1 H m m rt iri . I have iwnrniipnn the Alter of ;oi, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny ever the Mind of M.ui." Thorn Julfcrmn II. WEBB, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Volume A. m j)03ism km;, colitjiiua cntXTV, pa. satukdav, decemhhii 5, is46. Atiinbc i a a OFFICE Or THE DEMOCRAT South sidr of Main, a rt:w boohs bk low Markkt-piruet. The COr.UMltlJ DEMOClMTuillbe published evert Saturday morning, al Vil'O DOLLARS per annum jmyabh h tlfyearhf in advance, or Two Dollar Fifty Cents, if not paid within the. year. No subscription will be taken for a shorter period than nix month; nor any discon tinuance pcrmitted,until all are discharged. Ji I) VER Tl SEMENS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first thrceinsertiom, and Twenty-five cents for every subse quent nserhon. CT2 uutrui utscoiin made to those who advertise by the year LETTERS addressed on business, must be post jHtid- COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. DECEMBER 5, '.810. OFFICIAL DESPATCHES FROM GENERAL TAYLOR. IIeadquauters Amir ofOcccpation Camp near Monterey, Oct. 9, 1S4G. Sir: I have now ihe honor to sub mit a detailed report of ths recent oper ations before Monterey, resulting in tht capitulation of that city. The information received on lhe. route from Ceralvo, and particularly ihe con tinual appearance in our front of the Mexican cavalry which had a blight skirmish with our advance at the village of llamas, induced ihe belief, as we ap proached Monterey, that the enemy would defend that place. Upon reach ing the neighborhood of the cily on the morning ol the 19ih of September; this belief was fully confirmed II was ascer lained that he occupied the town in forci; that a latge wmk had ben con structed commanding all the northern epproches' and thai the lL.-hop's l'al tce and some heights in its vicinity .iear Ihe Sltillo road, had alo been fortified and occupied with troops and ariilirry It was known from information previ ously received, that Ihe eastern ap proaches were commanded by several finall works in the lower edge of the city. The configuration of the highlg and gorges in the direction of the Sallillo road, as visible from the point attained by our advance on the morning of the 19th, led me to suspect that it was prac ticable to turn all Ihe woiks in that di reclion, and thus cut the enemy's line cf comuni;ation, After establishing niy camp at Walnut Springs,' three miles from Monterey, Ihe nearest suita ble position, it was, accordingly, my first care ",o order a close reconnoisanct of the ground in q'iejtion, which was ex ec uted on the evening of the 19;h, by the engineer officers under ihe din clion of Major Mansfield. A reconnnisance of the eastern approaches was at thr Bame time made by Cipt. Wi'liams, to pographical engieers. The examina tion made by Major Mansfield proved the entire practicability of throwing fot ward a column to ihe Sallillo road, and and thus turning Ihe position of ihe en emy. Deeming this lo ue an operation of essential importance, orders were given to Brevet LUig. Gen. Worih, to march with his command on Ihe 20h tj turn the hill of the Bishop's Palace, to occupy a position on the Sallillo road and lo carry Ihe enemy's detached works in that quarter, where practicable. The first regiment of Texas mounted volun teer under command of Col. Hays, was associated with Ihe econd division on tlii? service. Capl. Sandeis' engineers and Lieut. Meade, topographical egi ncers, were also ordered to report to Gen. Worth for duty with his column. At 2 o'clock, P. M., on the 20 h, the second division took up its nwch. It was soon discovered, by officers who were reconnoitering the town, and com municated loGen. worth, dial ill move menl had been perceived, and that tin enemy was throwing leioforcementi owards (lie Bishop's Palace and tlx height which commands it. To diver his attention a' fur ai practicable, tin fust division, under Brig. Gen, Twiggs, and field division of volunteers, undei Miijoi. General Butler, were displayed in front of Ihe town until d.irk. Ar rangemenlg were made at Ihe same time to place in batlery during Ihe night, a' a suitable distance from ihe enemy' main work, the citadel, two 24 pounder howitzeis, and a ten inch morar, will 1 view to open a fire on Ihe following day, when I proposed to mike a diver ion in favor of Oen. Worth'- move menl. The 4lh 'nfanlry covered this battery durine the n ic ht. Gen. Worth had in the meantime reached and occu pied for the night, a defensive positioi just wilhoul range of btttery ebove Ihe Bishop's Palace, having made a recon noissances as far as the Sallillo road Before proceeding lo report the op perations of the 21 t, anil following day. I beg leave to stale that I shall mention n delail only Ihoso which were con- dieted against llm extremity of the city or elsewhere, tinder my immediate di rection, referring you lor the particulars if Gen. Worth's operations, which were ?nlirely detached, to his own full tepon transmitted herewith. 7:,irly on Ihe morning of the 21t. 1 received a note from Gen. Worth, wi it- ten at half past 9 o'clock ihe night br fore, suggesting what I had already in tended, a strong diversion against lb' centre and left of the town, to fevor his enterprise aiinsl the heights, in rear 'he infantry and at t i 1 1 e r y of the firt-t ivision, and the field division of volun er, were ordered under nmrs and nuk the direction of the city, leaving ine company of each regiment ns a cmii niani. i lie i dragoons, under l.ieui Cot. May, and Col, Wood' regimen f Text volunteers, under the innnnili tie direction of Gen. Henderson, wen reded lo ihe right lo support Genera! Woith, if necessary, and lo make at impresssion, if pi atiticaU , upon the u; )r quarter of ihe city. Upon ap proaching the mortar battery, the 1st & J regiments of infantry, and baltallini. f Bdlimoro and Washington volun eers, with Capt. Bragg's field baitety the whole under iho command rl ..ieut. Cul. Garland wero directed towards ihe lower part of Ihe town, with older to make a demonstration, anil carry one of ihe enemy's advanced works, if it could be done without to heavy loss. Major Il jns!Hds, engi neers, and Captain Williams and Lieu'. ope, topographical engineer), accom panied the column, Maj. Minsfie'd b' ng charged with Us d recuon, and ihe lesi&nation of points of atlark. In Ihe meantime the monar, setvei! by Captain Ramsay, of the ordnance, and ihe howdzT batlery under Capia'n Webster, 1st Ariillery, had opened their fire upon the citadel, whird vva- leliberattjy putt lined, and answered from the woik. Gen. Bwln'p division had now taken up a position in the re a r of his battery, when Ihe discharges o1 attillery, mingled finally with a rapid fire of small arms, showed that Lieu;. Garland's command hart bi.-came wai m- y engaged, 1 now deemed it nrci-ssa ry to support this attack ind accoitting ly ordered the 4th infantry, and line' regiments of Gen. Butler' division, it march at once by Ihe left flink in tin direction of the advanced woik at the lower extremity of the town, leaving one tegimenl (1st Keri'ucky) to cover the mortar and howitzer battery. Bj some mistake, Iwo companies of Hit 4th irfantry did not receive this order, nd conseqti' nt!y did noi j'dn the ad vance companies uritil sume time afler vards. Lieu'. Col. G land' ; command had ipl roacked ihe town in a direction to he righl of Ihe advanced woik, (No.l.) it the Noilheistern angle of the city, md the engineer office, covered by kirmislurs, had succeeded in entering ;hesubuibi and caininc Cv,ver. The remainder of this command now ad vane ed, and entered the town under a heavy lire of artillery from ihe citadel and Ihe works on the left, and of muke!ry ftom the houses and small works in fionl. A rnovemtnl lo the righl was attempted with a view to gain ihe rear of No. 1, ndcairy that woik, bul ihe troops were so much txpost d lo a fue which hey could not tfl'eclually return, and tiad already sufliiued such severe los., particularly in officers, thai it was deem- -d best to withdiavv them to a mote se ure position. Capt. Backus, 1st in fantry, however, with a portion of his iwo ai.d other companies, had gained the roof ol a tannery, which looked di- ecily into the gorge of No. 1, and from which he poinh-d a most destrueiive fire into thai woik, and upon Ihe strong building in its rear. The fue happily coincided in point of lime with the ad vance t.f a portion of the volunteer di vision tipn No. 1, and contributed trgely to the fall of that stiong and mpotlanl woik. '1 he three regimenis of the Vulumeei livisiun under the immediate command f Major. Gen, Butler, had in the mean me advanced in the directio.) of No. 1. Impleading brigadp, undi r Bi igniter Gen. Quilman, continued its advanct pon mat woik, precreded by Idret ompaniea of the -I'll infantry, while Jenersl liuiler, had in the meantime dvanced in the direction of No. 1. Tin eatling brigade, under Brigadier Gen. Quitman, continued lis advance upnt. ha l woik, preceded by lluee companie- f the 4di infantry, while Gen. I5utli'i, villi the 1st Ohio tegimenl, entered the own to the right. The companies 1 1 he 4 h infantrv had advanced wilhir hoi I ringe ol the woik, when they .vere received by a fno lhal alinoht in one moment sir ur k down one thin f the oflicen and men, and tendered i' it'cisaary to leltre ind tllcl a conjune on with tho i wo other compinies then idvancing. Oen. (iirnins bugadt, hough suflerirt" rnot severely, pat lieu atly in ihe Tenne-see tegiineni , con inued its advance, and finally carried he work in handsome style, as well as he sironu buil'linn in its rear. Five O r pieces of artillety ; a ronsiderable supply .if ammunition, and ihitly prisoners, including ihieo I'fliccrs, fell into cut hands. Mj ir Gen. Butler, with the 1st Ohio ifgiment, after entering the Hilge of the town, discoveied 1 1 1 a t noih ng was lo b accomplished in his Ironi md al tl is poini yit tiling lo the sug gtsiions ol .-evtnl oflic Ts', I ordered a it-tiogadtf movement; bul learning al most immediately from one of my stafi that Ihe batlery Ao. 1. was in our pos.. e?sun, the ordir was countermanded, md 1 determined to hold the battery & defences already giined. Gen. Brltt .vith with Ihe 1st Ohio regiment, then -nl. red the town at a point faiiher to Ihe left, and marched in the ditectiou ol he battery No. 2. While making ai examination with a view lo ascertain the possibility of catiying tdis second woik No. 2. and the heavy musketry fir. d mking the apptoich, tendered it im possible lo carry it without great lose, the 1 s' Oh 10 reei moot was wiihdrawi. fron the town Fragments of the varicus regimenis engaged were now under covir of the captured battery and some buildings in is front, and on the right- The fiddiout any active operations in the lower par - batteries of Captains Bragg and Ridelyjnf iho were also partially covered by ihe bat tr-iy, A n incessant fire was kept up on this position from battery JVj. 2, and toher wot ks on its right, ind from tht citadel on all our approaches. General Twiggs, ihough qitiie unwell, joined mt 4 this point, and wag ins'rumenlnl in causing the attillery captured worn the enemy to be dared in baliery, and served Ly Captain R.dgely againsiNo.2 until the arrival of Jantain Web'lei'i- howitzer battery which look its plate. In the meantime, I directed such men a could be collected of Ihe 1st, 3d and 4 V regiment and 13adi more bat tal lion, lo en er Ihe town, penetrating lo the righl md carry ihe 2J batlery if possible. This command, uWcr .ieut. Col. Gar i-iiid advanced beyond tho bridge 'Purisiuia' w hen finding it impiacticable to gain the rear of Ihe 2J battery a portion of it sua lained themsclve for some time in dial ad vancid position; but as no permanent int prtssion could le mode at tint point and ihe main object of die general operation had beeiieffeciud the command including a sec. lion o Ridgely's battery which had joined it was withliawn to baliery No. I. During iho licence of lliii colum i deinoRSiruiioii of civalry wtis reporiDil in the direction of ihe citadel. Capt; Ur.igj; who was at hand immediately gilluppud with his baliery to a puiubli prisiiion liuin which a fuw discharges tfl'eclually dispers ed ilie tiicmy. Captain Miller Isl infantiv was despatched Midi a mixed command u stumor, the ballet v on this eervico. The enemy's latims had previously rharged upon the Ohio mid part of ihe Mississippi regiments near some fields at u distance f, c in the edge of ihe tow n and had been re pulsed with considerable lots, A demonstra tion of cavalry on the opposite side of tin- river was also dispersed in ihe comae ol die. afternoon by Captain Ridgely'u ballet ir.d lhe scptadron returned loihe city. Al lhe approach of evening all lhe Hoops iha. hid bian engagrd were ordered back I ..amp except Caplain Zi'idgely's battery and .he regulai i it fill try of the l.-l division who wcru detailed as a guatd for the woiks dur vi lhe night under command of Lieut. Col. uathind One baitaliun of lhe Isl Kentucky .eiment was ordered to reinforce ibis coin- nand. Intrenching tools were procured md additional sirt n(;tli was given lo the ivorks and protection lo the men by woik- ing pirties during lhe night under direction f Lii ut IScarrili engineers. Tho main oljeci in tho morning had been enacted. A powerful diversion had been made lo favor the operations of the ml division one of lhe enemy's advanced works had been carried and we now had a strong foot-hold in the lown. ml this had noi been accomplished without a heavy loss embracing so.ne of our most gallanl ami promising officer?. Captain Williams, top ugrapieal engineers, Lietits. Terrell and Ddworlh, 1st infatiliy Lieut. Woods 2nd infantry Capts. Morris and rieid uvt. Maj. lJarhour Lis. Irwin and HtzliU'Jrd infaiiuy l,t Iloskins lib infantry I-ieut Col. Wat son Haltimore baitalion Capt. Allen and Id. I'utmati Tennessee regiment and Li. licit Ohio regiment were killed or have since lied of wounds received in lliis engagement while the number and rank of Hie officer wounded gives atld'lionil proof of lhe ob- tiuacy of llie contest and the gooil conduct ifouriroops. I he number of killed ai.d wounded incident to the operations in tin lower pail of tne city on Ihe 2 1 si is .'S91. Early in the mottling of lliis d.iy, (2lai,; the advance of the 2nd division hadcucuuii icred lhe enemy in loice, and after a bricl iiul sharp conllict, repulsed him with heavy loss, (itn orth then stieceeilcd in gain nig a position on lhe Sdtillo road, thus cul ting lhe enemy's line of rouiiitunieation From this position lhe two heights south ol ihe Sahillo road wero carried in snece-sion and the gun tdken in oneol them Hinted up on lhe Uishop's Palacj. These important successes were fortunately obtained will comparatively small loss; Capt. M'Kaveti, 8di infantry, being the only officer killed. The 22nd day of September passed wiili ciiy.-TI.e tiu,lel and o.her works continued lo fire al pnrl.es exposed would receive the answer of the Mexican to their range, and at ihe work now oeetipi- Bei,cri, Cen W)r(j.i h(! d by our troops. The E.,d left in it .he wllli;h l B00B repair(,di h preceding nighl. ex-epi Capt. K.djjely . CJenrral Ampudia had si?niliej , UeuerJ -ornpunv ... relieved , t tnnLd.y ly tie,,. Worth hts desire for . personal interview Qomnan . br.gade. Cap.. D,arfg s bntmy .ilh me ,Q w)jo(i , .ns , under cove, in front of .lieHy resulted in a c.p.iul.tion. placing ,ha town to repel any demonstration of cavalry ow anJ lhe materi-t of war, with certain in that qnaier. At dawn ol'd it, Iho height exeentinn. in ... .'..,. , , exccl,,lons. "i oir possession, A ropy (,( " " -"" soon alter ntertOian, the ralace until was taken and its guns turned upon tin fugitive garrison. The objee for which the 2nd division was detached hud thus been com pletely accomplished, and 1 felt confident dial wiih a strong force occupying ihe road and heights in his rear and a good position lielow the cily in our possession, the enemy i:ou'd not possibly maintain i tie town. During the night of the 22.1, the enemy evacuated nearly all hit defences in .hi lower part of tho city. This was reported to me early in tho morning of the 23d by Gen. Quitman, who had already meditated an assault upon those works. 1 immediate ly sent instructions lo that officer, leaving n in his disere'.ion lo eniet the city covering his men by t!ie houses and walls, and ad vance carefully as far as he mij;hl deem ptu- dcoi. Alter oidertns the remainder of tiie troops as a reserve, undsr the orders ol Brigadier General Twig9, I repair eJ it the t.uMiiluned works, and discovered that a portion of Gen. Qniimau's brigade had cu- .ered the lown, and were successfully fore ingtheir way towards the principal plaz ; I then ordered ap the 2d regiment of Texas mounlcu: volunteers, who entered tho city J,s'unicd, and, under the immediate or dersofCcu. Henderson, cooperated with Gen. Quilriiau's brigade, Capl. Uragg'e oaltory was also ordered up, supplied by die 3d infantry, and after firing some lime at the cathedral, a portion of it was l.kewUt ihicwn itito the city. Our troops advanc ed fron. house to house, and from square to -quart, until they reached a street but one qtiaro in tear of the principle plaz , and in near of which the enemy 'u force was mainly roncentrated. I'his advance was conducted vigorously but with due caution, and ah though destructive to the enemy, wis at tended wiih but small loss on our part. Captain Kidgoly, in the meantime, hat! served a capturod piece in batlery So. I. gainst the eiiy until lhe advance of our rnei rendered it imprudent lo fire in lhe diretlioi of the cathedral. I was now satisfied thai we rotdd operate successfully in the city. md that the enemy had rented front the owcr portion of it to make a siand behind his barricades. As (Jen. Q iiimau s bri- ade had been on duty the previous night, I dciermined lo withdraw lhe troops to the vacuated works, and concert with Gen. 'orih a combined attack upon the low n I'hc iruops acitoi Jingly lull back deliberate ly, in good order, and resumed their origi nal positions, Gen, Quitman's bnjjr.de be ing telieved after nightfall by lhal cf Gen. flainci. On my reiuiri to camp, I met an wJ'.lier with the intelligence that Own Woith, induced by the filing in the lowei part of the city, was about making an at tack at the upper exttemity, which had al. 30 been cvaeuaied by the enemy to a con siderable distance, I tegieiied thai this in formation had noi reached nie before leav ing tho city, bul siill deemed il inexpedi ent to change my orders, and accordingly renirned to camp. A note from Gen Worth, written at 11 o'clock, P, M. inform H me thai he had advanced to within a ihorl distance of the pnncipal plazi, and .hat the monar (which had been sent to his liviaion in the morni g) was doing good xsculioii within eil'etlive range of the ei.- urny s position. Desiring to make no further attempt up m the city wuhuui complete concert as to die lint s and moJe ol approach, I instruct-; i ..... .... - . i .... i . , 'd nisi tiurjer in suhiieuu m8 auvance uiil.l. I could have ar. interview wiih linn on ide. ollowing morning al Ins headquarters. Karlv on the morning of the 24ih, I reived, through Colonel Moreno, a eoinmu 1 nicalion from General Ampudia, proposing o evacuate the lown; which, with the an- swer, was forw ird. d wiih my first despatch. srtarged with Colonel Moret.o a ceisa - - , -- -i z irii"gfi ti..n of fiie until 12 oVInrk. -i.i-k inai rapiiuialion Wi as transmitted wiih qjv first despatch. Upon occupying the city, it was discov fred to be of great strength in itself, and n hav iis approaches carefully and strongly '.-rtified. The town and works were arm ed with 42 pieces of cannon, well supplied! ith ammnniiion, and manned with a force of at least 7,000 troops of the line, and from. 2,000 to 3.000 irregulars. The force under rV orders before Monterey, as exhibited by the accompanying return, was 425 officers, md G 220 men. Our ariillery consisted of one 10 inch mortar two 24 pounder howit zers, and four dfhl field batteries of four ijuns each the mortar being the only piece suitable to the operation of a seige. Our loss is twelve officers and one hun dred und eight men killed; thirty ono offi cers and three hundred and thirty-seven men wounded. That of the enemy is noi known, but is believed considerably to ex eed our own, 1 take pleasure in bringing to the notice of the government the good conduct of the troops boih regulars and volunteers, which has been conspicuous throughout the oper itions. I am proud to bear testimony lo htir ronlne?! and constancy i battle Bnd he cheerfulness wiih which they hsve tub milted to exposure and privation. To the general officers commanding divisions Major Generals Butler and Henderson, and Brigadier G.juerab Twiggs and Worth I nusl ej.press my obligations for, the eft ientaid which they have rsndared'in- their respective comra.mds. I was unfortunately leprived early on the 2 1 si of the valuable icrvices of Major General Butler ho was Usable J by a wound received in lhe attack m tho city. Major General Henderson ommanding the Texas voluntears, has giv mi me important aid in the orgmization of lis command, and iis subsequent operations I5ngadir General Twiggo rendered itnpo tanl services with his division, and. as the second in command after M.dor (ieneral j ------ Iniler was disabled. Brigadier General Woilh svas intrusted wiih an important de tachment, which rendered his operations in dependent of my own, Those operations, wero conducted with ability, and crowned, wiih complete success. I de.'iro also to notice Brigadier Generals II -imer and Q.iiuian, commanding brigades in (Jen. JJuiler's division. Lieutenant Cu lonels Garland and Wilson, commanding uigiJes in Gen, Twigg's division. Colo nels Milchel, Campbell, Davis and Wood, commanding the Ohio, Tennessee, Missis-., sippi, and 2d Texas regiments, lespeeiively md Msjois Lear, Aden and Abercrombip,. commanding the 3d, 4th, and 1st regiments, of infantry ; all of whom served under my eye and conducted their commands wild. i:oolness and gallantry against ihe enemy, Colonel Mitchell, Lieut. Col. A'Clung, Mississippi regiment, Major Lear, 3d infan try, and M ijor Alexander, Tennesses regi ment, were all severely wounded, as weia Capftin Lamottc, 1st infantry, Lieut. Gra. lam, 4ih infantry, Adjutant Armstrong, Ohio regiment, l.ieuts, Sucdder and Allen,. 1'ennnsse regiment and Lieut. Howard .Mississippi regiment, while leading ihei, men against the enemy's position oo the 21sl and S3J, Afier the fall of Cul. Mitchell, the command of lhe 1st Ohio re- tjiineiil devolved upon Lieut. Col. Welltr, that of the 3d infantiy, after the fall ol -1aj., Lear, devolved n: succession upon Oapu II..... I.. 11 . "",,IL,,uir" m,u "i"- w;") mo luraier being also wounded. Lhe following pained officers hare been re-favorably noticed by their commsndets; Lieut. Col. Anderson, and Adjutant Ilei- -nan I ennessee regiment; Lieut. Col. M' Clung, Capiams Cooper and Downing Lieutenants Puttrson, Calhoun, Moore, Kus- scl and Cook, Miesiryirmi rtginenl; aln I