The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 26, 1846, Image 1
gr-nrTr I have ivni upon the Alter of Mod. hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Mn.-ThomM Jeffunon HBB, ED1TOK AND PIM)lRIETOIL liKOOnSlttllKi, C()I-iniHIA WIICTV, SITOKDAV, SKP1TO1HE!! 2(1,1810. .'lumber- S3. Yoliiinc A. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT. Bourn pidk of Main, a fkw doors he LOW MaUKKT'STUKKT, : 77i r'; (X1A7 DEMOCliJlTfillbe puhlishvA ever; Saturday morning, at Ttl'O DOIjdRS per annum payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fil'tu Cents, if nut paid within the year. ' . .. . .! .i.... ....' Iii tnl-ii,, f.iipri uilrv it 0 X till HC) ' ijll Hill Will lKiinji oimi . . . ueriod than nix months: nor any disron- timiitnce permitted,unlil all arrearages are. discharged. SliVERTlSEMESS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar Jor the first tiirce insertions, and Twenty-five cents for every subse intent nscr'tion. lrJ liberal discoun made, to those, who advertise by the year JITTERS addressed on business,must be post paid. THE BEAR-CHASE. FROM THE FRENCH. Oie evening a short time after the battle of Fonienoy, (M5,) a group of the king's body -guard was congtegated near Ihe ato Ii a Basin, at Versailles, lislening to two ol their number discussing a subject which at that period was rarely a mailer ol contro versy in military circles. Refuse a duel afier a public affront!' ex rliimed the tallest of ihe speakers, whose bronzed features were rendered almotl fe. rocious by a thick red murlae.pc; 'it is a sia'm Oiat all the waters of the deluge would not wash away.' 'I repeat, Monsieui de Malatour,' replied the other in & calm, polite tone, 'tlul there is more true courage in refusing llinn in a? ecpting a duel. What is more common than to yield to passion, envy, or ven geance; and what more rare than to resist them? Therefore it is a virtue when exhi bited at the price of public opinion; foi what costs nothing, is esteemed as worth nothing A marvel! Monsieur d' Atgentre,! would advise, if ever the king gives you the com mand of a company, to have engraven on tlic sabres of the soldiers, the cornmand menl 'Thou shall do no murder.' And wherjfore not? II ta majesty would have better servants, and the country few plunderers, if wo had in our regiments more soldieis and fewci bullies. Take, as an example, him with whom you seem so incensed: has he noi nobly avenged wlm you eall an affront by taking, with his own hands, an euemy's colors, while your knaves most likely formed a prudent re serve behind the baggage?' 'Cowards ihemselvss have itioir moments ofconrage.' And the bravo also their moments ol fear.' The expression is not that of a gentle man.' Ii is that of Aunsicur de Turcnn, whose family equalled either ol outs, and who a vowed shut he was not exempt from such moments. Everybody has heard of hi conduct lo a braggadocio, wbo boasted in his prccr.ce that ho had never known feir. lie suddenly passed a lighted candle undei the speaker's nose, who instantly drev. back his head, lo the great amusement ol the bystanders, who laughed heartily at this singular modu of testing the other's asscr lion ' None bul a marshall of France had dar ed to try such a pleasantry. To our sub ject, sir. I maintaiujthat your friend is a coward, and you ' Ami I tepealed D'Argenlre his eyes flashing, and his lips firmly compress ed. Holloa, gentlemen'.' exclaimed a third party, who, owing to the warmih of the ar goment, had joined the group unperccived, 'This is mv affair,' said he to Jur.sieur d' Aroenlre, holding his arm then turning to his adversary added 'Monsieur ile Mala tour. I am at your orders.' 'In lhat ease, after you, if necessary.' siii! D' Arcenlre, with his ucual rhlmne&s. ,rt hnnnr vou charm ine, cenlltr- One moment,' replied the new comer,' vho vouni! as ho was, wore iho cross ol Si Louis. No remarks. Gentlemen, haslen.' Too great hasie in such casts evidences loss a contempt for death tliun an anxiety lo ei rill Ul Ilia juiiiuiuw. i- i.:- i I listen, sir.'' Monsieur d' Argentro just now slated llial the bravest have their moments of fear. Without inking as serious hi anecdote of Monsieur de Turenne, I shall add ihal.with die exception of ihe difference that cxims between muscles and nerves; the courage ol the duellist is mote an affair of habit than of principle; for H is the natural slate ol man to love peare, if nol for ihe sake ol others, at least for himself. Dj you wish me lo prove itf Enough sir; we are not here lo listen to i sermon. Yet a moment. Here is my proposition we are all assembled ibis evening previous 10 our leave ol absence; I invite you, then, as also these gentlemen present, to a bear on my estate, or rathei amongst ihe precipices of Clai, in ihe Eastern Pyrenees. You are very expert, Monsieur de Malatour you can 6iiufl a candle with a pislul at twenty paces, and you have no equal at die mail-sword. Well, I shall place you be fore a bear, and if vou succeed I do nm i I ' i ii;.. it. i o..i) h,.i!twceii two death the bears and (he pre even say in lodging a ball in liti head, ouij merely iu tiring upon him I shall submil immediately after to meet you face to face rtilli any weapons you choose lo name, oince it is only a) thai puce 1 am lo gain your good opinion. 'Are you playing a comedy, sit? 'Quite the con;rary. And 1 even repeat that this ex'teme haste shows more ihe courage of the nerves, lhan of ihe iruu cout age arising from principle,' What guarantee have 1, should I accepi yonr proposition, that you will nol again ndeavor lo evade Aie?' 'My word, sir; which I take all mv com rades lo witness, and place under the sal'e- uatd of their honor.' Theie ran through his auditory such a buzz of approbation, that De Malatour hough wiih a bad gtace, was obliged t accede lo the arrangement II was then a areed that, on the 1st of September, ah present should a.-euib!o ai the (Jlmteau de Clat. Whilst the young lord of the manor ismak ing the necessary preparations, for ihen re ception, we shall explain the accusation ot which he was the o!mcI, yet which tud not branded him with any mark of disgrace among a class of men so punctilious on the poim of honor. The young Baton de Villetreton, in en tering amongst ihe gentlemen who formed the household guard of the king of France arricd with him prirlciples which remained uncorrupted amidst all ;he frivolities of on of ihe most licentious courts of Europe Such, however, is the chat m of virtue, tvci in the midsl of vice, that his f-xenijilatv .(induct had nol only gained him ihe esteem f his oflicers, and ihe ftiendship of his otiipaiiions, bul iiai! autacicd the attention ol ihe king himself. Oi.o alone aniona hi comrades, Monsieur de Mal itour, look urn !)i3);e al ibis general fivor, and, en the oc casion of some inllniB expression td' ges ture, publicly insulted hitn. Vi h treton te fused to challenge him, as beuijf contniy to iiia principles, but determined that Ihi secming cowardice, in nol lighting a ve:i known duellisl, should be redeemed bj some aclion of eclat during Ihe campaigi- 'just romtneiiced. Thai moment had arnv ;d: and for his conducl in taking ihe hue ish colors at ihe battle of Foiiienoy, he te- eived the cross ol Si. Louis from Hie king's- iwn hand on the field, the enloiiuin u: Marshall Saxc, and a redoubled ei.mny on be part of De Malatour. V'he first care of '.he young b iton on ar riving al bis estate was lo call bis in-jor demo, an old and faithful servant. 'I hnvo business of ihee my master.' said he, cordially shaking him by ihe hand SopA Monsei"ncur ,' replied the pareur who was deeply attached lo his young lutihjsc emie.-; lo verify ihe fable of the Titans; you know ihe old hunter is your to Ihd you receive my letter irom t an.. Yes sir, and gentlemen, your com rades, will bavs some week before iliem. 'Are there bears already on the heights then?' asked Vtllelreinn. extending his hand in lie direction o( one of ihe lofty peaks whose summit, covered wiih enow, gliiie ed in the morning sun. 'Five in all a m niidete menage fath er mother and children; besides mi old bach elor, whom flic Spaniards had driven U this side.' 'In less than a week we shall go in pur suit of them. Do you know pareur sonn of my comrades are rather rough sports men; there is one of them who is aide K snulf a caudle with a pistol at twenty pa- c:es 'Easier perhaps lhan to snuff a Lear a lour, leplied lha old man laughing. ' Thai is what I said also. I5nt as 1 should wish to judge for myself of his prow ess, you must place us together ai tin same post at the bridge of Maure, for in stance. 'Hum!' said ihe pareur scratching hit ear: 'il would bettei please me lo have you elaew here.' 'Why?' Because lo gunrd this post a man ougni to be iu a stale of grace for ho wi'l be be.- tpice, I know the one and do not fear the eth er: iliahks lo your lessons.' 'I am sure of lhat. But with yonr leave 1 should like lo guard ihe bridge mysell.' 'You aie sure ihen that ihe bears will piss lhat way?' Sure yes; bul quite 6ure no, Ueeol led that ihey are sullen and prudent beasts, which never confide their plan of route to anv one. h is ngreed on. I shall guard ihebridJt ivith my comrade. Now, go and have the raeki rs rcdy?' 'Verj well veiy well,' mnrmered parent is ho retired; 'I shall have my eye on him Eight days, aftci wards all ihoso invited. mil excepting Monsieur du Malatoui who lespue the delicate attentions of the host, preserved a cold reserve were arseiubiri! it the Chateau. The magnificent gramVut dihe Pyrenees, their shining summits re icved against the blue fky or Spain was hi, iiniooked for pleasure lo the greater num ber of the guests who lor ihe mosl r,it be- ongL-d to the rich and fer.i.e plains of the interior. I'l.o mcrnig f illowing their arriv:.!, t, hoily ol tracken and scouts provided Willi ill titatincr of discordant insti uments irom ;et8 saucepans drums itc. itc. were as sembled under the wills of the clialsai, with ihe pareur at their htail; while by his -ide stood mandrin who proudly guarded u dozen !arg nislillH hehl in leash by his vigorous helpers, The young baton and Ins friends armed with carbines and li Hill ing knives had scarcely appeared when by i siini from the p ireor the whole troop mov ed silently forward. The (Iol's llieinselvet. -eeiiifd to tiiuki -stand the uiiporlain fi of ill s iniivt-iiit. in; and nothing was In aid hut tin cool'used tramp ol, blet ding with tin noise id the dia.aiU torri'in, or ni interval ilm cry of some belated nigiit-btrd tlyinr neavi'y hoineWird in ihe dotib'.lol g iii.oici of toe Vel opened day. As ihe pany reached the crest of tin i:ouiitaiu which immediat ly overhung th' chateau, ihe lirtl rays id the sun breaking from ihe east glanced on ihe summit of tin 'y renew, ar.d suddenly illuminating tin landscape, discovered beneath them a deej valley, eo'er-d with nijesiij pinetrers avhich murmured in the fresh breeze of tin -norning- Opposite lo them the foaming waters ol a cinade fell for some hundreds of feet through a elefi which divided ihe mountair from Ihe snmmii to iho baf. By one of those caprices of nature which testify the I primitive convulsions of ihe globe tin chasm was surmounted by a natuial bridge the piles of granite al each side being joined by one immense Hal rook almost his.lor it a;Tr..ted .mrs; aiat ineu enui- ulucKs ol aiuau couiu uava eici utcu laiocu 'I never doubted ii, my old friend lo such an elevation by. human agency, Sinister legends weie aitachud lo the pace and ihe mountaineers recounted with terror ihal no hunter, with ihe exception ol tlie pareur, had tver been posted ai the bridge of Mauro withom becoming iho prey oieitii - er ihe bears or tbe precipice. Hul the ?4 - rrUI WHS VMJ OU.I U VUUOIiau I" ia,mnw ,11 ... ... ... . I .. ' 1. . . i ... n I t( this ridieu.ous prejudice: he alinbutcd the lattliiy to its real cause the dizziness aris ing from the siyhi of liie bears nd ihe pre ipiee, by destroying ihe.hunier'i resent e of mind, made his ami unsteady, and his death the inevitable consequence He could not, however, allogelher divest himself of fears fur his young mister, who jhsiiualely persevered in his intention ol iccujiying ihe undge with his antagonist. Af!er placing Ihe baion'i coinpaniui al post which he considered ihe most idvauidgeouf, the pareur rejoined hi c nen, and disposing ihem so as to en- compas the valUy lacing the cascade, commanded the utmost silence lo be jresei veil until they should hear tin lirst bark of his don. Al lhat signal th' nalifJs ivere to be unleasetl, lite insiiu nents sounded, and all lo time .slowly forward, contracting ihe circle as Ihej pproaclied the cascade. These menis being matlo, the pareur and hi- log, followed by Ihe mandrin alone, listppsared in the depths of the wood- For soino minutes Ihe silence had re ilriRil unbroken, when tuddenly a fu- i luus harking coinei.ced, a;cornp:iniei! Iiy low giowling. Zi'ich prepared his; amis, ihe itislr uments sounded; and tin mastiff being let Ioosp, precipitnted themselves pell-mell in Ihe direction ol tie sliunjj'e. Their furious btikm was soon confounded wiih ihe crits o ti e hii'ileis and ilm din r.f the iosmi nenl", .ii'itlul wiih the fomid-jle glow. ii. g of the beats, making altogether t cidtous concerl , which, rolling sloi.i 'he sides ol the Valley, was repated by the distant echoes- At this momen tin- ynung baron regarded his companion whose counlenance, though p.. If, remain ed calm and scornful. 'Attention, sir,' sai.l he in a low voici The bears are nol far Irom us; let youi im be true, or else ' 'K' ep your counsels for yourself, sir!' 'At tent ion!' lepea'eil Villeiie Ion, with nil st rtning lo notice the setly responsi 'he r p 1 1 1 oarhes!' Those w ho were placed in front o' he cascade, st em the animals dircei T.g their contse lo Iho hiidgf, cried t orn all pat Is. Look out, look out, Villetron!' But the hi t nking i;f blanches, follow- (I by Ihb rolling ( f loosened .tones down (lie irecipiee, h id already given warning ol the animal's nesr n;pro?eh. M ilatnur became deadly pile; he, how vtr, he'd bis carabine fnm'y. in I lie a! mule c,f a r rdo'e humer. A her -..t 1'ngii spprared, with fosm niou'h iiinl (jlaring ryes, al limr: III lllllfi as il lie vtuiild lain siiug will us puisin is;hul when he saw die biidgi bis oo'y way t.f ese-ipf, occujiiei!, he u1- i f e giow', and on cur twi huiitet when a b,ll s'lurk him in tlx forehead, and he lell dead at their leet. Malalour convulsive'' ura-ped hi tjn he had become coirij.leie'y power IjfS Suddenly new ci ies, louder anil note presRine, weie heaid. 'Fire, fire.' be is on yoo' nietl Ibt iiireur, who appeared unexpecladly ,pgU and agitaied; his t'"1 to Ins shoulder bti1 afraid to fire, lest he should hit Ins mas ter. The laller, perceiving his sgiialion, urncd round; it was indeed tioie. On the other side of ihe bridge a beat,! much larger than die hrl, was thu act of making the final rush. Sptingin bickwatd, he seized lite car bine of Ins petrified rompioion; end loJgcd i& conieiits in the animal's bicast ael.scuuiJ itJtli ihem. lis lolltd, in the uealh situate, lo wri-re ihey stood. All this the woi k of an in stl)n, The knees of the hardy old pa- rei)r thook vith emotion at the -sC'i 0f hj, y0UII(5 m,8le, . , f0l MalloiH,hn .:vj( pi)enes(l( ,,, ie fonvu.8le ,,,ud . . . f . . .. . fi fjlilld Take your arms,' said the young ba ron, quickly replacing in his hands the carabine; 'here are our comrades they must nol see you Unarmed uiul, paitur, not a word of all this. 'Look' said he lo his companions as they gathered around, penning lo the inotisliuUa beasts oi,e to each. Now Monster de Malatoui, I wait your or ders. Bnil am ready lo give ihe satisfac tion you requiie.' The latter madd no reply, but reached iut his hand, which V il let i e ton cordial ly shook. That evening a banquet was given to celebrate the donble victory. Toward? he end of Ihe repast a toast lo 'the van quishers' was proposed, and immediate ly accepted. Monsieur dVirgeotre, s, iu hand, rose lo pledge it, whti Malatour, also rising, held his arm, ex claming. 'To the sole vanquisher ol ihe day to our noble host! It was he done w1)o killed the two b ai?, and if, hrough his generosity, I have allowed the illusion to last go long, it was sim ply for this reason; the affront which 1 aave him was a public one 'ne rcpaia ion ought to be public likfwise. I now declare lhat Monsieur de Villetron i the bnvest of the brave, 8nd that I shall 'iiaintain it towards all and against all.' 'This lime, al leas', I shill tol take U your gauntlet,' said Monsitur d'Atgen re. 'There's a hi ave young r.iar' crini he pareur, whom his master had ad nil ted to his table, and who endeavorn 0 coneta! a furtive tear. oihn ould belter -rove to me, Kir, that, will. 1 little experience, you wii? b as caln n the presence of bears, as your aie, am sure, in the face of an enemy.' SdCKER IN SEARCH OF THE I'LANEK'S HOUSE. EV JiVKM'AORT. 'Match pictures' are always 6greor,b!i (oil.eeye ol taste; why thoald not match sketches be equally so. 'A Suck er in a watm Ihih,' recently published mi ihe Keville, called, ihe other eveniiiji he lelalion of a sticker's adventures in -eaichof the I'diilcr's Home, and bus we give litem ; This Sucker was a tciy irrporlant Suckei in his own of inipi.iutit events ie found hinietlf mddeii'y cilhd upot :o visit bt. Louis, a place that he had a inysierii iu soil ol :n idea wis 'ionie' hut that was al. llo net out, accoin patiit.d Ly an tquaily veulatil compan i u :i ' ami in due ionise I'jiind hiiostll n he 'Mound ci ; ,' niakn -a, eiy runs. (UK lital ihipni ,t s alter 'tut- lust hotel Now, the 'Juki I oi I' in Uittiiio w ,tni ., and our SucLtr lhat be had i e;y adi quale idea ol 'seen bihliii';' but io one on 'en occupying 'a bull tquai'jdeuly fl lap was g'ven al the door and rt was tii'.trely loo exiennne a concepiion. Whtn, Ihfiefore, die Plinleis' was poinied oui io him, he u, r v i- y marched ny die principal ti.tianrr, it nking lha' was ihe Court House, m d blinking ti il ihe diugii-iV sh p it d.o b-.M-merii on the riiint i cl Pine p'ltt:. I e very impni lan' ly asked his It h ml lo cider, went up lo the soda eoun'er, and 'ittk oned they'd lake a little wickey.' 'We don't sell .quor, sir,' said th in:dtuggiM. ' 1 emperance houe. remaiki the - ' Sucker, aside, niul rather pnlronizi g lo his compau'on, Wa'll, them, Squire, we'll lake i etui, I ictLsn.' 'Oh, you'ie in scrrh f the Planters' flouse ntrsnc just above, upnilemen. The Sucker scraped himelf otit ralh r conluieiHy, and the rnvt visit be paid was our friend, Dr. Morgan, where a ouch being in or e ro'mr of ihe office, ie thotighl he win r'jjh', tn;i course. He probably would have had his boo's iff had not die Doctor ei t red st the mo meni to repent lo him that the entrance w 'jufl above.' Jiy ibto iirj'e the Sucker's r ct'fidrnee in ht intuitive knowledge of things was raihr r stagner mI. lie went out into the middle of he street for a more accurale observa lon, thrice convinced lhat those hie.h tepsaml 'almighty big door,' where die folk (Lu'jjers of course) were Momling belonged only to (hi Court Ilot'a! He forthwith m.irchsd with his friend lo hp other basement corner, Chestnut -tree!, and nulling into the stage office ie dema.ided 'a room for two,' forth with, 'Certrinly sir, in what dirt ciion?' was the reionse. Why, in a lyitig tuwn iliiection, I reckon? cxelaiihed the lired traveller. bptining, to 'rile' considei ably. J.ying ilow ii?' repeated ihe rflice keeper; 'you can have seals, s;r, where- ever you ere going 'S'tais, tiiundn! We have just rid ihe hull wy from Il svillc, by smash and we waul a brd,and if you havn't aot a room, j 'sl say s( : Call th: yer a fust hole!!' and die ind.'gnai Sotker look ihree strides accompaiiied by as many jetks of his elbows premonitory syn:p of a "tar up' generally. The f,tage agent by ibis time had 'ihe hang' of the mailer, and he very polite y i old the rnisloken Sucker that Iho Plaritii's House entrance was 'just 4e low.1 'Jest above' and 'jest below,' and the Court House right in the middle!' cried the poor fellow, the importance taken dean oul of bi;:i. 'I tell you what strait er, if you have tot a Planter' House n ihi. district, I'd jibi thank you to pi It i lit. Tne stage agpnt did so, bu! il was on ly after iliveiss suspicious sti-t'-s at him i.8i die sucker seemed to be satisfied, that he was not again to be victimize. Up he went, widi his innocent litem!, and looking cautioiioly found, hi r-yts res'ed upon the ranges of pigeon hole?, jumhered according lo the respective; rooms, and one half of Ihem conlainirg notes or cards for lit'; bwinhrs. 'ost QJicc, by -I ti' .!:' rricd h- eompleti'ly 'sawc' a.- h' ''.r'.d, ai d the mere o.ijtci cf ni'e'ing in the lobby i more ex pei ie'C'd liiend from his-tc-tion, kept him from tu- ing tu' of the house. Maters wt ie rxnlaii c J, r .lies regisiieil, and u dmiblt dd-l :oon was reached at la-t by die c ac I- ' 'rav ' T9. T.'ie beds weu mII ii,'l.: i.t l,r ii 1 1 ui e 'fust rat"' hul Hi ie Wj- du i:n iccounlable guen sli itig btid tasst I lung ing against the wal1, which kepi 'de lirsl Irom lakn g his nap. J).i r uiined lo 'gel the hai' of aim, he iive it a per. i le pu I or two, when finl very genlerl visiloi walked in upon him. I'he Sucker nnde him a polite, told him howdy do,' and asked htm to 'lake a chf ei .' 'Did you ring, sit?' said the visitor, deptt ciatingly. 'R n:!' no 1 hainl ringed nolhin,' was the reply, but ihe SucUi'i linail misgive him, dine was coriaimy son e inysienous cooi.ection beiwttti Ih.t gteen ailing and die inlei rcgt'oiy just put to him, and turning inio bed again he I'O" 't-M d 'I'f o ' ' . 'c '" '', i;p v i -, , v ! :' ' -v - ' i 1,'tn in- t" il"- ' ' r ;. , I; was vtiy foil table, but tl.j .Sucker and his (iid got ktals. Clh fall, men! rttusgu.' p"""1 u,u' V4 """"