The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 12, 1846, Image 1

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.. 1 (jtue Mvnrnurioii the Alter of r.n.t, eternal hostility to every d.rui of Tyranny ever the Mind of Maii.-ThomM Jcirenon
iVloo3isiiu!:c;, colujhiia cjoixtv, ia. satijhday, ihscemher 12, IS 10.
Vumlier 31
VolllKK' X.
m nr of Main, a ttw bucks
low Maukkt-stiu:i.t.
The rnrrMISM DCMOCn.'lTinUbi
pu'dithed every Saturday morning, at
''TO DDJ.E.iUS per annum payable
hi f.) fieri u in advance, or iro hian,
Fifti Cents, if not pai'l within the yen).
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LETTERS addressed on busincss,must
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DECEMBER 12, -.810.
Uiuna'AnTEKS 2d Div'n Army mOccipa-
tion. f
Montersy, Mexico, Sept. 2S, 1 S 10.
m. I have the lienor to report thai
in obedience to the verbal order of the
general in chief, Hie division under my
command, composed of L'ru'. Colonel
Duncan's balleiy of horse aitillei) ,artil
)ery balialiorij Linut. Colonel Chihls,
and eighth regiment, Captain Scriven,
constituting the first brigade, under
I ,it ut Col. Sianiford; Lieut. Mickall.
battery, horse aitillery, fifth infantry,
M.ijor Scott, seventh, Capt. Milo.-,
end one c'Hiipnj Louisiana volunteers,
Capt. Hlanchard, second brigade, up.
tier Hiignlier (leu. Persifer F. 'Smith,
colonel of L.fles, and Colonel Hay."
regiment of Texa mounted riflemen,
moved from the main camp at i:l Hon
qm de Si. Domingo, at 2, P. M. on the
My instructions were, by a detour
to the ruM, to endeavor to find and
I each the Sa!til'o road, euVcl a thorough
reconnois:ince of the approaches to the
ciiy from that direction, to cut off sup
plies and reinforcements, and, if ptacli-
cabin, carry the lieiahts.
Owing to the difficulties of the ground
alter leaving the Marin, and before sink
ing the Presquina Grande rojd, the dt
vision hid reached only six miles in
conseq'ienep of the delay in making tlx
route practicable for aitillery, which
Berv ce was executed by dp'. Sander
at 6, P. M., and was hailed just with'
out the rangi of a gun hallery upon the
summit of an insulated hill,c.illcd Lorn a
lie Intlep'Midencia, midway on the oc
cent of which was the Uishop' Palc
Thence a rcconncdstince whs nude, un
der cover of detachment of Iliy's Tex
- m 1U0 inUTCPrtlnn 0 l'lesro'lllia
Grande mute, then in our possesion
with the Silnllo road. Thit examina
tirn resulted in the conviction that ihe
grounds in our front and on our left, n
sdvance, constituted at the same time
(he wck and the strong point? of tlx
npinv oosilion. and entered mainh
into the defences of the cil) the we a
point because commanding the onl)
lints of retreat, and ol supply in ine m
recnon of Sjltilh, and controlling tlia
in direction of Piesequina Grande; tlv
Ftrong point, bec ause of the peculiarly
.tensive character of the hills and gor-
... ,.f.hp verv careful and hkilfol
manner with which ihey had been lor
tified and guarded. It was also clearly
indicated that our further advance would
Lo strenuously resisted.
On the morning of Iho 21st the divis
ion was put in motion, and with such
formation as to present the itadiesl order
n( battle on any point of assault. At 6
the advance, rmltinp ofllay ' Texns
brigade, under ."Japt. C. F." Smith, both
I . . ii ! i .
nixteiKien, as me vany wintneu it con-
nrlei!, rlosdy fallowed by Duncan'!,.
liuhl arlilkiy, and battalion, Lead of
columns, on turning an nn
o! cl the
mountain, at a hs-cienda called Sin Je
rnnim,. ,-,. uon a sttong l-rre o'
eHvlrv and infantry, mostly the foi nirr.
A unnfliri immediately rnsucd. The
TfiiM received the heavy rharge of
cavalry with their unerring t ill , anil
usual gallantry ; the light companies o
ppned a rapid and well directed fire;
Duncanan'u hallery was in action in one
minute, promptly suppor'td by i s-'c
lion of Mackall's, delivering i'- fi e o
ucr thp heads of our men. Ive the
,lo f.f itip combat, whick lasted but
fifteen minutes, the firgl brigade had
formed to the front, on th-? right and
left, and delivered its fire. The second
brigade was held in reverse, Ihe ground
not admitting of its deployment.
The enemy retired in disorder, peav
ng on the ground one hundred kille"'
and wounded, among tin furner, Don
Juan N Njni Colooel of the pemn-l
0' nt reginunt of lancers, upon the
Hlo toad, and was close ly pursued un
,1 we got porsiion of the gorgp.wheje
it .1 t I r,om lLwlnr tJt nnilu
. " ' , . i i - f.,,, fi
funMiiiPP m I' 1 1 1 i ill ii ruu i ra n win "''"i
irection were excluded from entering
ihe city. At this impnriani point uu
1 1 v i f t o n was hailed, and attention di-
ected toward the mountain forts which
nvelopc ihe ci'y on its wes ern ami
southwestern faces Soon discovering.
however, tha: our position brought us
a i h i) rffrclive lange of the battel iei,
he tioops wrre advanced some eiglr
'.undied yards further on the Saltil'o
The examination, thus far, had man
Jested, besides Ihe importance r,f th
positions, ihe impracticability of a n y e'
I'ecMve operations against the city, un"
possessed ol the exterior foils ami bM
uiies. Independent, however, of ulte
, ior objects, the occupation of thes
lieiglns became indisjiensable tolh- res
loration of our line of communie .tin-
with head quarters, necessaiily dnn
oned for the moment, in order i-
ure the gorges of the Sallido road. A
12, M.,a fuice was dttached undnC-pt.
C F.Smiih.wilh orders to storm il-e lm-
leries on ine nesi ui mc .nnr-.
.1 . ,.f ,,,1 1,1 nil
Pll 1 eUer'ClUO, 0'l nmi nmx-s,
I 1. 1 .....I nflfi. I . I.- I It II I i til If.
catry the fort called Suldadi, on ihe
idge of Ihe same height, retired ..uuu'
GOO yard.
1'he two t-ff dually guarded lh' l"pes
and roads in either valley, and cn"S
quently the approaches to the city. Thi
command consisted of four companie.
K a l,B 3 l.and G and II,4ih aitillery.'
if tlio artillery ba'ialion, ami Given'-
i, l A. Gillespie's Chan i
ers, Pjallowe's and M'Ciillnch's e.
..anies of Texan K flymen, und-r M 'J
Chevailer, actti'K in co operation in all
.botii ihree hundred effective. It was
impossible to ma.-k the movement of the
worming party. On spproaching the
base of Ihe mountain, the g'm of boll
batteries opened a plunging fire, and
numerous light troops were seen de
scending and arranging themsehies a'
hvorable points on ihe slopes Peiceiv-
inp these indiciums r f dt tei mined re
s,,u,.ce, ap-.
.ii i . . t .. i ... ; 1 1
-he 7 h to support & co operate wUh U,e
first parly. In f snort lime n b
came general, the enemy g-dujlly
. . . ii. f. ... I r
yieldingand retiring up ihe tugnedur
chvitv. and our men a steadily pu'su
,ng. The appearance of h"ay rem
foicirnents on the summit, ami the car
dinal importance of the operation de
manding further soppml, the 5 h, undet
Major Scott, and Dianchard's company
'-,) ,ji.aclierl
iccotppanietl by H.-iR!uliT 0 -n. SrM
' i ..... I i i. :.
who whs lUMmr-., ,
thai quarter. On reaching thr. advaner
jpiri iro, Gen. Smith discovered lha! tin
der favor of the ground, hp could, Im
(diverting a portion of 'he fnrrp to th'
right; and moving t obliquely up .1
bill, carry the Snldmla fimul iner.iiflv
with the Federation. 'I- nrrm H ) jt y
vrry j-i.i.cum.-.y I""""- M"-
L ! i.. i.l - .
ied tlip o h. 7 h f.nd Jiianchat.l s com
pany, in that direc'ion. Capi. Smith',
command having most gillantly carrier!
ihe fust object of attack, prumjvly 'urn
ed the cap'ured gun a nine pnuoder
i pon i ne secopu, a no mo v ru un s 1 1 ii ii ip i
.. .. . .i ...i i ...... i. .. .
main body, lo participate in the jauM
-ipon $ol(luda which was carried in
gallant style by the Wee under Scott,
Miles, Iilanchard and Hay, (who hail
been detached on special seivice, bu'
who returned in time lo shaie with fiftj
of his men in the first assault, and lake
,i otnirienl pail in ihe second, )the whul
lirecttd by f7-n. Smith.
At this point we secured nno her V
pound' r. and immediately both piece
WPre b might to bear upon the Uislmp'c
P.dace siiuatfd U)0ii and miilway ihe,
S hi hem slope of thn hill Indpenuen
cit, a valley of only six bundled yards
inlerveneiog. We had now secured an
Ji'i'horlanl a.ivnntt'f find vol bu'
Ihe woik was done. The possession (I
these heights only made the inoie ajijja
rent ihe controlling importance ni ibnM
ipposiie, and ihejm ceusity of occupping
the Palace. A violent sinim ensun
md niglit closing in, operations for the
I , y ceased. 1 lie troops had now bcei
ttnitv bix hou's without food, and eon
.latitly taxed to t ho uimosi physical ex
-nionc Such as could be permitted
hpl with arms in hand, subjected to a
,)el iog storm, and without covering,
;ll 3, A, M. when trey were arouste
o rairy iho lull ludepeiulcneia
Lieut. Col. Childs was as-igm-d to
ii ad ihii slot mioa party, ronti-l in el
hiee rompanifs, I and G ltb, ami A
i.l (ai tilei y bait-ilion) ihr t,e eo.TpuM"
S h Infaolry, (A, 1J anil I). J uo.Im
Cap'. Scrivpn, wiih two I umlri-il 'i'e.x
n nfi ine.i, um ei Col. Ili-y-nml
Col. Wa kir, ,'Cap'ain ol lilltsj acting
in ro i peuiun . Tl e cnn.niai d moveii
ii 3, eonducteil m hs poim ol a-cenl h
Capt. Smdeis, in.rl Lieu'. Meade, to
graphical eng'neers. Fa vim ed b
he weather, il n ached by dawn ol day
.vithin ab mi one I. mulled s ol tin
lest, in wh'eh position, ii ' i g tl e
I'lrfts of locks. b-idy of ine m: my lto
been siauoetd th" pievious tviinnii, to
ip)atenl anlic .linn of alt r k. 1 h
"neiny 's r g fire w S let l! elii at.
ii.d not letuineo until Cols. Chihlh' am
Hays' con, mar. d had teaclnil ui hin;
lew yards of the ciiuunit, wlo-n a in !
I, reded ami d-stniciive fn e ,f.i!! .w d ti
'he b i V C; Ii b o. tin' r('i"llalS, ai. I I i-'i o
I'exacs. phtci 'I os in i)0-M.ssioii f. 'I.
w.H V,: His cm.: on naving in en ptei mu-
y With Irtw i, no impression eonl-i h
IVul" Up')-' Illil'SIVC walls i f the Pal .Ce.
ir it ou'w rk, without aitillery, excij)
ii euoi ni'in- s srriDce.
I.nui. Uolaml, of Dii'icai.'s biltery.
i,s o,.!r.d from the main camp witblbcad of evny cross strcel. The sirens
12 poun I tniwitz r; and in two hours,
(anted by lilty nien from the line, undei
(J.api. Santlers, mdilaiy t nginens, for
lie pur pose of sel'-rting tho route least
I Hi ' ru t.J that enleipr ing ami giiiani
i fiver had his goo in position, haling
isc ndi tl an acchvi'y , as rntgi-d as stt e
bflwet-ii 7 ant! hOU !e- I, in two laaii.
A fire was imrnediaiely opintd from llu
howitzer, covered by iIip epaulnicnl of the
caplnred battery, upon die Palace and it?
outwotks four hundred yaids distanl
and soon produced a v usable sensation.
Meanwhile, to re it. force ihe position tin
-ill, Major Scoil and Blanrliard's volunteers
had been passed from the fuel heights, aitj
reached the second in lime to participate in
die operations against the Palace.
After many affairs of light troops ni.d eev-
rat fainls, a heavy sortie was made, stis-
aiued by a srong corps of cavalry, with
lesperate resolution, to leposaess the heights
Such a move had hecn onticipnted and pre-
,)ared for. I.icot. Col, Chi'ds had advanc-
pil, under cover, two companions of ightwhieh led to thn capitulation upon terms so
;ronnj nniler command of Cant. Vinton, aei-. honorable to our arms. As the columns of
ing major, and judiciously drawn up the
main body of his command, flanked on the
igl.t bv Hays, and left by Walker's Tex
ni. The enemy aiUanned boldly, was
ffniiJui't nv one rnnnr:i iuc
i i
lar-ie from al
inns, fi 'd in confusion rloselv messed b
, .
i ; n h s nun uavs. urrcei "u ny mo nam
...... .ii . i . . i i.. .1. ii i..
, , , .
nnniis inn cr vin on.' a v aim nio iil-u
pasi our troops entered the palace and fort
In a few momenta ihe unpretending flag of
the Union hid replaced the gautiy standard
f Mexico. The capiured guns ono six
inch howitzer, one twelve and two nine
pounder brass guns, together with Duncan'
.nil UaiduH's field batteries, which came
up at a full gallop, were in full and effec
.ive play upon the reliiing and confused
nast-es that filled the street (of which we
had iie prolongation leading lo the nearest
laza, la capella, also crowded with troops.
At this moment iho enemy's loss Wii hea-
y. The investment was now complete
Kxcept lha force necessary to hold iho pn-
siuoison Indi.pcndtncia and serve tin
inns Ad.ifird lo points whence the sho
ouUl be mailt) lo reac h the great plazO tin
livisiuu was now concentrated around tin
;)tlace, and preparation made to assault tin
city on the following day, or sooner, should
die general in chief eithci so diiect, or be
lore communication bo had, renew the as
sault from the opposite quarter, n the
ni-aniime n'leniion was directed t "
..r. visum eirciimst mces p-rmi:tJ,
.llfviiitc the condition of our wounded sol
tiers and offieets; to ihe decent inlcrnient
I" iho dead, not omiiting in either respec
all that was due lo those of iho enemy.
Aboui 10 A. M. on the a heavy ft i
vas beard in iho opposi to quarter. 1'
m g 'imde and cpntin jancc, as well as
ircom-itances, did not permit a doubt ilia
to: genetal was conducting a lii.mi aitacl;:
.,,-! i!,,.t bio order? for my co-operatioi
Lai ihl' to 'ravel a circuit of some six miles)
?l miscarried, or failed to reach me hi
nectiM of llio numerous eav:dry of ihe tne
ny. Und.'rtbesa conviclions, the lroop
vere instantly ordered lo rmnmeiice an op
ration which, if not otherwise diteeled I
iol designed lo execute in p-Tt, under f Jvnr
d the night. Two columns of attack ucri
ifg.nized, to move along tin; two pnncipa
.ireets, leading from our position, in direc
ion of iho great plaza, composed of hgh
i slightly extended, w ith or.lcrs
nask 'be men whenever pracucnMe
.lidse poiuis swept by the enemv aruilrij
o pu ss on M the lira', pi-z i, Capella
el bold of the ends of stneis beyond, then
enter the huihlinj!S. and hi u-eans of pici
. . .1 I . . I. ... .1. .1... I . I 1 1 . t i ia m I &rp.
mil nars nre.iK mroun ior rniyi,.ii.n, , ...
ion of ibn w..i:-. woik from house to hoino
out, ascendniu' 'o ihe roofs, o place ibeui
i . i I. .1...
clK's upon Hie H -.1 III n nreasi u"ini wnn un
! icniy. I.n'hi artillery by sections ami
places, und-r Duncan, Kolanil, Mackall
Martin, Hays. Irons, Chuke and Curd, fol
lowing at suitable intervals, covered by re
skives lo guard. ihe pieces and ihe ivhoh
operation aaainsl ihe probable emerpiises
t,fravahy upon ourlefi. This was fffcci
ually done by seizing and eminn-inding llu
were, at uillorenl ami weii-KUOivn pornis,
barricaded by heavy masonry walls, ivnb
nnnrpsi'iire.s for one or more nuns, and in
every instance well suppoiled by cross but
ifiirs These ariaugeriienta of defence
:ave to our operations at this moment a
-omp icatetl eharartcr, rieinsiiing iniicn eaie. e '
, . . , I lery ("cneral sta ; Brevet Major Brown
md precaution, hut ihe woik ifii! on stead '". U ' ... ,
,... .,.... .f,dlc. CapiainJ. . .n.on artillery bananon,
. , .
About tlm lone our a-sault coinmpiirrd
the lire ceased from our force in the oppo Captain Merrill 5ih-Captain Miles corn
site nuarter. Dismeaccd on ihe one side'manding Holmes and Ross 7ih inlantry am
the enemy was enabled to shift men and'
.nins to our quarter as was soon manifested, Lieut. Col. Walker (captain rifles) Majm
hv acen.niilaiion of fire, At dark we iWUhevaher and Captain M'Culloch of tin-
worked through the walls and squares and
reached to within one bluik of the greaUolur.leeii to MeulcDinls Macka! f,'Otn
plan leaving a covered way in our reat
carried a large building which lowered ovei
the principal defences and during the nigh i
and ensuing morning crowned its roof wild
two howhzers and a aix-poundnr. All
things were now prepared to renew the as
snult at dawn of day when a flag was sen'
in asking a inomenlary suspension of fire
attack were moving from the Palace hill,
Major M inrnc. chief of artillery, react ed
me with a pr. inch mortar, which was im
mediately advanced to ihe plaza Chrtjirlrfu
in position masked bv the chnnh wail, in
bed adjusted as rapidly as pn.;dhl., and bv
sunset opened upon die great
Al this period our troops had worked n
within one square of the pla.a. The ex
cl position of our comrades, on the opnr
rdte side was not known and thn distanea o'
the position to bn csiailcd from tho hood
battery but conjectural; eight hundred yards
was assumed, and fuzo and charge regula
ted accordingly; the first thcll fell a little
short of the point on which it was, directed,
tnd beside our troops, a slight increase of
die projecting charge gave exact results j
I'he whole service was managed by Major
Monroe, most admirably, end, combined
iviih other operations, exercised a decided
rifliieuce upon ihe fhal rctfiihs. Early on
ilie morning of the 23d, Major Vrown, ar
illery hulialion, was despatched with a se
lect command, and one section of Mackall's
battery, undci Licit. Irons, to occupy the
tuna mill and adjacent grounds, conatiiu-
ling, one league in advance, the nanow
gorge near St. Catarina. The major look
possession, repulsed the enemy's picquels,
mil was preparing his command lo resist
anyaitack,ivhen he received my ord ta to re
trace his ieps. enter '.lie cilv. nml I
nai'i reserve id ihe sasaulling cnluir.ns. Hi
line up in good and good order, and
was at once under lire
On the 23th, in c iiiformity with ihe ar
icles o'. capitulation, the citadel was taken
aossession of by a command consisting ol
wu companies of each regiment, and one
uTiinn of each haticry, 2J division. Gen.
Siniih was directed lo tnke command of
his corps end ronduct li e cercrn. ny, which
hay he executed wi.h (lelicicy tu the un
lappy and hijiniliated foe,
You will receive lists of cap'nied muni
ions of war lists of such as i're surren
dered have alreuly been banded in. !i it
i souieo ol high gratification din we havt
oeen iible to aci;ouidiih such l-n iuua;e res
suits with so iinnlerat a sacr fie of uil'.an
men. Annexed is a leturu ni killed and
ivuunded. exhibiting dated, actmni and cir
'p. il I :i I! I-CR.
... . . .i,i;, Incnily distinguished himself while leadine
1 i, pii in-crv oflicpr n id f'.erv so 1 er.i s a
i i i u j , ' ,i, ., .,
cg'.ilar and volunteer, has loin gh a scin -
i . , , ., .
.-irnssiiw anil severe conllicts. i.i tlie va-
,nd on tin; mountain, in the street mhI
ilie bonst'-iop, rbeei fully bravely ' d s
ccssfnllv executed every service am! ri.
pleied with every exaction of valor and pi
iiiotism, the task is ai difficult as dclic.ite
distinguish individuals and yet it will al
ways happen, as ii always happened m the
varied scenes of battle and seige, that for
tunc presents to some of ihoe opportunities
which all would have seized with gladness
and avidity, ll is my pleasing and grale
l',il duty to preaent to die consideiaiion cl
the giiieral in chief, and through him to tin
ivetiimeut the distinguished conduct cl
Brigadier General Smith colonel of ihe rt
ilea Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Ctnlds arid
Icty hatialion; Colonel tlais fexait rifle
men Brevel Lieutenant Colonel Duncai
hor-p artillery and Captain C. F. Smith 2
artillery commanding light truops lirsl bn
My lhanks are slsn ospiciady duo tn
Lieul. Col. Slanil'on! tVh (uuu nding tin
- irsi i r 1 . ii ,iiiiiii"c ui,.
. i . i. ii ....... ...
i f of arttl
(light iroopsj .1 jor Scon commanding and!
Capt. Scriveii cmnmanding 8th inlantry to
Texans and Captain Blancbaid Louisiana
manding battery R lsni Martin Hays rOl
Clarke and Curd hone artillery Lieuten
ml Longaireet commanding light company
SinLieut. Ayres artillery battalion who
vas among thi first in the assault upon lha
Palace, and who gecured the colon. Each
if ihe officers named either headed special
detachments, columns of attack, storming
;arlies or detached guns, and all were con
spicuous for conduct and courage. My bi
ention has been particularly directed by
Cen Smith to the gallant conduct of Lieut,
flanlner. 7th infantry, during ihe assault
ipon the city, on which occasion he iluetv
'limself in advance, and on the most expos,
tl points, aniiaatiug the men by his brave
Paiticular attention has also been cslled
') Ihe Lioutenanta Nicholls, (brothers,)
liouisiana volunteer?, as having highly dis
tinguished ihemselvcs by personal daring
nd cflieiont service. The officers of bri
,'ade and regimental staffs were conspict
nis in the field, or in their particular de
partments. Liouls. Hanson, (commanding)
Vandorn, aid decamp, 7ih; Lieut. Robinson
3th, (quartermaster's department J of the
sia.T of Ccn. Smith; Lieut, and Adjutant
Clarke, 8ih infantry, staff 1st brigade; Lieu,
icnanis Uenjaniin adjutant ariillery battalion
-I eck ordnance officer, artillery battalion
0. Daa?, adjutaut Cih and Page adjutant 7ih
infantry, sro highly commended by their
rjspaciive chiefs, to the justness of which I
have the plearura to add my personal ob
servation. In common wiih the entire di
vision, my particular thanks are rendered to
assistant sergeoii3 Porter, (senior,,) Byrne,
Conrad, De Leon and Roberts (medical de
partment who were ever at hand in the
close fight, promptly administering to the
founded and suffering soldiers.
ioinouiiii.L-.iui ma stun genera! and
personal more especially associated nith
nyself- Hon. Col. Balie Peyton Louisiana
troops who did me the honor lo servo as
aid-de-camp; Capt. Sanders military cngi-.
neers; Lieut. Acadc topographical engineers
Lieut- ii!. Doasc Daniels and Ripley quar
termasters and commissary 's s'.aff, and
Lieut. Pi'iiiborton -ith artillery and Wood
8di infantry my a'nl6dc.carap I have to
express ihe greatest obligation. 1 such
versified operations during (lie three days
and nights they were constantly in motion,
performing every executive duty with zeal
hu! intelligence only surpassed by daring
our ige in conflict. 1 beg to commend
each to special consideration.
We have lo lament the gallant Captains
M'Kaveti Gdi infantry an officer of high
merit killed on ihe 2 1 si and Gillespie Tex
as volunteers on the 2 2d. The latter emi-
. ibis brave company at the storming of the
s, " ' ' s
. !lir-i beiehl and perished in seeking similar
t '
distiiiction on a second occasion Captain
Gailin and Lieut. Porter 7h Lieuts. Rnssell
3th and Wainright 8th infantry and Lieuts.
Recce Texas riflemen received honoiable
happily not mnrlul wounds.
The following non-commissioned officers
are reported as having highly distinguished
themselves Sergeants ILzard 4iti and Dil-
Wirth 3d artillery Qoartermaster Sergeant
Henry 7ih infantry Cioss company C:
Rounds Bradford, (color sergeant. and
Magg, company D; Bailey, company Land
I'alland, 7di infantry.
In the several conflicts, with the division
he enemy's loss, is asceriaincd lo exceed
'our hundied and fifty men; four nine, poun
lors, one twelve-pounder brass gun, one
wenty-lnur pounder howitzer, and two na
ional (garrison) standards captured.
I am, sir vf.iy respectfully.
Your obedient sorvant;
Brevet Brigadier Gen'l. comroanuing 2d
Major W. W. S. Bi,ts, Assistant Adju
tant General Army of Occupation.
Xovel Plea A murderer wi n-n-m
ted in Illinois a short, time since, ihe j iry
Having pro'nhly sanctioned the doctrine of
ihe eoun cl ;hat there wore some men in
every community who ought to be killedt
ind that tho unfortunate man who had bceq
murdered belonged lo that clacs,
... ' hv