The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 10, 1846, Image 4

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    Cabinet Waro House
fMtll! miUcrilia uuhl it-Mx- full iufoluithc
J public, ill. it III' lua lukl'll I 111' fll ll lilll'lv OC
copied I'V .Viinucl l.illv, insr the turner end ul
blo-Jinil'UiK, whuri' do i.i cany inn uu the
iii nil ilx various branches, niul w here lie will be
ti:iy u vv ni iiniii nil llio-o who niny faun linn
Willi I til 1 1 fU'tiilU. His Fuillltllie in WlillUlllCil In
b nude, ul kiJ iimliNiul j i. J .1 u i ublo, hiii) Itu in
iciiJikeepini; on Iniii'l
Sidclioartlv, Secretaries, Ihtretinx,
H'tinruties, Card 7' , Dining
TubU't. Dreitkfast Tuhles,
Cup lit u ids. Stands, J I ' i
Stands, Bedsteads,
CoJJtnx, c.
ami nil kiinl f wurk in his hue, wl.ii h he 'li "' I
upon h 1 i-a-otiatilu teiins A lli' v inn be purchased
in lite ruuuly.
Ily Miii-i addition to liUHineN lie hope to n
cvive anhn e ul public pulioimue.
i:li iii!ov..
April IS I V lyl
OKE VI!OOF-!-.The Cry is till They
itM Conic!' Kvcry in iii blinds ndincs oflhcii
i-uicis. I nun 1. a. Mo I he remotest A est hum
Omnia mi li e Ninth, Id Mexico and the West In
dies on iheSmuih an' nil iinnninioun in their u iiim'.
Of a medicine do imivcnully known ami esteemed
Wiucnr's Indian Vj-.outahle Pn-t.i.
It ii li iiillv necesimiv to mieuk in detail. M no
peuod oi' its history hns the reputation of that med
ii iito slo.iil lusher, and wo may sny that no icpu
l iinm li likely to bo inoio t'liilufing. A J;ijtt'il to
all cniiulituliniiN. to eveiv form of disease, and In
all climates. Wiioht's I mi tu ii Vent-table- Pill Hie
ab-vo every oilier medicine, fitted fur the use of
limn under whatever rircuuiutanccshu may de phi
ced. At ben or on Imid, at honiu or abroad, in sum
mer's In nt and winter's eold, ivitli a eoininon ic
paid to the eonditionii of health; and with WriRlitY
Indian V egotuble Pilla at hand, them i no evettse
for being sick., unlesu the conlitutiuu be utterly n-
A our object in to elate where the Kcnumeincd
icino can bo obtained, rather than to give it an ex
tended notice which our Iniiita found we ahall
merely subjoin one oi two of the numerous tcfti
muitiaU that have just come to hand. iluudrrd.-
nftha same kind linyht lie added,- but we am Mire
the public will bu'o us the trouble ol arranging
(Lxtractof a letter ftom Ilrrnnudo, Mississippi)
'To V. Wright Your Pills have given umvci
sal" stisftieiiun, mid are justly very popular, I cm
nell from 30 to 40 dozen annually if 1 could be sup
Yours, XV si. Hiaby Jomvuom, Agent. '
It ought heic 'o be remarked that tho medicine
lint been but recently introduced into iVia..iipii.
( K struct nf a letter fiom Jurbey Shore, Peine)
J hn Indian Vegetable Pdis excel everything ol
tho kind ever offered to tho public in this section nl
tin) country, iiolwitlHt:inIm2 thecoinliincd effort nl
ioinefcw unprincipled mcrceiiarici) to put them
R, WiNciiEHTCn &. Sox,
Tho following highly respectable ainie
keepers Inva been appointed agents for tin
:ilu of Wright's Indian Vegetable 1'ills ii
Columbia County:
II. 1'. J D.mviCe
Stephen Ilaldy Caltawissa
Cyrus Barton Fispyioivn
Brown t Creiiny MilHinville
Abraham MillerBerwick
!. II. Fowler Uruteretk
Wur t'ovanbovun Ormgevil a
Ceoige Milliters Milvillo
Levi Uuiscl Jerseyiwon
Levers it Sons Columbio Kxr.hangf
: Koberl RIcCay.- IVaahingionviliu
.Jergo Weaver Bloo!nbnrj;
Light Street Iron Co Light Sitnet
Iiuw t Thompson Lime IJnle
' II. C. Frens Briarcreck
VAna Weriinan IIoh,'ircbi)rr
J. I. Welliver Urcenwouil
I) & J, Lazariit (Jranccville
Hugh McWilliaiiia iMoursburg
The pr.pul.irit" of WKICJHT'S INDIAN VEO
ETrtBLK TILLS haa proved a ulronj bait to uu
pilncijiled then w h.-,insii(jHlf d by lha hope of gain;
tempt to pnlm oil" a spurioni article on the uiihih
pecting. To defeat Ihe wicked designs of audi men
we bc procured nev label.-i. and the WKITTK.N
EOX. N'ine other is genuine, and to
counterfeit this is forgery.
timeniher, Ihe only onemal and genuine I.
niv.v vrcurAULi; pili.s have tho war
top l.ihel of each box .
Offices devoted exclttsivcfy to the hiIh ofVri,-;hl
Indian Ves tal In Pills v.hnlo;!e iind re'ail. 100
Aaee street Pliiladi Iptin; liis Gieenwich street
iNc.v Yjrk and 10'J Tiemint street, UoMon,
September, 13 181021).
House and Lot For Sale
H E aubscriber offers for sale his
fifciSSEl AND LOT,
situated in Hie ilouriahing illnp;e of Uchstreet, in
IJIooui township. It is a ko(1 situ ition f,r uTailor,
lieiiigin tho inwiiadiatc vicinity of aeveral Furna
ces. Tho property will be sold i.n n asoiiublc
'"'"s: R, u ft rjiL!i;ur
-Liyhtstreet, September 19 W
yfS hereby tfiven to the tiul'PCiiliers of Sloek to the
and Third hmtnl'ntnt of live dolbiiH f n h, i- in
quired to be paid to the Treasurer m or before i!
hi of Aueustand lt of ."September nvpei lively
Kv Order of the Board,
I. CLARK, Treasurer.
July 1, 1810
A Superior trticle of No. 1 and! .tl AC'K
i:iir:i., bytUn Ilarrrl or Half Zlaricl, a
ihe Cheap LighUilrcet Xew .Store.
A. B. KNABB & Co,
ll.i.'W.Vfc.i . .
. f .'
iiinntn... I . . . 1 .1 I
uili'.KI'.An, tV hii ncini u.e w.n-i...
'I of the r.'enera
. . i . i . .i.i. . r
.RlMltiiiy M tliei ouiiliouwea,,,. o, , .
I I 1 . .1 ...
lytvani;! eniMieu. ,.. an reia.inis ... nr. -
nous ol tin t omiiifiiwemiti, pinno in"
lay ol July A. I) IW::'J ' mail ih flu
ty of the SherilT i'f every routity to iwr
jiulilie noiiee of nui li election to be holileii.
;ind make known, in aueh notice what ofli
et Bio to bo elf cted: 'I'lierelote
Hint, Klioiiil'nf ilm I'linnle n f f!oluiiibia. tin
miikfl known. I.v thia advertisenienl. to lhe;n.i relaiion in the riJlit ol any person us
Klertora of said coimtv of Cnlil-lil that a
(iKNKKAL KLKC I ION wnibe held in
die said uiiuniy on
TutxdMj the. Villi din of Oi lulici
I the aevtral distiicts thereof, an follows to
Blooni township, at the house of Charles
Doebler, lllii'iilixburi;.
Briarcreck township, at the tof ulioust'
in Berwick
Bitaver at the house nf Adam Michael.
PilUU'ia'! lillVOKtlltl. Ill tlie il'IIIHft 1)
Slscy Mjrjiirem, in ilie io'viibhip of Omu
wisra, (itnlre township, til the house of John
I);:rry township, al the house of Jicoh
Seidtl, in said township
Fiahinnercek lownnhip, al ih'J House ol
Oar.iel h-eler, it) Sii'l township.
Frmklin totviiship at ihe school house;
nsrihe huuso of John Mcrish.iu said lowu
(iteenwood township, al the house now
occupied byY- AL Michael.
Hemlock township, at the Bnckhoin.
7ackson township, al the house of Jushuii
Savage ill Slid township.
Dibcrty township, ul the house of lluii
Mctl'iatll, III 8 riiil township.
LiniPstciic, township (4 sepir i'e electioi,
lisirit't) at the Utiion Sch.iol Mouse, in suit
Mahoning township, al ihe Court i I us
in Danville.
Mi film township al the house ij' Jolw
Kellet, jr; in said lownship.
Madison lownliip, at the house now oc
cupied by J'.lin WeNivtr. in Jer.-ey lown.
Mount INemaiil lownahip, a! ilht b in:"
of Frederick Miller, in s od township.
Montenr lownship, at the house L.Mnaril
Lazarus, in said township.
Main lownship, al Ihe house of Isii.i
Shu m an.
KoairitiL'ciPnk lownsuin, at the house
now occupied by Wui Yeajj-r, in saui
Orange township, al the house of Is.ui
O. Johnson, in the town of
Suarluaf tj.viishij), at ilm house ot 11
Vallny lownship, ul ihe house now oc
cupied by John FnX, in said township.
Al whiell lime and place are to be elect'
fil by ilie liueoiaii of the cuuniy ol Colooi'
One. Ihrvn
for Can il ( 'oiiiiiiishioniir
One I'trnoH
lor ('iiiijrtis
0;ie i'ervm
fur A-ieiiihiy
One. J'ei soil
for iShi nil
Oiie 1'irs'iii
foi ('orutier
One I'trnuii
fur Coiniiiiisiotier l t'olumbia couiiiy
One l'tro,i
U)t Auditor
In nursinnci! ol an 1 I of Ihe Assi'mb!;
of liie (Jowimonwealih of lVnn'?vlvaina, en
inled 'An aet relating in '.iie ( leciimis nl
Commonwealth' paired ihe day ul July
A nl ice ix he ril 1 j given
'Thai every person, ixccpt justice;! nl
die peace who shall hold any cilice ol ap
pointment of profit or trusl Midi 1 the (iin
.nrneni of the Uuittil Si nes or nf this 'U tti
or of any city or inccrporaieil dirti in
whether a commissioned ollicer or ii Imi
wise a subonlitiale cllicir or fgent, who i
ir shall be employed under ihe lei Intnc,
exeenl've or juditiary dep;ntiin'iil uf in
Slate Ol of the United Slates, or ol any chv
or iueotporaird district, and lo every rnem
her of Congress, and of the ISutc Lei'i-l i
ture, and of the kI ct or eoiuuion 1 nincil
uf any incorporated dinirin, id, by law, in-
capable of holding or exciClr'iii) at the s 1101
time, liif office or iippoinimeot of Juil.i.',
tiispeetor, or Clerk, of this Commonwcilih
and lint no inspector, Judoe or nlln-t niii-
iter oi any such election, shall he clmibie lo.leni.e wuh rlcmgns id iullu. nee i.tidulv
iiuv iiiii' u lit, loeu voico lor.
iiim ine Hjiu rtci oi ASJeiiihly, enliile.l
an Art rclatini; lo the clccti in ol uhis
i . i.i , . . ... .
' ". ui.?.l July I3!)lur
iher firniirlca na l.,ll..i. I.. .. '...
i " " " "
1 hat Hie Instmclor and Jot!ies chosen ns
..r,.....! .i.,o . .
rl "": teapiciive place
ippoll.tml lor l.ultlliiL' Ihe (liilion it the
-lislrinl 10 which ihsy rcspeciively b' ,,2. be I, ,1 tlnit ihe p. , ,on so ulL edict; u ,
mjore Qoiltnje nitie wHndr.'jrun the 5,..i. m uf ,,e . .v ward iii:iri.t i.r town-
7 ittstltti if OrtuLtr rhip win re ihe si.l nilctice lommiitn
in eac h and eve rv v ear niii! ; ,,f ;,. ' i :.i. i . ..
- j- '- " ',IY'"' ""I roillltll 1Q i-riui mi rein, I Ii f ui.
spcciois, unaii appnint one (leiK, who slid I
be a qualified von r uf such district.
s ine person win i have n..
i .i . ... i i : l . .
.:e,r.. ,o .econu n goes, n,..r , the
voles for Inspector shall not uilend on ihe
day of any election Ibe person who nhall
have received iho senm d bighe.. number o
voles fur Judgo al the ntxi jiruedtug eler
tio:i li:iil net us inspectoi in t til up, nnd
in i iiMi! tin! puiaon wluixliall have received
the tiijihesi iiuiiilii'r ot voiua lor In
Kpi iMor tsti ill not aiii'iiil, ilm pi mon cleeii'il
a Juile rA appiMoi mi Inpiiiur in In
place, mid in (.! e tin' piTHim I'li'eieil i
jmie hiiiiii inn aiti'iui iiien lite tiiNpccloi
w tin receive Hie liH'iient nuiiilier ul volef
(ilnill appoint a Jmlo in l ih pliicc, utid
uny v.ic.iiicy! continue in the hnaid foi
l'n of unit l.our alicr the tunc lixeil
. he law fur the niieiiiiiu ul tho cbeiiou tin
J I n
,,,,,,, ,..,. , ,H i,,.....!.,,, ,! ,
I i '
, , ., ,,,,. , ,
().( ()ri,Hl.llUU)t; pl-u of elecl.nn
iiuuilu r to lilt u( I
Ml sh.ill be the cfttty of said sisiensor re
Hpertivuly to attend at the place u( holili'm
every (leiM'nil rpei iul oi low cbiup electioi
ilorilt the w li'ile II ill c the xalil elnMion i:
kept open Inr the pin me of i iviii(j inlorma
111 'he insiiernr tudc when railed
"4 ''y '''" "'"'h eleclloii. oi
such oilier nailers in relanoii to Ihe assess
iicih in voters a ine mid im-pcclnis 01
lodge; or eiihtr ol them shall I10.11 lime t
lime reipiirH,
person hill be pirmittrd to vnin
1 11 V elci lion as alores nil other than ,1 w bin
iieeni'in ol the .ijjn ol 1 weniy-oue ears or
ilm h , who ahall Iliih ri'Miled 111 lins stile
-it leaM one year, anil in ihe i i ciiou dlalili
w tu re to ntHn In vote at in is I ten days tin
infli'iielc pieced ng such eli-eiion, and with
l;i two years )'M. a Main nc couiiiy lax
which shad have been assessed at least lei
I IV a hrlore el.,. lint s ei iz oi nf tht
United Siaies who h nl pienoosly been
.(il dilii'd voter ul ibis Male mid remove
therefrom and r turned and who shall have
residi'il in theeled 01 di-inct mid paid lax
"S as aforesaid 1-h d he ( n:i;)cd to vote, al
;er residing in this si I;- six month, Pro
vided. Th lithe white In emeu eiiieus
illd Uullcd tiiales, belweeii the ayes nl
lwenione mid twenty-two and having re
sidetl in this sltte (JK YK 11. a nl 111 th
election disilict TK DAYS as afoiesai
shall beetritled in vote iillhncgti they oha
not huvi; paid taxes.
'N i person !!i.ill be admitted In vot
wliosn u imij is not eoti'aiiii'd in ihe list nl
tax tbie mil ibr.anls furiiiilied by tho e.nn
nissionnis a aforesaid ini't.-a F rsl Ii
pro lice a receipt lor tho piviiii'iii wiihin
twoyeirs of a stale or eniiutv tax assess
cd aJiee ihly to Hn; iMiisinuii.):!, and giv
sausiic'.orv evi.i-juec eiun r nil MS o'n
Mill or alliroiaiioi', or an oath :nd tflifiiii-
iion ni 4'ioini r, t'.a'. in) 11 is p.iic .ueii 1 x
or on I ti'.uru to t h'ii-h a reci ip1, 'i,n
mke oath in the piyini i.l 1 : t-r-- f IS e
ond if he e lims a 1 14I11 to vo: hy being ji.
elector beuveen iln) ages of tweiny one am1
iwe iiy-iwn yen, he shall dcpie on oiib
ir allir.nalion, ih;ii he Ins resided in the
stale al least o.iu year, next bi for.' his up
plication, and link.) sm-ii pnnil nf resideuri'
111 l fie djstfici a is rcqirrcd by this act, am
iliat he does vi nly believe from the ac
eotiots givtn hi 11 ill it he is of the ;(.'' a
I'orcsi.d, and give sii-ili uiln r evi leuce a
is required by th,. act. V lit r'upmi il,
name ul the p' rs.,11 so a J.nitled to viiti
shall be iiH'T.e-l 10 the alp'i theiic d Int Ir.
ihe iiiSiiti tors, and a made nniin-i ,
inercio ny wiiii.ig tin; w r !
he admitted lo v.i;u by iv
paid a i.ix, or ihe word 'hj,.
I'illii'.tfll It) Vole on a.C'il it
il In- ,1
III ll.tV n
;-i.n,il I !,.
s t't'. a'n
lull, '.ha I
In I ,;, ,K
. I I.I
11 eitln r o.ii1, ihe re ismi nl mii
Hi called oil I In iff. olciks who
die like trite kcjti by ilicm.
lit all cases w heie the name nf il
on chiming in vnin i.s mil fnuud on the li.
'iirnis.'ied by the ritiir.uts.siDiiers am! a-sci-
1 1 r . , or his liahi i vote whether fmiii!
tilt reou 10 nut is nl.jeeled to hv 1 1 v iiia!i!i
'd vtii ;uri, it sin II b- ihe duiy of Hid in-
peclios in 1 iiiiine micIi peisou on n ull a
to his ijualllli.'slloiiri all J il lie claluis to h'lw
e-idi-'.l miiIi. 11 ihrt stain f.,r niie year ni
more, In oilli xii.dl It! siilliiMinit pront
ocreui, nu 1 oe suit: iii.iie proul liy
on: en.tipelHiit wiiness, who
ill lens
ltai neii rieci.r, wjiide II IS I L'S (I w 1 ;!i .
the dijtiii i Inr 111 1 r.: ih.iu len da s next m -
mt.dl.Hclt pnteei dii:Li s ,j elertinii. ami ah .
illlisf If S'.tl-tr Ih II hi. houali.ii' It .sidee.l e Ii
ptirsu lin e nl I.n lawli.l eailmg, is w nhin
the difiiicl and ih ,i lt. did uni remove ii;n.
-ao! tlisiiic!, f.,r the Jim jiu.sL' ol Vuiuia
. 1
.vi 1 v person .
'I ditied 1 1 :ifori'S,i:d. 'iod
c n.-nol if n ir Hid nf M
a ho shall m ,Ke J
lid. .-ha, I
ni Iii. h
btnl p f, nt m ul l ..Ve.i, .s aline
be .id, lulled to ,iiO i;i thu d,sllici
.0 s!,a:l ii ii ic.
. . .1 ii-
'II )i!
y p' isi.n 311:111 picvt nl or atli'll'm
or pri-K.iu any nll't. er nl 11 eleetinm umli 1
ibis act from holdm, .in h ( i.' n-e 11
tl.ii'iiien any vioit 11. c 1.1 anv nihetr ur r fi., ;
interrupt ur inijooprrly inteifeie tvitli him
1.1 Ihe cm eutmii nl his doll , nr sli , (;,)i k
up or aiiCiiint 10 blue!-: up i,(! mndiiw m
the iiventie in any window w hi re the
uny he bidden nr drill riotously disturb ihe
peace at .-tn h t-leetioii, or shall ime or prac
ititt nni.iii,, ,iiif inrt itts, I. Tee or tin
overawe any eie-timi, nr lo prtienl b'o
liuio vniwij' or lo re-iiam the freetbiui ul
choice -such nt rnio on cnnvi. Hon h,.ll h,
lined in any sum not c Xi eedn live huu
It t " i . , .
iireo ooiiar.s, aeti oe luioris in .'i or nn v inm
not less limn loir .,i,,t.. il, ,.. ... . I...
......... ........... ...a ,,l,
montlis. Ami tl it shall be slnmn to h,
cnui I heio ihe tn.d f sneh nil',. d, I
conviction, l ed.all b,. ,.... . .1 . r...
: ........ . . .
nor ..ui n -1 man one iiui oreit nor more
hi,.... ,. i
"'" " """
i". am! oe imprison
, ,1 not e,3 .h.n J;.v llil)(l:ln nor mn:.: than
two yea's
-f any ,,, ,, ,- prrsnns sfi .il make am
hr-i r w,m r u, ,l,e result of any elci'.ioi,
wiihn,. ibis Commotiw'aiih yf sia nff
to mako any muli bet or wager, eitlior by
VLlbal nroi' ainalion. I hereii or liv nnv will-
ten or nnuled adveriiHunients, el::illi'nio or
wngei, up in coiiTiclion ih reof he or lliey
shall loil'eii and pay three limes Iho ainouni
o bm or nil. 'red io he bcl
If any pcison i-liail vote hi morn than
mo election iln-iriet or otherwise fnndu-
eiilly vole more th in once on ihe same diy
ir shall fraudulently fold and deliver to Ihe
nspeelors two tickets logether with lha in.
eiil 10 illegally oie or shall vote the same
ii il any shall advise or piocure mnlhei so,
o do, !ie or they so offending ahall nn eou-
vtt'iion bo fined in any sum not lens th in
.ilty nor more th nt live hundred, dollars,
mil bo imprisoned for any term not less
hail three nor iodic than twelve mouths.
If -in V person not qeulificd lo vote in
this commonwealth sgreeably lo law (ex-
epl ihe nous of qu dilii'd tiiicns) shall up-
tear at nuy place of election for the purpose
if l-suing lickels or ol influencing the cm
.tots qualified in vole he shall 00 conviction
forfeit and pay any sum not ex. 'ceding one
hundred doll irs I'm every such ollrni't and
oe iui(irisoiiud f ir my lerm iiol exceeding
line lumtlhs.
The Judges mo to make their returns foi
he e.iuinv of Ciilii'iih.ii at 'he (!ntirl House
in Danville on I'uday the 10 It day ol Oclo
hi r, A. D. 1810.
(iod save tie Common wo-di'i
IKAU Dblli.'; Sheriff.
Siikhiff's On u;i:; Danville, )
iScpieuibei, I'J 1H10. fj
fyj H K'C'il has been ll.e demund fu F.ilger'.s
i) "I '-.i. mi. 'II nr All lle.dimr lialsani, and il hi,.;
tivt'ii such eiieiul salisi'ai lino to those w ho have
use. I it an, I hecoiue 111 ijieiiiited wilh it ilitiies tltat
it now hi 111, 1 pre iiiniietit as ,1 remedy in iJcease
"I I'm Limes, and ihe lisliiunny w hit b has bi en
civen bv dill' lent persons u I.n have been clued bv
' is altnji Iber voluntii'V . n llieic puil. They leue
. neii i' in the li'i),e ilia I all who inny liinl liiein-ehi
11 i-ecd .1! iln,-; icii.'iiy may ajiply f.r il without tie-
Read th" fnlhivim,' Idler ren-lvcd finm (lie h'ev
I'f Shiineall, Pa-am- nf Jude's llpiMiipal free
l.'limcli. ,1r has not o.dy used '.he nicdicine
liim elf lull his w ituc
'r inir c a-,, i,rili.-easi.
I'd its cil! els in m' vera I cr
'l'lte lelter will show hi-
.ipillioll of its ii lues.
Lear Mi : Leiievin;; it to h? but an net of cimi
aiou li'in, 11 ilv .i llio-e i-nllrriii under the laiieie.
I; e 1. 1 of '..tieh 1, ( 'ol.l.-', llienM-m ( '01 : -inn p
.1011. Aslliiu.i, Sc. to point thein to 11 stale, siee.!
old r.iihial reiiit ilv, I l.ilie pleasure in l.eaiiii;; nit
e-tilnoliv to V mi" n,v.ihale medicine called 1 tln.-u-1ni.11
or All lliid im 1! ham. Of itn cfiitaev 1
an -,,". li,'.-l troui my own ex pel i, nee, I'eiu
a 1 'te. I 1 1 ,111 epoHire iiewe i.r I. -(.s lit tl.e vi i-i-
id,-!, ol "in ' lioi.ite lo heipieiil ulla.-lvs of lolju: n
: 1, I lo u - lie .A.C., I b.ui' aiw ays lotmil it in a Ion!
7.1:0 r.t ill .tae!:ii,eoii, aiel al'Aa'.s by ie'.,i e:.ui( 1
,t I it J II- ', ' Il em ll '. ili f, To a I ...lieillar f lei:;'
I'moi ' -t lib no'.; M-i er.'ly iu,'er A'hri-a, a ml u le
a a. I de j.'.ucd id nl it ihii : r. Iii f fu 1,1 .my bmieii,
itli'ce, 1 1 j '11 1 InV ieeoinloe:,(iali,.l It as I'lilueed lo
t!.e t l.,-(;n)iii.i'i a Led ami lie pi innm nei-il ll:i
il' el pi.i tueeil o 1 . 1 ii I . i i a a j ,e i feet t' 1. in in ail',, dili::
hi-, i iiiiuicdiale .isnl almost instantaneous relief, Ii.
i . i . .' it, r in.-l aiiec I reeoiiuiieiuli d it lo a temali
li'ieiu1 far a.l'. aneed iu ('oiislltiiptini:. Aflc the iih
if the I'll'-', inttie In r o ii;;!l was cnlirtly ri miivn!
mil her i j j ; t -1 i t -.- in,. I streii;ll) re-!onil tu s.ieh n
lei;ueiis to al. mi !i all u bo saw her- Willi i:
uu elo'ii-ln d at.d tirinly e. tubli. I.i .1 ," jn.'ii e n-
i'iisI I In I ! ion ..iii.l and one specilii - pin .,; I h n
lie. c da) us -ovi relitn pamn e is loi iill iii ea: c, I
I.t-'.I . '' mi tit .t i : , , 1 1 1 i 1 1 ;., 1 1 , 1 1 1 i I uu ii. III colli ieij; I
,i ihe elicni-i i, I won n edieiii" to all nrii'ln s i re'e, and to I he ell'eels i, il as hi i , in e- i : hii il:
i iih I., my ir.. n e,i ii in e ami nb-1 1 v a! em, I
-mi 1.1 in.l have been ii.ilia e.l ilm- lo eoine I .i ua:.!
H it Wl'ue -i ill i! b li.ll:'. I ll.tvn tl.. il..,o,- In (.,..
Ir, i, . eeetliihi , ii .t, P. (h Mil.VihALL.
ii'C IJIiH II Ct
uiiieh is troiihli soii e inul has not vi, Med to iiuv
I Hie icaiciies e bieli Mill Iuim" le i il ! h il nt-
iemled w till pain il ll.e sole, ;-h,,i :; e.-s oflwe.ul,.
itiytit i.wi'it-!
Ihi you li'ii'
when Votlroie h alill l.lal Vellf s! 'i I "t il :;r:l,lu i
thiiniL! V'.n w i'i find thai tin n -'. .i,;.lr....s i
piopellv atteiiiled In will te.'uiimite to l ol.-U'il I:
ami eulli.
,,m: bi. I t
Aie w.u (loi.l i. I wiiii tie.t Ii .ii
t in a ,
l.iol 11 deiaive Villi of jour
ifsi at i.c'l.t ui.t
.leu lilc l,Ui llu.'ii.-uiiie.
Ihre is the i nicly,
Peu.t la'ier die l.nn.n aiul place v. In re il js lo ..
ohtnintM iind do net be put ' I, w nh .n y olbei. i
lias produced a cure ill icide-perate i ,: es i.i voln s
niny iipjitai to be, an. I ilenblie-n wiil pi,l in hi
in a spicily maiilier tlm-e 1 1 -.':--1 1 1 n .. usi t.,n,,
which fill jour mind willi ;1 intty forcbodino.; ol
ihe future.
Ih lltaHh!' I'i ipcries
I, l lint dicciie. 'I
in'rceinc mid i a- y
l nl i, e. NhuiiiL'
he sliint dry eotiidi is ipiiikly ,
iind bealtbv epe, toration I ; I --i
nl blood is immeib itelv elieek-
I. IS i -lit sweats with niin nt the side mi, I -bcsi I'
libiiilv and ditiicnlly of lireatdni; vii I.I iu n short H
I I.I. ..II ... .I I I. I . ....
no. . .i-iiii i . 1 1 ii ii.- on .io i oi .., i ,. in at i n lie u is in
m,I I'liti' relieved, j'lienbitis nnd in laetall ihe
li.-i"je.s of die and I Uns ciic nay I.i line
lii i mt .' win il nil o' Itu-jn- have billed.
Pe-:.oii. in iy all' Inpt to 'b i re veil v oh -ni,.'
ilber reniedv, pmiieoneii u i! lo be inii.illv ii-H1" '!
lit rem mbi r life is at .-tnh
tin it-fine
lie. nut Deceived.
TheiiLuv; im'di, inu lr
de by tile fnlfjwii
i ii l ... . ir .. i . . .
i.. l . l.ui. tl ooin -oui . . i.. i .,r .-j i
V.'. I.. Wulhr ft l'
etvi. k;L' iVJ. Linus. Ouret -. ,lt- I,,,!;;.
kw - - : '- . - rv
1 1, Icrsf tow ii ; llerr'l MtUiide, While Hall ;
1! H.-iiilcc iV Siht rlhorii.
Till''. iindeiHigm.d having luken the hliop
formerly inciipied by Mui'Mial Nil vi-r tliorti,
most rcspectlolly informs the puhlic that
they intend lo carry on the above blanch ol
ho si lifts and will at all times he re, id to do
work a little better and cheaper ih nt any
other eHiiihlishinenl in the pl.tee, 'and llicj
hope by siriel iillchtimi to hisinis to .'iitin
1 largo pni linn ol the public paimiiage
All kinds of country pinilnce lM n in
exchange for work & the- rnnh not rilom d,
Bloomshurg Feb, '21,181041
'I'll Ii business will bo cuntinned y tin
subst nber at Iht old bland; wlicie uia
he hail at sdl times.
MOMM 11 A 7'V. TOM U- T. t IS L ..
TOMli-S TONES, 111'1R Til
ir any other Work in his line, lie is
iho prepared tolurnisi WINDOW CAl'f-
uni e-'ILLS, D()l) SILLS and STLI'M
,te either ol Ma. hie, Lime or any kind ol
stone that can be procured in this vicinity,
i 'J' Having had onsiiler.ibln experience
iu tht! business, nc pli'ilees bis work In
he executed in as haii'lsi'ine a style :is i ai
he lurnisiicii iroui i.nv ;iri eiKier in the
,'ity or ciniiitn ; arid on as reasonable term
Blnonishuig, Nov. 3, 1S1H. ly "J8
J- 13' VA, DKIJSIt Si.
Ii(!S leave to inform the public, lliat
he ts irep ired lo attend to all ibooper
atioos in dentistry, such ii3 removing
Ihe 1 arttw and 'dln'r foreign Su-
a! a ncc:,.
am ihe leelli, rendering ihem clenn, ainl
the t'liuis' iind breath sweet iind healthy.
The cavities -f fkvuyed Tcrth
Will be dressed out and filled with Cold
or other toil; of the finest quality, as tiie
iMse may reiMiire, whi.-h will generally.
prevent their ai'hitig or lurthcr decay, and
render them uvelul lor years; and in many
cases liuring life
Teeth and Stamps nf Teeth
Which have become useless oi troublesome
will be extracted in the most careful man
ner, with the latest and best improved in
struments. Pnreeliain Teeth,
Ofthfi best quality and latest improvement,
will be inserted on pivot, or (in conuertioi,
wiih Dr. Vailcrchaiiip, with whom he i.s in
pan riisbip in plan: woik) on Cold plate,
liom a single tooth It) a nhele set, lo looli
as well :is the natural, and warranted In
answer all the useful and ornumcii lid pur
poses' proposed hy the art.
Li shuil,everv operation be,,niiig lo tht
profession, will b C'lormrd in the best
iiunner. with ehoisest matt ri d, and nt tl i
honest iKiiiee" lie thcr foie Imju s, l,
IrH'l iil'.eutli ll til business, In nhlniii ,-hari
f public p'ltrutiiiee. Any pei.n.ii cr
wishing any nf ihe.'ihoie opei aiiotis
;u i h.i ineil
ive li tit
N. Ii
. inn
a eiil
iJUCSll'd tn
I'lie tu!i!ie are in reby ii fcrmeil
that we the subscribers have entered into
special I'ariiieis'hip reLiiini; only lo plnle
work as it i. more con wniciil fur each te
liteml in the ntln r l.r.iiii In s id' the s; ici.L".
n his own account.
J. II VWDliBsi.lCli.
Mount Pleasant, Nov 8ii. IH lo ."m.
Public are herein' rsii'Tthi
u liml,ii m
;1, il nehwe lately entered into C
lie il.ove I.Uiiness at the Itikl; .-imn. lormclv
iipi.'d by .Moses Ceii'inan, tt .Maiu-siieet, l elou
the new store, w here we inlenil tocanvnn il a
aYiic ii. ni. . I bii-a;:e-s in jl iis lir.iiii lies. V.'i
nl..,!:e on, ,el'. e-lliat wmlidone al this shop jhall
oe c'ieeii'.e I in (,-i net ami uoilinembke neiimi i,
m l .'it as : tl'le It nns. es can I c dene nt a,
..ill, r
Iii, t
,!:, p
Imp ill this place.
Itelil ion hi bus; ne
merlin!! of public
pe I,
l" ineiii and it
mi je.
f 'Ol' ! !A.,
.'. sll(ii:i(: ,', i!ir
Ipritc if (?3;, E?o!l.'Et. Smith
'v '" ';"i i' 1 1 in ii our hii'ifo.
C'cwlro of Gravity.
T? r- r.t
A !S L iO I Z. Z. IT T
rni: ,
iserncri te-neeiiKiiv lliloriii tin: cin-
ens nl til
lusbuti! and vieiioly, that tl.c-y have In-
i'i il i'i, m-elvi
I h.o'iilnii .s N, w ."-Imn. In
Main, tint
l:iftt In ,.;; Vt-.riii r ft' X'm'ii unit
l.'e.'.,.-' 7,.'v. ill lilooiosUi
. w lie; .' lliey w ill nl
V to aei oinmodali
'. ays I e I iiiiol on liiiud, lea
those who in. iv lavor them
"no a can. i in n
Mull will I e doin ill I In' bill it
Il le lor ne.itoe-s anil e'eeaci e
ami most approve,
in the business.
rem their hmi'
c o,iim-e in the business, tliry
lliat their e nrk will be d,i,(.
i'!''' lln uiselve
.1 .11 I... ,
...' ....
.lone cl.-cwheio. A wmk ielriisicl
in their Cine w in run led lo lit.
(if TTT! y(i J"110 "" ''"C shoitest imtii-c ami
wairanltd lo lit it propeilv made up,
M.r. I- hi - ;.f
H.i uc.M'ijy pb'iiLi ci:, t .
price, will be (alien n xi h.n e, lor wmli
Nail.'j and Spilics.
Kf KKlI.ri of N .,1.1 uiel thakis o.i-it icceiveJ
iin.l fof tulu at ibe At w ''tfcre of
Til li subst ribcr infiiinis the iubhe, that be is
ible to cutii nil kinds of (Juni'vnmud radieatu
Waits and Corns wilh very little pain nod in a
shoit lime, .'le refers lo several icspcctulili! eili
.elis in his liciclmothood, Mich lis .aiuuel Hess,
William Kile and olhers, that Inn been hiicccs.dul
iu .several installed, and is mil liii!iihui:;ini; a n
loo IVeipii'iitly the ca.-o iniionn ipmelis. He win -raiilhcectiiin
line iu any cae he undertaken or no
i; V:ut:i, Ac. on Killle aiid olber animals nr
.il ,o i n i i d by the silbseiiber who ic.ides in Mount
I'lea- .ml low n ih i nn the mam nun I leading
Millviib'to Plni'iii-luirg, about I J luilei. finin Pled
i lielv .Millet'.. TuM'ru where pi ihoiis an: invited lo
Mav :lt ll(i lvd
A s d.'ii.lid nf Ltuiic-i' nnmets,
I n.'ii'i i'iess, 1 lowers, iimiions,
;ery i heap, iil'the Liyht-Xrcct .Niw Surr bv
A. B. K!YBB A-Co
till. t . .. - i , . .. Mil
nL.isjixu run nnii.
il the best ijualily, just received bv
Ilect'lliber !)
rWil jl sulwriber re.peellnllv informs the public.
H that be has opened a -b.,p, nn Vwin-rcel,
nea'ly opposil.- Cio,,'s Tniein, in He.(,,lirr,
wheiehi! inteii.l.s carryinum, the above husinesrf,
il all its Miiinus b:niel;e
TL U'j.'i:,
tlewnv ih-ienpti.m, will be kept no haml for ,ai!o
Mauufjctuied ii.lo nnv f,,rm reoihifd
of all sizes kept constantly o hiiiii'. iStuves finish
"d to order. ih termined to do business ui the riht
way, he rcip-sl.s ail i ,-all upon him .f,,re they
purchase elscwbeie. ,ls he will fuiiiilh nil article
in his hue as cheap as they can Ic purchasul in
ihe emmty,
I. J. RIL'C.
iseptember 20, IS Io ly22
Chair "viannfactcrv
Mri i.i ...i. ..
i ii ij s'uijjerioer eoniinue to
carry on
'msinrss m ,lP , -,.,,) ()f , T(lcf,n
btich. where be will he ready at all times
to furnish Fancy ,t WindsnrChiiiis. .Set
ices, Boston Rocking Chairs te, of every
description, which mav be called for, nt
short notice and on the most reasonable;
terms. He will also execute Douse, Sion ,t
Ornamental Painting, and House Papering,
in a superior inminrr,
From bis experience in (lie business. nnd
his facilities of manufacturing the various
iriieles of bis line, be (liitlcrs liimsel' that
he shall he able in furnish us good work,
and upon an reasonable terms as can be
done in the eoiinirv. ail of which hi- will
dispose of fr CASH nr COUNTL'Y
N. B- Orders from n dhtiinep will be
strictly ar.d puni'tii'il! v attended to.
'iib-eribers take ,
lliellmd nl infoim.
pilblii- 'e!:ci;,h-
f.i in','
I hat thev
ibeir friends and lb
".' are now opemn.r ;,, second m,i,Iu ,',f
'pun,' Cootls, to winch thev would most respect
luhv iiiMle theatlention of th..-.- win are in want
'I Aev. ami Cheap Goods, coi.iisling in pail uf
Clot lis, Cuixiwcres. Sitttinet
H)'. ev, n-
, f '-meiii iiii, Veneh ami Km.
ish Fahi-ic.
Coining and Pantaloons Stuff,
a ve y superior r.rllclc nl Tweed (.lotle: ami C.i--d-ineri-',
Angola Cas-inieies. I ) i ! r i -; (."and.oon
&". oe. Cotton 'iiiitalonn Stulll-; ot'everv variety
i d ul .he nm.-t desirn'de styles,
,...mpiisi.jrevi.i vaii.ty of style nnd prle.s f.em
to 2o cents.
New slv !e nf F i" l I, Lawns, ,, splendid mlh-le rf
m w sty h- Jbml.uie de lane , Mi,mm r ( ;,...,.lll.l t,!j
ili;',l,;iins iVo
mim.'-'-t which mav l- .,i;, ,, !,,. cl-oir.0 arii, ,,f
lb i.teii Pn l.m, ; .Mei,,!;,,,,. H,.( ') !,;, ,( iMXs
I!..,red, sniped and phnn .fau ces ni.,1 1 v,,,,,,, ;,.
.lc.-lms, Line, Msms. hook. II ..., I - '
Muslir, lii.-lmp Law,,, cuilain . Musli,,, tVe.
Ui nm and JU-iied J.W,1V f,om
l.l lo I -J A cents per yard, bleached and mi
blciehed P.,b,. 1'inper, cotton ( b niabury , iVc.
Toqcthrr wiih a full assoitmeut ,,f
G'n cerit s, Spices, Ilardiranc and Cut
lery, Quceiitmre, Dntgs, Dovts
and Sh es,
"" -i every aiui'ic usu iiiy Kepi la l.iiintry
:m i s.
'P e public Rcncrally arc ii,v iled In cull am ex
amine their slock before purclnl -inr cl-e ,heic.
Thnrikful for past favors, they flatter tin iiisehcs
by Ft it t .iiteii'ioo In I n-mei -s lo unlit the 'OttiMl
aye of a generous public,
A. B. KNABB & Co
M .o 21.
2aA!l kinds of Leml
cr, fi'iain and
I'.jn lomce for
It' ' ' .'tstilt'e takin in
W--.i i: r
L"ST received a! tl.e NEW .STUflll
May 3d