" EHS FROM MEXICO (From tba Now OiLum Dulli, Nov. Ui The ateamthip Molvim. C)-t. IVk which Isfi Unz ) Si J jgi on ilm 23 J inst errivoJ here I at i evening. . JVij n Mol.ano and Grdiam bearer ol despatchea ftom Gen. Taylor to If ashing tort, and Cipl. O.T. M. Dis, benrer uf despatches fiom U an. Wool to rmiUing ton, weie cn board, as were also several officers and citizeiiB. of whon a list is given elsewhere, and one Ininitreil ami fifty dua- b'ed and discharged volunteers. ' We had the (demure of an interview with Captain Davis, and from the information which he polr.ely communicated Id us, we mike up thn following general suiunMry of newi. On the 20. h ulu, when Gen. Wool und bin command, numbering two thouaand m hundred men, were within about one hun dred mi'es of Jlfonclova, tltc Genet al re- ceived from Gen, Lopez, the Governor of Coahuila, a formal protcil against hi fur ther invasion o! Mexican termoiy, inform ing him of the armistice that was entered into between Generals Taylor and Autpudia nt Monterey, and alleging that he should consider any further advance on his (Oen. Wool'fJ purl as an infraction of the game. Gen. VVool aeut vord to (Jen. Lopez, in rrp'y, that he wm aware of the existence of ttiti armistice alluded la; that his Govern tucnt, whose orders he waj obeying con lrued its letms differently from the inter pretation which his Excellency, Gen. Lo pez, had jjven it; that he was determined to continue his lay. lie did ao, and on the 30th halted four milea notth of the city of Monelova. To this place Gen. Lopez cam' quickly out, attended by an escort He politely welcomed Gen. Wool to Coa huila, and offered him a peaceable aurren tier of the city of Monelova, explaining, at the same time, that the protest which he had previously forwarded to him was drawn up and despatched in )ho discharge of what lie believed to be his duty to hifl own Gov eminent but that so far as he and the civii authorities of the cily were roncernad and there was no military foice in the place they weuld receive the General ami hit- command a fiienda, and in return they looked for the treatment of friends front ' them. The General then encamped his men where they were -a most favorable loca tion and, with his Huff and a detachtnen nrtipcpilHil on. took nnssfsaion of the city unit raised Hie American nag cr trie cita del. Excellent anil comfortable quarters weie seleeied for himself and ctafT. On th 2d of Nov. (Capl. I).) left wnh despatches for .Washington, taking Aonterey in his route, having information to communicate to Gen. Taylor also The health of Gen Wool's command he represents hi remark blv good, their match a most agreeable one end through one of the finest grain, corn . entinii, suijsr and ptslurage countries that lie ever saw, or can well be conceived. .Although reports were rife that the coun liy wag infested with Mexican banditti and tie:irliermis Indians, Capt. Davis left the camp with only two Mexican guides, arri v- ?d fely in Monterey oa the 8d) inst Tiiere he found things pretty much in re pose, Gen. I'aylor awaiting despatches from Washington. The camp wa9 still sickly and among those who were not convalesc ing S3 fast as desirable is Gen. Butler. II is wound is still painful to a degree. Capt Davis Icfi Monterey on ihe ilth, On his return he mm Maj'ir McLana a few miles from the city with despatches to Gen. Tsv lor. Having been delayed at Camargo ami o hpr points along the Rio Grande, he wa overtaken by Major MrLane and others who had left Monterey later than he did mil ihi. t nabled him to receive still later in. : form nion from that quarter, l'h' d- iicfn'8 ot which Mj'r McLane was the l:ea,er. di!ern:ined Gen. Taylor in his course. End gave a new direction lo af fairs along the whole Rio Grande; the tir-l fruits ol which wore the despatching of tin steamships, Neptune and Sea from Erao ' 6t Jago on the 21st ins!, with sbout 700 regulars of Col Giles' command to Tampi CO. Major Gen. ratltrnon left, or waa l" leave, Camargo on the 'iOih ii!i a force ol 1500 or 2000 men, via. liiasos St. Jago.fo, the s line detonation, Oo iVie 15 h nui. (Jen- Taylor and hi itafT, with Gen. Worth in conxnand of h brigade. Ir !t Aon'erey on a lour of recnt,- n"i-same of th.e country. They at iheatnr time took and garrisoned SaluPo, and wen about to return ti camp. The reports fioin the ..txican camp are thai Santa Anna is collecting the whole force of the naiion, Cct) much of it as will ;a:y under his banners, at San Luis I'otcsi Itbieh place ho is intrenching acd fortifying with a'l pmsibln diligence and picc.niiion. Jit.w iitiuitted that thsre are already 16,000 nen there, nJ ihat lie mains to increase his force to 30,000, si.d with them io await! m attack Iro n Cn. Tnyl r. and make a lesperale -a fi lal effott to d e f d a t our for ces, Us will, however, have to await some itmo, it is helievd, before Gen. Taylor calls him out.' Foi it is now believed, in lecd, it is known th.l lieoeef irth the bane il the operaiious of our army is to be not from Monterey nut from Camargo not Irom Matamoras or Liniree hot from the uighest navigable point of the liver above rmpien, and tl:er our men and muniiions ara henoeforth to converge but, nous ver roni. We should have stated that a report reaeheJ Monelova, before. Capt. Davis had reached there, that Chihoaliu had been ta ken by a det.u'hmeiil ol troops from Gen ATeainey's division. From the New Orleans Picayune. Geo. Worth left Monterey dr aalullo on the 13 li inst. Me took with him idiom 1000 troops of the Oth nd 8ih U. S Inl'an- uy and Col. Clnlda Artillery Uitlalion I'll e objects of this expidmoii are exdain ed in the subjoined letters; MonTkrky. Nov. 10, '40. Ki!s. Pic. The garnu's afi oat and the tally-ho has again been sounded The 'I I Division, under General IV'orth, march on ihe 12;h day alter to-morrow for K..lul lo, accumpanif-d by iwo squadrons ef caval ry. Of course there will bu no lighting un. til our troopa get beyond that place. San la Anna is making great exertions to rally all the means of the country, and, in the hWny parlance of the camp, promises 'tnutho fan lungo' at Sm Luis I'otosi, He has al ready 10 000 regulars, and 6000 more ire on the man h fiom the capital. We lull probably have one more big fight, and then yeace a loi g rest lo many. Yours truly, P. S, General ffool reached Monelova eight days since and goes no further in that direction. MoNTHIiEY, Nov. 14, '40. Friend Ac. Gen. Worth lefi here yes terday with about 1000 regular troops the 5lh and 8th U S. Infantry and Col. Guilds' Artillery Battalion, Gen. Taylor went wan him, and took Captain May's dragoons, to the number of some 250, ni an escort, auppose that one object of the commander in-chief is to ascenain, positively, tin I'hnneei ol obtaining water on the road t an huis, in case n may be deemed erpedi r il lo march direct to thsl city. The to poll in camp is, that Gen Tay loi'a foicr has been ordered to J'arnpiboj but I beliuve he can doss fie pleapis. and if he finds that ho can get to San Luis easily in this direc tion he will go there. I give this as men speculation of course wn kuow noihi.: certain here. If Cm. T. had Oen Mc'Ju - loch's old company of Kani;e:8 he con iOon find out all abnit the route to !Sa i Lur is it is, Col. May may bo sent out in th., direction. He is an excellent and most el ficienl officer, a gnahead one. too; hut lb I'exans are 'lighter draught' than the dra goons, if can use an aquatic coioparisoi in this cuss can get ihuul and pi iv hnl and go seek in the chsparral heiier liian air troiips ir, the world, and aro nov mil' I needed. If any thin j turns up you kind hsar from me again Yours, Ca2ifanf.H). fVcENES AT MONTEREY. The loilowinj ecne was described to me hy an (dfiiTi commandine a regiment in ihe second i!m lon ai ihe battle id Monterey. I eive i ilmost in ,ia own language, as he spoke o! I llis day after it occurred 'H U Srpii n.- ter. ile has declare!) olten einre. ihal : made him feel sentimental every lime ,. Iioiijjht ol it,' and I am sure I never iljounV f accusing linn oi weakness, for il gave no he hloe to hear him lell the story; 'And this,' said be, in speaking of hum. reminil me of an arTeciiiig fct-nt; of rt, niiii. l was oroerfU jy toi. l.lol'f u lakeia company of my rpgiirent &i breil; i i'ie door of a row of house s in the 2d pk ja I had gone neaiy I'.r jugli withoui sef mc - soul, when, for a time, the efforts nl n nen weie exerted iit vain lo j;ei ir;to oik hat seemed bairioaded wiih rare As ih ingis of the i.'oor wore about to giva vn.y t treuiulona voice on the iopiiIh befecrh.,! me not to break the rii;nr down it aliould b pencd. When tmioeked, rushed in :it- well as I could, over bed, chairs, cushion- &c and to iav emprise found ihe room nc- upied by nbout twenty five women! Ar- oon as ihey taw me and the soldier h;- owing, they ran arouid nie end ft il op ifit knees, the elder befeeehing, in tones f deep distress, r y protection, and to have their lives gpaied; the J enifer begging inn lly not lo be injured. While they weie thus kneeling, and I assuring them thaf no roj or injury ehoulu btUll iheai, a pretiyl.'tide Grurdy, little woman slid into the chole and knelt chiso to my feat. 'Sennr,' said the, in a soft, quivering voice, 'lor the love you bore vour innthni. for llio lova vnu h.ivo li.r vimr t . ... . . j wile, for the tender allueiion your heart holds for your chiMren, oh, s p,e mis, wy loor little baho' holding up bright eyed, dimpled-cheeked little boy, about a year ii . l. . . e . - t . . . ! il oiu. one never bbkcu ior ncrseii in; spue of me, tea,, rushed to my .yes, and I, could only ipeak with a full heart as I told her to iie, and assured her that she awl her child were vere perlecily sale. 11 y the Holy, Virgin, Ca)iing,' remarked a rough Irish soldi ir, wiping away a ter with thn back of his hand, 'u-O't'l the outd Seventh pur ted iliem!' 'That night I watched over that room, which wag eaeredly kept from iulr Jsiol). The next day we nore blessed by these I'e" males io their attentions, for the protection e bad given them, for they gave us of what they had lo eat and tit ink. and we11'9' A" 11''""!liy 15 or 10 yearayf aK. will re. were nearly faniMhed. J'onr creatines, il'ow much thev were diaiiessed. The V0llj i,)Pr wli ever he painted in my omid's eye as the devoted guardian ol her lube. Her husband, I learned was an of fieer, and was ihen tiihiin us in the city She cou'd not have known whether he was olive or not, and 1 have not heard of him,' Mbiiv 8ct'iie, very like that described hove, took phi in the city. 1 did not I ear of a single outrage being committed where wiimeo were in the question but heard of many iostiiiees in which food was furnish ed to our men and paid for, even when the riht was going on. II. lssaisinatirit'JiiMzic(in$.- you n g man by ihe name ol 11 reley, l,eloi- c lo Cap1. Claud!' i 'h ronipany ol TXas Volunteer, waa tt a n u i 1 1 1 1 by 'he pci fi lioiig Mt x fHM a shoi I t me ni ter IIih rapMu'al'on ol Monterey. Wt lean lK' liiliowioji parucolar liom th Austin (Texas) Democrat; 'Ilorsely ivcnt lo so oiauge (Mive in t lie ( ferniig and leninined all nibijlus failure U itiurn in ihe morning excited fers foi hia safety; bis conuades went in f.-aicl i f hinv; io 'lie oiar ge jrive they foiino b'ood IraC'-il i1, and finally dic.verec! he body i f ti e tinfoi lunale ) outh in ihi San Juan, pierced by g wound Irom a lance, or (iiinie uch lObtiumenl. The iirwsof ihi.a biise und cowardly art piead like vvil.l fueaniorg ll..y' n.in. They delt riiin cil lo lake ample Veil - ;eanee. Wo Ui the Mi xie ii- falling in ibcir w?y Gen. U'oilh wm omle ac quaioted ilh ivhai was goii.ji iin .ii' I e ren I his aid to r xj (.n u a' ,M.il I r n ol i Oih Wmi coin pan its , n ,I, , .) , jn ., ,a, hb Texans lo ceese. i'.lm.ated by tbel'd ' r.f onsn z.ituii in thai c"v, owariily ti.eanni'gs of i,e n.ui (it lei, ui h w ..s i.. m I o-;,,.m, ihal i ,,!v f I l.eil le llo '.V . ildi I i rei,i i iii In s r i!:' i I i u h rt, n.... ... .. L I 1 i i. uf the m,uy f,ul and oloudy bu ilui ii' pi H i a el Upo ii I lo rn i n Utiii-i l.iro '!' the Sallii' per.Jilf il.ey fparcd not f rn, oi in. 1 I).' exc ' t r: , - nt vv.i- o hih Hi , (i' n. Tay loi was iinlureil to i.-iie an oi I' i c ' n. u an i g all ili-h nidi um ps i, cave .Monieiey m 48 Ik.ui -.l i in ilu uj-ii SO oi 100 MirS cans f-II luawi'p lb III) I I II .1 vl I xhltCZ ' ly Ten.'.!. it;nhot oi 1 'Jll. r'he CO I -.'. drill oi f N IV olk SjiUI! ol lh- Tnri'-,wi it i g f "in ili seal of war in viro, i -: 'O ,e fanl coo,,, tied wiih the ahi.nl opon .V.",,., r- y 1 i.avi: i,. jib ri.il io ,. :old. I' i.) ,. .11, ,,i,d ten. I ally h, teed, tin u Cou ji ny of Ln.etrs iv eoniiiianilril by a woman. Se.zed wmI ial,iolie J)ir if , ll ll,,HeX' d In r i ii. ilre.-.ed in e fu 1 -nil of a 0,i;,iain ir L Tire in, (.he (lesued lo h-' , , he foe, and mv .re that be w.uil.i . , i it Id tint 1 1 the 'no, ilu , n f, ih ., i ,riv. r riven Irum lie, o... I.-, ml, un,, ftl, ad r-hh.-l In r l.i.t d nj) . l,,o.l in .. lenc 1 1 her n.nicn ro'inbv. Prrvrinn. o our at i, c li , Mio w.s nrided btlo,. heir loi.,., ai. d jirea'ly ixci'ed aoi! o.L in nt'.l iheii cotiiage. S'-.n bar; ji.jji.). ,: h i; !1! an lo posted a( tin -pol where the fir, l h0t vvc. ihi f,P, ,! wheie Ihe Ihicke-t of the b'ile w. n ,1 W JJe. l S r MtT I - ll 0,1 the 21s1 title lid ihe i baif- r.f L.oc. rs which pI'OVMl (a'ul I'l so, lie of i 1,1 cor,, oia, ii: airnmji ihe luuiilj. r , ,"lt J t j k'nert'- an rxaiiijit,- of heroism w. r'hj tiie ilayn of .!, ! i has itm .;;ie, ,- x- coto pro luce e.C' iid .loan o'Are, l,;i i ol I.kij her, 8ijcrsful. 1 vstuld liave iiveii u jjood dti lo have sten her loiiy- hip. President's Uuu.se. l'lesidenl Pulk lias Dill c tins.'.! a m r. 1 , lulol ninnlni, i Nashville, Ter.u. ihe iale nsiilnice ol 'W'??'?.Prxcxz " - 'tbuth itdov r tn 1- . S JTLIW.IV, VKCIWULMl li, IWIO. ftwMv y PALNER Eiq.ilaulhoriud 1oattBII Ant fur the 'Colombia IIkmui hat,' und re- ollmmHxfyr Xubxnptm and .UmtU- Phil,HphU Ao. 69 Pine-trctt. A'eiu Yurk " 1 DO liiumn-ttrcd. lhsfon " 16 Stiite-ntnct. fiullimnre .. E. Cor. Halt, und Culvert-tin. Mf-chtins-Ncchunici and Tradesmen nitty find if in their (idvatittiirt tn udvcititt in litis paurn tin th ttiifumif tti tit i tit it itt ?, f'nt.iiti M.w.f end has u m-tattr circulation hi the euuniu ' than any vthcr paper jiulliihtd within tlUimUt. - AX Al'.'UKXTICE, To the PniHiiig iHiainenH ia wanted at Ihia ceive jjud encouragement. The Pr inler i rmieh in want of s few bolirU of Will' AT. CORN' & ltl'r t: nun i, hi HHKj" vvno OW'e hull Upon sob'-cnp-ion. He would also l.ke a few .' I It.' a I . r ... L bu-heLt of POTATClCS. We have received the President' f . ivieMagp, out ioo late, owing to i leng'h.lor iio-nt'on nuiie in this werk piper, theirlore, rrher than divide i', we po-ijioiio iis iuhicaii(iti unlil otii in Xl, MAP or M fiX I CO. Me have received a biauufol " Mnpnf Mexico, im Ind nu Vue.iian and Upper Cal ifomu. ihe chief Ciiies Hiid Towns, Trav elling mads A.c, by S- Aujiusliw Mitchell. " S'x copies are seui by mail for One Do lar. As nut army is now in Mexico all are anxious to know i s whereabouts, and onr of these AInps wmilil l-p just ihe dm jj (i t ieference. Every person .therefore, oliould pocsfsa one immediaielv. The Fuluntvcrs fur Mexico. The "liiment foil) Ihe O .iDommion is near ly foil; Two companies have been or HiniZ'd in Iliehrnond, and their servi cs aeccpteil; one in Alexandra, ano mo'her in Peier-hir g. lo the. lad nam ed place a meeiii'jj wis held on ihe 1- in-'. , ai u h ch ihe ci'y irln'r ii.. w, j 1 tcom mend, d io appi rjjr iaip S2.500 i ''ii tb' volunu er-, and n inler ibm. rnfoi l -ble. A w O- lea'., on 2S h n't. - . - - - ' , i u o i r ii'Ktered in ihe i vice fi,.', s ,v i , Govt nini'f piocl.i.nialion 'twould cp. p".ir 'hal n n 1 five companies will ,. r ceived f.om ihe ci'y. in order ilia' lie -olir r p.ri.liffi of ihe Stale may liavi i cliMicp i,f I'm ni-liirn he rer.i iin.lcr. Ai N-w York, no Thins, hy oihl. 1 lee more ol iI:h c mpanips of the r r-i -i. eoi w, re fiiiu'leil. 'mil on i', :tU y 'let pimed Ihf Ihice tMiiulle.l ).. ),,.(.,,., & :iulii, at Fort II. million. 7'no oniMoy w.s i xpec'iol from Albany-"!' ''oril ')', and it was th'.i'ihi ih.,i hoi" irMiu i wioi'd Ix; in ra mp Fm i I.' nii'1'oo roi Sunday. I oe fir I it jiinv i I lioni PiM'risy Iva- nia lia In en il, s'jnaled. as l,,llou-.. i- , l'.Vv'. Uiiolcr, Washinu'on L.l'v. Jo-eih Li!, C,iy Go r,U Jo", li -ntieii.Pi.i!,, lnl.i Guard-'. L L. I) IIU, (MI;liji I il, J.lll-- N 'U1,., W ,.1.1,1,10,1 Al'y. ip'. ii J f lie,, oc I). If!' I... I, (J I s. A ,X. II. I. J (k oo Intl. I i ' ii.-- ' V . r S o. li. , ,. (; ,,, u " R K. Sc ni, Col,v ,l-.(er C,r:t. " T G. M. r. head J IIc.KMiGuimU Th- Wvon..inj At' i I r sr, r:iio 1. r "n .1, .oi 100. h fi Wi'.k. -harre o,.M,,n !' -' !'s-' l down Ihe Canal,;; heir rmre m P.t shoi jj. Three f tin P,,ld Iphia ronrif-inie rn. I Hi" ro"'Viile rnmioinv. , i P..il... . j , - - d. Iphia oo Moml.y a,,d the mill r il r. . jon V d-.e-lay f.i .he bin.,. d.-i'io;,t;i. whn. 'luy ai ; all lo hu riiU.'Urod i,,u e l vire. 'lierty Did) easing Ti e Ct ioriri. o a i Tin. i s ill's a pun! f ti ry of a It liuw '.v!io was leading cm r ihe list cf U lird and wotiiuied at loi.tney, ,j r ihoi day. lie waded pafienily Ihrnugl, he long columns of nanus, and ihtn petulantly throwing lh paper aside, ex- cliitned, 'D u sich news there niri't nobody t,cri that 1 hnoif.' We aie ifque.ud to rumtion ihnt a County Tempi rani n Coveniieti, w ill be ie!d at tho M. K Moeiing Iluim in Jer siytown, on the fust day of January next. i'he intelligence frum the army is indica ivc of a I'eteimined purjiose lo furnish the .1exican Congress with I'lont cogent and pertinent reasons for the negotiation of a peace. The bonds of cnmpesi are becom ng daily morn and pjors stringent, while a is appirent that in a abort time ihe poi- ion ol Mexico lef. lo Ircai w ill he consider ibly Jess than 1'iat lo Heal of. It also aji itiars dial the neccas ty has been rualiaeii u) concentrate all l)ic available forces dial an be brought into the field, for n final ecnflicl with the American armv, nhou'n! the Mexican Cmigres deterinino lo icfist. There now si cms lo be only two points at w hied a contcet of arms may he cx peeled and those are Vera Cruz upon the coast, mil that place nt u ,u h the troops (dial! be concentrated to finennnter the combined uiiliiary forces of the United States, wheth er San Luis I'otosi, the ciiy of Mexi.'o it Ij'er any iniermediale position 'I he en- ergci'c manner in hich ihe terminaiinn ol die armisiiee was declaied, was qniie c ha. riico ri-iiie of the cominanding ofiicer I does not appear lo have been puiaiable lo die eiiinma'n'.ing authoii.y at S.dullo, no: p eanant liilns lo coiiimuuieaie hevond. At:' I.ng io pieheot inlotmaiiim ii does not seem improbable ihat tidings of ihe evaeua lion or the capture of Sail Luis Polusi will he thurliy upon ua. Wise of Produce A writer in Ilu liosio.t L .oner, over the signature ol 'J Pi. 13,' est imait s Ihe t isu in value o, the agricultural productions of Ihe U. States, since September 1, 1816, as foi lows-: On iIip crop ,,f Indian Com, (es- l.mned ai 4SO.000.000 hii-hels.) the ad .- ....-...., .. .1 .. 4 n r i ,a.cr rN ,n, Ul j ,-riii per uusneiniiMif jjruige in a cross able slate, Tuesday i-6120,000,000, on ihe crrp of whe the advance is estimated at Jj5G 000,000 on ihe nop of oats 55 1G 000,000: ry .'36, 000.000; on Ihe crop of hay tin advance (in const qience of ihe increased use of corn and oilier trains lor breai' s'ndO is estimated ai S4."5 C)C0 nnti Sliow.i g a lolal tiae in value of 3213, 000 000. Mcrnurtue Fuel Ii is Ftnled i, ) i-liieiMou Union, lhat since Ihr ha I'S r,l S'h at d Oil, ol M.y last. bid :. i . i t ni U i f I: (P tl!. I 4 ,iei ( lUKti lf I CliUl iv io 'oe won,', w iMe KJlaiji.j a f , to 1. I I t ii n io l ais, , i,, v -1 u i n f V eohs nv ' I , o r 11, -i rv:ce :o so sl.o, I a linn I l.i; eijt'.l new ifji'ni' I" i HI. r.r rly hi - h..io- oi 1 1 1 e ui no m-.. i ii. v hi i t I'Ve 'l!,,rinjr l w , rr it: ui or j;i"i:nu I lie Jornlin rr'. ... i r .. ; ; .iv t 'I- f-x . . I in,f s ol Ui l. I, a juoinal by i, ), wmrr, never pi. k, s lanrl ini Male ii ins, I'liuii;-, n. i 'on,, o: me jin a' ' l Capital, U (.1 JV j.l.,,.,1, Lr i , 1 o,!,!, bad (i nt on' 'i oi ,lvr to the U t ate-, f, r 500 (J00 rju iiif-rs of wheal I ipt.l to IIJU.OOO h.,,-1, ,, fl.ui ' JjtiHt 0)tk The Aut iii n (N. Y A I e, iier harts ih ai lour or five acr. of land on ihe firm of Air. IfeniyChas I'. , on the easl bank of the f.'.vo. i i. ...... i . i. i ft , . i n-7 nun oiai un- iiiih oi jjfiiyaM., aio ti fioa, siii.i; a lew (lays since and In- di.s .ppeat. il. Jil if:.' l,h t."A.' to tnt winter ican cil , A . . , ... ... t !! .1 ii.iiiijj 111,1,1 II i. Ill -Il h s been cm iried of I ti , cr v ; (or, D '., oo! se nlenreil lo v ivo uv . iy ,,,. (,!,, well hud o,.,. I e h.re h. k!' Mender E.'tTv- - .Mr. M, I) ,, i , i .... I -. I ' i ...i .- "i rn ei.ici l a ril. O III , , Co' ss I,, ni iM fd oi ;, to scppl 'he vaemcy o 'c i-i-.i i d i,y . e n si. n o (! Col. Price, who is in the am a 1 1 . j Fe. M inter 'ryoc Ilichard Sondlej K-q ol At womy, i i i-e on his plai;,. 'ioo .1 SW, f I . o l a ' o . rr.i a.oi in,, ..,, A.. ,.e inch ,nid n IntlJ io Irrg h; ai , hirtccn ihch-s and a half In circum icict.ee, al Ihe ihickesi par " Bin-ifd S.tivc Mahias S i.lB. ois lilc al DmLiny, C, on Tuesday iVf-f-L. V fliA rnrlnn in f - ....!) I J ",w iii I ll HI a til III 7' Much l.e was wo.lii, , thi.tv fPP. h.. ' low lha M.,fa-P. l6 ws.fi ..., age, or.d left a large family. j cu Vox the I'oluuiliia Drin tul. VVuvt BN'n T'oraKii mimr, It is a souice of great inconvenii uce and ofieniime of ruoriifi' ation, lo find onea.se , behind the lime. The oilier day when the company, culled into service from Poiiai',l, was making prep .ration lor departure, and thousands weie iikaembled to bid liiein fart well, some individuals from the rouri'ry, happening to le in town, and seeing an un' u-ui'lly large iispcmblage ol people, i nqnir- ' d ihe occaiiun of it, and upon be n( to'd th it a company wa about starting for ilm seal of war, rephed; they had'nt heard ihen- was a war, and wished lo know where il was. Now ihe difficulty in this case was evidently, that they did not lake a newspaper, and certainly that accounts sufli eienily for their consumaie ignorance. I'heie are thousands of peoph in the coun try, in Mini.ar circuuiblancee. at d so Ion it as 'hey presevere in their unwiiie practices, ihey will cutitinue to grope their way in J arkuess. In order ihal those who do lake a news paper may be lully apprised of what is tak ing place in the cnmmuniiy, and especially of those thnga which posses tomr general interest, I w ill give an account of 'what hap pened t other night.' All are aware ihal the season of ihe year which is more particularly appropnau-d hy society to bustling seems, lo,s arrived, and the young especially are busily at wink, Hatching up seem s of tmiiM u.ti.l. The first act in ihe grand drama of lira season. ias been performed' A few of ihe young people have been drummed logeher and moulded into a 77,nnd in that shape have no veil on a considerable number of succes sive hours, and at length found ihemstlvtg ii the mad. For some time p.iM il Ims been under- lood that the Caitawifga IJiidc Company Landed givino a B soon afier (7'ttinor I . .... 'he 8ih inst. was fixed upon for the grand performance, and the Bridge Company so com, ibtited towards it, as lo let all who lV('re i n v 1 from this side of the river pass ;lvi'r llle bridge frceiy afier paying the usu lo1' I' ' some lime aincp any of us have been at a ball, for which there are two reasons. One is, that but few of us have much talent in the heel the other is, we have not had r chance. The first reason has been in a meisure obviated, by ihe growth of our population, in which our number has been inereafcd, by ilmse nf more refined talents, )f the aforementioned order. 'Die second reason oi course possessed no longer any wciuhl, for some nf us at least had an op. inniiy to attend a ball. It may well ho mpposed thai iviili .,! ihcje. and various oher favorable ciretimstriiict s, we wcnhJ nil he lore in malumr un our min.lc .il,.,,,, 'Hei'd nij. in id .ion,, nihi-is would hve 'ee, i .il 1,1 to I, it e f i Ion fi oiu ,. v :,., l.i hev hid an opiorlnniiv,biil for ih-shhs not ne-essiry to menlioii, ii e V 'eonhhi't -l.i r,o.' The v.ad,er was v. ry unpropiiious. On Monday a eoi sid r M r nunitiiv ,.f ..u' dl, so as even lo excite the hope j., mm,, o.soo.s, that we unwlit hau sileiaJunir n ip next evenin.;, a. d some of our nirnber i.el.iri.d.ihey bad praved all.U.mdav.doii we nij; hi have sh ighine to g,, lo ihe I! II, hut hev crlainlv could noi .,,ve been i,o -mhleous ones, for the mud was innsi ter ilde deep, so ihal I really think, had I kno an how h id ihe goinj; was, I would have ii yed H home and missed all ihe pleasuro 'I the Hall. IJ ,i I Me had pronustd io go ami bhmi', thundei, and hoise shoes we did L'o.W'e eollecied inosi of the covered con- ihieles in town and between four and ivc in llie afiernoon 'launched upon iho l.o e.-s deei' of mod, pumps in pocket, m. 11,'in;; in ba.-ket, iiumhcrini; in ;,!! me couple, 'hal is iiieludinj; tho-e who " ill in (I "i 'dumb' or,b r. ol ,,M,on,.,r '"' i ilm e w hu dulit'l no. I?.ir,-,,,,. ., i .... i , , ir .ii- - oii-ii.ii s by ihe va; , e nil ri' e I h Iv a' ihe se, ,f of ,oir ( Xplm'fi, j iS; n9 d I'ho, ,s fdlirjr as't.cp. A,' eev?n 'clock or ihen ahouis (,e i,vang t f ihe li I. s.rmj! l,i(n,j;ht us all p flaming, on the ih'O' at ! caiiaeiollh Hall rr,, oi ,!, I . iii un imupn f Chailes ll uiii.aii Esq Of course we "I' o't Mai (I si,! w t.n the magic fi,,'. I'e bow was iiiioo,,.. -...I .. .. - i i, . ,111.4 .1 V ,lj,t ,1 lib jinj.j et regnlariiy lo ihe vanegatcd mi's, th il is. Hi,)..,. f u8 u-jj t,;., .,.. lung about linus, Having danced nil, with an emnlv f,tnn- ich, until shoiii nndnichi, Mir: r w3g Bli. I,l,uilt J 10 our no small gra'.ificanon. and e jooreeded immediately io the diociissiou of those subjects, which so much gratified "e r"",t" ,H9!t " af'"i Piiilosophers no nave ci nttnueU a source ol infinite ile .1 t. . . - . 'Kin man modern explorers in fwffre and . ) . . 1 1 i ,.1 , , ., ' ,a" l"tia' saving appeuie 1'wr, was proti. in abundance, and in exquisite style, and evin cIJ Fpicntos himself had he been tin;?