The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 17, 1846, Image 4

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rel l YilUttn, CwUf go, which i hu
rdtfuJ by a rorcioaJDl of liu Skiing
The 1' oJi-i of Cfwmijfy, while l
mw'ii'fr't'i ;n the fwirf of bi lectin's.
the jo'riv.!. of .Vi'icjert, or, it i
co: ,,tf-J, l,.ugl.ig , in oi
dm Its nrii: lift wr jreal n ii 11 J-Hff
feo reatefUHri i ipniioji i sirret
lr fill rvf nib Ivfart iibbr n hi will
Lev i'lk.)tC i.npicior, uj the fuVe it
gajt.liicjj wer uv-rr poweiful (tun upon
tica who bJ reillji brheil rm pi e
gti. O.kC ihil II pro Uiced
tnf-a mi if2 io, another immnlute
If wiiiffJf(l r I piop".tilie,rid
l f.Ti e ha coul.1 b refriamf, lore in
pi -a lie roi cf one ( the by aiinler
whilj third cxclirrncd, Mhis is life; 1
n?r n jfti! ii luf.-rp. TKe LurM!
UmI fo' 1th t jp-Hore of ibis" .scoti
St Iliirphrfy Py, brin once
bin" aJmiftitr:rj 'hi g" ,rt pirann
fffierel tvith pral)i, applied the bob
le of a ih?rmon-.eif r lo In mou'li, in or
e'er Itf nkriain lie lemp'-ra'ute cl hi
ysffm. The pitient being ignorant ol
t-e (miner of uking the ga,lelt instant
relief, and by holding the ll rrn.ometfi
for a sbnrl lime longer iu bis mouth, a
complete and permanent rure wj tfJcct
td.Sptingfleld Gazette.
.4 Damper lo EUqutnce. Amu?ins
(tenet occur occasionly in grave asaem
b!ir. During ibe Lie session of iIip
New Hampshire Legislature, newly
DtJgeJ orator rose to m ke his maiden
speech in the Houae of Represanlaiir-ea
A bill had been brought in to lax banL
dividend?, and watching his opportunity
Ihe debutant adJrrsi?d the members.
Mr. Speaker.the gentleman from Dover
who inUoddccd this bill, docs oo( leem
fo be aware of it inevitable results. He
would tlr'tp the widuw '(roara of
liBgbter, and cries of Ibe widow who.7
what widow.' not io this-public bill,
I hope, &c. &r.)
As soon as fhe tumult subsided in
some degree, and the orator could make
himself heard, he indignantly piocie.Ieil
Gentlemen need not lbiik lo put ni
dowa by clmrr. la their no ropaliy
here for th tvidcw and the orphan? I
I say, sir, thai this is worie than ' rip
ping. Put oo this tax and I aay you
drive the widow to h r ait sniff.
Here the clamor became to great, th'
the fppiLer despairing of a hearing, re
fumr tl W. i seat. 1c was almost ten inin
uniiut'S .iefore the II wye could transact
lis tegular business
VkrrTW'ng fitibics. An amuaing in
itlenl ecvtM re' 'n Uustan: A gentle
dim and ta ly iiv thti city were Weed
with bau!if:il chilli about a year old,
whin'i ttfr.tted ro ittoh attention from
t!i n-cig'.b.s, thai Hie yours ladici op-po-r
In qiitiiiiy sc ut over 'lo :crrovi
th- fahy.' Afier being otjli!u '. spnd
or I'" cliitd several urn?. Rir. , on
rciivrt : I rr.i t d i n n -r, got out of tern-
p r 0: fi .illrj It ":)0 J UUil 'HeTf
J M Slid he, (idtl'i ' niii the uurje,
tv. r t. M ss jii'I get the bsby!give
I' ' my coinpliincii1' and tell i hern 1
w, -V1 h?'d tfi't a b'lhy of ihiirowii and
not o(j ulill d lo buifow. Cia ?t!txr
th"T. APEAlAL;s t i tiu death
Yhc.i lc iofm coulaininj ibe bixfy c(
liufin was opf!:cd, ia 1515, there lay rlie
iv,::ii -.9 in" i! n jro it poet, to appt'aianceH
t : i ph. ..i.', . nil retaining varon.i traces ol
tiiiluy, "r, .' .r, exliibiling the feiuiics ol
c in v. o hid i 'i-emly sunk into the sleep
;f tie ji :i i!;e iotdly forehead arched arnl
ui'i, t d the teeth perfectly 6rm and whri.
Ti ? "rntitj wis si imposin;'f that mnl ol
the workmen stood h ire and unrrmreJ, as
did Dr. Gre-ry ai exhoajjtion ol ine
hero of Bjuiockbnrti, and at li.o ime liuv
f.:lt their frames thrilling with some nndtli
.uold eniotina. as they gjie ) on the ab
of bi ii !i03e lame ii as wide a the woiM
jueif. Rut t!ie t-tleel was momentary , f.,r,
when they proceeded to ui.ert i ftr
cae hetow the ctiflin, the bead aeparati-i
from the l.unk, and the whole bo-ly, wild
the exccpiioa of the bones, crumbled into
Lord Nugent, on opening the coffin con
lainin? die body of John Hampden, found
ii perfect, after a botial of 200 jearr even
lu feaiura were primed,
When the b.)dy of Gen. Wayre, wbiih
bid Itniii Imrird at l!nc, I'j., l?'J7,aa ih
in'eircj forty jearr, iil'itrwnl, ihe eorjae
ud on.b r?oe .ii iM.le , ,.,.ge as lo be rea.'.
dy ifi-irr'iir. il by tliiine w'io wers familiar
iili t'.e (Ii m ril in hi It'r tuiip. Iu per
feet r. i i.uiin mj siinl iiii .1 In lit tlill
i. 'rr ot iti noil, hi liii'li yrt ajjillireou'
.tih, a'.rongiy i.npit'giKird li'i luinine
tub r.oy and i in: mclnsi:.
Ttie WlfC'iH Tunc ) iheairua
r'f in ilut cut were pU in li'inoit,'
ml nhrn the Udy pl iling Simsn aul. I'l
nivry trie fir! likely Irlluw ihu off. r,' a
ox fofiier Monroe rinnii , U.Mo a!k-
d op lo the auge ami iai.1
II''r'4 the boy fvr fun, n-l there is tin
lirens,' living if-.wii j bom tide marnsgi
on the table o( in on lientra.
SlnUnk rlirrtman cairrbininp tin
yixiili of bit p uihli put the fi'fi iei!iioi.
in Ileidkl'ern'a Caii-i lnnn lo a iirl
W'lut'n your ouly coimuljiioi. in life and
in dtjili?'
'I'de poor girl mnili j and no duubl feh
ei) qui ;r but she did not give an inisur.
I'ke prit a in!1"!!.
'Well, tlieii.' Buid fhe 'if I imil toil it i
lie little tliut wear ie iirittl
Ptrltij Goml A dt. iiiticnted m ill
Ui'L' loo iiiui h ill the In bit of rciniudilt cbi',.(i i fei or jmi, at home r al.iOii.l.iiiHuin-
l ;i. -.1.... . n i..,
i l'i. J lllf w ii 4i t l 111: 111 ll.j'l v I inn
first wife was;
. .. . .
I ill all p illi'in e I.I "(
lie wag c.iiiifo:lrd v. i h the re.n uk, tint no
one regretted her deadi nioie ilnn fhe did.
3 0
Wm, BlcIIclvy & Co.
A VR jo.,t recpitrd and no.y otiroinj. imp r
ii.ij la-gvwt itiiu 111.1 i-TiriiMi; niiM-K 1 1
(j.MMla erer broui;lil 11.I0 l.i.liniiliia n.ii ilv. Tliei
aiMirlmeut cookmU in j.att nf the follnwi'ig:
Ihrtgtt, Herrge Storfs. IMzorinrt, fig-
urea una punn ir I.amet l.airnt,
I'riiitt of ul ti'uUit. palernt
and prine$. SlkJitme nnd
(Jul Ihh Shaw'. J'ttra
ioMtet, Kid and
Si k (iorf$.
Silk and Col Inn
Ibw, Porktl Ilmulkrr
t.h'uf of all kind mid it uioat
ri, iii jr ehelhul .atlie vitnj
n or.inrMnling u Utre tiirtiirnl of
rf a sojriur .oa!ily.
TlothM-MHinfr, t'ogon fVime.-; a new srti
tie, Panlsl.Mn (iifr,,TwrciM.(i'i'i' .c.?r; i m
mer cloths, Mtio and fanry 1 ii.., r;aati
c.-ls: tie and Tirluni other a. iii.'t
OVntlerwn arid I.a.Iie BOOTS and HHOEK
A tiny dfseription.
Mofassca, Loaf and BrrmnwM. l.'.iT,.f.T...
-Suieea. Mackerel, ear and fcne PH, liai,.U
Kuio, W men, tm, Ae.
Assortment iiKlurp eef krlirle aiwl nmliu
1 hat may be ea tied fur;
piTrjirRliwflk Fork;H.ic. Will;"i ,,,( hr" wh ".""?-' h ."" ,'"lu
Woeil an.) crooa cut aws; F4i Um-f Kcrews;
Locks, kuWc aud fa k., Bult.xn; Burkka;4
Of all sir, Round, Bir and I5nd Iron
Cast Steel, and a general atoilaienl of
At' ofwtin'.h wilt La told a lilil kvwer th.n the
lowest; and all krnds of l.lMBU'l and IMIO
UVCK t.iLan in payment.
Mry :iu ft
O. c. K.mixrt
TOt.'f.l) rc.;i'retfii!l inform W frienJ-i an.
tlieiiuhhr iier;lly, that he ha in A re-
i-ivi'ii and oveneil on ihk forner nt Jlaio nu.l
NtreeU in BliMinishurR, lue fcirgct, hfst nul rhea
ejitawiounieni ji
KeaI'7 Madc,
yer offered m tbi nviihnrhond, whirh he wi!1
ll from ID to 20 per rrnt. eUta(.,r than ih ehi-ai
nit. Hitoeb l gut and jelueU'd Willi srealr a.f
mule of the boKt and no-vt frsliioiia' lc rrateriat-
and in the muHl workminlil,! manrmr and iij fr
''inhracing eery, cnn and ir which wi!
uit either the taste or vrurtomv .nr. Iiae:i. 1
will tell
Tirrrtl wk frorJc J( drm fromil (10 In S W
Vimmtr and ernfim rluth tfa 2 8 to 1 ?.
Linen mul gingham itn 1 25 In 3 fl
H'tf.k irnd t'renr.h WMmere Panti 3 "A to t it
da 1 75 3 2.'
Itnlhng mil wmt t ,m tin f.-J t 2 .Id
nHnuuil.iill( T ' -N 2 .riO In .1 7-'
-((.uimiii'M ("" Mrr-ulf ml I 511 2 . i a g.M il a.-x.ifVuii nt of toeks t trayal..
Mawlkerrhief. t'nllarii, HiirN; -r.. nil of whirl
he I'lil-lie. are invite.! lo rail and ramine for lln rr.
lie helore pnrih.iiij rU-nhrre if thr y t
rt a qnoj harcaill anil Well tuitcd.
July II, I81ri I2lf
.in?!iniii Lautt.
OF r:i w and brautilul paltcrn, juat received ul
ihe .New .Store.
Ma; 00
Cabinet varo House.
milivcrilm woulil n'niMvlfully iiifmii tin
iHitilii h Un itikcu (tui U p luloiy oc
UUntMA' wll(.rc i,, ' (Brrvill(r
i.n.l I.m V....k.t..l ' I llu nnitr ttl lintipr Sltl III
malliu .uiuui lraitit, nml wliere he will I p
iii(ij o Wiiil up.iii ull tli'W wlii ni 'y f'ivr Lim
jHl lui-ir I'liilimi. Ill r iirimtiic n iiiin u
m miji! ufgiMil m.itPiiul ami ilurulild, ami lio m-
ll'll lilt- ''J. 1115 on liuti I
SidfMd-di, Secretaries, mreaus.
ll'antrubts. Cird Tablet, Dining
Tab'et. Ureakfnsl Tablet,
Cti jihnu i di. St a , ' I 'ash
nut ull !.iiicl f wiirk in lii ln.r, which be II!
ijiiim t K-aiiiulik' li-rins m llifj inn lu! un'lunil
Ml (III' I'llillllV.
It v luri iilU'iili.iil to luMiiiPsn lie lioj'i'H to n
'ie a luo tlf imlilic ir.itniiiiiiie.
i:i.t uuowx.
April 25, IKI.'i.-lyl
DUB ri:t)(K! -' I'lio fry ii iill 'l'l
t'l.lilr!' t.m-ry unil lnilii;ii liilinpi nf ll'i'i'
.lll'tlii' null l"l li.lll. ir.!iui.-.'i
Cirmilj mi t' e North, in Mi'iu) ami tlie ll'i'iil In-
.lies uii llicrtntilll-atP : 1 1 uinMinimiH in llirir prni.-i".
')f a iiirJiiiiiP i-J umimt: ulljr known and ..Ici'iii'
Wright's Indian Vluktable Tills.
.. .. I, ...II,. I,, -i,r:ik in At ini
,nwl i-f il LiMory lia il.u uf thai uu-il-
Kmc lnlii'1, and ttc limj jy I'"" uu'ii
i.iiinii in liLcIv It. tf infill' ri ilniKiK. AilaiiH il U.
all runiiUiti.'iM.", In 1'iriy faun of tlioarf, ami l.
all ..liinai. W nulu' . Inilu" PKi'talne I UH
..I, .vr.-t.-rv ltl..'l I,.. v!u:llil'. fill. ll f'ir tllO USC 1)1
.I. r lUial. ii-.r . ir.iii.istai.i'lil' may lie
VI.....I ,.u.l i.i.i i.iil. Willi a ciiiiincii n
" - , . . . . , .
...,i.l in il.u r.ii'iiili.iiiH ul lii'iiltli aim wini i. n
j,.,t.all Vra. Ml.lo IMU atiuniUl.i'iP i-no i i. um
I .r I.i'oij m, unU-o the coii.-iuuiiou ! utu-ny n'.
! .U our o! j;ti w to slate wln rc the genuine mpiI
ilriiK- ran I..; oUamrd. railier lli'm Iokivo it an ri
t. iiJid wlii. Ii nor Imiila loriud we nlmll
!iiu-r.-lv .ul'iuiu oi.e oi I ao ofllic nnau-rotjH IphIi-
iK .t I'lti' nut (Mine lolunl. llui:Hitir
iii'iitii - i -
ol llic name kind infill l ail""'; l" we '
ie imlilic will ac us the troulile of criuiiii'mi;
ili in.
(Kilrart of a li tter f.uio llcrnaiidii, Viini')i.'
To W. VVri;;lit Vur Pill have gi'cn iiiiiui
. .1. -..i',..i...i. nn.l arr ii.-llv very noi.i.lai. I cat
M.h ,,, u0 , 40 ,uA annoillj if I touM U suj.-
.- .
Viiuri, Wm. Hr.ntit Jioisos, Aent.'
It in .'ti! line 'o lie riin i.-kcl 1l1.1t iIip mi 'liciiii
I1..1 Uc!i l.ut ri'cpinly liiUiiiImcil into iliiwuisiiii.
(CMractofa li-tt. r finin Jersey .Shore, I'eiin-)
Tliv Indian Vi Pill cici'l cvt-tv tiling ..I
lie kind evir i.ll' fil In the pnllie in tli'w urtiiiui-l
.In: ciU'itr, lialvvitiKlainlin.; I'.ip e.niiliinril ell'.nl il
ni ne fiw unjiiii.cii.leJ on rei i.a.i. n to i'lil lin n
Id .Ml,
, WminsTi n Ao.
The fo'.lowing highly respectable sinir
Xecper have tn en ;.p;n.ii.itd asenin lor tto
, il? of Vriht' l.nliaii Vogetable 1'illa ii
'(liiioibia ( 'o..:.; :
II. I'. IM.U- l)o:vil!e
ll j.ln n t'.ii dy (J.itiawitii-a
C) r I! irt-Mi--l-p 'nwn
ItniMii it t:.c..y t;til 'i.ii!e
A--1 ili.iu. Mi I. r I!, rn 1. k
(J. II. Ii r i'.it 1. ri 1 Ii
Wm- (V.v.iti'ijvjii Dr o.e ville
(tiOt'e M iu 1 .Milnlio
, t l. ir I J- r-ci iwioi
I .icr A. W :..liiu.,ii: I'tr!i!pg.
R .) i' Mid.- i.-i i' -iiiiic
Get.'i' t m i I !.;! -Ii i
I il.l Street linn t'o hi .'hi -s tett
l.inv ii l'i..i.n)i-"lt 1. 1.1.1:
li. t '. I'...1 a - (If l-i' ret k
I.ll , V r r ' it.
R i'. We.iii.r (if.'Sfiivi ii.'il
K A: J I. 2 oo Oi.i!
Iliih !.:Vl 1 liaii. Moors! utg
IV i.i.:.ri " o' KKJli r.s INDIAN VBti-
K I I1I.L' l'II.I. h-i i.'.e-1-d J lronc; hail lo un-
Il, m:, l'"i'rn J l'u" 'ui "n ""-
it-runs. I o . irai h-' "i' 'u ... --..i..
w." ha prnrr.I ri- I-. ano mp n in 1 iti
-it(i.'n i;k of vvm.u liit.ii r u h.i,mh
lit: Fil .M Trli:
I.AI.'KI. tll'l
f.'AI'll IM. Art-: h'-i.c' nn,,ie, ni,
J ,,iii
Y'.ii.-tUrff!l I Mi i-
,i,Tf...T. llir f.iii.'iri.vl ar,.l (fei.uine .vnimi
d'.vtll.C ril.1-1 MiMlir U .'IT-
t i:S Wf. TI lit 'F Wil ."IfillT onihe
turn I.ll.. I of .a.:!( hoi .
I ' . . . P.. .L.-... r.l-i.-
I lli.-.'s ilrvo'rn icin-lif ij 1.1 iiu- ! 01 i rnrni
fridian Wl;.l..fe Fill' wtiobile ait.1 retail. Il.'i
A'aee fhilaiVlpbt: ; lireenwHA Direct
" Y and f'l'i Ti.'1'r.iiil street, liu.-Aim,
J"rrjttuiher, I'J I ! I'l '-'-'ly.
IIousc and Lot For Sale
H E subscriber otT.fs fi le his
1 1 H
; 5 TAii.nrrs shop.
itiucd 111 the f.i'ibinr village of l.ighMreel. in
i5I.ii townhi. It it a rf-iwl situation foraTaifor,
..rngin the tiniiieiliate vi.imly ofteveral Furna-.-.
The iirirtirrly wilt he iokl ..11 reasonable
l.ihlstrett, Septenilwr 1923
? hereby eiven l ihej.iit.-rih.'. s nf Slork to ihe
r.V''iBwi llriilf ( omixiii i. that a iknmil
md Third hnfnhnurl ! live . I., liars eh, u re-
inired to be paid to the Trea-nn r en r U fore the
1st of AiiSU't and lt f fcplcfi.lier resperlivcly
By tinier of ihe hanl,
P. CIiAKK, TremurtT.
July I, Irtlfi
The niise(ii-r informs the public 1!, il hain
,(.s-itrel .1 new HO. al 'he al.oip Ferry, he will al all times to take across lhe tit. r fm u one
1 a -it team, al VO eenU foi one ho rf,
10 centnfor four horses -in' lone at . eiilsa load
Clip Ferry is dire., tly opposite the in w .1. lbnli..l
l. vlin.llollK'.
Lime niJie.Aua- 2'J-H-lo.
fTIIIE auhacriher very reieerully informs the
H iiutilichal hehaa on hand and ieoi.bUnt-
lyMiiiufacturiiii;, HOOTS ami HIIOF.S
of all kind which he will tell at the following low
liii ca.
(kntlkmkn's Wkah.
Morocco or Cuff Skin jlou.'n $1 00
Con sr Hoot 3 25
Coarse or Fine Shoe 1 75
Miner 8 Shoe $2 to 2 2f)
Morocco Slijiprr 87,
Morocco or Co f ktn Luce Hoots 1 fU
Thick .Vole French Tic 25
Pump Spring or French 1 12,j
Olhcr kind of Slippers 75 rent to I 00
N. II. The iiliovn me all ofiny own Manufacture
md are wirmiled to atimd. 1 have also on hand
I Inre stoi k of
Eastkun made IJdot.s and Shoes,
which I will Rill at Hioall im'liu.
IJouiitryMi-rchantH and others wlio liuy hy the
dozen, aie invited to call and examine my good,
as I will sell to aiieh at a large reiliielinn.
0 j KemeinNcr I'm plai'e at the SEW f!00'l
mul $11 Oh SI (JUL, lower end nf Maiii-streel
Jul 4 me,
"ITS VOUllShriS ' 0SU'1RI) 7
gtO yreat has heen the ileinainl for Folder V
va nt. :. - am 11. ...1: i,... ... 1
t'i.n.iiMiiiini 111 ..1, .11111 ii.iiHaui, ano 11 ua
n en mich general Hali.ilaclinii to those w ho have
osed it and hecome acqi.ainled with its viitues that
t now itaii.l pre-eminent as a remedy in Ditease.-.
ol Hip J.mi-s, ai-d the tesliniony which haa heen
lien l.y inlli-rerit i.erKom. who have heen cured hy
I in alL'i-ther vohnitaiy . 11 their pail. They have
. immi it iiil'.e hoiethat all who may find llieinsi-lveK
u i ced uf ihiti remedy may apply for it wilhout de
lay. Kc.ii! the following L iter rereivrd jinn
Vr viiiimi'all, PaMor nfSt JuiIoh ' 1'iiiseiipal Frr
'hiircli, iWr h.ui not npy ued '.he niedieinr
hiiii-ell'liiil has wilniMmd id. ell'.-elM in M'veial verv
'.rvin' nf iliH-a.-it'. '1'he letter will show hi.-.
"plill.ill of its virtues.
llrar Mr: IS.Iiniii'j; il lo be Iml m act ofeoin-
roon humaiiily lolho-e MilK-riiir uiuler the varinuK
.liteae f '.iii;h I.'i.lus, Jloaisim s, ( 'oiiMirri)
.1011, Antlmia. Ve. lo point lhe.11 lo a safe, ienh
and r ulieal r.-nn .lv, I lake pleanii'i! in heaiini; 111.
ti'.iiiiK.i.y loyour invjlnalile medi. incealleil Olos,i
-niia-i 1" All H.'.il'iiJ IJjI
101. Ill it dlicai'V I.
, . r ...
j-f ... hi... .."i , ., -1 . . iirini', 1,1 -f
.! ;! ff""i rj.onrp umrr or I, ss lo llie jri.s!.
1 ..f m:r i lio. Of lo licipii nt atlai ks of liilliicn-
1. !! ,.rsei.i--f ,Ar., I . oe alunys found il lo
.''.1 -t in l n.l..n.'.il;.-,an.l a'.iays by piyseveranc.
1. 1 l'i n.v, rii-.c' r. lief. I o a pailicular I'ieiii!
I lu'if rli rin-,' M'V.r' ly mulct Asthma, and who
'11 1 d ol ubtHimng r. li. f from any lioman
-,.u . , ':;i"ii y reci)iii.',itioii wasiiidueed In
i 'c l!i.' I ll.niaoniai a liii'.i j::d lie ruinMincid the
1 If .'I nr-ilnci 1! upon a p.-.-fn t haiiu all'mlin,.
iiini tiiini.iuate and almost in.-lanlancous rclitf, In
an. .11.. r in-l-in. e 1 reroiMni-iiil. .1 it In a leiiiafi
friend far ,n!v a' iced in Coi.ruinplior. Afh rlhe ust
if the lirl Kittle ncr c.ncrh was entiri lv remnvnl
ami ht-r apiietit? and slrcuilh restored Iu jch a
ree a' to ast.iiii.ii all who saw her- With a
loiw chciL'h'd ai.d firmly ei-lablinlied pn-jmliec a-
iSiinst Ihe tliou-siiii! ami one fjciliis put ..h ii
llies davs a s.n r. ign panaceas for all din-.-iw. I
.nurevou thai nothing short of m v In in coiivitlioii
.,f ihe tlaiuis ol n.i .lirine to an cuipn re
p.ilal't'.an.l to the riled olit nr herein ivrlilird.
- .i... t-v r iy own i"is-ru-iice aim olix rvalinii. I
j. .ii.!.J not haie lii-en induce,! tbtin lo ruiiie forward
I have i,.- lo 1'.
nr, ri iiinnv joins,
K. C:M!IM,.,I
Jtive Ion a Cough,
whi. h is Iriiiibl.-soiiic and lia.s Ilut y i. Mid to any
..I llie hu b vu have in-r.l ? Is it at-
'en.le.l ilh :iin ii the side, ! nf breath,
riiujht snrjl.--!
Da you lia'ne Blood
when Tu cough end find your f-trrneth Rradually
failinc 1 You will find that these ymplnis if not
pro)i-rly atlenned t. will terminate in rnii-umplioi
and cram. Are you iroumcu wnn inai ilislreAAinp
birh deprives yoo of your rest at iiijil and re
iler life burthenome.
Here is the lievirdj.
Reuicmbi'r the name and plaie where il is Ui l-e
ohtaineo and do not be put oil with any oihei. Ii
has pr.Klm cd a cure in a-di-sperate r.i.-w 1. ymin.
may appear to and dou'.lless will put lo llihl
in a iiianne: lhoc dislres.-iiii; 1111
which till your mind wilh yloomy foreIi.idinga of
the future.
Its Healing Properties
, not dceeiv. "I be u..rl ory coocn is quickly
. ...
overciiH! and e ay and heallhv ei toralliin likes '
its plaee. S-pioma f I'l"' .u1111e.1al. ly check- ,,-
i,l N i,hl sweats will. ,.ain ... Ihe M.lcand zhe''
debilily and dillieullv ofbrealA.n yield in 1 short
ly an.l iliiueui.y o. u r., ,.r,., , . mhiii
,!,,. Aslm.w.ina...isorea.I1u.acro.npa1me1,is
ii 3t oner, relieved, ftronch.tis and in facial! the
of the Ibroal and I ungs give way before
this remedy when alt other means have faded. .
Pr -Horn may attempt to deceive you with aoine!
other remedy, .rj it to be filially as good
,ut renieiiihrr life is at Make, therefore I
Be not Deceived.
Thpaboii mnlii iue for sale by the f,,l!ou i.115
B. I'. I,u... II ooiiKburR. W. .. ..tier A o
j. ,.,t.iii ; Den -V JKBride, V. hite Hall ; .
tin t I
LabJy, t'altittii!..
urn jr. 1
iiLACKSMiiiiiNt i:htahi.isiimi:nt
Ity .Sniilce & Silvt rlltoin.
THE uiideramned liaviiio taken the ulion
formerly or:eupied by Marnliul Silver thorn,
mi on 1 reppcetlully inform the public that
Uiey mieml to earry on the above branch ol
biiciiiess ami will at ull liincg be read m do
work a little better and cheaper t li u 11 an)
oilier establishment in thn pla,:e, und llie)
hope by uiei aitentioii to liut-ineuH 10 .iicrii
J largo ponton of the public patronage
All kind ul country pioilueu laUn 11
eiehange for work & the ready not refuHed
inam; NAM EE,
H loom Ini rg Tub, 21.1810 44
THE business will be roiuinued W tin
"ubscrtber at tlie old stand; where uiui
bo had al all limes.
or any oilier work in bis linp, lie is prepared In luriiini WINDOW CATS
feo eiiher of .Ma.hle, Lime or tiny kind ol
sione that can be proeured in this vicinity.
jrj"llaving had "oiooderablL' i xpenenei:
in the businesH, ne pleilpes I113 work ti
be executed in us Imn lsonie a si v le as ran
be furnished from i.ny yard cither 111 ll.t
city or country; and on ;is rcncnnblc tern
Cloomsburg, Nov. 3, 1843, ly 28
E(JS leave to inform the public, lha
he i.i prepared to attend to ull ibe oper
ations 111 ueniisiry, h u ch a3 removing!
The Tartar and other foreign Sub-
From the teeth, rendcrinfj them clean, ai,i
llie gtiuig and breath sweti and lieahhy,
The cuvitie 1 Decayed Tevih
lll.M I... .1- I ..... . . . I -i 1, t I
111 in? uressi'ti uui ano niieu Willi ViOli!
r other Iml; of the finest quality, -js tin
esse may require, wlii.'h will giiieralh
prevent ihetr aching or further decay, am
render ihem useful for years; and in man
eases during I ife
Teeth and Slumps of Teeth
Which have become useiese ot troublesome
will be extracted in ihe most careful man
tier, wiwi inu latest auu oest improved in
Tor eel ia in Teeth,
Oftho bPM quality and latest improvement,
will be inserted on pivot, or (in connection
with Dr. Vallerchanip, with whom he is in
pjiernsliip in plate work) on Gold plate,
from a single tooth lo a whole set, to look
as well as ihe natural, and warranted to
uiKwtr all the useful and ornamental pur
poes proposed by ihe art.
In shori.every operation belonging to tin
nr..fiinii. mill h n.'fnrm.xl in il... U
"-.,.'-'1-- .ii.iiii.M 111 ,111. ii,:n
iianticr. with choisest material, and at the
hortest notice lie therefore hopes, bv
1 itrirt altcnttnn (0 business, lo ( l.lain f-hari
of public patronage. Any person or pri
sons wishing any of the above operations
performed, are respectfully requested lo
ve him a call.
N. B- The public are hereby ir,formet!
that we the subscribers have entered into a
special I'artneiehip relating only o plate
work as it is more convenient for each 10
ilterul to the oibrr branches tfilie science
.n his own account.
Mount rieasanl, Nov 81I1. 1815 3m
iflat kiii(iiiiisiK(nbliiliiicn
TUB Public are hereby respectfully informed
llial wc luve lately entered into Copartners, up 111
'he above busiuis al the Ilrick Miop, formerly uc
rnpird by Moses Ciiffiuaii, on .Main-street, below
ihe new store, where we intend lo carry on the
above named businesa in all ils branches. V
pledge ourselves that work done al this nhop shall
It executed 111 as neat anJ wvrknianhke marine
ami un as reasonable terms, as can be done nt any
nl her shop in this place. VS'c therefore hone bv
strict tltciitinn lo business, to merit and receive n
due proportion of public patronage.
April25, 1H1C.
A'. . SHOE IS G done at the re-
dncrd price of One Dollar. 5ihi
pnfit and quick return our motto.
Centre of Gravity.
TIIK subsrribers respectfully inform the cili-
xens of lilnonishurganu vicinity, that they have lo
. , .... " . ...
ra'eil lliemseives 111 1 iinrnioi, s im vi nup, in
Main, tun door lirlme the I'urntr of Main anil
Market strfth, 111 Hloom.sliurc, where Ihey will al
ways lie found on hand, ready to accommodate
.....lit.. Willi llld. IJ.U, III, III Willi .'Mil. . Ill'll
.. - 1. . .. i..B..v .i.... :.i. - 11 .ri...-
. -,. Iu. .,.: lhe ,,,, ,..,1 num. ,.,rilri,
. ,....,.. : ,h
ISIV IP 101 iieaiuiTM. . .rf;i..ii.t: i.i ...r ..ub.ih-w.1
. r . 1 t : iU- 1 :
, ,
'T ',. ."
j. .,
einerienec in the business, they
vrs that their work will be done as
an e j,llie ewwnPre. AJ W0lU intrusted
fM(j waarlcj ,0 fiL
tf,,yTT V(; d,me (he shoitest notice and
if pro,.erly made up.
iU..'-Tiiv- rnfllKTE. i ibe
. f .
' ..
j , Lc N;w ST(;E
I '
THK subscriber informs tho i.uhlic. 1I...1 h. i.
ahlolocuib ull kinds of Cancers and erudiem
WarU and Corns with vciv loon IIMIII it.
shoit tiine. JIu refers lo several icspeetuhh, ri,;.
"i ins ut-igiiiioiiiooii, such as Samuel Nms,
William nue ami otliers, that has heen succes.liil
in sevrml instances, and is not humliugKii,K as u
loo hequenlly the case among quacks. Ilo wa
mats certain cine in any eae he undertakes or n
(JrWarts, Sic. on eiitlld 411(1 OllliT iiriimulj a
also cured hy the sul,se,i.r who reshles in Mnnm
, ir,!'' l".W""' "' "'" r,""l I'luliiiL- frm
VIillvillc to Itliio.ii'luirL'.aliuiii It tnilitti IVmh. I.'....!
crick Miller's Tavern where nersons are invii..,!
null. "
May ill). IHlfi-lyQ
spleinli.l assortment of Lnuies' flonnets.
Head OrcKrf.Arliln jal Flnwors. ItibhniiH. Ac
very cheap, ut the Liyht-Srect Svw ore hy
A. IJ. KNAK13 j-(Jo.
Is f I;iliiiz Pauder
)f llie besl ipjahly, just rireivcil by
Ilecember '1
fHlUR sijlMerilier res,.ei-ifi,y informs tin-public
, be has op. I 11 i-hop, Muin-street,
nearly opposite Clayton's Tavern, j Ul.,011111; it
where be inten,!s carryinon the above business.
111 all its various brunches
v:rr"i,:,!,,I"' wil' W k"'lt,,n lndroraale
at WJlOLLsALK or KliTAU,
SIJL'l'JT I ads
Manufactured into any form rciiuireil
of all sizes kept constantly lant'. Stoves flni.h
ed lo order.
Ueirg determined to do business in the rieht
way, he reqrsts all call im Min
IM.r. he will fuinilh nil .n,i,, a
.0 Ins line as cheap as they can 1 e purchased in
the county. 1 . ...
D j pip.
pptriiilipr 20, 18-lii ly22
Chair Manufactory
I'M I' ...... -I
i ul. buuacrtucr continues to carry on
business at the old stand of Ih & K. Ihgcn
buch, where he will bo rendv at all limes
10 furnish Fancy & Windsor Oliaira, Set
tees, Boston Rocking Chairs for, of every
description, which may be called for, at
short notice and on the most reasonable
terms. He will also execute House, Sign fo
Ornamental Painting, and House Papering.
tn a su.ieiior manner,
I'rom Ins experience in the business, and
his facilities of manufacturing the various
articles of his line, lie Hatters liiniseK that
he shall be able lo furnish as cood wnrL-
and upon as reasonable terms as can he
lone in Ihe country, all of which he will
dispose of for CASH or COUNTRY
N. B- Orders from a dislanee will hp
strictly ar.d puncluallv attended to.
Mew toe.
HE subscribers take this mclhod of inform.
ins their friends and th tllllilin Tnt.flf.ll..
uiBimev are now opening the second supply of
pru.g (ioods, to which they would most respect
fully .nvito the attention of those whi are in want
of IScw nnd Cheap Goods, consisting in part of
C loths, Cawmcres, Sultinelsty resting
of American, -French and English Fabrics.
Coaling and Pantaloons Stuffs,
a vc:y superior article of Tweed Cloths and Cassi
meres, Angola Cassimercs. Drillings; Gamboons
4c. t c. 1,'ollim J'antalonn Siull's of every vaiiety
nd of ihe most desirable styles.
e.impiisirig every variety of style and prices from
6 f to 25 tents.
New style nf French Lawns, a splendid article of
new style Moulanede laneand summer I ...
I'inghaois Ac
imongst which may be found a handsome article of
Ueiages, Fickiiic; Mouslane and 'I'hihcl llawls
Darrcd, striped and plain Jaconets and Camhrio
Muslins, l.atc, Muslins, bonk, mull and Swiss
Muslir, Uisliop Lawn, curtain Muslin, &c.
Brown and Bleached Muslins from
ti to 124 cents per yard, bleached and un
bleached Table Diaper, cotton Osmabury , &c.
Together with a full assortment of
Groceries, Spices, Ilardwaae and Cut'
lery, Queenware. Drugs, Hoots
and Shoes,
and in fact every article usually kept in Country
T c public generally are invited to call and ex
amine their slock before purchasing elsewhere.
Thankful for past favora, Ihcy flatter themselves
by strict attention to businci-s to merit lhe patron
age of a generous public.
A. B. KNABU & Co 23.
All kinds of fitimticr, Grain and
Produce, taken in Exchange foi
Nails and Spikes.
dp IvF.GS of Nails and Mpikesjust received
farii aim lor taie ui nin""
L. 11. KLTERT.