi'ions are made for in.
Veiling SantaAnna with dictatorial pow
era. The measure ia urged in a me
moria! from San Luis. The advance ol
Gen. Taylor's division of the irmy tow
rd &n Luis was expected eaily in No
vernier, and corresponding activity was
evinced in completing the f c r i i fi c a t i o n
nd otherwise providing for '.he defence
of the city. S?nor Vallamil Ins been
appointed minister of finance.
On the 10 h of November, Santa An
n transmitted to Mexico where it was
published in the Government Diam,
the subjoined iutcresting correspondence
between Gen. Taylor and the Mexican
PATION, Monterey, Nov. 3, 1816.
Sir, In the Convention ag'tcd upon
on the 24ih of September, it was con--ceded
that the American forces should
not pans a 6iipuUted linn before the ex
piration of eight werkis, or until ihey
should receive orders or instruction.'
from their government. In conformity
therewith I have the honor of apprising
joo that my government has diiecied
me to terminate the suspension of hos.
lilitipe, snd accordingly I consider my.
bp 'f at liberty to pass the designated line
after the 1 3 . h insl.,by which date I
presume this communication will have
reached your lunds at San Luis Potosi
I have been informed that several
Americans, who were taken prisoners
el China and other point?, are mow at
Sjn Luis, detained ai such. I 'rust yon
will deem it an art of justice to relees
these men and allow them to rejoin tht
forces under my oommand.
Whtn the convention was entered m
!o to which I have iifeired, I entertain
ed i he hope th4 ihe terns in which it
was conceived wouid open the way fur
the two Republics to agree upon hi.
honorable peace, am!, oding upon Hi
conviction, I at once released the prison,
era of war who were in my power,
niong whom were three officers. A
tint time I did not know (hat thire
were any American prisoner who had
been sent into I tie interior. 1 Hum that
my conduct will be deemed a sufficient
ground io j'iaiify you in yield. i.g io this
request and io the d ict a ee of humanity
t9tvrd th American piuuneik who I
un told are at San Luis.
Jn case M'jji Qr.h.,m, the bearpr cf
f.rm e'irr.ninni!inn. reaches your hedv
cuarteia. 'e me nueny tummenu
.fciai ly your courtesy, suu
Sitill be
pleased to rrceive hy him your rppl)
o ihia communication, whatever i
may he. I have the honor to tie, win
he gres'eat ita,irc, your obedient ser
Z. TaH-oH, M j r Gentfal
i f the Ami) ,dl 'he Uiied S i'M.
I'u G n. Antonio L )' 2 tie SwitsAnns,
Cjmmai.J. r io Chief.
LinrtUTiNO It epc dlican Abmt,
S... Lns P i-'M, Nov. ,10 1816.
Stria Centra: A1 10 this morning.
'iy an official coma uoiion of the Gov
ernnr ot Coaliuila . f the H h ins', I re
ceived y our Utter ol the 5th, appna ng
me of your intention, by ordi r of ynur
government, of breaking the convention
Mooterev. on th !Mih
uf September li, and pasini on lite
13 h of the present monih the hue there-
n desinnaltd, by wh ch dn'e you sup-
pnsp.l I .hou!d rec-ive your co'niinini-
Relieving (hat :he term" stipuhlpd
in ami convention chould he ri-lig'onlj
observed by both paries, 1 have lAer
no Hep which hhouM 'end to vacate r;
but in view of ihe obligation you ilfen
mposed upon you by the onlem of your
governmt-nt,! cor fi .e myll' by iply
ing, that you can, whi n it pleases you.
commence hostilities, tu which I shal
correspond accordingly.
In regiid to the Amenesn prisoners,
let ml say that ihere are only seven o
hem at this post, a lift of whom is an
nexed; and.relj ing upon your represnn1
talion in regard to the release of sever
il Mexican, I have dl rmined to re.
pond to your generosity by doing the
Hima to the seven referred to, whom
he comissary of this army will supplj
with S70 for their sus'enance upon the
You remark that when lie ronven
ion was entered into at Monterey, you
enteitained the hope ihat theteimsin
which it was ronci ived would open ih
way for ihe two Republics to i.gree upon
an h'inoriblejpeace. L ') i 'g o il of the
question whether that convention wa
the rH!ult of nt'Cetsii) or of the noble
views now di. closed by you, 1 eonifin
myself with saying, that from the spir
it and decision manifested by all Mexi.
cans, you should binish bII idea of peac.
while a single Noilh American inarms
ireads upon the teiiitory of this Repub
lie, and there remains in front ol its
poils the H'iiiron which ninke war up
on ihprn. NeverthelebS, ihi extraonli
nary Congre" will a-senilde in the c
ital towards the end of ihe present year,
ind thai August body will deleiruim
A'ha" i' shall judge mot suitable lor tht
honor and the interes's ol he nation.
Mwj'U Graham has not arrived at my
quarters, ilri lie none so, rie wcuiti
have been received in the inanner dui
to his rark and cm j loy ment, ar.d in
conformity with the wi.-hfs expitssril
10 me in his b'-halt by you.
I have the hnnor of offming you the
aufuranre of my dislirguished consider
alion. God and Libeity.
Antonio Lortz dk Santa Anna.
Senor Maj. Gen. Taj lor, Genei al-in-
Ch'uf of il.e7rmy of 'In United of the
ISioi th.
'I'he Cksrleston News of the 13'.h inst
furnishes extras from an interesting letter.
Jatetl Tampico Nov. 2G.h, wlii. h
lollow :
Tuinpicu Under AmerUan (lavtniniciit
We arrived iilf ill'-bar on Sunday loi-
moil. he Tli inst. and were loudly elie, red
iy the (1--I t Iving there an wo pat d thein,
We riiiirn?d it. and 'he baud struck t.'
llai: Coloriilua.' We were compelled to
wait iliree or (on: hours fur high water, to
;et in ihe river w hit li we f (Tecie.! ..honi
lark, wiih tl.-e assistance ol li e Uojin Imin
.he fret.
When e limiii-d the Aniiric.oi (l,ig w a-
ii.nsiei!, anil niir co uinii ul M'O inun, di
plajiug the ifnimcnul colors ol the 3 l Ai-
1 1 1 1-r x , mari'l.LiI into the rq'iare, stiriourdei:
liV llious.inda o! silent and sn.pilied Mil
c.'aiiv. 'I ti cou.!ftlid on nln'ie v.dH Irai.s
hncd by Com. Conner in Col. Cains, ni.n
die usual u. txcdianpe of romphrneriu.
was made. 'CIih city surrendered without
nsislance. Ihe .Mexican eoiuiers, biier lie--Iroy
iiijj th armament til the Furls and
t . rowing into the iner nin. 0,000 rniiskets
Vit-uaied the place, leaving Ihe itiliahiianis
io lake caie of Uienif rl ves. Ii mms thiii a
ret - on Lad rtaoLid iUuj Oiat Gen. Toylo
aa advancing widi 10,000 men on the orii
r aide of ihe river ihe appearance of the
nulls of the fli-et coiilirrned ihi ir iirprcsaion
tnd, like FaUtnir. iViey ngued 'that iliscre.
mm is the better part of valni;' and Ult ih
Naval Commander undisputed posseasi in.
We are now here hold tlie supreme au
ihuriiy, and though our number is small,
Hiill we tndeaor to mukH our foothold se-
tire, by sirergtheniiij the IVrtiu'i'
if hirh is about 000 and t'.io other
one mile diatant from the titty. We are a.
no fortifying the roads and avenues leading
10 ihe city.
The eoniaiarnl tutioned here now con
h'ikis i f enmpinifs U, l.iptil, Anderson I).
Captain Uionks, ami F, I, ieul. Arnold ol
ilin Unil artillery, Companies I), Captain
T. W. Slier. nxn, anil . Lieut. Steptne, of
the 31 artd'eryi Companies A, Lieut. Mil
ler, and K, Capiai.i Htin', ( f the 4th artil
lery, in all snout 500 ell'eclive men. IV e
nre nil busily engaged at work on the forts,
ivtiit h were dtsiiianled by the fly ine enemy
mil placing the city in a stale of defence a
tMn iht-ir return, wtiieh is n.uie than
(irnbable. Should they attack us it will
urohahly be Willi a much force but
tliey will find ua like your noble Slate mot
ln '.Jiimis Opibusrjue jiaruli.'
Tampico is situated on a point formed bj
a bend of the river, having a l.igoon in the
rear. The houses are buill of stone, hand
somely plastered and painted, the roofs lie
chiefly of slatr, consequently the cisiein
wmer i pure and good The rcseivoirs
are all they have to depend upon the riv
er water, though fresh, is unfit to drink and
is used only for caiilo Water is brought
fiorn t)ie country ot miles, or d..r keys. and
retailed out, Tito streets are remarkably
lean the stores are wi II filled with mer-
rhandiz", and their cafes are remarkably
lean ami geir.eel. The inhabitniits who
remained are most of ihe poorer classes, and
number about 3 000.
The market i well supplied widt all the
necessaries of life, which tvo purchase ai
ery ehep raies. Cod fresh buef at four
rents per pound, milk ll eems pt r qu .ri.
mil vegetables of all kinds as cheap as ci.n
he pioenred in yo ir inarkct, Tlioi.pii the
inhibilants are ao.newliai s.ilien, Mid lliey
prefor that we rem on among iliem,
as ive pay for every thieg wo get, and they
would be compelled to luinish their own
troops, at much moie reduced prices, with
very little chance of being paid, for they
state that ihe arbitrary ex -union of llieir
mditdry chieftains is loblu-ry in its woist
Mr. Iiliciilllilii. Mr. fieri y, o'
Tennisspp, in his speech of Wedni s.laj
m the II..ijse, sta'nl that Hi. S crelarj
f Sta'e had, at the same, derlaiied thai
he wo.. Id lose h: rij;h: arm before In
would sign a treaty it cogn.zi ng the par
illel of -1!) degrees ar the bouo.lai y.'Tlii
Union in reply llieieto; faj:
'We ai c author iz"d to s.) , thai iieith
r a' the time r-.-ft i red to, nor a
a-.y other time il..l he nuct.
.ii tjifpri'li d derivation as Ihe one
nere ici ibed to him. lie tlnl, l.owtv
. r, lepeatt-dly say, from iliecomnicnce
mint of the las' srsM. 11, to the Veij few
1 it mis v whom, liom iheir tlliijial
position in Congitss, he lilt l.ii)iell a'
I bt r'y lo cm Veise i.m the U, pi C, lll .t
' e never would sin s id) a liealv , un
'ess in obi diei Ce io the picvir.usly t x
pn s-ed wil of 2 thirds of 1 hi S na 1 ,lh
i'o-oi din'e branch f 1 ' t 1 1 ely in jt n,
,)uwtr under Ihe cm-titui 0 1.'
The 1'osl Muxttr General's Hcport.
I'lie 'orMmait..r (Jenen! in his repoit, pro
.oses vaiious cliaiigcs in regard to postage.
Fust, that n Hinijlir letter hereafter r-! i 1 1
weigh one tjuar'er ins'p-.d of half an ounce,
x.-ept whto writ'in on single sbeei
. . 1 1 1- .11
weaning less man nail an ounce
I'll. it ilit ha me power bu given to the IVsi-
ollice Dcp iriment 10 prevent a violaiiou ol
its revenue laws, as is now given lo the
Pieasm y Departmeiit to jueveiil smupghng.
3 I. I hat all Inters passing over mail mules
winch ri late to ilp cargo, be free w hen un
sealed, si.l jeit to the inspection el the Post-
iliiee agent win 11 fraud ih M.spertid. 4,h
l all new spapt rs ehould bo charged will
iiislagc iiccordlllg lo llieir Wl io fit add S:zi
ir..l the distance to be itiTud. arid thai
ii-wf p.. eis, rot -ei,i in regular e'lbdinbers
sliouid be rati d a I 1 osl; e thai
iliotiM ;vlueli aie. 6 ti Thai the postage on
orm ed n.a'ier on ruto 111 advance, onv!
ibni tht post ye on hlifis l.e t. itl er p.mi it
idvi.n. e.or el-i' ti.e b ite:; itted with doubh
Some of these rlnnges may probably be
lound advauiagentis, bu'. that which gives
the same poucisto 1'oatmnstci as is given
:o the liuvenuc tJlFicprs, who may enter at
nieasiiie any eimp m wnicn inev may sup
pose smuggled goods 10 be concealed, is
strongly objected lo, and would probably
lead 10 an aboiiuou ol the I'utt oilice.j
LID 123 lCD 23 LU cJ. -5-iJo
'TRUTH ll'HUl'-' VAU
V. M. PALMER Em, is authorized to act a
Ar'nt fur the 'Coli-mhia Ukmuchit,' mtd re-,-apt
dlhiwnienf Subscription and Advatw
iiS at !us Adrian in
Philadelphia N. 60 Fiiiestnrt.
Kew York " G0 Xaxtau-ttrtit.
Boston " "5 State-street.
;i,.rc .S. E. cnr. llnt. and Culvert s!.
Mrrchanh-Mccltuiiiei nod Tradesmen mat find
Utotlicirmhanliiiretn udvtrttue in Una paper a?
it in the oi .v ime published at the t'uurit) s-cat
-,nd Aat a greater circulation in the cmintij than
nmj other paper published within stiliniU.
To the Printing lnnim-ss in wanted at tlii Of
fice. An active buy 15 or 1C yeun, of ut: will re
vive good eiicoumgi'ini'i.t.
The Printer i much in want of a fen
bi.sbeUof WllKAT.COilN & 1JUCK
V II HA I , of those who owe him uiioi
snbscr ip'ion. Ho would also like a fe,v
bushels of POTATOES.
Josrph Yetter Eq. of Franklin town
ship has been appointed by ihe court An
!uor for Columbia County in the p. lace ol
l'e;er Kline Esq eleeted commissioner.
The firs Regiment of Pennsylvania vol-
nnieeis, having arrived at 'itiohnrg on the
18 h insi., proceeded to the election of oili-
ccrs when L' M. Wyr.koop, of Pottsville,
was elected Colonel, Saniuel V lilack,
of Pittsburg Lieut. Colonel ami l L. 15 iw
man of I' e Wyommg. 7ruibry M j.t!"iu ral
Cadiwalader of Philadelphia has been ap
pointed General of the Origide. .'ill pails
uf the Stain furnishing volunteers are rep
lesented by the distribution.
This fine e.mir.any is accepted by tl.e
Governor lo constitute a portion of the stc
.mil R gimeni from Pei. list Ivmiia, and wi!
start Iroin Danville on Monday riexi(TJ.c
J23 h; fcr Pittburg. W e will puldtsli a lis
of the officer and men a9 soon as we can
obtain it. The company will contain from
Of) to 70 men it w ouk lie larger but M or
15 of Us members joined the Villkesb;:rre
.-mnpaiiy when it wenl through Danville as
dicre vvas no prospect then ihat their own
company would be accept.'. The cim
.-us of Danville have raised about 800
for ihe Guards, and an additional tum lias
been raised at other places in li e county.
The citizens of Danville will also assist the
families of the married Vulimleeis during
dieir absence. The Guards will go in sleds
is (ar as tlohdayshurg, if the snow contin
ues if not in wagons. Conveyances wid
be Itberallv furnished to send them on, and
they w ill carry wiih them the best wishe
.f their fellow citizens for their''
cess and prosperity.
This important exposition nf public ;if.
f.irs has, by this lime, been generally p'irus
ed in the country, and if it b is nu t i.s d.-.
si rt. h is been we I n ceiei il ami 11s man
-enlimcnis approved. L'pon the suljecl 0
l.e M.-xican War, ihe vindication of tl.t
A'lmini-iraiiun is complete. The fn-ts si
inrili in tlie nii-ssiige in relation lo it, an
si:flicii-,it lo cniiviiiee any uliprf jmlieei
mind, that we have not been rash, unjust
or blood-thirsty, in our conduct towari
Uixtco; and that while we have, for year
pursued a pacific and foi'oeaimg policy, sin
has been continually instilling our 6'overn-
merit, injuring our comm'rrp, aiul vio.'jt.rg
her ir aties wiih us, I' 'n present is
upon our pail, a ju.-l one; and ihe I resi
dent's message will eom inrn all ho ib
not wilfully close their ears against truth
thai it is so, Those who have falsely run:
traitorously rbarai K rizcd it as a war of ag
oiession and injustice, must be covered will
oiifiiMon by ihe array of lliianswei abb
lacts in the mibsage, and " ill not.
be in a hurry to repeat, their calumnies up
on their own country and lis Government.
L'pon other suVj -cis besid: tha war, tin
message is brief but explicit. It exhibit
the fact that rip to Dec. 1. 1SI0, ihe vvbolr
increase of debt since the Piesidcnt calm
into (..'lice, is only about six millions of dol
lais I his explodes the ciphering o Whig
oramis ..i d tdi rs, who have iri.ido such
an ado about ihe national expenecs. Ai
die late lession of Conre'-s, Mr. Wel.eiei
,iiit tlo'.vn the exp fm'J it
million of dollars a th.y.or over. 51 51), 000,
OOOayenr!! beini.' only a mistake ol a
hundred millions I ! This did for an dec story a while, and now that factU:i'nc,,llr' " ' '"''7. c '
and figures prove iis falsehood, we H.pposel, Mhr'Twe !,,, ,,., I?1(m enjoy,
it wil! be succeeded by oihtr humbugs i i,,i satislaeiion for it is the only one iu
jually valuable and lutcieeimg.
The truth is. the present national AJ
ministration is econotriii'l as well as Lou
est. Hy the report of the Post Master Gen
eral it shewn, thai during the psl yai
an increase of Post Oilier' g and a large in
crease in the number and extent of iiihi
routes, have accompanied a decreased ex
penditure by that Department. This is tin
way in which Die system of cheap postage
.-in be made to suertcd. The reports ot
other Di'p .rtilieiils olio that ll is spirit i.i
economy is not confined l the Post Matci
(ieueral; but lbs, it permeates throng!) all
branches of ihe government administration.
Phis is what the voters of the Union desir
ed in 1814. when thev elevated Mr. Polk
to the Piemdeticv. They wtm taiisliud
that ho wou'd not fivor a splendid system
f administration snd lavish expend lures,
.in. I they have not been disappointed. IS y
bis vetoes of the Ficnoh Spoliation 71) and
of the Ri er and Harbor Un), at the last srs
rfion of Congress, he saved over six mil-
li.ins of dollais to the national treasury; and
by t'ie enforcement of a rigid economy in
the expenditures of Govt rninenl, he h;is
apt it in credit and fuifi.Ud the jusl expect
ations ot the people.
Tiip in. s -age is re io dis'in hint;
he T.n (! ao1; of lS-lli, m.d s i li-'
the new Lw be hied; u.d that ilnm,
- X jj( l t Xhlhl'n ll' f cl In i', ll I
be time lo inoilify it, in shoit tl at it
si-all not be condemned in advance an.'
.jiitiit.l. The confident an t .c i p t ion i
indulged, itul l! Wl'l Win U, well ii
pi, and it i.-, h. litvcd to be Cor
prci and j i t in principle.
O her topics in Uie messigei1! hav-
siruck the a It tition of our leadeis, Uj,
m which we w.ll not slop tu coinment.
The whole of Ihe message is well writ
mi, and it will have an impoitaul and
healthful influence upon pnbli; u)iuion.
We publish this week in anm'ier column,
a teller from the veteran Col. Johnson to
the President in regaid to out Mexican rt-la
lions, It was written, as will be observed
by iis dale, more than a year iinre, in an
Ui'ipat Oil of lliu wai that has since broken
iiit, and is characteristic of the in Ml whose
he an and aim have always been on ihe shit
of his country. We invite to it the aticm
tion of all our rcadi rs.
On the 2ll of March lSI'J, Un hard
tush ('who was then our .linistcr Plenipo
tentiary at tha Couil ol London,) bad an in
tcrview with Lord Caslli reagb, Ibe Foreign
Secretary, among other limits, in lel.itinn
to the execution ol Aibulhuoi and Ambus,
ttr in Florida, by the order of Cueial Jack
Lord C; stlereagh said lo Mr. Hush:
That he emirs;; which the investigation
jjnto Ceu. Jackson's conduct had taken in
the House of Representatives at Washing
ton, was calculated to einh .riass the eabium
of England, the speeches of our own mem
bers h'.ivin shurpUj denounced Uen. Jack
son. Tliese,' he said, 'were cited and
dwell upon in the English journals, ami
cist bj ilia opposi'inn into die teeth of the
ministry, who had viewed the suiject in
lights hvi.HLT from those members oJ
At anot'ier interview, July 19.b of tin
same year t.nrd Casllrreagh said, in lela
1 mi to the s iuia ea-e of Arbu'.hnot and Am
brister; ' I hat had the English cabinet felt and
acted other w ise than it did, such w.h ihe
temper of Parliament, and such the let In, g
o the conntrv, he believed war michl have
'icen produced by holding op a finger!'
What a striking illustrati m we have hen
of ihe impolicy and danger of arguing a
'stilus! one's own country, in ca.-c of a dil-
li ul ry with a foreign powei! The it. flam-
mo v sjicrclirs of imr ineinbeis of ('ongiess
was a main element of producing such ex
imemeni in Engl.iiid, as almost to plunge
the two countries I'll.) a n onjv vvar. anil it
v;,s mil) aveitiil by the good s-nse and
firmness nf ihe Ei.g'isli mil. isii v !
(Jen. Jackson was 1 leai l juMili. tl by the
fiels. in rxc.-utiiig the Britisli cmissaiics,
who bad stirrnl up the Indians lo liuiebei-
ics of our people, anil so thought the Jhig-
I'lsh 7i)inistu but die same spirit thai
now deiiounct s the nets of our Government
in regard to Mexico, prompted bilu r de
nunciations nf Gen. Jackson then, for cxt-
tiling the blood-thirsty wretches w ho had
caused the murders alungour Southern fr on
I I, is country has so far triumphed over
Is loee, in spite nf sympathy for their cause
by partisans among us; and it will i.g.iin.
I'be only snislaciion that traitorism can eni
.joy, is the vile one of knowing that ii has
. . .
h'hieh they ire fair'y nditlcrJ, j
Mexican sympatiiiz;:;:s.
It is peifcclly manifest, ihatil.e ci ndir t
f some pi 0111 merit political men in the I -oiled
Soites, in arguing against their 1 u i.
country, has tentltd not only lo produce 1! 0
existing Mexican war but also 10 indium
die Mexicans to additional iLr'.s since its
When Mexicans si e prominent citizens
if the United t?tates, dtnoeiii-iiig the war as
ii.jusl and aggrejsive, and charging upon
their 011 government the fault of its com
mencement, could we expect that they
vould not be incited and uilliincd to pros
ecute the war, ami that they would tin 11 a
deaf ear to our overtures of peace? No
other conse qui rices, could w ith reason bo
expected, but these; unless we assune that
Mexicans dilfer from every other race of
people in the wor'd.
In an exchange p iprr,we find the folio,
ing item among the late itetvs fiuio Vera
'Letters have been rect ived in .1rxico
(Vera Cruz) ihat President Polk has become
the oljec i f particular dislike to his f.-lloA-citizens,
thiongh the pcriiriacity lie Ims dis
posed in war. The pimple in tl, e North
ire s jid lo be on it.o verge of rt volution.
'bioii;;li the enormous expenses im.iilenii.l
11 lie lio.stilnies now i xisu.jf Ix-tweiM) ilia
L't.iied Staus and Mexico,'
The l'"ie sounils naiurul enough lo
come from one w bo had been rending the
Abolition newspapers, or some of the staid
old organs of Federalism in our seaboard
ciiiet-; and 11 is with un Ii 'scraps of coni
lort' such iii.fliimabiii luall'e that ihrj
enemies ol ihe country ain rupplied fri ni
1 1 1 e !abaralurics of pariisaiiism among us.
As a mailer of in teres'. 10 our readers in
ibis county, we publish, below, the new
iavv in relation to road and bridge views.
The duties olViewers and the righis'of pci
sons through whose lauds Roads are laid,
are but imperfectfecdy understood, and the
publication of the law then-fore may be use
In I,
.7N .70 r
Ite'dl re In public nnuls in certu'n
cnunies herein numcd.
Section 1. lie it enacted by iheSn
atn an, I Hooe of Representatives of the
Commonwealth of IVnos) Ivani 1 inGen
eraL?S(jpriil)ly met, and 11 is hereby en
acted by the iiti i,i ibe same, Tint the number of luadami bridge
vit vveri apt, rioted by the cootis of
Tin r sessions of the counties of IJu'
ler, Allegheny, Luzerne, Lycoming,
find Clinton, shall he three, one of whom
shall he a survejoi, if deemed necessa
ry ami every view and review shall ba
made by th" whole number of persons
so appi.inied, a majority of whom shall
concur in llieir report, in order toils
coi fii m I'ion hy the coin t.
Section 2. That in all rases of the
i poii.tni-m of vieweis in said counties,
o view and locale a public or private
road, or to review a public road, t he vieweis or any one of them shall,
hefore pioceedmg to mke their view
or review, give public notice by at least
liree adveiiisi rrients, put op in the vi-
tNi.i'y of 'he cor'templjlrd route of s'uclj
road, if ibt lime r.n J place where 1 1 , j
snd vn-vvirs will meet fur the pu-po-a
of mt kiog Mich view or review, at l.ast
ove dr,s heloie such rnelmg.
SiTTioN '.. Tnal if ihe v ew. is shall
lecide in lavur of lucaiing a public
r I i mike iicj ebani'o in He location of
he public 10. d vvhtcli ilir-ywire p
iioin!ui t i rev.ew, ii shall be ihe ,1 1 y
0! H e vievves to eruls.ivor to p'ocuie,
mm il.p i rsons tl-,rotij,h wbosi liirU
-tub loc.iti. n may be nude, relea-es for
'I c aims of d un i;;p. tlijlmgbt aiiso
lion. up. mug the sime; end in every
,'ase w licit' s.ui view, is Vl.all !a, io piu
.'ine -mil release, and it -h'll t i
them thai any ilam-ig-s vv II bf siist.iu,
d, ll .-ll 1 1 i be ille.f dtl'V Ui fs-l-ss the
I. n.aes and ni.ik" 1 f - j j 1 r I 'li-reof, sfgn
(! bv a n.fjoiin 1 I 'i in 1. umber, and
1 e 1 ti r 0 1 h h s ,i m e , ' o g e her v th .il leler-sr s
obtained, to llm pioprr cou I of q intt-r
SrcTKN 4. Tul it shall I e ibe duly o
said court to examine cart fully the amount
of damages ass esse d as nforesaid; pud jf
ahl court sdiall be satisfird that tlie amount
of damages assess- d in any esse is sii!i
thai ihe public inlertsl will be fiibsenrd bi
lls pay ment, and the opening of the toad.
MiJ enuri shall confirm such view r re-
vifw' i,tS6,,len, of dtunagcs-vvlm b
shall be paid as now directed by law ; bm ir
aid toi,tt el ad i.ol If tmii(C, ll.e uid re
1 "