The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 19, 1846, Image 3

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'rrn necessity, and I')' a public opinion
tionig in iUf p foundation in the, an ll'.Ting
h ul vvhihd of imptin nli I million, to a
l iinl in H Hytrin i he rlVi'iM of whirl, wisti
b old up iiicrrnsn liirtunrs. in ihe hamU l
the lew, and in redu. p the lubiirirg inilll)"
ii pauperism and misery. Ne.vly in tin
I HP ntiil that labor W ileptoturil, rapi
t il was int-rc-ased in I riiuotuliaicd by tin
ILlilsh protective pulley.
The -vils of the system in Oreal Britain
were at Icnijili rendered intuit-rabh anil M
lias been abandoned but not without a se
vi-n? Mriijijilo on the piri of lit o protected
n n 1 1 fivoruil t lashes to retain tint unjust ad
vantages which they have m lonjr enjoyed.
It wis lobe expected dial a similar tru,?
j;lc would be mailt! by the sime cUss
is in the United Sta'.m, heitcvrr an at
tempt was made to iimilify or :ih, -1 m h the
8 i:ne im j'ist sy sir in ht'ie. Tin1 protn live
m 1 1 1 i v h:nl lit'cn in opeminn In In; United
rii.iiin fur a in it i-h m lire shorter jierio I, hiiiI
iis pi'riiici iiH eir.'t ts were no1, therel'iire, ni
rleaily perceived ami le'l Enmiy'i, how.
f-ver, wa.i known of ihrse tfLcia to i ti i! u
ilH rep."al.
It won tl ho si'Miuf if, in the face of the
r x ample of C I r e a I liriiain out principal for
i-igti customer, and of the evils of a system
rendered manifc-M in that eoun'ry by loi (j
and painful experience, and in the fare ol
the iiiiiiiensa advances which under a
more liberal commend d policy, we are al
ready deriving, sod must eotr-inue to th rive
by 8Uj! iiifi her s arvinjjf population with
fn d, the IJ- Stales should restore a policy
vhiclt .ie lina been compelled to abandon,
and lli iii ) i iii i ti i s li her a In ity to
purchase from us trie ('mid and oilier arti
tdes which flie so much needs, and we so
much desire to sell
liy the simultaneous abandonment (f the
prnteciivp policy by (treat Hiitain Mid the
Uniicd, Sines new and iinportanl markets,
have a' read y been opened lor our aijriciiliii
ral and other products; commerce and nav
igaiion have received a new impulse: labor
a i:d trade have been released fiom the arti
li.nal trammels which h.ivu so Ion" fettPieil
them; anil to a igieal exient reciprocity , in
the exchange i.f eommndnies, has been in
troiluceil ai tlie samp tune by both commie!'
and ijreail fir the benefit of both Ureal
fSritaiu baa been forced by the pressuie o
urcumslances at home, to abandoned a pol
icy which has been upheld for hoi-i md to
open her markets for our immense surplus
of breadstuff's: anil it is confidently believed
Out oilier I'owers of Europe, will iilitinaic
ly tee the wisdom, if they be um tomptll
etl bv the p tiipensui an I ulTci ings i f then
crowded population, to pursuu a similai
(Jur farmers are more deeply Interested
in in i i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii ihp just and llbi ial policy nl
the e.xis'in;" law than any oilier e'a-s of otii
i-itizens. They consilium a lare major if)
of our tuinul moil ai-d it is wed known th e
when tliey prosper all o.lier pinsniis pros
per a'so. Tliay have herelolore not onh
received none of the bournies or favors n'
government but, by the unequal operations
of the proieet ve policy have bten itiade.hs
the burden ol 'taxation which it
connbute to he bounties which have i-n-iirhed
'lien a foreign as w t II as a home market
is opened fo theiu.ihey must receive as ihey
aie now receiving increased prices for fhrn
produ7s ,7'fiey ill find a readifr sale iV at
beier prices for the w lieaMljiir.ricP, Indian
corn beel.pork. lard, bum r t htrse. ami oilier
articles, which ihey produce. The home
market alone is inadequatp In enable ihem o
dispose of iliu immense surplus ol loud anil
other articles which they are capable ol
jiroducini; even l the mosl reduced prices.
I ir lite manifest reason that ihey rannof In-
coi, surned in the country. The United
Stales can Irani iheir immense burplus sup
ply not only the lumc deuiHiid but th tleli
tienciea of loud required by ihu whoh
Thai the reiluccd proiluciion of some of
(he chief articles ol food in (iieal I'l iiain,
unit odier pans ol Kurope, may have eon
inhiiltd to iiicrt'.ise the demand foi mn
.bieadsiiilf'i and provisions, it not i!t uliteil;
but that the lre;il a itl t llirieii ansa of Ills
incie.isetl ih m Old, mill increased j.nces.ciin.
mss in heremovil of arnfii'ial resiofiniis
l.ereolore iuiposed, is deemed fo be equal
ly (.I'lfViin. Mia our ex of food, al
reatly incifiased and increasiiii; bet olid Icr
mer ( x .mple, under he moic liln ral policy
which has been adopted, will be sill v.islh
.enlarged. unlcfS tin y be checked or pir
(irevenied by a restoration ol the proiet -tin
policy, cannol be doubted. That our com
mercial and naviiisum llil.'rtSIS will be en
'larsifd in a corresioii(!ii.g ratio wiih I
increase ol our trade, is eq'ial'y certain,' hih
our inai,ul.ictniiii inieiooi will still be th
lavortd iiiteiesis of the country, ami
receive the iucidenlal piolectiou all order
them by it venue tluti; s; and inoie thai
litis they cannot justly demand
In my annual message of December Ian1
a larifl Hf Revenue duties based tiju n tin
principle of the existing law was recotri
iled, and I hav seen no reason to cnangf
the opinions then xpnssed. In view o'
ih probable i ll'ecis ol llut law, 1 recom
mend that the policy established by ii In
'maintained. Ii has but just commenced in
operate, aid to abandon or modify it with
,,.,t giving a lair irial. wou'd be inexpedient
a;i I unwise. S fine. Id defects in a y of its
details be asi'i named by actual experience
tifxist these mav be lu-rpaftor corrected,
b it tinul such defects shall become manl
iest, the act should be fiirly t"fied.
Concl'tJcJ on fouith pagr."
r ii ii in i ruin' r k.n "
s iii nn.iy, : f . Miti-u i!, ru
. II. I .! ;i V.HI. If IIUtllllfllHI III II f I lit
i ,
At tor the i.l. Mint I ),.., , tr, ,
,;V "II ' ,,:, J ,r Hulism.tmn ami AdvutU-
"'e"tJ'.'!' ,rT'"' ,.
Ihdu.hlp ua Ao. fiU I'nu-strot.
,.") ,. ''"hrrl- ,
hiilluifirr S. I; cor. Halt, mid Cii!vrit ts.
Mi n,hiliit.- .Mfi'oooV.v unit 'Ti n, emu n n.ttt fiml
it In their iiilrnistcifi to mlveitin in 1 1, is lmi'iri
it i'v the mill lute puhlitlieil tit the ('utility 'rat
nil! him ii i'mili r rireultittwi in the cuiiiilt Ihun l
uny ulhtr puprr jmiHshul u-itlmi itiliviils.
'l'otlie I'rintiiiK li:siii.-ii i wanted nt this (1.'
lice. All ueiivehov 15 or 10 vi-ar.s of a j r, . (
tcivt- g.inil entouriiLjeiiieiil.
The 1'iiiner i- much in tinnl ( fa f-tv
htsh.-Uoi 111-:. T. CORN & lilCK
lellivi i . ..
nr,.' i, oi loojjH vvno 0ivc iin
1. . If . . . ..
soiisri ip'ion " v,i.
l.tisbeLs of rUTATOKS.
e a ft-a
pti In .h-s i
TholeiiRih of th,- President' Mesva
almost every 1 1 . i 1 1 n else f rum our c-.-hunns this week
hut we presume no excuse will he neecss.ov f, r
.ii.-oiincii so large a space lu .-o io,j . lai.t a
('undress lias as yi t ilone litih- or nolhiiii;,
will any thing p-ol)-abl tie dulu umil aflei the
The remains of Major Iiiu.-.gti!d and I.ict.tenaM
Cochrane passed tlnou ;h New- l Means on the Clh
in.staut on their way lu .illiinou-. 'J'ln y wen
i-crivrj ut that j
.lie by die military-
Oovrrnor .Shunk has received from the I'tcsideni
of tin; llniteil iS'.ates a rerjuisiliuii f ran adilitioini
regnneill of Volunteers 1'niin Ihi.s fitate. 'J'hcre
i( nodoulit lite requ's lion will he till -J iiiimedialelv.
cuuipaiiy at 11 hi risb'irg lua uheady leiuL-rutl
llieir services.
Then-is. no litw.s foiiii ihu nimy of iinpollanee.
I'iie last aecoiiiilK It It Ceil, ll'orth at fcialnllo am!
(jent-ralTavlor ut 'lontecey.
The ilonorahli! John M. Ivead has residue, I tin
olli.-e of Atlorney (.'enend of I'tntisyb ania Jnilgi
thauipiiesa ol l.a.'ita.-te.- is spi,. en ul as his sni.-
.lAKRIKD.-On Tu.slay iIim 15 i
list, by Rev; II. b'unli, Mr. V lt.l.UM S.
Rickkts. of I-'ilili -hl counti, Ohio, toMiss of Oiaugevillo, Columbia
rn is:--.,.' r-, rj, ' v
UIKD In Montour, on Monday the
7 li mat. M ss I.AviNA Kt't'i ur d.uohivi
il II in. Leonanl Kuptil agt d VI.
At the residence of Mr.Ch ir'esllcilc) , n
liloomshurg on the 1 5 Ii insl. allei mi ii.
nrss id nine il,i)s, Mr. Jkkkmiaii a tini.
'I Rush township, llar.ll cximl) .
Fresh Arrival.
TWy II II sniie.y ihei have just reeeivi il Hid me
now opening it sjilenihd lineiil ot
which thev ar. prepared to sell a little "I !1A IT. K
lhau the (. llllA'K.Vr.
M, McKKI. V J Co.
Dec. in.
A few llairei.s of fijst rale No. ij M.i Io A I at
JA. S' !!lirr,,l 1,r ft-1 2"; I'" h-ll llariel.s.
ti knots o: tin I .vri. i- ri.iui i . ,:k. o in
xrliangc I u goods at the New t'a- h .y
J II ALTON eV t'o:
Ac 10
I R h lends no ih.ula an- a-.tare th t w.-
y leq.iiie iikiii- to cury on on- I ill ho--.-, ue
heiel'iiie (ike this mcdiod "f inl-n inmi: llu oi ll.a:
are now en iL'-'d in In' up , s ,,,,
o,il,s. We expect all l!i"-i. kin-will'; tlii"i... Ivi-s
inlela, d to lis on .Ml 17.', lit I.N D or I'.Di -K AC
'I ,' I,' NT. of looie one year's si in i:;.t', ill
ill lielween this a:id l!o- Hist of l . i-ni,i, ii..,t.
.ml nt tile the r. ana- w illi.m' ai.v hauler la'i; lioni
,s. W.M. .M. I. '.'!. V Co.
Dec. Dl.
M I It V.
is n:;: ny r;ir;.,
rjn all lo-rat.-r.:. cred ton. ai il
teiesti d in the e lati s ol ih
nlh. r pr in-
' rf .iH i'll .In I -
leuts ai d muiois, that toe adn iiii-trate'li am gu n-
1 1 . . 1 1 iieeoiilils ot t!,- said eit ,1, s li ive lie.-n lue.l
II the'na- of ll.e lieiier of the . eni.n ..f t 'o-
lumliia, and will I ' pn-cninl tor eonlirin iti.-n
Old allo'.vaia e to lilt- (.'ourl. Io .i lit Id
il Dans ill-'; in mid for lac eoiintv iitoresaii'. on
Wi ducsd.iy the !Jt)l!l day ofJuiiiary, nevl, at
iVIoik. ..M
1 '1 he account o faitnirl f.reasv, .Mliiiiiitsira-
I'tl.rvl'r,.,, of MlllllO
r ui nidi" ' .- '
lowu.-liip. .le.easeo. ....
. i ... . i
' Tlie account of .I,-h:i Wea Vr, Adoiir i, trator
fthf estate of .l'ir.iliaiii l!c,i!er, la'e ul f islun--e:eeU
tow litlvu. ilecea. ell,
:) The account ol Tliomis 'kivleoli ill, I vr.
ut. r of he last will and testament of J"hn L-niuh
;,ite of t-iiA i d n-ship. d rejsi',1.
ReL-tse 'Jlti.-r,
Danvdic, Da-. 13, lSlli.$
For January Term, 187.
(rii'ieieek llnim Atljins, Natlun he ly
.'nil ie I'.iul Zuner
Merry Aiuliew U. t'uiniiiinni
Kranldn. William nnr..u-lt
I'illilii;ereek llllum I'uik, John I.HHtiU?, Hi
lam . Kloie
iieeiittiiinl iIIihiii Kycr, W'illiiiin .1athers
lleiiilui k .1 nines
Mahoning ('hit leu l.'oimer, Tlnuii is Clink
Mailisnn - VVilli,ini Mo.strlli.-r Daniel lioal
M IK. .. I -l ...I.. . M . I I .:
i nun' . ii.irir.s i hi Kitei.ser
Mam-jVc,!, Uaiurwl
Montour- .hones U iiihUI- h, John Kieliards
O.mim .Samuel Itel.
Koin innetcek li-lli-rsiiii W'inlt-rs.een
ha!11ui'IVterUras, John H. Duvin, Tliumas
First ivtek. January Term 1817.
in rsaimn i l.litinr.i0, r icier tk lJiclii'i,V il.
bain Hmwii
loieieicek Jos. pli I'tlkirii;tin, (lillu rt Fowler
(.'iiltaw i.-sa-- John Zienler
( (.., mil. Kimlrt. .taroll Nlli' I 111 :i nun.,.
l,.ny "Siiiniirl Mullli y, .1 . ol. ;i,,,t
-'i.hinsi in k .'uiienul (.'raw foul, iiu man oi
Uiinni ivneiien
1 1 rnnklin Poliilmm nairiry
'(iieernviiiiil Isaac It- Kline
I ii., ...i ., i i- k ' I -1 ..... i ... . i..i,. ii,ri ir r: s..i.....
.la, knr.ii " ill l.eninle., Ilnviil lleudiy
l.imrstoi.e- John niilh
I.ilicttv Jiicnli 'rmvl'oiil
Mount I'K asanl-- J. W. Vuutii-rrlice, JuCi'h Shiji
iiiim M hIi.-oii .lohn einver
Maim Vlh llaitnnn ,.lohn K'nl'er
Montour llcler I,'. I.i-sil, Jain. t. llartori, .f. Mc
Much M i!i,niinL'-M. McAllister. U.ivi.l riiiliiM, Join
liYwn I. Is, sen. J.i'-oli lieynolils. Jaeoli S, rli!er.
iliiain Died, William Mnman, lleuheu
Oiantfe- -John Sn) del , Je.i.-e 'iil.'iiitiii
lioarinueri.'fk--.sain.irl .1ears, Jonas FidiriiiKt-r
David Vi-uUC. J"'111 llerniiiBi!-. ila.s Joliiisnu
iitiii Inul -lMiitliji Kiicklntuin, I'etei Appleiuan,
Jolin l.aubucli
IRA Villus JURY.
Sccnm! ii'C'k January Venn, 1 3 IT"
Diienreek. Jacob Ititlei, eniy D'rterich, M. ' -
Jackson, Aichi'iald enry
Ulooni. Casper Kressler, ieorj;e John
Centre. Jaeoli II ess, William Kil.liner, Joseph
1'ohe, Levi A. II Itehisnli
I 'attawissa. l .-aic -S. Moioio
l-'i.-ln n t;.-. . t k . David Aueenbacl., .McKintiet
i iieeo'.vouil. Isaac I'. vans, Isaac Jkelcr, riuln,
I fee so
Hemlock. H'lHiam ("ox, J)u':d liniih, Isaac
Jackson. Jliinie'r u.l, Ivoheit IMijiir
l.ili.-itv. Jort-ph Hi an, Joseph Kerr
M.idis"u. Allraham liroad. Abraham otrton
MahonuiK. Charles C., 1'liilip .-sidler, (1,
'. I'rown
Mitlhn. Anvs Ilerl.ickcr
Hiinnc U illiam W liite
Uonincrcck. lud.ih ClieiiiiKton, (!eor-o I-'etlfr
huh John Mclloniy Ulias Je;,s
Val.ev. David Maxwell, J anus Cui ry
CUliA!'! CU:. ! ClIHAP!
1 7UI.MIX(-!Kli,
flf, IIM'I'C 1TCI.1.V informs the public tha
ho lias inmsi il in iiie Ml li ro.,u
ol . Iioui.ii I'aintoi'rf olliee, on the east side .,
Market, tihove Main-stlect, Dloom.sliu g, and i.
ir. pan d to
t,'i pair all hinds f Clocks ami ll'a,Jics
in tlie liesl niaiinet anu on mc u a.soinilil:
y:uixi) iu:;n
pt consliiutly on hand lor salt).
Demnlicr 2, iMli iilly
The silbsfii'ier liavng liei II i .i i-i , lie:
.'or'.) years in the .Meri.-.innle it i -i nt .s 11 icliro a .d seitle t,p l,i. coiicern
nid uiva younger bauds an upeirunity
inaki'g inoiii v, oif.-rs li-s '!ti!'KU'l 1
sroRM, Mil. I., farms, i i:n acm
and other piopi'p.y this pioperty is siiii 1 1 - i
on bis! r'l-lni'U'-K-i k tttne mih s from ih
ear. a I and saiuo ilistanre liom lliooiiis'miie
die new Seal of .los'iee i(C is a a onl In alinn
f ir an' public b-i-itiers. ;iyill his four ;..r .if
S;ooes, widi the necessary liolts aii-l olh'-r
main rs. I' e.iletil.iti tl io m; !.e .'i.
Tons I'iji Iro-i per wei k is stilled to use
either (,'har i il m Sunn- Cod Iris lor:.
Ill I iipeialion fir the pasl Ivti,
tears Iron ore plenty in the im;l, bur
hood and w.i ,,l Li. ds within a lew milca ;
the I'nniace
(Ir wind, I ---Il one b df the Interest in the
proper, y io a prison compel! nt and williny
to tike i-c hand in ihc m maai lorrtl
Idp-s- '
co inly I'
l.iilhls'.reel Post Olfice Coniiiibl
I) ee-i.ber :), 1 H 1 0.
Tini lliuviile lli-inocrii, Miners Jonrnil
I'oil-til e i)i niorn.1 unt Arti'is.Kasl'in.atid
i tl .son I If in i n-rat, K-niliitir, will rjve tl-t
i'iiii e re insertions and lorw-inl their lulls
lor to M McDowell, l.'alil S.rci t
or io this nllice.
Ilousos and '2 Lots
i'ji: sali-;.
i f
M 111', subscriber oiler' for fa'
e Ins pro-
,.U ,i,. M;ui.,., lih,,,, ,-!,,;:.
,!l .11. ''.II..: , . I I. .. i
iiio inios aionioo) a lew n i,,i, aiioii- i.iineii
. . .... . .
!M.viI-rs. I no two I its adj,, in. 1 pori ,mh- llieie
i a two s'nry
uuiriv iiorsr.
il a I Mine ,-t ible, and ui on
: fl
rsid olh" -t .-r.tli F ir,.. H-iUir.
W.i'ixiw 1 h"'.v "'dl be sold lonelier or i,.'p
aiale to 91111 urcms.-is, and on reason il le tenn:
11 1:1 a-aplir. itintl to
I!a',;aud sr.YUEitr.
bloonisbur, .N'ovtinb'i' Vli l;f
11 E ubsi'rilierH will to inform their frit nd
and ciistO'iinri. gt-nerallv, that they have just
received an,' Mre now upeiunij asiltmdid assortment
Sttrli ax. superfine Fienrli, Fnglish and
,'lnirrican Chilis and Cassiinerm fan
ry (assiDfres, nalineHs, silk velvet,
hulin ami fanca vetins. Diess good
in variety, hucIi ut :ahmeitH. cuslnm
relln crape tie. Ininm. muslin de laine
ginghams, calicoes, Sic. wool hoods,
woolen coinftirls, sinpenderx. gloves
lioiieuy, storks, bomms, handkerchiifs
tin i ads, tapes,
nil n c.-iu-i Hi Hssorlinent ol noltuns, in tact a gen
etal iissiiilmt nt til
; .' I ; tj o a ,v, r; m ) ci: n ; .v, ; u I )
irjRF, hollow ir.uiF, cf
l) All WAIIF, QUFFys
WAllF. v) C
anil all other articles Usually kepi in country Aires,
all which they have purchan-ti with i;r-iit tare an,
on the best terms, und are unxious to ex. Innigu (m
ciish or country produce ot very low prieen.
ilooinsburt;, ( let. 15.
lBssblB Sale.
To be sold at Vendue by the subscriber
Saturday the '2nd day of January next,
on the premises spume in llloom towns lip
f.'olumbia Couihv, about one milt- from tin
town ol llloon shurL' on the great road lead
ing Irotn llloornsburg to Orangevil le, anc
immediately in the Iron region of (.'ulutiihu
Countt.a certain lot of ground contain
2 acies strict measure, whereon is erected a
loi; house and log slable, a well of w ater ai
the door and a variety of I'tuil trees, Sale to
commence at 10 .cluck A. M. and lein.s
made, ktiovvn
Aciirg Kx.'t titor nl(Jeori;e Lino dec
Rloomsbiirjj.Deeeiiiber, 5 18 l(i.
ULRAll ! UUll.HU! hlCUAll!
WJW AT ' a liot and a rumpus' there has been
VI since the arrival I the eelebiated U.-atMci-chaiil,
bringing the largest und chi.apet,t ciogo, his
leaaim of ,
Willi 11 '.VCri' lltlMsi(((l nt
. lUA'FTTS m:iv sroiiy..
'ii M.iiii-.-lieet. I hey are now selling at such
l ipid lulu in c.inseii.-in-e of their low prices
that It urn are entcrtaini d that onchalflhc people
iv ill not act llieir winter's supply out uf this cheap
st.icli. All those. I hen. who want good cheap -jood
should i all iiiiinediaielv and supply themselves
with r-i-idelotbs, altlneit.;, Cassi res, Over-
i-nit cloth. e-ilmri or of any description of dull,
tor .1en's weai I'rinls of iiuy ile-eriplinn am,
niee, I'abuetioes. CHsliinere.,, Mousdeliiines. Kim
lishaiid l-'ieiich Merinoes. Alpaccas, and satins
Tokery. Ca hnieres or lilanket Shawls, l'eelte!
Ilan Iketehiefs, .laeltuiiet and llihiinj mc
Insertion, iliivi-s-1si,.tliiM, in f.iei any thim; else
that may be wanted, Voll cainiut a.-k amiss,
a i:oc: ti if s'-irimuvju: ami
CWOCFFlll' ll'ARF.
And you may aKo have your pick mil of an exli-n-sue
assortment of i.MH.-l III '.'It It I'M SIIOV, S
and IIAT.-Sioid CAI'f.
Call soon or you will will he to late loliuy the
e!.ean-st anil lit-st gooils in town.
Nov. 'JH
srrri-v oi
CI, :hsfri-ni MJ ceiilsto ;,,")
. tl i-H lts ti '.111 ii? to s.7 A cenls
Ca ,siineies from hi cents to $'J,e.5
I ',i - .iini-rrs. ."alius .V Nll.s
Velvet V'-t.!i!iiSS flolil 1"ie. Ills to J.i
Cml.iincies delains A. A!!a;.aii salliiisfroin SS tofi.'i
.1 splendid ns, "i nn ul ol prints !moi 1 to H tents
'la:,!s .V. lynsevs of several kinds
lilcai'lliil y unlilcaelii o niUsliiis liom ';j tc tl CI
( ii'h I ie minis .V ladies ei.ivat - gloves rv e. , c
In short a lull assoi vinenl ul-.lty joints
spU.idul assortment of ueeumvnrecV II iril'.vur-
1500TS AND St)i;s.
Mens eourip bnvan shoe
S I eentj
Metis calf s!l es good j I .'i"
Mens colli -c boots I ii'i
Mens line b.n.ts -mil to ;V.,7J
tiroi elies of ;l,i lu st ipialily
.1., lasses fiom i'li to i;o rents per gallon
Su-ar foll'ic ai ,1 so forth.
1'hi". rcsiM cticdv invite tin-iiltentien i, Uic pnl,
lie to an esa ionalioii ol tin- goods. I
llspcy to." ii. Noveiniier 'S
j. i!. ss.urrox & co.
IISI'IIC'I I'l l. I, Y invite Iho attention ol
the public to t!i
wbit h thev have now opuned in the losver part ol
flluoiiishuii, '1 be stock ha- been can-fulls s-''ci t
ed, and it is believed that the late al which tin
"nods are sold will give genera! satisfaction. As
diev intend t-l',1. 1.1 Nti entirely l't) CAH1, ii
will be uniu-eessaiy Io charge il profit to se
re theiiisi'h c 1 1 o'll lots vv liict. alv,i s a! ten. Is I lie
rreiht svsteni. 1 Heir stncK. i-.-in-.isin ol a gint ia.
ISsollUU'Ut ol
Ifrv (oolis, sioctiio, A.c
They have
Molas es Iriiyn .11 1-1 lo -I I eems per gallon.
I I ' .,lV. ... I, ,. , .. k I. , 1 Ik .... i , I , ,r , I
- - r" I
ii r. 4 . . m
i.'-ai ,u j -- io .t rrni!. pn i.-.u..u
1'i-i'i'fr I 11 nls i-ei pound.
Calicoes Ir.-ni J to cents per j aid.
Mn.vlni Ironi , to do
L-,ittinells fri.m ("j to,) do
Carpi 15 from J j. Hi ff) do
with .1 splendid a scrum nt of M'S-inlia d
Mpaeeas. tiaia 'lotli, Ac 1V1. a', the. i-aine pn p ,r
tijuatc hnv piices.
.Nuvembcr 1 1 :J0
Slosse Coal.
TON'S of liist quality of .Slolia Cuu
for Nale by
l.. u. iii;p;i!T.
Dec. 3.
flie snhscrihrrs hav on hnnd noinentilentlid In-
'rait, anil V'euolia Carpeting which they wili sel,
very oW.
SI 0 A N Si l O.Ml'ciON-
Ksieytowil A'ov. 28,
11 II Niibsc.rihpr offers foi khI his I'nrm situ
. Hied 111 Fishiligcrt-en lovilohii, Coluiobn
ci-unty, containing
about 50 nt whieli is improved and under n pood
slult! of cultivation. I'pon the premises the e i n
""V '-"S II"Uhc, u Kiame jV"-'
! I '''"f a '"is'1' Apphi y
JJLlillW 0"'nar'1' u"d never fail.
The above properly will bo sidd on the most
reasorinl terms up,m npplication tithe subiittibei
living on the premises,
November 2R, 16-lfi-3if
N 0 T I C lu .
NVhereaaniy wife I;:I.IZ has Ml m
bed and board w ihon, jus cause or piovo
caion,all persona are hereby riarbor
ii.(! oriusinir her on mv accnun as 1 shal
pay no debs uf her contiai tig alter tun
dat ,
.losnrv wniin.
Ventre ownship Nov. 2i 18K5 32,
rllO'SH desirous of spending iho loni; winlei
nights in actjuirimr a linowlcdgii of Mnglish
Uiuiumar, Algebra. Purveying. .Mensuration, A
rithmctic, .Vc; are informed that Ihu auh.ieril.ei
willeunimencea NIGHT HCIIOOI., on .l.'on.lav
cvenm-', iNnvemhurSad. r.t the, Ai-a,!nn.o ll ,. ;ii
leach I-'uLli evLiiings in the weik.
Nuveuiher 21
Tbp subscriiier oilers for sain his town
property, si. uaic on Main sin-el Hmoum.
burg ("Hopkins addition). There are three
mwn lots, ol 50 feet front prh ailjoininfj,
uiun one is a FRAM E HOUSE and sta
ble, and a good well o: water, near the
donr. The whole will be gold tnjreiher or
'cpantely lo suit pnrchaft rs; upon reasona
-j. c turins.
ninonmshurt;, December 5, I8if3.
' No Humbug.
TiTl'TrilKIi are we cuing to tall; about ' Wnr
between the l.'ni'ed Sta:es and Mexicof nor
ol se lling goods 1 0 per cent. I eow city prices.'
Neither an we goini; to string together in nut ml
vtiitiseuieiits every thing we have (oi sale, t'nin a
needle lo an anchor,' but murk what vsu nav
We are going lo
Keep us nice a variety ofdoods,
'i( hoth ipiality ituil price, as tliosi -,i Im make more
noise in the papers than vi e do. VVt- have pur
chased uur goods as clo ao us ii is posuble lo bu
llieui. ainl wu vt ill si II t!iim as cheap, if our friends
vs ill give Us a a I ul our
leeently crceted by K. II' ltl(,'(;s dircrttv opiio-
ile the new Couit House, and n. u ,hior soutl) ol
Deoblcr's Hotel, we will show ,ein nil
selected rxpics.-ly for theif nr.. otiiinedalioli. A
niong the articles of
we have rreiieh und Aineiii'iin CI.OTII, Cns.
siineres.satliiietts, vestimrs, iVc iS, e
for I he I, mlies we have (V.hniercs, M-m-liii
de l.iins. Cn hniere llnlirs. Clonk it-.;. Prints of ev
ery slileiind piieefrom-I lo eenlM per sard.
-Iitt -a Is, fi loves. iV;r. iS.e. in l.i- i even variii. ol
inerehaudizi- Usually kept in cuuot-s stoiis,l,e-;li!e-uiiii-
things a little i!iJ rent.
All ' Wats ti ni t-upi of cvi'iy .I.-s. ; 1 j linn.
.s lor our
cull mid examine die n for yonrselveii.uni! ymi wd'
tiud ll.ein excellent and very cheap.
Thev h ivc also an assortment of
An I the best of MAC It B IX K L un 1
Irish Salmon
of a superior ipialily . All of which will be dis-
nised ot II ex, hauge tor t ash or I ountry lie
.M.OAN .V Mi;.N'D:.NllALL.
lilooms un Ni v: 7, l- lti
is just oi'icmm; um
ill and Winter Goods
N U purt hasiirs will find a fiesli and iplfiuliil
a.ssoi lui-nt of
1) y (iiinils, (riiri(, (Jtitriistciire .
HtVJ diL'iliv .Ceiliii ivirv iti,
C pi. ,.. .v mid
Stuns, eye
,.(,,- -n ,,ar, ( , .,ttl ,) fallcv Ca-
' ' ... . .. . '.
. niinifs. tlrrnoi ti asmHv and Jvenlu. i.v nans
i -
m,!,,,,., and vpstiiiusalpiura aiiJ faraniaiii. rloth
' r ren-:ll t.ii-nnieie und cusouierett.,. tneiifliii ill
llaiiv; and piints of tue most fj-lnonable n;
merej mode tlubei, .MDI.. I)anif.h ami ssool
.shawls. .V
j To them v.-i.hin Mshi-niabl an J rheap
best .pporto:ii'" 'l.iw to r 5. H.I early
while the
iitinnit it full foi tin .,f rar-
: mis
I b
Alloriiey al l.aiv,
'IJfiee South aide of JJain-it, bvou
Mai ktl
run counties of columuia
justice of the peace.
(lvi:ia.c;i;k, .
OiHce, corner nf Kaat and Main-nlreeti.
Attorney nt Law,
Ih.ooM.snuuo, Columbia Coumt, Ta.
Office on Market a few doort above Main
Street Oif
Ei0 W. WAVUto
srnvi:ron co.xviiY.hMEit,
SMiyiciiB and Siir-H)ii,
S"H"AVlN'f located himself in lomnshurg, ten
3 3 'lers bin profeHaiunal services to the public.
He may be consulted at nil limes it his office t
Willimi Hobison's, oppositu Uoehler's Hotel
August 20, 1810 18
liight Side Up!
J NT'()U.M the publio thst ty are still doin
husiuess at the OLD STAND, in the -lii gilt
IVuy,' and having just received and now tipeaiiiif
una uf tha lurjjest and most cxtenaivo asHoitment
ever hrout'lit into this, neighborhood, are dctermia
cd to continue doiiiij husiuesa in iho a.nue old
'Hiylit Uay, ihul they iiiny keep up Willi ihu
tiinis, aud sell, as usual, as low us they can be pur
chase J elsewhere in the county. Aiouni; their
limy he found
Moiulin de lames. Cohurg Cloths- new
style of L'Umkinsr, Egyptian I'rlvds,
Caicoe? f om'.l to jjO vents per
yar Ciisinieres from
37 I-'i lo I OO
Cents per yard.
CLOTHS from 7. Cents to SG ptr yd.
iu wall as till other kinds uf clotha foi a.gdies' am
Uenlh'iiicn a wear from a Cap for .he head to a
stocking for the llut, at the aame reduced low prU
'They have al o an unsualty Urge assortment uf
nut a general' assoitnient uf all kinds yf
for Ladies iiid Genth-mcn. Also, a large tot
KclUil :(1 Uaiiiiiii'tcd UikV una
olli;r lion,
suitable for almost any use in the country.
All of whii hlhey will exchange tor Cash, Coun
try I'roducc or 1. undid upon such terms as that
dl vvlui tiudo with Ihem will he sutislied JJeaurt
Nuveuibur 14
Chair Manufactory.
fJTi 'fir Fin MM
Look well to your interests
IWnre you purthase. and if you want
oud bargains, just rail at ihc shop ot
on Main aired nearly opposite C. Kahlern
olliee, where you ran tiud Ihem ready at
all nuns lo lurnibh l'ani-y an J Windsor
ehaira, nettees, iSusion Kncking chairs, or
my kind which may lie callud lor, as ihey
will alwavn havu on hand a guod assort-
tieui ul all kinds which ihev will Hell al
the lowest price poasihle for mall or txm
hane lot luiiilu-r or country pioduce;
l-'ruin iheir ionf rxrerience in business and
a tie icr in i nalion tti dn work which cannol
lie eurptiascil in llie county, ihc-y at-k for a
sham of public patronage. 7 hey will bUu
House, Sign, and ornamental raintm
ing and House Papering
n the neatest and most approved tjle and
1 1
upon reasi)tiao;e ternii".
l.UD.N tV. tSMWU..
Uliinmsburg Oct. 11, 184IL-20 y
A new s
i. ' d al
new supply of elegant carpeting juat rerei-
thu new store.
L. U. Hi; PERT.
Aui. l '
7'oiheCA HI'I'.N TEH1 N C, 11 CM NESS
me wanted llliini tlialel y, 'I w o atliveLds
IH r 17 years old will receive good encour-a-jemeiH
upon applieaiinn 10
JVmiin'biirej Niiveuiber 14
a-jpciicr lot,
cheap, by
j'lat rc'eiscj and fsr tult- vty
t-ptcml.-er 1 v