t ipi ii . nii v." jn'l'tll 'J' TIHJ (J A It L AN 1 : ; - . v f v, (, .v .v With Mi'nti.il f'.iwivt rnrifh ''A "Ftum variant nnli im cnlt'J ifilli na 'C From tirahn 11 'i Nf ; iiue VrME DAUGHTER OF COLUMBIA Wfl boast no line of biah decent, From grandjine.or from sire, Columbia's daughters are content, itlioul sur.h vain sttue. Nj dur.id crowns our lather' knew, No baron's, arms they bore. Thesa vanished when iho Mayflower drew Her prow on Plyniuxih bliore. We hmt a hi "her lineage 'I'lmn roy al blood can rlaini; Our fathers dwell on Mommy' page In an ctcruul uaii.e. 'Tis ariiicn with ar. iron pen 0: marble tablets fair, That they were Naturu's noblemen, And we their offspring are. C;-ll up the shades of ancient dames 'The hi ides of heroes slain, Who fed and nourished Freedom's flames Uiion the battle plain; la struggling for the masleiy Wish dames of other days. Columbia's daughters, blithe and free, Shall win the palm of praise. Search through Briuannia's sea-girt isle, And by llalia's streams; Search through the land, where fairies inil And search the laud of dreams: No maidens robed in glittering gold, In princely circles move, Who can, if simple truth be told, Excid us when ! love! LIFE. Life is like a summer's day, As swept ana brief, Quickly doth it pass away, I.iLo autumn's leaf. Merrily the hours fly, In youth's bright inorn: The ri c-bud blossom but to die, Aim! leave the thorn! Manhood comes upon ua fust, And childnood dies; The rosy Tints of youth arc jait, And so tune flier. Moving onwards still toward. death, He cnwl along Tim signal given, and our breath Is quickly gone. V'e die the body turn to dust Thus ends the strife; fdic spirit iningleth with the just lu endless life. 3fieafiflFSaie, p-j 79 Y virtue of a vend. ex. to me directed, will lt rxjiuscti 10 punnc t ale at tun House 01 .la. cnli JJyer, in Cattawissa, iiji Sutvrduylhe 2Gfi tail of September IS 10 The (nidi viilcd onu half of two lots l ground situated in Cattawissa tovnnliip, Coltimbi:: rounly, mniked in the general plin of said tnwn ns numbers fifly-:-i Slid fifty-seven, and 'in pos session of Jacob Croigh ami Jonathan Knrshncr adjoining h.t of 'etcr WmecA and fronting un Main-street of said town, whereon is creeled n frame. house and stable and stone blacksmith shop. fcizcd taken in execution and to be sold a. the properly of Francis ,Mo(irath. A l,SO, fj JlV virtue of awiil of fiera facias, at (he sum jX) '''"'' "!"' p'ace, the following properly, viz: ut 1 o'clock, P. M.the following properly, -z Ail the defendants interest in three lots n ironed situate in llic town of L'utlawissa, Culinn l 1 ecuiity, the fust bounded liy the SuvpjelmiMi river, ad lot of Willinm McKelvy arid (he ('ytls v ': a l!ride (,'ompaiiy, and fronting on Watei ri'iect i'i r iuI 1 i','n 'I'he other two lot fronting on jl.ii'i -irect i,f lid town, liouidud on the east by oihir lot 0I11 liiidaiit, on the neilli hy lot of Jo Li ph i 1 1 lm r.-t, and on the west liy Vater street. v : r 1 1 1 is err i1 n larire two story fcLi r Frame stable. .vili Oie .i,.Miiii'iianees. .Si ;. I a-id t ik'-n in exeiutioii ::s the property oUk'A: W'al. rs. ALSO, JV virtue ol'a writ of ml. ex. lo me direelni J 2? n ill 1 c e.i"M'd to I'lihlie suh; 11! ilie (,'our. l.oiii-, in l.i':vi!e, 1,11 Mnnilay I he "Mill il.iy 0. .-1 pi. inlier iu.-t . at 10 u'l.loi k, A. M., the followim j.iiM.i r!y. lowil A certain nno half lot of fjioond Mtuati in .Norili L inviMc, f'oUinhia county, coutainini; Iwriiiy l iiir ."...1! 1 oe half fi et in front, and a! ;ul IUI) f . t m I. i.:,''!i, ai'ijoiiiiin; Chuich utreet on thr iM, ioi o. 1 hy John Miller on the north, an .il!i-y 0,1 t!-.f t.r l loul I.'olii-rt Vuung on ihesuinh wheruu I - er .1 Li .1 a small ard c.ii:r:wrrt , wfih theappurte-' linn ' j :-i7j taker. f "'e.urin, anil 1c lie yob! .is tin tl.o jir.'K-.:y ol'JaU'es SboM'.e,:..,., lit in:;;!: t-'tmir . ... JJ Hindi f 'ir-'rr, U;'liville At.' -Q lil'J, ' .'..I,,.''..!." Kit-- ..V Jji r v... .... V ' . ,tV :.1 .. . 7 . . . . r. m . in . v- - 1 r r-lwi: ; "J-H. t r WUL.KKAS, bv an act of the funeral Wembly of the Commonwealth of Pcnn - ylvanu entitled, 'An ad relating lo elcc tions of this Com 'ncnwealifi, pissea tiif Zit lay of July A. I ISo1!),' Hi made (lie tin- y of the Sheriff of every county to give iublic notice of such election to be holdcn, nd mike known, in such notice what offi nvrs are to be elected: Therefore 1, 1S:A3I DHKIl High Sheriff of the county of Columbia, . make known, bv this advertisement, to the pi-.,.m , ..ri-'..i.m.i..... ih.ii liiri.liiin in nun, i iriiu., m .. i n. ... .. , .. CSKXKIUL KLKCTION will be held ii. the said eoiiiuv on 7 iifulot flit I'Mh (In; of Oilo'ici nrrt. t the several JitliM ts thoreof, us follows lo wit: It Ut Kit tuwin!iii, at the housi of Charles Diicbli r, Ulooniibnrg. Hriarcreek township, at the town-house in Uerwick Keaver st the house of Adam Michael. Callawissa tnwnxhip, at tlio Ii-iiisb 1,' Stacy Marjorein, in the towiidhipol Catta wis?a. Centre township, at tlie house of John llesg, Derry township, at the huusn of Jacob Seidel, in said township Fishinge.reek township, at the House of Dime! I'eelor, in end township. Franklin township at the school house; tier the home of John .Mens!), in said lowu ship. Gtecnwood township, at the house now occupied by W ;Jc Michael. Hemlock township, at the Duckhoin. Jackson township, at the house of Joshm. Savage in said towimhip. Diherty towiiHliip, at the house of Hugh Mi'E lath, iti sid township. fiiinnstone, inwuship (i sepira'e eleciion ilistric.) at the Union Sciu jI II mse, in said township. Mahoning towna'np, at the Court House in D mville, Mifllin township at the house of John Ivellei, jr; in said township. Madison township, at the house now oc cupied by John Welliver. in Jersey town. Mount Pie isanl township, a! the Imusi of Frederick Miller, i i said township. Montenr township, at the house Leonard .azartH, in said township. Main township, at the houfe of Ijaia Shtiman. Iloairingereek townsnip, at the house now occupied by Vui Yeagcr, in said township. Orange township, at t'e house of fstac 0. Johnson, in the town of Orauifcville Sugarloaf township, at thu Ihiukc of C. Cole Valloy township, at Iho house now oc cupied by John l ux, in said township. At which timo and place are to bn elect' ed by the frveiuan ofihe county ol Colum bia. One Pin'Mi for Canal Commissioner One I'ti tii) t for Congress One 'ersmi for Assembly One 'anna fur Si, 1 rill One I'trnuit for Conner One I'rrsnn for Cumiiiissinner of Columbia county (Jne I'crnon for Atit'itor In ptirstnnce of an vl nf tlio Asembl of itio Cuiniiion wealth of Pentiylvania, en tilled 'An act relating lo ;hn elections of ihis Comninn wealth passed the 2d (lay of Jul V. JJ. 1 839. Notice is hereby glcen 'That every person, except justices 0! the peace who shall hold any i-llice of ap pointment of profit nr trust under the frnv. enment ol the Unitid States 01 of this Sim or of any city or incur poraicd disinet. whether a cnminiHiunnil ollieer or o'hei wise a subordinate ollieer or agent, who is or shall ho employed iimbr the h-jji l itive, execul:ve or jmlir i-trv dep,,rloicni of thu Slate ot of the United Nutcs, cir of any eiu or incorporated district, and aho every iiiein ber of Ciinj.res9, and of the Stale Legisla ture, and of the select nr comiiion cotncil of any incorporated district, is, bv law, in capable of holding or exi rcisinjr at tin sane time, the office or appointment of JodL'i . inspector, or Cieik, of ibis Commonweadii and ihat no inspector, Judge or other otii-l'ice cer of any such election, shall he eligible to''"' e w iih des'gns i, inliui nee nniltily or any ollico lo be then voted Im .' A tul (he said Act of Assembly, entitled en Act relation lo the elections of tin:- l.nmmoiiwexiih, passed July 2d; 1839 fur ther provides as follows lo wi'; ' 1 hat the inspei tor and Judges chosen as ifores-aid shall nieel al ihe respective olacesimonths. And if it shall bo slnm n to the appointed for holding the election in the hstrict to which ihsy respectively b Toritr. i htfure 9 oclnrlc in lie vmrmng on the 2.7eiddenl of ihe city wanl (lisiri.-t or town- lueHduy of Otlairr in each nnd every y ear, anil ear h of s;,id 1-1, M , so. in t.ionin one t ien,, v i,o t;ii,(ii ,i ie. a qnaiiueii voter 01 sueli uisiiici. 'In esse the prison vilio tball have re- etved th teennd highest number of (lie votes f:r In' pectnr shall not attend on the (lav fd sr,v election ti e ; ctson who (-hail It'ive ici 1 ivrd the Ffcci.d bi;;bf st imnibcr o '.otes for Judge at the next j ict-et-'ii! g tier ..r.. ..Ir. ... , 1. .11 ... .1 I . . I . li..... .. I . . .1.11 I . - 1 tion thi'tl is Inspeetoi tn liis tce, anAJ in fni-ei 1I1H person who shall Iwvt) received the Incheai nuuilier ol votes lor In-Hjiei-tor shall not attend, thu ptrsou elected a Jutle Khali appoiitt an lnsiector in I11 jilarc, and in case the percon elected a Judge eliall not attend then iho liiHjinctnr jw ho receive the highest niiuiber ol votes hlu'l sppouit a Jtnlo in bin place, and il 'any vacancy shiill continue in the buatd foi t' space uf 0110 Lour alter the Itine fixed by law lor the opening of the election tin qUi,,f1(M voU.rg 0r ,,8 to w 11 etti p ward or (sirj,;i r which such officer shall have been elected, present at the place of election ,u eL.L.t 0Ill of their number to till BUtb vacancy- 'It shall be the duty of said assessor re speciivoly to attend at the place of holding every general special or towi,ship election during the whole time the eaid elecuuo ia kept open for the purpose of uiviiig informs ,u . l"'V" "r im J'" I9 ,,cn - utw y " ! such election, 01 . . . , iiiiai nun 1 m iuni 1,1 rr 1 h 1 11 nj 111 me assess- iineiil of vincis as Ilie said inspeelors 01 'i.iii ... . ... un I.... ..i' .1... 1 . 11 1 jiiii' , .1 ui ilium Plldll HUiU IIIUU lo 'inn re luire. 1 person 1 1 -1 ! I be permitted to vote ai any elecliou as al'mesahl other than a while fieeoi in ol I'm of iwen'y-one year 01 oinre, who shall have resided in this stale at least one year, ami in ine election distric win ro h olfers in vine at least ten days im mediately pieced 11 if such election, and wiihi in two years p id a si.r.e or county lax which shall havn been asssss-d at least te 1 lays Oiilore electior,. It.it a einzeii of tin United State who had previously been n iu iliin.'d voter ol tins stain hihI remove there Irom and returned and who shall have resiiL'il in the elen o district and paid lax es as aloresaid sl II b entitled lo vote, af ter residing in this sis six innn'-hs, Pro viueo, I Hit the wimu Ireemen citizens ol the United States, between the ai'es ol twentyi-one and twenty-two and having re sided in this slate YiCAU. and in the election district TEN DAYS as aforesaid shall been'iiled 10 voto although Ihey sha 1 not havo paid taxes. 'No person shall be adinuted to vole whose- name is not contained in the list ol usable iohabitaiin furnished, by '.lie cum nissioners as aforesaid unless Fust he pro luces a receipt for iln? piyment within iwo years ofa state or county tax assess ed aareeahly 10 the constitution, anil give utisfjcorv evidence either on his own oath or affirmation, or an oath nd a.firm i tion ofanother, th;i! ha pai(; ,,.;, ,JX ir on failura to produce a receipt, s'ul nake oaih to ihe piym oit ien- f See nid if he claims a rioin in Vii e by bem'j ai. oleclor between i!ir at,'es nf iweniy on.; am' twe ity-two years, he shall depose 0:1 oath or allirmation, that ho has resided in the slate at least one year, next b.furc Ins ap plication, and in itio snob proof of residence in lim district as is r. ij iir. d by thin act, ami hat ho does verily believe from tho ac counts iriven hi-n thai he is (,f ih( p,t IV1re4a.il, and (jivn such oihrr c v ii! vi.-c a is lefjuiifiil by tins ad. Whereupon tl, 0 line of the person so admitted to von. shall he inser.ed in ihe atp'ubetieal list h die inspeelors, and a note uia le nppiit. Iii.reioby wiiiioi; iho w.-rd lax' if he s'il ho admitted to vu 0 by r-'asoti nf havi). paid a C'X.nrthc Word 'ice' ifhe slinuid b, idniiiti'd to vole on acciMint ( I, is aL'e, ani 0 eilbtr eaa'i', the masoti of fiieli vole ilia: 'in ea'led out lo left rleiks who tluil m,ik, the like u iles kept by them. 'In all cases where ilia name r,f t!.- per son elaitrinijr to voto is mil found 00 die lis urnlshed by the commissioners and assos ors, or his right in volo wiieiher founil In mm or not is objected to by any qualifi 'd citijen, ilshtll be the duty ()f i10 in ipeei.HS In ( a a 11 1 toe mi' h peiMin 011 oatli as I bis tpialiiieaiioiis, an J il ho claims lo bate esiiled wiihm the s'ate for one Car 01 mire, his oath shall he sufficient prom hereof, bul ho shall make roof by at least me compeient witness, who shall bn :, piahfied e'eeior, ihat he has ifsidi-d within lie diftriet (or more 1h.u1 ten days next m,. mediatel) pnieivdin s lid ' I. clion, and also limsf If su e ir ih il bis biiiialid.f retek-i.i e in pursuance ol hw latvlul c.illnii, is uilhin he d.sirn l si d 1h.11 he did noi it inove int. id disiricl, lor the pniiKj.i; of votni. theiein. Every person qualified as aforesaid, an, I who shall 111 ike d'le proof if n q-n-eil i f ,j residence and piyitiiut of taxes, as aloic -aid, siiail be admitted lo vole in ihe disiric in Inch lie ehah ri side. II any peison shnl prevent or attempt ir prevent any officer ol mi elections under Ins aci from holding such e!eciiuiin,or use or threaten any t iuleuc; lo ntiv officer t : c-,.i iMiniujnui iinprnpi ny inieriere wiin inm n the execution of ! is duly, or 6h;.ll fdock up or attempt to block up iho imlow or lim avenue lo any window uhere the same may bo holdeu or ulnll riotously disturb the peace 1,1 sueli eleeiioii. or shall use or prae any inii.iiidaiint; threnis, force or vio- tvtrawe any tleetinu, or to prevent him 'bom voting- or to restrm.-i ihe freedom ol choice. such person 00 conviction slul! he .lined in any um not exceeding five hun- hired dollare, ami be imprisamd for aiiv lime ROI less than ons nor nunc loan iwelve coml w here the Iri 1! of inch ofience shal' be bad that the person so r-ffendini! Wag a 'hip where the said offence was coinmiuei.' in-jand not entitb d lo vole ihr r. iu, tin 11 im oiiviciion, oe .sunn i-e senicnrfii to pav fine noi less than one imniret! nor inon. than one thousand dollars, and he imprison e.i not Jess than six iiKiri nor nioie lhaii iivn yea's. '!( any prrsou or persons slul! make atiy bel or wager upon ihe ri still of nnv i lectinn si'hin, this CowoioawtaJih cr uha.'l l.Tci ate anv such bet or wiger, either by al proclamation thereof or hy any writ-1 to ma vcibal proclamation thereof or hy ten 01 piintcd advertisements, challenge or wager, up in conviction thereof he or tboy shall forfeit and pay three limes ihe amount so bet or offered to be bet. 'If any person shall vole at more than me election district or otherwise fraudu lently voto morn than once on (he same day ir shall fraudulently fold and deliver lo the inspectors Iwo tickots together with the in. tent 10 illegally vote or shall vote ihe same it if any shall advise or piocure another so. to do, he or they so offending shall on con viction bo fined in any sum not less than til'ty nor more thin five hundred, dollars, nid be imprisoned for any term not loss h n three nor mote than twelve months. If any person noi qualified to vote in this commonwealth Bfrrceahly to law (Vx cepiihesoiH of qualified citizens) shall ap pear at any place of election lor the purpose of isuing tickets or ol influencing the cut ions qualified 10 vote ho shall on conviction forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars fin every such offence and ho imprisoned for my term not txcecdiiifj three months. The Judges ate to make their returns foi the county of Columbia at 'he Court llousi in Danville on Fnday ihe 10;li day of Octo oir, A. I). 1810. Cod savo die Common wealth IliA M HER A'; Sheriff. SiiKRiKF s Ofkkjix; Danville, Sepiembei, ID 1816. ITS COUIISR is 0 siy. inn. Ogieat has been the demand for I'olger'i tJ wiosaoinau or .'tn iieniuig oa'sani, and 11 lies -liven such general satisfaction to those who hav used it and become acuiitiiuted with ita viitues that t now sland pre-eminent as a remedy in Ui.ca.se 01 1110 Luiins, ami toe testimony w inch has been given liy ciillerent persons who have been cured by 1 is altogether voluntary i-n their pint. They have . i veil il in the hone ih.it all who may find themselves u need of (his remedy may apply fur it without de- ::. Kea 1 the following letter reenvcd fjom the Rev .I'i' 'S.iioie.'II, I'a.slor ol M .hide's lpi-i opal Free l.'hurch. .l'r ."S. has not only used 'he inediciin-liini-elfle.it ha t witnessed its clients in several very trying ca-cs "if ili. ea. e. The letter will show hiV opinion of iln virlues. Ue ir Mr: Uelievnig it to be but 111 act of com mon humanity lo those sulli-ring under the. various diseases of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Coiisiiinp .10:1, .A s'bina, iVc to point lliem to u safe, sjieedt md rcli- al reim dy, I lake pleasure in Iteming im estiuinny to your invaluable medicine called Ulu.a- 1 1 1 11 : ) or All Healing l)jl-:un, ill its eltnaey I an speiii lust iroin my own eTpciieiiee. Ui ing uhi l ireiii expustire nioenri.s.s 1,1 Ilie vieissi iido., of our eliinale to lieipient attack : of Iiilluen- a, ii 1 ir.-ene i.ifce., I have always found itlo all'011! '.I.o as! in-! eit.ru ous, and al'.tat s by perset tl :mc( a 1 its ii,e, i 11 -elual ulief. To a paitictibir fiii lu: if mi 11 1' siiil. ii.e; M-veivly liiio'er Asl!i;n:i, and vvh. etd de-paiied rd obt tilling relief from any huniaii -oiiice, upiiu my recoinmeiiilatiou was induced Ii. oe the ( ilosaoniat a dial and li -roiiounccd tin ;)' cl proiluccd upon 1 1 i 111 h perfect chann uHoidinp net lioiiieoi.ilc anil almost instantaneous relief, I toother lo-taiiee I leeoin mended it to u leioaii iVieni! I'.ir advaiiccil in ('on.-innptior. After the use if the liist ti.iltlc her rough taa eiitinly removi md her iiipctit" and strength restored lo s.ieh n degree iu lo astonish a vvlin saw her- Willi 1 1 . - 1. .. 1 ... .1 1. 1 .iti 1 1 i iiij ciic.i.-iieu ui.it 1 111 iv e. aaiuiMieii prejuoi.e 11 .f-iinat the thousand rind one sjaeilics put forth ii 'lice days as sovi rei:;n panaceas lor all disease :s.-,ure vou that iinthing short of my iirni eonviclici .f the claims ofvotii ii rdicine to an origin so re pceta'de, and to the cll'ects of it as hen in certified iiolh by my own experience and ohsirvptiim 00I.1 not nave eei n uiouceii tuns 10 come lorvvan is avvitne-s in its behalf. I have the honor lo In -Ir, le.sp.clfollv oiu-, Ii. C: islll M I..M,L. Have yiiu a Cough, wluc.11 i liouiile: nine alio una iioiyieiiini in any d 'be icioeilii s " hieh you have 11. id? fa il at etiiled will' pain 11 ihe nine, shortness of breath iiijjut sweat:-: l)n you lini'.e Blood when you cot h and fuiil your strenttth crnditalb tailiie.' ! inoiieilv V 011 will find lh.it Ihese symptoms il'n itleltiled (0 will tcriiiilKite in enn.-ll'iii.lioi oikI eralh. Are you uoubl i wn.'i mat iiislie-sui oioplail.t ill ft, w Inch dcpiivcsi you of your nvt it iii,dit 111, d reu lurs liio Inutlicnsoinc. Here is the Wemedi, Pemember the nnnie and place win re it is to be l.laineo anil do not be put i ll' with any oilier. It lias produced a cure ill asuespcrate cases as yours may aiDntii to be, end doubtless will put lo'ili; h: in a speedy manner llinse dislie.-.ing symplouis which fill jour mind with (jloomy fin-iiodiugs uf the future. Its lie a ling Properties lo not deceive. The short dry enur b is quickly overcome ami ciev uno in ailiiv xpci tor.itton laue l phtre. fc- 1 ' 1 : i t of blood is iiiiiiciliatclv clu ck' v ij.ht sweats w:;h p iin 10 the tide and :hest, lolity and ilillieulty uf luealniig yield ,u a 10rj is ut elite relieve,!, iimrimuis ami 111 laei an tt.e; ,. 1 -.. 1 .. .. I s.:eaes ol tin llirnai auu 1 lings got' waj eiiitie. ,.f il. il.rnal and iuil's u vo uav la fmc' ,is remedy when all other 1111 1111s have failed. I'c-smuj msy ntternfn to deceive you with some, iiher lemedv, iiroiuiuiii 11 g It to ee rijiiailv as goosl ut re'iRiu'.'tr Ine is at stake, therefore lie n' t Deceived. Theahovi medicine fir sale hy the following gents. E. P. I. utz. Il'oonisbuTg. W. f,. Waller & Co Berwick; E' iV .1. Ioiznili". Oiangevilb' ; Levi I!i- I. Jei evlown ; ).-rr .'.U 111 ide, V. lute liidl ; N. Ilal.'e Ct.(ltfVH..v. C'-'i OUR MOTTC.NOT TO DEOUTDONE v'1'" .. lll.AC KH.lll I Ill.X. IWTAHI.IMIMICM 11 anlce SilvtTtliorii. THE undersigned having taken the kho formerly occupied by Marshal Silveiihorn most respectfully informs the public thai ihey intend to carry on the above branch ol bueineaa and will at all limes bo ready to di work a little better and cheaper than any other establishment in the place, "and ibej hope by strict attention lo business lo .neri 1 large portion of the public patronage All kinds ol 'country produce lakin ii eichango for work & the ready not nTusei! IS.HO SAN TEE, MARSHAL S1LVERTII0RN nioomshiiru Feb, 21.184041 MAKlfiiiK YAI22). THE business will bo continut d 5iy tin subscriber at the old bland; where unn be had at all limes. MONUMENTS, TOMB- TJULk.y TOM 1-S TONES, HEAR Til MM IIS. MJNTLES. I1INT STONES, MCLLEiS, Jfcc. or any other work 111 his line. He is also prepared to Itirnisi WINDOW CAI.V and SILLS, 1)00 ii SILLS and STEPS either of Ala. hie, Lime or any kind 0' sione that can be procured in ibis vicinity fi 7 1 1 avion had "oiisidcrablc expenencf 111 ihe business, i:e pledges his work t( iie executed in as handsome a etyle as tai lie furnished from yard either in llo city or counirt ; aed on as reasiMiuhlc icrin ElMli; AIM AR.MS'lKO.NO nioonisbuig, Kov. If, 184:$. ly 23 J. IT VA.YDMHSI t'E. yjEOS leave to inform the public, that he is prepared to attend to all the oper ations in deutimry, such as removing .... ... . - ihe lurlur and at her foreign Sub- a lu 1 ices. I'romihe teeih. rendering them clean, am the gums and breath sweet and healihy. The cavities vf Decayed Teeth Will be dressed oul and filled with Goh1 r other foil; of the finest quality, as the ase may require, which will generally prevent their aching or further decay, and render them uselul lor years; and 111 many cases during life Teeth and Slumps of Teeth Which have become useless or troubiesomt wiil be extracted in the mnsl careful man ner, with the latest and besl improved in strument.. Parcel! ain Teeth, Ofthc best quality and latest improvement, ui- 1 . . win tie inseiieii on pivot, or (in connection with Dr. V ailerchamp, with whom he is in itirnship 111 plate woik) on Cold dale, Irom a single tooth lo a whole set, to look is wen as too natural, and warranted to iiiswer all the useful and ornamental pur iofea proposed by ihe art. In shori,every operation belongine to the profession, will be pelorined in the best manner, with chmseM material, and at tin shortest notice- He therefore hopes, by strict attention to business, lo obtain ; shan of public patronage. Any person or pei- sons wishing any of the above opeintions- .icrtormcd, arc respectfully requeslcd ti aive him a call. N. 15 The public are hereby li.formeii that we the subscribers have entered iuto 1 special Partnership relating only lo plati worit us 11 is more convenient ior each tr ittend to the oilier branches of the srieuc mi his own account. A. VALLCI'OMA.MP. J. IL V.WDERSLICE. Mount Pleasant, Nov 8th. 1815 am. .'tk:iiii:iiji;E;..Ja;!is3,i;cia( THE Public aro hereby r'snectlullv iiiforinei ill. it we have lately entered into Copartnership in the above business at the liiick Shop, formerly oc- upirj liy .Moses Collman, on Main-sticet, below the new slore, where we iuii ml lo cany on tin above named business in all its branches. Wi pledge ourselves that work il.uie al this shop shal beeiccttted in a.s neat and Uoikmnnhke luaiinei aim mi as reasooai ie u mis, ns can he il.oie nt noi iiber simp 11, Ibis place. Ue therefore Imiic bv striel attention In business, to met it and receive u lue piopurtioii ol public patronage. AL C'OIT MAN, S RRORST ' April 2.1, IfJlC. N. !. SHOE ISO done at the re- ilure.i price of One f foliar. AW .';'' u'ltl ijinric return uur motto. Centre of Gravity. A HSW TAILORING J J. THE subscribers respectfully inform the cili- zei.s ol liiooot.-i.iiig ami v icino v , uial mev Have In- a'ld iheiiHilves in Thornto.s .New .vhoi, in ,lo."'i, no i',nrs In Jaw tin' Vnrutr nf Main ami Inula! .slit V.., 111 llKoin,liurg, where Ihey will id- ways tie loiiiid on naiiil, rc.ioy lo iiceoiiiiinulale those who niav favor them uilh a rail. Theii woik will bo doiu in the lalest and most approved istvlc lor nentiie.-s a.'ul elegance 111 the ousiness. From (heir long experience in !he business, they ll.otei liicniseives tnai tiicir vm .l win ne none as ne.uaHcau uu oooi- ei o ir. All woik iut rusted in Itieir caie wairaMi o to in. j g 'rT'S"!'! I J done 1111 the ' 1 Tr3"E' f f - 110 IC lilt 1C -UDHCSL I1D! I'C nto .... . , J .'. arraiil. u lu 1.1 .. ,1.. ma,,, u,.. ELLIS &, VAN IIUSKIRK. Mav C lSdd - 2tf . IJ.rDI.NTlIY PRODrCE, at themaike price, will be taken i'i exihalige for woik A f-'niH-tiorsrtiele of No. 1 nn.12 itI C I jQ j;!!!!!., l,y the liairel or Half 7nricl, ai !! Cheap l.igl.l-St'eet New More. A. U. KNABB vl Co, CANCERS, WARTS, CORNS, &c THE subscriber informs llic politic, that lie is able locum til kinds of Canccis and eraduuto Wirls nd Corns with very blue euiii slid in n short time, lie refers to several respectable cili .ens in bis ueighooiliood, nidi as ISamui-l lless, William Kile and others, that lias been Micccsidul In several instance and i not hllllllitlei;iiie us is too lieipienlly the ease aiuong ipiaeks, lie war- rants certain cure in any case he undertakes or no pay. (jj- wnrts, vc. on entile 'irnl other ntiiiiiuls are so cured by the subscriber who ic.iides in Mount rieasiint township on (lie main road h ailing from Millvilletn Itlooiie-biirg. about I J miles from I'led- ruk Millers I uvern where persons arc united to all. JOHN ALE. May 30, 1816 I y G LADIEE DONNf.TS, HEAD DliESS' A splendid assortment of hfiuics' Jannets, Q Head Uress.Artilieial Flowers, liiltlions, ic ery cheap, at the I.ight-Sreet New Sore by A. Ii. KM AH 11 (jn. HLjiSTlSU VUIVDEH. K of niiisfiiiu IovIr tl tlio bed futility, just received by WAI. McKEL IT & Co December 5 r llli: suliwrihcr respectfully informs the public that he has uiiencd a slum, mi Mo,.i.,.t early opposite Clayton's Tavern, in Illoomsbi'.rg! .vlie.re lie intends carrying,),, i,0 above easiness, 01 all its various branches. TIN 1V.WF, f every descripti will be kept on hand for sale it UHOU;.-,AI,i; or lil' TAIL. SIIEKT IRON Vlauufaeturcd into any form required STOVK PIPES, ' trail .sizes kcpteonstanlly on liand. JStoy d to order. Heir.g deti'mtined to do business in (he right vay, he reqcsis all to call upon him helore Ihev ourehase el.sewhe,,-, as lie will fuiniih all articles 111 his hue as cheap us they can be purchased in the county. JJ. J. IilEC. September 20, 1843 lyS2 Chair Manufactory THE subscriber continues to carry on he CHAIR ,1ANUFACTORINO msiness at the old stand of R. A: S. Haoen buch, where he will be ready at 'all times to furnish Fancy & Windsor Chairs, Set 'ees, Huston Rocking Chairs &c, of every leseription, which may be called for, at -hort notice and cm the most rensnnablo 'erms. He will also execute House, Sirni Ornamental Painting, and House Papering in a superior manner, ' I'rom his experience in the business. n,,i his facilities nf rnaniifacluring ihe variot arlicles nf his line, he (laiters ItimseK thai be shall bo able tofurnish a-s rrond work, inn upon as reasonable terms as ran he lone in th enuntrv, nllof which ie will lispoee of for CASH or COUNTRY I'RonucE N. IL Orders from a distance will i, strictly ai.dpunctuallv attended to. B HAOENiliTCH. UNMAKE WAY FOR TTlRrf" i,igut-7i;e:kt j aaVoA vjt'ftTsr ir rIHE subscribers take this method of info,,,,. M ing their h lends and tb0 public generally Hal they .ue now opening ll,P second supply of -pmig (loods, to winch they would uio.,l ispec lolly invue the attemion of those win arc i , t ol Aew aii-J Cheap Goods, eon.istiiig in r,art of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sathuts resting, ..f Mocrican, 'rench and English Fabric, 1 . .1 routing and Pantaloons Stuff,, a ve:y superior article of Tweed Cloths and Cassi- oieie,, i-iogoia i.asslineres. Urillings; (; imboons eve. ic. i-uiioii aiilaloon tStuils of lid of ,hc inosl dcira'.ile styles. every variety PRINTS! PRINTS!! emnpiising every vaiicly f rtvJo ;,J priccs fr, , (if to l!o cents. DRESS GOODS. ew stylo of Prem-I, Lawns, u spo,i,I n,,ie!e of new style .Uoulanc da lane and ,. , .... . Cinghauis&c usumcres SHALWS, imongst which may beloUl a handsome article t.f lierages l'icknic; .Mmislanc u,:d Thibet M.awls WHITE GOODS. Urtrred, (striped a,(J ,,1 ;iifi .1.1. -,11, ii . 1 1 1 . Muslins, blue, A, ns. l . "": .V" "'"f,e ushr , bishop Lawn, curtain .Muslin. &c Droion and tileached ,, .... J ' l ti '0 124 cents per va;d. I,l.vhp,l ,l h bleached Table Diaper, cotton (Js.,d)ury, tkg. Together w ith a full assortment u Groceries, Sjiiccs, Hardwuae and Cut' lery, (Juecnicure, Drags, J3uuts and Slu es, and in fact every article usually kept in Country Stores. ' '' T e public generally arc invited (0 call and ex. amine their stuck before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, they Palter thcmselvfj by strict attention Ut business loineiit the palniu age of a generous public A.'R. KNABB L Co Mjo 23. All kinds of Lumber, f!raii and Produce taken in Exchange lor tioods. VraTDOV' GLASS ai UST received at the NEW STOKE L J! RUPERT. May DO