The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 21, 1846, Image 2

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    little loyn, one might a'timM rsll il
We mined at ih bottom lt oufl von
gitt'vy, p ti o archied had 11 e v n inn
cd in opportunity" for giving 'h bcsieg
el protection in ie'reiirg, nd lime U
rlly, and ihcn foond ouroelvi m
bige open -oure, enclosed on nil sinVa
by very lofty walls, ihe lower it ol
which djspfi'yf J doom and enintncc
into barracks, gofd hottva, and hop
of arioua kinds, for the sale o such sr
tides t i garrison would need. The Go
vernor house is "t Hi further rod. li
was a genuine ioldi' lodirmen', and
very bre of H ornament, eKcepl lhn
of war, for il was riddled all over with
the mai k of shot s'nd shell.- Itsairorig
' covered bilcoiiy, Intended to serve as
protection both from llie broiling eun
tnd from lha fall of missiles, wm in
many pUcci lorn in lung; gape. A I
ilia loweis ami Lull.lint of my eltv
tion hud b1 so been knocked abour and
defaced by the shot mid shell from Ve-
n Cr7. ntfiinii lo the surrender of
r , t
.ilw cisle. Rul' the muliUtioni aft)
destructions did not inati rially effect thehop, i pound b ill", do
strength of the place. Very fw guns
had huen dislodged; even the outer bat
. tciies were rioi injured so is to rendei
Ihrm ij-it-fiectrvr, will) lha exception ol
a gap of tuins in one -or 'two places.
Hicre is about a mit'ei breadth ; of se
lunnlng between San Juan D'Ulloa and
the town of Veia Ciuz. '
;low strongly and skilfully this for
tresa U. protected by art the reader has
now some idea; but San Juan D'Ulloa in
equally protected by nature; for while
,th defences of art which I have briefly
de?ctibed are chit Cy devoted to thes'idf
and angle facing (he loan, those angles-
which fjee thcmi. ocen on the oppo
site aide, or back of the c8le, are pro
tected by long succession of rflcky reef-
utterly defying the approach ofany ves
sel of war. May black and rotting
wrecks, visible even at high water, at
tesled some of the natural 'Urrora of the
-place.' ,Rut in these days il ia generally
understood by all military nun lhat no
-place is impre gnable.fiuhat thorough sol
dierf.well officered &lfid,f!n&
do,take any place. At what cost, is not
the question. Thelhingcan be done.'
The New Orleans Picayune of the 3J
ijist. contains some eight or t&n columns of
"interPstiof informatron from its correspon
denls at Monterey, including a -full list of
"the killed and wounded during ifie thif e
day's fight.
Pron. the table as published in the rioa
yune, we also sum up the following smo"
jnary, showing lite actual number killed and
wcrut.ded in each divisisn, as well as the
rggregato number in the whola armyi
Gen, Tivigg's Division.
KiiUd. Wounded.
Artillery Csmpanv CO 7
XO. TPgtniKIIV Dioyuuiia O 1
ArtilleryCompany E 4 9
3d TUigadc-3fJ Infantry 17 33
4th Infantry 12 25
4th Brigade 1st Infantry 15 30
Rnltimora batllion 6 17
Texas Volunteers CapU
Shivers 2 0
5,0 IU
Oen. JJuilar's Division.
Killed. VVoundcd
'Ohio Regiment 14 33
Tennessee Regiment 24 75
Mississippi Regiment 9 47
eulucky legimerrf 0 5
47 1G0
Killed. Wounded
' CJeneral JertWs Division 9 40
. Jlays Regiment 8 18
- Col. Wood's Regiment 2 4
Twigg'a Division 5(5 122
' Suticr's Division 47 1(30
Total 122 350
.Total killed and wonnded 472, lo whirl
may bo RdJed four that are missing, hut
euppnted to have been killed.
The correspondent of the Picayune slue
furnishes the following complete list of tin
.fliatifsn munitions of war obtained posses
sion of by Gen. Taylor, according to the
terms of the capitulation. It will-be re
meviibcred that Ampudia'8 rcaion for sur
rerilering the town, as given in his report to
; Jii government, was a scarcity of munitions
, ii- nsr and provision
li'k if Artillery. Division of the Sort),
Invoice of Artillery, Amu. Ammcniiiun
tnd ntber 1 unit.iMis of Wr gion in vil
lus of (lie aniule nl Capitulation, siyaict
Septemhei IHth, IH-IO
Me t i ofArlilltnj ivilli Lju!pincntt and
Srtt vf .it mi,
li 4 pounders, eiilverine mutinied
5 4 pounders
4 7 inch llowi'zers
1 'i pounder, diainiunlm!
1 fl pouoder iii'Hiiiifd
I 8 pnunde r, mounted .
I -I pounder dismounted conical
I 3 pounder, dismounted
I iron howitzer, uustviceahla
7 rampart gnu, (burnzml
Ann fur Infjntry and Cuvulry,
140 English inusUu
102 eaibiuea
Tl bayonet (
305 gun barrels, (loose)
100 crb,ne barrels, (loost)
43 lances
Muuiuomjor Injant'y aid Artillery.
1831 18 pound bulls, (in pilej
18 boxes blank 12 pound catridgea 12
in eauh
10 hnYcs 8 nouni cauislcr shot U 11.
40 rounds 8 pound cahisior shni, loosej
3 boxes 8 pound blank iMiri'lgvs
17 boxes 6'poiind hull catriilgcj fixed; 10
and 18 in each box
59 boxes 4 pound ball cartridges fixed,
18 and 21 in each box
2 boxes 4 pound blank eartridges 100
in boil) together
123 rounds 3 pound bull cartridges
1.J boxes 7 inch howiucr blank s:arriilg"
i box 5j inch do do do
15 boxes 0 pound canister cartridges 10
and 12 in each
14 boxes 4 pound do do
and lti in each
40 6 pound brills
17 boxes 12 pound canister car'.rdgcs
79 iouutl8 12 pound do do
12 rounds 8 pound do do
28 rounds 8 pound do d ('loose)
15 boxes 7 inch howi'aer -canister c-r-Iridges
70 rounds 7 inch do do do
(loose )
253 pound cartiidges
27 boxes loaded grunadcs, 7 inch how'n.
zer S in each bi.x
20 boxes loaded grenades, 6? inch howit
zer 4 in each
350 loose grenades, ('part loidi'it)
218 boxes musket ball cartridges 1200 in
13 boxes dj do (iloable ba!IJ
1208 in each
83 boxes cannon powder, fgooilj 12 150
lbs. licit
35 boxes do do (Jani.igpd,) 5,
250 lbt nctl not examined, prububl)
. good
8 boxes musket powder dtmsgcil) 100
lbs nett
2 boxes rifle powdir (line; 300 lb
G80 founds slow match
TO ininlaU lead n lolU. Q TliO renin
can calculate thin
101 quin'.als lead in bars
10 dozen signal roekeis
ilese follows a long list of tool", etc.,
which I omit. The forrgoii.g invuico is
signed by Jose kegnio (inzman commis.M
ry of artillery, nnd by .(leugoe, HI Com
nsandante del 1'arguo'Illiiiarre.'
Park of ArtTiLLKitY Post of the Citadel.
Statement of Ordnance and Ordnance
Slorej whuh are nl thi I'osl vn tin
2ilh September, 18 IG.
P0,000 Musket cartridges with ball
491 12 pound blann cartridges
334 8 pound (lo do
723 8 pound cartridges with ball
294 C pound do do
201 7 inch howitzer blank cartridges
71 C pound cartridges with grapa
171 12 pomirl cnnisier bhot
390 6 pound do do
50 C pound do do
102 7 inch howitzer canister shot
112 7 inch howitzer loaded shells
218 12 pound halls (Uwe?)
710 12 pound priming tubes, (paper)
1200 3 pound do do do
100 0 pound do do do
300 4 pound do do do
15 portfires do do do
G arubas slow maieh, (350 lbs J
4 8 potndeis
2 0 pounders
2 7 inch howitzer
Capt. Rarnsoy, of the tiiluani e Depart
ment, who has all these things in charge,
informs me that an immense qmntny of
inuskel cartridges have been found cor-
rnlcJ in die city since the proprfty named reach there till the S h of October. A'
n the foregoing invoice was turned over everything in regard to his rnovunenis
iy thn enemy slao, iiihiiv other articles in i uoiihl after, we annex his Utter su
ite hlmpH uf Nrms and iiiuiiitinns, Much pouncing hit nivnl.
ironnriy no ihiiibl remains vet conectiled. '. !..,.,
' 3 .. , .. I.iur.iiATiNii Ahmv or TtiK Ittri nt.ic.
As for pruvimonn, enough was fooml in ,
' . . , , Head quarter, Sin I.tii4, u.;", 10 1810
IIP tVtlliaiIl tll il I J IIM MV -ll,.,n
1 uionih, sod ii is known that the enemy
:arnedoir lame cuaniiiies of ammiiuiiioii piovisions during the stuck. X.
T'.s following is the pmclamaiion of
(ieneral Sdas, the acting resident, 10 mo
... , ..-I ..Li
people) of .Ue.xico, aiiuoiincing
tho loss of,.
Mexicans! A government established s-
g iimi the will of iliu nation is interested in
unoiMling from it event which ate disas-
iroustoit, shove all, when the rwspunsiDil-
ny of their ueeurrendi must fall upon ihe,i'n of
ijoverninmii. A governnieni wiiobb somi-
jients rimI intersns arn no oilier than ikone
f die nation, and v titct. has entsna od from
the mnveinenl by wliieli il threw ofl'ils np -
ireois, has no need to conceal anything
rout it, for the nation itself cointat for
its preservation and for Ha honor.
Mexican.' Monten j h'ta fallen. Il whs
hoi enough to defy deaih, as our valiant fob
luw-couiitryriteu did lor lour iIhjs, it was
oeceasiiry to do more, to defy want in every
dmpe, and the insufficiency of means of re
liance. The intention of the enemy to
ici.upy the whole- republic is manifest: bin
die goiemm nt is determined to triumph
r perish with the republin. Partial dijas
'era ate' of no importanci ; the Spnnitli na-.
tiiui suffered much more in the space of six
enrs, aad tho result of her heroic efforts
md the co-operation of all her sons, wac
dia, the hones of half a million of unjust in
vader whiten the fields of the peninsula.
Shall we become unworthy uf independence
iy uol showing ourelvea sons woithy ol
,inr failn i.f ' That ini!epnde'nce was a
Itieved by us aline, only after lc:i years ol
eonstauc): and il is not possible that an or
uiizcd nation should show less strength
ban i:s r.ppreeeed sous, tuth a our fire I
e,(!ets weie.
Mi-xicins! Tlie lime lo act has romp,
''ill you tatter your population- lo he de
cimated, sending 1 to perish hj h;'iidsfiiHj
111 the frontier, one to-day, anotlier to inor.
row, and to perish less by the enemies balls
than by neglect'? The government will ex
ert all its power in ihe defence o! its rights
iut il has a righf" to expert that indigence
ir inactire contemplation shall not le the
ci oinpensc of it" pi nt of operations; for the
nation will .prefer that not one eione shotilJ
'?e left on anolhrr, rather than behold its
iiivereigiity, its rights ant! its temples tram
pled under fool, Tho invincible general
oiilleil by -it t1 place himself at the. head ol
the troop is resolved mrt lo survive the (lis
'lonor o( his cottiilry
Will it he less sc.? No Our blood and
our properly will ho tho sacrifice that we
oiler up; and w hen you are in lliu full cp
joymsnt of llie rigbu which you elnirrietl, 1
Jo not doubt of your co npc-mimi, and with
it e will snatch ftom furitniR a com pie it
vinoiy, wliith in the end will ensure to 11;
xis'cnec and honor.
Josu Makus.) he
Mexico September 30, 18 IG.
rinin tho f. V. ricnyiino.
Through Iho same channel by which
ve iceeivrd Ihe intelligence given in
mother column firm the Gulf Scjimdron
we alo receivetl pipers from Vera Cruz
19 late as the 22 I of October. The in
'ell'gence is inieresiiog and important
In the first place wo may say in gen.
eral terms that in no piper which we
Ii tve opened do we find any token of
submission on the pari of llie Mexicans
in ' hp i cor.flicl with this cotintry.Kverj
paragraph brrathrs threats nf vengeance
The'r losses are enumerated in dmail, lo
found thereupon more urgent appeals In
( patriotism of iheir citizens to give
up every thing for Ihe support of t!u
Il is nol too much lo sayhat (here i
the warmesi f-nthiisi;i-ii sppurent in all
we reatl whether in editorial remarks
or Ihe mi'i'niy addrrssrs with which I he
papers re crowded. The spirit of all
is " War lo ihe knifu." Hut ibis is on
ly ih mil face cf hiraiis, We shall have
occasion lo r.oie incidents, which lead
os to (Oirpeci the cotin'ry is ,y no means
so united as the rusts in In r iliir
wui;l I srein to demand.
We ei:er into the details of the news
without much attempi at atregement 01
time for revision; but ihig will he excus
(d. And fusl of Santa Anna.
The new of histrrivil at Sin J.ui.s
t'olcii, which we gve the mher day,
vyaa at Icasl premature. He JiJ noi
Most Kxcellent Sir On the evenintt
uf be 81 h insl I arrived at ihis ctji.iti.l
soeompanie.l hy my MU, and estatiliMi-
cd Iheiem llie headq'iniiers ol IheAnny
f . Oneralion. destined to p ik! the
' '
iiiilniit invasion rr.ailo Unoii the lie 1 . il li 1 1 0
1 , ........ ,, ,. , r .u.
oy iii Army 01 uie uiiiuii .Tiaica i iu
I have the pleit:re of asying lo your
II ...I.. 1 .. lliu
a 111 iimmiiiioii neon e wna nivc
not reised to hesimv tijion ine
pi (lfu'
murks ol consideration, anil the sam'-
itn.atk will apply lo the miihni ilies and
, public fimciionariea ot all cla"se.
Oblne mn bv commnnicaiing thest
f.cts lo his Excellency, the Genets1
charged wiih tho supreme executive
powtr,and accept asoia ices of my con
sulera'.ion and es ectn. God and Libir-
Antonio Lopez de Saxta Anna.
To the Secretary of War.
One of Ihe fust acis of ih.H wily gen
eralissimo was 10 supply hiumlf wi1!
funds. Tnat ho did very r ff-clually b)
seizing upon amnducfa of S.t cip there
by gelling hold i f two millions of did-
lers. His Prelext was tint il wb un
sife to foiward this l..rg atioonl ol
money to the sea coas1 in the pimi-iH
sta"e of afliirs. U gve iec-ipi for tin
monf y and his inilivii'ii .1 bond h.r i"
lealoralioo. It musi be cunfessed that
this mode of supplying his c. Il.-rs is in-
finitely mt re expeditious lhan advrli
sing fur a loan, and mora aecepiable in
the people at large than a foiced loan
from the clergy.
The account we give of 'his great fi
nancical lrok w? do nol derive fium
X'can p'peis, hoi we have cnMe
faith in the facts. We'lru t lb y'w.l' b
j.iti-1'ictory lo Eig'ish meiclnnts, and
he accepted as an earnest of the security
of the money ihey loaned Mexico -on
ihemottgage cfllm CjI f-i'i.ia'. Vi
fioilSii ta Anna's lel'fr of ihe 10 Ii uh
iji ihe st paprr l.iforo U-. We rr
rel to gay that the papers give us no
clue to plan of operations.
Hut while Santa Anna was on hi way
to Sin Luis he wrote back from Quireiaro
on ihe 3d ol October' as follows, ' The dis
aster which we enconr.lerod at Monterey it
not so great ns I at first thought. Our troops
have left fur Sillillo, and havo already nc
cupiid thn principal points ii ihe Sierra. So
fir from the troops li;tvo become deinoraliz
id, I am asMired that great enthusiasm p-re-vnils
among iticm, Y'heir succfss has cost
:he enemy, according lo inct'iitesiible evi
dence, more than 15 bundled men. Oui
uriillery was well managed, and it is said
that the enemy believe it was served by
French officers.
' am now about to unftld all my ch tr
actor, with the energy which islubilual in
me, and ihe Americans will vt ry soon suc
cumb, or I sh;iil cease to exist.' Upor.
copying this effusion ofSanta Anns, the
Diaro breaks forth. 'May heaven crown
with ihe most brilliant results the patriot
ism of the illustrious child of his country
whom we ardently desire lo see return n
the cppiul covered with glory.'
From llie Vilkfstarro fanner.
The Ftdernl Newspapers, with here
tnd I ht. re an honorable exception, loi
continually lo prr judice public rpinior
against Ihe sdministnlion on account of
Ihe Mexican war. Whilsl Mexico um
violating her Irea'y vowsrobbing and
murdering cur citizens who ven'med
within her bordus-ami disdair.ina tin
mission of p3ee which she invited and
sent, none were so loud as the rime
federal prints in condemnation of ihe
apathy and im flicienry of our govern
mer.l, They were shocked vvith our
patience il insult and wrong, and feared
we should prove on selves so wesk anil
-pii inless as lo invito agaresion fron
oiher fjtiarKrs. Forbearance had not
only ceased lo he a virtue in their eye
but had became a crying: sin.
Unl no sooner did ihe Government
io move as to Compell our faithless am)
cruel enemy to euliivats habits of good
neighborhood, or to declare open war,
'han MrK'ro becJT.e a I'd'tntd in fed
eral sfiVciioni. AH past vsrorga and
oiilragi were foigO'ten and ouis was r
rutliles wjr f corqtii-M, 1'mi loins ot
iiivaiinn and wio conjuied
op lo fright if piihie a gillant kohlier)
Ii din tin 'Ci'nii nl action. And whci.
ihis rxped eni fiilrd, llie ilaik' St pm
phecies of lul l s lo-ii of ihhWh ion
captiviMfS, of rui'l dia'ln perfm nied
inrir pnu in reusing punnc leennn j
4 i 11 i the admiiiiMralion and iliu
When Taylor readied the R o ()ini',
last spring, il wns arroidii t to Vi ig-
IfX y, '11 lla nt ii le at my,' lint a mis i-
iblt adm niMi i in had M'ni i1 en no un
awful trnnd !iad It ft it ioo, we.k ai.d
n 'urn sl fd (0 1 r t- rl i'si-lf, and nuv
lla! it nuisl be (mitten with famine
.1 11.. ......1 .1 - ii...1
whig rlainor is lost in a nation's njiic
ngs. Ilul Federalism is Hue to i's in
"lincts. Ii oppv'ed the couirry in the
tvar of 1812, soil it must oppose it in thi.
livery man of common sense could set
hat there wad no way rf bringing uch
i naiion a the Mexicans lo peace a
real, a biding, 'awnbseivin )eace, bu
iy invading iheir li rrilorj and can j -ing
the wtr forward until it ohoultl be
come intolerab'o lo Ihem, ami i hey
should h? brought to indemnities loi
ihe pa-l and seem ilies for Ihe luiurt yhui
the federal preses, for l-ha most j r t
dciiouncetl every step of Tay loi's pro
X, ess as wanton invasion, ami llie wai
s one of conquest for territory and noi
lor peace. Tho administration weie
waging war !o grt'ify pcisonal and par
ty ambii ion -'he 'gallant lilile army'j
had giown unncci ssarialy lrge and
hrtaiened m ovenvhilm the country in
tltbl ami ruin. vrty proclamition ci
nit of Ta) lor, M-'irney, Connor, Stock
ton, or S!oat wis came offre.-h snil!
on ihs iitlm n'e'ratinr.i en the gloiions
0oi quest of Monterey alh-cs whiggery
no cilui wis1; than hoiror that our Gov-
fininc-nl should sicr lUw' so nuny valu
able lives lo its uoha'lowtd a ii i Li 1 1 o it
Tne arm siico wto'ig arid duGot
einmenl was wrong in ordering it to b
broken up, ihe Government is wrorg
in ordei ing Tay lor to advance on Salnl
- t is wrorg in leaving him to he rut if
pieces at Monicrey. The Goveirnviii
is wrong in keeping Ihe Gulf Sq'iidron
lit inglorious inactivity , and severs
times ii has been denoticcd m advtinc
for a conle mpl-ilfd descent on Tatnpic
mil Vera Cruz. L is impov-ihle for
democ-aiic administration lo tatisfy lb
federal's. Whjthcr the cnemirs o
he co'intry are. foughi by sea a. id hi nil
or aie let alone in II eir ivickdnrss
whfthrr we send the swotd or the olivi
bianch 3 1 I wi nng in the j iog-ncnl J
ihl pa;'y who thnughl it 'unbecnniinj;
i ninial people to rijoire o! vicloiies o
V: r the eitr tiiies ol ilie couniry.' Th
fact that it is a democratic admini't'a
I on, is the rock ot nliunce. li is tin
idministiaiion anil nol the enemy Ih
federalisl1. would ci'i q icr. Tiny w. n
poils: nol th se .von in .ipcn fiht lro:i
in open foe, but such as come ol polm
"ill intrigues- by biirnssing nnd weak
niii the administration of the people''
huice, ii ml by mi.skading the people
1 hey want liflii'e powrr. Andsuchih
lu ir Ihiist, it mailers nol who is th
nf my , tieai unttin claiming p-.rl ol
ui leiri'ory, or Mexico heaping insj
tpon ii jury, whiggery has nothing but
n proaches for the Government. Let
he people look lo i. He nol deceiver!,
Lose n it our cordi-lT.ce in the mei
ynuhave then. Iiosc who aliu.K
Ihem uunt their place. Hear that in
n nd. They know the war with Mexi
co was- a necessary and just war they
linow it has been w. l conducted thus
far and w,l! come to a glen ii us issue. We
all not only win a stable peace with
that ii o-i capricious and unprincipled
nation, hut we 6hili infu-o fiich knowl
edge and demorrutic tendencies amongst
her benighted misses, as will fit them
I 1 r self government and the enjoyme m
of r-vional liberty. Who thai loves his
countiy anil his kind, is not willing If
contribute to such result? fhose
snoil whose mission il is to oppose Ihr
liOireg of the niivss lo independence
and happiness but let llie masses be hue
to themselves and all will be well;
sun s(in (i me i-niiiy. uoi j n ere reuuicu 10 Snttlt, I Sllail nol gel OttB
hik! what si umIs aie llnse that come stone of potatoes in the whole lit Id.
booming up fiom P.lo A'm, ami Hese- 'Such is the state all over the country-
ca il la Painm! Sm-ly 1'iey are .-houts hundreds of amcs rolled in twenty-loi.r
of viefi.y. And for a while the dio oh'M- 'f'be poor, (that ve-sixihs of ihe
Lxtract nf a letter from county Roscom
mon, in Irehiinl, 10 a citizen of Wa linglt n
daie.l October 20, 181(1:
'iN'over hail we such ncrounis to Bnil as
in ibis present year. Irelmitl is visited,
from north to lonib, Irom t-mi to west, with
most direful famine,' the pnor are liviii m
maty pari on cuhlmgc and silt, and uoinv
'f ilisiii dyin on the high roads, m ihn
tiehls, mikI in iIk: towns, of m.-Ii eholer i
.md various other ctunplaintu, in cotise
qnence of such fond, and very many havo
not much of thai orl, bat! as it is. Tho
potatnes, in toto, perished; indued, they are
totally extinct in Ireland. 1 Ind myself two
acres of the linesl seed in the cninniy mi I
me iiiosi promising appeannce, and 111 twn
mgliis the blight viite, ihem Hntl they
1 1 . ....
whole population.) are living n- above mi
bad vegetables or Indian meal, to whi-li
iheie was in iho beginning the gretesi pn-,
sihlo oljr-eiion, but hunger and tho want nf
better osercaitte every reluctanee. For iho
last iiioutl) thpie was no importation nl o,
d'ian meal, and llie people congregate in
hundreds ami thousands, break mm mills
and bakers' shops, and fon t away all this
meal and bread they ean lay hold of; iho
military and police are called out to protect
the pioperty of tlim-e persons, and in many
places lives weie los'; the unfortunate peo
ple fired at and subbed by the military.
Such is the awful and deplorable s'.ate of
mis your native country, (ind only Lt!n s:
when this awful and appalling state of
tilings shall cease. Life and properly at
Will ynti write to me and inform mo
what pYn?ppc!s there are of getting a suffi
cient supply of inhaii 'or potatoes
from the United Stales? Vr,s ihe hnrvest
of this year in America abundant or defec
tive? I have skpii in a Washington
lhat in 1815 llie official returns of the Indi
an meal weie fifty-two miliums of quarters
and tli is year's ernp would exceed il bv
eighteen millions. Phi, if true, is consul,
mg; as, if thai bo so, we may hope for a
sufficient supply Irom your present coun
'am asonished that the Americans, mix
ed with Irish ;.s they are r.ever ip,tnifeted
the ieast sympathy for us in our pres. nt de
jdorabla condition, more i-spei ully aa in
India ihe Irish ihere entered into the mailer
very coidhlly, nnd made np - enrisidei able
itiin in Cakntla, say 11,000. towards the
relief n"tlie ptmr Irish, which was icmiticd
to Dublin, and they nre still adding to it
their contributions monthly -many, verv
many a poor man wns relieved from the
Calcutta fund. .Strive to get up a similar
fund and lo assist ns hcie, as iho Indian
meal, 1 am informed, U s ld ihero for live,
ihilliniis the hundred. I have two thousand
paupers, who have not a morsel or means
to purchase a store of meal, crowding in on
no weekly. 1 bad to sell my cows, 'ex,
ppt one, to purchase food for them, only
riving ibeni one meal in tlm day to keen
life in them.'
The. Boston post asks 'lie l.t'h.winj per-
unent question: If the big orni,,i? did not
lenioiitrate to our pinners that a liher.l
e.tmmereinl svstem would work them noil:
ing but injnrv? The raven note was this?
he maniifiotnrrrs will be ruined by ,nR Vjft
nrifl; llie towns where they are will decay
tnd the market thus afforded to the farmer
will he cut uf. Having tbu3 disposed of
ihe home market t'ae nrttors continued their
benevolent labors by f how ing that the rpen-
'g ol ihe hntish pons would not be worth
a rush to them as a compensation for thi.
terrible home ruin; for the countries of thn
11 tltic would glut the Hriiisb rirukel with
iheir bread stuffs. So much for the foreign
litket! The farmers have now an opnnr.
tuniiy nf verifying whig predictions. They
see belter prices already for their produce.
H hat where the prices of corn, wheat flour
rye, provisions and coi;on, when iho '-hi
tariff was passed? What arc they now?
I he crop of Indian corn in ISItt is esti
mated ut over five hundred millions bus.'ie.'a
this article has gone up lif.y per eent, tha
rop of wheal will txeced one hundred and
rty millions, or twenay right millions (
barrels of Flour, and this or tide gone up
twenlv five percent. Rve ami nioviKinn'a
have also gnne up and are still rising. Sj
has cotton. Immense quantities of i)e artj.
lea of provisions am! brcadntnfTg are flow
ing to Lntope and immense quantities ar
owing from the great fountains of rimd,,-.
tiori of the rouniry, In congruence the
' ' "cniiu is immense, anil ijiis
goea into the pockjis of the farmers. TiefH
";o itubbuiu IjcIs. With Hum fctIi-