The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 24, 1846, Image 3

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This hodv cuisisn of mruil'iTH nl
w ho n It !tr" i lii-ii'il every h r . We give
hi' !' ihe. mhiiih nl ilm tii ' in tit' r a com i''ii
ISi7, in,i, i ;.'((( N, ill yen, smai.1.
I'MMIAl.t, PisIKUTi.
I. t v nf t'liihdelphia Charrs (lib
funis )H lit,m , Calif)
II Connlv III Philadelphia-Ol.lVKH I'
-'Hxma. Henry I- lLmncr, ilium F
HI. Miii'j;i'iKrv Genrf liithnrth
IV. Chester and Delaware mmi
ll'il ' itnnsnn.
V. Merits J. ilm Pollirn-cr.
VI Mucks J,inh Hick.
A IL L "earner mill Lelnnoti Jlbruhmn
lltrr Smith, Jnlri ' Sandennn.
VIII Schuylkill, Cirlnin, iliinroo am!
Tiki" William Ovcifield.
I V. Northampton mid Lehigh Jacob )
X. Suqucliinnn, Wayne, and Wyoming
Wll lllll II Don.lllfk.
Nl, HmilfofJ and Tinga Gordon 1'
i mnn,
XII, Lvr'ominiT, Clinton ami Gentia
ll'i u'a ti Itrrii
Xlll'iiitf and Co'umbia -Win. S
XiVr. H inpl.ii) an J Northu'iibeiland
JJri jiitnin Jordni.
XV. 1'eny ail Cumberland Williau
1. mlfrson
XVI. Mi HI n. Jat.iata and Uiiiiin Jacob
S. f'ti'rg'msfWer.
XV II. Y,)ik Phi ij Smyer,
XVIII. Franklin and Admin Thoma
XIX Huntingdon anJ Iledfonl John
XX. Lidinni), Clearfield, Cambria am
Ar nsirong. William llieler.
XXI. Westmoreland and S.imcrscl
Samuel II I'.
XXII. Fayette and Green duties A
XXIII. Wash!n:ton-F 0. Crear-raf..
XXIV. Allniibanv and 15 itlcr Ueor?
l)arsie. John Lewis.
XXV. Beaver and .Mercer Robert Dar
XXVI Crawford and Venmgn Jjtnes
P. Ilmvi'r.
XXVII. Erie-Jesse 7? Johnson.
XXVIII. Warren. n. Clarion.
MiKesn, Potter ar.d Fk Jiiues AJ. Oil
lid. The Capture of Neio Me?icn.''hcni
who have brcn disposed to blain-e t!ie giv
ernnieni and our brsvp oflirTs ai.dni.'ii i
5exico for not pushing tif wt 'iinre vig
orously, may find smne ciiiisolv:o'i in l!u
fan ;bal, in he short spi-o o fifty ih:y!Mh
srmy under Cenoial liearnpy has inarnhei:
nearly nine hundred mili s over a ik'srr
eoim'ryi and conquered a portion of ilio rn
rmy's leni'.ory containing 80,000 souls
w iihout firing a gun.
Jin .It I ark on lrera Cruz Canttmp'ut
fil. Liem ISerrymni, tin; (dlo'cr who he
IiuvpiI so nobly al ih Idsh nl thi; T u f tot
oil' Tiie pjii. passed ihrough Savinmli ia?
week, as bearer of despalel es from t f
Fq'ia.Iron nl Ver J Cruz to llio govrr m'-iii
at Washington. Tli) S4vannnh (ir'otji.i
lerrs from a gpnllcm-iu who cdiivi rsei'
wiih Lieut. Berrj mni on llie cars, that i
hus bepi) (k'lprmiiipil to attack Vera Cruz oi
lh; land sido by an fixpnliiion ftom Tampi
ro, ihat the hoisting of the fian and stripe
in the riiy will be the sitr-d for an ail irk
by tlif qtiadro" "pon the ('istle of S in Ju
an D'Ullon. ThU u lha on'y way it
wbifti iho (Jast'e pan be laken, and die ob
tuining pnsspssiot) of that point is deemed
nece'sary to end ibe wai.
Official frm Gen. Kcarr.ty. Des
palclii 8 fi om (len. Kearney of the firs1
decembi r hae been n reived ai Wash
ington. The Union iysiiey make, no
aM'ibion lo thn r pot is from the St. l .nim
papers. TheCJ'-n. was organizing hi
mili'aty foice, and making airapg"
merit? for t!.e ptoyisional govet otnt o'.
He bud "Mil a p ir I of bis force in h par
of New M'X co vvtiich lies Son'h olSm
ta Ft', for tliP potp(ii of lorg og Ho
hoi-' S, Jo'. IL' s;.ys oolbiiig i f tins f X
pfdition 10 Cilif' .rnia.
A G nil Day's XV. ? A" Ai rresi on
dent of the Hartford C Miri'T tz ai
pcfotiol of a wedding wh.rh be a't'-nd'
in 7, ibun:', tho biidrgroom of ivhiel
had done the com ling funnd ihe'Squire
invited die company ridden f'r
nvo niiics lor toe wis man in:
and ridden ' mi'es lor the punot
cLe in 12 hours.
The opuliitinn of Huff a hi has krpt parr
will) the astonishing increa-e of i s cum
ineice. In ISHj iIif population ol I'ull
eluding probably Illack liock.waa only 2,1
12 in 1811 20 300 snd ia now probably m
far from SO 000.
I be firM slat k of the new Allnitowi
Furnance, whs mofi (successfully put i
blast lasl rhuraday, an-1 works adinirab!
well. In about six weeks the oilier (Hack 1-
to he fii.ihed, '-'vill hp roil iminrdia'f 1 v in't li is not tynre ihnn .r) months
ao the lirst spmle was pni into die grout!''
,'or ihe err etion of these works, and lhe
have .sprung up as if by maic.
Oft" n A iiuiit Church Imi hern r
i'iIpiI nl l) rf yon City Oregon, The Atv IJi'i nnler imvi'h cxiricis from liUna-
I'imii ilii' ' iiiiiii ii-issioniiries ID On'gon
hn R.'V. Messrs. and.lolinson. Tint
... ... I m. I
r in lli il mi Ui t sicrti mule neing .;
nnnihs mi i'ii' mad mki"g a distant e n
mi t-(i. ' !,- h-iv lli" winierii ri"
iiarkatily mild (lint iheir fains mrl cegf"
lih. a it wi; I .mil 1 1 1 f i r mi nips o grow In
nl f XT' r lniaiy f z '. I heir Ojiini 'i) is
Ini inwi'j iiiimi riP up mi Ihe Colombia iy
v;g cities on Ilit' 'icil'i.'.
The S. L .uis Kcvid.'t!' (f Le (i I
i n tt. , says: 'We r.eard rumor yei-ler
lav thai Capo I'lfrtinnt ami l.i '0 arru i d at Indep' n I' n e, M .'
A neiv.iptp'T in a laiiiily if rqnil l(
ihrea inonlb.s in a Nrbrol carl) year.
G) into a family wheie nc(V-piper U
alcn, and in'o those whocff'i'J ufjttrd
and mailt llts Jillticnre in Hie ititel
li'oce of ilia cdiltii tn, and bo convinr
Inm $' iiq'es. ,7'ui. 11a rh of Troy
li iiivenieit an I patenitit a ii oil ; o us t g
C st iron plates f ir covering roofs They
a e Hb"iit ime ln fqimrc air I a ru made I"
tit one into anoihrr m a9 !o remit r llio ro.t'
wal r tijjb by apt ly injj white Iculio t c
tors. Ii cat be (iflonli'd it 10 eenia i
iqnare fool ami eiimoi about hall die cosi id
ctpppr. llie Height J I u loi a ill r
f jol Siate cos s 8 ccn:s prrsq.iru loot
H'ltumatiim an J Gout. Wrili.'s It.,
lian Vrr'ille Ii 1 1 a are a inosi x rjurili-
lary meilit'it e f T the eur" of IMo'ti'iiatiHti'
ttld gout, because ihey not only r leanse. the
ston.ach and howrls of iIhik3 in'irbid bu-
ner, which if t.iken inio tho circuhrion
mil diroTn upon thi membrane 'nd mus-
le, are the cause of ijh' p iiudu m d .dies,
't.l they excite the absn b el vpsst 's to t, kf
ip dial which is idieidy (b pnsut'd, anil
lii'iefore are ahi'ii'n'elv pen in lo irnke a
ipifipt rure of If. firu matism and toul. A
i'H'le 25 coi l h x t f Wrk'ht Indian Vi g-
taiblcPli's vi!l til'ieti give tl.e 'iiot nMm
filing rt litf, nnd prrso'eieaiire m ci rdin;
i ilir.'Ctions will he certain () drive pan ol
pverv dcsi'rip'ion from th,' body.
I he p'pu!arity of Wrijhij, idi,,ri A cgc
le Ii 1 1 s lias proi'ii a flioi.t; hiii t,, i,n.
nin'-ipled nif ii, who inaiig".ln hy d:p l:o t
I oain, B'templ to yalm nil a sptirinns ai
icle on the iinsiiiiet'liPg. To ih b ni the
vlcked desiiniB o" sncll mi ll we have lire
ured tie l.ihe's, and die .Sign.,iurH nf'.Vm;
U'tijlii uil be Inn lid v.iiiteti widid.p tun.
n die (up label of each box. .None oiber
gC unit' nnil lo counlerli n tl is is fori" rv.
Remember the only original and I'enuii p
0 li .ti Veift'iabbf IMIs bavj li e W tin-n s e.
a mr ( f Wm. Wriyht on h.t tup I ,ibi .
Od'n'i'R I e i I f 1 1 cxt'lnsivelv to il o S .'e
f V'ghi's Indian Yegetahle 1'nls, 'noli"
i'ii and Keiail 1UJ act sv ''il n'o'tT-i i .
-T ( ! ,.r. r, ,. ;..l, ti V V ...I lllil l' . .
f j j mi' nmui hi, i, ltuiij I17J irt'lll'll.t
t. I! is'on.
Agent I' r Tllnomf-l U'g, (.'pi r;c 'iVfMcr
ir mher Agei t see advoi ue i ea'.a in n-
lolber column.
M A III? I HI). Co H.o I,', ti mo. bs
l"v. Wn, ,. Hyer, Mr. JosKrn Cki-i
t'f.Mtin o i p, lo iMis Sakah
Mir.LEU, of M fil n township.
Li this pl.ic", on Tii"sday, the 1.5 Ii
nst. hy ilio Key. Mr. .Mnpb' Mi.
Chri-tjasK.nai'?,'o ALs? .Maiuah Va
I a OrirujoviHR Oct. 1 ( by S. J, M
otii er Mr.'iu Di- vrKMiAc iii-ii u
Miss Maktha Fr;.NSTON, ho b ol M ,,;i
Bv tbp Oc'. C b. Mr. ,f iron
l-vrsn.uv nf Iluiop. i M,, K,
i:tii A;;i;oM:n of ihis cniniy.
wr wmk. mum.
f .,'.. .( , 1
r:s M. S llALIvLKY
TT""' I'" ro-pctfully ii,r. n, )' e l. t 'i.i 1' a
If V thry Icve juM receiie I II in I'l il.i 'c'i li ;,
in iMcicive xiipplv t.f K.M.I, n , I VI .
lii-lii.ili;i!ilf Millcnerv (iuo.l,. Ain.ini th it i
iiiliiuiit ii.ay nc fiiiiml
linn nc', SiJ; J'l'rtt, Pliinirs, pi ir
f--. Wihh'iinh, '(!, 7ev. liotjh s,
(ll rcc, Co'i'ii 's. Hnizcl'citt li
ci . 1 1 ml Di vssis Mitts,
Ctiiiit'mtr, I II ads,
Still, s. e",
Ciithineri.t. Muslin tl.- Inii r Vnlicct
Gi'iti m , W11 ndlici ch e's,
I4 man flihml, Sir,'
and '(.' M11 lm,
.11 la.-t a':T)'.-1 f " " ill, in: ili it in v ' f .'.il.f 1 f"
in then I ti. nil 1 if win' .1 ili.'v will ' .1 a li'ti.
i.l.eupe! t'.iin ill' "l,i iij.f t.
I'.LANKy ! " l;i,A.ivS l i
I'M V, nnlwri ilierw b,i'P mi lini.i! a kh -i wir nil'u
,t eo.iitsi:, into ui:.ymu ,siiti:i:A'i::
('() l4, wlii. li r f i c y it 1 1' n it x i. mi l.i n'l.
(1,1 2 1
njOVA sroTIA i'l.A-s i;i;, fr s:.l.t f.
J Cit-li ,ir iii eM-liuiige fin- nil kinds nl gum
nr lentil l.iiii.lii r, .y
iii::i' Li:Y 4t mi:m)i:miai l
del 2t
SBBcrfiffi Sale.
Hy virtue of a levari f teens, lo me di
reeled, will he exposed lo puli'ic alo u
die Lniiri 1 1 , m - ; n.Dinville mi
ihe 10,7t (Ittii of .( v tnbtr ntxt.
il 12 o'clock, ,M. The following properly
(to wn J A cu'aiii ol measiiaiitt lot
piece ol land hertafii r described, beginiiing
tt a pari ol an alley, thence by main elrec
N il'lh, ti2j theiees West till feel In a posi
thence .South 27 (h grna I'laat, 180 fen u
in alley, the same North 02-1 degrees Ca
CO feel to ihe first menin iii d alley, ihmct
ilong die same in die place of beginning
Hid in m riiig and knov n in the l.n oi
lie map ol il.u town clleil l.n.eiiy or IU
pylown, No. 12sriiate in II ooni iowt.stii
I ogedn r h die hi'ieil'iaments i rid ai
lerienaricpj -Se'Z"d. taken in exeru'ioi It
te sold aa die y if Wiiinm Jiv ieAy
it'i nonce lo M ulu-w McDowell icrru ie-
uV vittnp of a ril alias vend ex i l tin
an o '.line anil tilnce A ci r alt! tract (
ud sit i a it; in j'narcrct k 'u( ns hip, (Jolnili-
1 1 Co'iniy con at nig 4.) a-res mme or i ss
bounded ) y lands ol Cdbert rnwler am
.4j5 od.ers wheieon is t reeled t
U'fi 1 1 slj log house and a log barn, ivid
MMIMJ'.he appntfii nc s.
heiiie'l l.iKeil in execution i In be sold tu
the property ol (i.;or fl. !S.aekhoiisi'-w id.
in lieu to 't rrt lm. n
lit AM DC I? I? ShiT.
SberilTs n(Tu,, Danville
J.-l. 21. 1810.
For Trial nt Xovtvibtr Term, 1SIG,
1 .'rc'iibil ! Mt Call's heirs vs Josrpl
L1 OK)')
2 Tobias Siirz cl i.l v '! hoi .Mooilieiul
el al
3 I)r, Tims Fiieb vs Thns S. Hubbard
it al
4 Tin:? S. Hubbard rt id vj Grorge Mw
et :d
5 7ni:ns klmnse vs Vaiii;.b U'ip il ,-i
(5 Sunlit I SiHilllian Vi Ortlll I), I, lib (111
7 Siime vs same
8 S ,niP vs same
9 (i lorge Con ltvs P.,'ric!i ILiifprt
10 J b K H 'gir s ,1 -ri.l) !!;i!!ein i!i
11 Win. 7'.irnn vs D, Mon gooiery aJn r
it hi ii s
12 Dir. Iluii-erfor Ueach vs A.'il.Wil,
.MI 0; r.l
13 C. I'. M ton. 15 P. Fiidt el a vs y
If W P.Crr-oi it a! vs .MnMairi' rt nl
I j Ii then Liig"merv ve II)1 j. Pu ci-. i
n M
IT Peter ll rtell vs Ii'- j P Fuck ft ;.l
I 7 !!e j Dcitricli is m. I
ll et ul
1.1 iJci t.
Uicliiey vs
10 Dt'iiel (iri,set al s L niy Wtbb
20 Win. C Y t'ks vs I In n s l ld'in
21 Joseph Paxoiti vs S F llemli v cl nl
22 I'i'I'T Luni'cr vtjaetil) Unlleiiini! il !
2J Oliver II. P. Ulue s (iuorgi McDow
21 Cilbert F.iwlirts S riL-adiy n
25 7'hos l.oekeras atlmr vs S F. Ilc iilly
20 Ilitam U Kline vs Win F ' r jr
27 Wm I ('amph, II vs Montour I Co
'i-t I'eier S n u-rr vs F.I z .hnh Ad am ex
21) S Ddulbi -rs'on pi nl v-D inif llliiais et a
:M U m llenrin vs John Rhodes el al
The siibserlbrr ofTcrs for sale bis
.itii i'. il 11:1 l!i ' cit'i'iT ol Main an. I lla-O-'trci I.
111 ;'.i,.iii '.ur ', I 1. !ni 1 il i:i (.''.imty, l'a. It -i wel
. , .1 I n t'.i.' I .1 for a I'liMie House
:H .iVit,
ti '" ff-i'itnn Miiin-strrit,
1 1 l-'-l '" l.'i'l-slrcit,
in I ti e r 1 nl I- idW'i ( lb- !i! nnsliiirtr loci in.'
li 111 '. ' . 1 1 .1 ; hi . ' I"ui 1: .( -'. 'i'liti. I,. t Wwcll cal-
, ,i ite.l nr inoelilii: Itp-'li l'a l-lifel ,is Well as or
i;n. anil la si, -iM '. I 10 I'.c i f . 're i.l tin; Inn.
IJ.-'inn i f ( '.liiinl'i i ('.unit), i-i well wiirtliy tin
viciili.iti nf i'l ' '-ipi'iilisls.
I'ur niiv inforuiali.iii rc-pi c 1 1 . i the coliilitioup
ci unite i.f
:'mm.:s Kiii.;i:-
r,...vti-' v.'7. Di'Tv.A-.ri "O
i, v..i ..i f
I'l.c Ic'r- ul i i.ui'jp Hilly, deceii-ttl. I.ilc nl
lniiliiir trnvn-hip, (,'ul, co. ni: r .0 y'lililu. s dc
Oil Siitiirury the I V.'i d y if S'lVfiiibt r,
next, a Farm, iiocil".! a'. nut I', mi1. - Tr . 11 HI ..n:.--'nil::,
nil lilt' r,..i l l.:.,i!i- t-i 1 1., n " 1 ,. 1 1 i .
...111.(1 ii'ii-.-., 10 nc re i n ,t in 4111,! ), ai... .and ail .1
it in 11 !in" st i'i "t c.illi'. I'l'iniiH 't ln:;i
i 'Cm V lol'lic II'
..l ine -priii.: li .ii
la. 1; ' ,1.1 1 . -1 1 1! . ivl
-t f .-1 .il v tt.-r.
n e, a l,r:--,
a -till I,.,:,
h ;...'.! t.
a I i'-'ir'V
, 1
I -
1. .
; nf
... r ln,,l. 'I I..
,.. . r
Ill..ll.' n ..',M1.
f" ! I.
I ,iii" -I i r i ,.
a :.t v,;,.
nil .; n .-.M'ii i.-
l. :'; l.-A.-.,..
:!. ct 111',.
to ;nu)E.v.
1'MI, I'll) piDiiiwuli will lie M'Ciiie.l ly tin
IliiiLlini; Ciiiimiiitee nnlil 4 ij'iliuk in the al
ii'iiionil nf ,
Sittitril,iy the 3 1 4 of October
next, fnr eirctinn a
Jail and Jail House-
ill llie l.nvi) 1.1 Mlnniii ilintur, ( ol. rn. Hut Jail tun
Aiillt.) lie nf Bt.iiie Hinl ll.niKe ot ll i.'k. J'Ihiih 11ml
lieciliiMiiotis t liy neeti nt dm Slnfenf Win. Al
Kclvy iV I'd.
Win. McKT.I.VV,
HAM Kl, !S Villi If,
.11 I I III KV 7-;r.
Jill IN lOM.s.W,
Unit din ' C 'omrnUtre.
Pfi-l. 2rt I R4 0.
Chair FiXanufactory.
(JJ-. NEW l'A'MXi
Look tccl o your initio!
Piefnre you pun base, and if you wan
,'ood barg litis, jnsi call at die shop of
n Main siren nearly opposite C. K tlders
ll'l.u C....I .1 I..
,11 u ,,. I l. I,'... .. I U...I...J
" " " " " 1 .in, y ,1111 . intisi.t
hairs, se'lees, It istun k eking chairs, ir
ny kind which may be called I - r. us ihe
i ill always have on bund a good lo-sori'
lictil of all kinds which til o v will Gi ll a
he lowesi price posmhle for rash or ex
haiign foi Inmbtr or coun'ry noducti.
V0111 ibi ir ) i-if 1 xi eiimci) in business am!
a i.e;erri;inaii,'n to do w ork which c mini
e nurpassed in die county, dicy ask fur i
hate of public patronage. 7 hey will aUi
House, Sin, ami ornamental Paint,
in and House Papain"
n i)ic 1. e iii si and most approved stj la cni
oil r. dsi .ii iiO. c tt ntis,
Coiinuloirg Oct. If, lMl i.--2!5:y
FeaiDllae Sale,
Ti e F'ab'crihers will oil, r at I'n'.lic S ,!
! ibe house ( the aitf ( iimhi v.
, i .. t .. J
u .11.110.c1i' if rn
Tuesday. Xuvea.Ler 3, 1810,
10 o'clc.i It, in the fornioor, ibe p. rsona
r p'Tiy, lielonijing to ihe ei-Lite of Cm-
nx'k I) ciihoy deceased, consisting t I 2
,'(, ! 1!:'-; .- mrl I irnek 'ngn, 2 s-it-iiarnffs,
1 slcin.a, i l.g?, 1 mntule i'l;.'ck,
I eii-v. a fiiriiherof biily, bedstf .iil.s, n,,
eddinir, chairs, lablo". I5:ireaii, carpets
mil a l ir..' nnanliiy i f nth, r hniip hold im
kiictcn Terms iipdtf known oi
i tn; day . ; -.ilc,
7'.ll)!.s ;oli;i)Y.
n'vn)s!)t,rg, October 17. imo.
CLOCivi-i ! CLOCKS !
ci :!,t .1 1'.' an,! I'.vc'y.f mr h.rur Clue'
I t revive I al die A " a. In
Al.URU.Iir A-
is w: in: 11 Y GIVEN,
To i, rLr i!ci s, r n diiors Mid oibrr pf r
:u n itit-ii tn d in ihe e titii s i f the lespec
iv; 'Iciedeuis and minors, dial the ad
nii.isir.iiii n nml guardian accounts f dir
-i ai l esia'es have Iven fi'id in the ( (life ol
he Rr jisier of die eouniv of Columbii.ani'
vill lm i rpsci'ii''! h i cot lit tu ition and al
I iwam e lo din Orphans' Court, to he lit li
i Dinville, in and for die county iiforesaid,
on Wit'nrsday the
18; day of November next at
I o'ldot k P. .i-.
1. The preout.t of Fvimur! Lin'zer nri'
hristim De'zler executors of die lasl wil
onl lest 'mi tit of John Ionizer late of Lib-
'i iy tniviibhip deceased.
2. The account of O. II, P. P.! no Admr.
if Ihe e italu of Isaac Pita1 late of M.ihoniiii
t nvt ship deceased'
It The a-i-niH.l of .icoh Dcmnil Admr.
if ihe cslainof Ceori;i! Whitenighi atc ol
Madison township dreeased
I. The aeenitnt o(J d,n Vouoht sr'Adinr
f d.e r-siaie i lobn Smith late of Fraiik
in "luvnslnp deceased.
5. The acronnl of Jacob v'leigb, Fxf c-
utor of llip w i'l nf 'Iti'ip Fuusi, late v'
Montour towm-hip tl' cased.
Registrm oflice
Danville On, Hi, 1810. S
15 LU F S 10 N F fill N A W A R F .
N Setts nt separate n ci s; just rcieived an,
fur sale at the
Oct 10
H1) WAPiK,
'lOM cofTce mill to a file, rei-e'ved at
2.' On: New Mure. 1,. II. HI I'llH T.
OF DRY GOODS, ORO' 1 : It I f s.Sy
.1 .. ' p.'i itpil at d'e New Store, ar.d lor
- ii,- c'i.-.-per dial) ever.
I. 11 A'UPFtT
Aril. I - 1S1G.
O! tl,- l0
vie, i'l'l recrivr I :-,i the t'
L. R. RITF.KT. i
I.UW .stoic.
TIIK (,'opiiiliii.rjiii ln.ri't.if.nii eii-iini; 11 tut.
U) linn nf i try v (111 it li).
lis il iv diiwiilveii .y liiiitiuil c.iiim'iiI All perwie
111 tint,' 1 1,,'ini i(iiiiKt, ur imli'lili (1 In ihe lte liin
iiv 11 inenleil tiiKctlle iv 1 1 1 1 llm su''i-i:iilit i; hy wlinii
thi' l.ii.sincss will in fill lire It- cninlucti d.
I.ifihtHtrcel, Inly C, 18 1.
A I. MfM nml iiiiiniiin, new slyle just rercivee
ami lr nile clteni 11 1 ihe new tnre.
. , L. 11 KUl'FKI'.
. Aug 1
. -. '
r hiiciiuiiiniiie;e nl i a,m;v hikI UIMimjK
lilt! l.l.JIlWllt'l'l iVfW .lnlu.
AMO.i Ii, NAUll
CA Ul'li'l 1N(J.
new supply nf elt'u int eiirjii'tinB j-i,t rrceiv-
.w ui iitu new Kiiiie.
Aug. 1
A ;'i'n;-nt';fII()M.()W WAUK
IA. ""'''as k.'t lea. Ci.u. miiIcim, 'l'i:i Krtlle.
1 1 . ti... .. .
' " """', 'Vi. rtnl l.lir.'P INK'
1 sni ill iiL'ut) Huxiw ('
nun thn Danviilx ':.,, I,
W uiks, jn.ll receiied mid fnrsalti liy
D.veiiilier 20
??ny ,Paslarene.,r IMoonwbu'g on 'lli.
IS.' lllljlll III UK! Klll Inst. O.VO
1'" l t'!ll' 5 r,ne q red sleet
ji-'L'iv lw,Mv!lit'J I"s upnii him
wciyli ulioiit Thry nee purchased in Hunt.
n.'tuii t.nvn.diip, l.iizcrnc county Any wou
h'iMii; infarnnlinn ulcre they mav W funnd sluli
be reaitiiiulily rcwin.KJ ',)r their Inmlde
'''"WICK JJUGHT, Seplcmlier '.'J
tlKX WIYLOR 7.7'
Wool I no-.v he dun-clot iutoresiitig tcpics oi
.n e.".:Jtinn, !;,nl nnl
JOIS.' K, .TJOVr- It
uinpl ted his SKW STOK'M on the f'l!
.vc-i eitrner ol .'-laikct .-'.j n . r- a, rcnveij into it
iii a laree mid (eiieri.l UMorlii.t'i.t ,.f
) RU ( ; "-M f dic in r: s- n v r st r r fs
pa l N rs-oii,s-viM)()w ;f,ss
1: n Y-co.Ni'i:ci io.A;IKsi
TOYS, & v-. ,vc
'' I s-'ub ! Tins the fai t, tl.e
in r are r:
drelv I'.'-l siulit nf and lie
n .- Ht'ii'k ill reduced pi i.vj
la rapiilly ,1,-,;;
n'i'ii) . litis other ho. inc
in evleiiMvc as.'irlmeiil ,.f
ht n:i !,.ii
f every ,lc ii. ti..ii, i)ii. h lu- i.-t s, ;;.,(! 4S ',v,, .,,
In'C c;,n 'ip pni. lcisml in tin-,
! c inviliM nil la ijite him a ei,l! n , hn i, ,!r!er
nine! I,i sell mi tl.n uh's'. u-uao,, al.ii. lc: ,-.i.s -,ar c.
I'l l ,0 !
J i.i, e :!;).- I')
.fv .fN Ai
iiziP .i-
.cKs tf Has: y $ j, ,,r ,i,., ,
IV j.,sl rtteii-,.,1 ..;,,. .,.,.
A I.LKI (i.'i i , i i . i.-1
Di li,' rr Id
l'T.-fJ i i tl f f I l - ' i i j
id and lir sale ut ihe .New s
i;. h. iiLiv;;;;'.
window r. run.
7 f 'J :,ld Narrn'v sir
. .1
new ijc jn.,1 e: iv.-, ii,, m .
1.. F. hi i Li;i .
Au-. I.
TWn the TIN, SIIF.I1T IFO.N nr.d s'VOVi:
H lui-inrss is wanli d iieineiiiati 'v .- tlte mi! -.cnlier.
(loud wages a:., I coiiMant eni l. vu ci i
vill l-e niven. JJ, j, L.!.i,.1uit1 Sej tenili. r 12
A supplier lnl, just reeived ami fir silt un
iU. cheap, hy
rii;oi:;i; wfavh::.
t-Vptimhcr 13
-mJlt-l J i ' '-a
rnillll snliscilicr: vvi.-fi to inform fi, ml
J ami cn t in.ers generally . licit tl.iy havejusi
. . l ived aia1 arc unw npcniic; u sj.limliJ asMiitii.eei
l.U.L ,1M) v.y7y;a' goods
.'utth en. zvpt-rftoe Fundi, Er.g'hh and
,'tiiierirau i'lulhs ami Ctissimi re fun
ey ( iisimrrei , sntinelx, silk velvet
mtin and fnnry vetinir. Ilress pnuth
in varitti. suri nt etishnKK.i, ca.shine
ritts rrnj e. t.'t Inimx niiisUn de laimn
gliiS lini' is. etitienvH. ifcc ironl hnodu,
ii'niilrn fO)i'.)-.v, smiii ndt rv. jlniun, ninrk-i, busniu s,
I lift ail, lune.
in! n ei'tieral ass. rtint nt t f nnlioii', in fact a ecu
eral ii-siii'lini'nt of
buy coons, nnnrnnir.v, runu
ir.tK-:, iim.i.oiv n-.-nn:, ci
Din,':. v.' A;.vv,
W'.lliF. ic .ye.
nnd all otlipr arlic'i- usually kept in rnuiitiy t,nc-
jn.l wliK.I t iey i"ne l in t I. rut" I ivnn -r- ut care line
en tee ..t term ai il an. niiv.: u to t i I ntipe In
Cll-ll Or COUIl'CV "dllee at l,"V Imv I !"i','l.
lli l l.FV & .M'l-:M;i.NIIAI.L.
.'Inein-luicu, ( 'et. 15.
A npr.iof sriidc f No. I am!2 .t7.C Ii
Ai iiusir.
ll.r iiu.,1 or Hail ;.mtl,
- m ap
A, li. KNAH13 A Co.
f 11 a ii lis u. i;r(Kn.w
'ifflct Suuth nidi: of Mainut, bc'vw
Mn 'liit
CIMKMS K.lllLi:iJ,
(Ulice, corner of Kust and Main-itm t-.
Mr."OMsnuii, Cdlcmuia Cou.N'rr, Fa,
fljlcc on Market ufnn duors uboce Mniif
V f
SVHVLVOn .J.Mt VO.YVEV.i. Villi,
j'l.OOM? UL'KtJ, l'a.
r5ijicin and uj'st':!.
fTTI A l.(i Inratid hiinself in Aili anit.-l 1 1 r c . tcn
jj f tiers his piufi'.n.-iuiial services (0 die pniilie.
lie nut V I"' onsiilti't lit till limes il liis , li et t
Willi tin's, up ii-ite Doelilcr's lluti I.
Align . I '-0, IS 10 1 d
I'V'f.W'H in,t oiciisd a NI''W s'l'OI.E in K
is n Inn ii, uppnsite the C'anul Fnsii, win. j
tc.ey uill r to ihuse wliu want t lit'V CHIi.l',
u ,'.-:i; ral and well scic. le I a-'-.iiili.c'lil ul i jJ j
Di-y Goods, CTocsrifi
HardvJsirt?, Quosnt
v.; are, J3Iioos, &c.
in ! all ll.e usti-.l v ii. 'y lent in rnti-it-v rl. ic
!.il nl.ich ilicv wi'l sill ihiup f..r ca.h, .ron
-aiial'ji tt. ry tcfau t'er
'I'll respetil'jlly .mlicit a slime i-f j.u'.dic J'-t
on a ye.
Gil, US ai.d LUMlll'R will Le
!"h-n at the MaiLft Pmc.
Auiu-t ls-.ii. 1- iy
J iii.v ami to'i suppis it- E;iiil
2iL !iil0.lldi.'. J''.'t liuniJ a. A
a lid
O-t 10
A l ir 'c :M.-).tn'i lili-f llie ii.i't kind i.f (.'.rpev
jlii. tcr To. d jusl ri'ifiM'.l mij will lc kfj. ( cm,.
.-I., ly cu haiiJ at llie A.i.n.e.
Al.HPlCii l ii MfJNGi.L.
Or l 10
I V Vi H !t felP
1,1, ihi. -e l,.i'r.; uc-dili .1 n m n's wi
il t:
' SIC.s'.': ! I'l.'i 1 11 lli'll In l.ol titll teat i..i- s. Il
;l I 1 e slilile.i Wl' :u. the delay, nr ll e I le 1
i! !',! ; iii'-. d in the h anils ul llie pi.ij.ei t lfuv:
piouiltlid v. ilh iu-c.iidii-a In law;
;;coL5.-si' 'ANTi-:;.
Vi V' lit. ft
-lllisi'li. l'." 1
of K
. i- ju I rec ivc.i a new ti;
i '- cii li aiii ::re t .'.lie It. nil llie litsl lo's 'n mm v
lor llie dtW ti n e, com i.-tiun' nl'il.c most In-' iun i'
(itrighani Lswi'S, Dc Line.'., (iogiism
an i I 'mi is.
Cl'lb. C .s t s. 'e- I, g ., ii'.
AUo-a f.t h s'" h .1'
11. II S ,I.D CU'X,
,,f ll'c newest style f.n fill. Al -o a m .v ( j;
il r;uiuR oii f-t iil Ini'e: than iIiim utln-iu vl
uincliaseis; say iuic ...-.ii.i, iy I lie . In- ij-enl inii
"uniy. cii.uki;;; vi;. v"ll!;.
Auuu.-t 33.
. k k: i U mi J ii u.' J a
f?15IG sul'sciilicr rll. is t'. r s..!r I. is 1': :i., si:i;a.
ti d in ( in eni'. in i! ton in In p. I'mIi.iiiI i.i ccmi
'. i n the ro id .'.i.luii In-iu 1. in n ?i my 10 .l.i.i-
die, eniitainini; nl.iuit
it-out p,() ul il t it an d lm., I. in ii in a nu. d st;,e
i.l' i tiltoatii'ii. !-'-;in a
VV Two Sli.ry liiotse, ,y , ..
Ti-'j if i-ll A frame lain. 'c;-rVJiSi'-irJo;-
K- oil App e cicii,.!,; -
vl-Ctnil r
a never I uni
i Water, ami the whole l.titit v. , ,
.vill lie suld on reasoinil le let ii.s.
;;i. i;oi: v..
( lie 'tiivoii.J , Ac-; ml l'i. I'.'i-
T s -
II. I o. ,.ltsi S, .. i. ,. , ,,, .i
. -. i ;
li en
llOl.I,!:, lo lieimL, ill,.- CI. -
i i
j'sclU'5 l- -o i'i. inc.
's i li), LIIA ER I HON.
July I, ISHi.