The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 19, 1846, Image 4

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    TUT. (Mil LAN I)-
1 -1 . -. -' sat -"'v:uv
' - -s
" '"'A twtfUt fan-em nuich'il,
"trwit various gt,;!t im aill'tl tcili mm"
Kruni In' Huston Atlss
a o from fa.vny Fi)i:i;i:sr;it
We fxinri, from the proof shr-eis of .7
derhronk, now in prees, by Ticknnr fi Co
me lonoiM.ig touching stanzas, vmiien lo
l.rr moifiir, bv Mrs. JuIsmi, previous to
I r. icy ice friiin ibid port h few weeks ago,
flivi' me in y old Seat, Joiher.
Wilb my head upon thy knee;
lve passed through main a dial ling scent:
Smei il'ii 1 sit ly line.
Oil? C i.Tf !,;0 into t!im n ca
i I fir nit k, imfi; lo-ii g 'n hi
F !' ,1 gV;iin of htllllle.-H,
Ujion thy heart; tonight.
I've not been long sway, Mothor;
lew uns have rnfe and set
Since laai the '.'car-imp on thy chetk
.-y ;i,is in kisais met.
'i ' t a but a liule time, 1 know,
Slot very long ii sooms;
Though every nigl 1 1 came to tlicc,
Duur Aoilier, in my dreann(
The vor!d has kindly dealt, Mother,
liy she fluid thou lov's, &o well;
Thy praym have circled round her path;
And t' was their holy spell
W I. :cli nude that in dearly bright,
Which strewed the rose there,
Which cave the liaht and cast the balm
On ( very breath of air.
1 bnnra happy heart, Mother
A happier ncva beat
Anil even now, new bud cf hmo
Art' hiiisti'ijf at mv feci,
Oil!, life may Lo a dna.u,
Hut if nueh (In urns ate given,
While mi the portals thus n Mind.
What are the truths of Heaven?
I bear a happy heart, Mother,
Yet w hen fond eyea I Fee,
And hear soft tones and winning words,
I ever think of thee.
And then, the tear my spirit weeps
Unbidden fills my eye
And like ti homeUs dove I long
Unto thy breast to fly
Then I am very sod'and Mother
I'm very sad and lone
0: ! thfn'j no h'arl hrcs inmost fold
Opes to me like thy own!
1 h nigh sunny smiles wreath blooming li; s
i rule 10' e I 'ties mee's my ear
My Mother; one fond glance of thine
Were thousands times more dear.
Then with a closer clasp, Mother,
Now hold rnc to thy heart;
I'd feel it beating 'gainst mine owiii
Once more; before we part.
And, Mother to this love-lit spot
Whin I am far away
Come eft loo oft thou can'6t not come!
And for thy darling pray,
TTjV'S subscri'oer very rcsperriilly informs llie
r" . i
1 ulilic hat he has on hand and is cni.stniit-Lr
Iv.Mannl'ac.liiiinir. imtt i'u tiiii'L'
cfall kinds wmcli ho will sell ut the following low
Gentlemen's Weak.
liJurocco or vaij dlun jJoots $ 00
Cou.'Si Hints 3 25
Caarte or late oiofs i 75
Minn's Shoes $2 lo 2 25
Morocco Slippers
JjAdfes' Weaii.
Morocco or ( u f A.;i Lace Loots 1 50
Tiirk S,ie French 'J'ies I 25
I'iniins Siiiings or French 1 12
OtI.rr kinds of Slippers 75 cents to I 00
i. I). The nlnve are all own Manufacture
and are vn :ntu to stand. 1 liavo also on hand,
a Inre of
Hastekn made Hoots and Shoes,
which I will sell at small piotits.
(louutry Merchants ami other;; who buy by the
dozen, no invited loeall and exaniinn mv goods,
33 1 e ill Je!i t i jui h it a larc re Inctinn.
.rVJu member t!in place ct the A A' II" fit)l
an 4 SH,11 Hl'ORE, lowrrmdof Main-stree
July 4 1S16
no: ronjmECiow i
Mew tinOOftlS.
13n tV. Hriulriihull
fH.Wli jusl received and are now opening u
V a xii'inliil nn'.oitiin'iit ill' now, L'lntn) mill IukIi
.i iiil'lu
ii'livtiil ivilh nrrut 1 1 1 io u to pice uml ipialily, j'l ihli. n
Supnfi'if C-oltm nml Cassiinrrrs, T M'fff.7
Chilli nil J '(in t'nishiifres fur
(jtnllnnrA'n irrnr. 1'ih'tt,
Xiliii (inl Funry
InlieH1 I)it (i )o(N. em h
CusfiincrcsJ)e LaincsJiahnrine, .aim.,
Crujic tic Imiiwh, (Jinliiuni, (tii
cacs, Muslins, c iS'c. and
IlruiJ $ Straivfioutiets Ti itnmhis
In liict a gi'iierul mill well solertoii as-sn rliiit'tit 0
Q U E K X MV A U FA 1 1 0 1 . 1 A) V W A K
lMI ill wiiu-ii limy nro mixious to hi-II clinm fur
('ash or in rxi'Iiuuge lor Counlry J'unluec liiintr
ullv. Muy 30
VJm. TJcllclvy k Co.
SWAV'fl jtirtt rcct'ivi',1 ami nmv nn iiiii(j, one o
fl. 'ho lamot and nutt exiouthe tstm-k c
(ii)inlj ever hrougtil ir.!o (Niluniliia county. Thri
issortini.'iit coiisists in part of ihe fullowing:
(reges, JJerngr. Scarp, lhizorbm, Fig
vrcil nnil p'ain d" La'um' Lawns,
Prints of al qualities, pat emu
und prices, SiilcJIerage and
Vutluii Sliawh, I'uru
toclti:s, Kid und
Si k (jovest '
Si'k and Cotton
Hose, 1'uela t llundker
chiifs ofaW kinds and a aioxl
ri, thing e'se that 1. adits may
tois.i or:inchtding a Uirge assortment of
of a superior rpiaiitv.
ClfltliH.CnssiiiiO'a, Oregon fiiimersj a new arti
cle, l'antiiloon stulIW, Tweeiis.tiamliroonn; tiiim
iner elolliH, Biitin und fancy Vestum. eraval
scarfs; ties anil variouH oilier arliclcH.
fiontlomrn mi, ,nJits UOO'J'S anil S1I0I
of cveiy Jchc'rijiliou.
.Moiasses, Loaf nml Brown Siiin, (-'oH'ce, 'IVns
apices, .ilackcrcl, coarse and lino Suit, Uramly
hum, v mi'!', inn, rvc.
Assortment includes ever ailiele and ipialit
that may be called for;
pides, Shovels Forks; Hoe,.; Axes; Hand; lil
ocil an.l croH rut Maws; l-'il, liius Screvvt
liOcks, Knives anil I'd k. f J u t tori.-; Din l.lesjiVi-.
Of all fiz"S, Unond, Mir and Iron
Cjst Steel, aii'i a avm ial .in-oi Inieni o
All of which will lie sold a liltle lower than tin
lowest; and all kinds of Ll.Mlittli und VI i)
DUt 1 taken in pay meiit.
Mry i!U 0
T A I 5.
RGSPECiTLLLY, informs the public that h
11(19 Removed Ids Shnp to Espy town
where he will always be ready, as lieietofore, ti
make any kind of clolhiiiK, at the shoz-icst imiice
and pi the best anil mo.-.! tashiiiinele hlyle. From
his lom; experience in the business, he laller-
hiinse'.l that he shall continue to Rive general nut
inf.ictioll and thereby hopes to leceive a share ol'lhi
ubhc patronage.
J;' ''articular ntt 'nlion paid t,i cutliui.
All kinds of country produce taken io iinvincnt
loj Worn.
Lspj town, May 9, 184G. tf3
Hails and Spilies.
WL-n . I'imvjuii receive;!
2tJt aim ior Fale ut tneAew .Vf,
'l(irn of
i). iitTi:in
S hereby qiven to the. subscribers of .S,,rk to 1 1
ttiHtwissa limh'p r( inntmu. that ; .V,,.,,,
and third Insliiliiu nt of live dollars each, la re
quired lobe paid to the Treasurer en or before the
1st of Aunustand hit of Keptember resiiectivelv
By Order of ihc Dourd,
J. L'LAV.K. Tr...,...-r.
July 1, teic,
ftiisshaiii Latvia,
OP new ami boutilul patterns, ju-t received at
the iew iiore.
Mav 20 '
r H P flam ami
'ii(i 71('il
jua receded at t'te A rendu Store.
.Viy .')!)
hai! w.vr;i:,
R flliOM a colli e ii, i 11 (o a file, jiisl recf;veil
Jl.1 the Aew .Stoic.
L. li. libl'UlM'
The sutiseiihcr nfTer for hale his
3 &
i 7. S S
Sum TT
1 ii
iliiiiied on llui cnn'r of Main and fiant-Hlreetn
in Hloomslnirat, i,omiiiim.i v oiiniy, i ii. hik wri
ilciil.iled for the loca ion for a Public. Ilouae o
( Fre fronl on Mainstretl,
2L I I I ' "" Fast-street,
tnd the ro id leadini; to the lllooinslmrn Kail md
Comnanv' r'iirnace. 'I'liin l.ot iswell cnl-
, 'li lted lor buildinu; upon Kusl-.treet dh well mi
lani, and liftim dilimled in the centre ol tlie Iron
Reuioii of Columliia County, is well worthy tin
iNciitinii of llie eaoitalirita.
Tor any information respecting the conditions,
ei. quite of
;AI!U:s KAhLL'R-l!leoni-.biKg,
ecembei 21)
Kail lllol
VE just received by tne Kail lioad and are
no.v opening, a splenino uoniiieui ol
Spring and Summer
NEW GOttfllS,
which, havins been selected vviih great care, tliey
can und will sell as low, if not a liltle lower,
ihau they can be purchased elsewhere in the conn
ty. Among their ustortmeut may bo lound in
A snlendid as-oitiiieiil of new and fa.diiiniable
Pr'i'ls of new Inures, liinnliarns; a new slylo of
rnss ovei Ler.'c and otner lje-a;;e-; fancy uml
licK ami white I. awns, (linham I. awns, Dclanen
if all triors und ipialiiy, black und blue black ibess
Vilks,- black hill; fierite Allaparca, ilama.4 summer
V iris, damask nook .Vltl.sliil, 'Hirse twist and Hteel
icads and rios of nssorted colors, ladies and
IcrnensUid nloves mohair t.lovea and mils, while
ainlnic llandlieii hicl.; ladies silk points, black,
landanna mid ll.'it siik andkercliief, cotton
llandVerchiel'sid'eveiy ilescriptioe. while and fan
ysilk llatidkercbiefs, MiawUof ull kinds, in slnni
iotlou andl.ineu (ioods of (.very description loi
Ladies' wear, Mil;, f'n't'iu and Worsted II. ise I'm
nen ami wniiii'ii Ladies' shell combs
)'roaih bths of nil cnlorsam1 rpialily, ".iattinclts
!assiineies, fancy summer ( 'asoimcrcs, s x 'juaz-tei
oat Tweed, Nankins, fMiecks, black Tallin ami
illier summer Vcsmiius of eveiy description: i.nicj
Scarfs ai d ('mvats of nil qualities, bleached anil
mbleacbed Mti-lim, rrnluei'.us aie1 Parasols, I.e
i irn and palm leaf Hats. A cpiaulity of caijief
Lump and brown Sugar, Molasses, llolli e.Teas
if all kinds, (iinir-''; Alspiee Pepper, N jlmei; ivc.
!)ar lla;). t'andles.i oarse nml line Salt, sperm urn!
tl.-ll Oil, an ustorliiicn of the best (jualily of
'irnndv, fi in , I'um, ll irrcs. c. piri ba-cd ex
pres' lv to supply Tavern keepers, who Hie pait:c
nlalv reipie -ted to rail and examine quality and
iz-iccs before pun hasiiiK eisewhi ic.
A splendid assuitiiir 111 ol
',,y the Pea Met or piece to suit customers.
Consist!!!? in p.irt of k'dves nml f,rks, bulls a,ul
icrews; i;iml es, augurs, ebis.-els, kiiw, lea ami
other kettles, iVe. iVe. and an assortment of
Also all assortment of
HATS and caps,
In fact they can furnish ilu ir cusloim rswith ev
ery article usually kept in cuun'iy slnre. and bcii-e
determined to do business r'j.t, 1 lu y cm and wil
make it the iuteic.l of the j eople tc trade will
tJ ' Enmhcr and all kinds of conn
try produce taken in payment for
(inniN. 11 51 if
I'ie Estate of 1S.LIC KLISE late ofUr
angc township, dcccuscd
NOTICE is hereby piven that letters of
administration on the above mentioned E
lam have this day been granted lo the sub'
sciiber. All persons indebted lo said ( f
lite are hereby noiiliad lo make icnncdi
ite payment, and all those liavinu claims re
rripiested to prisent them propcily aulhen
ncated, to
MARY KLINE, Administratrix,
II i RAM R KLINE. Adininisiratoi
Orange township, .May 2(5, 1810 OwO,
4. Farsia
1 M.
subscriber will sell at Public Sale on tin
premises, en
Titeiday the. 7ith vf Svptemher next,
at io o loca in tl.e lor, noon, Ins ..m, .situated
partly in I'limklin township, Lycoming county !
andpailly in .Madison t.iwn.diiji, L'oluao.ia cvuil, 'j
iv. ( ont.liiu' ll'i acres. n!ioio :m r ..!.;. I.. 1
are imniovi'd. I'ton liie or,.'i:i.-.e i...,i, l -
li.u i- ui.d barn and u ('o.d ; pie orchard
Al.f .( il i. .,....! ..f .
' v ""l ": oi, oil''
aemi, rivo cow-', sevi ii vijccp, l!irc, iiojrs, seve-
1 ' Invi's ol bee.-; bay, oat.-, bm l.n 1 ami u
tity of h.iii.-eliold and L'li lien Ibrnaiine.
s.Viwu Kociib'i:.
Au-iist 27
TJIli Hiiliscriber infornm the public, that he is
able to euro ull kinds of (,'uui eis und eradicate
Warn ud l.'orns with very little pain ami in a
dioittiine. lie refer to several respectabli! fit i -
.cub in his nei;liooillood, nui li as iSuirioel llcsi,
VV'illiiiiil Kile and others, llnl lias been siieressl'ul
ill jevcral instance and is not liunilinniiiH as is
too frequently the aumiiK ipincks. lie win
ruatace'tain cure in any ejse he uudmUken or no
I"1)'1 . . .
rr fWarls, &c. on cattle and other animals are
ilso cured by the mihscribcr who resides in Mount
I'leasunt township on the main road leading from
Ylillvillulo Itloomliori;, about I J miles Ironi r n-i-
liek Miller a 1 avern where persons aie invili'd to
May niMSUi-lyf
A snlendiil assortment of I.anies' iounets
& IK ad L) ress.Arlilieial t'lowers, Uibbons, A,c
vuiy cheap, al the lii!il-.Srect New Sme by
A. 15. KNABU VOo.
hljsJ'IWg foii l) Eli." '
lies of !:i.isti:i j (.vilcr
nf the best ouality, just received bv
Deeenibcr 5
ffpl'II' subscriber respectfully informs the public
H that lie has opened a shop, on Main-rtreet,
neu'ly opiosite (May Ion's Tuvcrn, in llloonibur,
where ho intends carry innon the ubovu iuniue;;s,
in all its various branches.
of everv desrription, will be kept no band for sale
at Vji01.i:.Vl,J-: or liK TAII..
sm:i:r iron'
Manufactured into anv form required,
of nil sizes kejit cii.slaiit!y on bam'. Stoves fmi.-h
cd to older.
IJeir.'j; determined to do husinesH in the rit;hl
way, ho revests all lo call upon him before they
iiiri liase el.iewheie, as he will fmuilh ull arlicle.-
in his line ua cheap as they can be purchased in
the county.
D. J. LI EC.
September 20, 1815 ly32
Chair r.2anu factor 57
TH E Bubicribcr continues to curry 01
nn ir m niifacto;?io
btiFiiicsM at the old sland of lb ft S. Han't
ouch, wlirrn be wi'l Ire renilv al all liinn
to furnish Eanev & Windsor ( Hiaii , Set
tecs, IListnii Rocking Chairs &, of ev.rt
leseription, which mav be called for. at
short notice and on the mnit icat-onablr
' pr nis . I'e will also execute House, Nirrit tv
t trtiarnental I'aintinrr, und House rapenn;.'.
in a superior manner,
From h'n experience in the bnsiii("i-.niil
bi faeiliiies of nianufaeiurinif the vnrinn
articles ol Ins line, l,e H itlers htinsel thai
he shall be able to furnish as good u orl.
and iipnn as reasonable terms as can hi
done in llie entitilrv, all of w hich hr wil
dispoP nf for CASH or COUNTRY
N. IL Orders from a distance will br
strictly 111.1! punetnall V allended In.
ir7M ARE WAY FOR T!ln,rj
rfj'i" subscribers lake this methml of infurm
S ins their IVIcnds and ttin pu! lie generally
bill Ihev are now opening I hp second -nuplv o'
prill'! floods, to which Ihcv would hmmI respccl
ioMv invite the attention of those u ha are in want
of Xew ami (.'heap (Ioods, cnnnisiipc; in j tlit of
Cloths, ( 'assi meres. Salt inels resting
.if '.merican, 'rench arid Knt;li.-h I'abrics.
Coaling idkI Panliiloont Strfi's,
a vc y superior nrticle nf Tweed ('bitbs and t'as.-i-mercs.
Anida Oasinieres. l)-illimr; (I nun:-
Vc. ,c. Colt"o 'uiilaloou StiiHV nf cier v.niclv
mil of ihe hum desiia'de les.
cimpiisiu i very variety of st ,. mt prices frole
I.) cents.
New nlylo of Trench Lawm, a sj.hmdid inliclc el
....... -I.I.. M,,.,.. ,i i i . ...
" lun. nun summer l u. liincrcs
( &c
itnon- t which mav be lound a hand-ome iiiticlo c
lierayej Picknic; .'.Inn-bioc anil M'l.iia I Mi.nvls
IJarred, striped and , .In(,,,;H, ,.,, , '.,;,
Mushus. I.aee, Mu-,ns. book. i,:,d ,,,,,1 Swif.
Musbr, L'lshop Lawn, curiam Muslin, &c.
I.rown and lileuihed Muslins frn,
i '' m,ls l"'r yard. 1,1, ached ami un
leached J ,,,, Jiiaper, collon 1 ).ni;.burv, .ic.
Toelher with a full ns,orlnienl f
Grrcerir., Spin s, Hufdwiiac and Cut
lay, Quern ware. JJmgs, Jlouts
and Si rv.
md in fact every a.-licle usually kent in Country
T ejuiblic ccnerally are invited to call and rv.
unine (heir slock before purclia.-im elsewhc,,.
I haul. lul lor past favors, they themselves
j1")1' ''' generous public.
.... i ..1..-IMII.H , niisuicss lo meiit Ilu: nahmi-
M 'o 2:).
- r. ,
A. P,. KNABU & Co
All kind
i of I.ninl'rT, d'raip
taken in Uxcli:;::",'
i '.';,
t) (.'S'P received al the M'.W ST'ihi:
May "0
UL.U'kMMiTiuv; i:sr.iti.isiiMi:NT
1 i it c A; Siht rdiorn.
THE uudt!i'9iiiied haviiijr laken tlio bliop
ike,, , lie .hop
lormerly iwiMipiid by Alarflial
iiinHi rerpti -1 1 nl I y inloriiKi tl
. .tnlly ..ilonn- the public 'l'11
lo carry on the ahum branch of,
d will al ull linn a he reml to do
e bmicr tin. I chi aier th in any
)hinenl in the pla:e, aiiil they
ittt attctitiiMi iii tiuHiifk lo aicrit
toil Of llll! pllbiie, pallnlliiU
i ol country proilucii takui in;
r work & me nul refui-il
ihey iiiieinl to carry on the ahum hiancli of
tiuniii n ami will at ull turn a be red to do
work a liule better tiliil cheaper than any
ither esialil)
nope by bit if
aro; portion
All kinds
I5looinsburi E. Ii, til, 181044
3aAEIEiiJ0 VAE2 5).
Til E busi "m will bo contioiii ri ,y tl
oitisi rtticr al the old .-landj vtbeiu ma) I
ie had at al; inu H.
MOXUMEM V. 'i)Mn-r.lULi
STO,ES, Ml LEE I IS, &r.
ir any oilier Work in I .h line, lie is
iIho prepared lo I Tin-, WINDOW L'Ai
md KILLS, )OUi : ILLS and STIR'S,
&i: eil'icr of Ala ie, l.iine or anv kind ol
loiie that can be ;irn. nred in ibis nciei'v.
(1 ' Ha vma I''"' "" -i'lerable '; it i.ei
in llie husuit-M, ! j il'r, li! in ik li
lm executed in a: hi," ,'inue a -' 1 ir ; i ;.
lie lurriished Irom i.hv v;,nl eiii.i r m n
niy or emnur' ; : f. t on as rear i: ; l.'c 1 r n f
El'll l d AKV.STROMi
Lloonihlinio, f.i.v. ::, lhlM. '.(I
n" '(,iVC tu ' fn the public, that
Jjjhe is prep ,r il i,. iinl(! io all the oper
ations in di-iuisuy, hoi has reuioiiii!;
The. 'Tartar uu-l ulhn foreign Huh
si duces.
From the teeth, t ndc-ing them clean, ami
he guoii and breath sweti and healthy.
The cavitici vf Decayed Tnlh
Will ho dressed out -.A i,ud with Gold
r oiher lull; of the li.n m qimlny, as tbe
ise may rcijuire, uliich will "(reneniU
prevent their aching or fuiiber decay, unil
i' inh r ibein u.velnl lor jeait; and in w .,
cases liuriiifj i;
Teeth und Slumps vf Teeth
Which have bcome uselese oi trotiblesotne
"'ill be extracted in the muut careltil man
uer, with ihe latest and best improved in--truinriits.
Porccliuin Tee tit,
Dfihe best f j i.i .ilu y and Ian m iriiproveinent.
n!l l u iiiser'.nl mi pi vol, or (in ennneeiioi
with Dr. Vuilerch imp, with whom be -, j;
; Hi riifliip in ph,:e work) on Gold plan ,
.mm a siiijjle tooth to a whole set, lo look
.s well as ihe natural, and warranted li
uisiver all iho useful and oinaineiilnl pi.r
(loses proioed by the ait.
In shurt.every opcruiiou beloncing lo tin
profession, will hi pelnrmed in the best
oaiiner. wiili chotsesi material, and al the
shortest notice- He therefore bopo-, ,j
strict atteniltill to business, to ohia:n ai-hnr'i
of public patronape. Any person cr pn-
sons h ish in rv any of ihe above operatioi.
;n rl'oimed, are respectfully requested ir
ive him a cull,
N. 15 The public are hrreby li formed
that we ihe subscribers have entered iuto i;
special I'artneiship n I itiir only to plaie
work as it is more em venom b'ir rneh to
ilienil to l!ie othi r br. iichi s of ihe snenc
ii his own account.
A. Y.! LERCf'A MP.
Mount I'lea-'anl, No 8:h. 1 8 i 5 .Mo,.
M'lli: Peldic arc her
but we hive lately enten
lie abnve liosiuess al the !
upir.l hy A, oscn ( 'oll'in;
In- new store, where we
c'oc named bii.ine-s in
pledge ou;-M'p.cs that Wm!
ic ciccuted in as neat am
and on as reasonable li rm
oilier shop ill this place.
Ii'ict atlenlinii to bu.-ine-i.
due pioporiioo of public
r"'e!fu'ly iiil'ormci
I iiiln (.' li
r'ek Sh,.),. f','!'l!,c,v nc-
on M.iiu-strcct, below
oi'cnd lo ca.-iy mi i!,,
M il blanches. V,
done ut this simp slmli
' woikimmiike mioinci.
.-. can ii iione at any
' e llicrebro hope h
to meiii and ieceie a
M'onii o',
April 25,
X. Jl.
S HQ RISC done at th
it re-
lured price, of Qtu. g2)0a
i-.;;.v toid tjtiick return our met to.
Cc:Urc cf Gravity.
Till: snbscribers resp(V' fully inform the eili-
.ens oi !;ioms,;ur-and vicinity, that they have lo-
''an il llnaiHC Ives in T ... i....'- V wi. ..
,, . , , 7, " " 'nop, in
.l.'r;i. tin, ,!ni,rs tutuw li. :,;rr .17.,.-. ;
Mm-hil , IJ,,msb' ., where they will l.
n , luiiiiii in, nam . r, u v ).
tlio.-e win, nuv ilVi)r tin - i
wink will i,e ilom in ihe I,,i, -i
"'lib a call
i nt ir.
Inns! nnori.e'.i
in nearness anil elc io I n. , .;...,..
i i .
rem Ibeii bo,., cxiiciicne, m Iho 1.,,., .1 i
themselves thai ,,ej, w,k will , . L ,, .!'
"at mean be done elsew w , .. All ,,,. ;, . , .
ill llieir can- w nrrai.te.l in i,i
CliTTlMa ''one on t'.e slimiest notice nml
. u ranled to lit it properly i, ,dc up
Aiav 2. IS if, - 2t I
x i!.n)r.rnv PKoni.cj:, , tIl(.n,;llko
I"1"'' v-i' ' Liken i-i exrhimce for wmk
A.1 Jj Ct
.-nrerior si tk Ic of rx... J ;11 , 2
M A Mi.
i.i'iel, ut
!i K-kkl.S.. iv l ie !'i,ri l , li
il,,. c'-lw ... I ;.,i.i . -v-
rs course is osh'i::d.
- MfoJi
r 'pTT'!.';'' K '" v ll ft
X yf''hR "KJ?!f 5
".-iV .;, .-id U "i VfS S
t ''VL,(ik-:f J .-'i yi'( :
& T'rV ?
X) f qT-jp. "
is ff &'?,
4 f" f
feUi-SffRiliti '
il has been the demand for J-Ikci's
.i"iii,'ii nr All lli'.ilin,' ani, io d il has
.ir en i in h general satisiai tiou to llm.-e who have
u-.ed it and become, ai ijiiuiiited wiih its ii t ues tha'.
H now stand prc-nninent us a remedy in l)i. cases
i1 the l.iinj.i, ii i . 1 1 the le.ti iiioi y which has been
.'iveii by nill'ereiit pcrs,.n who have been i nred by
t is allofcilicr vnluulaiy mi their pint. M hi y bavo
;. iviu it in the hope that oil who may find iIimii-i Iws
in in d of Ihis remedy may apply for it wilhuut du-
Peil the foil.iwini; htler reciivrd bom the Pev
li Mun.eall, Pasliir of M .lade's Cp-copal Pico
( 'Lurch. Mr H. bus not orly ii'ed 'he mei'iciiia
him-elf lint has w itrie?. cd it- c "i i ts in sev eial vi ay
t'yiiii; cu i's nfili.casc. M l.e letter Will show hi
opii.ii. n of its virtues.
In nr .Sir : IU !i vin it to be but an act of com
n,o i h. Inanity to tboa Milii nun under the various
ilisi "f CoOL'hs, (.'olds, lloiUseiirss, (.'unsl,li:.
.ion, A'lbma, ic. to point llieni to a safe, speniy
and i.idiial n i.iiily, 1 lasc pleasure in beaiin my
ti t.mciiv lo your invaiuuble mi iticinc called (Jlo..a
un'nin or All llinlin'r l' d.-am. Of its eHicacy I
( ao-pMik lii'l fri'lii li.y n n expeiieiiee. Heinir
..iibjeel exposure iiit i.rlos to the vui id
hub s of our cliunite to ln ipii nt attacks nf Influen
za, llo ir.-ene.-s A c, I have aiwa y hamil il to alVonl
.hiiost instill. lam'.. (is, and always by pi O'evernnco
in its u.-e, i lleclual lelu f. 'I n u piTlicular friend
of mine mllerim,' severely utircr Achilla, and who
had ib spaiicil iA obtainint; relief In in any human
source, upon my recommcmiatioii wns indiiccd to
njve tie ( !losaoni.i' a liial and he pronounced the
effect priaiui'id upon biln u erli el biolii ull'iiiiliiirf
iiim immediate and almuit iiislanluncous relief, In
another instimcc I lecMiimceili'd it to alunalo
IVIem1 fir ad anceil in ( 'mlimptiet'. A flei the u::o
of Ihe first bottle her coiii-h was ti.lirtdy renmved
and her ippetil- and ftrer-th rcsteri ii to s.ich a
di'Kiee as ! -U ni: h all v. bo saw her- Willi a
ban; chcihhcd and liiinly e.-labl.tbcd prejudice a
u iin-t the tlioiisiiiul and one specifics put firth io
'!ie.,e ib.ys us ... re;;.'n panaceas I'm all disc-use, I
iv-ii'c villi that m.thii:;;."h"rl id'inv linn conviciioii
of die claims ol'v'iui niedicine lo an orieiu so ro
. ectable, and to the ctli cl- o! il ns herein cpitilicd;
hoih bv mv ow ii e pcricncc ami ohsc r alion, I
i niilil not hae been induced thus to come forward
as a witness in ils behalf. 1 have the honor to be,
sir, rcccllmlv veins, P. (.': !!!I.ILAI.I..
Hurt' you a Cough,
w I.i. !i !s Inm'dc.ioii e and has not yielded to any
id the icmedies v bich ) oil b.ave i;;cd ! Is it tl t
oiidcd iMlb pain ii the side, dIioi Incs of breath,
lliill BWl'lltsl
,) you Jiiic Eood
w hen you eo'!;h end Ib-cl your f-lrcni::h c,' ..dually
lailiuc ! Von will thai l!ue s! not
piopeily atlct.ded lo will lermiua'.e 'n eonsumptioii
mil i rath. Are you iioui wall that ui.itrcssing
coinp!a:i l
which deptives vou of your rest at night and ren
ders life buithcnsouie.
Hire is he Wemedy,
Remember the name uml place v here it is to be
ohluineii and do not be put ell' with eey olbei. It
has produced a cure in asih spc ute cases as vulirs)
may up; i in to be, and doubtless w il! put lo llibt
in a "peedy iniiniicr iho.c sympioms
whic-h iill your liiii.d wiih gloomy f.m botjlh-s of
llie future.
.? Healing Properties
lo not deceive. MMie thr.rt dry coi!;.b is- cjuickly
overcome and cany and heallliv expei teration
its place. t-'p:tlin: of blood is immcliately cbeck
c t. .k;ht ,:wcan with p iinin the side and sliest,
ib'l.ilily and dif.iculty of bieal,'in yield ill n short
time. As lm i w it'l all ils dreadful acc. an an in an I.i
is at once x lieved. A'roni hills nml in f.icl all the
ds. eie cs of the throat and I inn. uive way la lino
ibis remedy when all other means have failed.
Pc'sons may ntli nipt lo deer ivc you with seme
other ici ly, 'ioiioiiiicii.n il to I c eipially as good
but remember life is nt slake, iherefoiu
lie not Deceived.
Theabnya medicine for side by the followinrr
II. P. but. U'oi nisbuiQ;. V. I Waller oi ('
'erwie1;; IP oi .1, l,ii?arus. I lianecville ; Levi Pi-
el, .Jersey town ; i)
llaiily, Callawi.-sa.
V .MclJiide, While Hall ; S;
-"arc House.
Would respei tfidly infoim the
' has taken the sb ip lately ee
.:l:y. near the upper end of
ic is cairy ins on the
rnin: sub-dibe
U I '; '''". I
cu'i'd I y 'iini!i, I
llooni'dnir':, w In re
in all its various branches, uml where he will bo
h ippy o wait upon ull dm.-e w ho muy f.i or him
with their cu .uim. His I'urniuiie is ai ranted Id
be inaiie of t;ood mateiial und durable, und ho in
lend ' keeping on baud
Sideboards. Secretaries , Jhi rca its,
ll'ardrohcs. Curd Tuldes, Biniit"
Tuht s. Rreul.fusl Tables,
Cudioards. Stands, U'ush
Elands, Redsfeads,
Collins. &-c.
ami ail kinds of work in his li
IK', which hr n ii. c't
.... i . . I. '
j o ii-s le.isonaa m icr.'ns nj n v .
,i s ,
i n lernu n - ll..nt ..... i... . . . t
la .1
n.. -'.. .. ..
., ' .. ..V" "n I'!" ' l'"n ,1C ''"P"
t o re-
" i'm""' I'atronofe.
April 20, 1S-13. ly 1
O'J'ICn is hrreby Riven 'but we have this dny
duly 27, lt.'lo, nurchnscd in ('nn0il.l -.,i
so,., ii, rue properly f lim t, s .'. .McPberson in
(haiit:cv,l!e. Columbia county, ihe follow iS pro-
I'Cltv. l. nop lilii.l- 1...... .. , '
", on,. Sei oi one
narneis, ami a die horse wiiffon. which
loaned lo him drinR our pleasure, ol whiclMho
public wiil take notice.
(.7;0R(;p. W. ,0TT,
P. I.AZl!,s,
', IS Hi. is
" r ""Kni-' licei .n il' ,-'ii.,
A. U. K . A li 13 & Co.
Orjiigcville, Julv