HfHiirfrlkiUM. tailllll'll"aillly J i the Alter of l.o.I, eternal hoatlllty to every form of Tyranny ever the Mind of Man." Thomas Jeflemon m have rwiii-ii upon H. WEBB, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Volume X. Bi;oojSuS"coi;iraiBiA ootxrv, ia. Saturday, octoiikh it, is-ib. Viimbcr 26. r -r." -r " .miC'ri SPEC! FICTIONS Of the several works matter, .nd things required to be done in erecting "JP''8 i,e nd SUKRllTS I10USK, at Bloo.nsburg Columbia county Pa., according w the draw.ngs wl . cn " farni-hri t ! the Budding Committee previous to Letting .ml such other h ,... b. forms.,. J which will bo requisite to cany out the design. The general dimension, are figured on the plan. There will be a cellar of .even feat deep under the dining-room and kitchen and an office .under i he prim d entry of eight feet high in the clear.-The foundation trenchee of al the wal 8 to be dug down three IJlow ihe suifae. of the ground. Exceptthe east end of the prison and ya.d winch .a to be dug lour Ret d"ep" STONE WORK. . . The foundation wall, to be of the thickness marked on the plan. The Jail yard .U lo be two feet six inches thick up to the highest level of the ground and liren be battered on . he .n.,d. so , i t , uj.1l bj thick at the top the cmnc.e to be built routing on the inside as ah on th plan. I e ) ard e high as the eve. of the house, and be covered with eh-oglcs to pro.ecl over the wal in ide and o aside I a cornice and f.ieze, all the stone walls to be conducted of the best building stone laid in the best manner with the best of lime and sand mortar and lo be painted outside. MUCK WOKK. The brick walls of the Sheriff's house and kitchen to be built of the best common or.ck laid .n W manner with best lime and sand mortar. The walls to be uf the thickness marked on the plan w.lh chimneys sid fire places. ' CUT STONK. The exterior doors to have cut stone sills of a suitable width and length eight inches thick. TIN WOKK. , . .. There will be a tin spout on the front of the building as part of the cornice with conductor as may te ni reeled, all made of best tin, and well painted. PLASTERING. , The whole of the interior cf the building to be plastered with three coats finished w.di .hue coat, i Jail yard to be plastered on the inside with two coats. The office and ceils to be finished w.lh two coats ami a skim. The cellar to have one coat. PAINTING ND GLAZIftO. . All the worn! work on the outside of the building lo be painted three coals will. l,cswl'''?. ""J a"' )XZ oil, all the wood on the inside to be painted two coals of such colors as may be directed. I be gUzii.,, done with best American glass ten by fourteen; WOKK There will be five wrought iron window grates for'cells and entry, the upright bars to be one inch i square .nd p "cod rur inches apart, the ens. bars to be five eighths thick and two and a "" J ' 8, , of such length as to run in the wall on each side six inches, these bar. also to be placed fou .n es a? rt ami morticed ou't so that each oprighN bar will pass through them. There wl be two cas Iron e I r w ndow. of the same size or those in the court house. There will be five doors for 'mm. two e six tj h wije sna six feet four inches high made of three thickness of inch yellow pine boards, and to bo covered o n o e with . wroughtiron grae with eight bars running cross ways and live np in. down, all o I v o h w.d .nd a half inch in thickness. The cross bars to be let in the wood and the o her. lap ove 'c ..cured at each Up with good strong r.ve.s with large heads pa,s,ng through the wood nd iron to ronnec. M a whole well together. The second cross bar r.om top and bo.tom to form a hinge .nd to be or such the butt .0 make them good and per nanent.lhe bars a. the edge of the doo, ,o be so cons, etc d . a lo r the locks under them. There is to be a gale through the yard wall three fee. wide an x four U. high made the same a, the doors above described (except .l,.t there w.ll be one more of U.e r ight m ga.e.) The door and g,le frames to be casi iron seven inches w.de an one inch 1,1 " '"".S inch square to form a raid,?, for the door lo shut against, and to have two holes on each s de o co nne cl . -a" iron ba.s in the wall, also lo have holes lo conned .he hinges a part of which .s to run in he w. II, lo h-v i J hole to receive the bol. ol lock of a suitable size fcc. The eolry door lo .he I rison to be a ght non p cn grate door like the one in .he old prison at Danville with cast iron frame, as the other door a b ve I r... with chain and hook. The doors in SHerilT. house ,o be hung with strong bull hinge. ,e xlJ ' "V ,o have best carpenter locks. The in.e.ior doors to have be. .mp.oved rr.st Norfolk I aid, s and bolts. dow shutters to be hung with g .od Mrong bull hinges and lo have labels bet patent fasteners lo secure tlicm open and shut, sash lo havj good (ipriniis, 1 CJAKPRNTRY AM) LUMIiLPv. . .. , in All the lumber lobe of the best quality &. well seasoned. The joist of the lower Hoor. ' h 6 n " prison and offi,. and all the rest Unlock or yellow pine, size to three by nine .nel, s xn tlie t which are to be three by eight inches, all placed eighteen inches Iron, centre (o centre the e v c i g.r Jvellow pine 2igh. bv ten inches laid on the centre wall with the arrei jo-s. moruced and I n. ... d n IS The rafters to be 0r hemlock four by six inches and U.re. llnck and placed eighteen , c he. .p . In. m ,re io ter.tre-t.all ph.es of hemlock, the collar beams and to support the ra lers l, be I o, k or Ve l ow pine of sui.al.le size, the wind,w aud doo. I,a.nc to b, ol two ...el. wl.r.e pine plank, the sl. w s L m. es also 0r while pine, ,he sash to bo one & .hree-ei.l.ths inches th.c . the ower sas h i, h a .prmje. I e exterior doois to be o,e k five-eighihs incites thick panneled k n. drd on both s dc t inter o doo s, , be o e & ihree-eiKh.il. inches ,lck parmoled h moulded on bo.h sides to correspond w. I ' e doors in upper story to be .wo p Jnnlled doors one Sc one-fourth inches thick, the par .t .o , to be M.f d r e i f nel, stud, placed eigh-e.o inches from contre W'e-...re. Tl. ' V o winclinH ,iTi .uir ease with hat.drailing an.l bah.s.er,aUo stairs in the uurrel anil down ... the oil., e. also w . d i g s i .r n k chen loh and cellar, .nd .I... steps to front doors with Im.d rail and barters, the par Ion la i g.room to bo finished with good arch, , roves live k .hreeJourtl. inch, s u.de.wasn boar ,ls h . " ad on upper edge, all the other wash hoards :o be plain with a bend on upper cdr all the o. her ro - s o I fin shed i h a la.ge Uiecan n.ouhling. chimney pieces to correspond with the l.o.sh yfnhX" .he prison all lo be covered fir,, with one and a hall .nel. white oak p'a,.k well sp.krd J1'"";, ' J rr S (1 .or one and one fourtl, inches think over it ploughed ami gmoved .... e!l na.lt. down he lo I .ouse.ki.clien and office to be ol yellow pine one and nnr-louth .ncl.es th.ck and not n.o than 7, width the other fl..o.s to bo of white p.ne one ami one fourth inches thic of not more I an ngh n h wide, .11 to be well ploughed and groot ed. ih. ga.rel door is u.l to be , to 'j boards ploughed and grooved. The Lib lo be hc.ulo.-k or yellow pi.ie. the buil... g lo Li me . best join, shingle, Vwon.y inches long laid five and threclorth inches tr. the w a l, er lo ro w shutters to the windows of the lower story and offics one and three-eighths inches llm k made in a vvo.k.nan like manner lo coirenpoud with the doors, Ac. r,m,Kh ill lliP ma- The c.nt.ar.or is .o perfor.n io l!.e very bes. manner all the works above specified and ft. n.sh I jH m .crials except the locks for the six pr.so,. doens which will be furncd.e , he bu, d, r ) o f o ,t j soever, above spe?iliH(I, implicu, or in or 0y Hie orawiniis rtici.fu i. ,m , ' , , . .. 1 . . i . ,i- . i I,..,.. na in:iv be or.ii-'i.eu. Soever, aOOVe gpelllHU, niiiiu, or m in vy inn uifln.iiss . ; l .he building complete, and according to such directions and working d.awiugs as may Un oihm,cu. From the New York Mirror. .1 Railroad Incident. There's nothing ike an obliiring dispesition, I thought to mysclf one day. when travelling in a railway ear from Boston to Worchesler, seeing n jentleman nut himsrlf to considerable .rouble to land anothpr eentleman, who had fallen asleep, at his desiination. 'Passengers fr Needham!' cried out the conductor 'die car Plops but one minute. 'Hollo!' exclaimed a young man in spec tacle., at the same time seizing nnl old gpnlteman by the shoulders who wa9 sleep- nrjr vrv .oundlyj 'here s Captain Holmef fast asleep, and .his is Needham. where he lives. Come, get up, Captain Holmes here you are.' The gentleman got upon his feet and be gan to i ub bis eyes, but the yonng man forced him along to the door of the car and ;entlv landed him on the roadside. TVhizz went the steam, and we began to fly again The obliging voting man look bis seat n- nah, and said, with a good deal or satisfac tion, to somebody near him. 'Well if i hadn't been for me, Captain Holmes would have missed bis home finely. Hut, here 'he has left his bundle,' and the young man nicked np a paper parcel and threw it out i i . i .i: .1.. .1 .......I 01 Hie Wimiow, ann uiri-r.iv uiseiivcrcu " o.herb.indleinabandkerchier.whichbea,. Mll,e3lli,:'18t'.wn,cn Bnou,u ue,Er ",m ,o threw out. 'Well.' he sa d again.' if ii ,rom 8 "pemion ol hit .morous visit. Vjq' anit o nnntlon.un ul n nut in nt rnocnn a n A Un)f n a I i fi a I it?tlk Urrnr A v w oaiu jj iiuvuiwni v w i jf vonuti j aim f i a 1 1 jciillicvi tviiii tvi i the last station, 'and the old fellow ia lame.laud roar of laughter broke fiom the flf- ... tf :ii ! i I ..... ... io3. no win miss ins mien. semh ei hand. l the ru rr and his . eed 'Do you know hinir enqu.ied the obhg ng young gentleman, Know him! I should think so,' leplied he gentleman, 'he is my untie.' 'And does he live a, E:-m Needham?' ask ed the obliging young man. Of course be does; be never lived ant where else ' Well, if that don't beat everv thine.' said the obliging young gentleman, 'and 1 put him out a. Needham, just live miles the oilier side of his home. Harry Franco. the whole corns give him three limes hree hearty cheers us be bolted in'o camp, lie was carried lo Ins qti'i'teiij in triumph, there to dresm of lovei's tnelamoiphoses, . backward r d. s, storii- way advances, and and aliavn of 'una "ion, Bnd thereby lo garnish bis muni wilh materials for writing a splendid i reai e, on the novel adventure? cf a cow story THE Bl.ISS OF IGNORANCE. A shrewd but apparently msophis i- A BACKWARD COW RIDE. cated Yankee, who look over an adven- During the Uevolutiooai y War, when, "' e ol wooden clocks with him to Eng. corps of the American army were en camped near the boiough of E'iz.l 3th- own, New Jersey, an officer who was more of a devotee of Venus than ol Mars, paid his addrees to s lady ot d is inction, whom he was in the habit of visiting nightly, in the cultivation of Iih kindly feeling which love so cordU lly inspires. On a discovery the re peated absence of the officer, ahd of the place where interviews with his dulcinl- were had some waggish friends re.. ol veil to play oil a handsome Irick at hadn't been for me, Captain Holmes would have mised his bundles finely. When we stopped at the next station, a lady begin lo rum nage under .he seal where Captain Holmes had been sitting. and exclaimed in great alarm, 'I can't find my bundle.' Was it done up in a piece of brown pa per?' I isherl. Yes, it was lo be sure,' said the lady. 'Then,' said , Mbaf voting man yonder brew it out of the window at the last stop ping plae.' This led lo a scene between the obliging voting man and the old lady, which ended by the former taking the add. ess of il,e alter ami promising to return the package n a few days, provided he should ever find OFFICE OF THE DLMUUiAl. 1rtlll, ivallitiMaUou B iiM'Uml SOUTH SIDK OF MAIS, A FEW DOORS BE M, !1S ,,Hl,ol,ls p,o,l i:i aln.oM CMiy r,.-e LOW M ARKET-STItEKT. 1JASKUTSI KASKETft! Travelling. Market and Satchel Pijskcls A .1 If .IS 11,1 iHMdh t'UU 1.1 ii'iii.'.. . 'j - - I r!lVl l,llli liuir-. tlie snli.-cril.cr woiilil iinaii, iiil,i I'licn t rt.c,.ivcd at the New Store. uikl Ibc public Qinoallv, ilia, he is Mill livini; :. Ja Kt'I'EUT. occupvil,"! die(Jl.l) S'i'AlXU, mi Miiin-slrcH. lie . 1 . . i. i. A inr 1 Aug. 1 CKOCKEUY WAKE, .,,.,., n r. Mi,m '!'', ,.;; tw.W.lif ill'..' "f V. IMIui katcw antl the 'M The CVJ. UMiiui uiiy. . - Miih , ,lf Mo;l., ,.,, . , place h jiuhliHlir.d ever; Sutunlay morning, ul w f(M), .,,., H,, i ,miy. pirpard TiVO DOLLARS jcr annum pmuuie , dl0W wl lhe ,1,,,.,,,, ,lf ..miction- lie .it , . rf,,.,,ivri M ,hp hal yeaw, ''' .f " " " ! " " , .,;. ,,, ! New Store. 1- HU l'-.U I . Finn Cenls.i no vaKiwiiiun inryrm . , - . ... , ttjty c.y , , ,,r,. ,,,,. Ktnn.ls,,'.,!-. J i.. ncc.mn lutein- ids -" .. (',, hi fore purchasing Lhtulure. al Sombc.Hiio,i wilt be akenjora sioitn lir,0 .,. willl B,MH, M,l,Ma..- ,., xJrJnn, 0f Eurlhiumnc" In lia ml J THOMPSON k HICK'S. 0 ihiw' """- .. mcrs and tlie p'tlu'C eei.crallv Willi K'"" "ll"M"" . f i.i Hi o tint f)l If JVC'UJ. ' .inn. , perioii man - ."' "' ,7 ,.,.,v ,,r , VMXe .... i,-. tiiwince perinitted,unlil nil arrearage n . ( f. . ii-;irr, TAI..OK," will l.e f.uoi.l i,pn lire disrlUlfUl' a SI, ingle Muck up anovc me nmr. , rr IITI SE 1 'ESS not exceeding a M-uhsinn fire of all exprme. fBHB .l.scrit.ers have opened n I'OTTERV J! In Ul l eeonmeimiHhlinHeriedat He would u i.,r..n., bis r,', nd-tl,..t W t. B .... il..- ...) I...fr..m M...n to I lord si n 1 , fell ft lint Inmtionn, Oat. I'-'tal'"-- will be lake, in cv- near the Mcllu.di.-t ( l.ureb, lil.Hi.nsl.uru, Colum (),tp hilar for the irbl inrieiiirituii-i, , . , n ; , . , ,Ml(.. tl, munuracluri tl,ld Twenhf-five Cfnt, for evenIUbse. "'';. wl',il, wi, , , e wa,rr.l,e .,,,,.,en:,i; .he latest and most up- rl tmftion. I'"""' umi. Cu a, Bivo bin, u trial. pr.-v.d l.a.teTus and ti,-bed in ll.e very Let nun, 1 . i. .fc.. advertise lU the Hear ..i.mjv.MJI, IMil'l'KT. ncr; such us I'.it- of all des.-nplnms; Ui,!uM.fev .. .... ' ii I !.,. ..'.ii . . .' ' civ viificlv iiml .luus otallsi.e; and a variety ot IETTKK .M,r,i s.., ..,-. (i(lu,r u(t.(:UM m,lm.I0l,!il,1,m,llilll,,in fa,, H lie no.lt Vdid. .,.,. . im.'miiV kinds and evcv varielv winch Innv I'ewantrdl y nny who may lavnr llicni win. a can. i supply n., . o .i i.- ...I.I...I I .r.... P. W I'l.AT. L..,.i .-..u.l in 1 1 v mi Iiani1 vvbiili will If Fold bv j lie i-uii-i i i iu . .un j l.i In-oilier Heats, at tbu Kcrrv near tbeltiidijc.Hlid .,,, BH,. r retail a little i benpel than llie cheap- III 111. inn' , : . .. r . . .. . . 1 A I I... Ii:.... .. , ....u i Kt Wi. .,i,w iirei.arci to cross Hiivllnni! iro.n a i".'i pa- csl lor cn-ti or cnuiury proou.c. .isu tn; i.u. rTi''livmeHarrel or llaif 'riel, a ,er ! a six horse learn, at reduced prices, and W...I.1 UKcn in exchange for Au.k if delivered a. iTcU LiBl.l Sirrcl , n "l 1,u'1 ""!'f,'' y 7-7CY1 MAKd'EiUM. lilmVb.rB Scp.cn.bn 0, INM-Si) 'Mackerel 'IfeV.,' said the obliging yonnqr man catch mo doing a goo'.-.natnrcd thing again What can I do for that old woman if I can' not find her bundle'!' Whizz, went the sieam, ding, ding.ding went the bell, the dust flew, the sparks flew mil the cars flew, as ihey sav, like light nin!,unir. we stopped again at ihe next eta ion, I for.'o'. the name of it now, but i would be of no consequence if I could re member it. An old gentleman started up ind began lo poke under the seat where Captain Uolu.es had sal. 'What are you utikinil fori I inquired. 'Looking f.u!' said the old gentleman, 'wbv 1 am loukinii for mv bundle ol clothes.' 'Wes it tied up in a yellow handkeichicf! I asked. Yes, and nothing else,' said the old man. (JooJ heavens'' exclaimed the obliging voting man, 'I threw il oul of the car at Needham; I thought il belonged lo Captain Holmes. 'Captain IIoln.es!' exclaimed ihe old fel low with a look of despair, 'who is Cap tjiu Holmes? That bundle contained ul inv clean clothes, thai I was to wear at m on' weddins lOMnorrow morning. Gooi l.onl! good Lord! what can 1 do? Nothing could be done but to give hi address lo ihe obliging young man as be fore, and console himself with a promisi that the bundle should be returned ... him provided i. should ever be found. The o bliging young man was now in despair, anil made another solemn vow that he wouti) ne-er aliemi l to oblige a man aga'n. Tb next ela'ion was his own landing-place, anil 8 he went towards ihe door ol ihe tar, lit siw a silver-beaded cane, which he took i.l,lnfand read the in'-crioiiou on il Mo scs Holmes, East Needham.' Well!' again exclaimed the obliging young man, 'if here ic't Captain Ilolmcb' The officer il appears, .ode a very small ho.se of the pony kind; which be always loft untied with bridle rains o- ver his neck, near the door, in order to mount and ride oil without delay, when be buiimsi of courting and kissing was over; and the hrbO alwa.s remained until backed by theowier, without al- lempti.'H to change his position. On a eriain very dark night, when ihe offi- er hudas ui-ual, gone to pay his devu ions lo I lie object ol f.is i fit ction . 5avr niovin? the ennrovine smiles of the lovely fair one, his waggish companion wi nt privaiely to the dooi of the houst where ihe officer was, took his bridle & addle from the horse which they sent aw.y, placed the bridle on the tail, the addle on the back, and the cooper o ver the horns of a quiet old cow, wh( tood peaceably chewing her cud, noai the f-poi. Immediately iheieafter, thej retired some distance from (he hou?e. tod separating, raised the loud rry of a hat ile tnamy had landod aud were marching into the village. Our hero on he. ring this, look coun. sel fiom h a fear.,and snatching huste- ty kits, he shot oul of the door with the velocity of a musket ball, and mounted into the saddle, with hi. back toward he bead of the cow, mid (dunging hi harp spurs keenly into her sides, caus ed her to bawl oul with excessive pain,& she darted off in her best gillim toward the camp. The cflieer Mill plunging hi puis wiih all his wine sntl love oi board finding himself htinied rapid ly backwards, limine of all hi cIIjiIi to advance; and heUring llio rrputyil wlingsof tho loiitiit'd beast, mngined that he was carried ufl by niagic, and oaring our out most lu.nly that the dev- I l.sd koi him ind tvi ilitis carried If into the very centre of the ramp. The sentinels hearing lite noise, dis harged their piec and fl !; and alinn '.ins were fired hedmnis beat lo nr ii..- lie officers lelt their ijn .per and rncl. urn out turn oui!!.' will, all :li ..' . l if i heir lungs. The nldiiis suitdi from their sleep as if a j.IiOm li.fd cios-- il thair d ream." and the whole body unning half nakeO, formed as quick a- possibly in galh-nl dishabille, piepam to repel the terrible invader. Nheii.l. .' hs ludicrous sieitt soon urcsenicd ieli c. . and, and made 'pieily well' by tha -.peck, strolled one evening into a coff a house in Liveipol, and throwing hi legs upon the little table bcfoie him cj! ed for . i'iI in !o t?ke. Two young bloods of he turf, who were discussing a steak and two pin's of haul and haul a ihe n; xt box, notic ed his independent manner and social ubaudui, and al once set him down fcr 'vulgaw' American, and dslermincd lo bring him out,' or in other woiils, !o force him to betray his ignorance. One of them rsked 'You aw from icutn A mewica, sir, aw you no1?' rfiiei lean. 'Well, I guer. I aint from anj wheie else.' Zf.'M iVoO(v ,IIe is not from any whew else! Devilish poor, den foinr, ha! ha ha! Well, saw,' mi! one of them, 'how many States atv tl.s.v, in our United Sia'ff?' American. 'I have no more idea than I have of how mary pups Juka liogerb' slut has gol, and the was prcny large when I left. ' Bulk BIooJs.Wq. In.' Ik, hi! h;,! ha! Extremely wicl.! Hew is otti tiunlependent Amewican friend,' one of hem added additssii'ig a ,ail)',n a st,!I farther box, 'ho is owa Amewicjn f.itiij frefcl. from the land of fve and the 'oine j! the bwuve, and he dout know huw many Stales compose the Union' v'lnrrican. ''J, you are s.i.ait now, iiu't you Mi, IIu cow. Why cuss the jiictuies of both on ymi, how could I know how many Slates Iheie tie in tbo Union J.o(V? It will be 'z.c'.lv iwelvo weeks and three d jvs, to moirow. sines I left Marbkhead, in tlie old B y S ate, here were then j si twenty seven fief, stivren and independent S.ales in the U- nion, but I'd hev lo you lecollcct that Congress was then a .-inert, And rs un- possible to te'I how many Stales they tuva annexed since they may have hitched on Ireland, fur all I know!' This turned the l ib'es, and caused a general laugh for Ihe yankea aud a jainsl the English fops. A young nuan living attended a silent Qiiakcr meeting, was asked by one of thu Friends. How didsi ibuu like ibo uieuiiugt To vvhith he pettishly replied; Like i ' why 1 can see no sense in it, to i'0 aud si. for whole hours logeihet wiiliou. speaking a word. It is enough to kill ihe devil.' Yea. mv friend,' rr joined the Qjaker that's just what we want.' Jack Tar's ioka or a Lcc .-m-.tive. Why blast the thing,' says ,e, 'ihcre's ..iiiii'ig shi shape above-boaul or manly ,ii,uti.. Watch a ship now, wiili her Miivass beilv ing out' I a tn;.' tl ih m id n pi-t notigli ui bhovv sue ft i Is c ,. L . ic j.r i luiiii tint bow-, .mi,: o i;, r in-..o liver me st-s n 'ens .he;e's coioi lit uj (i ' I I d liC cane! I hi Hi is souie.liii'g iniidu ,. oil ........ :r tm l. i f. ,- .m c.-i.i. t uir n .1 il v n v .. iiw uc . . . to llieir eyes of the gallant oficer,mouoi-jpfouJ oi Ulil a:,e iu ,:j jt u, lul lu0. I - ... I. I,... ImU'lFilj liO, !. I . . eu on a cow, vun ma .vc ......v.. j tier ma. mere concern comes insin Her loniiuQ lunEini out heiL. .neuUinJ alnno era linrr no l.u ..... .... n ot. j u . . 1 " p . . o cj a - lides gory with the goughing of belly . like a thundering long snike with I.n liimiplf almnot ilenrivRil nlL ,na ,r liw inOUUl.' pui ?, miu ii w ,ii i..-v. -..-- ip1,'" " 41 J" 1.1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers