ner, inJ sent mother nid-de-camp oh frmmptury orders, but ltf"-e he rou'.d J. livtr the;, ,n -jr.), rr ti;un tal srrne.b' Hill lint toluOl'l of fiilillf WHS ill motion Allr the ntxi moment ha hcnl was enve!'jif J it. tha unoke of cannon, an J in r low mo ment! afterward torn nl iimngU'), ppei cJ iinon the crest of ilie hill whora It jnrns- gleJ two hours for victory Si won il. S .mli had delayed . tlurgi because ihe Ciiem) Hero ex.endmg their hues and weakening their centre. B inapuie iw si once ihe lesEon of his delay, and truck if H admt ration ut his behavior, um after mil" op i him, and in p-eserici: of the wbolu staff, tx cldimed. 'Marshal I account von iho ablest iKtiiian in the empiie lhadky't Napo hjn and tit Mar shah. ... Ile:jov:l. The Office of the L i.i jidia Dumocrat has been Removed into iho new lim it Din'.dinu, South side ol M Bin him!, a lew doors btluw Market. V H. rALMICR jrUil onp.'rwU - ihs 'ConMiiii i)..i:uiiiA-e, and u- C- vt uil mmr'nf ir Uttkcrrjilioii and Advcrtu-i i.!r (:tlhA:.r,c;aln Ph;iu.ifij,kid A'.. DO Vlnr-fl ctl. K.'.n Yutk " l';i A'.i' .:;t-!-i!i((t. Jl. it xi " 10 .Sive-..-. ? L'.t'ti. wrc S. E. tiif. Bait. u..d CJtcrt-ctt. ':ut;-'Accl'i,i'cs and Ticu-. . wyj'.nd it ut ih'r utiraitr!;t io adtt.-iiie in .. i.u ,. .j c.-.y vi.e' j.Ulihid it ;..r. t cat .' '-u-.? c i;:erJtr f:fei.hHi-;i 'v tit than un ti.t:- j.t.pir j.vilin'.cd li l!uu itU:n::ln- L;)."RA'riU CANUIDA'lii VOll VJML Q.0MMISS13XZI1, WiLUAM n. FOSTER, j-. ; A Vf-TF PTT'T'fT?': OWKN I). Lt;ic. tor,: L ly, STEWART PElUCE. FOR SHERIFF, BENJAMIN II AY. MAN. POR COMMISSIONER, rETElt A'MNE. FOR AUDITOR, McCORMICK. FOR CORONER CORNELIUS ('LEUA'NER. AN AP.-'liLNTICi:, To the Printinp l;isiiic U wnntcil at tliia Of. f.ce. An active boy 15 or 10 yeuracf aga will re ceive good cncourorrr,ciil. Cr.LLt-cT. n'a OFFtrs, Berwick, Octobui 1, 18 10. - Cvj.. Wfcb, ticar Air. The following s!ios ilie CiilltLii.iiis at this OHlce for l!:o presen :f,-ic;d ycnr up lo and bictudiiig the CDib o September Vortbo inoiTilj of September C12.733 41 Per List report 41,710 30 651,553 71 Anini'M of C'.ial aVoppcd io Keptpnber SI 524 tons. Pn list rrpott 103 053 V.'iinle fvnom.t 19, 5S3 tjns. JOIIX Milil'.YNOI.'OS, Collector. Efiirn w e i-si. wioihcr papr the eW '.ion will have p:i?ind, we llit-n f ire, aeaii rrid fur the lust due, ure our Deinnciatii frirr.da lo blli'iid p''nady at the polls ain voib iljo wliole Deinnciali-: Ticket. It ii jrond cup, and h s been f.irly iiominati d by t':e if prrppiiia'.ives nl the party, and will bt c liTicd by a Jmidsome niujonty if the voters t.irn nnt. All that ia waiitinu' is fr pvpr) I) r-m or rat to do his doty, ant! ull will be we'd. Ti.m out then, ar.d attend ihe tlec t it on I'u. pdiv next, mid give a strong p. q ',, iu'd and a pull altogether, for tin; winds D -i!i"cra'ie Ticket, Yi.'.ers r"m('T,bcr thai any one rpfusir.p rr in e m in.: b) vote for a candidate make -irt:, ;:! a vote for his opponent 'ortt ihe Canal Con'ni.'ioier : :.::::..:: V ' I - !. or i 0 tf , A II i1 B alt! Ildl'g Id , .;;,.-: i.iinty ticktt. Wi'li'an' ' -M ivti. evr iy ote that dr i : , ur I not one i!io;dd luloM . ., - Mai .'.cSute Improvements hair , .... ' ; the lax payers in paying the ;. : ..i i io State deb', ever since he hap ; ; - 'anal Doard. Hu is an ffK-i I r;d 3n honcsi um ; in short, , .. , . qoalificd far ihe tfiico ol w.Jtii Co:.ia'.i-;iut):f. ini: right or sun-rage. The imp iitmco of ibis ipriiibl iU of f emu it, is not properly mi M.d uiian ire in nuts "f peppl1. IVy do not til have ihe co iviciioo iIihi it in duty 10 vote as v 1 1 ( r'iJ Puis i nil wron. Kvrry mm who lias i vole tiouM attend the Ivlcho.j mil rxercie Hist rihi i)l m.IT vhic. the ws f ihe country 'e secured io bin. Ci'mttiiiK lo Hie b of his judgment. A fi ieod(i n s ItMitft to ui, uses the follow wf, laiguane upon this suhpc,' II,w dtsirstle it vvooul be lo have mpres'ed upon the mmds of those who, tfjiy the i ich inheritance of freedom, routiction ol'lho immfi si vulna of ttif ,i,iht of nuffrin. If liberty he lost in his country, it he b'en i fvery Dth' r since our raca exiMf!, il will b M fl il sway tliru' s mitspprehpiicion ( iliis invalmble prt rogitivc This is th hrPSlDinft evil' Too many there art wl o es'iniaie si a b!9 price a piivi e,; so iiiPitiiomlile. Il'liieh'p of liberl) be lost, it will have been wrecked upm hi rock.' THE CANDIDATES The oppoatiion npn very bun c'ioiieeriiig h 1 1 -1 U'Mii'cinfii on ui - , .i. Jj,.,ml0. 8nc (ickel, bill so fir we f.l , , , c barn, wuh very j;hl iuccu. buint en n how it happens that whm a iumo b comes a candidate for t Site he im nicdiaiely findg buzz n $ abcui a lot o noisy Imlii s'aiidcis, llul nobo ly wil I'.ih' r, but which tveiy body epposet to him is willirg to rr peat. The votei have so for become Kccus'omcil to lhs a cries bout caudidatfg lint thpy pay vuv lit lo Dttt'iiiioii to ihi'in, soil in detd they are in iiine cshuh nut of ini a .vol ihleps us the wind spent tn u t r: r i o t.fiit. 1 in; caniiiiiiites tanitii on n iJ-'Riretatic ticket iM f;dl aienoi funl Ins :mv mote oilur c i t ; z n1'. bo vp btlieve thai tlie.r SMitimnls on pu 1:C notations re coircci, that tin y hi 11 Competent for the offices for wind bey ate named, and that they aie al hontsl num. 'Dr. I-eib, we repeal, should receive tin vote and active influence of errry Demo erai in die County. There are fe-v mei of ki.ider feeling?, of a more ami dole tlirjio si.ion in tl e coutitv than Dr. Let'-. He . truly the poor iiiina friend, as numbers ii his viciniiy tao testify. N all this nin!nut:?lf a man io bs loai'.t d do n widi iibue, be :.mse a ciriy spirit of puty tlemandj ii? I'll e proper inquiries to be mil ls in regnc i i a candidate f n Corcress are' Is ha i)t?mieri? Is he h.nn'n? V,is l;o fir!'. lominaltil? All lhee q iffi end in Dr I.ei'i's case are to be answered in the affir mative Cut if privato r. humus aie to lv nquired into, let the conrli of ecir-rint made tolerable by utipaid aitioid.Hiei-; tin poor ruin's fireside redeemed from it? qlomi mil sorrow, speak for ih their simple bu icapressive eloquence! We bare abused no candidate, rpnn tin Whig tickelpiol because tln-y are I re f f-on "railty, but beeauso we delesl and abhoi that mode of tdfciionecrin. Moreover m believe it lo bo as impolhic ns it ia vile.Wi wiali that we could smv the saoiu ofiht course of lie Danville Denn crul. SiewanPearfO the Dennoratic candid.,", for Assembly, is brjom! ail question, boil intelligent and liutier-r When he v. tu aom iniiied we could imagine no eiion ilia could be put forwarn aainbi him d; we hai heard no valid one ytt from any ipiiirlei.Hi was enuaiPil in biifiiiei's four nr ti i e vtai in this viciniiy, at the mill aid farm, am roconimended himself to our citizens bv hie prudence, industry and boncsiV ol life. 13t sides, hia political 6e.niuie.Hs tid known w be tir:n and in tccordnnce uiih thuse nf very large mfjortty of !re people of t!i county. Hisae too is ainpl "; and ii ihort hia qualifications, are just euch as b- -oriie a rrprPSCMaiivt m the Lrjisl-itu'o I w as these fai ls thai rAeoniriiended In;:' t' ihe delegates from all the lowrishijis wl,ri be la best known for noniitiaiion, and ht i now rf iointnerid him to iho voters f;r i- -unipb..til (Iixiinr:. V, :'.? and Ftct's TIip whole ti Virini 1 t a-i of the IJ tiu ? l f, thi.jtsi b-ni mer si;hj:cl lo chill4 and f-:v r 1.'. an at unv oil.'r peiio-.l unii.n ! ,-n,n,y of n.i.r,. Tl '-r- s sra.pply a l.m.'y will,.,, a cirrtni .1 30 mi,s . I'.ini'i 1 in iinrii. '1.H1 ii'i i.! I! rii of-e or more of its in in t -f 'down' wuh 'bat 1 il .. t 1. .. 1 . . . . , moit tnnoyii jj of dise?(:, W cm is up lo t, C3 lo 81 16 pei Uh p in I'iiiUltflphia Corn 74 U 78V Ryi hboui i ho same aud F our is up 5.50 pei barrel. Oibfr agricultural productions have Iho risen within a fmv day above forniei prii'i'ii. l li im ta ginii new tr tne tanucrt but bjd news ftr t'lepint.) maker tCThe "H ud t'.d. i"prly of 1810. becoming wonderfully moral in 1816, DKMOCRATIC MEETING. A no ui be r of Democrats mat at ii o Pub ic House of lion. JMi ICoons, Columbus ,02'rne coumv, on the evsning of Octobpt h 1810. On moibin Col Jamrs Tcdbs. was rhn- pn eliairnian and Forjlh Petrikin St'cre tarv. The reject of ihe meetin? atated lo be for the purpnse of iwten senu- uiPnis in r'gard to the Conuresaiunal and couniv tifket nominaipd this fall and piv- ng an expression of opinion in repaid to the raiiiulaips anu trie principles oi me ueino cratie P'rty ... . . - , f . n Anions otbfr proceeding, the f dlowinff Rosolntions, were, on in"ti"", mlnpti'd. R;o!vpd; Tlial in t'le President nf ihe Ui'ited Stales wp mcnenizp a pure, a linn tnd an hnnt ftatP'-nun; desirous to ilia- hrie ihe duties of bis pnaiiion whh fidcli- tv to the pontiti)iiio and s ss to promote ihe real tnlere s of ihe country. Resolveil: That Francis R S'.iunk, by ilie honesty of his pift life private and offieial has won our ei.lire confidence; and by thf firmness, integrity an I sag'fity of his con flict as Governor of Pennsylvania Ins im. :rpssed os with a firm conviction of hi minent capufiiy and fiineK? for that ata- ion His vetoes of Incorporation bills la" winter, were j'isi and wiee interposition! nl he Executive authority lo prevent rash ind ill advised legislation; and have endear d bur lo the trua Dt'inocracj of ihe Com- non wealth, Uesolved lhal t'ie re-pomiiiaiinn of Gov- inor Shuol; by the next fourth of ,Uir"li onvention ii the decided wish of the De- norracy of Liizttp, and that they will en- i -'p iSat iioihin ition hv n increased ma j uity over u fnru er oeno on liesolvcd: That wo m i stippit I. I.veii I). L"ib fir ('onrea, beciuiS'' h is li e Dinnoeratic caudidaie fairly iiomiii if:', be "iue he ia cntit'ed to a r.rp'ectiin by vir ne of the jusl usir'i nf ih Demoeriry civ. nj a Itrprei-Piiiiiti ves in Ciiearefc-s a sec 'id term and hi canso .e will iru'y repre -ent our cpiri oi unoii po'iiti! q'ipjiio'K l,v. ais vole. 7iVo!veil: that wa will suooor lie couniv tieki'l ihro'iu'iool, believiiiL' ibai j II the candid iten are qualified fir ihe otfict s fir ii'lich they aro rcsjieciively nued, and .'nil ihey are true he.irn-d Dciiocrats. Resnl'icd; that we will snpp'.rt Vv. R. iSier jr. f r Cina! Coniissi'iner saiiitV-il t'nit In; ia l iib roiin,"eieoi n" I loon si. ?es'dvnl: that as the (3 -O'nrv Vis p.i-. er-l fr 5 'J years mrlc-r D-inoeiinic . ei nion, ihero i rf-ason to thii.k that i' i:r nt ci'v of 'rnio' is finlv o-i i f t! " -'!' i . i r . 'oils m.slaKPS ol t'n' nii.viMsat il;' tiar'v. Sii'ned be tlic fifli-'crs. Simla Fe. Tfiu Irn ir.g becorrtfi . ; 1 1 e o of in'eipst in tiif nt,! c eyi inf Gn. K'-ari'y"s pxpedi'ion In il, ivi rx itnct from Air. Gtetc's 'Corr. nin C ' I l.e Prairie?-' a dc-ciii lion nf 1 1 . o lowi. or! ii ne;ihbniliei)d. Mr. (. rri'a.'p i veral I r a 1 1 r, t i-xpediii'ins fmm Mm aouri In Suili Fc, and hec'O'" wi'll !e. joniolt d with Ii r I p'acp, ns 'vt II as with ,! tbp io'f r niPi!i.iii con (t v. 'S mi a Fc, I he ci ii;-l t f Js i w Mf xicr s l!ie oiily town r f any im pni tne rp r li e prrvince. We .( mMi'i f p find i' written Simla Fc ir San Francisco. (Hn'y Faith of Si. Franpirco,) the l.ilier b' in g ihp patron of foteluy saint Like Ti'.fl of the town in ibis sr ction of conn ry. it rcrup'es ilip ,i t r of an aneipnlPti bio or Indian vi"i(, wh.ose rare Ii3 Vfn txtiiitt for a gre-'l rrany vpars. I f siina'irii if twrl p rr fif epn rriib'S Fal of ihe R n dr I Xnrlf, Bl ihe Western' nsi of a snow fl.ul mounta'p, upon v beautil -,! s'resm nf small mill pow'rr s'zi vbicb rij.pUs down io icy ea'adps am' iir.s l':e river tomn iiven'y miUs lo l!.r "i.tjih'vrsiword. The population of lh ri'y iisrlf bo linle t xffttlr thr'te ihrus .n'lj )-! ire'iidiog rrpral nirmtinrlirg fil!,igr-fi, which ire emhrHCed in 119 cor porate jurisd'Plirn, it smounls It) neatly ix thousip'l eon's. The town is very irregularly 'aid cut and moi of ihe slrtcts are I . t 1 0 bpner it' an common biawwavs. travcisintr'ncai. ' , f(tllf.mrnU) tvTiTch-STemlerpef L, tv!lu rnrn rr Kr,n-rr., , p,!y I'op irihahiiimis With grain The ti orilyaitemp s' anytriir g l'k nrehitc clursl ompacin'Ti trJ prtcis'njn cons'icAi in four lisri ii f bu',!Jiiig,1 whoe fron'j r "haded with fringe o' pirtutei or cor rcdorcs of the rudest piks bla deicrip lion. Tney stand siotind ihe public qtiip, and comprise Iho GovernoiV boose, custom house, the burse k, th C in.i Coosistoi U of Ihe Aldblcs, tin milrary dispel, besides si veril piivaii refidences, as well as most of ilia khop ol tha American trader. The popu'ation ol Nnv Mexico is ilmost exclusivdy r.oi (i ied lo towns ami vilhfs, the suburbs of which are guf crally I'm ins. Even most of iho indiv id nl ranch) s and haciendas have ginwi into viliate a reiuili almosl iodispen. sible for piotec iou against m nia-ati- ding savages of ihe surrounding w ilder oess. my Movements. Tno Wi-hing ion Union of Friday says. M jor Gem era) Jesop. Q lariermaKt- r G -Mitral lef' Waslnngion ihii. (Friday ) uminiog foi he fiontier of Mexico, o take upm himscti the general din-ctioo of the al liiisoffns depai to.ei t in '.h il q nrtti Phis step has lie en ink1 n wiih a view lo jninile lor every txig'-uey without tht Ii I iy end inconvenience which some - ti oie" i emits from waiting insliuc'.ion !rorn W.islnr.gtoo, and in t-rder o se rule he o ni st (Jfi.'icocy and economy ii ilie nn'HMiie ol I hat' mfii'. Wt- havii i,o 'Inillii th 'I this nioVeiiieM dt-lih' fit' ly and I'uly 'uken, will con liibu'f -1-1 1 1 1 j U y buih to tne tflkienry tnd economy ol I ho war. We iindt-rsiarid, also, that In.-foio Geo- -rJ JfCUj) It ft WlIi hc, mi, he had re- I'li' lv p'fi chai il two molt; x ' i -! ! r i p. imh oats, no v eiy in i ler .tt i i ni, loi In; op' I ation if ihi! II o ( nil.', io oi ler to -iiv-j th' bii'i lie gn s vlucti w,i I, i.'i.-indi'd lor Ihe iranspoii-.i'ii'ii of oir j-nrps. 0 her i.pjdic i.c-'-) b.-ve -l-o be 1 1 ieOMl !y adnp'f d, w Inch w,ll savt liiuc'i Xjii'-nse, :tnd cnin i h'i'e mofl ell -ctri'ly i f I C H il'iij .0 I l inil id' lliS fit-C: J.-B--,i v iopjiis foi our arm y, D Mii'rbes ei e receive I j'cs'erdtv VII, io,! fiO'li G'O T.iy'lll's Ci'iij), hill ih-vnici.'i I m r t ;i inilie i in i d of S-'p ifii.b r from dm !!':'. Vu- bid s.-v-r- hI d i ? Inn r I .st niibt fi 'mii S;imv Or h ..... .1. 7:1. i.i, .ii '- :: i - " " v her iufbfiie fio-n Ct-n ,ilvo. Drcwlfnl Occurience AleHer fnui V,:r-aw, Ky. in Ihe Cir-ciuoa'iCornm- r cial, ili 'ils a tii'ist (In arli'ol of funi 'icc; A nn'i i'V 'he name of Ivief, a broib- 1 - in lor 'o Mr. Green, was in I he hah- I (.1 ii I I: I; r Ml 111 'liX'C a'.oli , ;uol, whi'i -. ',i. b-'i-lly, d-diasul', of whip j i r j4 hn Wife, Oi ihe night lib.iVt i,'M tioiM'd, 10 le sol ifilt) one ol hi- iv.'.ie ivi s, cei)iin!'ii''.'il abu-iug ami tKr.-nii-ij his f:, roily, upon which lii will- sent a niesi'ner to Mr. G'MO Io eoil'O and r dtcl Lfr. Ml'. G'reeli S'.O1 us son, a ynu'h of f'gh'tt'n, to try aro! i c i I v b" ti'ifle, hoi he la.h il. and a- I'l'I.IT Mr-.-. I gl r W.iS (It -JU I'll (! I ' ' Ml G. Uji.'.u rr tI ii u ihe 1'i'iif.e, ?-r,G. w e .11 ,uti- il ill l ll li- was . ll'v l 10 , ff.,1 it 11 to th,. ui V ! 01, lie I in e ,n 1, 'd up an H x unl w I'k-d to li'o ili'o;, s h . 11 .'ton .' one cried 1,0! to him I l.n IC.Ii s '.- as C'.ii.i ii', and al 'h s 'iiv I.m own mm! (Gretii'.-) 1:111 leWMid.s hi? fnli 1 : lo ci-1 otil of the w.-iv ' I Ins or fie. whin Giicn misim k l is ?oo lor Vr.h in.l inatle a siioko at bim, wlncb inv ed I : I -1 lo bim in 11 f-w t' cnml. Tin blade of ihe i.xe (tn 1 fl'ihe l..wi r p"' linn i f hi.- ffn iii, eti'ti: g I'-n fih hv or thiec of bis r b.s, and pi: n,; ihiMiil .is iii'81 1. The fatl t r was brd ling t n insjtid at ihe accounts. J.. .n Q.iiecy Adams ,a:i be en nnai i mr-u.-ly re nr niiim'td 10 n prtrr ni tin Cit Coogrnsiondi D S'Jict t( M s.ichu.-eita. Official CanfunutUai. Captive (J ijnta Fe. The Wnsbingion Union say s, ih-it (ifSei.,1 information Ids been rrcelved from Gen. Kearney, announe ing ilie ca)'ure and quiet military pos seion of the territory of Aavv Mexico, li is undtrtor,d Gen. Kcarnf y, '.villi a ajinajMoree, tsebuut lo leave Smla Fc for 0 few days, on an escursiou 10 somt of ll,n pr i ntpl territory, 'i'hJ my cccclude to Cblabi.-h a miliary Pus' l.tlow or n a th. Rio Orard.-. I. O. of 0. F. GimmiI.' DcR IF1IU.U- MTEO STATfcS. We Ifutri the Grand I.odgo of Hie Untied bi.iea, which has been in session... .his c.ty for the p.s. live d,ys adjourned at eiiihl o'clock Uat nitlit, iie 1 fc . lie, uu eiiucBiiiiy iiitni, uu mu u- 4 r lot, IJurii, K, Koeass, K-q , of Philadel- , i , 1 1 i u I .1 f 1 I 1 - hia, was elicttd (!nnd idiru of the Older, lncli is the ebM ollieial station in ihe ,r . i,. i locution. Air. lut'a-s is h en z mi oi I mi- adelpbia, of hiyl. standing and tespi-ulibiii y iiiucll esteemed by all who know lino I. On the sixth ballot, P, G. Mtcr Tliinii j- ion, of Mass., having recftived the ui yny ; if cill the voiea polled, was du - '. y tie did Depuiy Grand Sire. P. G. M er Jas. I,. Ridjply, of Mil., was uuaui'i nionsly ie-elecied Grand Corrrspondn g' Secretary. P. G. Muster A. E., vas ana ..a'..o.osly re-eieceo . .ra.u-V) re 1 1 i ;ie Ui-oer li is cause lor don, at ilie judicious eelection of ofliiris, diosi'ii li) presi Jo over ua iniereais tin; en- ,, , , . r , rroin ilm annual leporl nl ilie -oniif lerin. Grand and Subordinate k.ntlyei, we nlen'rve ttial ilniiin; tiie pas: year iln l.odees through out the United Suits ai.d Canada have in- in !)'.) i h it i In- iiiiiiihi r io new in- Illolloiis were 32 316; annpeusiiine, 2,713, Xjiulsituis, 493. Past GramU, 8 - 500, and Past Grand Maateis initiated, 14 t I'lie revenue of the Sub oilinaie I odgi s do ing the year has b- en 4708,205 40. '1 in number of eoiilribntinj miMiNers nl niesein onofcieil with the Order, is 00.75 3 Tin uiiiiibci of widowed fioiilies relieved diir'nm the ) ear was 817, hihI ihe number of broth rrs biiriid by iho Order, 4S5. For the re lief id brethren, the amount paid by the va rious I.odjpjs has amounted In 6151.217 t'2, since the last annual report, am! Ir Hit) re !ii;l of wiiiowed liuiilie, S15.G8G 12, Tin iiuui ol S'),C7 1 25 iias been paid lor Uib .l- 'iCHtioo nl ibu orjiban chlldri ti of deeea-eu i, embers nf the Order, mid S'!2 bSO 02 I'm iliu burial of trie dead. The nital ainoiiiti ;ni I for relief during ihe year b .s otn 5107 317. Tha increase of Lulues. co spared u-it'i 1815, Ii is Uteri 307; of in cdiiiii, S252 228 IG; of ruembers, 23,9iU), of amount of relief aifnrdcd, S 71 950. Tin '.ol.'owing is a report of the Maryland Gram: L. 1, tire lor ihu ) ear. N umber i f L ulatj, 32; miiaiions, 1331; tuepcn-ions I8'J, e pulsions, 14; Past Gr anils, 59 5, P. G, M . itrs. nireienoc rd the Ijod.i.;t.s, 1.1)3 ir.imbi r of co.itiibuiiug uu nbers , 5 28." iiiiut.i'r ol brother nlievnl, 5:j'J, nu.uhei of itlowe.l IVi in 1 1 it 3 n I en il, 79: innobi-r; ol' lirotln-rs buried 42, ituoriit a d fir rein ! of liroih-rs S7. 1 53 13: 'O'luint paid fir u ht'f of m idowi d l.'iniiit s, S3 0S7 59; auioiin ,)iid foi edueniioo of o; i!i ni.s,'3 1 077 0 -1 : 1 -.nount fir btiiying tho ibad, 83,331 111. i'lie lo'a! auiouiil ibus p :id for ri In I by tin 1, tlg-s of t'ie S. lie, Wis 01") 973 G3. Tm jiroiire-- of ihe Older is leprmroieil by Ho dr. nl'.1 Sire's report to hate been icry tirea b..ui;ll the Inuna nf the Union, and 11. tvlieie inure so tlnn 111 W ,t . : , 1 1 1 11 -1 , : .mil tin District of Columbia, lii.ltihi-.-re i'trri Sal urdu ij. In-H Ore. (:.(? o! li.' 1110-I va-iiab' 'nilsoj I roii M t r d !c ) v ci 1 d, ha '!' 11 b und in ilie N r 'ii-. c " in r t ).' n" cnin 1 , V e.n: i 'i , 1 n I i .l .. o j i. 'd niiieix p-r c n'. s 10 b.' 30 I' oi ili - 1.. Tuc 'JOI- 1ipi:ca A II e:, 1 1 n jj-c .'''( 1 !) ve l ei n iropor led a;.'! dre now zmt II lk-liin', M.-. They Wiil It . i';.il 'I'M c 1 t . li1 il,!.- Mull 1 ll : in I f ( mil n. id hear Ini:, or fioc-M, ) t I uti 1 . (1 1 e tl l 1 1 f a 1 1? a it . ! uq'i.r.-a mild '.'I. 111111)', Kit!,! th Philnnth;-pi Thr re hp ca-i s (1,1 iirrril, in Hi.- . liter 1 1 .lit I5i H- sli Jo ';'':' A'lvi.raic, wlo n-iiid- In q cot -olilir r !v.v In i n s 1 h i c-d iJitci ivi thru lh'iu(ihu rsii j. Indian Corn I 1.1 o Cor n 1 x p" Ti qu.inti'y if F ti d fi uii ibis ):i)i I p r ( t ii ti- to 1! e li i f S"j.'i ri-hr r of ll." year, i ciio. .led al 5G2 COO luhl.-, FiOlll Illii!'-' f 1 ! ; i . 1 , ni;iil,J lt)0 lain. periotl, it arnouiilfd lo H)5 707 bn.-heis uid fri m New Di lea. is 941jS9 sacks The txporis of Ibis ariido ,'rooi fiasmo and 15iI':;):dic 1 ..c'i, W'j probibly l;.r ir than from Pliiladelpbia. The pro duct of this country l!ii year is fstirnj!--d by ome at five I umlred millions of oushtK The ci pmis in 1840 slute the i-rnducl of 1 hut ycr 10 have been 377,221,875 bushels. The newsreceiv -jd by the steamer yesterday not only inncunces an ad vance in iho pricu ol 1 his nnd other articles, but w. rranis ilie be lit f lhal the ;xporl? liom Ihe Uniled stales ol Europe durin; li e next r'fcht mooiha will bt immense. N. Y. ien- I'lC Pi ft, JtaU'fa Mhunt r iu - A m .at f)f(ll r turHcU,, J ), U.,J, a na- jv(. f j, j( N( w u j ,rt wkiU - fif (j M . , . , . . , , bei n eaily io hie, i'i03"i'd io love, ai.l , . . umi.i. Ia I ..j ...linlri) ul'h a fulfill V f , 1 1 1 0 " I : I II "IU II ' , 1 II 1 1'' I "I ut" - ' t. . :i., II . ...I il,.. ni..l t ,""" "a ii'i f i,f 'oiv fl.lemiu. in ivl iili llH ft-. "i'""d 26, duiin wl.idi time he vi d a- inneli ui Hit- na'ui e ol Irs eoi- luy-M ni wi.old din.t of, H-cudi'd Iroin uic w in I I, eniljrirg 'Iih puceiy of oili. - m h,-, mi(- tl ( ii.irdtd liim to amis Wf 3h , ; even on I in deih b d lie could ifl, H,,,Mtiat his a -lies sh nub I intermir ivi(! ,,,itie 0f Ins k nd.ind in! ih .l . j( h (v)f( (w.(y M((, .sl ,, , l;rt built over it. F 1 died wonh $12,0CO jio rash, 15,000 worth of pmpi I ly lie willed iwo ll in!. of tli 3 to a fotintiy- ' r an of his in ii w Oi I nr.s, and lot- hal- iiff, nltrr a it 'a nni'll ilnnai ;ora to a si-tn ol whom lie liail riot lieinl lui a VCars. The Alexandria (inz'i'lc sau;-Mr. Pdlis I,, I'rii'C, nf iliit ihire, bi-i, by onler uf Washington Lod'o No 22,b'en eiiliu'N t-d wnli some iiiicre.-iuni; und v ibialdc ri lies .if Wiuhingion, hn!i be! mg io ihe L"dei'f u n l iibn h he 13 e. 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 lo h i ! it in Iho Northern tones 'I hev p-Tsi-i id" iht; nnm- le in hi eb Washington was bap'i;' il, ll.O iier on which he wa- r.rried to ,i fjiim, lis Masonii! ajir.oi, s.iah, and gloves, and n 'ariely nf oilier ttiPiiipntopa of ihe F,;'! er ( f lis ('ouotry, alonu with niieinai I -".it is ai.d n uiusri 1 1 j t The relics ai'i! all au;ln nuen e ( In yoi:d quesiio'i. A P liTFH y 1 .V ATICN OF II 1 tlfil) To THR II:: til. (11 t is i allv.l. cm lie' iinli.''! f.r up u 1,0 cihir jirineij 1" ill in iVoni f 1 1 1 1 1 . t an.! at i ni.inl lii.nnna in llic veniniB I'oi uh.tiiot, v. hii li f.r vi in i!h; p:'.ii tr return ol' the viial 11 aid to Ilia heart. J he i. .,,d :,i:i liuvc no more jiiid lrrtion the l.t.ol ihau inr ai.y mlicr j a r : iudeeJ lis t- eciiln fjrr.w! ivmiM rju it a I, nrrun lo ilm r.Mo mi!:, .-; I i.t .vlicn tile nci i:;i i :nt' ( li. In d t p, and il I ec, is it aero. i isuticr in ihe hi d; no wm i'rr ihi.:tj is a e'Utensiun or nweli'iij i f llic l.-looJ v,-i-" , a nejone ii;.uii the brain nnd head m',r. ...j !d.i.c.i i.dpii ii.mli nt tlic he jit, iiisani.y, B i jdesy, uui li e:i.l i". i! rrsu'H. .-ihi'i Ltd'vi Vc;;l!cblc Pi'.'.'s.are alv !,, c f tain '. ore i out lle tdhnc ii'..i,i-.ant tv.n 1 ait a j. 'h-raii"! ov o o 1 limn lircidalni: 'hi.M'Viiv ho io" the t ijiie nut of a!! t'js.inVrc.1 mo .;ea id lie; h'i (..t' hut tl'cveiy ni.i!.: 'y iiu klei.t : eoi i. 'l'ln'V nbniiiil mid iin.nvc i:.!-.,tien nnd llccl,ire in. el U---u r i tl ! v g,vr dcdih and vi.:.,r to the hii.h.'.ii.s well ns prevt nt n.iy evil cof..(a.ri,fO fi on wli.i. ii leruu J li in. ll nl' 11 ml i.i 1 1,,- In ad. i'autiun It -i.n'd I v ion. ml. cl il.n. Mr r.d (I I'nlu. nf PI ilad. l;dn,i, Mr .!,-, n l.-e. -n. nf l.rtiiiO'i, l'a mid Mi-sis' l'lini riin.' A ' . :hl : , nf I'liilad i.. are. lift a?enls of oury, iinl a - :l t" j.ur- !'. t.-.c no 'ri?!u'j l idian Veg.'liilde IW.i ; t !li e, wo imuii U natality a . t;tnni ii! any incdi ciiifi I'icv uity li;ne fir sale. A iieiii for li'o . m-hii Genr;;p Weavrr, P'or nilier Ai'eii's ist u ml vci I isc'i eo !s in u loiher coluoiii. I-Tcxva from Icnicc?; AND FROM T!)il Cii Y. JTXfOIJM ll.t. 1 i. v. !.,;,. Cr...-r T.o ' -; 1 il-hii;,' ui,h ....y p,r M, ; l,u.. i.ivu Pctii i"n : : i ! i i i -r Siitv.rui: s'roni: ( l i a . -tlmant nf .id nun now and cxti-ii-.ivc a s- I M and XTinrer C.)u', ; "liieli l!iv vi ill re!l than auv fin hi f io ifiaul in ( 'ii';i 'i Pli ci.toOy. '1 he fdluw i, m :y ir f unid niii ing I'n o .i:i... i niinn C.ns'iMfre, Ci-;;h ''attiaetU ,y J. "!:;? nf i.ll fiuditir. nnd prices, nf Ainrri Mil, fid. Il uid Liijl.sli r.ihiiika PRINTS ! PRiNTS Of new nnd ft Id i mhle rti'tcr'i-; r--r. p.I.i.-j over-,- lar Civ 1 1 f-1 v f ain qnrihl", .;v DIIE-S GOODS.!atk aborted crto-s f-d ! .-.v-.1 rhrvc is. i.,i.Rl,jTi:.cs, rnaiin, re fre Srr.lih yhrtU ur tii'd.L'ii'i! dicMsaid'd e' s, em;:if-nw rf dlTi-rt iit dencri) li, iiiti, t'.-JU.x j,, , .( ro'.o y. lU'-'ru-. rilki of a?. '-rod tv'. r-. cnKtr.,-, 10. d . !". filijh on;. laJiii' nnd ;, ii'i n i ,n H- trti'd c dn s'il fc.J. : i'k. c.i.-.l.i.. rr .-d t-f tt.. d,w 3, nil esn-Ii ie li. fni Inniil 0 : I i 's ni' r vi , r kind un.l varif ti . I.niir.,' hlaik :!',; .,,, :.t, .-! .-(.J a!iliiiiprc; ice. FLANNELS. Piail and Iv.illnl red nnrl uliifo IiOOTS AND SHOES. A rrfrtrrid renr'ntrnt nf ladies' pcntlemen's thio a:ul thick boots nr;d shoes of every description C'F.nAR WARE. HARDWARE, CROCKERY WARE HATS AND CAPS. And a general and an extensive frspi'trrnt of CKOCERILS AND LIQUORM. Ail of -ihi.h they will r-cll very l;w in rxrhirrvs li.r I.LVMBLR, COiJNTRY PRODUCE. q; CASH. ALBblGHr I MENGEL. c-t ;o
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers