The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 24, 1846, Image 2

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I t l'TO IHnl'T I I AM
llcmoi al.
I ho Office of h Ceil. Mil a Pt ' chat
hai been Removed into it.o new Buck!
UiwIJiitg. South itla ol Main mietl, alow
cljau Ufljw Ma.kel.
V. IS. V AIMER Esq. is anthnrized to tut us
A:i-it f"r the 'Coli'Mru Dknuchat,' ami re-
tv";.: ull inbnit) for Subtxrijitim and AJeertit
i.iL: ct lis A'icm in t
AiW W-rk " 100 XatifitU'itfttt.
ll,i'.ui " 10 Stiite-ftrut.
Jhltinwrt S. E. cor. Hull. uid Culrert-tts.
XciiLvits-Nrdu-Mia aid Tradeniun mityjhul
it tu iht'.riiJtuhttigita ti"'i erti.e in tldt uipt ..
47 is Ma ut yullhhul at the fount) feat
.W A-JS a greater circulation in the county than
any U'ur pvpir puUUlad within ttillmiU.
To tlie Ti intiiig busini3 in wantrd at this Of
lui An active boy IS or 16 year of ajfn will re
ceive cood ciK'oumgi'ineu(.
ThePiinipr i much In want of few
bifhpior win: at. corn & nucK
WllIilAl, ol' those who uwo him uuon
fiiibnitip'ion. I T would also Lite a fe A'
tiiil.tli of POTATOES.
By ihe official return it appears thai
bfioiit 3,200 votes were polled al the late
flection, This is 2,000 btlow a full vote of
this county, and accounts for the euull ma
jori'.ies given for the Democraiiri ticket. Ai
the Presidential eduction in 1S41 the ntun
brr of votes given was 5,108, and the rut 111
her in 1815 for Assembly roan, at a tight
election, wts4.C05. l?y a careful compa
rison nf the votes in 1841 sd J in 1316 by
townaliijis, ('excluding Mahoning and Va!
ly froip the computation,) we ascertain that
ho Whigs gave this year within about 400
of their full vote in ihe county, and the De
moriats within about 1000, allowing only p
my slight increased vote. The weigh', of
the Whig vote in the county lies in the
townships along the river, and could be
giv n at ihid election in 6pife of ihe storm;
vhilcihe weight of the Democratic vote
lies loallcreJ in the townshipi. Over one
half of the wlole Wh'g vote was given at
the polls in the (owns of Danville, Catta
wiFsa, U!oonat urg and Berwick 1
Ti e only aprccuWe defection amnng
Dctnocruts from the ticket, was in Maho
ning and Valley, where thfte existed great
diepntifrfaction with the county nomination?
from the fact that all the candidates for olfi
ops of importance w ere temovjl men. The
ftcding in tounty upon ihe local quee
linn could not be ncppclfd to subside im
mediately, but the ticket generally received
about CO votes more than we expected in
Mahnucg. and Liberty did nobly undei
the circumstances.
On the whole we are satisfied that Whig
gery has no just cause fr exultation ovci
the result in this county, and that at full
elections in 1S47 and 1818 our fcrmei De
tnocraiicj nujoriiies will be maintained at
Icat, and quite probhbly incrfiifpd
Bcdow we give a statement of the vole
for each candidate, and v calculation of tin
aajoriiies. It will be notffrd '.hat FuBifi
received within 100 votes of the avenge
vote for the Democratic ticket, while Power
ran 52 votea abo-.c Butler. Dr. Lcib ran
bbuui 50 voles ahead of the Democratic tic in Cattawispa. tli township in which
.f resides, but runs behind it in enme oili
er township, yhe defection from him of
21 vntca in. Bloom vm upon purely per
som.l grounds, and had in it nothing jiolit-
ni the sai rrmarh, we stippoue
uul be gocd for other distticis.
I'oNcnEys Whole vote given 3 208
Owen I) Lcib, Dent. 1011
Chester Butler, Whig, 13t2
Ltib'i m-ijority 79
AiSEMBlY Stewsrl Perncc, Dfm. 1007
Isiac Low, Whig 1 1 13
rearrc' majority 221
Sutuirr Benj lIiymsn,Diim. 15.07
DjV (1 CUik.Wlitg, 13J7
IIymai, majority
Senile ring 403
Cor.ONa C. Clarkner, Dem. if)5fi
Tho'uPlack.VVhig, 136S
0!fl'kr.i'i' majority. 2i8
( c;j:rrssloR P.KIinr,Dcm. 1G21
L, T., W. m u-
HhJi aisj -Tiiy;
AtTlTOH Jinu? M.Crmick,!). 1 CS 1
H., Wh'g,
MeCrmick'n m j ni'v 2!l
C.t'oM.MissioxEii .KM Power, W 1 G 1
W 15. Fostei.D 150t
PoweiV mjoi ily
Million, Ni'ivp,
ki.kction m:vs.
Top re mi!( ihi e ar in "lit 11 h Con
nns oiml D sinci ii fulbws
E' ZertiP,
CJ 1 ti
. oiiwiij.
133 I r
3 -MS
Hotli'i'n m:jT i'y
Tfce whole vote (jive n i Congrpsion
al flcuoos in 1311 and KS 1G re-p-'Ciive
ly, in this dii-tfiit, was an lollowa ;
1814 12 332
1816 7,732
Thi almwi a rently decreased poll
in the district, while ihe number ol
VuU'islias 'ricreasrd piohtb'y SCO.
In Wyoming coun'y Foi'er ifcetved
a mijoriiy ol 19. The Vmns fleet t'lfii
county ticket by vi ry "" ill m-j ri'ie.
e xcep I f 'fctriblj men. Wyoming ainl
Sutque hamia elect K-pfi'seiiiativ es to
gether, and the vole of the lat'er county
iosutes the election of two Democrats.
Two Democrilic representative s t
elided in Luztiip, and ihe whole D
mocia'ic licke1, rxept Proihonoury.
For Pioihonot.ry, Cullios Dem. 11
defeated by 95 votes.
The CatboniLlii Dinner at in epejk
ing of the result in Lnznina coun'y ,"J
" Out lari;e ni joi i'ies are (jpturil'y
liven in agiirul'uial di-lricts fpaii!j
a, t l'd in neailyall wliich iIih voti
polled was rgbi, while ihe pftir iji'i'
Whig majorities are found in lartf.
towns in which the vote wa much lid
atrccted by I It e severe simoi ol the day.
In our county tl c v 1 u polled vvas n ; I
in all our Lugo drtiiocra'ic dl.t'ticit
p e r 11 1 i r 1 v fo, in smii cane lite whole
rote polled being lets than half our u?u
al nv joi ii ."
ilost of our reader have heard of F.lihn
riurritt the learned Blackftiiih, who in n.w
travelling through England examining into
ihe condition of il lal oriej 1 lf e F.tSr ntal '
ing hinieelf familiar t nil tlio domestic lif.
and wants of the Poor. Buriitt is a naiiu
of New Erg'am1, Woieliestcr, MaKiachu.
sel'.e we think, and his sketching of wha
he tecs ahroad, ronsiitute a lund if leliahli
information. He spr;iks from
knoti ledge, tud liaa no motive to fpeal.
otliertviee than truly & impartially. Whei
ilia 'Star f the North' was ub!ifh(d a
Berwick, its readers wid reecolltei th-it ;cv
rral eomnitinicjiioim id Mr. Burtill appear
ed in it, upon the expensiveneta and fully 0.
war, which were st m ling in then develop
inenls, and calculated to ir.ake a s rong im
pression on the pubiie mind. Since hi
went to England, w e have uiuerved lhat In
vvas engaged in spreading information ii
hat country, in icg ird lo the modes of pre
piling Indian corn for u.-e as food auionc
he laboring population. The late i-nmensi
importations u( American maize or ludni
oru into Gical Biitiui, cteaied a demam
for information of lhi character, and 1)1 1
country is indebted for sued inform?. ion ti
10 an intelligent 1 jnkee lilai kiniih !
In one of his late hints, lianrt tells:
story of an interview wj.h an Englinh nailei
which, as it is peculiarly interi".ting, m
publish in our piecent numher. 7'hni pai
whfre the poor Erglisli laborer refits n
the rpneal of the Ei!irli?h t intl or IPX ut"i
breadsuifl'H, ha in il a umple el q u t:
more louthing and powerful than all the aii-
of eiluoated oratory could producu. IL
'We heard till awhile ago, lhat the pout
people would not ha'e to ii.vke co ini-
ny nails lor a loal ol lirenO rnueli If" er
bcauso eir Ruhtrt I'tel and kimuh n1 lu
men, were uning lo t ike off the int lo. I.
and some other laxps, and hi us Inn brunt
of tllClU lhat tni'lil sill vs the tlvtljitxl.
When we heard il.ia talked of without
knowio; the truth of 11, John Stubhinp toi k
a penny and went to ihe W hue Hart anil
bought a'dnnk of beer, and then the lam!.
Udv let hitri tunk into tin newppaper whieh
he keppa for t tiatomera, A hen he cmne
back, he told us a great dial of w'.at ws
I'oini' ou, and snid he v, ns f::re the t:ii;tf
would be beltfr on? cfllnse davs
Hn"h .-.p il.ef.eiing wih which the rc
peal of the eortt .lawe, or i.n.f)' o x mi httid
atiiffs, w as greeted among lite laboring poji
liihlinn of Graal B.itain, Willi delight they
"lIt!j 8 l'''n'' wh,,n x"rY rmi1'1 ,lliy J
thoit who coiia ten me citKipnr, wum
lie aibitrary resti ie lions of Government up
in ilie.n should ba re novel. Hit tins phi-
'.iiiihi it jio and jiihi move mem of ihe Gov-
rnnifiii, was met wild fierce mid prolong
ed opposition. From the Parliament 1 1 j ts
hi'ie went nut over (lie laud tho loud wbiI
if iiuni poly, monopoly crushec1 forem
beneath tlio iron Head of lt.ibrrl Peel.' Tl 0
iii:li land holders; ilia ariioi rary of the
kingdom, were not illing to see their gains
curtailed, their monopoly of the Iionte
market dciiroyrd; mid llieir ctiei of 'ruin'
1 the progress of Reform, were furious mid
incessant. Truth and Humanity liiumpl
ed however, and ilie in'cusis of the few
were mule to hend lo dm inlfrcBlo and
ij'iis uf tli6 iiKi'iy, iyilba always
Ohio. S slip fnim the office of the Oh'm tint H 'bb the Whi(i
candid'! for Governor is elected by only
nhiiii! 2000 majoriiy nnr Todd; and tha
I'ipip is a tie in the Senate nod a Whig ma
jority of only tw in t'ip H-iUfPi This is
oret.y good nut for Ohio, The Whigs
districted the Slate a year ago, and having
d ine it to suit tlo'iim Ives, secure in (he
CongrfNfinnal Delegation 12 W'ligs to 8
Democrats and one Independent.
The Methodist I.0piropal Church ol
U rw;ck will be dedicj'td In the wor
hip of Almighiy Ood, 00 Sunday the
2j Ii of Ootober. Si rvices lo commence
it 11 o'clock A. M The Dedicatory
Sermon will he delivered by the Il"v.
Prof'S-or M'CI:c,t-ck, of I)irkinn Col
The I'.'V. Pi of, Ihwly, ol J. At B ih and M'Cs
k"v of Phil .di ljihi 1 Conference, John
(iiiyfr, of I).inTili, urn) S'fVfial ct'tei
lia'ii.g'liKhe'l CI rymen are t-xpecied
to h j ia :te ndance. Tite public ar re
pec fd!y and affec ionjitly invitnl lo
nt er J,
I) rwick, O.-t 7, IS 13.
T e Oakland Ihtnlc. 'dan fraud
Pile li.ib.lii es ol Wi biiik, tvl.ieli n-
ently failed, are e'linnaU-.l at S33.C00,
and the Pre-i.denl and oivocr Ims bun
. riffled. These l.ibwi'i are in nolo
n circulnior, ca l-d, in biuker' klang
issues; and 'lny -tie found i t the hand
.I ; lie l.irniPfS wn touU iliem In1 w 1 1 e .1
A 1 P . I 1 I I
nd o'hei p-odiice of' ho sweat of ih'
I1C1 ,' atul ol ptior ni'-f hai i c and I ihor
inn wt mer ; to w botn their rnplt'jtr
would pay 1.0 liing, pppu Hy I !l''
loultnl the solvency ol'th' buiik '1 hi
S a . s-nn lo ihe la 1 rn-r.
Hit of hat um: are uc' ltt-(tn !
people who never pn I'v l y iIipit-, c ti:
view' u'l ii'il b llt'i t'l u.;'t t.c
'it-e f. urn lite dcud The ! o'
M.c'Hjiiu cr aii .1 lor th' ii -ilvis tin
il..ftt.e t f 'w tl 1 cil bilk.,' 1 tin eroti"
mill d-ti ucMve ii." he i;l:j;ue of Iroii-
nd ti in KtfVp'. Hut fcaictl)
He the 'wild ca!' drads, wiien tin j ktich fnitii!." as this O.dtlar d I'.at k
0 roll il.emof ll t ir crop". Well ! Il
ilify will no' j r il by such xjk i, des: rve to have ihetr jvc h pu k-
eil bv liadirg siv iiidl- t. Ttiti iicwspa
i ih siy that Trtii nlail !he r . .i.leiit
mil rwio.-r Ol this swmdl .-hop, ha
eniiched I, in. sell by tut n U Iran.!". Thi-
s p'ccie'y whit ile-e 'upt 1 a'm ' it
Ci uu'iy hai ks in'eidcd lo do. If 1 lit
people of M ii'hi 10 v i II 1 ut lluiiiiiiti
ll.i ir S ale Pi 'si o forlif', if liny
no such law, they vil dliow llteit
lorn by t nactinn one to ie:irh nil futon
cast s id similar 1 h.-rat ti.r. But ihe l.c-f
x iinile which tin y c 1 . 11 1 ' set, wool.
'jp probibmi'g, by Mn-tr cur, i i ut 1 0 r f tin
cieation uf au hat k',aiid ly ihrit bg-
iiure, tiic en eolation of any paper moo
y within ihi ii tt tritoi v, aiiihoi ;Z' tl h
ny S'aie. Tlnsi! We-'etn fliivitii;
liipiiaie iiniKid ly'iatl'ig icoth
Ir. m the A 1 .. I a n 1 1 c riiii-!-; aid we adiit
he W 1 s'ei o lot im it- '0 kill tin m 1 II i.
I'm b'i'iliiig any pei tinnuy. They
tl.,en hae p't nly of coin. ,cdjat.
.''fvnnti.v D .sc. vvni The limns of c
human t-kele'dn, 1 1 eicist d in runcusU
wionghi cai tin n vtr, wi re found rc
cently ieai Tus cloosa, Alabama, b)'
faun band, who tumid I lie T. op with
his plough. The vase win. l( line claj
niixtd with hrilliact )arti(lt, hke pun
hile jo hljle- C" ti-lnd and s 0 ed. 1' was
about t-'ghleen or twenty inches in di
lame tt r, 1! 'V id. d 1.1 the midille, and
- jin drjuli. The bolder of Ihe lowt
- J h.ilf wtul -rn'soujily !lj,eitJ
Mr. Horrid very PxtraordinaryMpeeitiien
of a sRlf-iangh Aiiiiincm, is tcavelling 11.
Enphnd. lie shoiiliU-ra his knapnai k ao:
tiaveN ihrough its lanes and by fields, eon
vcrcing with the people, and is making him
self master of lit u subject of their cond;tion
and feelings, 'bile on one of his usual
excursions, Mr. Burrilt stiyf:
I was suddenly divrricd from my con
templation ol this magnificent scctipry by
fill of heavy rain drops, s ihe prelutle ol
an impending shower. Seeing a gale open
md hearing a familiar clinking behind the
hedge, I stepped through into a linln black
smith's shop, about 11s large as an American
onuke house for curing bacon. The first
iljecl that ,ny eyes restetl upon, was a full
grown man, nine years of age, and nearly
three feet high.petche d upon a stone of hull
that heighth, lo raise his hreatt 10 tlie level
of his father's anvil, at which he vas at
work, with all ihe vigor of Ins little arrm,
making nails. I say a full-grown man, for
I ftjsr he can r.evtrgrow any larger, physi
cally or mentally As 1 put :ny hand on
his shouldeis in a familiar way, to nike
myself al. home ii!i him, ami lo remove
he itintdity willi which my suuilen appeal-
ance seemed to inspire him, by a pleasant
wortl or two of greeting, his flesh fell case
hurtled into all the indur-nion of toiling man
liood, and as unsusceptible of growth as hi"
invil block. Fixed manhood had set in
upon him in the greenness of his youih;and
there he was, hy his ftther's siJe, a etinteC
ptemaltire !?; with his childhood cut cfT.
with no space to grow in between the era
He anil the anvil block: chased, a soon as.
ie rou'd stand on his little legj, fr on ih
hearthstone to ihe I'-irue Mono, by iroo ne
.'tssity, thai would not ft ip l"ti enough to
pick up a 'et'er nf the English alphabet on
die way O, Lord John Unveil ! think rl
it ! Of this Englishman' sun, plat ed by
'lis mothcr,sc.irct ly weaned, on a hih cnl.
tone, barcfooed, In Cure the anvi'; there tu
liaiden, scar, and blister his youn hand
!iy heating and liammeiing ragged nnilrinN
for the su-tcmnfc her lireasl can no longer
supply! LordJiilm! look at llioe nails
,s tiicy lie hifsing on the b'ock. Know
yon their iieinin, ti'O ntnl langoigi?
Please your Imdship, let me tell yon I
have made nai's brl'oro now try (ire iron
rxp' dilation points, which this unlettered,
daaifi-h boy is unconsciously arraying a
fhiim von, ag-iiiist i he British (Joverntneni
and iho minisiry of Briiiili litetattue, fu
.siiing him oil without a letter of the Ettg-It-h
a'phabet, when pittti''g ii done by
'team ! fir incarcerating him, f. r nothing
on Im or his parent's fide, but poverty, iu
:o a dull, sW-hy-fil.t prison id' It. .id lah'o
n !f; bi-ITig think id ll! all ild'tlil
0 ai.lei'.ed, t.hnori in its motlici's anus, into
i man, hy tod that bows ilm s : ii : l i r- l of tin
orln's lahoreri who come lo mat. hood
liroimh iitterveuii 1' years uf 1 -hiMhoud.
The boy'n fatln-r was at tvoik witli hi
on U lowartts tr'e. w lien 1 en.ereil. A l ni)
lirsl w ortl of e lo the lad, he ttiruei!
round and accosted me a little bh'ully, a
if unaccustomed to the H;;hl of s'r .ngers m
lal place, or reluctant to let them in.o tin
scetiC ai c, seernl to Ins poverty. 1 sal down
p 11 one end of his nail bench, and tut 1
turn was aa American blacksmith hv trath
mil thai I had nunc in to see how he go
111 in ihe world: whether hi: ws erinnm
jin I'v good Wiigcs at I. is hnsincss, so tint
He could live ci'Uifur'..ih!v, and send hi-
iliir.-n to school. A? I said ibis, 1 ia'tc-
eil inquiringly towartU ilm boy, who w;ts
oiktrg s e.uli'y at 111c fiom his eione Mo.n
oy l),e ann 1 wo or toree little eroeh
tared girls, roin two to five years of egc
tl stolen in timidly, and a couple of yount;
frightened eyes weie peep'u over the dotu
oli al me. Tin)' all looked ai if s.itne U.-U
w( re daily allotu d them in lie sool am
.iiitlcr? nf their fathci's Icrge, even lo th
harp eyed baby al ihe dooc. The pom
Ei-glitdiman he wag as much an Fnghih
'tian as the Duke, cf Wellington looked '
Ids hu-lis headed, hare looii d chiMren, ami
said fnfly, vith a inelanclioly chai. pi. ihe
lead, that lie limes were ratio r hard with
him. Ii troubled his heart, and many h.1111
,if ihe n'ght I e hat: I cm kept awake by the
ihi'iifchl nf it, that he could nut n ml his
chi'.dnn lo ti boo!, nor leai h the 111 luinsell
to read. They were eoiul chihiicn be sun)
i h a moist yearning in his ryes,- they
ucrealllhe wealth he hid, anil he lovet;
tin tn the morp, the harder he h id to work
for them. The poorest pirt of the pmeity
that was on him, wis that he could not ciw
tiis bilcn the letters. '1'hey were gum!
ehildren. I.u ..I! the err f the nhop wcs ' ' 1 " ,"t'
n their faces, uul their f.ceers were bM,t:fi" ,8!,i' ,,e n"e ,l'f"1 500,000,
tg it,
12(ttad bet n a poor man all his days, and
r knew his children would be pm.r nil iht
tj s, i.d j.'.oni than ,c, if 'he uil Ltiti.
nr6B uliould eoniioue lo grow worse. If he
'ouhl only give theoi the letters, or ihe al
pltabel as ihey called it, il would m ike
them the like of rich; for ihen they could
read ihe Tesiiinenti lie c, old read lint
retamenl a lit Jh, fur he hail learned the
lulli-rs by (iff light, Il was a good book,
was ilm Toamcnl, never saw i.ny other
hook heard till of some in rich pcnpli-'s
Inline; but il mattered bin Imle vi lno.
The Tehlaineni, he Was cure 11 wan mail
foi nailors and Mich like. Il helpul o,a,kahlein ,im, either nieot.lly or
wonderfully when Ihe loaf was naiall on Ins jhodily. IJ'it not miny wpfk1 had piM.
table. He had but little tune m read iLed before ii diiinel nimois of st mo
when the sun was up, and it took him long
to read a little, for he learned the niter whe)
he wis old. But he hid il bi-l'uit! his dishy.,, uinlersinoil lhai In's rich uncle,
at dinner lime and fed his l,rtl with i',j.'l'tie Count, in Germany, Ind .lied and
while (he children were fi.ti.g the brca'ljpf ,,;, (ix.y ,hoU4(n(j lloi;,ir;, j,, r.,s, ;
that lell to his fliarc, Ant wltco lie ItaH
.spelt out a line of the thorlesl wonls, he
read theui aloud and liis chlcst boy, tin) one
on the block tin rc, could say several whole-
verses he had learned in this way. I' was
;i great ciuifort to Ii in to think that Jeemes
could take into his he.iri so many verses ol
the Testament whidi hn could not lead.
tl intended 10 ten h a I his t hildini in llii-
Wity. 11 was all lie cniiit u 1 tor nit ruj am
lhi he hid 10 do at meal li nes; for all the
odii-r hours he had to be at the anvil. Tl 1
nailing business was growing harder, In
was growing old, and Ins familv lare. I It
ha-.l to wurhfiom four o'r'ock in Ihe mom
ing ti I ten t' clock at night lo earn eigh
teen pence. Ilis w agi s averaged only a
hoot sevr-.t shillings a weik and there were
live of them in the family to live on wha
t'ney eirtn It vvas hard 10 make up the loio
of an hour. Not one of their hand?, how
ever little, could be spared Jemmy was
going on nine years of nge, and a he.pfa
lit he was: and ihe pour r.nn looked at hin
doaiingly. Jemmy could work off a il on
land nails a day, nf tho smallest size.'1 The
rent of ihtir shop, tenement and gmdcn.was
live pound a year and a lew penair 1arrie.1
by the youngest of ihcm was of gteil ac
count. But continued the father, speaking cheer
ily 1 am not the one that ought to complain.
Many is the 11 an that has a harder lot ol
ii than I, among the nailers along vhes-e bills
and in the valley. My neighbor in tin-
next do ir ci.ul 1 tell you something abou
labor yon may never have heard the Itko ol
in youi country He is an older man than
I and there are seven ol'tlitin in his family
and. for all tha', he lias no hoy like Jemmy
here : help him. Some of his linle git Is
are sickly, ami their mother is not very
strong, and it most all comes on him. lie
is an oldish man, as I was saying, ycl he
d o"s not only work eighteen hour? every
day al his forg", but ceeri, Friday in tin:
!,ear lie works a'l night long, and nevtr
'us oil' his clothes till late Sauirday night.
A good im ighbor is John Stiil-bin', and tin-
only inanjusl in our neighborhood who can
ro.ul a new'spaprr. It is not often lie gels :
newspaper, t.nd bread too, in our houses 11
he suite liose, I! it now and then he bees
in old otic, p '.ri'y lorn, al tin; b iker's, and
r, i ds 11 to us of a Sued iy night. So once
in two or lines werks we hcT of what is
going on in the world somedii'-g about
corn laws aotl the Duke of Wellington and
!)reg in and India, and other places in Eng
land. We h;-ard lell, awhile ago, that tin
poor people would not have to make so ma
ny nails for a loaf of bread much longer, be
cause Sir Robert Peel, and some other mil
were going to take oil' the port locks and
some other taxes, ami let us buy bread o
them that could sell 11s the cho .pesl. Win 1
ive heard this talked of, without knoTinc
the liuth of il John Studious look a penny
and weni lo the V hue Hart anil bought ;
drink of beer, and then the landlady Ul bin
look into tho newspapor which she keep,
fur customers, hen be came back, In
t.dd us a great deal of what was goi' g 011
.ml saul he was mro ihe- times would bi
in iter one of lliese t! s.
The man was inn-mipit d here by the en
trance of his neighbor, who had been in
truded 10 by ihe sound of an unusual con
venation in his filhuv nadir's end of lln
luii'ding I pulbd oil my knaptrack am!
did what I coiild 10 it a. :h them lliu alpltahc
1 I' the Kn g's English with reanl to ihe
N11ini1.1l l)i hi. and all other burdens w Inch
he puur laboring pet'ple of the tenliii h:id l.t
tie ar,
W'C' iisiii. Yhe (,'on-litutionalCi ti
vent ion cf W'-con-'n o-semblod a'Alul
ison on iV.e 5 h inst, f.i3 meiiibeis heiriji
in u'leiiilaiice- I) A. Ujban, was cho
sen IVf- den' on i,e ftunh ballot.
Tk f I . .1; ... ....... 1. . n ..
COOol lu-hels. Ihe cirn cf whe. I
,e w,h "iff'1 MO.O()0,000 of lu-hel..,
ir winch wou'd protlu 'c equal lo 25,000,
ootj Lan els cf Hour.
.7 L-xing'on ronepondi nl cf 1
.c,(M'(V Courier furnishe li e follu
io r,ie; Some lime (lining 'he so 1
mcr of 1815, there cune to hexing! ",
iinoulired and onk town, a Doctor J ". I
waul S'linmo, n (i"i in in hv hiilh, nod
i (lentiil hv pcf s m i . Hj si'eincil ao
ordinary still i f out ; v-iy oidinsiy
iti his aip"aM'ic, toil'-cd .1 hottii ly irnti
and no one di'Covei e I ;i i y ' I . i m j ie
greai good fortune ihn! had befallen I Im
doclor, csme lo bo rii riil iiri' ; and il
Mr. Shnrnan remdves lo become oij'j of
our lauded r roio leioi s. ainl ihe tiiiblic
ar i rnxl abounded l the nnnoutice
men! thai he had bciiilii of Mr. IJ. a
in m frr 5.30,000, which, a few months
before, 15. had h.uight al lO.COO. but,
nitiil Ike public, Shu i, an never quarrels
or hiiig'es about prie. lie foriiishca
Ilis hojse in the handsomest f'ylr, hoys
hnenies, rockiways, horses ca'lU, ami
firming utensiU, upon an rx'ei-s'vn
Cale, and to h s in 0 ifiruCP, thicks
nol ol the ,?y ho vl o can doubt hn
solvpncj? Times passes ---iiitl S umati
hithf.rlo ficeu-'omed lo a life of busy oc
cupnpon, wearies ofllio ni'.nolomy of
ut firm, ami delermincs lo turn his at
ention to merehaiiil zing. GotrKNmili
le purclusea a large flock ol good' ! y
i ir the urea'est poitioo 00 a ere lit be
ing a-sistetl io pm eh n.-s by Hip pinlors--tienl
of the above ntenlioDed Mr. IJ.
alios credit is unbtiunded. Tho ttoro
pcoceetls; things r swimmingly. A
r.o.i!h since S iumu) lell lor the Ncrin
10 lay in another slock of goods. Afur
few il.rys his wifu icceived a It-ltcr
fiom him, staling that he would n-lui u no
liori' lo L"xiui''oo, and ndvi.-ing her
thai .-he had hclitr o lo her faitirr'd
loose, I i,o w is ti r rot and di-.ivi .y.
It is now (Jncovtrul ilial ro for tune w is
eft him, and that the win. In iiltir
was a mviiuI It
to say, v. ry
iiian you men!, suspected from the first
hit M.iinian wjs a d d iseil, ami
'hings have turned out j'nt as he. cxpecl
ed.' Twcn'y r y siii'satc; lite re
sult of the S:iti'ii:in humbug. 'It is an
li ind lli-ii blows nobody toml lo ilm
lawyers, who lick their chops and look
tave, and rub their hands wnh inwaid
s.iti-f ,eiion -ind in ihtir he ris li-.-s
Siiuman. In the rhanci 1 y suits Mr.B.
is involved. Tho b.lls charge tint
w as en in a comoiu ill., n wisli
Sininitn lo deceive and tit Tr ,111 1 the pub
c, by inves'ing Shunnn wth !ie titlo
0 the lantl; upon Mr, IJ ytt
c airt's i I. in for the pirclie money,
llifiiby Pivina- l, 1 111 heloie th
ivmld a cr-iltl lo tvliicll ho was nut im'.
al. Tiu ch-T
ar 1; of cour ;
nied. 15 s t k st lo subj el tin! f irm
o ihe piyment of llnj unjiaiil pur
..:hase moriPVj and ihe o'hrr r r 1 1 i tor s
-erk 'osuhj-ct 11 to tbptr da m.:
Al the In t Siij.f rior Ci.iirt ii l'uchon
lis coitn'y , Vi r gini.i, w Ii ich s . t lil week,
tin re was nrruina o'her'S undi r tri
ll, one biiiwi p 1 a Mr. Unit r of Bath
county, and J.. Henry DtHy, of 1',
ct uniy .Tlie W s'ininny bail lo t 0
h '.apl, the ;n gun (tils of nnr.-tl h,.d
been c't-livrnd, li e jm y b-td rr'iiul late
mi Fi itl .y e yeiiii g, in cini-iili r their
vf nl i o; ; I u lon g lo nn'te up
on tie fane, hid le co ar j jatr in il ever
il ihe in xt rnmi. ing, ainl In!, ilur
rm eivit'ii son.e firtln 1 ii .siMn-tmiis from
h"- Cmi'l, leiired ihe scroti ! lime, when
Mr. Dil:y. one of the p.11 lies to the sui ,
dropped tlow n in Ihe .-Heel, and died in
1 miiiiite or so oMt rw: rils,tioin apoplexy
t is 'opposed. Whereopi n the qoc.-tiou
nose iu'Ii ihe ('mill, whether the joiy
mold render tin ir vt r.l 'c', one of tho
o.i lies hcing dead! Tut: counsel I'm'
Hitler, I. owe ver, removed the d.fficii!'
y, by moving ili.t the juiybe dischai
ttd from the farther cun.nlu ntiou of tho
c.iSejand the suit can now be reviled
between ihe Adminisli aior and Eider.
It is doubtful whether there is a sit'.ejj
case 111 iIip books, similar in cnctint--if
nee lo this one. Hence the diiiicuby
wnh 1 lit Co ir r I to deierniine what course
it was pit per lo be UismtI. l.'tcii-
!rg ( Va ) Chronicle, Oc. s.
Wu liaJ 3 litila snow last i'uuday.