The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 03, 1846, Image 4
K.-tl.LI) pmoosals will Im loccive.l by the building Committee unlit 1 o'clock iu the uf lillioo'l ol' Saturday the 3 1 of October next, for fmiing a Jail and Juil House in ihe town of rlloomshuig, Col . rn. ihe J id m"1 u ill lo he of stone and House of li .i.k. Plain, ami rl'finVaii.ini,i lie eeti attho Sioioof Win. Mc KeUy i Co. Win. McKK.I.VY', DANIIlLsNYiH!!!, oil t: Kit. j (.in ipmsav, u uitliu, Building Committee. Sept. 2i 18K5. afaSi" ron SALE. I'lie heirs of (Seorge llctl'V, deceased, latent Montour township, Col, co. oiler at Public. Sale O.l SalurJcy the Mh dy f oVCntbcr, next, a Kami. itutit'vl about 3 miles from Hlonuis-, buig, mi lliu road IolxIi ii j In Uati villi'.fiHilniiiintf aj li.i I tj l fi.10 iiciesi.litiilgnodMe.i.low.andall of ii iii it ii it' ln t) of cutlivjti in. l' on il n a Inge Sio y I'uiim House, ii lirge fianio hank bain, i. mo spring linusr, H mill house ami Cider Press, a,;e oieha d, with good liuit. 2 nryer UiWhh fin in .is ot water, an. I nearly -0 acres of jiooil lun let l. ul. I lie Km in :ii j 'ios 1 land. :tl Id commence al L0 A M wlii'ii Iciins will It in .il- known, uuJ any information given 1' apply- ' CHARLES UEFLF.Y. Ay til fir the ht'ir. L lOOlllslll.! ! i-eotelll'.iCI 3", t Stti.;us van7i:d. The ii ho il director nf IHnoni district want to .,,, aonm pin Kt or nine IICISOIIS llllU illt'll to lea.-h all Ilia branches: requited by the 'ommoi. hcIio.iI law, I.) leach lint dilTeront tehnol in the dis-l-ii'l. .1 board of examination will sit at the ofl'ic. ol Dr. L. N. .Scott it I o'clock. P .1 on K.iturdu) III.; 1 Till of O-'t next who will give certificates ol qualification after which teachers will he employed fir llie ensuing winter wages from fl to per inoiiih. By order of the hoard is A M 1" K I. MESDUSIIALI. Sec October 3, lb 10. IS 7 OF lETTEllS. Remaining in h po? o IT t - nl Cdt m i-s:i for he qmiiiT t,!idiiii.SjV. ember udfli 1819 John lldiich Prior LieuB Jeicuiiah Bartender John jingiirt Jiiinea driver eUon Clayton .Iran Michel UitlBch y'ciijamin Drum ).ivid K"1II1.H Jonathan Kite!) Jlenrv Oilioii J II Hay hps Heard &. K Hartmnn Uiiliani U ogelai.d ;ii.ulieth ZJoooo E li IJidlemiin John (ieorg.; Joiio . Mary A. .lolni Charles Kvler yldrew .lolimnn llal'er .1. I.nsh. ll l)vid It. Merrill . C MeC'auley Mr .Meara .ldam Miller Samiiil Millur John I'eny lVilliam liolierti CourijL' tihuiiiaii D Mecli Charles V Youmj PiTKorMealhnc; fir letter on tlie ahove list will lilease ay tlay are advertined. I'AlJI. K B.vr.DV P. M vd'ODIT l 1 9 l'J. STRAY AM) 10M the pastur c near IJlooinshu'i; on ' liiglit of the I (Jill inst. Iwo tile B'sit C'ilUlo : one a red steei . i. . . . ' . it , .it. f -j ( j wnii iwiiwune spois upon linn N't VV 811,1 wo"'l Wi'lh iihoiit 100 the c ySJijf, 0,ler a l.Iack HeilVr and would weigh ahout 2j0 They wuie purchased in Hunt nton township. I.u.erne county Any person f;iviiiu information where they may lie foiiinl hall lie reasonably rewarded for their tiolilile, 1,1'bWICK LKIGHT Liomr.sbur,';, Septeuibir 'J CIIIJAPF.R THAN HER. JfTTI'nS fiihsciiher Tery reaper f'nlly infirm tlo p i piilil.e Mlal lie lias on uiuiu aoo is i."i.m;iiii lvManilfaetuiiiiL'. HOOTS anil SHOKS fifall kinds which ho will sill ut the loilowiiiji low prices. ( ' K N T I. F. M K N ' S V K A It ftlarorno or Cuf Skin BooId ; t 00 Con -be l)nli 3 " (irtnr nr Fine Shoes I 75 lnlrr's SIlOPH S to 2 'if Morocco SlijipfrH 1. a nn:s' Weak. Mornrro or Cu f Skin Lace Bontu 'J hick S,r French Tien 87 i I nri 1 I2.J J'invpi Springs or J rcnrti Other k'niiU of SHpprrx 7j 5 cent-i n I 00 ff. 11 - The above re all own Manuficturr j .1 are wrr.tited to ulaiid. I have also on hand. Mil Inrirn stock of IOastkhn made Boots and Shoes, ich I will -rll at sinall profits. Country MerchantR and r.thern who buy 1 y the dozen, af nivitctl to call and rxaminr niy sooas, I will fell to finch at a large retlivtion. rrJ-Remrmbrr the plce at the NLW HOOT td SHOE STORE, lower end of Main-strcot. " W RUSSELL Jul 4 lSlfi tiish.UJ Lawns. OF and h'.auiilul patterns, just received ihe JNc' i'tore. L 15 RUPERT. Mav HO "irznzzir CrLi-SS r 1 ,1. Vt.' W Tril!P a I. " l ret. i l a a i uie " f' i ii i it ni.-p'r PI t'i fi' A 4M JPvfoa&e s. Tlia miinci iher i'lTer for f:Ip hit 1 57 & li'j mm ia jt, lilii ite.l on the corner ol M tin and l.a-.l-sliee.. hi looiii,luir4, Coliiinhia ''Hill v. I'n. Il HwH aleul ited for the loca'iou for a l'lil'lic IIoiimo o torc.licim Vrt front on Muin'Strnt, JJ1 1 !- ci' oi uist-tlint, ind llie rmd lea dim? to the II ".niis'iu r Kail md lion Company' F tiriiuri x. 'I'lii Lot is writ cal .lilted for loiildin iiinll K.iiM-.itreel m "ell on Main, and heinn fililaled in llie ceutie nl'lhe Iron Ueijiim of Colniiilii i Coinily, ii wi ll worthy the - T " ' u al:eiilion of the cniitiilil". Kor any information respecting the conililioiin. i'i.iiite nl ;1U,:si KAIiI.ATi- lilenm-iliui;;, )ecetuliei 20 ISO! FOnOREGOISS' New fiwooois rScJrv V .fZcniU'tihnll Oi II AVI! jmt received and are Hplendid assortilient ot nc.v lalde SPUING AND SUM M K.'t GOODS. selected with great cluo ut to price nnd iju ility. compridiiii; Sitpnjlur. C ' nl In and Cimiinrrrx, Tirced Cloth and Fauci Cumimrro; j'-r GenllemrAS wear. Velvet, in und Fuiinj Vcatings. I.iilit s' D.ess (jodiIh, f ih Ii as VuxiiiifireiJ' Lti'uus.HuhiiiiniH.Loirns. Crape de Minm, !iir.rbniii. ('tti con, MubUnt, $,-c. i)' and B raid t)- Straw Bonnets S,- Tiimmin 'n fict a general and well ficlccte.J assnrtmen1 of DRY (0()I)S, GKOKMIKS AND LIQUORS, IIAKDYVARK, QUEK.NsW AUK&IIOI.LOW WARi'J All of which they are anxious to Bell ehean foi Cash or in exchange for Country Produce uuner- May 30 WAR! ViMU A N D M3W Gm$ 17m, EZcEelvy i Co. V K just received und noiv opening, one o the laigOKt and most evtcnive .Mock i.i.Ij P.i.r l.r l.l :..(' .1 ....I ...... 'I'l : vjiuiicul consi.sls iu puit of tlie lolIoin;;: i-Aiii:s; wivMi. Ihregrs. Barege Sertrfu, Bulzoriufn, Fi ured und pUt in .uiuei' J.uiru.i, Print of all tiua'ilitx. pah: run and prices. SvkJ)trar and Cotton S.'ioifs, Para aolrttrs. Kid and Si k (livvi's, Si k anil Cotitin Il'isr, Pot kit Ifmu'ker' rhitfi ofa kindi and a most rit thing t netltat l.mUm i.itnj a or. including a urgc u-inorliucnt of DUAII) AND STli.WV UONNliTS of a ftiperior ipiality. (SKNTLKMEN'S WRah. Clotlis, ('as ime'si, Oregon Cassiiiieix a new art r ch'. I'antiiloon stutls, Tiveeos, (iainliroons; sum' luer chillis, Katin und fancy Vcxting i, cravats sc i-l.; ties and vuiious oilier ai tides. i (ient'oniiii tnd Ladies LOO'J'S und !SllOL: of cveiy desciiptinn. GROCIOUli: AND LIQUORS. Mo'ancs, Loaf and Hrown Sugars, Coffer, Teas pici s. A.ackei.-i, co.irse und hue Salt, Jjramly hum, Wines, (Jin, iVc. GliOGKI'IRY WAKE, Assortilient includes every article und quality Mial may ue caneu lor; ll.MCDU'ARH. p itrs, hnovrls; l oiks ll.wi Ajtra; Hm.l; Ui Win d iin.l cross rut Mas; Tiles: lioits; Scrov: l.ocus, ixniven uinl l-o ks, button'-; I!uik!i;c. WAGGON TIKI, Of all iz , Hon ml , I5ir ami llu, .J Iron (J.isl Smtl, Hilda i in. i al smh ijlt hi (ii HOLLOW W.7IM:. All of which will be so!,! a little lower than tin invest; ami all Uimls ot 1. 1. .1 Lt L H und Tilt) IJL'CK t,i;cn in .aynant. .Mry 30 U ENOCH IIOAVELL. T A 1 I a O li . RCaHECTFL'I.LY, informs the pub!ic;hat I. Ua Removed his Shnp to Et,pytfwn where he will atwuva be rendv, as heielofore, to tirike any kind of ebithiim, ut the shortest notice hind ill the best und nio?t lashionable sty le. Krotn Ioiil' experience in ine nusin. ss, rie llatler iliiiuself III it he .hall continue lo nice general fill atlK',,eti m and thereby hopes Iu receive a ab'.irc of: lie publie patronuM'. ' '.utieiit ir aitentinn paid to rutting. All kinds of cnuntiy produce taken in payment f,u w.,il;. KK,ytovu, May 0, 1 8 1(1. tl':l HAiij waih:, rjTIIOM a rolfee mi'.l tu a file, jtut rrer:ve,l $ the New Mtorc. L. H. lil'PKRT. Cabinot VvTaro House fHlli; Niilurrilis would reHpectfully infoiinthi H iullie, that he Ii.ih taken the ili ii lati'ly w eiiiicd liy .Siiinii'l Lilly, m ar the n ' r end ol lilnoiiislinin, wlicie he is carrying oil the inallilf variNi luaneheii, and where lie will lie happy o wail upon all tho-e who limy lamr him nith their custom, His f niuiliiie n, i uniiiteil In lie made of iood inaleiial and duriiMc, and he in- if ml i keeping on liaiui Siiclitxirt'i. Srcrriirirs, Bureaus H'anniHS. Curd Tallies, Dining Tallica. Titbits, Cuibniii tls, St a n d, 1 1 ' a A Sr rnhjit'dslfttila, Dun iri -troughs, CoJlns, iVc and nllkindii dfwo.k in his line, whii h he win nel upon as rea-inahle leiiim as tin y can lie piirchanil! in the i.'ounty. Ily mi let attention to hii-unoss lie hopes to le ceive sh.wc of puhlie palionui-'e. KI.I IIKOWX, April 25, 1HI5. Iyl M' OKK I'KDDK The Cry in utiil Tl'.ey (.'nine!' - livery mail In iii-s lidis of their Rlieci ss. rioin asl o llli' reaiolcst el linlii Cuiada on the Xort!i, to Mexico mid the Went In dies on tht'S.iuth-aic all unanimous in ihcir prai. e. :k)l a medicine so unuerMilK known und c.McciihV Win cut's Indian Vki;i:taih.k 1'ii.i.s, now opemiit; a it is h irdly ncessory to upeak in del iil. t no cheap und fiali-l period of lis history has ihe leputalioii of that ined licine Mood holier, and we may say that un irpu- tatioii is likely to he more enduring. Adapted to .dl constitutions, to evciv form f disi ie, und to all cliimiloK Wright's Indian VcuclaMe Pills uie, all ,ve every oilier medicine, lilted for the use ol nun under whatever circumstances he may he (da- ceu. .i sea or on lauu, ai iionu; or anionu, m uhi. incr' heat mill winlei's cold, with a roiuniuii re. .'aid to llie coiiihtions of health; and with Wrifiht' Indian Vcyetalile Pills at hand, there is no excu.-t for hcing sicki unless the cousti'.uliou be utterly ii reclaiinalile. An our object is lo Mlale whrrt the rj'm'Une Med icine ran he obtained, rather thin tnive it an ex tended notice which our limns forbid wo shall merely subjoin one oi two nl the numerous testi monials that have itisl eoine to hand. Hundred.- f ihe saine kind unlil It ml-h-d, Inu ive nro suri- ibe puhlie will nair us tho trouble of aiianying them. ( K,x tract of a Idler fiom Hernando, Misi;sij i(i. ''l'o IV, Wright Your Pills bave(.;ivcn uniici- sal siifactioii, and nrr justly very popi.lai. lean seh fiom 'iO to 40 Jowii annu illy It 1 could be suji phed. i ours, U n. Hkxut .Ioiinsov, Ast'lit. 1 1 1 n n 1 1 1 heic 'o be remarked that llie medicine lias been tmt recently Introduced into Mississippi. (Kxtrael of a letter fiom Jersey 'yhore, I'eini') ' 'I lie Indian Vepi table Pills excel everylhins of llie Iviiul ever otV.-i-d to Ihe public iu this section nl the roiinlry, m il vi Lli -,( ml in the eombinnl rlVnl ot iomi- Ii -w unpiincipled mercenaries to put thum down, S, WiNciirsi KU &. Son, 'Mip following liiulily rf-ipri'talilr stnic keepers hav been uppoi'm'ti njrius for tf.i; sile f " rijj Ill's Indian Vegetable Pills in Jointi ia L'imkii) : II. P. P.-ililv-lhtiviCn Sk phm l!a!dy (!,ii an isa ),.... t . . --r;i jiy lo wi ISnuvn it ('it'Htiy M ililim ille Abraham M ith r I!. rw . k (i. 11. Fuwlfr Urii-ii rei k Win- Cr. t)iiino, Gcutufi M.isiers .Milvillt) 1,1'Vi lleisrl Jt-revlW'iin I. overs it Sons C'ilnmhia Fxrharge i ibert MeCav. Vatihii-uinnvillB ( il'nrgft W pa vrt I loo HI t'll in I. iehi Siiet l Iron Co l.itilil S iret Low Si Thiiiiipsnii I .i iiio liide II. G. Fie 'ii llnarerei li 1'llis W r tin a ii Woharsburu !. P Wrllivi r Greenwood F. Al. I. l.r.Zirn- OrM'trullf? IIiii;Ii Mc Williams Monrshurg Th" poi-ul irity of WPICIIT'S IMHAN YF.(i-.0T- li I.1-! I'll. I S has pioved a ut'i.ti!; Ii'iit lo un; hd tlo n i tio;i iimI it: r. ted by I L- lopei.-f jair: tempt I palm oil' a spurious article on the iiiisiij- .'.'Cllii. i o del, -at the wicke.l ue-icns ul such men vi! Iiavt procured new :.l els, tin I i he lilTTLW SIGN A II. I? i; ( ) I'' W M . W PI (.il' T WILL .No H li K fOIMi ON 'Jrll! 'J'OP LA ULL OF 1! CH DOX. Nmt! other ij genuine, und to rmivttrfdt this i'firr:. ;.':uciii!,cr, the nulv ormiual ami I'.'ininie uian v;:t;iri'.nLi; tills have ti,.- I '.'NSlt.'.WTI'il'; OK WM WAIGIIT on the top label of each box . ( 'Uici- i devoted cm Iiimvc'v to the sale of'rit(hl' Indian Yri;etablc Tills v lioli'Milr and rclail. I (!! iVc mint PtiMaJcl, li.;-.; (Jicenwich ttrcM New Y irk and T.n Trru.ont street, Uui t.iii, September, 19 IS Pi 221 . EScusc and 5Lot For Sale IN l.I'iinsiRKKT. T III. si.hjt'ti! cr 'I.' foi sale to &ylU '.' Tii oi:'-; siiGP. ' AND LOT. im.iv J in the (l-'Uii.-lii!.!: village ol I .-1 Ii s-tr '0 1 . in Hlo. to imvrhi). It is a j:ocd -.ilu itinn fir a'i'aih.r n-in in the imrr.. di-'.e viciiiitv o! sevs-ral I'urna- e. 'Tl.o pn-pi rty will be ao!J r.n rraii!i!t enr; R, B- Cl.THHKKT l.;..T:.strect, iejiternber 1022 NOTICE tn the snlisrrihrrs of '-took to Ih f3 I'.errhv tjiven I'.r'vlr Cu,Hii;iiif. liiat a Xicnml anil 'third Inntatmrul nf live dollars rarh. is le- iiiirei lobe paid to the Treasurer i n or before tlie lot of Atiijust and 1st of September respectively, By Order of the Hoard. ;i i'i a im.- 7.,.,..- - v.,..,...M J'dy L 8uier'inr srtielc nf No. 1 an.i'2 JJ .'! Il i;BSi:r, bv Ihe Painl Hail yjariel, at Hie Cheap Light-Street New .Mote. j A . H, K N A lili Si Co. a Ji r :t auihniizoil to anmiiiiico David va.auh m g caihliil ite fm iliu nfTwo nl oliciil! at thf finauilig geiiiial t'leclluii' Tu the I'AaturHifVuliiiubia. County, l'la.i.ow OrnuNs: Al iIip soliciiatiiiii m V IneinU I hatu lieen UMiicid In trllcr ili sell as u candidate the ullii e nf iSilKUIl r a tho fiimiinp rliM'tiun. ShmilJ I So 8i fur innate ai to receive a nu iority of ) our ul- iagei 1 'leil)iC iiivcell to (it'ilunn llie duil. oi diiu oiuiu wi,n u ieiii) MUltliAY ;1AN VILLK. Kfpi'jtown, Sept. 12, 1810. Wc aro aulhoriseJ to announce J. VCD 15 DYKK. of CatlHwi,a, im a V() 1 ,11 XTEEIt ) ) for tue ullice ol SUe ill ul iliiu euuau: Id tol.i i elei tlon To the good citizen of the County of Co Luinliui. llavitur been solicited by a number of tlm voteis ii Ihec iii'nty of Columbia, the uiiiler.Mgned once more oilers himscil M a Candidate fur the Office f Mcrijf, .ill., i i- ut the next atiiiual election, ououio ne nr. so it imo'te as to reetive a iiPjonly ' J'"iir su.ia;ies ue pledges hiinseit t'i execute the duliea ol thu uf. lice with fidelity. UIl.l.lA.M IVllVjlluiX, .Vahonin. August 22. 7 o the free. Indrpcndcnt Ekcwa of Co' Ininbiti cmiivij. Fiai.nv.- L'rnzi'.Ns. liy tim Boli-ilalior of a number of my friend 1 have been in duced to direr niv'i'lf a a c;n ilidate for Hit office of SlIERMFF of Colunihia county in :hfi next urnrral ICicrtinn. Sh.iuld I be si f.irlunaio as lo receive a ir;,j"n!y of V"i" volts 1 ,i!n!i iuyt.ff in pt il.irm I'll" llllln. if sail, ullice lo the beM of (liy abilily, will humanity HF.NJAMIN Il.vYiAN Orange inwin-bip July 2:11 IS-lti. svRvavou vo.xvn v.m can. .'Li)OM15L'IU;, Pa. V?-l. H. 1IAWK1XS, 3I I in.. WAVINH located I.; iiit'M in nnii-burg, ten- tiers his piofessii-inil ervie.,'i lo the public lie may lie consulted at rs 'il lustllicc Williiin Uobi'-on's, opposite Dochlei's Hotel, August 20, IS 10 IS i St 1 f.J 11- .W .V : , I . Vil fT"(!!i! S-iibscti'.iir has ju-,t received a new sup- i; ply oi eleel. d with -.V'ei t '' u'o lt"Hl tli'' first lots in iinirket ..r tho full lriir,coiii.-.liiij nl die moot (u.-Lionabli hies of (Jini'hain j3Wi:s. Ofi iittes, ( itiiMiniri!. ami PrniH. (!.)'.h:i, (.'.iR.'iniCirs. Vtsliiios, rJLe. , :..o n l" ch supply of JUTS .1X1) LVIPS, of the newest style for tail. AM) a new lot ol BOOTS .'ISO SHOE'S- AH K.'.i"; oil' still lower than lliose others whirl purchaser iy welt; posiiivcly 'be clieipest in lb. eonnly. (JLUKCU Wl.AVl'.ii. AnW-t 22, A A iiuoiini'-utoi J.) V A !-T. uehn-i ICet Irs, I'uti. ioileis, 'J'e.i Kettles -, Cake (jrid. lies, iScc Also Lnree an.' -tn '11 WaLMiii IbiM'S, IVniii the Danville Z.'hIi Woiks, jnsl re'rivrd und for sale bv 11 F.l'l.i; Y it M F.N DlC Nil ALL. Doi;einher 2'J ft . ?4 Vl.(i 11(1 t I i I I i J eived and lor sale ut the .New Mote. L. LI. KlTi'liT. Vitf,f h I'OTNli of S!oji!.-Ji'-. jilsliy lliiui .md Sulo Meat i-iv.-d al liie A rcailc sjoro. ALIJR1GI1T t MEN GAL. .Vnv 20 P.RinGE .E V TING. gTRCPOSAI.S will he received by t!:cC vnrnts tf ' sinners of C County, fir the b liblim: nl a Bri.tac. over t hilistjuauu.: triak. near tin louae ol Jones htrawlitidge, m Du.-ry t.).vn.',i,u,oi). Tuesday October Zlh 18K3. it one o'clock, in tlie afternoon, of the following di mensions: The bridge to he an open hridm with lnnd-rail-ill:':., 30 feet lorn', I fl feet wid-.', with .-tone ubut- inen.s, I'd ntgti ironi lev '.va'er nvii.:,wing wIH 10 feet from toe Tier ol the abutments. V. i.rder of tlie ' .sbiurrs, j:'. mlnuemiall cin-h. Srpt. 2o. A LL i):.n.. Itiivinr; nurettled aecoeril-: v. itti t!.' jtiX sii'.iM'tiln is are b. teln' nol'Iied that the sum iniiil be setlled without blither delj. or the book: a wj! be (.lurid in Ihe ol the pioper t.tilcers t. ot prou e.icil Willi dccuicini; to law iun.;r a :.A.rrz:. LATEST WSWS. 3 3 A K' jnstoien-'d a M'VV .S TOKI! in Ks 3 M pMowu, opposite the Cainil llasin. 'aIicii t ''ey oiler to those who want le HI Y CIIKAI' i H'oieral and well Heleelod assortiuont ul 1JE11' Dry Goods, CJroceri Hardware, Quecns warc, Shoes, tic. md all Ihr usual varirly kept in country Hiotes Allot which tlu-v will sell cheap for cush, or on s.itislnct" ry terms for COUNTRY PRODUCF,. They respectfully ... licit u shate of public pn inuee. OUlNand LUMP, Eli will In taken at the Market Trias. August 1 H 10. 1 yW. subscriber r. fieri for side K arm silua- tcd in (ireruwo, i! towushin. Columbia eoun- 'y, en tlie road leahni. hum bloomshuij; to .hill ville, coiitniiiini; ubuut about ;,'() of ii clear. .1 b,i,d. anil in u gosd stale ol t iiliniiiiun, ,,, ihe p,i ,,itK mi' n Kl-'iV'i, A I'ramo Itarn, D v"l VM'T!?-1 -M'P'c Orchard t.' f 'v'-'i-ix-.l'a"d a never 1'iiliiig riprini!,' oi atcr, and the whole fai :n Well v.ioci.r''!; .Millie Duld on rcn.-ioriiil le terms. (iVOIltil-; McMICHAKL. C rceii wood, August ! (i, Is, Hi 1 'if DISSOLUTION op CUUAIirNPJU SHIP. TllL Coprnlnrrship lieretofirn existing untie he 'j""'-; A. J. K. A 155 J & CO. was Ins tlay tlis.sohed by mutual consent. All persons liaAiinr chiini' ngrinft, or iiidehted to the bte fin,. rrre rcqurstrd to settle with the su'vcribrr; by whom tlu husinesH will in future be conducted, AMOS P. KN IJ U. I.ighUtrerl; uv r, I S 1 'i . CLOCKS f.ota , i i' vii-i ami t'Oiiimnn, urivslv!. ie just received o. am lor u c c hen p at llie i,cw store. J- u Hupuitr. An- 1 spb nihil utt.'cle ufKANCY und WIN L.-iOK CHA1K tud L'OCKINU CHAIK.'S for s!e ut die Linht-:t!eet New .Store. AM On U, NAIU? CAKPLMINU. new supply ofelefi.lnt carpeting jut rtceiv. cd al the new stoie. L. D. RITI'RT, An':. WINDOW PAPL'R, nTlDt: and Nurrnw ahadeil and plain, of a y J new style just rcc. ive.l ut the New .Store L. 1'. liLTJJ.'iT. Aug. 1. A ,H) URN LYMAN rnv me I ix, Mll.KT IKON am! S,';;VK B ''U'iness is wtititcd io:i;ieili,iie! ; y tt. m -ciiber. (iood agr and roiiMiuil eoin'MvorM -vill be Kiveri. D, J. KICIT Llooms'.iun,', iSepternhcr 12 MACKERELT A su)eiior lot, just re-eived and fr sale vcrv cheap, by GKoiici; wr.wKi:. Srpt.'inlirr 12 QBE COS QCESilOS SETT EE 1) ! (JEN. ARISTA DKFF.ATFD ! ! ! OEN TdVLOR TV M.llORjiS Wonb! now be the most interesting topics ol .'oi.vci'sa'.ioii, had Hot .ioe2. s;. .TjoiTisi MmpUcd his NRW S'l'OSJJ on ihe south w-.'st corner of Market :Spi:tre and moied into it .lith u largo and general usoo; tiuer.t uf I ) i; ( i S- M F. I ) I C I N !: S-! ) V I s ' T I i I ' I '.s PAIN I '-OILS-WINDOW (;i,ss iJUTTY-CONFFCTlONAP.Il': TOYS, eve. ,ye. l,ut such being the fact, the olln-r que tionr ore en. tort Mailt of am! Irj j ruj.idly disposing ui W- stock at icduced prici s. In !.JJition to liia other busine-ts he ha- on inn in extensive Hisortpientof RlWRV iVADM CLOTIIIYfl of every deic. iptioii, whieh he is sclitu.; j ioW a thev cun iC lureli is'ed in Uie county. lie invites ul! to five bim n call a he is deter iniiie.i to si.ii o.l toe UM.-t ic.ijoiia'.iie lerina; in war ! j uiiu iiO.- 10 ii:tl J IVr.tJicr!. "ai-.r .-. lii-.v V.i til A N I) as tins holds g.i.-.l in ..Im , t ... . i i r -; ajt the s'.b-cfilier wimlil ,.... i, i-', n. !,,.t!, , itnl ihe pnl. be i'-ncrHllv. tl- it i t i : ;ip bi'rv in ,.-c:ip:iii; l.-e lit.D S i' V A ; .u,.t. I. t'vi'en t':e i dle; of (.'. !' Tu.'1-i'i -a ,-r ! the Ll-icl smith shop of .Mofc- C'tl:ua'i, at i.b::li place b. mix be found up.'.u l'.e . . ;.t .,t' pow-i'v, piepmc to d.iaw ol t lb'1 tii:e-tl of i.-fl'i, ,,ir lie i ;i jo--i- i iv.-d ilia I'he tMtfnt .v:.'i' r.f ' .U,r.if,n ;-iitfi uiiiJ t.ui:".:!:i;, -.-;:;,, ;,,, p, -tarda pledge.! to arrommo-Ve hist'.h wU, l iistc- r.ers and the piibhr irer.?rsl!y w ii. tnn,' ci t-tar-ial taptv fits or no charer in . . I!. Kti'Tr'.HT, TAI..OK.' " ill f:ui: u'..i l Shingle stuck up above tl r rbn.r. .dd-tiixicn free of n't r--i He would aifo ii.f.itTi hi-'.. , ' '"!--' Ryc.Oata, Corn ami T.'t:.',,. . : .. .. ; .-hanre for '.-.ol: Hone el !.:- . !' , 'be iH t'-.r (I'r.t'.'trt. "i "f i" ,. .-.::! i i : n.,iss. 1. ml ami Kiv- ! 25, itvH- 1 CW'ITA v. is- Tin -.i.W F! '.i hi" other P.. 'Is. .it i-V, .- a.- . is now pry pared locro-.s ,,inti in; ir sender to a six hor..c tt ani, ul 1 1 :i,n t .it uliort notice. i a I'-., t p:l I'liccii, an, UNAI5EES If. III'C'KALUV ttni'iicv !.. tfftce South .side of Xuiu-it. tis'.OW Mm Let U L AT I'FND COVPTZ IN tin: couNTiiia of coLt.iUi. ND Ll'ZFKN F. C lI AIiI.ES K All LEI:, lusTicr: of Tin; fuac, AND ' MyLK E I!, H'.OMUSHL'KJ!, COL CO., bh e. e..riier of L'aiit and .Miiin-otrortg. 'LT!-T..; (',. WALLER, Mf."iM":ji:iio, Coluajiiia Cuvsty, Fa. (!jJ'M 0,1 h'"'l'tl ofuo doors tdouc Main. Street Otf T" N-i4)ri!fr- in- detrrnm.r,! not tob, undone by their neiohl,,,,,, ,.,, ;,.i-,r ,.r vvntk.n,,,,,,,,, ,l lV(. ,, , imn0f,ri.y,',.,,e,,, f,"J-". -.LMi ot n believinn Ui.'u . i , "'OB i f In ul'Ivcs by so duiiii.r. fA.VriiliSILVER'nioN. J'l'y I, i-H-iC. LLMIO RIDGL FLRRY. The sniisciber informs the public rit ,.,v;, l-'ocoretl a .icwll:,t,ilt,h,.,l,,u, J env.l.e uilll H'.,dy i all ,es to take uoross the nr 1 , ';' .ho,se,ram, at 20 c, ,,u f01 ,. llor.,,. oOteii'slo, tour a,,' line . LT, cents i lo, he I erry ,.s directly opposite the new .I.Vlb,,;, .Meetiiu..llnUse, WILLIAM KROAJTR. Lime Kid-e. AnS. 20-.,'Jlj, NO I'lCE' U lii rtby pirCn a ,;,wsc i,,,,,, lfW "II Ibf ('nun llmise subMTipiit.f, ,' lhHt li" o-.'ii-v . now wwiled, iii.d ,.H, ,i y" are rriiorrli,) to pay m , jl;,:(,rt T,,, "'fr ol ire hiiililin;. , .,, ,;.,, ,,r !(( vi.iMn UDprri, Cllfi'ic-r, t,-n i.t cm itiil,U : - hH ,,"""jr'' "fll'i'ii i-nhsi rij,:!,,,,, ',.,. nt' (, f,,.,, r j1Mf, l!y mder of the hui!,.ri, m ai t !. L. I! RLTRR i', Ticisurei. At!j. 2') NOTICE. N l.rreliy oivrn llui I rn.,; )(it)f;?i t of Daniel Zirgler, our lot of l-.rM, f.iu"r iirrt s d com on the "icm d, 4 inns ,,' MV ( -ta'di nf iats, 1 llinnsHiiil s,!,i, e, s ,)' , horse have Itli ihe 6,-.t:ie. in hj, p,kfs- 1'in tit int; my p'easiir.', ,d w !,u-ii Uie pubs ic u ill i,il;e notit f. LSTL'LIi JOHJJSON- LSTAIJJ.I.SIIMKNT. O. C. TTT-Cl'L'.S reHeeetfu!!-,- i,;f.,r,;, t,i, fri,.n..t sn. V V ''if -ubhe siiel i!iy. be Ins jut v . eive.l uinl ene.i on tlie corner i f und !. 'liecis in l;!.)cu:!.u:g, ll.e UrceM, Ut Ji.d ci.. jt. U a :si,)rti!ieiit uf Fu:ax)i' .'.?A2L' vri ..!!o.-e.t in t!.is n, i-,',! .-..;, ..,,!, vhi-l. lie w;; ell from IU to '.III :..t eci.t. ( '., i; ei ,j, , ,1... , ,. -., .'I. Ilisstoek is 'in. I i.-ii ci..,! .i I, ;-rCll, r.,..t .Tiiob; ,,f ;In! I.ct a". I nr.-. f i-,'.i V ,, ; .! .tfd in the ino.-i woikni'iiilike i surer ini 'tribiaei!.;; eif-y, lolorand ., , ,j u'.t emit the las t: i.r e' utieniv o'. pur, lia-.i:s. I .'ill sell t'u:ud,xcl; f.:h , tlr:'r o.c't fn r.i' CO to " ( j h-tmwr.r ana coton chth t'-i 2 r 7 t . " Li:u 'i oral vimrtmn t'.i l to flack and Tnitch cui:.i.cre 'n 3 I'lln-l I't.xt at, i n Drilling ami Ra.-hLton do C2 ,'o 2 f0 itdii ond. ill; ut :ls 0 ol) (, :i '..'W-'-'t-.U'.l and Mui:,l. i i-s't I f,ii ,, r n He-id 'a a en-ul n---"itii'.'lit ol .Stocks, Crmu!..-, ' 1 -I u o riere ! i te ' ', t nllai. hnirt.-: -Ve. ei ol'ul.j. be ui be are ii viie.l lo rail el J t .-iemii IV , ;, M iches I t-!, ii.- j.iiti h,-iti.; t-'snil i'..- i;" i,,y v.i ',, iu :et a cootl b.irj on a::. I v.cil ..-i.i. J, ' Ji'lv 11, IMG ICtf OF DRY GOODS, Gi:0t ;RII s,.V Jiisf rt'.'i-ivrd at thf! i- Si, ire, fitol f.-r le clicii j-. r ih-iii ei i r. l li evvi:r? An-. 1- l!d. msKEi:-: i'Af K e i ?. ! T'.'Vel'i.i.;, M,:k.'l Di-.l S i'.i 1-, E...".:- j usl receive.1 at ll.e ,en S or L. t RLTZKT. Al.;T t .... Ol the l iUol a V.e, j.i-l r. ei u; i ' ' L. KFPEK'i'. Ciitfjrforr j:-.-tl.(i.:i,g llu viiir f,( (he Xni' Factor) ,f Eartlinuvaic," ly ' ,p" . , ' : : : v ; , :, -., ;; i v. , i- or r. : .il :. l.u'i , I , . ,,, ti , ; , '.-t Ii-r c:i ho; flutry (.l,..;,.,'.-. , , ., j 1 j Vi , ,.J (,( iii ocii, ;!,;,,- r um!. i. ufjiM Ibcr si, K.:j.-:..cb'i, K ., r,, , ?.j 1 1 It 11 L I I, l 1 Mav 30 H7WCY M ARft'E.M'M 1