Wf co v tl.c f..l lo win p l'lot Imnalioi l he (iuvcinoi of I'(!nn)'lvnia from I "p I'cno" v I van i in. C.EN.'RAL ORDERS-NUMBER MX. 'iMUUMUMli, Nov. IS, 1 S it Tne Cninivnnil-1 in rhiel ann nuiirt-f loilie Vo 1 nil t e i Sjdln is ol lVnii) V .. nia that a irijumtion has hern made In t tie l evident of the United S aUf, hear ing dale the 1G h day of November, in. Hant, for One 1 i fntUf y Raiment ol Yoluiiteeis of ibis Jyale, to consul of 10 conijianit., mill la nerve to tho erd oi the Wr will) Mexico, unlfM eoonei discharged, on the conditions rtateu in the requisition, a cy cf which U here, to aiiiiexnd. l'limbum is de-di-ned b the place of rendi zvouJ. The Commander in Cliiif. with (-real cm fi leorp, expects that those coni)i ires which jiairiotiril'y lendrrtd then ppiviers iipun (he n quest of (he I rssi il-Mit of the Uth olMa) Jasl, will prump ly comply with Hie piese-ril r q'licil ion. Ii will be perceived that the 'een' requisition is susceptible ofa different construction fiom the former one, as to Ihe term of service. It will therelore, " be distinctly uiidtrs'ood, that all olleis t f service now made will be in refer. nice to (he teims of the list nquisiti v As l h e set vices of a'l those who hav ulreaii y volunteered will ,iot be requited ' to fi:l the call now made, the annexed rule maiked A, for mkinj; the selec lion has been jdopied. It will be per. ceived, by the reference to the present requisition, that each company ii consist of eighty piivales' but i! the mimhpr. on beini? muslercil. docB not fall below sixty fom (II dive men in a company it will be teceived. The euici cst attention to the rtquircmi nts in re gatd lo llie age and physical ability cl the men, should be observed. i'ach Captain or Commanding Officer is required to repot t within ten days af ter ho shall have received this order, t the Adjutant General at ilmisHurg. As sorw ss the reports are received, the se. lection ol ten companies will be made, and those whose scivicisare accepted will receive immediate orders to match to ihe nlaco of rendt zvous, where the officers will be elecled, and the ll-g nient inspected and mulcted into the hi vice of the United Slates. Iy order of the Commander inChicf 11. Pktiukux, Aissistant Adj' Oen. Norn A. The selection will be made according to the following tu!c; The Company which is fit si ready to march, computing the time from the leceipl of ibis order, will be fust ac ce-pied: For example If one command ing officer shall report his company ready to march within one day sl'er the day on which this order is d. livered t-j him, aiiothtr wiihin iwo day, and another three days, &, they will be accepted accoidin; lo I he order of lime in which they aio ttspi ttively ready lo ln;il ch. StuMcn Ulncs f Mr. J 'Jin Quiuaj 'hlams. The venerable Vohn Quinry was on Tliundiy 19lh insu, eeiye.' will) piralyis of hii left s de, which irndeied him in.ieniblo fur some lime. 1 J-j h,.d jusl lift his joii'm leMilcnce ii jieifecl heahh, 1 1 o is now c.-ni h red out of danger. Mr. Adam? SO yters cl Gov. Wright ha3 called on the fi regiment of volunteprs for the Mexicai War. The following ate the officeis Col. W. B. liiirnett, Major J. C 15iun liam. The Lieut. Col- is vacant. The Difference As one point illus tralive of the proj;res in Ihe Anthracite CojI irade made and making yearly, w may mention'ihatone individual con err alone, engird ' '"'"K a,1(' ' P P 1 " from the Lehijh region , fur nishes lln maikel tlni year wiih a greater numhei of tons ihan the ent ire production fi on all the diflerent regions in 1S3D. Ifliea.-we have received a letter from Dlmntinnton, Iowa, of ihe 7 h irii which st.ven that 'Our Demorrals have suffered themselves to be divided on In cause?, and we have come near los ing ih.e L-pislature. Enough h known 1, nvvr, lo Kcoro u? a mijori'y, on j .i!it bllot, of four in the L-ialalure.' . i'n ion. VICTORY! VICTORY nrn.iir. iimnm iivr.'UH ? rVll V I .1 Mot flll.l II llllllpllli tlll'IP II.IH 1 H y V i. lire ihe in H .1 ( I tin- cclcbriitcdllnalMci- Ii.iiiI, liniiiilnn Uiui.i'iji'Hl Mi.l i licapcnl CUiyo, ion casou ol GOODS ahit h iTr deposited ill , n itv-v Errs .vat srom:. Ml l.lill-KllTCt. I'llPy UK) HO M'lllim III "Ulll II i.iiml I lit) ii con iiiiihu.iuu ui mi i i"v. i". Unit lours are oiiieruiiieii nun em. i""1 l" mil not ut't iiu-ir wime r h kii in,v "m " ' "I . i . . .. I it.H-k. All tliote,'lli'iili Hoods .lionl.l lull ininirdiiilily mid Hiiiilv IIiimiim'Iwn .villi (roinliliillH, !Satlilieit.4, (im- ri s, ().i- eloih, VesliiiK or of any i!eM'tiitioii nfclolh .',ir .leu'n wear I'rinls of tut y .1 . H. ri il ion anil 11.1 ...,! I. .Iiin.iu. Ilm. IITH C I II 1 1 III l H ' . -ilKUH"MT, IMi-ur... i :n,l Fi.'iir i tonniipn. A nneem, nnil uiin TokiMy, Call ed nt UluiiUet t-'limvl.", Teckel Him Iketeliiefs, Jaekonet uml S ai:m IMn'm in.l tiisertiuii, (ilove;Slo;-kiiiir., in f et liny llnm; else th it limy I'O w:m let!, Vou ninnot u.-k atnis. GiwcEiiW sn.iRnir.inn dsn cwcki:ry n .nuj. n.lyoii iiiny also hnvfl vour iiek out of an evten jv,. nswirliiio'nl of f.MH.l HI llllM SIWKS anil II ATM ml CAI'f. full soon or you ill will lie to late to luiy the , lieanet nnil liett jwds ill town. A'jv. 2i sIjOAX & TBS033 VSON IIAVK JUST IIKCK1VKI) AN ADDITION A I surrtv of C lolhs from .Ifi J cents to f 5 Siiliiin'tis from yyj to S7J eenli (."usHiuieiPH frnin H i eenls toi,2.r) CiissimeroK. SaliiiH it Silka Velvet Vestingn fioin 75 eenln lo 5 tlashinieres ili-laitis A A ll'imun MiUiiiKfroiii 25 tofi.". .1 tiili;niliil usortini'iitof piinN tr im I to Id i enl I'luiJ & Ivnxeys of scvpriil kimln Bleai-ln il i uiilileaclii'il mu-lins from C in 1 1 c.Ib 'ontlilnanH iV l.nlies cr.ivaU nkivoii iVe. i.c In bliort a full abOit'i.cnt ofilry jjoimIs ALSO, A sjilenJid assortment of QueenswarpA II aril ware BOOTS AND SHOI5S. Mcna eonr.-c lirogan slioos HlcentJ Mens eulf sines f 1,25 Mimis roiirsi) liools S I 02 J Moms fmo h.ioU .om'fS.fiJ to ?2,S7J (iroi'efieii of the Lest (iuility ;lul.'i-e fiom DO to 00 cent) per 6'al!ll Suanr ColUe ami so forth. They respeetl'iily invite the nttention of Iht- iu,lv lie to an examination of the goods. ljSfievtovvn. Noveiul'P' 2d Uv VM. WHKillT, year York Spring, .'hiatus cminli, in. T this p-italilisliineiit all of the livst apfiovco j ('i vjriclie of testes? AM) The proiii'li'lnr Ins dlnn't.'i! '"'(5 ra'i lie li.ocnri'.l. nearly his whole attioilnm in the .Nursery Un-iiiiess lor the last twenty-five nr thiity years, mid is now prepared In oiler to the fruit croweis of ( 'i:lnni!i:i and jdjoiiimi counties, one ol llie larsest ami Inj.-t -sorluii'iit of trees in ihe I nilul 'aU'.i. 'lainlield Nurseries are siniated nh.n.t ri'iteen miles from Il.irrWuirc, ul which ol.iee trio s can it any time he put on hoard i f hnats lo.d Iraii.-poileil lo anv point on inn canal il .ired. v II orders will he e.irei'uilv tilled anil Ihe trc Jok-Il- ed iu the h,t lil.inne.-. ( '.ita!n''ues can he fiirni.-hed to these I'e-i them, hv !iddre.-sir' ihe proi rielor ll.r.iiiu'i ihe os; lllliee, or fiom .lohu I!. .Mover, liloour' nrir. ;r, IV. U'. Ki :hter l!e:uicl;. or (i. M. M.o ,p. Danville, who are aullloii-i , I ills I'jI!;.1- iihiueni.'i o2y In pursuance of an order nf the Orphans' (hiiirl nf Columbia eniinly. on Mvml a the viS't if f),"ri,.!itr iu it. at 10 o'clock iii iho f.irciio'n, John M. Ileaenck adininistratfir te. nf Thomas Mm- .i , , i i . i : . . l ciii K laie ol f Islilnocreeii luwnsnip in tain county deceased, w ill expose to by Piihlie Vendue upon 1'ic pireniises, at the late residence of said Tlmm w Ile.ieock (le ceased, THREE 1.0 I S and pieces and pircels nl land nil h ii'U lo aether and adj lining each ruber the said ,tveral lots containing aliogtiher, Ik or llierenbouts all iinprneei) land bouii leil cist hv I mils ir. the cecupunev of .Junes lleaeock and hv lands of J.i'm Mb-H-on r.orlh by hnih of si'ul John Alberisn i wi s1 hv hinds of s.ime an I hv lands of Aboei Welsh and South by lands of Thiuna l.llti ,rer iinon which are ercctpil i In:' lions" a log Pi irn and a unall f'arp"nii I si. up f.i.' late llu) Estate nf saiil ileeeasi il n'o ile in lh(! township l.f 1'lshingereek uml euuiilv ifiiresaidi Terms en he it v of vb .IACOU EYI'.Kl.Y. (Ink. Dinville Nov. '20 1810 2 Houses and j'OU SALM a ols .1 HE subscriber olTer for sde hu .. ri pro- -!ai. '1 ooe Ihi'l' eilv villi ileil on H -'lo'. llonkio-' a Idiliool a few doors alao e ill I'pon " Nivdcra The livu Int.- a"1 1 noi si: fl.?L and i riatne.-sl.ihle, and V'?:!2llv.; oil., r a -m ill I ri.c Iho:-'. nl iii-oU lot fc3i?ii 'I hey v. ill be sold i. ... :la or s, p aiaoMJ siilt I urcha- i , and on rca-n. al'le te.m U'iii'1 .ni'i'lo'.l'loO I i ' U ISMtNAKD SEYEERT. lihciinJnil, Novem'.. :r -"SJlf CAlUT.'UNa. Tlie HiilieriliiTnliiivr on lianil unine splendid In--nil. ami Vooeliu t'lWji.'lin;; wliieli tti. y wtli I' V,'V s 1.0 AN Si 1 0 UPSON- I'Kl'CjtoWil AilV. 2H. fHim: MilMiTitior oITith foi mile hi- l'"rm ''" ntnl ill PeliinnerK l.vMirlii.t Coluiiit-n- i unly, i.iiiihiiniiii; Hliout 5!) of wlii. h H iniprnv.-.l imil under a con i .,, iIM, iiv . l,,.,n th,. pnoniKr u""- " .. jf.ryvt K,J I I IT ''" nl"l " I I'l"" 'vAf Yllfl Orcliuril, ami never fail- Vi 'I'lie nliovp oroi,Tlv will 'e oM " ,,in rc;i mill lenns ii'iin ii"ii i.. r f .1 i' t ' """b " i ISVAC U01UNS. Xovemlier 28, 1810 N o r ICE. Wherraj mv wifa KI,1Z hai lef mv ., and honnl wiIioii yt ratine or pinvn- r,, on. nil nersonare herehv fo.hnl liarhor- irir nririi'tini' lier on mv aeeotrnf af I shall pay nodehi ol tier contraer ng aner nun josiiua wp.nn. Cerre invnship Nov. 28. 18 If 'A. NZCS-IZT SCHOOL TIIflE ilosirnin o! sjiendimr the lonq winter , niir'iis in if iiic; a Umnvledo of Kncjlish tiriiininar, Al'ehra. Siirvpyinir. Meiisiinnioil. ,A 'iihmctie, Ve; we informed llial the, snlifriher ivillroinmeiieea NKiHT tsfllOOI,. on ,1ondav evniimr, Niivi-nitierflMil. i t lli Aeadcmy. He "ill teaili rol.'li cvuiiiiiijs in the werk. A. roUSTEll. November 21 " . . . . . ( ii.:. J. IE. IJAUTOX & CO KSPF.f TFI'U.Y invito tlio attention of lj, the pnhlie to tlio imVI CASH STORE. whi. h'lliey have now opened in the lower iarl ol Jl-viiimliu The stock has heen carefullv selei t ed, and it is believed thut the rale at which toe ,.s are sold will ive Reneral snlisfuction. As ihey intend SKI.I.lMf entirely I'OIl fASlf, it will he unnecessary lo charge n hili proht to se .urelliemselves loss which always attends Ihe eredit system. 'J'lieir stock ejiisi.-ts of a general i isortiP.ent of 1 1 A U I J W A U E , QV E V. N S W ARE, Dry 'oodsj Groccri, Arc, They h.ivo Molas ps fromr.t 1-1 t 5 8 cents per gallon. ColVee fiom H lo IO eenls per pniin.l. !,o:il'ie.-u from f-'J to eeul- per pointo I'ep er ," cents per pound. Calicoes from;) In eenls per yard. Musslin from .1 In d.) allioelts frolil O'.S 'o 75 ('o ?aipi is from J J to ;) ilo .villi a splendid assoilment of Mou4in dc l.iines. lpaccas, (Jala Cloth, eve- e. at the same propor ioiiale low prices. N 1 1 :'() STIL1Y IIOAWi. into the enclosure of the (A !,.vi-- snnsenner in .-.i lltfallo.ll lo'vii- !' I), lo'u'i I i-t a i! t i;i..icK imusi-:. with i u i . .... i tM-ir.TJea Wliilft soon, one on ine snooco nc,e on tin- hcllv, and a! cut 1 1 veins old. The o.vner is rciuested to pmve propeitv, pav cha.'je nnd 'ake him away or he will he ili -po-cd ol ac cording to law. .ion iir,s. Xovcrnher 11. l-'lrt :M ' Mo Humbug. " wr: aur not ri:i-n:ivS .Ti'ITIIKIi nr" we 'Miner t la!!- V'Oiit ' V'a. i h-ac ccii the 1'ni'nl A h"ie ecu the I 'ni'i .1 t'ta:es and ocvuo: no- f sel!;iir.,.h 10 per ccnl. 1 ..e.v eilv prices' eilto r inev.c uoinirlo stnuc tieelln r in mil nib f.a" isemciili cverv thine we have f ii-sate, fom iii cille t i an am hoi',' hul mark what we say W'e. lire u"iliH lo AV eyi r;? rtiee a Mi-iii" of Gnnil, I hoi'i rpi iliiv and price, as ilm -e '.vho make i:mn i'.'i-e in llie papers than we do. We have pur chaa'd our f i". us ,hcnn as i' is pn-oMo to hc.v i!ieio.:i!i, we will -i I! ihcni as i:h( a if our IVieudt a ill rive ps a ca I at our V Si occio'v r-rp. In hv V.. ! r.K.'CiS. ib'cct'v oi'i" e IV n.v Con IT i"-'". mid ncv t it n'r so'iMi i l!ol. I. wo i'i -h.'iv l!n in 'in ll.M.hl r.NTIRE NF.W STOCK OF COOD e'ectr! e'o,.lv f.,P 1(,;r icc.''m:ii"d.t'un. ' '".nig the arlii-les of 7)ny annns we have f'reinli nnil Amrriean T.OTlI. (': ;,"ri"s ..f'ioiO! ;, ve-tii rVe A-c for ... I.:. ihe; we I.hv C 'on"" !c I. lies Coin, ir,,. ',,1,,.. ( ', .1 i,.?. I V ft'! of .iv sl'.li.'oiil to ic" fion 1 lo '2i r.-i,'-. T",r V'O i "lor.' I-', (.love;. S r , f 1-0 rvr'V snni'l" lien ll.llliiiy," II ll-illf .-r. I i.i "moil t-.e-ii sonic tliiims a ' ii:f.) nil'. Aboit, in-,, I :i.s nf every tle.-criptioii. As f i- our fiiiorr.RiK. J) 'onl x-i.'ii.if ihe ii for vo'irsclvcj.aui! Von V V bid lli'-m evci l'enl and very chcip. 'I'lo'v h ivn al-n nil assartiiimt cf (iUF.F.NS AND HMinWM.T.. And the he! of MArKnuKii !,,rl Xrish Salmon ..... , i .. -o i... a: ,f i rrinr on i itv. AH W-in n w in ,-i i':l ol i l i . h oc,. r.,-h .., Co! A MI'.MW.M IV inc. I 'I N'O' '-. I VI. III Cl.Ot'KS. id r... onion, lew ,KM i an' I fr sale I'll, : ,p al i be new .lore. 1 I! UEPERl. A i CTTHK OLD STANDj:!) Hight Side Up!. Win Mi Sill MY &, to M'OltM thepiihlie llial th-y am "till doimj. hiisiiiess ul the H I'A.N 0, ill the 'Kiylii lifiy,' mid liaviim just received und now npeaun. die of lliu laige.l iiiij in ist exleiisivu ussoi luicnl f FALL AND WITEB. ci hroui;ht into this n. ihhmhood, are doleiinin c, lo cooluiue doinn luisiness in llio nne oln Ifiltlit H'.iV,' that they ny keep up uii no ... . . .i ..ii Ii., our - llini H, ami sell, us usual, as low us un j - r chased elsewhere in the county. Anions men DUY GOODS may lie found Mufiiliii dr hiinrs. (vburg Onlhs, new nhlr. (if ('Mmku)s. bpyptian I etc", ' Cu'koffnm'A to 2 cents iir yar ri Cnx-intent 'tOlH ('tuts jirr vara. CLOTHS from 7. Cents lo ?Ctr yd .h will as all other kinds of cloths foi undies' and Cenlleiiieu's weir from a t'i'l1 for '.he head lo a slock'nili for the foot, at tlio same reilueiil low pre They have al o an unsiiully large assortment ofj G ROCHUIES, II A K I ) W A U K ,UE E N WAKE, CEDAR WARE. uml a general assortment of ill kinds of HOOTS AND SHOES. for Lu.lies and Ontlemcn. Also, a lare lot o Kullcri Haiiuiici't'il 11 other Iron, .uiliihln for almost any use in the country. Ml of whi. hlhev will cu-haie for t'a.h, Coun trv Croiluce or Luiuhel upon xn. h terms as that ill who trade with them will l dallied, hesure CALL AT THE OLD STAND. November M FANCY AND WINDSOIl Chair ranufactory. m:iv FUiMjUi Look tvcll to your into nts Hefnre you pun haso, and if ymi wain !,'OuJ onrg iins, just sail at ihe chep ol IiOON it 15 A R TON on Main street nearly opposito C. K ihlers .ilhee, where you cin hud them ready ai ill limes to furnish fancy tin J WmiNoi Ii airs, kiVIit. lioslini Uoeiiinfr elia:i!t, or mv kind which may he called lor. as ihe vill iilwavs have on hand a 'iid iissori. nenl id all kind whieh they will mdl ai lie lowest pr'.ee n.-ililc fur ranh or ex- hanun I'm luinher or iriiuntrv pioduee. iheir eois- exinTieliei) ill hllMlies-s ami , ileieiiiiinaliiil) in (hi work which eallliol ic Miii:i.-scd in the county, they uhk for a haiu nf public patmnagrt. 7'hey will also xei ute U-ittsc, Sign, am ornn niotul Vault ing ami Ilnusc Vn:ciu:g hi the iieiti'M ami most approved sty lu and iinuii reasonable Icnin1. IiOON ,t l!R7'0N. P.hionirburg Oi l. 1 1, 1 lti.--'d y ird-' of -jo " , liheial pri OAK WOO!) f" i. :'! he him ii. A p Iv l P. M. Ill- UUIil.L'!?, which: Cjltawi. e Uiid'-e. itlikin.tiS' ?,JISS M. S rVTlM'l.K respeelfiil'y inform the cili.. i.s o llloo'ic inirtr a::. I vieini.v, am! the I, idle .pi ci. db , thai she low j.r-i nci'ived, Mini is ei. t.,ulh r.'1-.-iiiu,' Voin i'liiladi Ipl.ia, a le u me .pleudld a--o,lineiil of PALE &. WINTKIi Ml! LINERV. AM) r.jycY ARTICLES. inioiu: which mav he fun d, volvi !s an I sitiniol til oiilui-, le.'.lhcis, Ih'wi is. ri!'holis. hcrace I. a 0ih.. kin and n.lli.ii ;ovi , linen and colloi hale!- I i,:4H. iMiika mid I lain e.ooi's, -.lit II niii1 oilier I ilc con!. -, h:ca -t pins, shaw I pins and nil oilnr CJ ii:,,l . ol i ins, I t'.i't ami oti'o-r i:i i on s. i;oi,i anil s I- M-r p'-neds, silver iio.l 'e'ln r li.iii.hic: ; steel heail -. riues and o-m I-, -haded aed lain m isl for per -iu. I l aa-, I i-ps f..i !.!-. pin -i s aid h.i;!-. it ,uly it.. , t-! el ic el; i :! hons ol .inli icnl kind-, coll ir-II-. cap toil. cil ;in:: and 1 1 n 1 1 1 i n lt . hoad iLcses. iiatt 1. 1 , hook, and yes. Hot nl, tape. c.c. in hit I .lioii-l ceiy ihiii'4 u.-ually ' l.'iunl in a fnc .tore, all of whi.h.he ,vi!l ihpo.e ol as 1. w us:hr , all he ohlaiuel el-i-wlu ( .,r.hioi: ic IJDNM.T.-i and CM' inaiie and kepi oil hand 1 a o.Uio.'I V ADMINS MJATOR's NO 1 ('E. Hi, thr Estate f TllOM.hS ll.tU'll ME 11, lute i f J'i-.liing' "! t'lu i'-diii it t rri'l IT. i. lo ri l.v i'io'ii ilo. i I.t ll'T.' of ",il- inini-lialiou ml- h,ii. in the nhoi Mculioni'il e-i.ile hiM'htfn '..'i.inle.l o the sn'.seri " r. All p. isoo- in.lehlf 1 lo , esiate cic heiehv l eil'c I o in iii" immi diale pavun nl. mid all lho-.i , n io t l.iim - are r.'i nc-l. al to present llu in pro ,..M I v aiil io'ii'i'' il' d. lo A. V. K I.l N !'. ...7'' voot loin, l-'i-lrnai reek, Novem' er .(. I - r.'t I CAE I ION- i m i: j ..i.i. i.e.ei.v cioti o n"i io pit - hie I M I !'. h ,n,l "M'ii hv me pavahle 'o I.,-.., M,::,.- ,i..i v.,. iiefiiih. !-!.;. r,..-.he i 1 1 1 ; e 1 1 ii in o i '. I . 1 1 i ! i 1 . . o i a 1 1 i i ' li 1 ,' v er, r s af i, , ,! ,!,-o oh nii. i, a tin . i o m .o . Jl.ivnii' ie. u-. no .IohI .. v.. i I , hall n it pa i" mi . s Co ol ' llf.l I V law. 11.1,1 W lh.u.;-e. N'uvtut'-tr I '", HI 1 'it i;avi.:: KSTIUY. ('AM ' into the em lotuie of lie Hiihscrilierahoiit tli middle ol'Oe toher last,. MI L t:V IlKII-'Kh ahoiiltwo curs old. The owner n- w i I ...L. 1S re.uesie.l In piove properly, pay cllii'Bcs huh i.o . ici uwuy or me will Lu ili,p)scU u uvlokouB m JOSEPH MAIM. Uallawissa towimhip, .Nov 7, t H 10 III) N t) T I C K . All pprsniis indehteil lo the Estate ol Samuel IlagTibuch, deeeased, eiihur iipnn VeniliiB Nuica. or otherwise, inual maki II 1.. . . .1 1. ...... i... r ... iiiyineiii iiiiineinaiaiy iu uio iuunuu coal wi,l he imyle. 15. FlAtJENIIUCH, Jldmr. AH primni iiidehleil lo ihe Mitisei ilo I must iilmi eiuno foi waul H'tile up iheir m". counts uml nay up, or like eoimeipieueeb will follow. 15 IIACE.MUJCM. f Hpleiidid (irtiele of I'AMJ V nd VVIMiNOK CIIAIK ind KOCKI.Mi Cll AlUS lor sle ul llie Liiihlsliect a'W Siore. A.MO U, .AI)U CARPEHN(i. new supply of elegant carpelinp just receiv ed al the new store. I IJ. RUPERT. AR. I n a ortm,. of 1 1 ( J ,() W V A It I siicii ns Ivet les, Tot, ffoileia, lea ivcllles .-oitlers, ('uko ti'iiiltllcii. &e- Also l.aiire nnil iiiiy II Wuron Hoves, from the llanvillu '.'iile VVoiks, just rpeeived uml tor sale hy HEEIiEY L MEN DEN II A I. L December !20 OREGOy QUESVIOS SETTLED I (JEN. ARISTA DEFEATED !! ! GEX TAYLOR LV MJTMOlhiS Would now lie the most interesting topics n' conversation, hud not ,ioia. R. MOl 'H El enmph-ted hit WAV STOIIF1 0,1 s,,Ul' .vest corner of iVIarkel Sipiare ami moved into il with a b.c and general assortment of nRUOS-MEDIOINRS-DY EST I! IT'S PAI N TS-01 1,S-V I N DOW (i l-ASS u r t y-n o n f e c t i o n a r i e h TOYS, eve. &,n. S,-r. hut sui h heinrr the fact, Ihe oilier questions are en 'ircly lost si;:lit of und lie is rapidly disposing ol !,is slot k al reduced prices. In addition toliis olhcr business lie tins on hand in extensive assortment of HEADY !!,Di: CLDTIIIN'f; ; of every desi liptioii, which lie is selling as low as hev can he pun based iu llie county, I le invites all lo irive him n call us he is deter mined lo sell on the most leasonahle terms; w ar er no war .lone :!(). 10 DAIRY SALT. tiACKs i.l iMiry S ill i, the lust 'y ipudily just reeciv,.,! ., . Aieade. Al.liUU.'AI & MENtJEL. Ucloher Ml I't.y c in it u 1 1 "iii mi, ceived ami for sale at the irw Store. 11. I,. iu r.u i', window r.M'n:, WTIil'. and Narrow shaded and plain, of y ijj new sulejusl reciited a! ihe New fsturi J., li. Ki.j'LhT. Aug. I- A JOUUNIiYMAN rKo tin- tin, sunn' ii:u. and stcvi: husiiie.-s is u iiiilcil iiioin ly I y the siih eiilier. (100J ivagi. and co.i. emploviocnl will I c uiven. D. .1. lUCi:- hlooni' u:n. St leieh' 1 IS MACKEREL, copeiior lot, just rceived und for salo vei .vi. foia., by (;::oi:(iE weavek. Scj. Icii, her 12 WllE sub-e.ihers wi.-h lo iuliirm their fiici d y and en-1 ers t-cnerallv, thai they have just a t ciictl an.' are now iening a splendid assorlna nl if .ill jxn v.y7v:a' conns'. S'mli at. xnirrine Fit m il. EimHi and , Illinium (lot lis ami ('tnt'tnii ri s. tail" n ('a-sitii'rr-i, sutiimti, si'k ctlvet. .satin ami fine; vrtiu. Dee pvnh in fin lit i. melt a. i',i-.Iiiiii n.s. eimliini tilts, enijie ile hiims, miilin tie laiiie "itiw'ianii. etilicnen, tic tri'ul hnoih. vmlcil eumfirlt, snsjieuiln-H n!it'i" .i.vV.11. foci V. bon iiii, hiindkrrchiif. I In i ah. liiiii. ,r.d a (.etiei nl as.- riinenl of notions, iu fuel a gee ", ..! a --art oo'iil ol dry coons. gr()c:rie: iiiiih w iu ' noi.i.oir ir.-tRE. t : if. i he. r;'A'v. If.:' RE fe m l ,!! ether :.r!i Ic- ir iia!!y kepi io C omlvv --,ne ,l cli tliev have j.uci based wi'h m' al cioe n. , Pe-t It I'm.-, nod a. e mixii ll- lo et h.lliue lo ,. ,-h or coiinl' V p.'oducc al :- l-iv rn cs. H'-i-'i.r.v a .m::.M)k.niiai.i,. (looiiishiiri;. Oct. In. Snpf 'ior srtii ie ol V ,. 1'a ?1 . Ci . vi or I i all ':o r"l. . . .' Hit i ' !' ' A P. I', ,V f'o. J I. IS I., io hi the rhe.ip '.'.''. I Sue. ! . P. - () a l I ' I ; I.l INl.V ' ,,,,c,vr.." i 7'n!.' OAKI'E.N I ERINO UUMN fw ... .(.,! iiniiiediatel v . Two ai live hills , ,. t - ,-p.n nhl ii' reci ive eond eiicin.r - ' , ,.. n:,, cation I" I i I filM.'I.I S Kl! VMM. Ehioin-hnr'' Ntiuiiibt.r 11 CIIAIILK8 K 11UCICALEW Office South aide, of Main st. Leow Mm kit Ii -VVIIiL A T I END COUNTS IN niE COUNTIES OF C0I.UMI51A and luzerne. ciiaulks kaiii:k. JUSTICB UK T1IK l'EACIi, ANU BhOOMSlHIRO, COL. CO., Ollicc, corner of Husl and Muiu-sOoel ;. UKOKfiB 0. WALLI'.lv, AHoiih) al liJin', DuooMsiujitu, Columuia County, I'a. Office on Market a few doors ubove Maiiu Slrm fjif svnvuvou .iit co,Yi'biu.ti:u, ;L()OMUb'liU, I'a. AVM. IL HAWKINS, 31- I rityxUiii aiul Mn-icoii, E A V I N (j loeuled liiinseK in iloiimshuii;, leu. B n ders his prolcs.-ionul services Iu llie puhlic. tie may he consulted al nil Unas al his nllirt it William Kohison's, opposite Docblci'i. llutil, August ll, 18 10 I LATBST KEWS. AVE just opensd a NFW .STOKE in I. pytnwii, opiiosite the ('mini I'asin, wheie they oiler In those who want le ItUV II I i. 1, a ireneriil ami well selected assortment ul 3i ljCi C1IA NDISI-:. ineludin Dry Goods, Groceries Hardware, Que'jnk warc, fchoes, &c. nid all tlie usual vaiiely kepi in country Moir All of wliichlhev will sill ehean for rai-h or ou satisfactory terms for COUNTRY rRODI'CIv They re.jii'Ltfiillv sulieil a shuie i,f jml he put uiiagc. fl7.'.7IN ami I. I'M ELL' will ic taken at the Market V rices. August IMc.. lsdy new and lush .supphs .. Ilnlll 'nj SllWlllWl'l'. just reti and .si lliu -Arciulu AEI5RK.T1 r ev MENC.'EI.. Oct 10 CARI'ENTEliS' TOOLS. lar-e as oi I no ol ol' i hp tl,,. I re ... 'l'....l . :.. .. i t -. . 1 m. "i i ooi. jusi iccciu'ij una Viil i.i i.tii ,ii. i.iuiiy mi band ill llie Areiitle. A 1. 1)131011 1 & M EN (.'EL. Opt 10 "MS. l.h those havim; iiiielileil neconnls with h ift. Mll'seuher Hie hereby nolilir.l that the kiiii:.; i. list be settled without timber delay, or Ihe hooks will he placed in tin hands ol tlie mono. olPccru ... e proceeded v. it li jccoidinu lo law, tijionur a .sante:. The Siioseribfrs heine delprniined nut m b? outdone hy their neighbors, piiln r in piiei: ur win k iimns-hip, have pm rhuuiile price of orsc Sinn-inn from dale, in OiNE DOI.I-A R, helievini; they Crtii sum them selves hy eei (luinp. SAN TEE & SILVERTUON. July 1, 1 8 j ti. STONE COAL. nil' ;iihcciihcrs havenn liae.d a superior nrlie ritO.lliSK, IHOKK.YnnA SfIKU.Xf.D CO A I i' " hicluhe. me anxious In sell. 1 1 El LEY .y- MEN DEN II A I.E. (VI 'il 1'iiAsTriit mriiVA SfOTIA i' Kb', for fain for (Vli nr in exchange for all kinds of gialu ir good I. on her, I v lllill.EV et MENDENMAI.I.. Oct 21 LA 'I 1T AA'D CIIEAPL'ST. CEOEGK WE.7'ER, li JViT OPKM.NT. II I s Fall and Winter Goods ND purchasers will find a f.csh and splendid a -oiinnnt if ; y (ii,o,h, Cltij' .'ft, Qmensware, fiy ft, rc.Cfini an, Win dware , 1 7 an wa re, 1 1 a I s , C. ii. E " v vnd Shoes, v5'C. nnsi linf in pari of t'lollis. plain niul funcy Tas sioie.o. iiii'Ho' GlasKow and Keniuiky jennii -.illii.ells ai d vestirijjs.alpacf n and aramaii i hilhs I'lench Oiishno'ie und easlimei i lis, iiiouslo.- e lams and piinls of trie most Li-hioiialde six n ,cnsl,- oci. s roode llnliet, ,!bL. l;ani:.i ai.ii wot-1 icte :s O r- To all I hem wishiei; fa!ii..nar . . hi .-.p jiy.iy. the hr-M opi'i" : i.c.:! r,o rll'.n. fall ;. v vh.l" ill" a-s-.iu.if ul is tuii U l lii inirM of I .o ..aio-. (i t .si. T?,UE STONE CHINA u A l E . N St-I.c nr ..rpralP pie. .l'tsl reinvf d nj foi t.,h- i.l lb- v" , .,, . Ai.!i::ioiir & men gel. Oct 10