NEW SERIES I.LOUB AND . Pi'liNM . l."Nonss l i's last icssnm, l)ir,.uli iho J -I it I. r t Commine. ol ihe two llnii-f n in infl uiiioniiil large subscription fr -i.c v. ..!, m.,ial bk and nri'KNDix; mimI Hie Ktnate, by r. t u 1 1 on , It i n f direct -.1 . 1. .... ..I ... r ... . . i. . . ? .. r.. ,., ,.,.io mi ,.rji.irni( ma Mpon ia ,, inu loiiioiizeo ini! secrciaty in ma oi-iii iii u'jiuihci wiin inn iiiiiii-r signed, stipulating that ih reports when rllien OlH shall he tiMf-rl In Ihe revision nf the speakers, the Uunorkssdnal Ol' nn and Appkndix is now ollercd lo itie piiblie iioi oniy as in auiueiinc, out as an Hliciai tepnr nfthe proceedings nf Coiigresi.mado iiuucr win rye, unu puuiiincu oy Buinoiity ul ihi body. 'I lie itileri)f nr4 originated ihe mode nf jtorinlizing the pinceedings of Congress, wliu li, thus adoptee , in to be perfected with l!ie id and under die supervision of Con gnu. Their publication was the first and only one lliat gave each eucceetine eiep in every nieasute m hotli branches ol Uonrexs a In ipf of all tlie dehors; eveiy important vol,; nu an Appendix, inclining at lull length, all the itviaed speeches delivered during the K siion, 7'ne work, as II is now lo be ennduc.ed fny ibent, wi; be found a most perfect poll i ical Inaiory, The Senators .roin Ihe Mules and the Representative Iroin every section if the Union bring with them into Con prrs a knowiedgn of the feelings, aenti niema, and inienais of iheir several rousiit nenriis. Public opinion and the public in formation, as it exists among those they rt p reseni. are enibmlied by them, and in tin crucible of Co it run the wisdom of out times t brought lo its teal, and is there con centraied, in directing the poliical move ments of the hole uoontry. The impul ses thus given through Congress from evert quarter react upon Ihe nation as a whole and all its component p.irts are made In move in cooperation. 1 lie prfss cannot he more usefully employed than in condensing; and again Hpreaiimg auroaii the intclligenct of our free country, lending lo sm;l liappt results through our almost miraculously uii justed Stale and Nstiouxl iiistiiiiiious Having identtlied outselves with the pl.m of advancing Hie usefulness of Congress bj publishing lull and impniiidl reiorts, and diving a Urge mm nf the CoNcrkshuNai. 1i.obu and Appkndix, issued during th List welve year, which would be impairer in value to ns and utility to the public if tin work were discontinued, we have a donblt motive to prompt us to extend it through ,, new series. We are nWved, if possibli to give it permanence, and to hand it down to successors as a stinilard work, worthy oi being mtinlained and improved We shall enter upon our new tinderi iking n iihoui being distracted or biird n J by any bsho ct.ite labors of the predt; and, thus linen cu.nbered, shall hope to make the new se ries a step in aivance of the former in hI pnini of exacinion, iVhIi a view to ac complish this, we shall be (owe or the oih tr) in attendance on Congress. The reports will not be afflicted by oui prty bias. We believe every member ol Congress w'll bear w itness that our icporif are full and fair. The filnbe is mads up ol the daily proceedings of the two Houses o' Congress-, and printed on superfine doubli royal paper, with smill type, (brevier anr nonpireil,) in quarto form earh numbu rontaing sixteen royal quarto pages, i'h' speeches of the members, in this first form are condensed the full report of the pit. pired speeches being reserved for the A pemlix, All rtsoluiitins, motions, and ot: er proeef dings, jie given in the form of tin Journals, with Ihe )eas and nays on ever important question. The Appendix is made up of the Piesi dent's Annual Message, tl.e repi ris ol 1 1 piineipnl officers ol the Ciovernnient iln accompany it, and all speeches of nieinl'i-o of Congress, written out or revised by them selyes It is printed in the same form a the Congressional Globe, and usoa'ly enk-f about the sjiiic number of pges during i session. I)uriii2 the first month or fix weeks of i session, thsre is rarely moie bmini ss doio than will make two numbers a iveek mo. (Jthe Cuiigrrjfifina! Globe and one of tlx j Appendix but during the rcmaiiid-r of : esiin, there is usually sufficient matti r lm two or thn-e numbers of eich every week. The in xt M ssion will be unusually iiiii-r-csiing, tin n f ie, we calcul le that ihe Cm gressionnl (Jlobfl i;nd Appendix 'ogetbei will miike ne-,ir 1500 lae quant pagt-s printed in smtll tyie brevier and nnnparn i JVe funinli complete ndi-xes to both at tin end ol sefsion, Vn have on hand tlie CongremionV Globe sud Appendix fm the last fifteen es sions cf Congress, nuking together fificei large rova' quarto volumes, which te w 1 1 . sell, unbound, for ! I: or boiind, with Hcs aia bu'ks and corneis, lor 850 Thme wl-o want l!ie back volumes should apply for them immediately, as thev aie in denaud l;ongrrss sulicri'tpi toi dit complele e ta luiinff ihe two IhbI sessions. The proceed. ings of Congress (or the last 0 years cannot U nrrv.-nrp;! from inv nlllf-r inmrpN.:.. and Seamn having stopped priming their " i"'-- - j Register of Debates in 18d7. We will endeavor to piint sufficient number of surplus copies to eupply all that ciisy be unsctrried, or lost in l mad; but subat liber? should be very parlirulir to fj!ft ilictr rasers can fully, for fear that we s!.ou;o not ie sdip to supply a'l Ion . . , , , it . .... nurnbtis. TERMS. Tot Me epr of ths t'otrrnor.d GV.-s 1 (") . For r,'PJ' ' e Aj'pi'ituis I IV lit routes olrillier, or pari nf ; t'i Tlie money may be reni tied t.y rr. .-, i ! m'iri f'fi f ail our t's. The nfest iml best uav la remi if, lo piy the amount to tli Po tinsiter uherii oii fsidc, mill nike rami ro ceipl, croiilind In lint following fonr; ; l'.T OH ICK, , 181 . KcctiveJ from A P dollars nlH ,,rtlu (llihe. from which I have dt ducted one fee cent . and charged mysej , n ,y nrcounl with the 'icneml Fust Of t with the balance. The Postmaster of . . . . . . . . . ,,,,,,, , f7, Un'l pay that buUtncc to Wa r & ll've or to thtir urder on the buck of tins iecch'i. i Poitmaittr.' T!m rnlei nf ih Cnr.,l iml Olli. n l) partincni authorize such receipts to be given ' J paj( ,Pre, when ihu amount don not exceed I0. When it exceeds $10, il i I,,,, , reiIltl mm.u p0tieiu j, bnk notes and the I'ostmasiei'a receipt for the balance The Postmastt r's receipt should be s?nt directed to us, and not lo ihe rosl musier of this city, as so ne penons are in ihe habit of doing. The money should be here iy the 7dt r December, at farthest in procure all the numbers. If not here bj that time, we may not be ub!e to furnith the firft ntimbeis. I'roprii tors of newspapers who copy this Prospectus, and send us ou t copy of ilicit paper containing it. marked around with r pen lo diiect our intention to il, !nll have their names enured nn i nr books for one cony of ihe ('oiturrssioiiai Ciobe and An- pendix during the session. Our prices for these pipers ar so low 'hat we rannol afford to credit them nut therefore, no person need consume hi time in writing for lliem iiii!eS3lie sends T.oney. I)!,A!!i ti RIVES hington, Odvler 15, 184(1. WOOD-WAXTi'il). IX. Curds of good (J. K WOOD, f" wi.itn b nuoiui price vii I lie nen. Apply at 1'. M. HL'UUELL'a, ! attawissa, near the briilgc. r?kCCLi.2:ATIClT WHEREAS, the Hon Jumpii B. An ruoNY, President of ihe Courts ol Ovei and rerminerand (icncral Jail Delivery', Conn I flatter bes-ions ol Ihe Trace, and Court if Common Pleas and Oiph.ins' Court in he liighlh Jirlii-ial District, compuscl o i. . , , , ... i:u counues iMotliuninnlanil, Uoluuibia md J.yco.ninn; and the Iliiimrable Kajiuki. aks and Stkpiien I'ai.dv, Ksq'ls. As uciale Judges in Columbia cniinl , have i. ued ihmr precept beating dale the. 2thli day I August in ihe year ol our Lord one ilmu and fight hundred and lnn-s.x, and lo me iKccted. for holding ? Court of Oijtr and Terminer, and ueneral Jail uenceiy, flene.rtf Quarter Sessims of the. Peace, Common Pkas and Orphan's Court, IN DANVILLE, in the Coun-v of Co. umbia, on ilio tl.n.l ,1oinlay of Novembi r text, (being die 10di iU and lo continue me w tek: Nmice is iherefuie hereby civen to tin Joroncr ihe Justict a of the m,i Cm,. t.ablcs of ilia said county ol Columbia, llmt hey be iheo am! then- in thur (uopcr p-r-uris at 10 oh lock in the forenoon of sau' lay, with their rec-irds, ii)tni6iiioi s, a-n, ther reiiiembiaiices, .o do iine tli r: ; r vhich to Iheir uffii-is appiitii,-. to he d oic. Vud those lhai itv. bnn'id hy rti.'ogiiizaoi t it proset ue again, t thr prisoner,) thai mt r may 6c in lb J,nl (,l 'said couniy nf C,i umbia, are to 6.' then a ltd tlicie to prose- 'te ag-iinl ihi'in as slisll he j ist Juror oe n quesiei! id b" pn .cm , m ijir'ir an, (,,. un e, ag.eealily to Mieir nonces. Dttnl Jl Dancl'e, the23,,y of O.'tohcr. o the year of our L rd oi,h i ion- ot.l i ;in iiiudieil a-id loily-MX, and in ihe 7'Ki t cm d i ii e Aidt pi iidutiLi! ol'iiiH L'oiH il omra meriia. IUVM Dl-luJ, Shtr'ff A ( , . !: ' 7 Mi stj M. - S HAHKLnV. TTOl.T.D rtspertfolly inr..rm the I... ,ha! ' V tlef have i is? rr:rt(l li -on I'. . . , ,.i,.. sn extcnaive c i j'iI rf FALL mi l V, I.M'K fa-l,i.niiit Millen, , Coud. Arrwig tiirii . ,,a""i,'t ay ' f"url r - i- i r' . , , . jinnrin, oi. eivtr, runnei, ri w tr'. Uihbonf.'s L t p!, l'f. hwjies, Ul ii? i .iir. jiruze, renin e s. ii vd L)itrses M.lis, Coi i.s,levl b trh, til-.dis. Lii asnmeiti. ..itn.'ii u'.l.ithc CJ. XI . ., . L iinen 3 brrti, .Vu u :vl Bo k Mu Un- t.'.'l ot-, a,l 'I ,-..( . ; , rf 'i.n r' t' ' r I .:!s! SlacE'aff Sale. H v Vitlue of a levari fjceas. lit recit d, will lit, exiio.e.l io public me i' i fate ai die Colin Ifni-ii n,)aiivi,i on iie I67i dirii of Xuvi-mhtr ntxt. . I A I I. a r l i u o chick, ;vj. I no iniiowini; nruotriv fin Wllj A rrilaiu if mrcuagt, lot o'l piece oi lano nereaiter HescriluM, beginnni)i n a pariol an alley, thence by iimiii atree .mnii, U utrn'ca wesi.u'l leel In liosi V I. II. I I Ill . n.. . thence South 27 J degreis llast, 180 feet li n alley, the same tNonh C'i deiret s l.i 00 leel lo Ihe lirst meniioiii'd alley, llienct long ihe saint) to the place of bi'"iiiuinif md in marking and knon iq the pUn in ne map ol ibe. town callcil l.ibeity or L pylown, No, 12 situate in Uiuoi townshi logettier h i li i hereditaments and ar leriHiiances fjeizi'i.', taken in execution to ;ie sold aj the propeiy of William e tterl v with noiico to Maihew McUowill leirs le- lanl. ALSO Jiy virtue o a writ alias vend ex st the tame .iine uml (dace A certain trai t rfiid siiuatn in iiarerrek uwiubip.Culum hn Coiinty eoniai'iini 43 acres motii or iras bounded by amis tl Gilbert Fowler am others w heieoo la crccieil itr house and a log barn, it VJivJ i I nt.rp. heizeo taken II execution i to be so!d as ,l,n r..., ,..... ,,l i;u,., II Si. ...I. I .1, j ,..ji. i iy ,ii .... c v. uiai rouubi woo nolici lo Hire It null's. Af.SO-A rcit,iitof gmund Hituale.lin tin town of Milllinvilio. iibm Conniv. cum ,iniiiL' me third ol'iol are ,llor6 oi ien, hounded io IVonl :y .".lam alioct u said tuw"- a,i,i ly ita of Kmc. liU on' Ilenrv Leila. wliernon 13 creeled a Uu stury 'r.'lV(?ril!ilusiso jam and NheJ. with the i! M L-i-apportonanscs. ."i Hi' jl'fi'f ' Seized, taken in execu i. jr. ... -yj.' "i!x linn and to he sold us tin -v.r-.i;g..v. j.roporly of JohnlCflle .jr. 1KAM DEKK Sl.lT. SlierifTs nffi'-p Danville Oct. 21, 18 JO. LIS 7' OF CAUSES For Trial at Nove-nler 'Per m. 1940 .'rchibald McCall'a heirj s Joseph Lemon Tobias Shir'.z ct al vs Thoi Moorltead pi al Dr. Thus Fitch vs Tims 3. Hubbard ct al Thus ,S. HubbarJ ft al vs Georgw Mans et al 7'hos SiarkhniiHP vs Vani ih Ri'ep et at i., I.., , . . .... oimuei an niman uwen I;. I.;i b tl al Same vs same S hop vs same 9 (JiiorgM CnrelW Patrick Hmliert I!) J i"ob lv E !gr vs Jacob l!;dieinan II Win. 7.,rrn r vs D, Moingoiiiery a lint it lo irs 12 Dav. Ilinncr for N s in fi' id 13 0. F. Maun. 0 P McDowell 14 W P.Cresfon el a 1 5 R tbert Moigomery P-cach vs A.D.U'il. Fiick et a I vs ) v? John Jo r el a! VS Ull j. Pall. TSUI) el l 16 Pelcr llrt.l! vn -i j. P Fnck ft 8 17 He. - D-t'rich va llw. Collet al 18 R'M'j. IJieklcy vs John Fonst Ifl Diutel Ct iss et al v, iimry V.'tbh '!,) Win, C Y irks vs Tlmm-as H iiiion 'il Joseph Paxtonvs S F Hetol!v el i,l il Pt'li'r Lunger vp .1 am!) 1 1 1 ' 1 ' h ! . a it h I 23 Oliver II. P. Blue vsWoor,-.? MoDjw- ell U Oilherl Fowler '8 S FI1 Hy el al 7'hos Loi'kerns adicr v? S F. Headlv lifim t KIiih vs Win Edgar jr 27 Win 1 Campb. II vs Montour luni Co MS I I'lt't St user vg Eltsj .heth Adams pn l S. D''iijberston et al i-sDaniclHoats et a' 30 Win llenrte vs John Rhodes et al t. SALE. The subjeriber offers for sale his HOUSE & it ?i wn mm aitualed nn the corner of Main and' East-r.'reett in iiooms'.nir,', Colntnliii t.Vmttty, To. Itiswri C3l.:ul.ite-1 lor tiio loca'ion far a Public House "iti,re,beinj C(5 Fi-e fmni on Mt,'n-$'rett, J5 HI -V2 feet on Lanl-afreet. ind the road leuilinp; to tbn lilftoraslntrg Joiil Dad lion Ooiniiany's Furnaces. TU'm Lot istvell eai- cibited for huililiiif; upon F.a-t-slieet n vo!l us on inot, and tiein situated in Die centre of the Iron Hi (ion of Oiiluiiibi.i f 'nuniy, is well wonby tin at:c.ntinn nf the capitalists. For any information respecting the conditions er.quite of B!.?om;burp, Dorernbei 20 The boirs nf Tiuorso llcfl-y, deceased, lute of Mouteur t nvr.ohip, Col, CO. ntfer at V'ublic Sa! O.i .Vaturdcy the i!h dry r-f Novamler, .x', a Finn, t'tnif.d abont 3 mib'S from Dlnomf. -"' S l! ''" 1 Icjd'.rj to Danville.contnining n io j'SO a'f i.lO L:tuiofi! iinjnouVeatlow.andall of t in u Sie Ma'tf nf cul ivnini. Upon itis s large 2 story ft am H us, a l-,r;s frsme hank bam, a !i)ti fjr,-.'.' hou.-e, h tdi hi : -t and Cidsr Press, o '.r;c otwha'd. with qood f.-cit 2 never failing ;jn:i?,j of wi'.-r, a-.d nr.riy SO acrfi cf pocd tix ci'i lifd, I U Fai-n ii;lj ;ii. l.ii:ic2:.;t-c lar.d. to c v.-..7iv.. e al 10 A M when te::na will bt kr-.wc, r.d aay !.'urj.rj!.t?9r. rj;roa liyapp!, f'ttr irrt-o' '.'..rymSi, -Am TO IiUlLDES. V.M.4I.I.1) ihoiiiwhU will bit icreivril by tli lf litiil.lnij ruiiiiiiuti until 4 o'clnrk in llm itf iiruiK.ii i'l Sulurdnij the 3 1 at if Octulcr , f r Heeling Jail and Jail IIouso- In i!i iov of, Col. ro. the Jnil ami !lt.i I of itans viol Hoiim of llrii k. Plans om 'ii'i ilii:ili..iii lo li ii'pn ul lliv Sluie of Win. Mt Kclvj Cu. Wrn. M.KI'.I.VY. DAMKI.s.NVuER, J4 ()IJ Y. tit. JOHN K'MSAY, L. II KI'I'KK I", lluildins Committee. "ept. 81-1840. FANCY AND WINDSOR Chair Manufactory. Look well to your interests IJefiire you purchase, and if you want s'oou jargains.juai call it the shop ol BOON ii DAIM'ON n Main street nearly oppnsix! C. Kihlers Hire, wheie you cm find ihtini really hi II Mim a to lurnislt Kmicv an J U nnlj,,. hairs, ae'.n-es. U ibIoo li, ckiug ehairs, or ny K nn! w uch ouv be cailtil f,r. as the I ... .II .1 . . ' . , . I iii niws ii iv8 on nam) a good ass irli- nam of all kniili whieh the v will noil l,.)e 1"Wf'SI ,r"'e l'OMI,,l,! f"r "f X' ' '""ig lm lumber or Cnun rv pioJuee l'rom their J.i'ir exj eiielirii in buliien antl 1 nation ii) on worn lllcli Cannot 'jo surpasied in ihecouniy, ihey ask for t hate of public, patronage. ''hey will alsi xt't ute ILtne. Sisn, awl ornamental P.i'mt. ins; and House Papering ... , . . . . i .ii inc. litviuMt ami most approved siylu anil I;)0I1 ri'asiill.ib e li mti. IHION' gi H A R TO . Rloomshurg Oct, I I. 'iil. 'iQ y a folic aS, The subscribers will i flYr ai r,li,- fj, at ihe house, the Uie Ct.ilot k JJuiiibi , n !tniiin.liirn .... "u,"8 ' i' Tuesday. Xuvert.le' 3, I3l(j, il lOo'cloik, in the for"'i,oim, tlm pcrsnmii uoperiy, oelonjmri to ilm ( .late ' t;r, k Romoy (!,.ci.;ied, ('tiisii.,c i f '2 c,,. "cs, 1 Bhiii-v ami 1 i r i k ajjoii. a settt i irnesa. I s ijb, i h,i. riiaml,, ,.!,.(( I cmv. a iitimber of beds, bedsteads, am eddiii", (htiirs, tables. DureaiH, r.vpms md :t l tf;e quantity of .nher lioue l,o, ,, ii.''.-o fiirnature. -Terms made known o die d.y of sale. jacor novp.nv, y.IOMAS liOVMJtlV, Ad(ititiistraiur. B oo'iishurj, Octttber 17. 1810. CLOCKS! ('LOCKS! j5"J5i;.4SS pi?!it ,hy atid twpt.ty.f.tur hour Vl)c'- tli j'1"1 received at I bo An ado ALU rich r v men .;r.L. Oct , no i'l en. To all Icyni es, ricditors m il oil t r f-i i iocs interesii d in ihe e taus i f the rcj t-c ivfl decedents a:-d minor-', tbat !' y:' nir.istratit n tii pnardian nrmtnn f i' . sail! estates have boi, fiiiol n ih , i the Register of the eountv of Cu t : m !i t. . -., r will 1ih prcsPniiol lot cotilirni nimi 1 lowaiicp io the Orphans' t'n.n. to i,(. ,i ; it Danville, in nm! for the county iif .tr-'n' ill Wednesday the 18t day of Xuvember next at I o'clock P. 1. Thp account nf Samuel Lan'z-T nn hrislian D-'tz'er executors of the lM Mil md tPBlmpni of John L"iitzer late of Lib erty lowiisliip deceased. 2. The account of O. II, P. I!iip A lmr if l!ie pinii! of I-:nc Blue late t.f MJi-niiiii tou i ship deceased 3 Thp account of Jrub Deinntt Admr. if the esta'ti nf Oi oriie W hhmighl Jatti ul Madison tnvns!iip (locca-etl 4. The account ofj din Vo'iphl sr'Ar'.mr. -.f i'ie psialp of Jidtn Smith la'e of Frank in tonnahip deceafd. 5. TK accoont o'Jacob A'leigh, Ex?r itor of the will of 'Itilij, Fonsi, la'e o' Montour township di-eeafid. Oil RLES OOXNCR Rpjj. Ipcis'ers effice ? Danville Oct. 16, ISIS, S BLUE STONE CHINA WARE. t. ffctta or separate xWct,, Just receivfd ant for aala at the Arcn-Jo A LQ RIGHT & MEN GEL. Oct 10 II A Hi? WARE, F?iO '.f a coffee mill to a 6!p, Jnst r.-B,T(l k toe Kaw Store. L. B. RUPEI1T. OF DRY GOODS, Jnsf re-eivpd at the New Store, nr.d for sale cheaper ihan ever. . i b ?upcr Ana--1 10 IB. CROCKERY WARE, - 0! 9 tfit, just rcceiretl sl t.o SdS.3.-s. L. 2. F.UF2UT. j DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNEP RIIII. Till; ('nia'lneisl,ii hereiof.iru cxi-lini' undi 1,8 ';'" A. It. rv Alill vSi CO, w"' na day dissolved liy iimtii il iiuiim iiI Ail puraon -V i 1 1 1; cluiiii' (;i;iiii1, or iiidi'liletlln tlie Irie liin. re hijuested timrltln wilh llm mi'imciiI ei; liy whon. thj husiiii'sa will in future la) rniiducltd. AMDS U. KNIJ0. Lithftrectj (uly 0, 1846. CLOCKS. 1 LAHM and Common, new at) le juut recci' ia. and for aula cheap at the new nore. . , L. li KLPEUT. Aug I splendid orticle of fA.N'UV ,,d WINDSOR 'HAlll and KU('KI.( ( :n a i us , i-... om i.iijiHsiieei iuw Mur. AMOS 11, NABI3 CARPEUNG. A new ,nrpy of elegant caroling just recciv 11. ed at lh new aturu. L. B. RUPERT. Aug. I A n aitaorttnont uFllor l nur ,r , .... iHV such as Ket ,, I'uu. UMt-io, '1 ea Krttica .I'tuora, fuUfl Criddlos, &n- Also furgo am! siiwll rt omi lloxcs, front the Danvil!0 0gle VVuilis, jUHt received and for solo Lv HEl'LEY &i A1EN DEN HALL. STRA YD "TlOM (he pasfur e near Clmalurrr on the M; nigbtul the i.j.h i-t, n,0 V-X-.r-Xf' Kit battle one sreiUtcoi ill'. '.,V Willi two white n,ig unoi, l,i, til a"J would wokIi ubout 400 ih. olUl!r 'Iauk Jl-ifcr and wuuld .wiijii utwui -ou J liny iv. purchased in Hunt. II v tit il 1 1 xi null i r T . . ... a 7 MUJ-U.WH ucr(! nicy ihhv Le (outid shall -.j v,.mUr.U VI UlLIf imuL'tf ,,, , u M.'OWICK LEIGIJT I3lonrr.slur(, September 18 onnuoy quest ios settled GEN. ARISTA DEFEATED I ! 1 , culi now ho thomjot hiciBjting topica of ,;it(luuuij, uuu liUi J0I1. K. ,TI0ri2!i :ompnien nn i. w tiTOIIP n,. tl,. .nil, v.-l ;nrner f Varkt.'l .cuuro ami n.nveA i,o i. .'. no a imb-o biiu general uisorlruep.t of DRUO.S-MEDICINES-DYESTLTFS PAIN irs-OILS-WSNDOW iil.S9 U P T Y - O O N K E C T 1 0 N A R I E y TOYS, tr. mt such being tha f. t, t,'i0 other questiona ro en- ii.-iv iosis,t:ll, oibih: l,o u rapidly diarto..,,- ,.i in ato-i: at rcilticeJ uricia. , o ... In adJi'ion tohia other bu.iiness ha has on ham' m cxl.-iii.ivi asvorluii'htuf KKI)Y MA 1)1'. rLOTIUN'fi .1 evrry dcriptir,n, nhicb he i a,-l!i i' " ' I"!" ii'iM-ii iii ini' County, lie invites all tn Kive him a r!l na he is deter nine I t. sell on tha Most losaj.-iaLlo iwui8- WBr cl in w ar I ' Juno 30.- 10 I . n I ... I I .. U ' J ' U DAIRY SALT. a.M. P q"dily j lit r-.-ci.ivpj , ,;, A.M( ALUKIL'AI h MEN CEL. Urt ' er 10 Jij M'I.fJ ft It till aj) .,, , -.v.d an ; f,,r mi r.t thu .cv St,.t0. I), l.'hlplrp. !);" H-,.i -i. . , i , . . J " " u an i l inn, ot c nc.v nl)j, j ii ioc.ncd in ihn . M,( i- it. I'.L'ii. ;'. A JC 1 A JOURNEYMAN' nj,V tU TIN. Fill )-r IPON ar.J RTOVK !'J I - It." S !. WD.i.-o ... (..?:, 4..!y ; v the nb. ' 1 ' '.Ml it til Pl H 1 i ! I'ollJ .il . 1 iii !.. p,vrn- 1). J. ICXL- r.. iu j cpteri l-1 13 A Sill jnr l;t. rmi lv.! -,' I .r ..'j IXL cheap, lv ff'.'E "v'CA VTH. '.';( n!-rt 12 "'I it C . J rtn!inr:S-riSf'S w!.h In i.-'.rr tk.r fi-nd tl and eti-to-r-e.-f rrr.era!!, i; ,- -lrV hsvn j :, c rived am' are now i per. in j a t '. si-r,.fr' if FALL J)XD WISTfiR COOIjS T.i-i tn M'j.trftf ri'Tteh, Fr ish m ( Suvtrieun Cloths end Cci;nerei t,in cy Cotiftfn'rn. t'l'.mttts, m,A- ic'tv,' s'ltln and f 'tiey v:.tin?i l)ts nrdi in varituj. such ranl.rneits ci.shmt ritti r-upe de ''.im. r.i.m i!e laines gin-rhurn, tn'irren. Le ironl hiods, u,o.V'i C'nf rts, sisn,-r. p' lioiieji, Hotks lui' tni, IcnJkirchiifs t'iria.l, tarn. nr.d a jn"l i rtment of or-unna, m f.- en. anl assorniri.t of DRY GOODS (iPCirr.RlRS, nJWX) If .IRE. llOil.tV n.ihK. en- U.iR ir.inv, quels. M'AHE i t i-e. 'aid ad r!ver s"i;!e ut'iy k;.t in ian!'y fjiei jail which thry have w.'ii gr-t e- am1 Inn t".o bet ti-iT.s, a:.d u onm ti: erchana k cafh or country pre !'; at vent r ret. J3'.oomer)a, Oct. 13. Pnnitinr article of Nn. J mi .TJACC1- B-I!T."T l. lU T. .rn.1 I . tivt"ap Li-t 6u-a Nw A. ii. K.NAud Cj. CILU5M.S it. IIUCKALLW Attorui')- at l4aw, 'Iffice S.iuth side, of M,iin-t. U'.oio Mm h i rV.L ATTLND COUMTS IN nili COUNTlEy OF COLL.MUIA VND LUZERNE. CIIAULES KAI1LER, JUSTICK OF THE PJSACE. AND BLOOMSOURG, COL CO., Offico, eornar of L'aat and Main-Street. GEORGE 0. WALLEH, Altoi'ijcy at Lair, HlOOMSBURG, (yOLDMEIA CorjNTV, Pa. offut on Market a few doors above IrJain- street O.f SCRVdiYOIl J.U CO.VVEV.i'Wr.U, iLaOMSBURO, Pa. WM, 15. HAWKINS, H: D Tliysiciti atid fMjrco'. jTAVM.NG located himself in '.h.oiiisl.urij. ton n ders his profpsaioual serviees to Ihe rot lie lio may be consulted at all tin is l I.:.. iT. u i. Wiili-im Kdltison'a, oppoaitti Dueblci'a iioti I. August "0, 1616 IS LATSST Nil v r.i - T 1 TjrT AV13 justcpensd a NRW is"0R;: in fJa n ftS pytoviii, opposite tho (Junal L'asm, tlii-y cf.i-r to those who vent te I L V tllKAr, a goncrid and well nelected j-iortji.ont of Jj Dry Goods, Clroccrios Hardware, Quoccs Vtarc, fShoes, Uc. and all the u-'Uil variety kept in roimtrv stnt'i All of which ihcv will aeil cheap for cuh, or ..1 aliafactory terms for COUNTRY PRODUCE. They respectfully solicit a shore of puhliepit onage. GMlXand LUMBER will Le 'uken al the Mnrfcct Prices. Aajust ia-iC lily cw and fahh kunpla i.f. Hi; isi and SUuulJcr. juat luccived it um Arcadu ALBRIGHT &. MENCEL. Ojt 10 CARPKNTKRS' ICOLS. l ir,:e oasnitircnt of tha boot kind of drain. tt( l'oi'I-ju-,l received aud will buliejil uon tuu.iy on hand ul ihe Arcuda. ALI1DIULU i M EN GEL. Oct 10 A Lj. 'hja-i having virwe'iled crci n!a with ':n rA. s'J!'c.ihers arc henbr not, fd that ino .it)l be xcttli-d c.-it'.mtit further dchiy. r the Lo, v'il! l,c plrtr.ii in 111.. IisikU of the propei ofPicera to J io.tcJtd with nccctc'.inr,' tr. ..vt , DRODai U SANTEfc". 'Sill R has ju-t rc-ct-: H l of i. k jfi I R r,.-.t,v jt:j. eWt'-J w'tih grrtt care fiom tic1 .:: i.i , ; or the hill tirie,eoiii-'iatiiij t,l li e .:... ;a '!ciof Ingham Lawis, Pe Li. Ci. ai.'t I t ! . Ciotli. C i'' liCies. Vt-.i, fe!.. Alt-o s f'sh l"i !-0 uf UMTS .iSD C.-i' f t'. re-vt". styls fir fdl. Al.-o -a i.,--.- nnors a ip,.'. v CLC. .m jr.:: . :v,5 t,.' , n- . , j t ' i . i ;m m .. r,o w;:o oosiliicly ihr r t..e a., iv T S .hscnr,rs hcipjj Phif mir;od net no' lore di i!,nr iinjjf hors. . hr ,.ii i ' ". i-ilvn hi vhip. e pn; i!-. ,) f. .iro i' Jnrfe Chut ing fiom (Jji , .,. ','.' JOLI. V R, t.t .irijj il ty ct, mie H iu itlves 1) r o--fig. TAN ! LE & SILVEP.TBO.V. Juljr I, 1?j3. r.ioNi: foal. run fj'.ii!-er li'c,M l.ti ii a ."c-r-Vr arf c itco.tHSv-. soiiA.v.r.d p-r.i.i'.v; & CO A I "h-C' !) a o ti 'p i hA II VA LL I i,- .MI-AI-tAtlvlil.. Oct . 'tt TOVA 6 DilA LA Ti.K. fcr sale f 't.n w t, !ir all kinds of grua .SAl i.u i Ct, y ii MBNDKNHALL. o.t li lOANKSI! r!,Ni:" f j uale a t niis Oi i'ijij.