have sworn upon the Alter of Cod, eternal ho(IIIty to every form of Tyranny ever the Mind of Man." Thomas JelToron Iff. WEBB, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. IILOOMSHUIU2, COLIDIIUA OOtXTV, PA." SATURDAY, OCTOII12K .11, ISKi. Vol mac X. Vniiiixi as. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCMT. South ridk of Mais, a few doors m: LOW M ARKBT'STRKK'f , The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will In pu'dUhcd even Saturday morning, at Til'O DOLLARS per annum payaldt h if ucarlif in advance, or I n o voiiars Ilfty L'tnt,lj HOI paid UUllin mcitui. So subscription will be taken for a shortei period than six months; nor any discon tinuance )mnittcd,until all arrearages arc discharged. ,i DI'ERTISEMEXS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserlrdat One DoUar fort lie jirsunrre uisi tiwu, awl Twent'if-five cents for every subse ,,f nser'iion. CT A liberal discoun La.de to those who advertise by the year LETTERS addressed on business, must be post paid THRILLING NARRATIVE. LOSS OF THE U. S. BRIO WASHINGTON U. S. Biua Washington., PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 22 184G. To Me Editor of the Baltimore Patri ot; Sir: Should you deem the fncloscd details of the wreck of the U. S, Brig Washington, in the hurricane of the 8 h inst.,cff Cape Hatter?, worthy a place in the columns of your valuable paper, they may prove not uninteresting It some of your readers, as being connect ed with a fate of a gallant officer, well known in your city, and wherevm known beloved. A Naval Officer. After a pleasant cruise of about a month, in the Gulf Stream, where sh. had been employed surveying, the U S. Brig Washington, L'. Comm'g Geo. M. Bache, stood in, on the 7'h insi.,foi the capes of Virginia. As tho wind ap peared ihreaining, the wind fresh anil blowing on shore, great anxiety was feh to. reach an anchorag". The night came on dark and lowering, and as we reared the land all eyei were lurried to the windward to catch the glimmer of the light for which we were striving, (that upon Smith's Island,) though the haze aad squalls, now beginning to ob score the horrizon,at the windward- A bout eleven our hearts were gladdened by the welcome cry of 'light ho' from the look out; but the joy ws doomed to be of short duration. The liht upon Cape Henry, without making wheh the harbor cannot be entered, must have been obscured by a squill, for when we brought by the wind, after beaiing tip for it, expecting every mnmenlto make the looked for beacon, always civ erin to the manner, in our case we felt to be our only hope the terrible cry ol breakers ahead!' strurk a pang to heart throbbing with hope, aud loM that we were abandoned to the horrors of a Ite ehnrp, and that our only prospect ol safety lay in being eble to curry sail a gainst the wind, Sea and current foic ing ii"' upon Cape Hatters, the terror ol genre n, this al' felt to be forlorue hope. for the gale, now increased in violent, howled ominously ihrough the ringing Biid already our Ii' tie vesel swaggertc under her canvass; the sky was obscured by flying masses of daik cloud; thr crest of the waves heaving their duk volumes to the sky, fli-hed with the ghastly phosphorescent light often ob served in storms, once the tie a ahead was lil up for a few seconds by a pair blue light, known to seamen as thtCor pus Santo, and whose appalling appeir nnco ihey supersliliously regard as the precursor of misfortune and wreck, the barometor fell rapidly, and everything foretold a terrible strife of tho elements Upon discovering the bi taker, the brig wrs iinmcdiittly worn wiih her head cdf shore ; ihe courses ret fed, htr top hAs double reefed and set. Nobly .the gallant craft did her p.rt ; groaning io every Hmuer; Her tail mars uowing . . .. i 10 the blft. Da) light found her si dragging on, and rising lothe seas whicl appeared r f sing on to her destruction. it hi ought an increase of wind and mo gloomy prospect, the sea ran feailulh nighj and appeared ono sheet of foam, far as the eve could leach. We had lost during the night the lie bonts,whicl had filled lorn from Ihe davit?, jib and (lying jib booms, lopma.it, staysail, J-c The lead, every cast of which had tern watched with deep anxiety, told tha' we were rapidly drifting upon the shore. By seven the winds had increased u- hurricane; sul after sail had eithei been taken in, or splitli.ig wiih a noisi like thunder, blew into ribbons to lee ward, the yards shivering like pipe s:ems; nothing remained but the foretop sail, unconnected tinder which the brig lay to' nnlil eleven, A. M., when tht hurricane had reached ite height, and raged with extraordinary violence, sur jassing anything we had ever sten. Tlx brig lay oil her side; the wa'er bjiling over the lee rail; we were obhged to cling to the rigging, to prevent beitik b'own or washed overboasd, for the sen ippeared uprooted from its bed and borne in huge masses through i he air, constantly awept our deck. Ttie lc guns were thrown overboard, and sub sequently ihe weather ones, and the helm put up; she refused to answer ii and the order was given to cut away ih. mainmasts it wag promptly obtjed, a was eveiy other, our noble crew behav ing with ihe SteadintS and disiplint characteristic of 'men ol wai's men.' lit its fall Ihe mainmast cariied awa) he head of the foremast, topmast am loreiop sail yards, which hung in a mas- o leeward; every txeiiion was mule u null of the Washington' steeled wildly in before tire bun icane to ihe shore, tin had flri ven so well lo clear; tl.e anchou Dad been )ifpaied for letting go, as tin last hope, yet no one imagined ih.it tin bles wuuld hold for a moment in llu furious sea. The horrors ol ihd seen i) 111 j decrip;ion. '1 ho fu rce huwlinj, of the hurricane, the ro.ring ol in- waves, breaking in irregular m,ssvN a round u and press ng on madly in uui wake, as eager io be in al Ihe death were added lo ihe crashing of spars, which, falling fiom a I o ('( or Uu.ichtd m Ooaid by Ihe sea, now made sd luvn' among us. Two olTioei s and evcii.lo he crew had been boino wounded be low: scatcily one among in tseapi d in ju.'j ; and j et throughout this trying jco.ie not a sign uf (Inching lore and (', not a blanched cheek was to be seen oidtrs vvcre given and executed with he coolness of cveiyday niai io ivcriug. A'cver did ihe wntrrfjt l sj proud ol nis countryman's seamen as then. Ai1 we neared the breakers, each in hi awaii- -;d the fnle which appeartd inevitable with a calmness and s t-1 1 possession al most incrediiabh. At or iiar meridian, tht htlm wa. put down, and the larhnard ar,choiag lei go;h came lo ihe wind, ,i Iwhvj nea broke on board, throwing ihe brig. upon her beam ends, shilling tank-1, ba last.&c. in ihe hold; carrying awny (ii'Uen in lovV hy t-r, ami upon ine even- lerk. cabin, wheel, boat., bulwai k,itr.. i and washing overboard nearly tvny soul. b'H tin own aboard hy il.esra, ho r phied half loll of wan r. or clinniriL - r ... io fragments ol ihe wn ck, towing, al ucce-ded in rrgaiinng the deik.txcep' 'iur lamented commander, Lieut Bactnj and ten ol the rre w. In a moon hi they were swept fiom nui view, thai moment ihowtd them calm and composed, the determined sjiiri', which suppoiied iheni in hoanl senned still to m nr e "htm. 0;,e noble fellow, as he passtd &eie r n waved his hat in token cf tdiur, and tht driving spray hid them forever from rur sight. We supposed ourselves a nongihe breakers, and that our unfor unate shipmates had but anticipated our loom alill it was a bitter ang lo see them thus cut of from among us, and many an eye which bed calmly confront ed, death, mislrusied al their laie. They weie among ihu flower of our crew, bel ter seamen nsvef trod a deck, and long will be cherished the memory of the" eneious. kindly naiures. My pen is unequal lo ihe task of pay ing a li. ling iribuie to the memoiy ol our depariec lommander, lo rare professional accom. jlishmi'iits, he added eveiy vinut which ennobles tho human character. Never waa commander mors uneerJy jeloved ind rebjiected by those who erved under hirPj his duly was always up)ermosl in his mind, and the las words we heaid him utler were address- ng hisoflicors when Ihey stood logeth r on Ihe brink of eternity: 'Gentlemen I hope you think I have dune my duty have used eveiy exertion lo save llu vessel.' He had indeed done his duty, with ihe skill and coinage which distin guished him no mortal could havi done more. Yet, when there appeartc no earthly hope, Gjd was mercifull) pleased lo succor us; l he hunicane abau ed. our cables veered lo tr.e 'better end' (contrary lo all expectation) held, hik! die anchors dragging checked hti dril1 .-.oon after ihe wind suddenly shifted u ihe north waid and westward, ihe fea weni down considerably, ami still drag 4mg, ihe brig tailed olJ shore. She was lightened of kenlkdge, &e., the fore naii cut away, and rode easily, at sunse' C).e Hiilleis was seen cloe aLoal'J -Un hi ihe 12 h, we rode to a heavy g-il :'iom the nonhward, with two anchnis head the stream cable hid pirted.On jables bearing a heavy strain, wo tX jit'c'ed every moment to pait, anil tht ii eakeis o)on the Cape i oaring astern . We were employed ringing jury inas'r nit having saved only a lew lilii sp.ns managed badly. Upon Ihe evening i I he 12 h, the wind dying away, hove tin ihe lai board chain, ami fuuiiil the ai - clior gone. In heaving up ihe .Mai boain ine, when near the bows, i's shackle lilt drew and il was also lost; made sail ipon the j'iry masis and sloud lo sea 'lie next day spoke the biiJ. Pi:ter t n of New York, and by her was kind j s ii plied wiih an anchor and a few s-pare cj ar., and the next day ihe steam er 'Palmetto,' obtained from her a small iioai. Upon the 15 h, wafted light airs :rom the southward, got within thirty rnih'8 of Cape Henry ; when ihe wind again coming out fresh from the N. E. were again in great peril barely suc ceeded in Weathering; 'Halters Shoals,' un! again were blown into the 'gull stream,' where she 'lay to in a gih from ihe northward and eastward, until he 17th, when it abaljd, and in the b f 'crnniin lo Ihe great joy of all hands, man of war, showing .mer ican colors, wis dt soi i bed standing: towards un. Jl- ho nriarf.d u, we recognized with emo linns of pride aid pleasure, the well known f'mire he id of Ihe 'Consfnution.' We wire immediately boarded and la- u. of ihe 21i.xelnnging wiih her gal- I ni rrtw ihr'-e hearty cheers, we cast on .i,d s'ood in iho Caprs of the Delawaie, vt'ere we anchored en ihe 22; I, accom panird by pilot boa1. We wre near ly desuiiiie of water, and of every com orl; when wn fll io with 'Old Icon ..nipt ' arwt utilt hlllir I uMiplittiff IV I'll! .v , , , . , . , , jraii'Uile I lie kind sympathy t-xiKided; J . towards us by he r effic. r., and the al.e-l "7 s'M,"s"r W,U1 wh,cri '"inrimiiivereirion.. and we in wardlv wished suppliid our wailf. Liar n to I. re, and live to Icai n. UU' BELL THE 'STRIKER.' A SOUTH-WESTERN SKETCH. BY WILL WHIPPLE, Two years ago we were al the little town of Columbia, on the banks of ihe Missisiip pi, at that time a place of some local inter' est, from the fict of a ruffian being impris oned there previous lo his trial for murder ng a man. Tho victim of this ferocious murder bad called at Stewart'a house afier sunset Bnd beeced a lodnitifl for the ninh', which was granted; but after the ninn had sought the resting place pointed out lo him Stewart, in a spirit of brutal spnri, set his doga upon him and uiged them on until the. poor fellow, afiet vainly attempting to de :end himself from iheir attacks, wag literal ly torn lo pieces, and then flung out of doors io die. The eircumslanccs of this hortible mur der may still be fresh in the memory ol many but i lie details of the capture of the iDurdcrir have never, we believe, been made public. And as the personages coin ocrncd in the arrest, together with the mode m which it was performed, afford a Cue op portunity for exemplifying some of ihe pe culiarilies of South- Wesiein chancier, we shall give the rclaiion as we heard it fiom tho mouth of one of the actors, indeed the or eiliu I 111 i ic un air. uui iu ucbmi ai iun, 1 1 6 m i :. i - (T!. I) I. .-: l. beginning. About two weeks after leaving Columbia wo were glancing al Ihe door of a small house in the hide lown of Jonesboro,' on die Washiia, and consisting of five or six Mg duellings and a cottonshed of ihe same Urinative archiiectuie. Near where we il'iod were two Arkansawyers, as they cali themselves, in earnest conversation, in the nurse cf which one of ihcm used a phrase which, though common at iIip S.mih, vvas ii leris' new to es, It was Alt! he's o striker. Now, although curiosity is said lo be tl e ;!nnliar preiog-ilive ot worine, we musi : nifcss thai man likewise has no small diaro of ihe same ticklish propensity; in east wn felt it on that occasion, and biep- (iing forward said; My friend, what do you mean by a trikei?' The man eyed us for a moment, and then (plied ! 'Why you see sirangcr but stop a bit, ill I take a firginny feast.' A Virginia feast,' thought we; 'what is thai?' e soon knew, for aficr diving into ihe recesses of his capacious pockets, ho dre forth a large piece of chewing tobacco, and fier offering it 10 us will) 'Have a chaw?' tie bit off sufficient to poison a hoise, and rolling il to ihe side of his cheek, commec d bis explanation afresh Why, yon see, stranger Mose and Aaron wur strikers, George Washington war a striker, Gineral Jackson war a strik er, and that man tbar,' pointing 10 an indi vidual ot a short distance off, 'he's a strikei and no mistake He aint fell his oats for nothin, I tell ye.' Tho definition puzzled us a little, hut wo made out enough of it to uudersliml that all persons wlji perforin djeds of prowess are 'strikers. ' 'I he 'man thur,' indicated as a striker. W9o a short, lean, mcscular man, dressed in the white blanket coal. With black stripes round the skit and over the shoulders, so foinuion lo the South. Ho bore in tl bend of his arm a long nils, and at his side a suined and greasy ,'eaiher pouch lor bul lets, from which also depended a long hunt ing-knife in its sheath. After taking ibis survey, ne turned 10 our new acquaintance aud said 'What has he doue, lo have thai tide giv en liimt' 'Done what, BV Bell? Didn't he cap tivate Dick Steweart?' 'This then wig the man who performed . ;, , .. ... I- . ,- 1,131 VALIIUIU IIIOUVMI wo muRing ill llllll .... , , , , . wiih still more interest, for the fame of the faf an( lhoM we could hear him relate the manner in wtii'-h 11 was achieved. A few days afier. I'-arus u wtre gratified. I 'You aee,' said he, to a knot of audilora, uouru a a.eamoo.t, going to Ecore Fa- ucr. i ou see, riar was a reward offered io any body who would take Dick Siewart and ao I though 1 1 mouglu at wall iiave ii as not,' But were you not anxiout ibout the re sult? This Stewart was, by a'l accounta s lesperate character, and I heard a man aay 'If Dick Siewart told liiin to awiia the .Vlissijiippj he would have lo do ii? 'I know, glraiiger, bin that waa the heal of ii. 1 said io myself; u' Bell, you aim had a learm' down fight for a mighty longlroiVi,' but it wan't no use he tonldt.'t lime, and here's a smari chance to wake you up. But I'll e,it somebody to go along jest to see fair play like. So 1 called on tlineral Plummer, and sen he, 'js ain got noihin' to do jest now, I d.m't care if I j i tie you' and then I knnuked up liafi Morgan, and he said ad how though he had die agur raylher tall, he reckoned he could see the (on 'twixt the sliakins ' So we goi our plunder and put it in a dug out and started for the Bio Bcnholemence.as 1 hearn tell Siewart was in the swamp up that way. When we got to the swamp, we bruck through tho cane, makin a bee-line for the nigger hul whar I more'n 'specled Dick Sienart larihed, I know'dall Ihemdiggins' well, and tltar warn'l a trail I hadn't fuller ed from the Mississinni in tho Waslitxu-: fm 1 ' . . i i i .it i .1 inv a liiie I d a hunted bar and Bicli like vannin from Rio Mason right across to the Bio Bcriholcinee carnpin' oul o' nights and stariin' fresh next mornin.' 'Uul were you nol afraid of the wolves?' 'Well I warn't. boss! Wolves can't skear me nor painters neither. The bars ia wuss nor all the oilier varmin put tj geiher they've got a mighty nasty bug 1 it II ye.' Then you have been scared by the bears?' 'Well, stranger, i do confess that corn once'i a few. Bui as 1 was sayin', we struck a bee-line through the cane, and bimcby we come in sight of the little log- house, then ses 1 to the Gineral, 'Gineral,' st-s 1, 'you go one side and Kale the other, ind don't you two do noihin' on less Dick tries to make tracks lor ihe awaaip.' '.Veil, we won't, Uu',' scs ihe Gineial. 'When I see'd 'em gland well oil, I edges nyself lo a big cotton-wood tree, at good thooiin' distance and hollers oul; 'Hello house,' and bimcby I seed tin door open a leeile jest h leetle, and ihii: Dick Siewart put his hel round the coinei of the door pool. As soon is he seed nit he ses: 'What do you want here, RuT 'I want you, Dick,' ses I. You aim come to inke me.'' sea he look in' as black as thunder. Well, I aro, boss,' ses I, a sort o' q lint like; 'and here's Gineral Blummei and Kafe Morgan eome to 3 e lair play.' 'You'd a bloody sight belter clear out while you can,' ees Ire, 'for I'm not gwim to be taken alive, I tell ye.' '1 dar sayi' ses I, 'I spected as much anil I told the Gineral so; but I'm ihe mac what's gwine to lake you, Du k the Gin eral and A'-fe won't do nothin', jest to ob !e '0 me, unless you try lo streak it.' 'Go way, Ku I don't want lo hurl you,' ses he; 'look here you ses I'm not onpre pared. ' 7'iiat's a fad,' ses I; 'you've gol ltd rifles, a double barrelled shol gun, two pi- fols and a bowieknii ; hul il a.nt no use 'loss you must come.' '.Must mm!' sss he. gripping his riflr and giuin' oudaciiuly satsge. '..IAi -mine! look here, Ru' 'laint five men ear take me, nor ten nuiher, and you know j so you'd belter make tracks for the Bi mighty quick, or I'll blow my nfla througl you.' 'That's ail c'rect enough, Dick,' see ) lookin' right into hia eye all the tine, for I seen be was a gettin' caiawampous, 'That's all e'reel enough, Dick, but I didn't piddle all Ihe way up the Bio for nothin', and i would'ilook well for me lo go home with out you. Besides, ses I 'what would the Gineral and Rafe say I ptoraised 'em s fight, and it would be onfair lo disappoin 'cm, il would,' -Well, ees he lookin' as savage as a ih bar what has cub.. 'If you toil have it, Maze away then.' 'No, Dick' sea I, 'I'm made up my mind to captivate you; but it's agin the lawi for no to (ire afore you've made any legisianca io shoot on al once'i or else g'remler it tint no use talk in io much about it for you must come.' Stranger ycu should have hmrn him 'ip and cuss, when I said that; he eiomp'd and he swore, and called tne all manner . names, ontil he churned himself vp itdo a skear me nor yii put tne in a passion and nake forgit what I war doin' I've fit (he logins Do much for that. So all at once'i he guv a skreek, and bazed right away. I seed what war comin' and so I dodged be hind tii e cotton wood tree. I war jent in ime, for the bullet ploughed along the bark and look oil a splinter right agin my mouth md the wind of it lurk away my breath, a ts to make me slaggcr o' one side a leetU when crack! comes another bullet and rips my hat right off my I ead. 'Hooray!' ses Stewart; 'lhai's twlca't I've hit you, AV go home now like a good boy you can'l lake me.' '1 didn't say noibiu', but J drop3 quietly lown behind the tree, and curlin' my rifle round il, blazes away at him and bit turn in the side and when 1 seed him fall back I 'crawls lo the other end of a big gum what laid on the ground a roiienin' and turns on my back and loads my rifl e agin in double quick time and then 1 peeps the leetlesl mil through a crook of ihe limb to see for Stew. art. J bar he was in the door-way wi.u his lips tight clenched and Ins eyes a flash ing, and lookin' all about arier me with a kinder snort. Ilisfacewasa leede pale, md the blood was oozin' oul from his side. Well we wailed jcsl so lor a good while he a watchin' for me and a peepin' for banco at him; for he keep himself covered pretty much by the door post, and it warn't io use in me lo fling away a shot. At last I got tired and thought I'd a better draw him ml. So I lifted my hail on my head till it dond straight up like and ihen showed il a ove the log. Cruck! went his rifle agin, md I fell the bullet si ulp met but I did'nt nare for that but up I jumps aud fires right nlo him. I know'd I'd hit him for hn suv i queer sort o' screw to his mouth aud ft!( hack behind the door posl ajin. 'Well, arter this, we wasted a good deal i' time a watchin' for one another,- but at I ,M I coieh'd hia eye a shinin' belwecn ihe logs and ihen 1 thought I would try a trick on him that I had practysed on ihe ngins once't afore. So wobbled along on my helly like a sarpent lill reached the cot ton wood tree and clmgiu' wiih my kft hand io the tree swung myself suddenly round it and a3 he tired jumped away up with a slireek and f. Ii kerthump right fl on the arid. Ihe moment J did so tin 'prungnul all a blcedin' and struck for ihe ane brake; but R ife Morgan dashed fm' wd and keichm him in his arms flonj him lown and lhar ihey wrasilcd fust one up and then t'other till Siewart got R,fe un let most; and tl'en aenl him fomb'e at bin iue fui aonelhin' a'-d presently Gineial Plummer calls to me quick Look oul Ho'! look ou7 Shoot Stew irt li e scoondei' ees he- 'Sec! sec he's i gwine to knife Rafe.' And sure enough the biwie was about o make a plunge when tired. Well liters said Dick w is a ra'sl rosrsr what I'ye think he did Why he dropped bin knife and flung Rafe uppermost j-sl in lime or my bullet to perforate him ihrough. What Morgan your friend!' 'True as Gospel stranger, t was a dean hole io il Ihe shoulder and out at toih- .x side. Well it made me mad lo see Ii urn over on his back, so cpning fo'ard. and afore Stewart could use hn knife agint pinned him to the ground. S'rendei!' ses Ml seefyou d d fust,' sea he and then he turned all sons o' colors and fainted. Well ihe General and staunched lh dood ofhoih ofRife and Dick, and then we carried 'em m the ring cu', and peddled loi the iho, makin' Uie neatest Hacks for I