The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 07, 1846, Image 2

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    " t M" uti. .. jj j n m wnim i w
N-li'EMRER 7, 10.
ri' rut: seat of "war
Tun leinsihip Galveston, (pt. W ril.i
!. si N Orlsai.o on tho ul'. frum
life. j H intisgo, coming by iy ul Ual
tci ton. She 'im lelievcd our titijena ul
lha painful suspense whiett thy hv labor
ed under fur severs! dy.
Our id vice from Monterey csme dawn
to (lie Citi of October. The city it in (tie
quiet Occupation of our troop.
The steamer Col. Harney, with govsrn
(r.eut stores, wm Ion, with fifteen live, on
ti e 1 2 h tl ,, tt ttio uioulli of the Riu
An frpreei hsJ trrive.J at Monterey thai
Gji, Woo!, wt h 3,500 mrn was to leave
3 m Antittia the 29 of Sptea.ber for Chi-
Currespondenie of the N. 0. Vsvune.
Monterey. Sept. 29 l'. M.
An express rider hs this moment arnv
ed from Salinas which phce lis left line
morning. It i only a day's f n' Jt'iin ihIi
of Siltillo, and he s'atee, on (lis aulhorit)
of the Mexican that Santa Anna arrived tt
lint r!iy yt ter Jay rooming or tlie evening
precious and i oik" c iMtenced fortifying i!.tes '"ill vijor. - lie had no lea than
". ( GO " s ' ' liich added tu those
wool. !''' Vie cr Ampjdi, will a well
In., ..v :
20.000 men.
' ns it tlm he is lo eraci
r-.oe.i'.ti close by the Rinconni
rs ol n't." lines by the cloe ol
. .tc tiure. If all this should
p. no , f.';iy insjf have mors bloody
.ii tit ft'i ' er.
0:.e l;iMf i cetij Sahts Anns was
hour! - i.-;p.jied here wlien Qen. Taylor
nriivfd pnil many linn!; ilul Ampudis's tea,
t n f r wivintf in mire was the fact that
If lotii d !):'ieelf lu a rVgrre surrounded sf-
i it the stresses of ti)e)2d division arrj w is
noxious to foim a conjunction with his mas
ler on ti e boat terms he cuiild make. We
shall knot more about this matter in s day
or two.
Tlie following order of Gen. Taylor an
nouncing victary we copy from lh
American Flag of the 1 0 :1s inst:
Oiidkri No. 123.
IltaJq'iarters Army of Occupation, )
Camp mar ftianlnt'y 27 1846 $
Tl e ccuirrtandirtg General has the satis
'ic'.ion to congratulate the Army under hi
v'C'imraand noon another Hignal triumph over
t!;? Mesican forces. Superior to us in
fiUinbpM, itrongly fortificj and with anim-
nt'ifi''e preponderance of artillery, they have
yet bent dnvpo fruin point to point until
forced to sue for lerxs of cspiiulstion.
'S tch leims have been prantd as were con
i:!ered due to the gidjaul defence of the
' tiwn and the libsral policy of our own
Tue General beja la return his thanks to
hia I'onnr.nJcre and to all Ins officers ar1
men, both of the regular and volunteer for
ces, for the skill, the course ar.d the per
severaiiC8 wih u hich tbey have overcame
manifold difilciilliea, and finally achieved a
vifUoiy sledding lueire upon the Americin
k ais.
A yrenl reeull has been oblained but, not
wiiho'ji ihi Ims of ninny gallant and ac
compIifr.B I officers a id brave men. The
Army and the country mmII tlaeply sympn
:!.ise with the lamilies and friends of ihofe
whu Inve thus sealed their devotion will
' their livfs
Ey order of Mj. Gen. Tavlor
. (Signed) W; W. S. Dusi, As'l. Adj'i
(Jen. Official:
Gko. A. M'Call, Ass'i, Adj't. Gen
'T!u Mexican loss lias not been, and pro
ca'jiy niiver will be ascertained with cer
i ft ii y - It i believed to excetd 1.0B0.
Capi. Crtcn left Afr Kenda'I at Camir
g,).We regret to 6ay that cutiin iliffietil
tics had occurred at Camargo which it wa
p tievnurtly feared wrwild lead to two private
"tile met'tii?c in wtiieli two of our citi
e., vvtr.) td (jke part. We rpgret to al
luiV to sucli a subject, and do it only to
men tlie txairscrated ruinoti in pircuUiion
iaig -.' to the malicr. It is staled thai
t!rir;. Gen. Mn.liill, of Kentucky, bad de
iiiu.'i Jed taiisfaciion from Colonel Ualie Pey
ton, of this citv, Hnd liiat a meeiing woult!
tuks il ice. probably "n the Nib iiut. An-i;'.i-r
difficulty uii to be arranged at about
t:,i 8ir,! date and in a einiilar mode be
twesn Csptain Musson, of ibie eity, sml
Captain fei ers, of Texas Moet einc-ie-
jy do we l.;,8 that :in adjustment mav hove
keen a..ect!;J withoui resort to arms, fo
must tcj.?Jt our egret at buinf compelled
to allude to the tubject. We gltdly ;urn o
other t'leiKcs
,"c"",u,w i " o: in- o' rrgunr sonjier, ntti annpCarnl e-J I saw fveral regiments of fine, lock- bv the Pi eMtlent Uommi FCioner el Pub Governor ol New Jersey alto. 'Jbn. niak. .
U-s frn Mooterty Irorn Mr. Aer!,, quipped. Add to (hes eome 2.0C0 irg soldiers, men of g.,od ,z, young 'lie Bonding al Washington city, V,ce twelve Siatts which will ob,me the tarn,
m hiC" m ecibCl ,h Mf9V'ini ilems' j'exne..,tvho left the ci.y in u,,H paryc'.iv. aud athfedc. Jmi Nilaad. jdy as a Jay el t!:ai.Kefiieir,. i'lcsyune rubltahsa a series tf Itt.
Speaking f oufidJ coaitadca rtuiiuJ!
tu of poor Ttioman. lie wis on of ih
iDOil daitt fellows in McCullodt's compa
ny, snd bad hi loose wcumled in tin
chaie the enemy's lancrts made upon uv
on the aturning of the 211. 0) ilia fol
loin luonnuK, li,(e n,in.-Mi,K ti c butteiy
on the licilil ovirlo kni( the llnlio' I'al"
a-'fl, tie was HHtria! wounded, and afiei
auff. rtn iiuredibiy died on the morning l
His Vltih. A muaket ball lut.ered his hip
joint, at the same iiics that the trave Copt.
Gillespie was sliot through, and the two
ar ndw quietly resting side by side on the
height where ihsy received their deatli-
woutids jliunt Giller-pie, as it haa been
appropriately named by Gn. Worth. The
(rienda of Tlmmas are among the mud re
pectHble in Maiylandj he was in the svmc
meas with myself, and it mi) alf ird his a
quaintances aome rouaolation to know that
every attention wm paid him, during hit
aslhouis. that rtrcuoiatanrca would adniti
1 siw Ampudia as he led town for S I
tillo on the morning ul the 2U.h rod a-
lon in his eacort for a mile or two. 'I lif
baie and lying wr toll for pae m
Hi Hack history proves hi auch louk-d
tfrestfaren, nervous, snd timid to a degree,
He was tearful Ivst some ol the Trxu
lisngers, mcny of Iiihii had dep wror.
airli to avenge, miht sh iot him from tlir
way-aide; and o he rode through i!i' en
caropment, siluaitul directly on Ins routf,
ha could oolcoueoal his fens. 1'iiey alio
el liiin to paa, however, wiibout en a cry
or snout t'f exultation.
A greal many are discontented al thi
terms given tbe Meicni, and think tlu:
they now will certainly fight again after be
ing let off so easily. Had the buttle con
tinued on tbe 24 ih time hours longer, the
Mexicans would undoubtedly have been
on tbeir knees crying and bcging for their
A terrible carnage would have ensued had
nol Ampnilia sent in proposals f r a surren
der of the town, for his forces were bud
died, if I can use such a (arm; and all tl e
General Tsylor well knew. To ia iy otr
'he known conciliatory policy of our Gov
ernment, however, appears to have been
his aim to spnte life and prnpeay, in ac
cnidatice with bis insirpc.tions, hU object
a'ld this should relieve him from Hi ciiiifctirc
in the mailer. Tor myself, having some
alight knowledge ul -Ifrxicnn chancier, 1
believe ihe whole policy i.f our Govminieu'
is, snd has been wrong for ycar9.
General Taylor is still encamped at th'
dd (jrottiid, three miles fi-..m heie Gener
als Worth and Smith Bre ii town. The
main part of the wounded officer are don g
well. Gen. Butler is reuovirig.whilt- Colo
nels McClung and Mitchell ire alto in n
fair way.
Our Army Iras tsken or rather, retained.
ihirtyfWe pitees of artillery, many of which
nre valuable, and as much ammunition a?
will ever be necdd to use with them. I'to
killed snd wounded of the enemy rannol hi
ascertained with any degree ol ce!taii)ty,bui
il is known now that iheir I its f,r exceed
ed ours. The renin of tho di(Trnt com
manders in Gen. Tat lot's army have not tP
been sent in yet, hut enough is known tc
render it certain ihel our lots will nol vary
twenty fiom five hundrrd killed snd wound
ed. A considerable number of ihe wound
ed will die, so that the number who uili
have lest llcir livis will be aboat three hun
dred. Gon. Worth lost eohty , killed am!
wounded; about twenty killed, or have died
ince the battle.
TI.e large for! on the north of tho town i
i very strong work, and it would liave cost
i heavy sacrifice of life la have taken il. I
built scientifically has four salients,
at!, of which is pierced l r eight guns. Jn-
ide of ihe walla, which a:e eppinently new
jrid which encloke an area of some two or
ihree acres, are the thick wtlla of a lari
ohfu.iehed oaihedral, itistdo of which an
twelve very large pillars intended for ihe
"upport of the roof. These pillars ure hi
leaet twelve feel square at the b:m, and like
he wallf, are auouf 20 feel high. The
walls of the fort aro solid and neatly built,
having a gateway and drawbridge on the
-ode next to the city li
Montebey, (Mexieo) Sept. 89, 1S43.
Gentlemen.' Weareal I e n Fi in qoi-
-t possession of this place, ihe Lai divi.i
ion of Ampudia's smiy having n.or rhr(
tit yrstcrily noming. Thn 1 si divj..
ion mmhed out on ihe 2 3 b, the 2 1 on
he 27 h, and Ihe balance on iie 2S b.
I saw the two Lst, and tvj abto lo font
tolerably good idea o the number ol
men in Ihem. There could not have
been fewer than 2.500 in each d:?i;ii(n,
ol soldier, will aimed srid
ei during the four days fiht, and a,
least 5.C00 citizern i f the (own who
ook up srrrs in its defer er, and you
tave a (irttiy f irunK foice for the dt
eore (f a plc whuh na'uid sod arl
have ci (l'bined lo reudci as e'long is
any in llit wot Id.
Ilotv such an am y thus siiualtd,
could ever allow i si II' lo bo conqoereil
hy s foioe of l-e than 7000 men, ui I
lw)s appear sirange lo me. The cow
inlice of Awpudia is now efiablished
heyond a duobi. So e relul was he of
his peri o. ihst i' is aid that he never
once Ii f his house when any firing use
oinn on Wi at a pity thai one of roi
fhella CLtlJ not have drojpul into his
to ili oon.
I lelt pufrct'y sa infied. when I saw
'he 4!Hif.m loop pa' oul of lown,
wi'li ihf airanen enis wl ieh Gen. Tay
l i bed ni'(,e with h ir. To have ta
ken l il ee men pi font r wi u'd have
)( ii useleM. Tneir aires we did not
wan'; l,ir vnt- woi 'bless, with
i lew eke p i r, ai d H would have
rn very eipt iuve md troblesonie lo
eil ami ,'imI so niiny men. Aiid
on r-t ver, m w u'd have cost many
tremble life lo h.ive carried lha city a'
t',e poml cf ihe b 'yonei .
1 rude otn with the head of the col
Hon dy hefore yeateiday, when their
S I division lelt town. That scene alone
would almost have remunerated one for
a long journey to Mou'irey. Al the
need of the column rode the command' r
of the d r ion, wild his sLiT,si'coinpaii
tl bj Mj Sc. it; if the 5 h Infanliy,
wi h hie Ailjiusnt, (Lieut. Dea?,) ami
Lieu a. Hanson, Kobison and McLtwsi
Col. l'eyioo ioJ by the aids of ihe
chi f, and leee, ved every afli-ctiooatf
Mnbrsce from him ittte lurned out lo
let ihe column mai ch sn, m hen Ihe head
nad itachtd Pnhice Hill, And now
was presented a stone thai I can nevei
foijel. Two r(gimff,i ufinlanlry led
oPi Willi coluis fit iii(, drums baling,
and the tiumjiett rs blowing m(Ii ah
heir might. Tho ftfern ir,de all the noit
hey could. The rricu were all well
i in' (I, and Ihe wl o'e division seemed
0 be w. II ippoiiiied.wi'h Ihf rxceplion
A, io ti u t f tr,ich, moal of the
men tvoiv sandals. Tl.reo pircs
ul ar'iu ty tvi it-in the centre of He
column, out 6, one fi. and one 13 pouo
dei. The line fimrhmg fujr sbrettt,
ex'ei ded ebuiii one rjiib-.
The Army was urcnnipsnied by
f,rea( m.ry fi rjnlc-s; iRior r.' wivra on
h r-ehsck, the r la l tr n.r.fl d, u.o
wilh h is or; sobiiMn' wives m-U'iieo
on dor kete or on foot, tome f tl en
Cinvit'g boideiij ilmt J would n-olc-h
liink of aekiiijj on u I e . youn vo
men with ehort piUicoa'c.Hnl hais,irip
p;n lightly along, young giU liudgine
a'ong viih ilxir little valub!i a in ihe
unit. 1 noiictil one pretty little crea
lure, about nine yeara old, with a pe.
c'licken on one arm and a panoi perched
upon her luod. The nliesi wonijn
eter neard of was walking behind
poor fLa-bit donkey was ridden by
young, a second edition ct tin
do" oofi, A prt cious piir. thai molhe
nid d juj htf r.
Meal of ihe sol Her looked fu'
'heir eyes gleamed w.ih h-lrrd, and
dsiie for rcver ge. ()(,a of.I C'l'loeh
horses, a valu.ble snimal, which a mar
wis leading out of the way ol the Mx
icn iroon.i. was sei2i,l ami Ic.i , rr ,i.
. .v, vij, 1(1
oldier levelling ih-ir muftis si ih
hobilere when h-r eniiesvored lo recover
lis hoise. Tub suimal was propiptl;
(clbmed, howeft0n ihe circumstHncft
being lo the Comman Jiru
o .... c
Yes'eiday morning i, ,)b ,;v ;,,;,,
vas diawo nut in ihe plan lo Ihe ca b"
i-l t hat is, ihat the pUzi could hub
jiiu unpt. iViilr h, who la ttatienei!
there wi h hit) ol, 7ih Infantry
in W up curnntantl and saluted the
itgiinenis st it;t.y p3(.cd him. I nevtr
heard a noie un'il y ( Herd jv rT.oriiii
I'ind ui. iiioni in vet evtitainid i. nou-)
a giog a ih Mexicns are, I: set met.
'o be ihn particular endcaior cf every
man lo nidky all the noio in Ins powri.
There irit;st have been fi'ty bt'uleu fi; o
nnny fliers anu di t fiirr.H jjlty eg at
3 rii c i i.'if, o n il i o Ihree of c
'( irp ii g ihe F.Hiip tune;
Ihe In division is encsrnpnl in ihe
rov Ihree miles esal of ihe town om
of the loveliest spots n lha ivoidl, shad
"d by large pecan snd live k tree-.
I'his urove seems to be the only wood
land in this region, and is renoned lo b)
cinz-'fts of Monterey at a place for hold
ing pic nic parlies. The 3 l,s volunteer
division, is encamped in ibis grove,
(en. Worth's division occupies the
'own. The citirensare beginning lo
return in great numbers, and appnar to
feel glad Ihit ifco Mexican army his left
i htm. jj.
The Helative Forces, Losses tyc
We aie assured that Ampudia had from
lourtetn lo s x'een thousand lroo'
ihe former is (he lowest ruimlnr given
by sny one. They !),td about hl'ly
jneces of heavy artillery worked with a
degree of akill and precision un!urpMi
ed by any nainn. They were also in
a strong ion ntl lown. Ihe stretts
leading into Ihe lown.lo the Plazi.were
all either closed up with henry & ctrorg
walls of solid mansonry rcqijirinu great
labor, and executed in the most work
manlike manner, or these s reela were
protected wi h batteriea of ,f avy ord
nanc ; planted so to ffficually cover
'heir entranre.
The American army did not exceed
5000, and 700 of iheve weie served a
t camp guard, lo protect the camp fiom
forces of Mexican cavalry; so that we
had but 4300 men in iln engagement.
Nearly all our nmst iff. c i v ej ordnanct
had been left behind. Tr.rre was only
'he F ying Anillerry, which in order
to do much execution, hid lo be ejqm.
ed lo a mow! desl'ticiive firo from ti p
enemy's heavy bai erie, Add two 24
pound howitzer and one lOu.eli ir.orui
and our whole lorce is giver.. Thia show
a disparity of more than three lo one,
snd vssl advantage agonal our army n
pnstiinr., fully tqiul to thn in. u,
on mbcra.
The lest of our army is 5fll in k lh d
ar.d wntitjded,41 of whom were t fiictr.-
M'j. Jesr, S.I Infantry, who was re
ported severely wounded, is fast neut
'Pi ...
jue enemys lots m not known will
ceiiainity The M xic;ns in Moii
te'ey state m al 12 ot 1400, but abou
tuvU is i lion gin to be a more probable
V. I). PALMER llsq.u', itutlmr'iztd to act a
A 'lent for th' Coix-MHiA In.Moi hat.' anil re
topt all monies fr kubtcrtjitiun uwl Adwti
nt hit Antnr.iei in
riith!iia 69 V'nr'SltCfl.
Kav 'c " 100 K.v.nau'itnct.
Bistuil " 16 Nate-strut.
Da'.timort S. E. enr. Hall, and Calver.'-iis.
MmhanttNechai ics und Trath.-mtn mav I'm.
it lo their udvutitagcln advertifc hi litis j u' a.
it if Hie only one j,xdl;ilied ul tit Ceutitj Scat
nd .. a greater cirrtlutlon in th cuttfy l.t:,
any jjupcr jiuhliikd within ktiliiniU.
lo l!ic rnntin l.uaimsn ia wanted at thN ()i
lit-fl. An active boj 15 or 10 vnrsof hs Will
ceiisg.iod Ciiciuragement.
The Printer i rntlcli in want of a few
bushels of WHEAT. CORN & BUCK
WHEAL el ih H' w bo ewe him upoi
b-eiiption. Ii- w(.tild altso like a fe
oishtls of rOTATOES.
(Vi.r.i ctcrs On ice.
Derwick, October 31, 1646.5
Col. Webb,
I)(ar Sir.- The fullowirg shows tbe
Coliociier s ni ili.iOrTlfc for the pen tit fit-
'hI year up lo aud including the 8 1 si el
For the mnnib of Ocluber
C12 570 ?S
er lael irport
54 5'J3 74
Whole amount
$67,103 E2
Amount ol CosI shipped
ir, October
J7 341 Ions.
Per lasi report
Whole amount
Yours Respectfully,
JO.IN iMeRi: YNOLDS, Colrttor.
The Hon. Andrew 3'.M'iriioni . ol
W ilkefbarre, Pa., has been appointed
v the Pi edition! Commi FMoner el Puh
There is no Village in U'.nhern rennsyl
vania that is increasing more rinidly in bu-
sinaaa and population than the town of
lilomburg. Although tin re has been
ome lil'ty dwellings built the out shssoii
ynt ttiare is not eulli.'iant, n fieirar con'
-Hull application ior luuemeit e by airacgeie
who arc imxious lo locaio tbcmneln a hen
'or vanous knots ol busincPl Airangeiiien'i
irenow making f..r the f rvciion another jem
of a large number of duellings and sWire
to accomodate the influx of population
Our old merchants have all furnuht d them-
nelvet wi'h new splendid and extensive as
anrtmeirs of goods, while a new iy n shows
itself every now and then as we pjsi through
the streets, the luteal is that oflomi snd
Memlciihall who have opened a aplcii'lnl
assortment of entire new goods in the ne
store adjoining Ueoblers Hotel, cpposiin
ihe Court II nise. As they are both young
and enterpnzing ynung vwt we have no
loubt thai they u ill do an exieitetve btiat-
ncjs t specially with the Lidies. The
farmers will now find a rehdy market tiere
for all kinds of coumry produce, and loin
ber, andean buy their i(oodi as cheap as a
any otlitr pLce in nonhrrn I'enujyUani.t
The Jail and Sh nflj HoiH? were In
on S .tonlty last, for ab.ul thiry-fie
hundred dollars. The Conn H.tuse is
. tow under roof, and bo'h budding are
o be compb ted before August 1 81 7,
and it is expected they will ha
in season for the holding of the court
here in ihit month.
We have received the fi'-t numbn
f a new publicatio l just commenced tr
Pniladf.lphia, entitled thn 'Penny Woek
ly,' in I 'S mi M.n tltly Si oy 'Iel'er.'
the weekly tuiniaim ehi, and the sumi
mooth'y oix'een Leg" page, and are
;mhl:iied ai the low price of 50 ceril
each, the Am number contains 'Heid'-l-tn
rg,' a lojnancu by G. li. P. Jame
Esq It promises b rich ireat lo t hi
lovi n of ini-c. llancous leadiug.
It ia nirr.oit d from Wdsbing'on, that
0' del s have been fm warded lo General
Taylor lo put an end to the arm is! ice,
and immediately match for Siltillo, and
thai ciders will coon bo isa.i'd for Ihe
v liunteers from the north lo proceed f)
Mexico to join the army
U. S.Senaor Hon. John II Clark'
hn been elected U. S. S'-nator from
Rhode Island, to fill ihe place now oc
cupied by Mr. Simmons; Gov, Doir
waa the Democr-tin candidate.
Chrivtiiim o;i Friday Our gteat
holiday I ill on FiiiLy this year, and tl
ild writers nod legends are to h? belief
-d, it e i , n ft, s a iu-rd winter. Ol eouise
Further Advance in Cuul. Tin
lealeie have a:iin advji.ced the p. r ire
.f An thracite ro il 50 ct ids a Ion in N.
Yt r k. This m-kf w an advance of one
dollar within ahooi ( ne inooib. The re
a'l pi ice is now 5" ion of 2000 t ?.
I'd i is en" of the t IT cts reru'itng hem
lewspaper panic making, so (Xienaive
y practiced nuiing Ihe past .s''aon.
Consumei! Were imluced to wail, by
he promis"d ieduc:ion in pi ice, til
they now find I ho supply sk.rtand 11. t
tr ee niiiltrtally enlniiced.
A Pvpidar Candidate. -Kihtil W.jaideudid aaaortun-nt f
Johnson, Democrat, said to boa brother ellFALL i; WINTER Mil LINERY.
Richard M. Jnhiicou has been elected 10
Congress from Arkansas, without opposi
nun, tit receneJ 1Q.I--0 votes out ol 10.
ft polled.
The election in New Jersey for members
of Cor.jrrtsa baa leruiiiisied in favor of the
J he election for Governor, tc. in ihe
State of New Ymk took place on Tuesday
last Wright the Dt inoeraiic rat.didate fo
Goverimr received nloul 0000 niajoriiy in
he city cl Ntw York lain what die te-
,-nli mil be in the Sijte, is yet uueiiiaii
from the returns recened.
Vcitrifiit '-m'v.-Griitit men advertieine
lor wives 111 Lundou, bang out their diguer
leoivpe ii 1 11 1 it, it a in a window of aotne
fafchinnahle shoji, with thia labil:
Wanted a ft male cornpaiiiou to ihe a-
butf. Applv pereorihih .
The Governor of A'eiitucky has appoint
d Thtirhday, tf.e of November, to be
observed as a day of thanksgiving; and ti e
Govurnnr ol New Jersey alto. This niakte
CoMiirATins or Tut F. ,wti.s i r
i"liesa, handsel), gidduiea. ;,.in in th. '
md hre'aat, nausea and sicKnera.variab'i
,iein, yellow or swarthy complexion, i.. .
.re the usual u ptoina of Liver L. ..I-
If 'tight Indian Vvtuble nilt are al
waya certain U retume lha ahnve row
iiUinis, necatiHK they puree Irion the hodyf
hose morbid humors 's hie!) n(c the cuee,
io only of all (Ji.rdrr of the h rr. hut nf
veiv in mi hi t y inciiti'iil lo main A xi. git 2)
em hox wi;l in ail eases give relief, at d
ii-rn v. r nice will iiiom aasuioilly ihiveeve
y pnicle of dixeasp fiom thn hodv.
II "right' Indian I'egctuhle 'ills also
(impletely rlc tne the atoinach and bow.
Is of all h loins and putrid humors and
htrreforc are a certain i ure fur cholic,dysrn
ery, cholera irorbus, and other d'sortlers of
he 'ritesiinea.
Oilier d.'voti d exclnivelv Ii the Sale of
IML..S, Wholesale i.nd Retail, No. IfV'J Street, I'lnlndelphia; No 2S8 (irecn,
wick Street, New YnrK; and No, 103 Tie
noiii Street, I'm-tnn.
Agent lor IJIot mal'-urg, George Weaver
For other Agent see advei liaeiiieots in a
notlier column.
. VI. r ..'l
MARUIEI) -On To sd.v, 'I'e 27 h
0 Oi:luh"r, ,1' C.oo 1 borg. L-h'iih ro.
Pa. by Rev. Mi Garmao.Mr. CnttiLK
Ivooss, formerly of Mlonmhurj, to
Vii Elizabeth Fka.vk, of Co..pis.
Ot the 31 insl. by the Rv. William
L Eyer, Mr. Willmam Lkwahs, of
Tnih-'svillr, Ninumhcrlaod co. to
M'si Mart Ak.v Clavwell, of Catta
wiefa. On ihe 29'h tilt, by lite same, Mr.
Tacob Fisiinn, ol towr htp, lo
Mi AlAnvIlOLLEXEACn.of Ci'awi-a.
' No Humbug.'
TJVTKITHEK are wr u"'in? to talk nhont 'War
I J between the I.'iii'id tJtuica and .Mexico:' nur
ol'MllingRoods 10 per cent. Icluwcity pricea.'
.1011111,1 ufuwe goinsii) Mriim tocllirr 111 out nd.
vartirit-tnentu every tiling we have for sole, foni a
needle to an anchor, but murk what wo a ay
Wo are going to
Keep as nice a variety of Goods,
if both quality and price, aa tiiou who make tnoro
nnio in the pa) era than we do. We have pur
cliawil nur gui'ds n (In an as it is o:iiMo to buy
thein and wa w ill hi It iIumu aa cheap, if uur InenJa
will ivg us u a 1 at our
iprently erected bv E. H- BIGtj.s, directly oppo.
site lie now Court lhuive, nod next door uiiuth of
DcnMar'a Hotel, i t widhliow tluin an
-e'ccled expreasly fur their accnmaiodatiou. A
'iiorm the urticJ.-s of
wc lmvo Frrnrh nnrl Ameiirnn CLfiTII1?, Cas--i:ltrrrv,
mtliiicitH, venting, &c &c
Inrilie I.adica wc have t'atibnieffs, Mooflin
do lains Ca-limrre liclc?, Cli ak'n p, Piinls of ev
'ry atyli nnd price frmii 4 to 25 cents jut yard,
Shan Ik, (j loves, Ac. A c. in fad every variety cf
miTchamiizi! ustiallv kiiit in country btorce.besidea
aoino tiding a little di jfmvt.
Also IUU and Laps of every descrtj'tion.
A for uur
all :in 1 exonine h n fir itirsslns a id you will
rind thi'in excellent and very cheap.
They htvc also an a.-Mirtir.cnt of
And the beat of M ACXBIIKL an I
Irish Salmon
if a auperiur (inalilv. Ail of whirh will be di.
poii'd of i.i exchange fur t'ash or t'ouitry Pro.
Bloomebtiri!. .Nov: T, 1 3 1 6
flTfTOtrLb rejectrully infirm tlie nizcrip nf
W V lil iniia:,iir;( rind vieini.v, and the Ladle
tbeually, that elie baa junt received, and ia con
itao'dy rtcc'ni.i.' rr.:ii i'lidadetrjliia, a new ana
'iiudr'j whiih inay l e foui d, velvets and sitins of
ill color.!, tiiobeie, fii.wi r, ribbons, bernga for
ieit, kid ar.d cotton t...i1loien unJ eottoi. hand-
kerrl.irfs, ulka nod .iain eomlis, shell am' other
il'o cmi.lw, l.rrast oina, t'l.uvl pun and all other
kinds ofj. ins, bead and oilier need lea, gold nnd s .
ver pciicile, ilivrr anil r.ltier thin l ies; eterl bead.
rinp and t,.nteH, fbadtd and nlion twin fur oureea
and bur, (laeps fur bagii, purees nnd baga ready
made, viImI rotk l ihlmni. of ililf, rent kinda, culiur-
tt, crin ator. (d).ii.g and hordcinc. head diciwe.
brBi'cleta, Iniuks and eyes, thread, tape. 61c, m fact
almoft c-.cry Ihoij! in-uiify lo be fi.und 111 a fancy
sture, nil ol which she will dispose of as low ua they
an t o ontiniic.i riM wiip'c
Alao-Kaehioiiable PdNKETS acd CAl'S
nindc arid kept on bund fur sale
JVuTfniber 7
Will lie given at the Muckhom. on tbe 10th of
Novcnd or inrt. TJiiiirnions 45 feet deep, SO
I'nt wide, and 15 feet hili, I'ropuf-ali: will Ic re-
eivi d I' or either Hrh k or Finiiie.and for either ths
whole or lor tlie teveral pa.taof the work
.1. (J. KINNKY
R. RMKsr:
Novcnibtr ?.