The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 07, 1846, Image 1

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    j i'K
y (jl'r V
I nave wornupon the AHor of t'ott, eternal hoitlUty t eery form uf Tyranny ever the Mind of Man." Thomas Jriftrimi
' , . . -
iiloomsiiurg, coluaiiili colxtv, fa. Saturday, novemhuk 7, is-io.
Vohuae X.
ltiiihei l
South " of Main, a tew doors be
low Market-street.
published every Saturday morning, at
TWO DOLLARS per annum payabh
half yearly in advance, or Two Dollar
Fifty Cent a, if not paid within the year.
So subscription will be taken for a shorter
period than six monins; nor any aiscon
tinuance pennmea,umu an arrearage
are discharged.
AD VER TI SEMENS not exceeding
square will be conspicuously inserted at
One Dollar J or the jirst three insertion
n,nl Twentii.ive cents for event subsc
quent nser'tion. liberal discoun
viade to those who advertise by the year
LETTERS addressed on businest,must
be post paid
From tho New Orleans Doha.
There is spirit wiikin, which arrays
The thing we doal upon with colorings
Richer than rose brighter lhan the beams
Of the clear sun at morning- Harry Corn
tevll. And well thus gift, may ye bear the thrill
Of Social sorrows and ideal wiong,
The.i'Eolion harp that heaven's pure bicezes
Must breathe, at times a melancholy song.
GeorgeMelville was born in Liver
pool, some forty years ago, more or les-
for we sre not of lhat gossip class who
re nice to a fault, especially when fid
get on the wrong side of lime; and ak
the friend's eye may follow ihai sketch
ing of incidents which shadowed his ear
ly career, we would not send him to the
wife or ghss to count wrinkles or grey
hair!1, which ao becoming'y adirn the
upper man, or call to his mind an un
pleasant thought bnt to establish and
brighten the links of social joy. Hm
ors and titles had been wreathed in the
history of his fathers from William of
Normandyj and family pride, in latter
dijs, had bound misery to the wheel
of fortune wilh the iron chains of pover
ty, under which then descendants lan
guished for many years, uniilan effort
of enterprise on the part of the grand
father ol Georg", broke on bonds with
the restraints of rank which lay enwrap
ped in the cerements of the dead, by
connecting himself in commercial pur.
su la with a gentleman of wealth. The
titled merchant was never forgiven by
the collateral branches, for having so
demeaned himself as to prefer indrpen.
dence and usefulness, to infilled dignity
with the concomitant evils of indolence
and poverty; and his children were
wont to look with regret upon wha1
they unjustly deemed stained escutch
eon ; one, however, wisely followed in
his father's path, believing in honest in.
xlustry, peace and honor. The third
generation were looking for fooling and
place in the world, under the golden
banners which prosperous yer-ra of la
bor had thrown over their house, when
war was declared between Great Britain
and a giant child, thai .springing to na
tional stature the nurseling of freedom
her An'scus arms already outstretch
ing for the world's embrace in love and
liberty, with strength beyond the pow
er of Herculean tyrany to strangle. The
effects cf this, from the peculiar relation
of the QSr of the firm with the mercai.
tile communities involvod in the rii
pute,were disastrou;'he blast of the war
trumpet I'fl in the path ol its tempest
breath, the piinctly merchant an uttti
wreck. George was old enough to
have a faiol perc?p'ion of the change
which wat's fciechance had wrought lor
him, but his was a sturdy nature, and
tvii)i the sanguines confidence of youth
helooked cheerfully forward, giving
m.i a Any n humt ivnn nweu
... . a i i
IIHIQ VI lUllfUltilWH w niww "'
i .l -
.... -.nHmeenifie. of their .t.telv
the storm, as tney resigneu me
" O
The father, nothing daunted by the
overwhelming calamity, no rfgiein'ng
the gilded visions of the past, replaced
by loreaching shadow.", labored among
the ruins 10 make ;hem go as far ss pos
sible to meet the obligit ons resting up
on bis lair name, and to rebuild with
friementf a more humblo business-
diopping from his canvas spread mer
chant ships over the world, to the sup
ply of the daily wants of a email com
munity. and thus was he enabled to
complete the education of his children,
ind provide all necessari( s of life for
ti is family, retaining (he respect and luvi
of all who had known him as the skill
ful nd, liberal msnager of capital toh
oy the interests of millions of pound."
nd people. George Melville, long
before finishing hjs education, had be
come attached to a dauahier of h t
faihei's partner; the descenl on eithei
iide had not made necessary any chang-
n the s'yle of the origi rial firm so, win
he children; what had beer the natura
estilt of associate interests, became, in
he hour of afliclion, that sympathy
vhich builds love's temple in the heart,
nd brings into partnership the joys,
cares ann anxieties 01 me. i ne i . 1 n
er of Lucy Dmoiv (we do not derciilo
her for she was nothing el-e lhan pei
feci) had not been able to bear up untlti
the reverse of fortune, and sunk 10
rest with a broken heart, leaving ho
family to sutfer the cumulating ills ol
the transition from one rx'reme to the,
.ther, of the vicisitudei of life, until b-
he energy of Melville, enough Wiis r
rieved to make a partial support. Il
levoled lo the family of his friends t
pro rata interest in the pnfit of hi-
new business. and the blessings of go d
ierts followed him for preventing th-
ears of widow or orphans. He carriu
into Iile the spirit of Delia's sweet am
)8 py thought of kindnes: 'Spent
kindly lo thy brother man, for he hat
many cares thou dost not know.
Oh. speak kindly lo him! Per
haps a word from thee will kindle ih
glit of joy in his o'ershadowed heart.
and make his pathway to the tomb i
pleasant one,' It was not thought pru
lent thai George and Lucy should lie 11
iled until the smiling of Ihe h'ttn
days; but Geoige had determined Ic
make a bold cast for his lurtune in tin
New Woild, aud she was willing to lol
ow where his spirit might lead, aim
share his weal or woe.
?ut thou, 0 hope, with eyes so fdr,
What was thy delighted nieasti re f '
Slill it whisper'd promised pleasuie,
And bade the lovely scenes at distance hail.'
Thev were married : anil, wilh Ihe
lervent prayers of patents, that the ligh
of heavenly love might be cist on theii
unknown path and mingle in theii
heari's affections ihey embarked for
Boston, where they limled in safety in
the spring of 1S23,io Uke thfir first les
on in the nalities of lif They cstab
lished a school in Ihe cil) : and, through
he jealousy of rival institutions, of per
haps less merit, and Ihe fact of Ou ir bt
rg slrangfrs and foreignt x making it
more difficult to excite intt rest snd
ub'ain the confidence nec rnary for nic
cess, they fail d in the undertaking, will.
thelobsof mom of the means vliich,1'1 lu ai1" "'llC In momeiti. ah
hey had predicted opon i;bi their
h.ladul nol fink under the fi.a. cloud
or its glourr, chafe iheir fpirila'l'ghtne.'i.
Th-y visited New Yoik for ihe pur
pose of making another iris', wilh Ihf
bought that the locality wisdom of
Gotham would be propitious; but
,,Pjr fll(.t rnisfonune followed
the shatl.ow cf evil, their exit lions were
by want of confidence, caused by
Mi infturreci anu uncnvi name B'licuirnij
. -
fif ihnaa who had neiDHU tneir rum. ai-
ler fruitless attempts t3 obtain other bu
. ........ I.e.... It I , , . , ...horo
1 I1RSI ineV Ifl I IUI IKIHIIIVir, nriinr
they hoped f ir brighter things in s'ore
seeing that but few remained of lhoie
shining passports to human favor in the
chape of dollars. They looked.nol he
hind, or thought of advising Ihe dear
friends in their far home, whose heart
would ache knowing their sad trouble.
They loved, and would endure alone
such fate as might await them; and ihe
wife had the sweet Christian's trusting
imposition, referring all her care back
io thb Great source from whence i
came in earnest prayer: and the hu?
band rested upon her pure faith as i
gurdian angel arm, when the daikening
shade shrouded in all the picturing
which hope had spread upon hi soul.
They had made every effort their en
ergetic and confident hearts could sug
est, but they had proved inelfeciual
heir means had wasted, and at last they
re left wiihoui shelter, and from over
wrought mind and anxiety the busbar d
i taken rick, whilst the devoted wilV
(raws near to the most interesting period
f women's existence. They have been
compelled to seek a house in ihe out-
ikitis of the city, where the western far
ner, drovers and wagoners are em r
lined, and where the privilege of sleep-
ii j on the fi .or uf a lumber and harnesa
co 0 in is accorded lo them for a shilling
ach night, for which thy provided out
if the leant nesessary articles of their
vardrobe. Medicine and advica sn
ecesjary fur Ihe invalid, and the wile,
n an agony of fear, prepares for a be'
fro it to procure assistance; she quiet!)
.vithdraws wilh her bonnet and her Ihn'
bawl; and w ih a heavy Scotch pLhl
lor ihe evening wa wet and cold, .
i r i z z ling rain falling near akin to tied
-ILged by the duties of love and a deal
l'i at haztrd, with a vague hope kind-
In g i.i her heart, she could nol be stop
ped, but with lightsome strp she tc i
long ihe slippery path An Ameneei
diip from Hamburg had arrived in por
uine (wo weeks previous lo the linn
vhir.h we now reach, and among hei
new wis a youth of eighteen year?,whi
'nd chosen the sailor's life oi toil and
peril in the enthusiasim of boyhood, and
continued in it to preserve consistency
mil independence, althongh he might
i.ive been comfortably berthed on shoir
laving family and connexions to sccurr
my position that he might have desiied.
Charles Winn was a noble warm
hearted sailor, combining the franknes.
and honesty that seemed best nurlurrd
by the rocking of the ocean wave, with
he urbanity and.cojrtesy of a polished
gentleman; and having been some dap
on shore, his funds had melted from hip
grasp, where or how he had scarcely
needed; but the not q'liet pleasant
bought was creeping into his mind, thai
he must Mock rut a ship.' Ha has how
ver, one sovereign left, and, donning
iorih his bes', sallies forth to make
night of it,' for the last, lo begin with a
bowse' at the theatre. The sailors cos
ume of rich material for his shore pas
ime he never dolled fjr the 'long tail
straights of I he cit,' for the reason thai
ue hd the faultless form that best be
comes it. His eye of the quick black,
indicated intelligence, wit humor am'
vl" vmf""' ann ,,e couia Wl" ou
. . i . j i . l j
k,lt w U" J"vul ls h9 ,breaJe(J ,ht
:c" u"8" " no an wouio
hum ihe fi m knei-s lni beamed from hi
onl in f-nry lotk he gave. He passed
nn hi wkj' wiib cauU'M air. and, yet
with grtctful anil elastic step, his face
briuhtnine with iurehait anil
r.irilH iinnuclieii x W caies u m a
sweet blue eye from beneslh a cottage
bonnet caunh. hi, g'z-.and light form
nm unit iu ma nuc iiiumcm iu awj im
i -
step assured Ihslinthat look lay the ho e
that sparkled in her mind, knowing al
io (hat ink's fault is generosity, shi
heiiiaied not lo pour into his ear. with v
voice of melting sweelness,her sorrow
mg tale. At Ihe moment he though i
he cunning w tehery of some syrei
vsho would mislead him, snd he passed
jnward, leaving unanswered Ihe plain
live wailing ol soirow's child; but
heart reproach cauned him lo turn ere
Jozm steps were made, and he saw the
mgel look of despondency in tha fixed
drooping ey. evidently overcome bj
he agony of disappointed expectation
n Ihe only countensnce she had dared
o trust in two hours' wandering.
With a child deadeni.ig the heart
ihrob hope, and genily raising her eyt
to heaven, she was preparing to relun
ilisconsolaip.with no oil to pour inlothi
wounds of sfliclion, when the sailor boy
was at her side, had taken her hand and
isked forgiveness for misdoubting f.)i
an instant her pleadings, which she had
evidently been unu-ed lo nnke II
made affectionate inquiries; gave cheer
ing words snd the 'est sovereign, which
ho had intended (o waste in idle and un
profi'.able plennircs, snd causing her ti
take his arm, he called upon a phyeiri&i
who praciieed for years in his fa'hei'
family snd whose beneiolence and Mu
plael kindly together; begging him as ih
evening clusing in with a dark dreer
night tc go will) her to her temporary hnnn
of tlistresa. She is hnniled into a carrmg'
followed by one whose naiurs is love am
n a few moments is by the ride of her bus
hand w ho is transferred lo a comfortable a-
p;irtrr,eni and bed under ihe tieatmrnl lha
ooked as much lo soo'he ilio serret sorrov
vhicli ofl he al iho bottom of dihciise as 1
i i reel physical treatment. The husband i
aved; and the humane physician would re
eive no fee being inslrnoied bj ihn nobh
iailnr wncre 10 unu ins rewaru ur ai
he might outlay,
On the first morning that Melville hd
leaning on his wife's arm entered the Indie
dtting room he was met by a plainly clad
iui venerable-looking countryman wiio s
posted him with kindly words of inquiiy
ympaihy opened by the generous deed o
die not thoughtless boy ch ristened by hi-;
messmates 'Plain Oharlcy,' who was thi-i
bounding over the deep blue sea wiili hp;r
as a feather light buoyed up by the uu-pok
en thanks of the saved wife for she woule
have fallen as the withered leaf had life led
.he trunk vital to her; and the hunband fe!
realful for the chords of feeling lhal hi
found wakening around him. The old gen
tleman observed: 'I have been waiting here
twelve days (or your recovery having un
derstood that you wished to establish x
school: if so, I want you to hurry on a co n
of health and go West with me for if I
tay here much longer wife will be looking
for a husband and my boys will become ai
wild as our prairie deer Few words were
necessary to detail the wants of the hamlei
and its lug school and meeting house n
isity that now ia and the airargements an
made. They arrived safely and becoming
welcomed by a matron who had not even a
scolding word or look to give as had been
loofien intimated in words that meant jus'
I the reverse of their appaiwtit sense. Yeai-
miiling years have boen theirs as or.e may
see who crosses the Prairie du , observ
ing to his right just before reaching it the
gentle slope spotted with stock and in the
loitoin before him a pure streamlet hurry
ing to lose its purity in the turbid bosom of
ihe great waters; ihe bridge a little to your
left, leading to the cottage half concealed
with forest trees and shrubs, and the gold
en-lock group of children, sporting in lha
shade, are parts of the nine gifts of love.
As I have looked upon and enjoyed ihis
pleasant scene, it seemed
'An hour cf Psradise restored
Enden forth mirror'd to the view again,
As yet ere happiness forsook its bowers,
Or sinlc?s cresturts owu'd the svay ol
One word for 'Plain Charley,' whose
last sovereign, with the denial ol Ins even
mg's enjoyment, wrought as fair a picturs
is ever resled on a lap of earih, and more
lappiness than often falls to mortal's lot
Vfter some years buffeting wilh wim( and
'etther, and various fortunes, he wearied
if the sea; where he had never
he hour of peril or moment of joy the
Jweet peace that flowed upon his soul
when he had made one heart happy, l.e
who have feeling, folio w him in a morning'
ride from a prosperous Western city, which
terminated al the cottage we have briefly
noticed; where hearts are wailing lo givt
love's warm welcome to ihe name that had
visiiod their lips morning and evening, ii
praise and thanksgiving for long years tlu
form even unknown, that was to meet theii
:ordil greetings. He comes! all arms en
fold him, and the lisping infant, walk ex
tends not over the catching dis'ance of i
mother's care, breathes his name, with u
iwn Charles Winn Melville In a city
tof a thousand miles from New Orleans
ives 'Plain Charley,' filling a highly re-
peclable and responsible situation, with
laily opportunities for ihe kindly minister
ng of his natuie, arid winning the love ol
II who know him.
He laughs al the world, and he laughs at
With a sovereign and love ever to spare.'
'.It Sea, July 31, 1 8 JO.
On the 7th of June, the commodore re
ceived information t Maznlau, that the
Mexican troops, six or sevju thousand
irong, had, by order of ihe JA xican gov
rnmeni, invi ded ihe territory of the United!
States, north of the Kin Grande, ind had
iiiacked the forces under Gen. Taylor, and
liai the squadron of ihe United Siatts wa:
ilockading the coast of Mexico on the
'These hostilities, he considered, would
justify cuniiiii'iK'inj offensive operations on
die wost coabt, Hu thereloio sailed on tht
iih, in the Savannah, for the coasl of Call
ornia, leaving the Warren at ,1tzatlan, m
ring any despatches or iuiporiHt.t informa
ion that might reach ilierei lie arrived ai
dontcrey on the 2.1 of July, where wt
oiiud the Cyn ne and I.f vani, nnd leainct
hat tin Portsmouth was at San Francisco.
'On ihe morning of ihe 7ih having prev'r
nisly f xamined il.e defences and locilnies
f the town, ihe cninn ndore senl Captain
VIcrvina vitii a summons lo the miliary
nniuiandant of Mnruer.-y, requiting him tu
surrrender the place forthwith lo ihe fon-ec
if die United States. In reply, he stated
liai lie was nol auihoiizd to surrender ihe
oiacr, Dim rtirrieu tne commodore in me
joiiimanding general of California, JJon J.ise
'Every i rf ingeuient having been made'
the day previous) the Coiiiino lore immedi
ately embmkt'd the necessary furre ('ahom
two hundred and fifiy seamen and
in the boats of the squadron, which landed
at 10 o'clock, under cover of die guns of
die ships, wilh great promptitude and good
order, under the immediate command oi
Captain Win. Mervine, assisted by Com
mander H, N. IVge ne second.
The foices were- immediately formed and
marched to the cusloin house, where Com
module Sloat's proclamation to the inhabir
smitH of California was read, the standard
ol ihe United Slates hoisted, amid thref
dearly cheers by ihe iroops and foreigners
present, and a salute of nvenlv-one gans
tired by all ihe ships. Immediately after
wards die proclamation, both in English
and Spanish, was posted up about the town
and two justices of the peace appointed It
preserve ordei and punish delinquencies
the alcaldes declining to serve.
'Previous to lauding, a 'general order,'
was read to ths crews of ill the ships for
their guidance under ihe new circumstance
in which they were placed. We feel con
ndent (hit the inhabitants of Monterey ami
all oiher places where our forces were, havt
been safe from the least depredation or do
tdighteet insult.
'Immediately afier taking possession ol
Monterey, Com. Sloal despatched a coniii-i
hi Ceneral Castro, the mililny command
aut cf California, vriih a lei f r snd a cup:.
of his proclamation, to which he received
reply. On the Oih, he despatched a letter
iy courier to Sr. Pio Picj, the governor al
ianta Barbara,
'On the Oih of July he despatched orders
'iy sea lo Commander Montgomery to take
immediate possession of the bay of San
Fraaciacn, &n and at 7 A. M. of the 9iln
that officer hoisted the flag at .Van Francis
co read and posted up Commodore Slosi'u
proclamation, and took possession of that
part of the eouniry in the name of the Uni
ted Stales
'On the I3ih, at the request of the for
eigners at the Puebo of San Jmei, the com-
nodore furnished a flg to be hoisted a
hat place ibout 70 miles interior from
Monterey, and appointed a justice of th
ieace to preserve order h the lown tha
alcaldes declining to serve. The flag w at
misted on the 1 6i h
'On the 8th Commodore Sloat seleced
Purser I). Faunlleroy lo organize a enmpa-
ly of 35 dragoons from volunteers from iho
h!ps, and citizens on shore, lo reconnoitre
the country keep open ihe communication
iieiween Monterey and Kan Francisco, ami
to prevent ihe people of the county front
being robbed, &e, kc. and directed him to
purchase the necessary horses and equipi
menu lo mount them.
'Passed Midshipman Louis Mi Lane bar.
ing also volunteered for ihai seivhp, he ap
pointed him first Lieut, of the company,
On the 17th, Mr FauniUroy war directed
to reconnoi'ja the country with his coir.,
in and as fjr rs the mission of St. Johns
to lake possession of that place hoist the
Ha, and to recover ten brass guns said o
have been buried there by General Castro
when he retreated fmm that place. On his
airival ther;, Mr. Fonnlleroy found the
place had been taken possession of an hour
or two previous by Capt. Fremont, wilh.
whom he returned toMonierey on the I'J.b,
He was subsequently senl to garrison the
place, dig., up mount the guns, and recover
a. large quantity of powder and shoi said to
have been secreled there; all of which he
accomplished before we sailed from Monte-,
rey; between which the Pueblo of San
Jose and Kan Francisco, a perfectly free
communication was maintained.
On ihe afternoon of ihe 15th of July ll o
Congress arrived with Commodore Siock
ton. On tho lGili the Briiish Admiral, Sir
Ceorge I'. Seymour, srrived in the Colling
.vond, 80, An officer was immediately
-ent by Commodore Sloal lo lender hint
the usual coiiriesiKri and ihe f.inliueg of the
port, lln as subsequently furnished with
a set of topgallant masts and other soars for
his ship, and sailed on the 23d for ihe Sand
irh Inlands.
The vibit of the admiral. I have no doubj
was very seviceable lo our cause in Califor
nia, us ihe inhubittnls fully believed ha
would take part with them, and that we
would be obliged to abandon our conquest
hut when they saw lha friendly iuercourse
subs sting between the two commanders,
ind found tin1, he could not interfere in
iheir behalf, they abandoned all hope of
ever seeing ihe Mexican flag fly in Califor
nia ngain,
'On die 23d Commodore Sloat direcled
Commodore Stockton to assume the ronr
nand oi Ihe forces and o, eiaiions on shorn
ind on ihe 29th, having determined to re
urn to the United Stales via Panama, ha
hoisted his bioad pendant on board the In
vent and sailed for Mt-zatlan and Panama,
leaving the remainder of die squadion under
'lis command.
At the time of our leaving Monterey,
ihe United Suu-s were in quiei possession
if all 'Alia California' north of Sauia Bar
'The Cyane sailed fir Si. Diego on ilia
2flth, to curry down Capt. Frenvint, with
ibout 150 riflemen, (Americans. j to luko
possession there, and to cm . ff Gmi, ds
ro's reireal to Lmver Cahlo.-md or AUxn
The Congress w? to saii on the 30h
for San Pedro. io inke possession ihere.
That pla;:e it 27 in s from die ciiy of An
gela, where Goo. Oasiro and Governor I'm
;o ihen wer; .idiJ ti vab Seiieveo mat irt"
oeilnielv mi hr srrjval il.ey would sura
renner. w hicli would put ho end io nil opt
(iiisition io the Uniied Stales in ttie C-aitfotj
ll JO.