hem w fi-it air ihey uy to the ilrmonstr 1 ami predictions nf die Whig oiatora ? Wlut litv tha Liter got to ay for them t'le I What thunder have ihey left in rlgiui the credit v( producing thia rise- of prirr ? "troth i raorr rtiii V. 15. rM.Mr.lt F.q. is authoritttl lo net as A 'tut fir the 'Colcmiiu Di.mih iu r,' ami re- fipl nil monies fur H-uhcription ond Adcerlis' 4nir nl An A rnat fi l'tittidelphia A'o. f'9 Vinc-trttl. Kern York " U'O yntnan-itrerl. lhtvn " 10 State-strut, liiillimnrr S. li. cor. Halt, and Caheii-stn. rehimts-Wtvhunies untl Tradenmen may find tin their iidvuiiluie to advrrtne tn tin jmper.iis t'i ix the mill one pufdishrd at the County eat end htm 11 great r cirrtiluli.in in the county than tiny other paper published within si Hi 111 Hi. AN A IVK ENTICE. To the Printing business i wanted nl thin O fie. An active boy 13 or IB years of og will rt-- ceive good encouragement. Thp Printer i much in want nfa few Whets., f WIIKAT.COKN & HUtK WIIKAl, of Hinge who own lnni uuoi unbiciiption. lie wetihl also like a fe.v bushels of POTATOES. A nifi'i killed by his brother. We lcaln that while John ami Jesse Robins, brothels of Greenwood township, near Millvillc, a few days since, were at woik in a bum jointly occupied by them, that a quarrel niose which resulted in Jesse striking John with a club on the heail, which caused hi? death wiihin twenty-four hours afterwards. John has left a wife and six children. Jesse was a single man. . Tl.ey were both in comfortable circumstances as to propiri)". We think it improper at this lime, lo detail the circumstances as we Inve heard them, ai the nutter will soon undoubtedly under go a judicial investigation. ELECTION NEWS. New York. The result in this St.Ve s ascertained to be ihe election of a federal and Aniirent candidate for Governor by a mnjoiity of lesi thn 10,000, of the dem ocraiie lit. Governor by a ninjority exceed ing 10,000, of one federal and one demo cratic Canal Commissioner, of 23 fedcial and 11 democratic members of Congress and a Stale Legislature which will have y federal majority of 10 in the House- and a democratic majority of 10 in the Senate. iMasacuuietts has elected n federa Governoi by a ma jority of about 7500, eigh' fudetal Congressmen, and a very large fed eral majority in both branches of the SiaW legislature. New Jersey has fleeted 1 federalists and 1 democrat to Congress, and a majority ol federalists to ihe Legtslatnrc. Di-'.i.aware, the vStale of ihe great fedeia! le-'dcr, John M, Clayton, has elected a democral'c Governor, a federal Congiess man, ud a federal majority of 1 in each braneli f the Stale Legislature; Fi.np.'DA hss elected a ffder?l Congress m?n by a .111 wj ir i ty of about 6."), and a dem ocratic . majority in both branches of the !,e uNlnture. Michigan which a week ago was ;he subject of great federal rejoicings, has elect rd a dcmociatic Senatfi and a democratic House of Representatives, thus securing the election of n democratic U. S. Senator in the place of Woodbridge, federalist, and b! so three democratic Congrensnien. i Iowa about which the federalists were .rowing most voicifenusly a few days ago as 'another Whig Slate introduced inio the Union,' has, certainly, elected 2 democratic members of Congress (beine all that die is e nl'nled to,) a democratic Governor, and, it is believed, a democratic minority in the legislature; Twelve day a Litter from Europe The Steamer Great Western arrived at New- VoiK on the 15lh inst. bringing twelve days later; JJCWS. The riots continue to increase in 1-elar.d in ci-n-sequence of the scarcity of rovisions, nd robber;, ond murder appear to be the order of the day. Propositions have been made by the ministry for an early meeting of Parliament for thepuipose of a still further reduction of the duly on foreign grain, but there being a strong opposition, it wns not decided upon. The ministry appear tc be in trouble upon the subject. There appears tube trouble brewing between v Franre and Grcut liritain arising nut of the recent j-narriageof a French I'rince with ihe Queen of A "Da in. .Another revolutionary movement had broken out at Oporto, in Portugal. The demand fur American produce continued firm,', Cull for Troops.TU War Depart ment has at length called lor more troops, s we Jearn from the laa'tingion Union. I Hag railed into the M-nice el inn II. S D tMiiional reg urn's of volunteers' in aervr luring the war a Hh Mexico, unlcm snoiiei linrtnrgnl. Thi'v are aiked for from the billowing i iu'8 One regiment t inunlrj fmm Msssa hu'dis. One regiment 11! infuiry from the S ate I' New Yrk. One ngui.tii of iuf.intry from IVnnjl- vamn, One regiment of infmtrv from Virginia. One rei'imcnt of infantry Irom North 1 'arolina. One regiment of infantry from South Carolina. One regiment of infantry Louisiana1 0,! regiment of infantry fiom Missiisip in. ana One regiment of mounted men fromTex- s. rilis affor Js a chance frr those of our volunteers who arc desirous of e.Tiilatine. heir brelheren in arms in Mexico. The cull will no doubt be promptly responded or Mc'anchohj Accident. little giil a- bnui five and a half years of age, daughter f Mr Nathan Weeden, while playing with he rope of a dry well, at Newport, fell ir. headlong, and frieturcil her skull in such a manner that she died in about two hours. A writer in the Ionian Courier says thai Massachusetts imports annually fifty million pounds of sugar; on which she ui, aimualU save 700,01)0 Surely that 1 smiiei'iine. lie goes on to ray She will 9 ive vt much more on iron and cojI, and doubilm as much or. salt, cloths, silks, spices, &c. as on 6iigar, iron and coal making a total in favor of M.issaulinsciia, by the new land of three millions of dollars a year. ('olds, Coughs, CuKuu.vprioN. etc1 It should be reiiiembeid Unit a cough is al ways an eviueiue ihat somo impurity u lodged in ihe lungs, which, if not speedily removed, will so irritate those dftlicaie or gans aa to produce iulhmatiutt of the lunes. a disease which we all know is ihe high rond to ennsuinpiinn. " right s Ltuan J'esrtlubtc Pil'.s are a ;.ie, easy, ami certain euio lor colds and "oughs. because ihey carry dfl by ihe Sio m.icn ano oowels, those morbid hninois which, if deposited upon Ihe lung, are the cause of ihe above dangerous complaints. .V single twenty five Ceni box uf said ludi .ii Vegetable I'i.I,- ls generally aillicieni lo make a perfect cure of ihe mom obstinate cold, and at the same time Ihe digestion is .mproved, and the blood so cmip.'elcly purified, thai new life a:id vigour arc given to the whole frame. The popularity r,f UltlGIiT'S INDI AN VLGETAI5LE I'll.LS l. proved i. sirong bnii to unprincipled men, who, inii! rated by ihe hope of.gam aiiempt 1 1 palm off i spurious article on ihe unsuiipecing, 'l e luleat the wi, ked designs of such men, wt 'lave procured new labels, and the signature ifWillinr.Wiigln will bef.undWUl Fl KN U 11 11 'F1IE 1'EN on the lop l,bel of each mix. NONE OTHKU kS CJIINITM:, & IU UUUNTEKl-UlT THIS I "J rou (iEUY Remnnher, the only orieinnl andcenuim INDIAN ViaJKTABLU FILLS have ihe WRIT! KN BIUN'A7'L'E OT WU,. I AM Rkill F on the ion label of each box. Agent for Bloomsburjj, George Weeicr For other Aeu'.s see sdverliscmeuts in a- lother column. IIGHT SCHOOL fnIIO'SE desirous ol spending tho lung winlei U ni"his in aeiiuirinz a knowledge of Kutli.si Uiuniniar, Algebra, Surveying, .Mensuration, A t ilium tic, Ac; ie informed thai the sob.-c riber will commence a JSICIIT KCIIOOI,, on ;luni!a evtiuns, November ?:!d, 1 1 llie Acai'.etny. lie will teach r (JL li evenings initio week. A. ! OUSTER. November 21 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. On the Entitle vf TllOM-'lS WILDOH- MEIi, lute of Fiahingcrttlc township' sjJtl'K'E is hereby given (hat Letters of Ad- 1 'y ministration tie timuis mm, on the ubove meiiliuiicd eslatc h ive been crautcd lo ihe subscri ber. All persons indebted o the es'Hle are heiebj notified lo nmke imnifdiate paviiK lit, and all lliosi having claims are requested lo present them pro perly allllienlieated, to A. W, KLINE, Ailnir Jr. bt.ims mm Fiehingcreek, Novem'er 'JO. 18-1'i fiwtt I CAUIION. Til M public arc hereby cautioned not to eha.se n . O I I. of blind civen by me i. livable lo 1'e.ier Miller, (luted November I lib. If Id, lor iln sum of one bundled dollars, payable, five years af lee dote with interest alter two years. Having ic eived no ralue for said note 1 shall not i.nv it un less compelled l y law. VYIi.I.IAVI nAVi.l!. Orar.g", November 13, IS4631 i:ocir iiowell. TA I E.O IJ. RESPECTFULLY, informs Ibg public that In Has lieviovtd his Shop Id Espyluu-n where he will alwava be rendv, as heretofore, lo, make any kind of clothing, nl the shortest nolic and in the best and most lashioname style, r rom his long experience in the business, he ftatter- himself that he shall continue to pivc (jeneriil nut isfarlion and thereby hopes to receive a share oflhe public patronace. (Tr 'articular attention paid to rutlirijj. All kinds of country produce taken in payment f(,j work. Lfpylown, May a, isiii. rpTlIROLD STANDJ) night Sido Up! Win- IflcIiUM'Y A: 0. NFOHM the publie lnt lliy ni mil 1inr UusinoKH at thu Oi,l Wl'AM), in tlm 'liiyln Hay,' unci bavinn just iccrued mid nw iiMsiiiif ino ol the largest ana m0.1l exivinovt) aMoiinicui of rALL AND WINTER (iooi)s ,.vprl,r,iol,t imn I In. niMjIiborhood, are di'terlliil) .d lo continue lining buniiiiws in lh "na oM Kiglit May,' llmt llicy may l' "P limes, niul sell, asiisui.l.as low aa tln'.V can be pur- ,:liasod ulKewhere iu the rounly. Among thru DUY GOODS may be found Mouslin de Uiines. Cobttrg Clolhn, new stale af CiKiiliintr. Egyptian I'thctt, "Cuicot.f'oml to iiO eenls per ya'i CitSfimeres from :i7 l i2 to OO Cent ve.r vard. C.OTlISfwm 75 Cents to $0 fir yd k v( II an all oilier kind of rlollio foi adieu' and f.'enlleini'ii'ij weir Irom a. p tor '.he head to slocking lor the fund al the buino reduced low pri es. 'J'hev have al o in unmmlly largn axnortii)ont ol a uoc e it i f.s, hard w a ke, f?u c ens WARE, CEDAUWARK, i ml a general aisorlnicnt of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES. fr La lies cd Oenllemen. Alo, a large lot ol Kollcd ami Ilai!Hiioiit K" a"! other lion, suitable fr almont any use in the country- All of whirl) ll,ry will exchange lor l,uli, Uoun- iry l'roduce r l-'iuihel upon audi lerm aa inm ill wlm tiado wul Ulcin Wl" 1,0 ,,u"cu- "m"r ind CALL AT THE OLD STAND. N'ovoinbci 14 J. U. BARTON & CO. ESPEUTFL'MiY invito Ilia attention ol llio public to tho NEW CASH STORS. which they have now npne4 in the lower part of flloomsbui), 'l'he stock lias bicu carefully seloct- , '. 1 ,).n al UrKtiOl tun oil, ana ii is iHMUJvtu iii.il it -i " i,ls nrn sold will civc general MtllsUctlon. tli - y intend SEI.ld.Nt! entirely FOIl CASH, it will be unnecessary lociiarRim oin yrmn i s. cure llicrnseivci inmi ' ' " credit system. 'J'huir stock comi.sls of a genera! assoituiunt of HARDWARE, QUEESSWARE. Wry Joo(Ss, (Sroccrics, &c. 'l'hey h.ivo Molas es from 3 1 1-1 to 11 cents per gallon. CotV.:e 1'iwn) H lo 10 cents per pound, l.oaf Sugar iVoin J 1"2 ld 1 i tcllti) lu'r P01""' I'epper J.cenls per pound. Calicoes 1 1 oinJJ lo 15 cents per yard. Mu iilin from .J. to ) do allinells from 25 ,rt 15 do Carpels fiotn J j. lo do with a splendid assortment of .Mmi-lin do lainns, , , I.. I.I..V. l... ...o attm.ilj tli.i Maccas, tiala ;ioth, &v Ac. at tho same propui- orialo low prices. iSoveiiibcr 1 1 ) awI nojins. '1 ME into the encb sure of tin siili.--ciiber iu Suub-af town- .' ,. 8A ship, about the 27lh ol'lbio Vft'JV ML.1CK IIOKsi: ui A.'v5'-'ia5ta Willie spilth, one on Hie. shoiil I'll, Libel l.ol ilh twi- Av5'-'i5J wliiie apoH, one on me. siiooini-r am, me on liie lielly, and about 14 eais old. Tin ner is requested to pmve properly, pay cliarije.- mid 'alio hiiuaway or he will lie ili-'pue,! ol ac cording lo law. JOHN Hi:S!S. November II. 131030 ' No Humbug. ' VK AUK NOT IHH'TKRS.'- k,Tlil'l'j EK are we going to talk abonl ' Win bc'.ween tie Uni'ed Stales and Moico;' not l soiling gomU III per cent, lulowc.ity prices. ilher ar we going to stung together in out ad vertisement every thing wt have for sale, fioni a needle to an anchor, but mark what we say Wo are going to Keep as niee a variety of Goods, f both quality nod price, as those who make more noise in the pa ers than vto do. We have pin- chuscd our goods as ebeaons it is possible to bu thein.and w e w ill sell them as cheap, if our friend will give us n ca I at our recenili' ereejp.i nv r.. iiiuio, oneciiy oppo .. I?. Iifr,-,. I- ...I.. site the new Court House, and next door south ol Deobler's Hotel, we will show them an iNTlUE NEW STOCK OK GOODS elerleil expiessly for their accoininod.ilion. A inung the srliclesot DRY GOODS wehaveFremh and Ameiiran CLOTH, Css suneres, vatlinelts, veslings, fee eve. For the I, ailiea we have Cashnio'c. Moxslin le luiiiH. Cn-hmern Itobes, t; inking. JMnts of ev ery slvleand price from 1 to 7, cools per yard Shawls, tiloves. ie. ve. in fart every variety ol merclianiii.e usually kept inrountiy sloies.besides some things a little diffmnl. A I -to 7jti and Laps uf every description. As for our GROCERIES, rail and examino the n for yourselves. ami you will find ihein excellent and very cheap. They hive also on assortment of QUKUNS AND HARD WARP.. And Ihe. best of MACK RREL "d Irish Salmon ol a superior quaiuy. mi in wnicn win ne ins 'iiosrj of i.l I'Xchango for Cash or Countrv Pro duco. SI.OAN eV, MnND.'MIAl.L. Iiloomsburg. -Nov: 7, lS-l O Y ST K R S O Y.STE i: S ! ! lie i.beriber informs tho public llisthn bn oiwnej n Oyster Mip near Hie eo ner ol Main ill. d Murkct-trccl( ltimiimliurg, where ho will ro- e vc daily, FllRSll JIAL 'MOlli: OYSTEIiS which he will anil by the f:S or Icki. Ha will also keep on hand a generul aRsorlmenl of I'huits, Nuts and Confectionary He invites all lo call and taste for ihcni'elrea. JOHN YON 'I z. FANCY AND WINDSOR Chair Manufactory. QJ"J NEW FIiM,XH Look well to your interests llefnre you purchase, and if yon want good bargains, just call at the shop of BOON .fc li A 11 TON n Main street nearly opposite C. Kahlera luce, whero you can find them ready al ill limes lo furnish Fancy an J Windsor chairs, settees, liosion Rocking chain, or ny kind which may be called fur, as they will alwHV h ive on hand a good assort neul of all kinds which they will sell al he lowest price possible for rash or ex" hange foi lumber or country produce. 1 rom iheir Imif experience in business snil determination to do work which cannot bo surpaeseil in ihe county, they ask for a haie of public patronage; 7'hey will also lixecute House. Sign, and ornamentul Puinl- ing anil House Pupeiing n ihe neatest and most Approved sijle and upon reasonable terms, t UOON it HA It YON. Hloomsbnrg Oct. 11, I8l0.-20ly CLOCKS! CLOCKS! B BH.'tSS eight day and twenty, four hour Cloclts K L . i .i... a it. jn.-fl rcccmrii ai hiu aiinia; ALUKIUUI AJUiN.iLIi. Oct oi VO()D-VAKTiJ),' lJ which a llbcittl price w i1! bien. Apply al J . Al. IILUUKLL'S, ('uttawissa, near the Diidgc. MILLIN Misks M. i S HA UK LEV, iTOU.l) rosprctfully inform the Iwnliea thai J they have just received fiom l'hiladebdiiii in extensive supply of I'AI.I, and MTYjT'.l lii-liionable Millinery tioods. Among their as sorlm.tiit may ho found Itiinnels, SUk Velvet, Plumes, fhnv vr. Wibbuiiih. nps lies. Unfiles, Gloves) Culnrs, tra:c,Fcuh cis, It' nil Drcssrs.Mits, Cumhsteel Ih nils, Sitlis, fyc, Sec Citsh meres. Muslin d lalne, Cnlic-'C.t. iii'ighnvn Witudl.rnh rfi , L nnin E h nils, Sw ss and Jin k Awlin, iu fact iihnn.il every thing dial iii-.y be called foi n llo ir line, sll ol which ihey will sell u hub heapei than the cheapest. I let I MISS M. I HOIUSO.V, TOl"!;!) respecllully inform the citizens ol liloouisiiurg arid viciui.v, mid llio I.hiIios especially, that slid bus just received, and is con stant I v receiving from 7'liil.idulpuia, a new ano pleudid assortment of FALL & WIN TEH. Mil LINERY, AM) F.IXCV ,11! TIC LF,S, among which may be found, velvet a and s alius ol ill colors, leathers, lloweis, ribbons, bciauu lor veils, kid and cotton gloves, linen arid colloi. hand 'ii'ieliicl's, polka and plain combs, shell inn1 other -i le combs, breast pins, sh.iw I pins ami sll oilier kinds of pins, bead uud oilier needles, gold nud s 1- ver pencils, silver and oilier Ihm bier; steel beads riii 's and l-n-ni", shaded and plain tvvisl for purse. Hid bags, clasps for bags, purses and bags rcaih made, velvet ntck ribbons of ilill'.-ii-nl kinds, collar ells, cap slulV, edging and bordering, hend difres bracelets, hooks and eyes, ihn-id, tape. A e., in IV' almost every lliine nsuallY to be found in a f.im store, ull of which sh will dispose of ns low us lhr can he obtained el.- w line Also Fashionable HONNKTS and CAP." mnde niul kej't on hand lor sale Moveinber 7 OF DUY OOOD5, (JKOCEHli.S.&c- Jos receiveil at the New Sinre, arid for ale cheaper ihan ever L n RUVERV Aug. 1-1816 BLUE KI'ONE CHINA WARE. Setts or separate pieces; just received and for sale at the Arcade ALlilUGIlT Si MEN CEL. :ct to - CLOCKS. I, ARM and f oriiinou, new sltle just received ami lor sale cheap at ihr new store. L. li RUl'EK I'. Aug I WW) mm STRAY. CAMi' into llie rneliMiim oftlif tuibscrilii'rabont the tnidille ,,f Oc tober last, a MI I.MY IIKIFKII bout Iwo years old. The. owner t equenii'il lo piove properly, pay climaes uml lal.i ier awny or she will bo dlM ed rl' ecoidinir In law, , JOSETH MAltTZ. Cnttawis so township, Nov 7, I K-l 0 30 NOTICE. All persons indebted to the lhio ol Samuel Hagenbuch, deceaaed, either upon Vendue Noma, or otherwise, inn si uiaki payment immcdiataly to Ihe subscriber in eosi wi.l be made. B. HAGENUUCH. Jldm'r. All persons indebled id ihe Hiibseiiber musi also come forward setiln uo their a eounls and pay up, or like consequences will lollow. B HAGENHUCH. f splendid articla of KANCV and WIMtsnR CHAM ond Kft)CKIN(i CHAIK5J for tain t Hie Lnjlitwlioet icw Storu. AMOS I), NAUB cauVeting. new Mipply of elegant carjirling just raceiv- eu ai inu uaw aiorv. l. n. rupekt. Aiitf. 1 ucb as Ket U's, Pols. Joilers, 'Pea lfellhs., opwurs, i sk (Jriddh-s, Ac- AVso Urgu and -ion, B(!j0n )oXM) fr(lm tlie li,,,m0 i'nj,. " i i"si re!civvj aud (or sale by JIEKLEY & MEN DEN II ALL. Decouihw 20 Oft EG OS QUESTOX SETTLED' GEN. ARISTA DEFEATED!!! GEN TAYLOR IN MAT AMOR AS ! Would now ha the most interesting tonics of conversation, nan uoi i i .. . JOIMf 55. 730112 El completed his J KW STORH 011 'he south west corner ol Market Square and moved into it wilh a largo and general assortnnml of D R U ( i S-M E DI C I N E S-D V E STU FFS -TAINIS-OILS-WINDOW (.'LASS fUTTY-CONFECTION ARIES TOYS, &c. cj-c. but auch being tho fact, the oilier miestiom are eo. lircly lo.it sight of and ho is rupidly disposing of ,lis siocs ill reuueeo prices. In addilion tohis oilier busiiie he has on hand an extensive assortment of HEADY WADK CLDTHIXO ; of every de.u riptiou, which ho is sidling ss low as llie v can be puichased in the county. " lie inviies ail to give him a rail as he is delft mined to sell on thu most loasonablc terms; wsrWr no war ! Juno 30.- 10 DAIRY SALT, alt of Ihe best iLLr'Jr 'Piably just leceivr, u ut the Arradu. ALUKIG'AT MEN GEL. October 10 f$ rr.a attt ii i tnii tin i Miived aud fir sale at ihu New Si.jrc. n. l. i;ltv;i;t. WIMJ(5W PAPKR, JltiV. and Narrow, shailed and plain, of ( new style just received at the New S,ri J., Li. KLPLKT. Aug. I. A JOURNEYMAN T "o TIN. SF,KT IKON and STOVK busmivs is wauled immediately bv the sub- sciibor. (hmd waes and constant employment vim i e giv, n. ijt j u p. illomunburg, September 12 MACKEREL. j supwior lot, just ro-cived and fur sala veiv cheap, by GEORGE WrAVEll. h'eplembcr 12 V . PTi"?;!ic-'; V?) "iT v V nrH E subicribers wi.,h to inform their frielid. g and cusnimeis generally, that thov havejusl received and aro now opcninij a nplcudid a.-sortinenl of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Such as. superfine. Fnneh, English and American Cloths and Cassuurres. fail' ry Cus.i'unrres, snlinelts, silk velvet, sutin find funcy testings. Dies goods in variety, such as cashiuetes. eushme rills, erajic de lainis, unulin de laine ginghams, calicoes. &c. wool hiwdx. woolen comfort, uprndrs. gloves lioniejjf, slocks, bosoum, hiindkrrih'uf tnrraa. tape. md a ceneinl assortment uf notions, in fad a gen ,ual a.-sorimoiii of drv goods, armr Finns, iahd ir.uir., iim.Loir ir.tni:, ce il jR "'ARK Q I 'FUNS U'ARFj. vi e and all other articles usuiillv kept in countrv -oic. ill which tbev havj )iuchased wilh ti"al ram and on llie best terms, and are iinxinii lo ei bsio;e loi car-h oi country produre nl ver y I nv prices. lUTI.El .fc MI'.AUr.!irALL. floonishurn, Oct. 13. A Pnperior srtirlr of No. 1 nnd'2 IAC K J i:Hr:L, by the Il.ir.vl or Hall ia.iel. the Cheap Eight Street New .vtoie. A. B. K N A HI! A C.n. TWO API'RETINKS, 7o theC A RI'ENTE III N (1 I5USIN ESS aie wanted immediately, Two active lad 111 ii 17 years old will receive good encour ligament upon application to CllAULF.S ERA MM. Rlooanburjr November 14 Af(oriii') at Laiv. Office South aide of Main-it. bcUn Minkrt ii T-W ll, J, A I TEND COUKTK IN run count's or Columbia AND LUZKKHE. CIIAHLKS KAIIEIt, JUSTICE 01" THE PEACE, AND o.vi;va.:i:k, blooms burg, col. co., Olfice, corner of East and Vuin-streets. CEOBGE G. WALLER, Alloniry al Lair, Mi."omsiiuh(j, Columbia Count v, Va. Offict on Market a few doors above Alain Street 9if W. tyiii'KVoit ,i.yu co.Y'V.i.c-:jt, JLOOMtflil'KG, I'a. W3I. II. HAWKLXS, 31- D ritjN.ciu and Sm-ion, AVLNG located himsi lf in A'loumsburg, ton. ders his professional services to the , ublie. Ho may lie consulted ut ull limes al his lut it Willhui Kobison's, opposite llocbler's liutd, A-ugu.st 20, 1810 IU LATEST HEV7S. SLOAN &TJUCK1IIjKOV. SHAVE justoj.Knsd a NEW STOKE in Es" II JL pytown, opposite ihe Canal Itasin, whera they oiler to those who want HV ( III.ap a general and well selrclcd a.-'sorlnifiit of "ij I.1 1 f UIIAM)ISE. including ' Dry Goods, Groceries Hardware, Quecns iyaro, fehocs, &c. and nil Ihe usual variety Vept in roiimr,. - COUNTRY I'RODUCIC. They respemfullv solicit oiiue. "hare of public put GRJlXoHd LUMBER trill token at llie Market Prices. August lS'lfi. 18ly new and frt,, ,,,,,, ,r Jal 4J SllOliliit'r.juslreceixtd ,.u the Arcudo ALDKICHT & ME:, CEL. Oat 10 CAlSPliNTKlib' TOOLS. ar:'(i asso.' tmnrii CiK i..... , , ... , ' Kino ui I arpen- xa. ' loolsiust received and .-ili i.. b ' .. Uau.ly cm hand ut the Arcade. Oct 10 AUiI5IGI11'& M'CLL. 1.1. llioso bavin- iin--elih! Prmvnls will, uliHcnhcra are hereby noili;,..! n,. ' ou-t be settled wiihont luriher delay, or the l-.C 's v 1 1 1 be nlaccd in ih iw.i. ,.r ,i. . : ... ' ' Ks II! Iiroc, ,, , . I ., , l: .. . ' ' ceis lo - , - .v...,! iicioiuiim lo law, A'A'ODST ifi .V. TEA'. l'he Subscribers beinr (li,,;n.i to be outdone Isy iijclr ni igMmrs, piiher in pi ice ur workmHuship. have pi), dnwn OtM.LA K, believing Ihev c-n ,-, selves by so lining. SANTELJ Si SILVERTHON. July 1, 1840. STONE COAL. I'HF. subsciihers have on band u ,;, ,,;., iVO.lltSi:. UHOhK.Vani) Hf hi'i r n CO A L wliichiliH.- arc aexiou.-i to M.i IILF1.EY .) .MEN Dl-'NH LI Oct 54 SBliASTEK. TOY A SfOTIA fl,H PEli, for fH0 (, ( ash or in evchuniic for ull kinds .,r ,rr ,; ir good I.uti.lier, by H EI-LEY it MEN DEN II ALL. Oct 21 LATKST A A D niKAPEST. GFORGK VE.'rL'K. ! JUST ('I'ENlXt; His ral J an d Win t or Goods N H pun h i.scM wi.l fnd a l.eh and spiti.did i.s-oilcii lit i t Dy Gnnd-s, Grre-irs, Qafemuwe, 1 1 ui du:ure Xtdnrxvurt, I L;j, Cps, i'oi'.v mi id Shoes, cc. onsipling in part of Clot!..', p!air and fsnry Cas inices, Offgn.-. Gla6?ow and KeiOiii!.. ieuns. -atiinetls and vestinf;salpacra and paraniHH i ioihs rrenrh I s:hniere ar:ij rashme.ntis, nioin-ln, , n biins a"d prims nt tnt ujob! 1'ai.hiniiahle style, rafh- mrres mode thlliet, MIIL. Danish and Woil hnivlf, "- 'J'o all them wi.-hinj; fudii' ruble nr, rhrnn gooils the best opporluuiM it", - . t , lij,:, while the assortment is lull lor tiie ;,!' ; of i j i;ains. Oct. 31, ltLANICS!! BLANKS!! FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE.