The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 05, 1846, Image 4

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    NEW SE ML 3
or iiik
Cotnoiuii it in Ul leision, ihrouah tin
Joint L br.iy Oomiuttte of the two II u.e
having author. nd i Lrg ajbiaripuon f r
a ijl ilia Smite, by retotulion,htviii dirm-i
i the oioJj of p sparing tha report of it
pMCiedingi. a id au honzttu tne aecreiaty
of tha Sjiiat to O'j iiiifil ilh llie under-
ignuj, aupuUiinf itui lh report! wlwn
wriiieu oui alull be luhjeet 10 the revision
cf tha ineABM, tha Conorssjioxal (Jinui.
AMD Ari'EXDlx ii now ollered to the public
not oiilv as en authentic, but as an olhcial
repor of the proctuidnitji of Congrasi made
under the eye, und published by lutuority
ol llirt bodv.
Tim undersigns! originated the mode ol
iournaliziiis! tha piocecdinifi of Conirrraa
whiiih, thus adopiud, ii to be perfected wilh
the aij and under the miparvwiun of Uon
(jrtin. Their publication was the lint and
only- oiio that gave eiictt auccessive atep in
very uvaauie in both brauelici of Congress
fthiiof of a'.l tbe dub every important
voir; and an Appendix, inclining at full
i.nrjili nil the teviaed aneecliea delivered
,l,irinir the fession.
Y'.ie work, as it ii now to be conduced
liv them, will be found a most perfect polil
i-al history. The Senators from the Suit
and the Representative from every section
01 the union oring wuii mom niiu
gres a knowledge of the feelings, Benin
menu, nod interests of their several eoustii
tirnc'ra, Public opinion and the public in
lorm it exists among those they rep
ronl. &re embodied by them, and in the
crucible of Congress the wisdom of oui
times is brought to its teat, and is there con
centrated, in directing the politcal move
merits of the whole country. The impul
set thus given through Congress from every
n.....nar rosct uoon the nation as a whole.
and all its component parts an made to
move in cooperation. The press cannot be
more usefully employed than in condensing
and again spreading abroad the intelligence
of our" free country, tonding to such happy
results through nor almost miraculously ad
justed Statu and National institutions.
Having identified ourselves with the plan
of advancing the usefulness of Cungre83 by
publishing full and impaitial reports, and
having a large mass of the Conorbssmnai
Globs and Appendix, issued during the
last tvelve years, which would be impaired
in value to us and utility to the public if the
work we'ro discontinued, we have a double
motive to yrompl us to extend it thiough a
new series. We are resolved, if possible
to give it permanence, and to hand it down
to successor! as a standard work, worthy ol
being maintained and improved. We shall
enter upon our new undertaking without
being distracted or burdened by any asso
ciate labors of the press; and, thus unen
cumbered, shall hope to make tho new se
ries a step in advance of the former in all
points of execinioni With a view to ac
complish this, we shall be ("one or the oth
er) in attendance on Congress.
Tne reports will not be affected by oui
party bias. We believe every member ol
Congress will bear witness that our reports
are full and fair.
The Congressional Globe is made up ol
the daily proceedings of the two Houses ol
Congress, and printed on superfine double
royal paper, with small type, (brevier and
nonpareil,) in quarto form each number
containg sixteen royal quarto pages. Hip
epeechea of the members, in this first form,
ore condensed the full report of the pie.
pared speeches being reserved for the Ap
pendix. All resolutions, motions, and oth
er proceeding?, are given in the form of the
Journals, with the yeas and nays on every
important question.
The Appendix is made up of the Presi
dent's Annual Message, the reports ol the
principal officers of the Government tint
Bccoaipiny it, and all speeches of members
of Congress, written ont or revised by them
celvea.. It is printed in the same form a
the Congressional Globe, and usually iiaket
about tho earao number of pages during a
During the first month or six weeks of
itession, ilure is rarely more business done
than will make two numbers a .week on
of the Congressional Globe and ono of the
AnpendiXf but during the remainder of a
session, there is usually sufficient matter for
two or three numbers of each every week.
Ths next session will be unusually inter
CMing. therefoie, we calculate that the Con
gressional Globe and Appendix togettiei
will make near 1500 largo quarto pages,
printed in small type brevier and nonparicl
Ve furnish complete ndexes to bo.h at the
end of sesnion.
We have on hand the Congressional
Globe and Appendix for the last fifteen srs
sions of Congress, making together fifteen
large royal quarlo volumes, which we will
sell unbound, for $11; or bound, with Rcs-
eia backs and corners, (or S56. Those who
-want the back volumes should apply tot
inem immediately, as they ate in denand.
Congress subscribed foi 341 complete sets
durin " the two la sessioni. The proceed
ings of ("-ingress for the last 9 years cannot
he nrorured from any other somen Gales
rnd Secto:i having stopped printing their
Register of Debates in 183V.
We will endeavor to piint s sufficient
number of surplm copies to supply all thai
roav be miscarried, or lost in the mails; hut
.. subscribers should be very particular to file
,l'hfir miners carefullv. for fear that c
ih mid not be able to supply all the los
tu nbeis.
.,!, IV. .r,...i,,nl r,,,i. 1 OA
Foronnsopy -
Tor Ml eopti- of ithr m'ptof hoth B OOj
Jt aony in iy ho remit ed by mail at j
The libit and het way to rami!
jut risk.
, til piy tll am )0 it to tn ou"
M lid I'm you ruitldrt, aoil laHa Ii"'" i
' j .i . f.......
4i,., B,.1..r.linii III I lid III I HIK WIIIW
eipl, lu.or.liog t
,..,.,, rrm l B Man
rni f jrtht Globe, frotii which I have de-
tUited OUt )T Cf-ill i ' "'J"-J
ill mu account mil !i tftt Ut.mra. I'OU UJ
n-t wilh tht bl'iuct. The Potmaiter of
raHnet,i citv wil pay thai Wmct lo
Uii tatipl.
., Poitmatitr.'
The rules of the General I'ost Olhee De
partment HUthoriie such receipts to be given
und paid htfre, when the amount duel not
exceed 10. When it xeeedi )10, it is
bei to remit bs much is possible it bank
notes and the I'osimaiiei' n-eeipi for the
baldiiae The Post oastrt' receipt should
be aint directed to Hi, and not to the PoM-
uiaiier of this city, as so ne persons are
in the habit o( doing. The money sliouli.
be here ty the 7ih rd December, ai faithesi
to procure all the numlieis. II not nere oj
that time, we may nut be udic to luruiMi me
first n iiio be is
Proprieiors of newspapers who copy tin-
P.nal.Vfl.K mill (111! US I'll" COHV 01 UUMC
oaoer coniaininiz it. inarkcd around with
pen to direct our aiteiiiinii to U. hall have
ilinir namci entered rill Mir books lor nor
cop(y of ihe Congressional Globe sud Ap
pendix during the session.
Our prices for these pipers are so low
that we cannot alVird to credit them out ;
therefore no person need consume his
time in writing for them unless he seuds
WAMiiNoroN, Octubir 15, 1810.
News from Mexico;
. ' A
Albright & IvXmiel
N'FOHM the public that whiln G nern Tay lo
U pushing with IiU army fur Mvxuiu, Uiey
uv been tumubing the
ith a splendid and entire new and extcnuite as-
urtmant ol
Tall anrt Winter Go(!5
vhicli they will soil cheaper than any evai Lrf.ic
. . . , '!'K f.tll.iiK n rr 111 -IV
i urtd in Uo uinUia couinj. iwi.
be fouuJ among tbuii assortmeuc
Canvncre, Cloths, SaUauin ,y n-nm
. . . . f If .1.'. ,A.L
..r.ll nu.ditie and uricci, of American, 1 iohcii
and English Fubriiki
Of now and fa.hi.nmblo rnt'fi"'i conipriiing
ovory variety of tylo and quality, very tlaip.
Plain, black, anunrtf J culms and harrcd nlupa
M, hoinbaincs, marinues, line Suilcli plaiclj lur
childieu'i dicsxei and plaid clnaks; cashmeres ol
different descriptions, ilolains in pit-ci g and rnbe
n,itli'rna. si ki ol ouporlcd colors, t'nitnton OnU on-
mi-sllc ginghams; ladieo' and gpiitlcinvn's aisoitid
colors ofkid.iilk, CKithmero and cotton glovci, an
cxtonsive assortment of chawU of every kind ami
vai inly, ladies' black tilk and t.latc colored coh
mere hoio; &r- ice.
Plaii and twilled red and whilo
A eaneral assortment ofladies' gentlemrn'i thin
and thick boots and lioc ol every cii'icuiiion
Vnd a jnorat and an exlniite nmortment X
All of w hich they will sell very low in exchange
or CASH.
Oetoper 10.
' Cull btfirt pnrcharln? F.h( where a
the Ntw factory cf Earthaiwm c," by
HE ubsciiber have opened a VllTTKIlY
on the oml leading fnini Main to Third si
the Methodic Church, lilonmsburg. t.i'luii)-
Ijia eounty, where they intend to nianularlurr
waienf tlia I'M material; the lnlest and lnot :ip-
nrovrd patterns and finihcd in llic very tieM nnu-
ner; sucli a l ots oi all iieseripinMih, u
ly variety and. I ngs of .ill H.e", anil a variety nt
Hher articles too numerous to niention; in fiicl all
'.irid and every variety which uiov he wanted l
my who mav favor them with a call. A MippK
kept constantly on ham! which will he Mild li
vhnlf dale or retail a liltle. cheapei lhan the elieap-
cmI fur ca hor connlrv produce. Alno dry I on
Woodtanen in exchange fi vvurk if delivirei
(heir ahop.
Ulooineh-irg Septemb-r 5, 1916-20
OF r.ew and bfautilul poUernf, just rerciied ul
the New Sloii.
L U KUl'l.UI.
May HO
F various niiei ind nfthclieal of Olasa, j t I
received at ihn Arcade.
Oct 1C.
T'ra vel I i nir . Market and S.itchel Basket'
. rmil. . ... XfJ , o.nrfl
L. B, RL PER I .
Aug. I
CabltlOt VarO IIOUSO.
FWHE utwcrilm would rnpecttully intoini tue
JL PUUIK 1U" T " w".
iiiiii.I l.u .4.iimil l.illtr itiM Mild UI
.... . -u ..j , - -II
illluOHiitiurg, where lie i. carrying ou tlia
Q&'M'Xm ilTSJlfiSSi
ni iu varj0UJ iiranchc, and whore ho will be
lOippy ni'Uil uiuw uu mi; nnu.
iwilti Uiair curium, ins r uniuura wairu.iu
bs nuJu ol gooj mutuiul und durMo, mid ht in-
' V" ,,t.
Secretaries, liurcaus,
n'ardrubes. Curd Tables, Dining
Tables. Breakml Tubtts,
Cupboards. Stands, Wash
Standi, Bedsteads,
Coffins, S
und all kind of work in hi line, which ha W id
upon ai rttaionable lurun they can b purtuacil
in tha county.
U v aliiut uttsiition to huinerii tit liopira 10 u
ceivtt liae of publie jxttroiiagi!.
April 25, 18-15. ly I
ORE PROOF! -'The Cry t still They
t'omc!' Lvery unit brings tidings of their
-ulcus, r l out Laul In ihe remotest Went Irnm
Canada mi the North, to .Mexico and tho Meat In-
lieg on thcouth- are all iMiaiitnioiii in their praise.
Of a mc-dicmo so univer.ollv known uud t-steeiuvd
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills
,, ;li ir,llv .,,.,-.,, rv l annk ill detail. At 110
peiiod of ltd biatory has the reputation of that incd
icinu iluod higher, and we may ay lhat uo repu
tation it hliely to he more enduring. Adapted to
alt ciiiiilitulionu, to eveiy form of disease, and to
ll rlinmi... Wrii.tu's Indian Vei-eliible I'ilU are.
ill. tin ouitv nthm iiii'tl iflMU. filled for th Ue of
man under whatever circumstances he may be pla
ced. At ea or on laud, at home or ahioad, in iuiii
i.,..rVlii..ii und wintur'a cold, with a common re
uaid to ihe conditions of health; and wilh Wrighl'ii
I, !,., V,..iu!,l Pill Hi hand, there is no excuxe
for being nick, uiilcs tha constilutiou be ulloily ii
.ii our ohjccl is to state, where the gonuwo med
icine can b obtained, rather than toirivo it an ex
tended notice which our limits forbid we hall
merely subjoin one or two of the numerous testi
monials that have nut come to hand, llunureoa
of tho aaliiu kind might be added; but we arc sure
the public will tave us iho troublo ol arranging
(Lxtractof a letter fiom Hernando, Missi8si)pl.)
To VV. Wright Your Pills huve given univcr
nal aiwficiion, and are justly very popular, lean
sell from 30 to 4U dozt o a.iuuilly if 1 could be jup
plicd. Vours, Wm. IIknbt .Toiisso.v, Agent. '
It ought hcie 'o he remarked that the medicine
Ihh been but recently introduced into Mississippi.
(Extract of a letter f'uiin Jerecy Shore, Peniv)
' The Indian Vegetable Pills e.tcel everything of
the kind ever offcr-id to the publie m llvm ceiionol
the coiiutry, notwithstanding tbecoinl.iuid ell'irt id
jomefew unurincinled nierceiiai its to put them
S, VivcHUTi;n A, Sos.
The following highly respectable atoie
keepers lue been Hppiiinttd agentk for tin
sl of Wriuhl's Indian Vegetable Pillu in
Columbia Count ;
II. I'. B..lil-P.invir.e
Siephen Haldy CiiPawissa
Cyrus 11 iriiin-- Espytown
Brotvo tfc Cieanv Mifllmvilie
Abraham Miller Bi rw n k
(J. II. Fowler llriaiereek
W in' t'ovanhovan Orangevilla
Geoite Maatere Milvillu
Levi Beifcl Jereyiwon
Lever it Sons Columbia
I'.xi hanrje
Ruber! .MeCay. K Ii i ri! tn v 1 1 le
George Weavet Bloomshorg
I. iKhl Street Iron Co Lipht Kneel
Low At Thoinpon Lime llno
II. C. Ki en - Biiareret k
Eliia Wt-rtinan R'tharshnrrr
It. P. Welliver Green tvoml
I'' ct J. LhZ.irna Orangenlle
Iiii gli MuWllliaiiis Mooraburg
Tha popularity of WltlCMT'S IN HI AN VEG
t) T VlILK I'll.!. has proved a strong bait to un
r.rlncipled then who;inh(ti;f.tid by the liopeol gain;
tcnint to nalm oil' a spurious arlii le on Ihn unsus
oertiii". To defeat the wicked designs of such men
ne havf procured new l ibeU, and the IV KITTEN
Hi: rOl'NK ON 'JMI'l TOI' l.ADKI. OK
KAt'll !!OX. Xme other is genuine, and In this if forgery.
iVuH-inlier, tbe onlv oriuinal ami genuine l.
MAN VCTETAHI.K I'll, I.M have tho WA'IT
I ;.I('N TI;A'K OF W.M WAIUUT on the
r , , . I i lit-1 uf each box .
( MhVes devoted eitelusively to the rile of Wright'
Indian Vegetable 1'ills w holesale and retail. I Oil
Rmc street Philadelphia; i"A Greenwich etreet.
New Y-irk and 109 'JVeinont street, Boston,
riuptember, 19 1P46 21).
House and Lot Tor Sale
HE aubscriber otTera for lale hia
5 t rff.i
fcltf AND LOT.
luatcil in iho flourishing village of I.igh'street, in
llbioin township. It is a good situation toralanor,
lieiugin tbe immediate vicinity of several Furna-
The property will be fid on reasonable
liirnu; It, '-I. I nuDiii
Lightslrert, Seiteinlinr m 22
Of ihe lateat style, just received a( the
N e w Soup L. ILR UPE RT.
On the. Estate f THOMAS WlUiOIL
ME 11. late of Finhingcreek township-
WTOTK'E in hereby given that Letters of Ad
iyi ministration de htmus mm, on Iho above
mentioned cMate htvebrcii granted to the subscri
ber. All person indebted lo the esiate are hereby
lotifie.l lo make immrdiate payment, and nil those
having chiim aro requested In present them pro
perly' authenticated, to
A. W. KLINE. Ailm'r ife burnt nnn.
Fisliinerrrek, Novem'er SO. Ifild hi:)l
HUM and rommon.newntylf jimt received
and r-jr bait ctitap at the mnv .lore.
1. l KL r'EK T.
fft 1IE subscriber very respeeifully inf irms the
' ITJ " . . i - .......
i puuliCfliat lie IMS nil liiinu "no ik i oi.muui.
- lyManufaeturing, HOOTS ami SllOt.S
)fallkiud4 which h will sell at the following low
Morocco or Culf Skin ihols
Coa.'se boots
Coarse or Tine Shoes
Miner's Shoes
$2 to 2 25
87 i
Morocco Slippers
Ladies' Weak.
.1orocfo or Ca f Skin Lace boots
Thick Soe Trench Tien
Pumps Springs or J'mnvh
I 50
1 25
1 12.1
Other kinds of Slippers 75 cents to
1 00
N. B.Tho above are all of.uiv ow n Manufacture
and ore wrniuted to stand. I have also on hand.
a large stork, of
Kasteiin made Hoots and Shoes,
which I will kcII at small profits.
Touutry Merchant and others who boy by the
dozen, ate invited to call and examine my goods,
as I will sell to audi at a large reduction.
(j-J-'lieniflmber tlm place at the A'KIV IWOl
and SHOE STORE, lower end of Main-street.
Jul 4 lfMG
l5w eSjaSfenr.
AO great baa been tho demand for Folger's
Oloaaoiuan ur All Healing llalsam, and II has
given mien general satisl.icliou lo tliose who have
used it and become acquainted will) its viitues that
it now stand pre-eminent as a remedy in Diseases
of tha Lungs, and tho testimony which has been
given hy uiircrcnt persons w ho have been cured by
t is altogether voluntary mi their pint. Tu y have
c iven it in the hope lhat all w ho may find themselves
need of this remedy may apply for it without de
lay. lieail the following letter received (.mm Ihe Rev
.Vr Shimcall, 1'aslor of Sit Judc's Episcopal Free
'.'hurcli. Mr 8. has not only used 'he medicine
himself but has witnessed its effects in several very
trying eases uf disease. Tho letter will allow his
"pinion of its virtues.
Dear .Sir: Believing it to be but an act of com
mon humanity to those suffering under tho various
diseases of Coughs, Uolds, Hoarseness, Consump
tion, Asthma, Vc. to point them to a safe, speedy
and radical remedy, I lake pleasure in hearing nn
lestimwiv to your invaluable medicine called Olosa-,
ouiitnorAll Healing Ualsani. Of tu
,?7 l,
can speak first from my own expciience. being
'. iii'iiir'i
suhjr ct from exposure more or to the vicissi-
iildes ol our einnaic io irequenr attacKs ol Inllueii
ta, Hoarseness.&e., I have always found itlo all'on
Iniosl iiislanlaneous.aiid always by perseveranci
an its use, effectual relief. To a particular friend
of mine suffering severely unrer Asthma, and who
had denpahed ol obtaining relief from uuy human
source, upon mv recommendation was induced lo
give the Dlosaoniat n tiial and hu pronounced (Ii
effect produced upon him a perfect charm affording
him immediate and almost instantaneous relief, In
inolher instance I recommended it to a
frisnd far advanced in Consumption. After the use
of Ihe first bottle her cough w as entirely removed
and her anpetif! and utrcriglh restored to s.ich n
degree as to astonish all who saw her- With a
Ioiil' clieri.-lictl lirnilv estahlislieil preiuilice a-
gainst the thousand and one specifics put forth in
these days as sovereign panaceas for all disease, I
assure vou that nothing short of my lirm conviction
of the claims of your niedicinn to an origin so re
. pectable, and to the effects of it as herein certified:
both hv my own experience and obsi rvatioo, I
could not have been induced thus to come forward
as a witlings in its behalf. I have the honor to be,
sir, rcspcclfullv yours, It. C: SHIMLALL.
Have you a Cough,
which is troublesome and has not yielded to any
ot tlte lemedies which you have used 1 Is it ot
teinlud w ith pain it tho side, shortness of breath,
night sweats'!
Do you liaise blood
when vou cough and find your strength gradually
failing 1 Von will find that these ymptoms if not
properly attended to will terminate in consumption
and erath. Are you troubled with that dihtrcH.iinc,
which deprivosynu of your rest at night and ren
tiers II lu nuriiieiino""'.
Here is the Kcmcdy.
Remember the name and place where it if t
obtainco and do not be pot off with any othei. Ii
iaa produced a euro hi asdespcrate eases as vours
' . . i. . i i l I ... .. :n . .
may apjieai to or, boo unum,.- win pin u min
in a speedy manner those distressing symptoms
which fill your mind with gloomy foiebodings of
the future.
Its Healing Properties
do not deceive. I he short dry cough is quickly
ivercome and easy and healthv eipet loration takes
its place. Spilling ol blood is immediately check-1
iglit sweats witn pain in me snleaud :hest.
debility and difficulty of hrcatiing yield in Kttort
time. Aslm i with all itsdre.idtula. conipaniineiils
iiatonco relieved. ro:nhitis and in fad all the
dsseases of the throat and I ungs give w ay before
this remedy when all other means have failed.
1'e'soni may attempt to deceive you with some,
other remedy, prononncii.g it to be equally asgood
but remember life is at stake, therefore
be not Deceived.
Theabova medicine for salo hy the following
E. F. Lutr, Il'nom-.hurg. W. I,. Waller & Co
flerwukjE' Lnr.ariia, Ornng'villr ; Levi Hi
srl.Jcraeytown ; Derr 4 Millnde, H hit Hall ; S.
BMy, L'jttuwiv'v. Cm3
Ily Maiilcc Ac SMm rlhorn.
THE understiitied having taken ihe bhop
fornieily occupied by Marshal Silvetihorn,
moat renpectlully inforuia the public lhat
ihey intend tu carry on the above branch ol
bufiiU'ss and will at all titiieg he ruady to do
work a little better and cheaper than nn
other eaiablisliuieiit in ihe du;:e, "and the
hope by strict attention io burine to rtiem
j large portion ol the public pairoinige
All knidri of country produce I.imii m
Qjchauge for work & the ready not refused
Bloomahuri; Feb, 21,181641
THE business will bo continued by the
eubscriher at the old stand: where mat
be had at all times.
MO MI MEM'S, TO Mb- 'llblh.
STONES, MULL bits, kc.
or any oilier work in hi line. He is
also prepared lo lurnisi WINDOW CAI'f"
&e either of Ma. hie, Lime or any kind ol
stone thai can be procured m this vicinnv
7llaving had conoiderable experience
in the business, he pledges his work to
be executed in as handsome a style as ran
be furnished from &ny yard either in the
eiiy or countrv; and on as reasonable teru
Bloomsburg, Nov. 3, 18-13. ly 28
EGS leave lo inform ihe publie, that
"e is prepared to attend to all the oper
"lions in dentistry, such a3 removing
Tartar and other Foreign Sub
From tho teeth, rendering them clean, am
the gurus and breath sweet and healthy.
The cavities if Decayed Teeth
Will be dressed out and filled wilh Gol
or other toil; of the hnest quality, as tin
case may require, which will generally
prevent their aching or further decay, and
render them u.veful for years; and in inan
cases during lile.
Teeth and Slumps of Teeth
Which have become useless or troublesom
will tie extracteu in inc most careiui man
ner, with the latest and best improved in
rorceliain Teeth,
Ofthe best quality and latest improvement
will be inserted on pivot, or (in connection
wilh Dr. Vallcrchauip, with whom he is in
paternsltip in plain woik) on Gold plale
from a single tooth to a whole set, to loo
as well as the natural, and warranted
ii . i r i l
answer an me useiui and ornamental pnr
poses proposed by the art
In shori.evcry operation heloncinc to ilu
profession, will b peformed in the be
manner. Willi clioiscst material, and at the
shortest notice He therefore hopes, by
strict attention to business, to obtain hare
of publie palronape. Any person or nci
sons wishing any of the above operations
pcrlorincd, ate rcspeciiuiiy requested to
oive him a call.
N. 11- The publie arc hereby irfnrmci
that we the subscribers have entered into a
jperial I'artneiship relating only to plate
worK as it is more convenient lor each to
attend to ihe othfr branches ofihe science
;.n his own account.
Mount Pleasant, Nov 8ih. 1 815 3m.
THE Public aro hereby r-sioctfully informed
lhat we have lately entered into Copartnership in
ihe above business at llie llriek Miop, lormerlv oc
cupied hy .Moses Cnll'man, on Main-street, below
the new store, where we intend to cany on I lie
above named business in all its brunches. V
pledge ourselves that work done at this shop slut
lie execute. I in as lien ami worKinanlikc maiinei
and on as reasonable terms, as can be done at any
other shop in this place. Wo therefore hope bv
sirict attention to bu.-iness, to merit and receive a
Ino proportion of public patronage.
M. 60 ELM AN,
April 25, lSlfi.
N. b. SHOE IS G done at the re
!u rr-d price, of One DolL'll'. Smal
profits and quick return our motto.
Centre 0 f Gravity.
Till'" subscribers respectfully inform the eili
.ens of Itloomsburg ami vicinity, that tbcv have lo
a!eo iiieinsi ives in . no. moil a an iMton. in
. , 'i'i. ...... . ...
.Uo.'.i, ' ihmrn hi lou- the Corner uf Main ami
Murlttt sin ft, in iJioomsinirg, wliere ihey will al
ways tie loiinu on iiaito, reaoy 10 accominoclali
those who may hivor them with a call, 'i'heir
work will he ilnnein lite latest and most approved
tyle for neatness and elegance, in Iho business.
Krotn iheir long experience in tho business, they
llaltei themselves nnu un ir worn win ne ilone as
neat as can 1 done elsewhere. All woik intrusted
in their cate wair.oiled to fit.
CI ITT I f ,'on! nn the "hoitest notice and
warranted lo lit if properly made up.
Mav 2, I S l - 2tf
N lt.ror.NTIiV PRODrt:r;, at the. niaike
price, will he taken i'i exchange for work
LT rtccivcd at the NEW STOfiF,
'iUm J')
TIII iutucribcr iiifnnn- it, t i;.. .1 ... t .
.11. ti . I vil li. t UJUI ih l
aide to cum nil kinds of Can. ..,, I
Warts and t'oins will, v,.,u I, ;... ,:.
, . , ,, ,. j i-uiii nnu r;
slim t tune. He refers lo nci.-r,,! ,,,
zens in his neighnnihood, ,u. h rh S,in,uel lie., .
William Mle and others, ih.t l,. h., ,
inseteralinHtunce. um j, , ,,
too treqnently the eas(! , k. He a
raatacertalucumin in ,,. ,. ull((rUl ,
(Tj'VNarlB, Ac. on r.aiiln -,i .i .... . .
.Iso cured by ,le M1,S(, ,h r ftu Z "Z'l " "
!........ i - 'e-nii-K in Mmnu
nick MillcrV Tavr,.. u-l.,. " . . .B ""-".n'.r f ,J'
,. 1 i-iMmsare liiviu d U
May30,8IH-hC JUllS ALB.
A n Ar n
1 Sdendid a.aortmeot of 'l.auies' ;
.. V,';SVr,i,i, i''1 nw'H. Kihl.
"ins, ic
- J 'I'i"1; h..vr,.,. X..
w ore bv
"MtriNu roiinbn.
li r s. ....... .
VK,fB".of "lus Vow Act
ol llie
December 1 & to
Ties & meet,
riHE subscriber
thai he has one,,.. I "T .' '""'"c
nearly opposite Clay ton's Tave.n,
' "'!, I'll l ill ll.UiriJI-l
in H 1
II! Illlllll s e;.r,..; . ' "'f'
:,, ;, . .""t,"!! llie allUV
uvu husinesa,
... an nn various nranehes.
SUKKT ikon
Manufactured in,,, nny frm . .
waSreTl10 " the
purchase elsewhere I, . ",,0,e they
W- line ' W'" ,u'"ilh "ll
the county 1 US ""'can Purchased ia
-September SO, I8.522 ' J ,!IC,:'
Mew loae.
R suhseribers ,4-e this Il c.hod of info,,,,,
inc their l ends an, it,.
,1.., ,i, . 1 j'uioic genera v,
Miat they are now opening thP S(.col,j ' , ;,
nugCoods.towlnel, they would nios, . e,'
llv invi.e Ihe attention of those in la, t
"fAcw and Cheap Coods, co,i,lillc Jo a l T
Cloths, Ciitsimcm,Satintts$- f'esling
..f American, 'rench and Eiiflish Fabric.
Coating and Pantaloons Stuffs,
.i ve:y superior article of Tweed Cloths and Cassi
nieres, Angola Cassimeres. l)rilling.s (iamboout
Ac. i c. Cotton 'antaloou Stuffs of every variit )
of ihe most do.iira'ilu styles.
comprising evary variety of st lo and prices fr
IO ftr Ll'tilN,
New style of French Lawns, a splendid arti, l ,.f
new style Monlauc de lane and somm. r l',..l,..
Ciugl.ains &c
amongst which may bclound a handsome artic
uerages ncknie; .Mouslane und Thibet fch,,wls
Haired, striped and plain Jaconets and
Muslins, ha.-e, ,M usin g, book, mull j
Muslir, b'ishop LUWI1) curui AKjM) fi.c
brown and bleached Muslins from
61 to 12A cents ner vard. blcn. b,.,! .n.l
bleached Table Dinner. cotton f)i,,i,, .t
Together wilh a full asortment of
Groceries, Spices, Hardivaac and Cut
tery, (Juecnwore, Drugs, Duvts
and Slices.
and in fact every article usu illy kept in Country
T e public generally are invited to cull and rr
amine iheirstoclc before purchasing elsewhere.
Thankful for past favors, they Halter tln-niev,
y Mi u t .itli iiiioii o busino.-s lo lneiil ihe
pa I rou
ol a eenerous nub he
A.'B. KNABB & Co 21.
r-irT-T.AII kinds of Lumber, firain a
l'jiSr'-- I'roducc taken in Exchungo I
Nails and Spikes.
Kl-:(iS(,f Nails and. pikevjust received
jjijFy anil lor sale ai ine.vew .More of
I. U. ULl'EHl'.
fi i'lben
AM A'rivate
The subscriber offers for sale bis
1 JapusE &
m LOT.
situated on the. corner of Main and' Hast-eir.,
in iloonisburg, ('oliunhia Couuty, Ta. It jt w,.j
calculated for the locaijou for a J'ublic II. i,.,
iid Fee front on Mainstrcct,
2 1 1 I f"t on East-street,
and the. road leading to the Illoonishurg Ii
iron company r umaces. j Us I.ot i.well cal
culated for building upon F.ast-.treet as well ilh n
Maoi, and beHiR silualrd in the centre of the Iron
Rt-cion of Columbia Countv, is well worth. ,),.
akenlion of lh capitalirts.
For any information renfcliiie the rniln;.,.
enipuite of
p, , r, rWAI,I'rs KAhLrK
Cleonisburg, Zlcccnibt 20