MONTEREY. Vho recent rupture d Monterey, in M( X i 'D, by the American troops has natntalU iiunglt excited interest as to ihe exo n i ham ler and pupal t'liin o( lhal rty. Ii u the cap'.ul nf Hi" fi.tlf of New Leon which State extends over i large pari of the ptin of Monterey and ihe ninint..iii ir.ici lying between it ami the iVto del Norte The city Inn a population of 15 000 is the tent of a Bishop iml derive it imporlince front iho neighborhood of the mines, h situated in a large bh'a or pl.iin surround cd by mountains, and lies in about '2(1 (leg north Inttini'le. The. c'iinaies ii described to be most delightful. Fruil abounds nil the year round, and provisions of all kind ire cheap and plentiful. Among the eiti leni are a great many old Spaniards, wlie or Extremely rich. The next President. The CayugoToe in ha hoisted the name of Silas Wright at its head is a candidate for trie President in 1913. The Next Governor. -UenTal Maikle declines bring a candidate fur Oovernor ol Pernio ylvanh. lion. Andrew Stewart, Gen Irvin and Mr. Cooper have been named as Whig candidate! for the office. A colony of misMoiiaiies of the order ol St. Benedict have lift Munich for the Uni ted Stales of Amerira to fnm at St Joseph in Pennsylvania the first monastery of Hen edictines. DnuvuxEsa, swimming of the Head, a roaring nsise in the ears, headache, palpi tation of lite hewt, Sic Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills dim a certain cure for the above unpleasant comjdaints, because ihey purge from ibe body thoe stagnant and coriupt humors which, when floating in the general mass ol citculalior, me the cause of a determination or rush of b'ood to the head, giddiness, loss of memory, dimness . . . . .i . i i i ' ' ol light, drowsiness pain oi me ncau, ami . many other symptoms of a loaded and rupt state of the blood. If right's Iiulinn, Vegetable Pills are also one o( the veiy best medicines in the world for the cure of indigestion, & therefore will not only remove all the above unp'e u ant symp'onn, and entirely prevent any evil consequences resulting float a rush of blood to the head, but will most assuredly restore the body to a slue of sound health. Rewarr, oj Counterfeits The public are cautioned against the many spurious medii ines which, in order to dee.iive, arc railed by names si.nilar lo Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills The only origina and genuine Indian Vegetable Pills hove the signature J Win Wright written with a pen on the top abel of Each box. To counterfeit this is forgery and alt others should it shunned us .oisont Offices devoted exclusively to the sale ol Wii'hCs Indian Vegetable Pills, whole sale and retail 169 Race Street. Philadel. phia; 298 Ureenwich Street, New York; and 103 Premont Street, Boston, Agent for Bloomsbutg, (ieorge Wejvei For other Agents see advcrtUements in a nother column, MARRIED. -On the 20. h tilt, bv the Kev. m, J licr,Mi. Jonathan Rki:di;r of Faiificld township, Lvcoinnt County, to Mrs. Joaxa Kkikckdal.m, oiCatfawissa The subscriber liavin? been ensi'iued ne i: t'nrt) years in the Mereamile llusine-s wislies 1 1 tetire and nettle up his concerns and Hive vounjer bands an nperrunity ol n,.k..r money, iT"ra lii PROPLR I 1 HLOOM 'TOWNSHIP, ronaiinu amUE. MILL. FARMS, l'U.'NAlM: u,wl uiht r nrnoeny this nicperty is citiiaii on biiz FishinL'creek three miles frmn tin . i: . i d.i... .,..u,., pstlfll ami SalllU insiamrr nun. ..... .-. .... . the new Seat of Justice it la a goml k.c.t o r,,r ,nv niiblic business. M I v--t four tar. fclonn, wi'b the necessary lioits and .nlo- r.,ru,.i raleliUli tl 10 make 3i Tons Pmlmn per week 1 auiied lo U5e eiiher Char Coal or Sioe Co. I has been i,,' successful operation fur the past n years. Iron ore plenty in ihe iifiohbor liond and wood Ut.ds within a lew miles ol ihe Furnace, , Or would sell one Inlf the Interest in tin property to a person competent and willinc . . t.Ue a,i active band in the inaiiaaemett'. Addiefa to Liglitstreti Post OfTici Columbia coun,y m. McDowell. Djrembfr 3, 181G. URyJ ifVittt and franio . -talon, and u.. The Danviile Dmnoerat, Miners Journal. .H olll,.r a Jm,n Frame House, noteville. Democrat ao Argil', EaRlon, and isS ' bey will be nald tosethor ..n-,on rid.n.ierat. Itmdipw. will Civfl the aru,7 suit c jrchasus, a id or. reasonai-li PnoteviUe. Democral M ArgUSt.B",uu. tfirs tr) Democrat, Kt-aiJirif, w i give hid ;,overe insertions and (or'd their b.lla f,r p.ym.nt to M .McDoweil, L gVl-Street Public Sale. To be (iiIJ at Vein! no by the subset iher oo Saturday the. "ml day of January next, in the premises minute in Hloom towns lip C 'ilmiil'ia t'lomiv, about one mile from (lie mwn ol It ooinahuri! on the great road lead ing Iroin ILooinshiirg to Orangeviile, hiiiI miiiuduiely id the Ironrtgion nf (Columbia County, a certain lot of ground contain i acres slrict measure, wherein is erected a Dg ho ii e and log stable, a well of water at ho door and a variety id 'fruil treei.S.ila lo commence at 10 ..'clock A. M, and letms nade known ID DIN Oft DARK LEY Acting Executor nldenrge Linn dec Uloo n-dniri!, December, 5 1810. A HOUSE AND H TO .VN 1.0 I S FOR SALE. 1 he suhscrioer oilers for sale his town property, aninie on Main sired Hlonma. iiorg. (Hopkins addiiion). There are three town lots, ol 50 lift trout each adjoining ijion one is a PRAM E HOUSE and sin In, uni a good well ii.' water, near the d or. The whole will In; sold iiu'eilier or i-paiately lo suit purchaser; Upon teasona )lo terms. JOSEPH B'tOWN. Illoomtnshurg, December 5, 1810. VICTORY! VICTORY IlURAIl ! IIUILHU IlURAIl! AT a lint nml a rumpi's' there has been y V si m o the arrival libc ccleliMtedlioalMet chant, lirinyin;; thu IjrgKst dial cheapest caigo, hi umsoii of XRW GOODS which were deposited at L. 11 RUI'ETI'S NElf STORE. im Maiii-htrcct. They are now selling at kucIi a lajiiil r.ito i.i c mn'i icnct! of lliuic low prices that fears are rntcrtainrd that one half the people will not net tin ir winter's supply not of this cheap mock. All lliose, llien, who want i;oih1 cheap good shnulJ call immediately and xiipply theiiiKclvcs will) Broadclulln, ISaltineits, Cassiiiicrcs, Ovejr euat cloth, Vi'sliiijT or of any description of cloth for iVnu'd wear Prints of any desc-ription arid price, I'almeltoes, Ca.f limcrp", Moir-delaines. Kng lisli and Ficnch Merinocs, Aliiaccas, and satins Tokery, Cahmorps ot Dhniket ShawN, I'cckel .ntej,;,., j,,,, ml u, yuv mil coi-jlnsortmn, (jIuvcs; stockings, in Fact any thimr else uiai may uo wauicu, j on cannot a-K amis', GROCER IE $-IIWI)WARE JIN I) CROCKERY IIV1RE. And you may also have vour pirk out of an extcn sivo assortment of 1, 1)1.1 K Villi FAX SUOV.S and HATS ami CAPS. (.'all soon or you will will he to late to buy the cheapest ami best goods in town. Yjv. 23 wLOAX &Tn03I3JSOX havi: just ii e r e i v e n an adimtional SITPLY OF Cloths from 5r., eents to 55 Sallinetts fmui 17 to 87 cents Passimeres fnun S7 cetit to'-,t5 ( !a"'iinereK S.ilins iV Si!l;s Velvet Ves'.inas finm 7.r cents to S5 I'ailiimeres tleliiins &All'apan Katliiiffroni 5tofi.") .1 splendid asortment of prints From 1 lo 18 cents I'lajiU & lytiseys oF several kimls lilivn-btd V unble ached muslins from to 11 cla ficntlenians Ai ladies crav:its ghives Vc. Jj-o ;i short a foil aoidnt'iit ol dry goods ALSO, V splendid assortment of QueenstvnrciV Hardware HOOTS AND SHOES. Mens course brnpran shoes 81 cents Mens calf (ill his ood SI, Co Mens course li.iots $1 (i'i j Mens fine Ii mts t-om f 2 f.'! to ?!,S7s CJroceries oftkeliest tpiality .loiassea from :ili to 111) cents per illnn Sucar Coll'ee and so forth. They respcctfuly invite the attention of the pub lic lo an examination m toe qoods. Ksicytoivu. Novem'.iec 28 miN FIELD XlTiSKUIKS, Hv VM. WUKill F. Near York Spring?, Adams county, Pa A T this e-tal linhmcut all of the most approvea "aiielies of AM) OK.A.13i:.TAL can be p.oi ored. The proprietor bus dirccle nearly his whole attention lo ihe , uiserv llu-im's tor I lie list twenlv-live or tlnrlv vrars, a.nt is mm prepared to offer lo ihe fruil rrrowrrs of l'. Inml i: and iihiiimni! counties, one ot the 'e.-t an l hel assortment of trees in the Loiled .Slates. 'lainlicld Nurseries are silnaled ab.n.t. eighteen mil.s froir, llarr.s!iuifr, at which nlaeo ttcs cat at any lime he rut on hoard if hoi's a, d fanspntlcd to auv point on the canal ibsind II 'rders will he ci el'ullv filled and I lie trees pack ed in the he.-t manner. (..ilali'tjues can lie lurmlieu to tlmsn iievinnj ihem, hv ud.lrebint' Ihe p"o rictor llir..iiL:li ill I'.is ' Mli -e, i.r tiotn .lolin I.. .Mover, lll'ioie-'iiofr Ih. IV. V. Kitthlei lleiwii-k, or V,. M. M,m, llanville. who are uulhoiisid amenta for the cta'.i Islmicnt.'l Wis 2 Houses and 2 FOR .vLi:. Lots M II P. Kiibfrribcr offers for ea'e his pro- erlv situ Oeil on Main-f.tice', liloon.-Miic.l (Hopkins' addition) a few doois al oxe D.itnt'i fMiyilers'. The two let. acj'iin. Upon uno then is a two story CHICK. IIUl-Niv . UOIl ll.D OSTT) I hry will :e w.u io??fiirir or brp M " 1 - 17 .... ,i .i - .. - aruttJ l0 6ult F jrrnaBUP, a n or. retunnip im upull ,PPlk-ttio i to crvRPffT. BARNARD BZ BER 1. Stoaiic Coal. TONS of first quality of Stone Coal lor oalo Ii I.. D. KUPRT Ue.3. CAUI'EUNG. The anWr ilirra hove on hand some splendid In K'aiii and Venelia V'arpcting which they wili acll very low, S 1.0 AN & TOM P SON- r'fpeytowd Vv. JH. A FARM TOR SALE. T1HI1B Hiihscrilier offers foi aale hit Farm litu U ii ted in Fihllinjcreek towuahip, Culuuibiii 'tuiity, containing about f0 of which is improved and under a food Hlute of cultivation. Upon the premie thee in a I i Pj 1!a''"' BllJ 8 ,!,rKfi A'1l,e SttJif mJilS Orchard, and miver fu'd- y& ing springs. JZS The above property will sold on the nost rens iiuil ternm upan application to the auliKcriboi living on the prenusca. ISAAC ROBINS. November 'iH, 181G-32lf N O T ICE. Wliereaa my wifa P.I.IZA baa lef im bed anil board wi,bnn jt cauafl or ptnvo a'On.all piTHOnsare hrebv ( harbnr ir.g orro"ing her on my aeeotMi as 1 shall oav no debfis of her conirac ng alier fliis dar. JOSHUA WEDH. Onre rwnship Nov. 28. 18IP 3'. NIGHT CHOOZi rrpilOE desirous ol spending the Ions winter H iiiuh's in HeqMlrinr; a knowledge ot MiKiisn flmmmar, Algebra, Survnyine. rillmielic. Ac: a'c informed that the subscriber will cornnience a NlflHT SCHOOL, on Unndav evenintr, November Mtl. at the Academy, lie will teach FOUR evenings in the week. A. l'OKSl l'JK. November 21 .1. II. BARTOX CO. F.spErTFf.'LLY invite the attention of the public to the T3HVJ CASH ST DUE. which they have now opuned in the lower part o' ffloomsburi. The stock has been carefully select' ed, and it is believed that the rate at which tne oils aro sold will Rive general va'iMacttnn. St ihey intend SF.LL1.NO entirely FOR f.'AIL il will he unnecessary to chiirue a high prolit to se- ure thctiiselvev fiom loss which always attends the ... ' . mm...:- .......i, : r n...,n...i iretlil system, t u.ii ou-.tiv i'.i.,isn u. a uui.-ia. tssortmeiit of II A RD W A RE, QUERN S W A R E. Dry CJooih, Wroccriei, Ac They have Molas es from "1 1.1 to I I cents per gallon. 'ofl'ce fittm to 10 cents per pound. .oaf .Siieir from 2 1-2 to I t cents per pound Vpper 5 cents ier pound. i'alicnesfrom ; lo fjj cents per yard. Mnsslin from 4 ,n 0 "o attinetts fr,.m 25 1,1 l .J arpets from lo (JO (1j with a splendid assortment of Mouslin d I lines. lpaccas, Gala t;lotli, etc- &c. at tlie same propoi- lionate low prices Noveiiiher 1 1 -30 STRJil WORSE. C'i MM into the enclosure of tin J suhseiiher in Surrii' i if town- "tkX 9 IA snip, iiiioui tne a nn or ( icto'.ei nisi inV2 .i" iiousr, iii, two "S.te:.sr9 white spots, one on thn shoulder and one on the lrl I v , nnil nhout H veats old. The o.vner is requested to piove protierty, pay eharcc? and 'ake him away or he will he disposed ol ac cording to law. JOHN HESS. November IL 1840 HO ' No HumTrtiT. " VK ARK NOT PUFFERS ' F.1T1TF1! are tve "oin.T to talk a'mnt ' W be'aeen the Fniied Sla'es nml Meviro;' nor f sellinnt fronds 1 0 per cent, lelmveilv p-ices' Neither nre we pomrrto strinc m om ni vertisetnents everv llnna we nave t ir sale, tiotn n needle to an anchor," but mark what we sav We are coins to Keep n're a variety of Goods, both (iivihtv antl iinee. as tliosi -.vno m-H;e more noise in the parers than we do. W have pnr- ''based onr rroods ns ehcan bs ll is pnible to nov hem iind wr1 will s. II them as cheap, if our friends 'ill give us n ca I at our rrcentV ereete 1 bv F. TI- HTi"'0 direetlv nnpo- lie ihe 'ipiv ("fi'irt iTniise. np, next door south of nnnhle-'s l'otel, tve will show them n ENTIRK NEW STOCK OF OnOD" elertel expres'v fir their seeommdalion. A mong t'io articles of DRV conns xn have French nml Amenenn rT.OTII'. Cn- -itnere ;itlinelts, vestiiirr, Vr ftr. For ihe Ladies we have ('sabincr. Mn"lin 'e Inins ('ai-bmere Holies. fT rl;ii'!. Prints of r-- erv slvleand priee fiem 4 to 'J" cents per vanl vhaw Is. Clnves. ,Vp. ,Ve. in Fart everv vnrietv o inerchanr'iTe ilint!v . Pnt in country stores beside some tinners n (,? rf yrrrnf, Aln f.its nnd Laps of every description. As for our v GROrERIE. e ill and eximine the n for voiir' 1 von wiP tlod them excellent and very cheap. They hive also an assortment of QUEENS AND II R OW ARE. Anl ihe best of MACKBIIEL Irish Salmon l. All f. -i t ..-tit.. - ;0i mpr:ur T-iauij. n.i 01 win uo uii- pnioii.. .ui.-o u vuuhw; iu IlltlLl 5LOA . M F. D c " H A 1, L . Pionir.i urg. Nov: T, lfi49 CTTME OLD STANP.H) Uight Side Up! Win, MrKHM'Y JL CO. fNFORM the publie that by are dill doinj liusiues at the OI, U ST AM), in the 'Iliiilit IV ay, and having just received and now ntienine ineol tna largest anj most extensive asuoitmuni of FALL AND WINTER NKW GOODS ever brought into (hia neighl)orhoid, are dotcrmin 'ti to conimije doing bnameta in the s.nno old Kight Hay,' that they may keep up with the limes, aud sell, as usual, as low as they can b pur- tiased eltuwhere in the county. Among their DKY GOODS may In found ! Mouslin ( InmeJ. Coburg Cotht new style of Coaking. hgyptum f ehets, C'tfltwes f'omXl to 2 cents per va'd Cits inures from 37 1-2 to HIO CViii per vurd. C.OTllSfmm 7.1 Cents to $C ptr yd as will as all other kinds of cloths foi undies' and Gentlemen' wear from a Cap for '.he head to a locking for the fiol, at tlio same reduced low pri es. They have nl o an unaually large assortment of GROCERIES, IIA1U)WAKE.(?UEEN WARE, CEDARWARE, ind a general assortment of all kinds of HOOTS AND SHOES. for Ladies iind Gentlemen. Also, a large lot t;olld and Haiintx icd liar uu other iron, uitablo for almost any se in the country. Ail of whii:l,they will exchange tor Lusti, loun- hy I'roduee or I.UiiiImiI upon aucn leims us uun ill who l(udu w11" tlioui will ue aauduuu Mm ure id CALL AT THE OLD STAND. November 11 FANCY AND WINDSOR Chair Ivlanufactory. Jywk well to your intiretts Hefore vou pun base, and if you want ijood bargains, just call at the shop id U00N ii BARTON n Main street nearly opposite O. Kahlere (liee. where vou cm (ind them reai.y hi II limea to (urnish Fancy anJ Windsor hairs, ae'.tees. Uoaion R Hiking chairs, 01 n y kind which may be called lor, ai the) ill al wava have on hand a good assort' uentofa'll kinds which they will sell a he lowest price possible fur cash or ex hanee lot lumber or country pioduee. From their ionf experience in business ant i deiermiiiaiion to do work which eannm ie surpassed in the county, they ask fur bate of public patronage. 7'hey will also xecute Iluttae, Sign, anil ornnviental Paint ing and, lluusc Papering in the neatest and moat approved style am' non reasonable terma. IIOON & BARTON. Uloomsburg Oct. 14, 1 8 US. 20 y WOOD WANTiJ). i IV CMi of Rood ( K WOOl f" wlncll a liuerai pricu win tie piren. rtppiy ui 1'. M. UUUllELL'S, Cultawissa, near the Bridge. 3IISS 31. 1 IIOVISO.V, TUl.'LU resis'ctlullv inioriu the cili.i-ns ol lih.omslmrir and viemi.y, anil Hie i.ailie especially, that she has just received, mid is con staullv receiviut; from Jli;l.idclpliiu, u new an. splendid assortment of FALL & WINTER Mil LINCRY, AND FANCY ARTICLES, smotifr which may he found, velveis and satins ol all colors, fcKlhera, flow cm, nhbons, heraye f,.i veils, kid and cotton glovus, linen and cottoi. h ind l.crchicfn, polka and plain eomhs, shell und oilier side combs, breast pins, thaw I pine ami all oihei kinds of pins, head aud oilier lieullcs, gold and s ver pencils, silver and other thniihlcs; steel luads riiies and tostels, shaded and plain twist for purse, ind liaes, rlasps Ihil'S, purses and hacs rcaih ill l.le, ve.lci ihck riou.iiis in iniieiem bums, cnlliir- . . . . I. . . . r i.ii' . I.-.. i . lis, cap stull, edging and liorderiini, head d: esses. iirarc lels, lioous ami I'yes, inreao, ispe. eye., in tact ihuost every thiiiR usually to he tumid in s fancy store, all of whicluhe ivill of as low us the can be ohlaine I tleewhcrc AUo-1'ashion.tllc DliNNKTS and CAI'I- made and kept on hand fur talo oveiuocr 7 CAUTION. Til n pubhe aie hereby cai tioneo not to pu base a U I'll of h ind t;iveii i . v me payahlo t. I'cter Miller, date I .November Mill. 16-Hi, .,r lb sum of une bundled dollars, payahlo live years af ler date with interest alter two yean. Having ie ceived no value tor t.aid nolo 1 tliult not pay il uo sa compelled hy law. WILLIAM RAVER Oiungn, November 13, ItiHi 31 BI.L'E STONE CllI.W WAKE. N Soils or separata pieces; just received and for fcale al the Arcade Al.liKKill T &. ME NOEL. Oct 10 The Suh.criliers htmg determined not! to be outdone by their tieigbbois, niher in! price or wotkmanship. have put down the price of orne Shoeing from date, to ONE DOLLAR, believing they cm save Ibern seives b) so noing. SANTEE Si SILVER TIION. Julv 1, 1S40. ESTRW. .fZ-t ('AM into the nel.siure of tin VVU lihscrihemhout Ihe middle ol'Ui 17.1 . . .... . . U lolmr last, a Ulll.t, 1 llt'.ll' t;i t ahuul two years old. The owner i'iut'-.ieil to piove pmnerly, pay chin pis hiiiI tal.i her away or she will he dopoatd i f accouhng lo law, . JOSEPH MARTZ. Csttawirsa township, Muv 7, 1 8 Jt3 30 h 0 T 1 C E . All penona imlebled to the F.ctate ol Aritnuel IlaifHnbiifh, deceaafd, either upon vendue INuiea. or oiberwiae. must makt payment immediaialy to the iibi.rirjer or con wh be made. U. IIAGF.NBUCII. Jidm'r. All penona indebted lo thi tuintciiber moat alto come forward eetile up iheir ae counta and pay up, or like consequences will lollow. B IIAOENllUCII. anlendid article of FAA'CV CHAIK und KWty'KLNU LHA1KS fur ule at me liijjliiaticetAew Store. AMOS JJ, NABB CAUPETINO. A new gupjdy of elegant carpeting just reosiv. J.. ed at the new nturc. L. B. RUPERT. Aug. 1 An o,t f j w w tui-hus Ket les, Pots. fimleiH, Tea Kettles, op.uers, I ake Griddles. Ae- .l sinull W'Ba.inn H,,..u f,,,,,. ,h. ii;n., iv....i.. , art - .."-..., ""in inv IUIMK1U a 11 IV VV orka, just received and for sale hy HKFLEY & MEN DEN II ALL. December '.'0 OREGON QUESTION SETTLED! OEN. ARISTA DEFEATED ! ! ! GEN TJIYLOR IN MAT Jl MORAS ! Would now he the most intercoms topics of conversation, had not JOHN R, MOVEIi ompbted his 'EAV STOItK on the south west corner of .Market Square and moved into it ith a large and general assortment of DRUCS-MEDICINES-DVESTUFFF- PAIN rS-OILS-VINDOW CLASS 'UTTY-CONFECT10NAKIE.S TOYS, tic. &c. .. ut such Ircing the fact, the other .mentions are en tirely lost siyht of mid he is rapidty disponing ol Ins stocR at reduced prices. In nddiuon to his other business he has nn hand in extensive assortmentof READY MADE CLOTHING: f every description, which he is uelliiw as low as they tan ho puichascd in the county. He invites all to (iivc him a call as he is deter mined to sell on the mobt reasonable terms; war or i war ! June JO.- 10 DAiRY SALT. SACK cf Dairy Salt of tho best fluidity just received at the Arcade. ALUUIUAT & MEN GEL. Dctoher 10 n.xa lint nil fa i i hit i. eived aud for sale at ihe Mtw Htore, li. L. lilTi'RT. WINDOW fAPER, IDE and Narrow shaded and plain, of a new Blylo jusl received nt the New Slon L. 1). KLJJLliT. Aur;. I. " A J0UUNEYMAN fnO the TIN, SI I Kin IKON' and STOVE Jfj huincs3 is wanlid luiiiiediiitelv hv the sul - fi nl cr. Good wace and coiiotiinl emiihivment vill he Kivcu. D. J. JilL'i;- Llooins'iunr, Sepleinher 12 MACKEREL"' A supeiior lot, just refcived and for sale veiy J2l tlf-ap, hy GEORGE WE A VEIL Seplejidicr 12 rnHE RiihsrriliPM wish lo inform iheir friend- Jj arid customers jrenernlly, that they received am.1 aro now openiuy a soltndid assortnieiil of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Saeh ns. superfine Fienrh, Fnglifh vnd Jlinerican Cloths and Cassimeres, fun' cy Cussitnrrts, satinetts, silk velvet satin and fancy vesting. Dress goods in variety, xucli at eashmetrs cnslnrie. tells, crape de laints, muslin ue taints ginghams, eulieoes, Stc. wool hoods, ironen comforts, suspenders, gloves hosicjy, slocks, bosoms, handkerchief thread, tapes, ind a (renei al ass rlment of notions, in fact s gen ml assortment of DRY GOODS. G HOC PRIES, DAIIU WARP, imU.Otl' WARE. CE DAR If'Aii:, Qf'EENS. WARE. $ A. and all other articles usually kept in eounlry nfotft ill which they have jiu-chased w ith grvat c' ami on the hest terms, and are anxious to exi l arge foi cash or country produce at very hiw prices. HI FI.LV 6i MI.NDL.MIALL. Blnomsburi:. Oct. 15. A Superior erticle of No. 1 nd2 !! AC K- Va hvthe ilatrel or Hall ijricl, x the Cheap Li(jht Street New .Sloie. A. H. K N A B R ft Co, ; TWO APPREIINKS, To llieC A R I' EN I E Kl N tt BUSINESS ite wanted immediately, Two active lads lflor 17 years old will receive po xl encoir- 'sgementupon application in t'llAKLRS KI AM'. B!oom'ri.rf November il FaiMic Bafic. In pnriianee of an order of th Orphaiia' Coiiri of Cnlnxbia count v. on Mundjy the of December next, it 10 o'clock in the forendoo, John H. Ilearock Klmitiiairalor&e. of Thomas Hear, nek late of Finhingcreek lownsbip in said ouniy deceased, will expose to Sale by Public Vendue upon the premises, at Ihe ate residence of (aid 1 hum as lleucock de ceased, THREE LOTS and piecea and parcel- of land all lying lo pettier and adjoining each other the laid several lots containing altogether, S Acres, or thereabout all improved land bonnded east by lands ir. the occupancy of James Heacock and by lands of John Alberton r.orth by lands of said John A'bensoi west by lands ol same and by laud of Abut r Welsh and South by lands of Thomas Ltiii L'er npon which are erected a log Houne a lug Ham and a amall Carpenter shop &c lale the Estate of said deceased situate in the township of Fuhingr.rrek end rouniy iforesaid, Terms on the d,v of sale. JACOB EYEULY. Clerk. Danville Nov. 20 J840 CHARLES U, KL'CKALEW Attorney at Liv, Ofiict South side of Muin-st. beoi Market K7-WTLL ATTEND COURTS IN THE COLLVTIES OF COLUMBIA. AND LUZiTkNE, CIIAItLCS KAHEK, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND COIVVEYAIVCER, BLOOMSBUUe, COL. CO,, Oinco, corner of Last and Main-streets. GEORGE G. WALLER, Attorney at Law, Mlco.M3Huhg, Columbia Ccuntv, Pa, Ojjlce on Market afeiv doors above Main Strut Qtf 3 Sl'ttVEYoit .'." CtKXVK.rj.M'Ett, yjLOOMSBL'HC, I'. W31. B. IIAAVKIXS, 31- D IMij siciu ai:d Sni ton, SAVING located himself in Moomshurrr, ten ders his prol'essiotinl services to ihe public He may ha consulted ot ill lin es at his i.llics it Willi'im Kohison's, opposite Doeblvr's Hotel, August SO, Id 10 Id cw and fic-oh mppls tf. Iluiu and 2M. SIlOHldci'. just received nt the Aicud ALBRIGHT Si MEN0EL. Oct 10 CAHPENTERS' TOOLS. A larne assortment of (ho best kind of Cariien. ter Tools jusl received and will be kept com. on Hand at Ihe Arcade. ALUBI0I1T & MEN GEL. Oa 10 LL those having unsettled accounts with (L subscribers arc hereby notified that the niu iiiut he sealed without lui'ther delay, or ihe bonk will he placed ill the hands of the proper tlflcers to lie proiiedcd with accordim; to law, liliOlisr & .SAN'TEfi. STONE COAL. r:i!' s' hscrilicrs have on hand n superior nrt'e of C O.I 11 Si:, JJ It K.'.Y and hdl Kl-.XfJO CO A i.whichdie are anxious to eil. HEELEY MEN DEN II ALL. Oct 54 PLASTRIl. TftTOVA SCOTIA I'LASl'EH, for ,3a fr jq Cn..h or in exchange for ull kinds of gr.iu ir (00.1 l.uir.hcr, l.y IIEFI.EY Si MENDENUALL. Oct St LATEST A AD CIJEAFEST. CZORGEX EATER, li JCST OPENING HIS rail and Winter Goods ND purchasers wi.l find s liesh and splendid ji Msnrtmcnt of I) y Goods, Grrie itx, Qucenmare, UarJware.Cecarware, llas, C rps, '.)n, )id Sifcs, 4-c nnsiMinr; in psrt of Cloths, pa;n ni fany (asr -iineics, Oreijoi Gla5(;mv aud Kentucky jesns, atlinelli and vestins.alpscca and paran aiis elou.s Fremh (.'ai-hmero and casliinerelts, ti.i.t.lin Ua lains and prints of tne most 1'ai.hionahlc i ic, cash in res mode tliioet, MDL. Danish and wool -.luwla, iVi To all them wishing fashionable and ehrap ,' the hest opportunity now ollei. ( oil cany ivhilo the ttatKrm.t'iit is full lor lio :aut of Ur. gains. Oct. 31, CLOCKS I CLOCKS! R.-ISS eiht day and twenty .four hour Ho, ki lust received at the Arcade ALBRIGHT .MENii'EL, rct or