The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 03, 1846, Image 1
KlJ 14 liJ It I Oi.'-..l in I have Ktvorn u nun t)i Aline nr n...t m... ... . l" ,un' Ky ver the Mlu l uf Ma."Th.niM Jollcr.or, If. WEBB, EDITOR AND WSOPESsiTOl! Volume X. HUMHISIM liC, COMUIIUA COtXTV, IM. SATURDAY, OCT OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT. bum ii twv. ok Main, a fkw doors bi low MAKivKr iiiREi:r. The Ol.UMULl DEMOCRAT willb jiii'iliikfii ecer; Saturday morning, at J'.t'i) DOI.I.Jl US per annum jiayubh h Jf y whf in advance, or I wo Dollar Fij'tif Cen'ts,if not paid within the year So subscription '"ill betaken for a shorter oerio-l than Ax nunths; nor any discon tinuance. pi rmUted,unlil all urrcarages are disrhanrrd. d I) Villi Tl SEMENS not exceeding a sijiiare. will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first threeinscrtion. ,. I T,ie.,it'u-fioe cents for everv nvbse intent nseriion. try A liberal discovn I . . . , i i . . 1 1. made 10 lllOSe. WHO (I'lvnunc iiy uir y. ',E f'TERS addressed on buines,niml be post paid. COLUMBIA I)E.voi;mt;--4 C TUTOR E R 3, 1810. ' Dull L). KAIL KOAL) IKON. The Danville Democrat of August 7il 1810 contained an editorial article under (In above heading, charging upon Mt. Dtekin on of Jew York an attempt to permit rail- road iron to bo imported f:ee ul dmi am' tlenoininated it, 'an additional slab at otu ! infant K ol Road iron manufactories.' Tin nl.iio nrp;iniri(T nf ihe nrlii'lu nua ili .i tu. liberate attftnpl had been made by Mi Dickinson lo establish free tiadein raiNrrmi i iron; and that the fuel exhibited anotVtr in stance of the amazing and outrageous wick cdness of Inenfycoiatn! The fact hnwrvcj tli at Mr. Dickinson's motion was in th shape of an amendment lo a bill introduced by Mr. Evans of Aaine; the fict that Mr Evans had introduced and supported a In 1" to remit duties on rail-road iron imported. ihe fact that evei V IVhior in ib Spnuip t in one, voted in favor of thai bill, and that Mr Dickinson and most of the other Di inocrai jc Senators voted against it; and the f.ic mat Air. wickinsoii d amendment was ouvi ously offired to embarrass tlm biil on it) pannage: weie quite unnoticed! Theht facts were matters of little concern, when so.ite prejudice was to be raided by seler -ing a single fact from the proceedings ol the Senate, and by perverting it and omit ting to mention the accompanying ft.cts tha qualified and explained it- it could be midt to sub'erve political purposes! In our paper of August we exposed the deception of our neighbor' ar;icle ant' tliat too in the mo3i fair and unexceptiona ble, manner. We copied his article cniiit into our columns, and underneath, gave tin proceedings and votes in the Senate, upon the subject: so that bis article and be pu'j lished facts appeared in contrant, both pre sented atone view, '.u the eye of l!te read er. This exposition of ours appears to have been sufiieienlly gilling lo call forth an edu tonal rejoinder in ihe Danville Deinocial ol August 'ZS.h and ( in contiet;ion with a sun ilar snide to ours in a neighboring print. ) a furious at tide frcm a correspondent of the earns papfr under the date of Sept, 4 h. These articles we now propose to notice. The editor chaiges upon us, that in quot ing from the proceedings of ihe Senate, we 'carefully excluded the votes on Mr. Dick inson's amendment.' We did no such thing! The yeas and nays arc not ivcn in the published proceedings and cousequeiitl) we could not 'exclude' them, in making om tj'iot ilions. 'J'he currespondcnl seems lo ihiuk tint Mr. Evans's bil was 'eminently wise and just,' and Mr. Evans himself, 'an honorablt Senator, general!)' acknowledged among ail honest it eensible men, to be chip r,f the firm esl and most intelligent friend of the pro lective policy.' We are qu'ue willing thai Mr, Evans should should wear all his lau ,els, and thai they should be unfading. Y'i ire willing moreover, that our neighbor and ais correspondents should eulogizi him to heir hearts content. Hid mourn over his rt-f b lew; it was special legisla.ion. If n;",'m"'f" ,rtp c"3e ''g M cii) irement from the Senate lo ihe walks olLas pmt er to remit duties on rail road iron' the mi"1 ,han oll;er ?vtguuf: a",; ..-. .. ... i. it.) .. irivale life. But, upon this particular sub ject of Kiil Road Iron duties, perhaps be merits no great degree of commer.da lion. Ife ?ay, and the journals of Congress prove it. lint ver since 1812. at every ses. linn, Ciertiee Evans. W lna Senator from name, iii5 ocm engageu mi euori in pro- iiie rail road iron lo lie imported free uf luty orlo remit du'i's on importations al emly made. S.mielimes the lull tins hern -pceial, and sometimes general, sometimes i has been fur particnlar companies, and nmetimes for nil impoiting atati' and corn panies eonii'iiiiiea it In applied to future i nporlalions ant! nomeiimr lo pafl. On ili 2 Istt .f tVbru.ry I9H, Mr f'vana rcporni Iroiu the coinnilaei: on Fi- uaiiee lo the Senate, a bill, entitled, an air : pnmn.rgmr inn irmimn in .nay on ran : I : f . 1 . . c 1 . . . 1 ( i road iron. The following were its proving 1st. I ) wiipnever anv ml roail iron C , . . , . . . , rPiliIt' r.i lion bIuv.JJ Iwi ....., I .i .i. v . 1 iui u d v nimuiu U tl 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 M ( 1 1 1 1 1 live yeara thereafter by any suic or ineoipo rated company, nod should be a.'Uia'ly luii Iixvn within three years from the d ue of it: nortaiion. ii tdmtild be DUTY FIlliE, 'iptm the mere payment of fees and expen M. 'Am in ca.e of .II nil-ro.J iron im ported suh.sequnt lo l l July I8:i2, that bad "een or ehonld be, laid down within three Seirf afier V importation, tlie du'ies pqj) -hereon should be hf.fuxdi-u out of ib Treasury of the United Siaie; anil ifibe - lilie were nnpiid, all bonds given for their payment should be cancelled and discham 01! This was Mr. Evans'a bill, tnd il 'delines' li position," fur tlie Ust five years, upon 'he subject of lail-roal iron importations lint, upon the 2Sih. of May 18-11, he sub- milled amendmrnts to the foregoing bill, for -iriking out 'five' ye-irs in the firsl section mil inserting 'two' years ite. &e. Thcsi intendments were olTeicd, he said 'with a iew of rendering the bill more acceptable o those he expected would oppose it.' II diviouslv, was in favor of iih bill as ii imiui u il i uu agceu ,o come'i amiuu uentsi n order to gain a Klilionil U port. On the II th. June 18-11, this bill was do ealed in the Senate, L"t it be noted, tha n (he 20th March lSlt, while .Mr. Evam as piessing his bil!firo;igh theSen luMr Meniek presenl'd 'the memorial of the New York mid Maryland iron and coa :oiip.iny, in the county of Alleghany, Ma ryland, in which it was re;m senied tha they had expended some $500,000 I r tin establishments of rail road and other im prove ments ihere, with the view of rr.ieriug 'xtensively into the manufaetnre of iron f t rail roads ite. and lliut .'hey would be ii hit id manufacinre 10,000 tons uf rail mad i:on , j c i annum, of e(iia! value and quality t. the foreign article, audio furnish n as (heap is il could be produced fiom any quriiter. I the in i i IF on that article was not reduced. ' Mr Evens' labors at the Scs.-ioits r. 1813, 1815 and 1 81 G in favor of Iree trad, m rail road iron, wewill not here examim, r out article will become unreasonable long. Any one who is desirous of uirsu. ing the subject, can consult the record. The Editiir uf the Democrat and bis cor hoih alledge, thai Mi, Evana'r bid of this yeai; was only to mnii duties in mil road iron purchased in England ri- or lo the p issag" of the act ol 181',!, urn! ' imported short!) after th ii ai t we nt into oj ration. Now wheiher tins w a exacilv .be character uf t:e bill or not, is doubilu!. U'e have no copy of it in refer to, nor i its purport very disun.",ly iuuirai.-d in i'.e proceedings of the Senate as published. Uu Mr. Evans in explaining tb bid Aug. 4-h 180, says; the bill is inte.., d lo remit i!h lulie which have accrued upon importa tions of tail road iron already laid down, in which is if ally lobe laid down,' Agaie, Aug. 5'h he said; 'they i!id intci.d by tin bill to the duty on the ligbtei rai's, b. auso they had been brought jn. V.e im. ports free hereafter, were to t,e ror.Jlntd to () the heavier nil. I brse i xpressions would ludiciile that the t ill was different from , ,, . , . I what our r cigbhor imagines ii lo have beer,.! : , . . c Uu', at at y lair, it w as a bill for itie t entfic why not remit them upon all other articlctT. W hy not'make the law general, no us to't pply to all interests alike? And if it was proper lo remit duties on paBt importations, why noi on tboso for the future? Special - legislation is always odious, bivmiso it in wav ini mi. I.e oishumn mIhh.',! ipui.I me interests oi I ho rouiiir vf ami slioii'tl lie. alow special favor upon mum. Neither' should il give iioiimieaor iinininuies one yeir, and piess exactions ihe next, (Irani ing therefore, for the sake ol ariiiincui, hi out neighbors facis, how stands the case? Why tliat Air. A'v.his'h s m ial, pr,i,il, bill, was proposed lo lie made, by an uir.end, general, impiriiil and .inilnrin, to far ai regatdeil importation nl'rnl iron I J j l , ihe arneiidiiieni of .M r Dickiinon w obviously (ill'"red, with unfriendly mirii(ie u,, the bi U w , )W ( iholishing dmirs alioSHih.r mi mil ro.d iron IrtP ill.". I'nlnra .,!,! .1,.. V . I! hi,.,; . ... . , . i l a 1H 4 Mill, m ;) in P Ll ll ft I 11 lll-.l r,,,,, I .will-. "II I. IV IIMM IMII Mfgi .d II' I I , rt . ct;ii v k 1 w in mil utwi in.' m w a 1 ( 11 u 1 1 1 & is 1 1 this year was probably shaped with an eye o that fact. Hint then would be the effect f adding such an amendment as the one proposed? W liv the defeat of the whole project; and this was clearly the intent with blcli the ameiidmel was offered. H'e can lurlher, but repeal what we have 6aid bcfori bat Mr. Dickinson and most :i the Dem icrsis voted uo on' the passage of the bill; md thai neithei Mr. J), nor any other Dem- ciatie Senator since 18 12. has iniioduced proposiiiuus into the Senat-i to remit duties hi rail road iron imported, or to orovide foi ree trade in that iiitiele hereafter. Such impositions have invariably procredrd from (enijie ; vans, W big Senator from the Slate ol Maine. in 1811, upon the question of the p.n sage of Mi. A'vaus's biil of that tear l.en 'A oudbury demolished this principle of re mitting duties or the benefit of Corporj uons, in a lucid and powerful address to the Senate The doeltines ol ihat address can never, bv ingenuity, by sophibtiy, or ny any txertion of talent, bo successfully nhaken or overturuad It stands and "',' -linn iiuuu ,w...v. ...u uuiin ii-tie con. luuve argument upon this subject. As it s short we extract below the greater portion I it, and will now conclude our observa ions with the single remaik, t!u this dis cission was not begun by us. Our neigh uu opened his butteries upon the ojipusiie iariy at a point where his own forces are uluerablu In attack, and Uierb is no safe ourse left for him and his but to abandon -lie unfortunate position, wlmli in ll.e h.i.-;e ii d fever of their wriih ag.i'nst De:;.ociai. iliey have utithiiikii'g'y chosen. En vi tie I'r cc dings the Siuule, 11th f June 1MI .Mr. WOODliL'liV Haiti, 'III! as the yeasainl nays wool I duob-l-b-i lie called ijion the )is'fte of this bill lit! to sl it e i noiili lo -how ihe I f as-ons (oi liix apposition ol the nieas.ii'i', Ho was oVutso lo Ih $ii ie:ii..s.siuiis ol do tes to rail road coi poratuuis as long ago .s i3'J, when be rniidc a lepnil to tin House til Represent Jlives, showing ih' sonteihiiig l.ko iluee ami half n.iliions ol money had at ih ii linn; bes n vii Uni ty given lo tin m by the g.-tu i a! govt r i iier.l, 11.: I tic ii vitwtd it i as a frw ub-cr:jil.vii, t.r doiuiiou lo t!,o-t tstab-li-iill t 1,1s. 'Ii...- iv a- I i.l pi.--: ,r, .!!(. on tie ground nil- ly thai tlcy 1 1; u.-.. !ul lo ll.l e. ii. n Only. O l.i i f.', lion." wcie al.-'i o-i. lu ; bu' that was r,,- lilTicM lit . t a-oii lor lat vi I." to I, i ol lli' in , aod j--r : l la in, it v . uig ed ;liat, by tin ap.-iiing tr.ii.-poi laiiuii tl i:,sselig" IS ail, I lliercllMit! Ie, -is ll tli.util ( was by lln sl load-, mid iiie chi ojiei l..k;l.;if thiol, all li, c lo.iinlJiil'y A.'if g .iners. S ich, l.utv-r, w. s ll.e Ci( w i' ti sri'it and tle&n. boa's o;i ot.l liter-, lakes', sound.-, snd i-ci ar-c, hich hen lion h'liog f; ee, wi-uld diiy and iirfhoih i) i sons and thirii-j much lower lor the whole country. Sl. . fir ll. ,H.I-..ll. iKil urn i., i. n.LKl I I, lidi fc.. .... i... , vl . hi in. elf I r. Ilil.rii ,in, n . railioads generally, whose iron lis beei, B " l,5tv are ""u,y 'tmse corporatiowj, oi a perfect monopoly agaiiiti Un rest ol community, not allowing them, e ven for reasonable lolls, and limit r safe regulations, to put on cars for either 1 hI psserei ti or niei c hamlisp Nor a jH ik i le'ure, any n.ore than are hip, o ou-lis, and vvanoii. Hill I,,..'. I,, o l I. r uiriurj i iki ucaiiocs ol ar'i rienls 1 hue answered, I eiiieiiaiu th lollowiiij; pec fi d objHfiKins: ri ... I'iisl. I he ni, a, urn m a bad one in . fiscal poiol of v.ew.Ii h -S . (,( ()(ly ui MIllllOIIK ICoin till' II. B.llrf i, I., r, j ii I, ,! Iii, i .... i i . . i ""iiicim iiiifj ladliii!- in m I- I'lom il ishile vc u,e deeply in deb'. Ye urpn.-iij; as M may seem, one of Ho pliiusiljle ainunieois piessed in fa vor of on- giviiijj awny mure lo ll en, i bectise tVe i.ave ahe.dy given so much. I confess I ti 1 some Shies ami ennm mien I 'i :0 hive ven'ond on new woik. "ndei an expeeia'ion that they rnighl b "e:.i;d as lib rally uslhir pr edt ce.-or. Hut this ar-nriienl as In g Ua, u f0 , , u nai. ly, would lasi lorever. and lorn. ai. t-i mony f ihe original tenons for th, H I irif x Ii i.l IIH mi..iir. . - I, ,,, ,,,, ,, , -ouno poimc ii pi iiiciiles,l)er.m-e M km . 1 . .1 I . . rs the laiiiTao uneciU I Ijv. i I i,,,, ... this lespee! heavily on ll.e lool, f . " iciil'ure, and on commerce, and ll, . pour, bin tx ii'p'inn ihe ru n. hmd, n- mg the anvil, and rhain, and ;. c, bir leheving the iron nil which belong- k. nrorporat-d wealth. Ii t not lhal c r- lOCati ins arid i rid i vidua als do not )os-c l I.-II .X.J he lijjii lo be neb, ami i0 use Pi. ii riches lor gim, as ihey 0'in (he E, in the case of many pnd'nabln railroads. I'ui il is thai Ihey have no claim lo ex elusive favors or pi ivile.nsin ihe use ol 'heir foiln"s over ihe humbler median- ire is had, bee.use il adopts ihe ike M ine of absolute fr-e I rtle in respect ti ilt oad ii on, ami no other, IIo wa a'iinsl this; as such a couisa noi onit lolales Ihe duly to nuke ihe lariff lux efju-,1 ami uniform , but nnkts a di crimination ol freedom from duly : is as iviong for one of inn rests i.s i would be in oilier cises to rit'ika a dis, i uriinalion of bounties or protective ini ois's in lavor of mn cIjs of i nteresls,S: ig-iinsi all oiher. Junlier rourse is cnnlrsry lo tha fns. :lem, ills ol ju-lice and political eeono 'ti y . lie went l.yr modtraie and pio t).)i lionate laXe-. on iinpor , -is well a o'I'.er prop'Ttj', nirl im all iron alike. lu lelieving the S.-nilp !r o) Ijrlher rem ir!i. lie In gr d pn misiioii lo rau (ion the numbeis against (ho z-jal tnn impoi lontly of si If inleresl in all case Ibis. Tl. y n ingle insensibly ir tlie niin ds of many l.ouesl men, en hey alinisl pi-i-.i.ide lioir uu hoc", a: .veli as oiiiers, llial jitjlil (; con-i t imiioos done iiill ienci? tliem, when gain whs' i bey k n 1 1 .1 ci 1 1 i r giin 'n Ihe ci-icl i, oiivc; ai-.'! i : . 1 1 i i ! , ligliifolly, if yi.i ..Isa'c, in , pnvjtu VlfW,.isg t,c! Ii .' (.in. II. i' -. t '!i i ii ' r r c s! i.s ii it t i.til'ei hi Q.ij spr rial piil.iiL' liulu'geoce or I i;o boimiii.s. T'io following!e, given by i),e X. Y Express, tl.ows i!,e coiiijirative t xporiaiio in 1815 and 1511, lima f.r, ol w b-,1 may b, .'.'I'.ed, in tirw ol its great and n.d-Jeii i i .lease, aimofi a new aricls i f t-xpor rye: 1S45 18!5 ..'nnunry Nona I 't.r.QS bushels I'obua-y do di March do EJ.4G7 do Apiil do fi-:,!M da May d.) 4i,038 do Iinio do 63.:i07 do .Inly do 7fl,767 do August do 41 9SJ do Scptr-nilirr do d, Ot lokr do 4(i 28 do Xovemler 10,169 10,719 30.917 biiiAeU The weather is getting cool. Im a fir.' THEM ONLY MARKET U'e e were inlei ( -n,.,! y, s , ,,!av oL a; ntiT m nl,l o,..i. i. i ii mu,k noi.i, ; pom i in: i, (i A ri,,e "-iles and pnc.., ,f y,J( k, j(, hHCiiyjuil.en yt, ,,. Tli(. "M dune at ihannnu vvs verv h "d "he a.noum of prop, r y mv,I)IV,.. D by i ii...,,!.;,,,. .... , i. ' "'" 11 i'-iiO'.veu Can betMIN,H,(. Trie !, book pos- Hiou ul prtfi able ,,n Clio,,-!),, Mil id Ii.,.. . . i " " n, 'o ninny, hi ""'"P- "'Ml;e U,. healtl,!,,!,,,, W'v romrr.Mii! I !, 0 f x. "f ('(tees I,,;.,, from ,1 ,,! c,,,",,,,,. '1 "Hi prices row, i (be special alter. n ol soch of our n adi aM a,, k . I . imo ,o lorinne lits Unk s:;t c iia'i' ...... . ls'J': s-pt- J SIC. "' -'uvigauoti HUavn VI j d' do loans 13 Mi 71 a.J -C-Ul.vkl'l Av. shares, Uo 1,0 '"". 113 u b hare.s pcnuvlki'l LanA ,,,IIIIU ,,.,(,1 'JJ- I . . . -H.-iihijica CO l 510 201 ll; 4'.' C6 f,0 53 41 rji CO su rj C'-' 23 Ti 4i) t"J f;(y 100 CS '''""Olvania ''M" Mltl'ankv loiiicicial .Wl,ril Li,j:rtit,a s nuluvurk u''-ern -""'f "d dix-hanic', J!":va,"i",,"il; I i.imiu uu l eiiuncssCL ... Hauler 131; I'litii lers' 15k. Mississij'i.i wraim cult i,s -liii-iillural ',11 Viclisbur 7 -I Alrno! i hsr only bu.k storkslhal com 'nadil any thing ,ke ihe .sniH pi ires i, lie market now thai ibey diil 10 yen- .ii.'l Aid llm.'o 1' ,1 , ' I , I ) he .Viuihwaifc, and the jr Hi Amu- e.T Tliu nock and loans of th, Camden mil A in hoy UuIiohI, and th 'oans of ihe Cny, niB !su ,u,., n -a me pi ice as ihey went in 1S:W 1 r aching the greaidi .-how n -bof i is painlnl lo rt llecl how maiy lan.ilrs who tui short years ago were m "nee, fuiroumled with ul! comfori ini loxuiies of MIp, n lying in finder enniiy on their inv(stn,eiil in siod.', i-ive; by tliu great i.yul.-ioo, been redu- td to pt nury ami want. Si me w :lioW ll.He aie who lodo in Calliges Iiat bate bec li foi c cl lo ii si.n lo m, ln .1 e mpl. y ii,t i-,is lo supply lliew-btlves wi'l, b:t;,d, ami hundred- havo ben, . ompilltd to somler rliMi.-lied tssocia 'ions, ictire fiom s.eieiy, ami pursue ife in a new and ln.m '.ii,: r ,.!ieM .Toes-. -re Some (1 the maniftM ron-i r;ut r.ce of .-'ork dealing, and llit.ugh with tin i : . . . i. . . i -i i- ii.ei r.M tu khik r on tiiry ni.t ex cite lulie roiiHiiiser niio" , to the j'iilan !nop;M who lot ks 'o the ciu-dml ,c,,t- j ii tl uu in ill ii. g wliit I, th. v iiivulvt hcie is fiod f.-r pi'y lor ti c- pis', ai.d .riii-l nf el ! t!i it v.iil s iir,.i! all ll s . I '.hi to pit Ii... it i , c.,j ii i, cij Ik, i 'C I'l OM'. Tlielf I;-,? riot hi ' ll ill,.- .!,:,!. of ie sin '.-. ilui .iii Ho ; ( , ,. i,M.i. I. .i.niM'h' i .N w Yot k r !!.!. i.i'v, ami ' 1 1 I U I at'le ail. oil :i 1., al- c.'i'ir.g Iii ty- rydj) Ii om i at lou-. ji ii s c I .his cuiin- v. I'Viigbt a N w Y -rk. m i!,-' si rpt- w Pi ur and Gi i.i,is i i pi . -ei. . .1 a- ..,u Vi'ri-ls ire w.,nieii ,i 'J- C f..-i 1 on 'o L vei jinu!, SO !. ! mi il 8J It r grain to Ely. , j.o Ledger . 17. t.,7 I'he Wliin c ni.1,.1 , e (.,- . ..,., lily. .ce learn, h is ukei, iiie li. id in ii-,h.i.i, a-,,f s bus-ly pig:ii-, in fie emp.oi on m i.l l ii-kballing tus Deinot ratie enu.peoii.r. I. Iocs not look we'd to sea a ciin!id..'o too totsy and venomous 'gni,,si an oj.pogiug nficliitalB I'he pub!te, in such case, an spt to inspect lhal private interest and ani-'kiil V.dtev Furnace has btui b.,,.. n oat ir. nosi;y rather than p iblic, eoiisidcrati ins.jco- siipin.ce id the pissae of ihe new laiiif way hid conduct, and piompl bis i-lo-!'aw pjtnce. I 'I tiie ie an trior. Long befc;s lLaf bill WHAT IS THE ISSUE; I' noi qitcntly happens, in the. rul of a rase where a sinje,plai broad 'I'1''"""' 1" ('rescued, thai a number of '!se ami collateral issue sre in'roilur-l h'oogh the ingenuity ol com.-i I , fr . e l.urposrt of leading ihe minds jry 'ry from the mailer ra .11 v i j.,Jtl . Sod. in ihe course which is n iw r ur i'ie.1 hy ',o Whig party, will, .lf. j enlioii of deceiving lb.- people. Tney re dragging in questions of rational policy, wii. a view of excniog sec ion- il P'lj.idioes and carrying p.,riicul. r !:.. "i(s by u i generous s:i.,t,,gems. Tnry te afraid lo meel ihe hold, bioad q-ics-im) of Djnioency or Whiggery, but 're sub dividing ii into a thousmd mi- .or ami irrelevant n)3tier.,arid dirccirg ihpir whole b;,ncry of misrrpresei.ia 'Km and sophis'ry now al ibis point jp.K K-tv at liiai, m iiS va;n m,f)e ,tial 'he pe( p!e wji ,rr into I lie spiri. .,; this enntpst and ihr.-.u- ,.,i 1, , . c,ps pt each prcler.ded vic'ory. ' iiiist thai ihe sierlii.g Demoeiary ol tl.i- Si.te will not be misled by this piniile species of q'lixoMsin. and indue. ed lo cast away the dearest privilege ot Irei men lo exult a party that has Dj sympathy with ihe labor of i he coti-ury wheiher il be employed in agr iru 'Hire, ihf mechanic arts, or commeice. Tha vote th'(l) is once given, cannot be re- clled, ami the repentance o a lifetima cannot annual Ihe inju y whirl) will hj p, I'jielialed by a lash t x-icise of ihe in est.mahle righl of tufJiage, The bioad issue pr scuied 'm, are yoo i) favor of Jemocracy or Whigg-iy a govc-inment os'ribliilied bv and sorii " villi the people, minis'.cring to their vanl and iiMtndi ig ll.eir good, or a gov ern men', which, ovei locking the m.i. ie, will li'gi!,,le foi Ihe piivil g"d c las -es, create monopol i s Uading ujioti a n i, fitted and ficiitivus c ipi tal. ind tl at, t.y he . ri'..,.iiy of'.hc indu-iiy a. (I oppi i'. uui'itsot mn kin '. Dim. Ui,i,;n. Til J M'iW TAliM'V. WliaMvcr i'j'iry may he iiiflo-it d .--n smi. -br of indiisiry by the pro-pi r t; - , l.aiige of duties, it is a ma ler id rejoicn & o a!) but tinirbid politician.-, that tin: on il iciures ol wt o'.l.m ioo Is haveeiiliiely ri tovcrid from their l ite p;.i;-i.; Wi.tjii: a week every lleece das been b.j.ight up i:i his inarkel for actual use, and the fuu-r iorts of wool are advancing in value. S.iiiuiel Lawrence, the celebrated nianu- taclurir t.f L .well, inf.ii ins us thai he Ins used one million of pounds of wool this year, that he is jusi stalling another mid, h.u will consume 7()ll,(!00 lbs, more; anJ since ihe passage of the new tariff, h i-i lyii-g the lounda ion of a new mil., on nn enlarge. I scale, winch will use uo two nn - i ton o: pounds nioro anniiallv. Hire we ha'e ihe evidence t.f a person if acknow led-e.l jiidgmini, which m, si f(.i l ie.t all fens foi the s..letv A: l' .n ciCase "f al I ;at ohm inionaui hriich of .iiclafiry, that was given up to ri.nt by ihn piinu inukurs. Tlie eoiton factories nrn e.mfess?.! b) dl lo be out of danger. The rou men of this Stale aie not at all al.ii mini dole .111)1011,4 present .rices rn'e in i.'ocln.d. E.try day u a.ldmj to the. I. a ,1 is, w l,o, on calm rtfl.ctiofl, -rvti.oru iSit'.r Ute l.ara entiri-iy iiound- .'SS I ti h coal panic, ion, is blowing O e,-. 'Sioji ir.y co tl,' h.i.- dianijed imo 'u by don'i '.nn loiwaid in coa;." .'!: ... t,..,.- ,'. -.T, cultural HiL'resI IS i.njirin,. ; i" -i.,lil, allies, meals, all ,., i.,n:-y, too, nii. tr ll.e i-e-.v . in come plenty, mid our haui.s ;i , . ... ..- neUcK lu a condition ol ;ierl, c, .u .' . The I'ui 1 1 y Furnace. V. lias hi I ll tllti i-led lo c hi , : -., i. kill couuiv p'.prr. iii...!) in., ri ... . , , . .