News from r.Se&icoj AND mw "GOODS FROM tiil; CITY. i Um-lit & fclcngcl ; , i a .) il.i i; T ! u Out Uwier T '! M , w'.ih uh tmy for .Mexdo, tliy t,.vj Uv.i t. -Wag the JllCWF. ST011E .iS:,u.l;J tuduUfiw tnd extensive ,.'i'.;i:mt fall ami V-infer UoOA; olVacd in Columbia coumy. - bofou.iWm nbtheit -llll,c,u-, f Aican, French fcirjUlliil'SuFahtlck ruisrst l'ii i nts.' Of no tud fu,hi.i.wlU r"er",i l"i every vat'eiy of.tyle end ipjauiy, vr" DRESS GOODS. Plain, black, aborted coloi and bi,rredtU c,s horiibaiines, uiariuoes, fine Scotch plaid in.. . .i..,n in,, I nluiil cloaks; cuiiliuivri'ii CIIIIUICU a ui"" "... i i diligent dwciiptiun. tlclauii w piece ' '"be I do inferos, 01 assoricu u,o.., , , tic giiighanis; ladies' and Ke"ileineu "', . i ;.i . ;L- i n I'lOiern and cotton glove, ted HQ ,t ,,f Jmw U ol IWt kind iul ( i 'I'-.IVt. - ' - - - variety, Uui.:.,' b'ucU ilk iind hUe colored -cwh- PWMLw,s Flannels. J'i, :..Ucd rod and wliiio !iC3TS AM) SHOES. A t, cral b. --S'Tl'.-is -tit ui"ladif' gentlemen'i thin vii I il: I'""13 cl 0,"J uc,"4"w CLlt.Ii WAKE. '. ,!!) WARE, JI! 3CXERY WARE MATS AND CATS, A.J a -ner.d ui'd an extensive assortment of GHOCIv.'' AND LIQUORS. AH 0r uwU tbey iU U very low in exchangi LUi3EU, COUNTRY PRODUCE vi CASH. ALlilllOilT & MEN GAL- Ootnper 10. LIST OF 1ETTERS. burg c'cjH. 30 1810 Dr. E. II Mason Joseph M. Windur Tho's Walker J Cowielius V unborn , jj lAi.niniiijJ .,.,-vi Pckfil 'Willi. m Ivossar ;i,r! I.e. ret . -s-i,j,v.ii Kline lv. .1.1.1'. 7 liso.i fi-.vyeij lis A-'lizabeih Ptterman ill William Morn j. n.Moyrur. m. Mr Octul-cr 3. HiC. "" ilsy'Oi' LETTERS. 'I (:r.I .'.- in the ru,sJ office Caf7awisa for ; 0 t;uv,'7t r inhn tc;petubor 0U1I1 181U John .' ,! i si e John Ver Ucaro Ot'urge J ono Je.emtaU Pvtcnger M.. ,iy A- John John JSiirijiirt .lalnPi t'h'mvr .".cUui flay'-vi ivr. M'k-'m-i Outsell .''m Drum yj.nid U-ans J .math.i:i i-'itch llniry ti'iUoii J U !!ayn'.i n. ...1 . I' linrlinim r;i f,nr!i:8 KvliT .4mlrt:iv Jolmtion V.:iI'it J. I.iishell J;uvid if- Merrill ; MeCauley Mr ,Mear .Mam MiIUt Siimiiol Milltr J..ii-i l'ciry U'dliam Koherti ttilli'jiiil! ..(,'tlai.d l.eorh'o onuwau 1 - . :i: 1.. 11 ( uu es V 1 oune iit.iin - U IVts-JM calling t letter on the above list will -lca- o say tl'-fv Breatlu'rti:(l. ' PAUL II. BALDY T. M Odobtr 3 18-10. From the Phihula. PiUllic Ledger. Jd Important ewe by Dt. Jayncs .(Ultra live, Vi'e have hf en "iifuniica tiy Mrs, Muhnn (a p;rand-dnui;iit'T ot'uid lien. Wayne) that slieHul lined fur a number of years fiom the growth of a ! ire Uoil.'oiis Tninour of the Throat, which be iiiJ v!i i'.nniiy, roducrd both a diflkully of 1'.. ijii'.ition, of lrf -ithiny. Indcd nhe ;t s, the r,r;M-ure upt'ii llie v.-ii.di'ipc was so great as ty j,re. vciit her I'r,)!.': Kejiiiig 10 a recninbeiit p-i.-iiti , mi.h tit! ot'u:i -:trienlioi.- txn.r if 1 inevitable. She also la horcl under ntvere i.nH. "i f "iiu Livi r Com ilaint and Jaundire.with a bn4r;blc tul'i of m r voih MT'.-t'-oiH, fi.r which gh roniir enn-i t,c H(, (,-' l)r. J iLo'ii A'.tc:ii.i!ive.v.i.nh she lu.ik legnlir ' . f ir six "f .'I'vcn vet-k, witii nrrtidi,.ti,il cIimchoI '-a'u'i'.e j'ills. a'-.J hi r f-rii,jriil h.u!tfi ;!i;-re':iv e-miiilc'ijiy rtf-cf.ii'.iii ,livd, and im-.v ,,.r c-i-'ninl; ajn.c diinine:iui in tiii! i'ae of the (Joitrm 'rumi,) 1.11S wa ciKiur:i:reJ to .i-revcio in j -i-. of llie Ahornahve unt:l 'jvery vesture 0t the' -i.iiiil'iiU.ii'"'! wns emicely ren,ovc.l. V0 tiling, .limrfiire t l.i.t that Mieh mi iicpurLiut chiddd be n.ore c:iK'rally known. I'orealcby J- K. MOVER, Dloomnhtirjf A FOR SALK. mn'l" H!i'c-'!,or '.r.era for sale his Farm bilnn l iii 1 , ::u.v. oid tuwiwiiip, I 'olumliia coun ty, roi i ! :.iinn fiom 13looinv,urv; to iWiil viilr ,'ai ; 'lOL't a ','',) "l ii '.i-art.l la, id, and 1:1 a giu-d state di 1 11 i1 ; v liiic !.. I'jion the mi iniss art: a stry House, ff,'Jl-" (frs' -A A frame Luru.' ; A K-iud Apple Orchard y Cj'-,iA ':iVii'':i;""1 never f uliii)! gipritmgjfe.' of Water, and l!:f. whole f,irm vvtll H&n-rtjT li .vill be i:v,ld 0:1 reaionalile ti-rms. UEOHiiK M.-MICH AKL, ircenwoo'l, Acgunt l(i,li4C 17it CROCKLUV WAUL, Of ihn liiWsl Style, jnl rfirfivnl nt i;16 .Kbvt'iow. L. H. IILTEUT. liUy ri-ullit'i lalitMi rinetilt A ND a tins holds (food in almost eveiy ii'.i"i i A. itnbscriber would agniii infoun las fnciu1 ind thii puldic KnrniUv, that he is mill living mil 'Wfilpytnu the. SI'AMI, on Muin-ttlrret, In twemi til 0 .nt,-v or C. H Uuekalew and the 411m l. mnilli shop ol Moe Culliniu, at which place hi my bo found upon the sest ut poverty, pirpureti 10 diniv out lh Ihreml of i.lllu -lioir Ho liiin Jiul n.civ,d tlm flit l.nUnt Style of lililtmt tor '"HIXW ami MMMII'.lt, and wtih Ihcm h itmids pld,'od to Rci-oiiiinodiilu hisfiiemU, custo oeri and thf public generally ilh good uli.Uu liul tmtv fiu or no t barge in.,de. U. KL'I'FIM'. I'AI.-OU: will bt found 111101 Sliintjle at uck up above I lie door. .7i niiDiuii Jrve nf ull cJent. Ha would al.o iiiforni bin friends that Wheat. Rye, OaU, Com and l'oluloe will he taken in ex- baiigv lor work done nt bis sli-'p, and a lillle ol "he pewter liiucliim, one in a while, will not conic amim. Call and eivc him a tilul, MERiNARl) RUPERT. AptiUO, 184U 1 C.?TTAWKSA FEU 11 Y. Tho Suhacribei liux added alumeNKW FLAT to hu other lloats, si the Ferry near theliiiile.itiii i now prepared to croen nuyibiinj from a foot pas- seiiKer to a u horse team, at reduced prices, 11111 at tUort notice. S7VCY MARG'EA'UM ' Call before purchasing Ifhewherr al the A luciory uj Lurlhaucute, by Til UMTS OX & HICKS. "VIE aubbciiberihave opened a I'U VTEIi Y on the road h ading Irom Mum to J lunl ut. near the Mothodist Church, liloomsburg, Colum bia county, wheie they intend to manufacture waie of the best material; 1 lie lule-,1 ai:U most ap proved pattern und lini-hed in the very host man ner; auch as Pols of ulljdesi-riplions; llishe-tol ov eiy aritily and Jugs of all size ; and a variety nl olher article too nuineroini to inenlion; in tact all kind and every variety which mav be vvantnl by any who nmy favor lliem with u cull. A aupply kept constantly on ham! which will be sold by whulf aale or retail a little cheapcl ihau the cheap est for ca'ih or country produce. Also dry I'iue WoodtaKcn in exchange for work if delivered at their shop. liloomsburg nt-ptembr 6, IS-Itt Xu EV CIOTflU3t(- ESTABLISHMENT. 0. C. KJULER JQVAAi respectfully inform bin friends and llie puolic generally, that he Ims iii tre :eivtil gnd 01 onrd on the corner of Main ai,d Fas -trceta in Uloomsburg, Ihe lurgcst, host und cheap- ml asaortmeiitot Readv Made Clothing, ever olTered in thU neighborhood, which ho will teU from 10 to '() per cent, cheaper than ihc eheai est. llibatock is gut and selected with great can made of the best and 11 fashiona' le rnaleriab and in the tnoi-t workin aulike inanuur and sly le. embracing every grade, color and price which will uit eillur tho taj'.c or economy o( purchaser. 1 will sell Twi tdsuck frock vV re.t routs fruiiti'i Ufl to 0 III Summer mid cronn clullt do " Hi to T- Litirn unit iiiifrlium do 1 ti .1 to " til Uue.'t und frcnelt cu3wcrt 1'uiiti 3 7-') to 4 it. S(ii;tt do 1 7.r h 3 Drilling and gainwon do Suliu and sillt re'Av waiuduiim und Mafttth nx.i 2 ft i) to :j 1 Ml to 2 60 Stocks, Cravats, Jc. nil nf whi I. Hcsidei a good assortment nl Handkerchief,, (Jull-irs, .Shiils; ihe public arc invited lo call and examine foi ibein selves belore piiri'hasing elsewhere if Ihry wii-h to get a good bariain and wi ll suited. July 11, IN-lli 12lf OF rcw and bcautilul utlcrns, jti t m eivi di.l the New iS'ttre. L II lilTM j: v. May 30 ENOCH IIOWKLL. TAI M)li, RtSPnt'TFLLLY, infoinis tho puUlic'ihut h lias llcmuved his Sfi (a Expylown where lit? will'-s Im ready, s heretofore to make any kind nf clothing, at Ihe shnrtpt t nr.f i-i- 1 lid in the best and hiObt l.ishionnble st le. proln his long experience in the biii iiicss, he flutter- InniRelf that ho shall continue to ;ive pcm-ral , isf.ietion and Ihcrcby hopi to receive a sliaic ofibf public patronage. ' i "aiticular attention paid t,i riiltin. 1 11 1 1 e 1 . . , .-vii miius 01 co.iuiiy lirmuicc taken 111 pavim-nt luj vvurn. Lspytown, May 9, 18-tC LOOKING LASSES- O F Various n'.es H'nl nf the best nfGlasH. insi itceivcd lit the Arcade. AL1JR1UIIF & M EN GEL, Oct 10. Travtraf Jurors fur JVovrmbtr Trim, Uloom Jtsse Jshaiiiion Uei j tinin Ilaecn- btlell fJrlatcreuli .Meliiido Cattawissa J.icili llavliillht Centit' Win Iluicliiiiti'iii l),-iry Jaineb Joliiison l'illiniicnt'k Clnia W I'oilner r ranklin It II S cv Jos nh I'lcih i Jo'in Low Jiismh JVitct I If iiilock Andrew Ktiiiinins Jaektion iolin Miilt-my MmcMone Joseph Fuliun John S Follnin David David Lihenv Jotiiihan Fulmer J.matlian ttish- fcl .'ubcrt Walk.-r MadK-nnJess,. Ilrlicr VJahooinp-.I) N Kownnvnr J, I'avid RiBhel, Henry iSsndem 'l lioti:as Lloyd ilontour Eli vMendenliall Mount Pleasant Win J Jkler Maine Jaeoh f-'iahcr Mifilin Samuel (Ireaov Roariii;eteek W'ai Milltr Lew! Jntmnot ii-iumei Eck Saeaiioaf Jut.n Lew is At Jrew Ihss mi t Cole Vdlky Win Curry Cabinet Ware IIOUSC.1 fnlllt'i HuKicnlit) woubl repii ll'allv infoimlh r public, (liul Im liss Ijki'ii the li ip liiloly nr uined by .Samuel Lilly, near tlm upper end ol llloouisburg, whi'iu he is ciiiiyin on tho 11 all its variou biamhes, and vvlime he will ha tappv 0 wait upon ull those who mav favor bun uli thrir cu.itoin, Hi l'lnnituro is ai ranted to ie made ol good muieiial and durable, and he iu icnj (keeping 011 haul SnJebuitrdt, .Secretaries, Jlureaxis, I it rU rubes. Curd Tables, Dining Tables. Jireukfiist Titbits, Cupboards, Stands, 1 1 a A S lands, Ilea's leads, D Jiigh-troiigis, Cofins, S'C. in,! all kinds of work in his hue, which he w in f upon as reaaouable lernia a they can be purchased 111 llie county, lly utile I attention to busiiinss ho hopes to re :iMv a share ot publie patniiiage. Ll.I UKOWN. April a5, 1815. lyl OKK PIUIilFI-'TlieTiv is still They Come!' livery mail brim's tidings of theii neci.s. From Last to the teaiolest West from ','aiiadu on the orth, lo Mexico and the Meat lu bes on ibi'Xouih-nre all unanimous in their praise. "I a iimdiciiio ao uuiviir-iilly known and culceiucd 11 A'higiii's Indian Vkgetable Pills, it is hardly iiHi-i-ksarv tn neiik in dvtatl. M no period of its history bus the lepulalioli of that med icine slood higher, and we may say that 110 repu tation is likely lo he mmi: enduring. Adapted to all constitutions, to nveiv form of di.easc, und to all climates, V imhl's lndiuii Vegetable Pills are ab.-iv-H ovprv ollni.r ttirdK-iiii-. lilttit tor the U6 ot man under whatever circumstance he may be pla ced. Al aea or on tana, at home or auioau, m sum- mcr's heat and wintur's cold, with a common re liind to tho conditions of health; and witUVN rights iidian Vcsetable Pills at hand, there is no excufc lor being sick, unless the coiiftitutiou be ut-tcrly it icclaimablc. A our object i to state where the genuine med icine can bo obtained, rather Ibau to give It an ejt tended notice which our limits foibid wo shall meiklv subjoin one 01 two ol the numerous testi monials that have iual come lohand. Hundreds of the same kind might be added,- but we are sure the public will save us the trouble of anau'inc. them. (Lxtract of a letter fiom Hernando, Mississippi.' 'To W. Wright Your Pill have given univci sal- stisfaclion, and arc ju-lly very pulai. 1 cui. sell fiom oU to 40 dozen annu-illy if 1 could be sup plied. Yours, Wm. IIkniit Jiuinsox, Agent.' It ought hcic o be reinaiked thai the lnediciai has been but recently introduced into disaisaippi. (Lxlraclof a letter fiom Jersey Shore, Petnr) ' Tle Indian Vegetable Pills excel ccrylhiiig 01 ihe kind ever nller-al Id the public in this section o! the country, notwithstanding the combined c flint ol lomefevv unprincipled niertcnaiiea lo iut ihcu, down, iS, WiNCtit.sTKii & Son. The following highly respectable Btnie keepers have been appointed Hcciitb for llu i,ile of V ria lit't Indian Vegetable Pills ii Columbia Cmittij : II. P. U ililv- Panvil'.e iSieplien ISakly Cnliawissa Cyrus H irinn--Ipyiown Lrotvn it Creany Mililinville Ahralitim Miller llcrwick (i. II. Fowler Hriatr-reek W m- C't'ivanlipvan Or.inet'villo (ieiili!f! Maslt Is MiWillu Levi Ueisel Jeroevtwnn Levels c. Suns ('nluiiiliU Ext hangt K iberl MrC-ty. atiliinotiilinllo (.'eoroi' Weaver I i 'itii nt 11 ri I io,ht Stru t I roil Co Lie-M Sttcel L'i & Tlioiii jisnn Iiiine. li.d II. ('. Frets - lliitri reek 10 ! ms Wertiiiiin Koliarburi; It. P. Wclliver lirt-enwoiiil 1'! vLJ. L'iZ irns OiallUeullfi IIujIi Mc W 1! I jams Moorsburvj The popnlaiii" i-l'WIvltiHT'.s INDIAN VI'.C li T Iil.K I'll.LS Ins proved a sUoug bait to un pLiit'iledllien wlin;imtic;.lfd by tie hope of pain-, tun pi to palm oil' a spurious article 011 the unsus pecting. To defeat the wicked designs of su.di men we hnvt- prnetned iie-v label-, and the W HM'TIIM rms 11 i;i: 1 if vi.w b'Uiirr will nou UK IfH NU ON 'J'rlL TUP J.AISRL OP KACH IIO.V. Nnie oilier is genuine, und In u,untfrfiit this ib forgery. A'eMember, the nnlv tuiuinal and genuine IN II W V .(il'TAIiLK PILLS have the W A'lT- I ;. hICN IT7i L OF WM U A'HiilT on the lot label of raeu box . Olher". ill-voted c xcIumvpiv to the s e ot U riylit 1 Indiiin Vrgi-lalib Pills w holcsali- and retail. A'acu sttect Philadelphia; fjicenvvieh street, .New Y ik and 1!'.I Treiiiniit street, IIusujii, .eplember, 13 ltf Pj -.1). House and Lot For Sale IN LIJ I I I STREET III' sul scibcr oilers for sale hi- feiS? TAILOR'S silOP. lm&k AND LOT. i'lial. d 111 Ihe 11 niil'-hing v illage ol Lieji'.-treot. in )l, , 111 lowiislnp. I: is a totid situation I'oraTai'or. l ing 10 ibe v i, inily of several Purlin . The property will be sold 011 reasonable icrins. iv, u ut, I! l.ighlstrcct, .Ve.leinbei I'J 22 NOTICE S berci.v given lo the ndiseiibers-of Js'tock to the (' bridge Coin 0001, that a i?roii(t Hit! Ihir.l iH'.'.tniiiu ru uvc oonars eocli, 1.1 re pun d to he paid to the Treasurer ( 1. or In-fore the li;l of A1141 'si and Isl of i-. respectively lly Older ofthe Hoard, CI.AKK, TrtiiKiirtr. July I, Hid LIME RIDGE FERRY. The sn'iscnhff itifniiin :!ie public that in. 111 irocurt-,1 c new t, t(, st the aboie f'errv, he will be 'fiidy at all times lo lake tcrosi. the iht r fiom one 0 a sii horse icjiii at VII cenis lot one be se, 'u it i.te for f'.iui l.ctts a, r1 buiei-t "f, cents a load Ibcrerry lsfl:rcii!y cj-tv-ttc llie nf'.v Ac-ibojist v'eiting-Hi'os. . WILLIAM KRUMER. Liiiif K:-', Aiig. ':'. iiii. BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAPER THAN EI.'R. gJIIF, subscriber very respee(rully inforiiis the gj public bat he has on hand and is e.oi.slaiit ly Manufacturing, UOOI'S and hltOKS of ull kinds which ho will sell al ihe following low G entli'.mkn's W ii a k Morocco or Culf Skin iloul Coa "e Hoots $1 01) 25 Coarse or Fine Shoes Miner'i Shoes 1 75 $2 lo '2 '45 87 i Morocco Slippers Ladies' We a 11. Morocco or Ca f Skin Luce Boots Thick Sole Trench Ties Pumps Springs or Trench 1 fid 1 '25 1 I2il Other kinds of Sliiipers 75 cents lo 1 (III N. U.The above ate all of.inv own Manufacture 1 rid ate w minted to stand. I have also on hand a large stock of Eastern made Boots and Shoes, which I will sell ut small ptoliu. Country Merchants and others who buy by tin dozen, aie invited to call and examine my goods, as 1 will sell to such at a large reduction. rrMtemeinber the place at the NEW DOO'l mid &1IUL! i'7'OA'L', lower end of Main-street Ziloomsburg. W RUSSELL Jul 4 1 846 7'S COURSE IS OXU JIiD. il) great has been the demand for Folger's Olosaoniiin or All Healing Halsaiii, nud 11 bin- j;ivcn such general satisfaction to thotie wlio huvt used it and become acipmiutcd with its virtues that it now stand pre-nnincnt as a remedy in Diseases ot the Lung's, ami the testimony winch has been iven by liill'erenl persons who have been cured by I is altogether voluntary on meir pan. 1 nev have iven il in the hope that all who may tiiid themselves in need of litis remedy may apply lor it without de lay. Head the following letter received Ijom the I!ev ,1r Shimeall, Pastor of St Jude's Lpiscnpul Free Church. MrX. has not only used the medicine himself hut has witnessed its effects in several very trying eases nf disease. The letter will show his opinion of its virtues. Dear .Sir : liclicving it to be but nn act of com mon humanity to those suffering under the various diseases of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Constitnp ,ion, Aslbina, Vc to point them to n safe, tpeedy in,l ladical remedy, I lake pleasure in bearing my testimony to your invaluable mcdicincealled Olosa-j 'in 1 t .... 1 : l) .1 ..... in- :. . .111 1 OIHUII or .-vii rii-unug u-h-miii, u us riucitcy 1 can spe:ik lust !rom my own t-xpeiicnce. ileum. siibieet from exposure more or I. ss to the vii i.rsi iuib s ol our climate to Impient nltacks of Inllueu- ta, lloar.-eness.cVe., I have always loiind It to ullini .liiinsl instantaneous, anil ulvvays hy perHeveranee an its use, effectual relict. lo a particular liieinl of mine suffering severely unrer Asthma, and who had despaiied ol obtaining relief from any human source, upou my lecomiiieniiation was induced lo iv-e the (loiionid'v a tiial and ho pronounced the elVect produced upon him a perfeet chaim uHiinling him immediate and almost instantaneous relief, In -mother instance I recommended it to a female friend far adv a need in Consumption. After the use of the first bottle her cough wiih entirely removed and her appetit" and strength restond to s.rch n drirrce as to astonish all w ho saw her- With a loiia cherished ai d firmly established prejudice a- Stiiu-t the thousand and one specifics put l-nlh ir ihese days as sovereign panaceas for all disease, I assure v on that nothing short of my firm conviction of the claims of your n eilicine to an origin so re . pectaUe, and to the effects ol it as herein certified: th by mv own experience Hint oust rvatuin, 1 could not have been induced thus to come forwanl as 11 w itness in its behalf. 1 have the honor In bo. sir, ifspectfuUv yours, 15. C: SHIM LALL. Have yau a Cough, which is troublesome and has not yielded to nny of the icmcdics bich you have used? Is it at- tended with pain 11 thu side, bhoitnctis of bicath, night sweats'! Do you liaise Blood when you rough mid find your strength tjrndiiallv failinrr 1 Yon will Und that these symptoms if not propeilv attended to will terminate 111 consumption and eratb. Are you troubled with that distressing conipUii't 1thma, which deprives you of your rest at night und ren ders life burtbensoioe. litre is the Mcmedy. Pemcniber ibe name and place where it is to he olituii.eii and do not be put of with any othet. It has produced a cure in nsdcs-peralo eases um yours may appeal to be, und doubtless will put to t!iK(, in a speedy manlier those distressing symptoms ....... , . - .1. . 1 i . -1 ' 1- wlucli your niinu wiiu tjioimi lorcnouings ol tin: future. Its Healing Properties do not deceive. I he short dry cough is quickly overcome and easy and healthy expe. toralion takes IIS lliaev. i:iliiinx i" .'Hi'". .iiuiii in, ii.a nn x I . 1 1. . -.t .. 1 "i. oiht sweii s with nam in the sideand - iPst. . ... . ,, ., . , . , i, i i i ..,..!.. ,.i... debility and difficulty oi urcalring yield in short 1 . ' time. Astm i with all it dre.idlul accompaniments is at once relieved. Aro:u hitis and in fact all tho (issea-ts ofthe throat and I lings give way In-line this remedy w hen ull other means have failed. V. -son mav attempt to deceive von with some otherreme'ly.prout.uci.gittol,e-o,uallyUsgovd May 2. I H-I(i - 2 tl -but remember hfcisut stake, theitfoi N ll-f-OLN PLY 1 liODI ( 1., &t thf niaikt . 'urice, will be taken i'i exit. in. ge Ur woik lit not Deceived. t Tlieaiiov ineiUcinc loi sale by the f. lowing up.ent. i E. P. I.uti, H'oornfburg. W. f WaHe' Co jerwiuk ; L- it J., Oiangevillp ; Levi Hi. ,, ,,.L'tsetown , Dtrr 4 .'ltL'.iJe, V. i.ite Jlall : S; 3i!dv. ( a.tawissj. Crr.3 OUR MOTTO, NOT TO BE0UTL0NE ULVCKSMITIIIMJ i;STAnI-Il"ll.M II y Mantt'c As Silver. horn. THE utideisig-utrd havn,' uken the ho lorinerly oi.cupitd by Marshal Silvetilinrn, inoHi rt-epuctlully inforin the public, thai they iiiiciid to carry on the above branch ol but-met and will at all lime be ready lo do work a little betier and cheaper than any olher eidbliiliiliei,l in llm place, and thf) hope by aliici attention 10 business 10 aien 1 Urge) portion ol llie public patronage All kinds ul country produce taken It exchange for work & the ready not rtl'tiaei! ISA SAM tiU, MARSHAL S1LVERTIIUKN Borrud)tirgreb, 2LL8JI0 4 1 MARHLIO YARD. 'JTIE busineis will be continued ky llu subscriber at the old stand: whero mat be had al all lime. MONUMENTS, TOMB- Td III Hi. TOMBSTONES, JEMi Til JJIMBS, MANTLES, I'JUNT STONES, MULL EES, &c. or any other work in hi line. He is also prepared lo loniisi WINDOW CAPS and SILLS, JMOIt SILLS and STEPS &c either of Ma.ble, Lime or any kind ol lone tiial can be procured in tins vicimi v 1 j"llaving had 'MiiiHiderable experience in ihe biiHinesa, ne plctlpe bis work lo be executed in an handsome a slvle at car be lurniahcd iroin miv yard tilber in tbt city or country; and on aa reasonable lermi EPIIRAIM ARMS I HONIi Rloomsburg, Nov. 3, 1844. ly 28 J- il- VAXDElt Kl E. ii I tGS leave to inform the public, ilia ''e is prepared 10 alienil 10 all llie oper aiions in dentia'.ry, tuich as runiovino The 'Tartar undoher Foreign Sub' stances From the teeth, rendering lliem cloan, am tlm gums and breath sweel and healthy. The cavities nf Decayed 'Teeth Will be dressed out and filled with Cold or other toil; ot the lineal qnaliis', tis liu ease may require, which will generally prevent their aching or furihrr decay, ami render them useful lor years; and in many oases during life Teeth and Slumps of Teeth Which have become useless or troublesome will be extracted in ihe most careful man tier, wmi 1110 latest aim vusi improved in- strumenls. Porcelioin Teeth, Ofthe best quality and latest improvement, will be inserted on pivot, or (in connection with Dr. Vallerchamp, will) whom he is in patcrnship in plate woik) on Gold plate, from a single 100th lo a whole set, lo look as well as ihe natural, and warranted to answer all ihe useful and ornamental pur poses proposed by the art. In 8horl,cvery operation belonging lo llu profession, will bit peformed in the best manner, with choisetl material, and at the shortest notico' He therefore hopea, by strict attention to business, to obtain a&haie of public patronage. Any person r pei sons wishing any of llie above operations performed, Mie respecifully requested to jive him a call. N. 11- The public are hereby ii.forntei! that we die subscribers have entered into a special Pariiieiship relating only lo plate wnrk as it is more convenient lor each to attend to ihe nthi r branches of ihe scicncr :.n his oivn account. A. VALLERCHAMP. J. H. VAN HERS), ICE. Mount Pleasant, Nov 8th. 1615 am. Lu33iii(liiiiIS(ab!ish7t:(iil TUP. Public arc hereby respectfully informed that we hive lately entered into Copaitneiship in the above business at the 11 rick Sh,ip, formerly oc- npieil by Moses loltiiin 11, 011 Mum-street, below the new store, where we intend to cany on the iliovc named business in II its branches. Wt aledge oiir.-elves that work done at this shop shal be executed 111 as neat anil workmanlike manner and on as reasonable terms, as can be done at any ither snop 111 101 place, ti e inereiore nope hy , . . 1. : . .1 . . .! .1 f , . strict nltenlion In business, to merit and receive 0 due proportion of public patronage. M. t'OFFM AN, S, BROI5ST' April 25, ltslfi. A'. II. SHOE IS G done at the re ihir.ed price, of One Dollar. Small profit s and quick return our motto. Centre o Gravity. A NEW TAILORING EST-3L3IE1E1TT. THF! subscribers respectfully inform the citi zens of lilonmsburg and vicinity, that they have lo ca'id themselves in Thornton's New Shop, in Main, tiro duor.i hilnw lltr Vurner of Main and Miirhtt .ttrieln, in lilooinsburg, where they will al- vvuvs lie found on hand, ready to accommodate those who may lavor them with a call. J heir vvotk will be doiiein the latest and must approved stvle for neatness and elegance in the business. ... .. i .1 Prom I heir one exnerence in lit business, thev 1 " 11,1 b ' . . . ' - lllllt'l l iriiirit-v - i .. . . .I . .. , nil I tii'lr tt-nr 11 wil I ne none as neat as can be done elsewhere. All woik intrusted in their cate warionted to tit. (' JTTT! N l!o"e on '''e hoitcst notice and warranted to lit it properly mane up. ELLIS & VAN BUSKIKK 33 1ST recetTed t the NEW STOKE L 13 RUPERT My 30 CANCERS, MARTS, CORNS, c,. L subscriber infarm. the public, that h. i. .hletocui.. all kind of Cam e,, and .J.v..-l4 Vart and UrM with very ,u,e pain ,. -ri shoil t.n.e. He refers to nevrral respectable c ii HIIU ti IllU 1,1.1., i 1 1 1 1 I -e"""ioou, tueft a Kamue 1 r ii V llliain Kile und other, thut has l,....n in several iDstance, and is not l,,,.,,l,.,,.i. i. ' too Ireipienlly the case intong quacks. Ill wui ruaUcertalu cu.e in Cils,, it. Ulllterl,k or u pay. a.r v arl.t, Ac. on cattle icl ..: i. ... 1 so eu,e,l by the subsciber who ie.,,1,., in Minna I tovvnshrp on tl; ,1Mm ,, K.,Kll , ,illlwile to IHooms) 1 1 .,..... ... ..... 1 ... , o - 3 lion, r it-u- uck Millc. 1 uvern where per.on u,e inviled U 1.11, JOHN ALE. May 3d. 1 S 1 6 1 v 6 liADlEE LUNNfiTs, HpjaD DUES . tVC vtc. 3 atilentlitl uj.,.., ... r r . . Air TT """leiii hi t.auies' tfonn'Jts, "ead Uress.ArtilicisI Plowe.s, Kibboi... iia -jr cucap.ut the Ln-ht-Srecl New S.W l,v A. II. li A li U ej- Lo . IjLdSTINC T OH' I) EH, ,1 the b..lHuulity,ju1.l received by Decembers M. McKELV'Y &, Cu Tm & meet rmVl U tuhwriber respectfully inform, th. public JL that he has opened a shop, on Aluin-street nearly opposite Clay tons Tavern, i ll0(m),bur(rj where I.,, intends currying,, the ablVQ b f in ull a various branches owt, t 77A' IVdUE, 11" .. SHEET litON Manufactured into any frm rC(,uired. STOVK PIPES, 2i,,',CBUrt,,,l,jr,,,,LiUM!' Slni.b. Being determined to do business m the rtol.i way, he revests .I) to call upon him before b y purchase elscwliote. as I,, u-iii r.....:.i. ... y in hi li,, .... .., r u" "'' , " - iitcuji us nicy can the county. be purcl fihed in D. J. RICE. September 20, 1815 Iy22 ICTMAKE WAY FOR THEcOi LIGIiT-STJlKET Mew gtn-eo s-ceoiiiISirpply oISpriuSood THR subscribers take this nietbnd of infoin. ing their friends and tho that they me now opeuiK tl,e second supply It Spring floods, to vviuch they would most respu-jt-lullv invito the attention of those u l.-, o ; ...... .... in iii ol Acw and Cheap Goods, coniling in part of C loths, I assirieres, Sattinctsfy Vest in g ,lf fcincricon, French and English Fabrics. Coaling and Pantaloons Stuffs, a ve-y superior article of Tweed Cloths and Cassi tneres, Angola Casaimeres, Dilling3; Uaniboonn iVc. ic. button y'lintaloori StulUul every vaiict) 1 ofiho most dcsira'jlo styles. PRINTS! PRINTS!! comprising every vani ty ol stvlu and prices iro (if to 25 cents. DRESS GOODS. New style of French Lawns, a splendid article v'J new style Moulane de lane und summer t'usl.iucre Cinghaiiib Ac SHALWS, imongst w hich may Le lound a handsonie article o licragus, Picknic; Mouslane and Thibet tohawla WHITE GOODS. Uarred, Rtriprd and plain Jaconets and Cambric-- Aluslurs, i.acc. Muslins, bonk, mull and twisa Muslir, Uishop Lawn, curtain Muslin, dc. Brown and Bleached Muslins from. d to 12J cents per yard, bleached and un bleached Table Diaper, cotton Odmabury, tic. Together with a full assortment of (Vri ceries, Spices, llardwaae and Cut rUi Queenwtt re. Dings, Duuls and Sh es, and in fact every urticle usually kept in Ctunlr f ores. T e public perieriilly arc invited lo call and ej amine their stock before purchasing clscwlieie. 'J'haiikful for past favors, they Hatter thcnibclvel by titrict attention lo business to merit the patron age of a generous public, A. U. KNABIJ & Co. 211. All kinds of Lumher, Oram anc Produce taken in Exchange foi Goods. Nails and Spikes. 23 KKt;s of Nails and Spikpsjust receircil and for sale ot IhelVvv .Store of 1.. U. RLPEUT. f,u'tben GRAND JURORS. For Navembtr Term, A, 1). 1846. Bloom John Owen 'clcr Mench Hriarcreek Lewis Faug John T. Dvi Centre Cyrus Crivling Uatiawissa Jacob Ytltn Jeremiah Finch er Derry James McDowell Barnes Ficeze l.imeeloue Joseph Rank Liber ly Robert Simingion Mifflin Joseph Kirkendall, saac IJavia, John Brown jr. Madison John Eisner Montour Eli Barton Mahoning John S Wilson G M Shocp Maine Henry Miller Orange George Vance, jr. Roaringcreek John Ycair, Leonard Ad ams SngRrloaf John Ki!ejr, 'alley Samuel Manuoi) HUNKS!! BLANKS!! FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. i