NEW SERIES cr i ii k Co.NGliEiSlONAL GLOUK AND ArftXrit (nokks ill i'( I ii session, I h rouy 1 1 III J im I. tri (''iiiiiiiiiittii nl ihe to II. iih t hiving ainlwriiiiii huge subscription for Hit) UiiNuHkuKioNAL (Ji. K and A H'kn oil; mill ihe Niiuie. bv resolution, having direct . . . i i i . i. - . , . . g um inouu oi pi cp;ii nig iiiu rrpnrta in ii proceedings, nntl tmhorijad die Secretin y i f llin Mi naU id runiiacl W illi Hit) nutlet- tinned, stipulating tint the repont when wriiien out thai) he luhjeci lit Hie re visum of ihe tprakera, the Conorkmmnal C L' Hk and Ari'BMux it now tillift'il in the public ,nJ p:,, rre, when the am mm dots not mil only as in 811111611111', I' ill as in HlkialV Xe.vti $10 When it exceeds CIO, il is report of the proceedings of Congress. made' nri rrniil 0n nmcli 1 possible h Ihk K under lim rye, mid published by aultioiity ol the body. The undersigned originated the mode of journalising tho pincredmgs of Congress, whicli, tnus sunnier, is id oe nerlecieu witn the aid sml under the supervision of Con gnu. Their publication was the first and nnlv one that gave surerssive slep in - ;.. u...i. u 1 f - ery iu-uir 111 uutn uinnriii' ui vuii)irPB ni)iii'fofs!l the titbits; evny impormnt wolf ant. an Appi-nuix, inruiiiiig i hiii Ung'.h all thr levised spt'tchtis dt-livtrtd Oiiiifi! the atSMon. Y'iib work, as II is no to be rnnuclrd by Ihein, will be found a must perleri polii-Lr)pv iciil Insxtrv, The Senators .'ioin the Si.iies and Ut Uepieseniaiives from every senion A( tho Union bung will) I he in 11110 (Jon- gies a knowleilge of ilia feelings, senii rui'ius, and intert'Ms of (heir several eousiii iieiicns. Public opinion and the public in formation, as it iisn among those ihcy rep resent, are embodied by iliem, and 111 the crucible of Cougrtii'S the ui6diim ol out liiiiti is brought 10 its test, and is there con- Ctfiiiraied, in direoiing the poliiiral move menu of the w hole country. The impul tns thus given through Congress from every quarter react upon the nation as a whole, sod all iis component parts are made to move in cooperation. The prfss rannot be more usefully employed linn in condensing and again spreading abroad the intelligence of our free country, lending to such happy results tlinugh our almost miraculously ad jutted State and National institutions. Having ideniilied outselvet with the plan of advancing the usefulness of Congtes by publishing full and impailial reports, and having a large mass of the Conouesh jnal Globe and Appkndix, issued during the hsi eWo years, which would be impaired in value to ua and uility to the public if the work were discontinued, we liavu a doublt motive to prompt us to extend it through j new series. We are reso'ved, if possible-j to give it permanence, and to hand it down to successors as a ttauJard woik, worthy ut being maintained and improved. We sluil enter upon our new undertaking without bein" diatractoil or bur.Ininati by any asHi c'ute"labors of the presn; and, thus uneii" cumbered, ahall hope to make the new ae rie a step in advance ol the former in all points of execution, .Villi a view id ac complish ih"". we shall be Cone or the oih vr) :n attendance on Congress. T'io reports will not be a five led by our piny bi ts. We believe every member ol Congress w'dl beir witness that our reports are full and Is r. The Congressional Globe is made up ol the daily proceedings of the two Houses of Conerres, and primed on superfine double royal paper, with small type, (brevier anil nonpareil,) in quarlu form each number comaing sixteen roj al qturto pagea. The rpeeches of the members, in this tirsl form, re condensed the full report of the pre pared speechet being reserved for the Ap pendix. All rtsolutiuiis, motions, and oili rr proceeding1, aie given in the form of the Journal, with the yeas and nays on ever) important rjiiesiion. The Appendix is made up of the Presi dent's Annual Message, the rep-rs ol the principal officers ol the Cavern neni tint sscompany il, and all speech! t of meir,b(-ik of Congress, written out or revised by them telvrs. It is printed in the same form as the Congressional Globe, and usually mikes about the same number of pages during a tl'tsioll. During lite first month or six weeks of a aession, there is rarely mote business done than will make two number a week one of the Congressional Ulobeand one of ilie AToendiX; but during the remainder of 1. eession, them is umuIIv sufficient mailt r for two or three numbers of ncli every week. Tin next session will be unusually inter esting, t'len f ie, we calculate thai the Con- cretSl oiidl Globe and Appendix logett.ei will make near 1500 lare quarto pages jirinted in small type hn vier and nonpariel tVe furnish complete udexes lo both sithe end of session We have rn hand the Congressional JTJIobe and Api tnJix for the last fifteen ses ions of Congress, making together fifteen larire rova1 quarto volumes, wbicll 'e wil 6sil. unbound, for 3 ID or bound, iih line- ia hacks and corneis, for S5! I'hose wlo want the back volumes should apply for. .1,.,, ;n,mfl,li,iu-lv. as tbev aie in deriand ! Congress subscribed foi 3 U complete sets dining ihe two last sessions. The proceed- ings of Congress for the last 9 years 0..1..0. henrofured from anv other sourre Gabs nnd Sealnn having stoppeu pruning w.ur Reiiistcr of Debates in 1837. Wh will endeavor lo piinl a snflicient number of surplus copies to supply all ibat uiav be miscarried, or losl in the rn-iils; but bubstribers should lie very particular 10 filcj their nnners carefully, for fer that wei Khnnlil not be able lo sundv wl t';ir lost tnic to supply u i Lie lof numbeis. TERM?. For cie '"pv of l'i '.r-r.-:'--i"na! 'jpc ft r'0 r;... , :m r-,.v ,f !. Appendix I ": I V sii ' it-"'a i.leitiier, nr pail of b ri f 0'i Tl.c iiot:C y may be remitted by ma!', ,v our rltk. Tht t(Vsl an; Ul way to rcmi ii. Id mhv tlitf Hinounl Id the Piivimatter w litre ion reside, and take norn 1,1 r" cript (--rilii'tf In ilie following frn 'Rrctitirt from A B (lottuM- crnt J, it tht (!l.ilit,fi oin whi-h I hove (It dueled out', tr rent , mid charged in;St J,, ,, urcotnil with tht lifiirrn! 'oil Of j-t the balance, Tht Polmatcr of . . . -ii . ii. . i & i - .. , tiui)rl n fin li'Ul pay i "H mi run - x m ftluir Wren or lo their vrder on the back ,y(J' teevjd. Fo!mnstt'e' I Tne nf the General Posi Ollico De parnuont suthonxe mifti receipts m tit' giei nottn aitJ Itie Posimasii i's receipt for tot' ! balmier The Postiiastr r'a receipt shouh he mil directed 10 us, nud not 10 thr Posi ( master of litis rily, as none prisons sit j ,t,e i1Hbit 0 doiiiir. rim money slioul no )Prfl y tt,P 7( (f Decemhi'r, ai fariliei t0 procure m 1 1 the numbers. If not here by 1 that lime, we may nut be able in furnish lim . ' rH innFIS ; IVupririors of nr wopapers who rcpy thin p;osnfriiis, anil send us ona ropy 01 wen pprr roniaming 11. marKrd aroum! with h ocn w t iiccl our allcnliou to U. s'l'tll uavt h h i r names enteretl un our hoi ks f r out ofihe Congresf iona! fllule and Ap pendix during the session Our prices for these pipers nre so low tliHt we ciniioi alT.ird to credit them mil therefore, no person ieed roiisinne his time in writing for them unless be sends rr.oncy. BLAIR RIVKS. Wa'Hixcton, October 15, 18!(5. WOOD W A -ViY.D. IV Cortisol OAK AVOOi)- which a liberal price will Im given. Apply at ('attawicsa, near (lie Uriilye. F?kOCILi.Ki.riClT WHEREAS, tho lion J.isepii B. An thony, President of ihe Courts ol Oyei and IVrniiner and General Jail Delivery, t.ouit if Q iarter Sessions of the Pracr, and Court if Comuion Pleas and (.)i ph.-ins' Court in he Eighth Ju licial Disinci, composed ol lie counties Northumberland. Columbia nid Lycoming; and the Honorable Samuki. Oaks and Stephen Hai.dy, Iv-n'rs. As- ociate Judges in Columbia county, have I?. surd thoir prrcept beating dale the 2 Oili il j of August in the year of our Lord one ihou sand eiulil hundred and lonv-six, and to nit lirected, for holding Court of Oirr and Terminer, ant! General Jail Uelit eiy. General Quartet Sextii n of the I'etttie, Contmun Pit as and Orphan' Court, IN DANVILLE, in the County of Co- iurnbn, on the ihird .Voml.iy of November nt xt, (being the l Gib day) nnd 10 coiiti:ii.c one week: Noiire is tberefoie heriby given to tht Coroner the Justices of ilie I'e-ice. and Con stables of (lis said conn Iv ol Coiumhi-i, il-.i- -bey be then and there in their pmpir pr- -ous at I0 o'clock in the forenoon ol sah" lay, wiih their records, inquisniocs, a'ii, nhrr reniembiancrs, to do those ihiiig .vhich 10 iheir oftjers appertain to be d 'lie Viid those that are bound by re.'ogniZi'iccp 0 prosei ute against the prisoners llmi au ir may be in Hie Jail ol said couniy nl Co- lutiibia, are 10 b tlien and there 10 prose cute against them at shall be just. Jurors ue n-qiies'i'il to be punctual in ilieir alii u.l- ancr, sn-'eeably to their nonces. Dated it Danvd'e, die 23 tUy of 0 .'lob'T. in the vear of our Lord one i!iiiiHnd eiiii hundred and foiiysix. and in the 7!l li yeai of the ndt'peudeiice of the United Stales 0 Vmerica. HUM I)1:i:R, Sheriff MILL1NSIIY. I !-i " - - s.J- Mi-sks M. S I5AKKLCV, 7"Ol.T.D respectfully infnnn ilie l.aihVs that tlH V have iiii receive.! 11, rn 1 an exi.uistve sn..l nf KAl.L 1 VVI VPhl. la-tn.-nume .a,,,,.,, ,..,.. .i ....... a, " ,um,d nnnPt. Si.'k Velvet, Vrwet, ., ., 1 1 v ... 1.'.. Gl 'irt, Co''rv. lrnz',Fntlh- es. It tid Dresses. Mills, Comforter I U ads, StiJts. fyc, lie Cuihneres. Muslin tl" nine. Vatic ei. Gt'ighnm . Uundkerch eft, Jyn'ifi B hurl's. Sij) i mid Bn k M:i liti. in fs?i t'tnnt r-v it.rr.f m he railed for :n ihei: '.in-, nil ' whi h will c'.l a liitlr -'.if;"'i 'Han the clica; -c.l, n.-Hl BBc&ilT Sale. Ily virtue of a levari farras, to mr di' reeled, will be evposrd to publio sale at ihe Goum IIimi-u 11, Danville 011 lAr Irt'i ibrj tf Svtmher next. at 12 o'clock, M. The following prnprrfy 10 wi'i A fntain ol nMBuag8 li pit-cu ol Und hereafter described, brginninc it h pari nl an alley, ilienec by main nret N irtll. lYl ili'L'iens West. (Il) feel In s post hence .South 27i degrees llasi, 180 feel n n ulley. the same North (i'j degrees Kaxi ttO feel in ihe tirsl mentioned alley, thenci (long Ihfl same lo the place of beginning nid in marking and known 111 dm plan 01 he map of ihe town called Libeity or Es- iviown, No, 12 situate 111 Uioom iownehi Toeeiher h Mi ihe herpo'lanirnis and a)' perienance Seized, taken in execution O1 le sold as 1I10 propeiy of W illiam iteily wiili notice to .Wailiew AL Dowrll lerre le- lant. ALM) Bv virtue of 1 rii alias vend ex at the tame '.ime and lce A certain iract 1 I land siioaio in riarrrrr-k township, Colnin lia Couniy eontaininj 43 acres mora or res hounded y lands ! Gilberi Eowler and o.l.ert whttieon is erected rVvJi ' I a house and a loir barn, nith Vi -1 . f - $ "J 'Jtf 'he aopeiierr nr-s, Weize i taken 111 execution in !ie sold as he properly ol Geoio B. fSi,ickhotise- ith notice lo ii i re Ii m-n'S. ALSO A ceilain i,t of ground Hitunted in Iht town i,r,1ilil,nvilL. Cultiaiiiiii ,uuiy, cnmainiiiK me third of mi a, mn"' "' I", li'iunilcd in Ironi bv Main uti out ul'naiJ t'w. ami ly lots ot Itine- iiiiij ami Henry oenaa. wbereon is erccled a two .'. - ...VX. Kt.irv rr;ivrSlSSllN! aril and MieJ. with Ihe rappertenanaes. Seized, token in execu tion ami to he kuIiI a tin- - properly of JubuKelle .jr. I RAM DEKll Shir. Sheriffs nfTiee Danville Oct. 24, 1810. LIS''OF CAIJSUS. For Trial til Movcvibrr 'Term, 1840 1 .'rchibild McCall's heirj vs Joseph Lemon Tobias Sniriz cl al vs Thru Moorhead el al Dr. Thus Filch vs Thos S. Hubbard cl al 3 Tims S. Hubbard et al vs Goorge Maus et al (j 'Aios Slaekbonse vs Vaniab Reete cl S iinutd Siudiuaii vs Ouim D, Lieb tl al 7 S.nne vs same 8 Same vs same 9 (Jflorn" CorelUs I'atrick Ilmf-rrl 10 J i"ob K E Igtr vs , ici.b Itrdleman 11 Win. 7'nrntr vs D, Montgomery adoir & heirs 12 Dav. Iluntprfor N. Reach vs A.U.Wil. s hi ei al 13 C. E. Mann. P. Erick ct al vs Jl McDowell 14 W P.Cr-H'oii ei nl vs J ihnMooreet a! 15 Robert Mntgninery vs Rjuj. Patteiiun ft al 10 Peter liinell vs 15'iij. P Frick el al 17 Dennett vs (T.n. Collet U IS ri m j. Hiekley vs John Fnnst 10 Dunei (ir ms ei nl vi Henry W'thh 20 Wui. C V irks vg Tlio.Tias UobiMin 21 Joseph Paxmn vs S F Deadly el al Tl Peter Lunser vs Jacob IJidleman rl al 23 Oliver II. P. Dine vs Goorge McD iw- ell 2f Gilbert Fowlrns S FHeadly et al 25 7'lios Lockeras atlnir vs S F. Headly 20 lliriiin U Kline vs Win Edgar jr 27 Win I ('ai,. phi l vs Montour lion Co 2S I'eier Sir- u-t r vs Ehztheib Adams ex 20 S .DCnlbersioii et al vDsnielllnats ei a! :)0 W in Henrie vs John Rhodes cl al AM Privmte The subscriber offers for sale bis HOUSE & ill JM5T, situated on tho corner of Main and Enst-strecti in Wloninsbur, Uoluinbia Comity, IV It is wel -alculated for tho local ion for I'ubltc House c .Mote.lit-ing Oft Fee front on Mainsreef, 1 1 I ''2 feel on Fast-street, in 1 the roul ledin to ihe llleomslmrg l!uil Dd linn Compaiiv's Furnaces. This I.ol iswell cal- ivdated lor bmldiiii; upon l-.ast..4reet ns weil nsnc Main, and beina silualetl in the cenlre of the Iroii Wegion of (Joluinbia County, is well worthy Ihi aticntiun of the capitalists. For anv information respecting Ihe conditions. ci.nuile of JART.ES KAiiLi'R- !lernTisliur(r, jjecemlict 20 The heirs of fieorRS Ilrflev, deceased, late ol lonU-ur tnwnbip. Col, co. oll'cr at 'ublic bids On Salurdcy tht 14A rfajy rf Xovember, uejt, n Fnrm, situatsd about 3 miles from Blemnf- .iinii. on ll;e road lending to Djiiville.roiilninirie 11 'ioiiIO aeret-.IO aeren of il in i;oodMeudow,Bnd all fi! t in a Roe clue ut eiiltivalion. I fnniiis a lai 'I utory fmrne lluiisr, 11 Urge frame hank barn, a done ciirini hour, ,1 iiiil house and Cider Press, a .ar-e mrhxrrl. wiib gnnd finit. 2 never failing -prinufl of water, and Henri v 'JO acres of good lim Lier land. 'Ihe Fim adj.iins I.iine?liine hnd. !Sale to cri'urnence at 10 A M when terms will be made known, and a.ij infurniation given I7 apply '" CHAPJ.ES IIEFLEV. .!;' ir t '.e Win. I;l.)um:i'i.r J?rplo"':)ei 50, tilli. LMLf-T AM) CHEAPEST. GFJjUGV. VVEWrEK, is jt'sr opknim; 111s rail nnd Winter Goods A MJ pun loiter i.l tiud a l'th oud npliuJid wurlm?ut cf I) y Goads, Grtic iei. Qnrrnwvt , Wui (ictire.Ced'invtire, uts, Vps, Ii .v tid Slmes, t'C. oniitirii in ptrt nf Cloths, pUin and fancy Cm- nuieiea, Uirgm (ilaow and Kentucky jean iallinells anil v,liii;,Hlpat-rs ami paraniaiis cloths Freurli Cashmere nnd casloni reiu, innuslin dc luins mid prims nflno most f.H.-liionolile lj If, cash meres mode lliiliet, AIDL. Uanisli and wol slnnl, 'J'u til lliein winliirig fnhionsl'le and cheap iTOijiU 1 he lict npi'oilniiilv now nfl'ers. Call early wliilo tliu o.o)lment it lull for tho rarest of liar- HaiiiK. Oct. 31, 0 1ST 20 l S OYSTER S ! J Te subscriber inforin ilie pulilic that lie ha ipvritil on Ovidor hhop oeur the co.nrrof Main ju.d Market-slrrels, l!loonislju.-t', where be will re al ve uily, FRESH JiALVlMOUE OYS'I ERS which be will sell by the CAN or lean. Ila will also ktcp on baud s general assortment f 'iitjits. Nuts and CoNFECTioNAitir llo invites ull to call and ta-tle for themelvs JOHN YONTZ. FANCY AND WINDSOR Chair BSanufactory. fi3".2 NEW FIRMXd Look well 10 your interest! Refiira vou purchase, and if yon want jouJ -.irgains, just call it the shop ol BOON tfc B AR I ON on Main streel nearly opprsf.s 0. K.ililera H'kp. where vou can bud them rcacy ai II limes 10 furnish LaiKy anJ vi-U:or hairs, ee.lees. IViston Rocking chain, m ny kind which may lia called for, as tliej II l uiiii lii.vo on hand ft lonil amon- nanl ol all lumH wim-u mey ui bio n- ....... . , ., . . . -.ii , . 11 .. ihe lowest price possible for rash or rx antra for lumber or country ptouuee. Void iheir long- experience in business ami rfoterminaiion to do work which cannot . . .u... r.,r .. is snrpasseil in me couniy, ho y haic r.f public patronage. 7'hey will aim- xecuto yie. Sign, ait ornamental Puinl in and House Papering in trie neatest and most npproved aule am' ipon reasonable terms, BOON & BAR7'OX. Bloomsburg Out. 14. I8l0.-20ly CLOCKS! CLOCKS 1 fTJlMSS e'h'htd.iv and twenty, four hour ClucV l re.ceiveU HI Uie ;viibiio A LBltIG HT 4' MEN.-'EL Oct C1 NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVFX, To all legatees, creditors Mid Oilier per i.iiis inlercsted in the e tales of ilie respec mvr ili'iedents and minors, that the ad nir.iJtraiii n nnd guardian accounts of thr aiii.l estaie3 liavp been filed in ihe oilier id dm Register of the couniv of Columbia. anil will bo preseniei! lot continuation and bI lowance to the Orphans' Court, to be heb: ,1 Danville, in and fur ihe couniy aforesaid, on Wednesday the 18r day f November next ut 2 o'clock P. .u. 1 'Fbe arcount of Samuel I.amzer an' bristtan De'-zlrr executors of the last wil mil testament of John Lvuizer late of Lib riy township deceased. 2 The account of O. II, V. Blur Admr, ,f 1 hp pslaie of 1'aac Blue late of Mahoning iowi ebip deceased' 3 The a."cnutii of ..icnb Demntl Admr. of ihr eslatenf George Whiienight late ol Madison township deceased 4. 'Fbe account ofjobn Voiighl sr'Admr. ,f ihe estate nf John Smith, late of l ranK- lin township deceased. B Fbe accoont 01 jacoo a"-ium, i- 1 , jr.... A. l,,rof the will of Jbilip Fotisl, late ol Monlour lo.rnship defeased. CHARLES CONNER Reg Registers office Danville Oct. 16. 1818. S BLUE STONE CHINA WARE. t.N belts or ccparats pieces; jui roreivnu for sale at the Arradn . . r. 1 ,1 1 1 r r. npvnr AliUlVlvllll 04 Oct 10 H A K D WAKE, ROVf a rnfTee mill to a file, inl rar-;ve,l tna New biirre. L. B- RLTKKT. OF DRY GOODS, Jusf received at ibe New Siore, and for .atn r.heaner han ever. L B tfUrEAT Aug. 1-1840. CLOCKS. A LRM and Common, nnvsiyle just received and for sole cheap ail the new store, L. B RUPERT. An j 1 ESTinV. it". (.'AMT iutii the erirlosurr of tin T, 'r'.'JU siilM'iiiiritlioiil ll.B .oidills ol'l 'i wxVLys-sj almiit tw AeiiiKolil. 'I'be owner 1 eii ieKieil lo move iiiopertv, ui cbaraea hikI IiiI i In-1 awuy or slie will be disponed "f uci-ohIohj n luw, JOSEPH MAR1Z. Ciittswissa townahip, Nuv 7, ld40Mll 0 T I C E . All persont iudebied lo the Eshte 0: Samuel LLigi'iibucli, deceased, either upon V'endiia Notes, or otherwise, must maki paymsnl immeiliaialy to the aubsctiber or cost wi,l he ma le. B. II A GENII UCH, Mm't, AH persons indebted to ttie subscrihri irnisl also roins for ward seiiln up idnr : counts and nsy uj, or like coriseti ifciices will follow. B HAGRNRL'CH. K A " - ii splendid urlielu of FANCY und U'lNLlfiOR C1IAIU und KWCKI.NU C11A1US lor aW ut tilt) J.illUlUMjt .cw blulo. AMOS U, NAbU CAKPEIING. 4 new supply of carpeting jiift receiv ed l lliu now store. L. B. RUPERT. Aug. 1 n tssortmnit of 1 l 1 . 1 (V Y ,1 Ii V. such aa Ket Um, I W uleis, Teu Ktliles, opiuoi-H, I akfl Griddlen, r- Aiko l.urge um! imall Vyj,gun Uxea, from tho Danville 'a-!e M oiks, ju.ii received and for sulo by DEFLEY & MEN DEN HALL. Doooiiiliur '.'U OREGON QL'FSTIOX SETTLED, GEN. ARISTA .DEFEATED !! ! GEN TAYLOR IN M, TV. 1 MORAS Would now be the mot intcrciine lom ol conversation, liuci 1101 ..... JOH.Y It. TIOYKBt omiib'tcj bis YPW STORE mi the soutl .vc-t corner ol Vurkct Squtre aod inuvtd i,lo il '.vi.!i u larjc and general absoilrueiit ot ; ) i 1 1 J ( i S- M E D I C J N E S - D V E S T U T F S -PAIN IS-OILS-WINDOW GLASS ' U TT Y-C O N F EC Tl O N A K I ES TOYS, &c. Sic. &-c. 'nit :ii;h Ijiiiiur the fact, the oilier are en in-! v lo:t siijht ol and he is rapidly disposing ol :iD: siocK ui reuuecu prices. In addiiioii lahir, oilier liuaincss lio tins on band m e tensive assortment of HEADY MADE CLOTMXr, : if every description, whicli be. is n,;lliiii da low as thev can no lurchaseu in Ilie county. lie iiivitivt all to gwe loin 11 mil us be is Jeter nined to 811II on the rtoit luasoiiablu tsrin; war 11 no v.'ar ! June wl),. IU DAIRY SALT. 3 OiO. At.'KS cf Usiry t-ulir.f i!,8 U... E.Vi,'.' I'lably j-nt receiv,.J ,,, t!lM rcade. ALB1.1 C'A I' 1 MKNGLL. O.ti.Ur 10 jjived and for Sale nl (lid .Neiv More, li. L. RLTL'KT. V. IMjijW PAPFll, lii7,IJK ",,d 'N'arr"w sb-td-'d nod iluin, of a y inns l)le ju-it,1 ut ihe New Mori L. U. bi.I'LlK'J'. A a.-. I. A JOURNEYMAN rro the tin. s hi : ft ir:o:; Ui,i stovi. liiMiic-tH is wuniid immeiliit. ly by iho enh- .cinier. (jui J Hayes und vwrtrliiut enijilovo em a-,11 he given. 1). i. hiCK- Uloom'ju:j, Kcpteiiih-i i MACIiBKBL, A toepiiur lot, just nyeivtd and for side veij iSL cbcan, by OEURC Sepleiuher 1 ,(UuJi.wu ?-i-i-cJ V 'g.IlE subec.iibcrs vvirh to inform lludr friend 5 and detainers erifn.lly, lhnl Ihev hnvrjii'-i revived and tie now epeniii a xj lendld awiitmuol ,f FAIL JSD WINTER GOOLS' Surh ai.Mijitrfin Finvh, Fug'i.ih end American Cloths ana CunMiterts fan cy Ctuxuncri'S, sntincltt, ki'k vt'vl etttin and finey vetting. pood in variety, svci ni taxhmntt. fiM(ie rtlts crcijie de taints, mudin tie tninn ginghams, rnlicors. itr wool hoo t, vonleti eomforls, rwirVrt glum-, utoiks bosmni, hundktrchitf thrtnd. tapes, tnd 0 pi rieini ass ..rt.nent of notions, in s gen ral fsurtnienl ol DRY GOODS, nnnCFRIF.S, BARD ii'Aii:, ioijj)tr ntnn, cr- DAR W All F.. qrEESSn WARE it -ye. ,ind h!1 oiher articles m-nally ke'' rounlrv oie ill which tbev have purrhaseil vuih r-n care ni m the hsst terms, and are anxioiir to exrhangt foi ...tis n khI 1 1 to at. 1- I -1 u 1 1 r nm catn or coniM' 1 - HrFI-KV & yh.MJtAHAl,L. 3!onm?buri, Oct. J S. Mackerel APupnrior srticle of No. 1 and'2 1I AC K i:Ri;r. by the Barrel or flail ifancl, 1 llir Cheap Light Street New .Stoic A. B. K N ABB fe Co. BASKETS! BASKETS! Travelling. Market and Satchel Biskef iusl received al the New Siorr J L. 13 KUPERT. Auj. 1. CHARLLSI li. Ill CKAtXV; Attorney :it Luir, IS'-'T K.',M..'-TWssrJ.-N frj ft 'ijjkt. Smith side of Mtnk'ft ' - -VIM, ATi END HIE COUNTIES OF .'ain-st. belota. COUHTK in; COLUMBIA ND LLZERNE. CHAIJLCS KA1ILRK, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND BI.OOMSBUR(3, COL CO., (Illicit, coryer of L'ast and Mln-trees. GEORGE G. WALLER, Attorney ut BLCOMSBirito, Colombia Countv, Ta. fJpce or Market a fe.w doom ubove Main- St net Of JLOOMyUL'RO, Fa. Wil. H. HAWKINS, 31- 1 C'iiyriciu nnd Surr;c,s) fyf AVf.NU located himself in ilouiiikburg, ttoi S ders bis profesjiuiial aervices lo the puhlic. Jin may ho consulted at all times 11 1 bin 1 Ho t tl Willi 1111 Kohisnn's, opposite Duehlei's Hotel. AujUot VIU, 1B4(J 18 LATHST NSWS. "BAVI3 justopensd a NFW STOKK 111 Ks till, pytown, ojiposite the Canal narin, ulie:a they oiler lo lliosc who want te lil'V ( Hi:AP, a general and welj selcclod assortment of 3i JJ !. CISAiSDJ:'!!-:. including Dry Croods, Groceries Hardware, Qucenii varc, Shoes, &c. and all tho usual vaiiely kept in country staieg All of which tbcv iwil sell cheap for cash, or on satisfactory torrns for COUNTRY PRODI.rCE. Tliey nwpcclfullv solicits sham of j nblic p'f onae. GRJll and LUMBER will he taken at lite Market Ft tea. Auguit la-10. 18!y A new and IjimIi onppis ul. Luui aiol bllOUldill'. juit retoivud at ti.e Auudu ALBRIGHT & .MEN GEL. Oc! 10 CARPENTERS' TOOLS. lare asaoitmciit of the hrwl hind ofCnrpcn "ja ter 'Fool.' just received and will lie kept cull- on bund ut the Areade. ALBB1G11 1 & JJENG1.L Out 13 A LL thoe b.ivitijj uie!i!.'fi uicm n-, w't iS. s'ltwrihera are hei.-i; in t;l'. d O ' 1 u-l i,e ok' li d without 111 it her i" . o, I! , sill ho placed in Ihe hands 1. 1 ihe piopci uiT. i pion-edi d wil'.l KCcolH-inp l.j hi." , Ai(JUS'F &A-A.VT-- r Jtf .4. i L LX' Vr i. (j , rnHE Biihacrilier bus reccivei a new a Ply ol ch i.(nj w iih gre-, t caie In m the (irM lot in miok't or the lull trnr.cousislio ul ibe iwOri lu.d.ioi.a! I, iiy ins of Gingham Lawrs. De L-inrs, Gn ghains, and illiiN. Clollis, Cassiu-eres. Vcsui gs, ic. A lo a frrab supply nf HATS -JND CAPS, if tlit iidwestttyla for fill. AIo a now BOO PS AND Sli'iE ill J )illi od'rliti lo.vtr t!lin dio-p "tbers vbioh ilrelissti v vrsis p, ai'iw'y ihe i-heii.- 10 ti.a ouniy. C'MtHtS V i,A I V.. Austin S3. The uorriocrs being determined not 1 !- outdoor by H eir n iji 1, u. iq me or voikri'ai'.-l i. '.'.i. . , riCfl of Jlxftr Svo r'i t f 1 .. , (I'NE DOLLAR, btiii-ii ihej c.n mh ibici- selves b) s o.-ita. SAN I LI- i MI.V 1 lAiS July 1, I'"- STONE CO. f. FKE Mihsciil ." ,'CO.Hlbl i.'i COAL v' ; Oct W nruv r- i i'- ' '- 1 1 IA Cm h or in ( x. l,ai,et lor ;i . . ' ,i: I, r ol um.11 ,r unnil l.un ia-r, " liKFLEV k M EN DEN HALL o, t a 1 lTLrNl"!rBUNK I ! t-OH SALE nl' THIU OiTl'-'E: