The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 19, 1846, Image 3

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WIIHKHVS, bv nn net of the C'encral
Assembly of die Cooi'iioim ealih uf IVnii
sylvanit eniiiled, 'An art relating li clec
lions of this Commonwealth, pissed th iA
day of July. A. I). ISM,' iu made the du
ly of (lie Sheriff of every county lt give
public notice of such election lo be bolden,
anil mike known, in such notice what ofli
vnti Bre to be elected: Therefore
High Stiei tO of the county of Columbia, doimi to the inspecnr iiudjudae hen called
make known, by this advertisement, to the,1"", in relation to me rigiil ul any person as
Electors of said county of Columbia, that a llicn vote at such election, 01
Cl'.NEttAl, ELECTION will be held in
ihe said couniy on
, , ,.',,, en . , ,
tff.iloy the I3f day ofOctubet next.
Mthe several districts thereof, as follows to
lllonm township, al the house of Charles
Doebler, nioomshurg.
Brian reek township, at the iohouse
in lierw'ck.
Haaver al (he house of Adam Michael.
Cattawissa township, at the house ol
Stacy Marjoretn, in the tovnship of Calta
Centre township, at the houso of John
Derry township, al ibo house of Jacob
Seii.'d, in said township.
Tishingcreek township, at the House of! i'eelcr, in said township.
Franklin township al the school house;
ne.r the house of John Mensluiit said lowu
(iieenwood township, at the house now
occupied by W- Mc Michael.
Hemlock township, at the Huckhotn.
,ackson township, at the house of J islnia
Savage in said township.
Diberty uwnship, at iho house of llogi
McEliaih, in said township.
I.iuiestcne, township (a separate i-lec iiti
district) at the Union Schaol 1 1 u s , in saol
Mahoning lownship, at the Court House
in Danville,
Mifllin township t ihe houso of Johe
Kellei, jr; in said township.
Madison lownsliip, at the house now oc
cupied by Jjhn Welliver. in Jerseyiown.
Mount l'ieasant township, a', the housi
of Frederick Miller, in said township.
Moulenr township, at the house l.'onard
Lazaru9, in said township.
Main township, at ihe houec of Ij.tia
Roairingcreek townsnin. at tbe house
now occupied by Wm Yeager, in vaid
Orange township, al ihe hou"e of fsiac
C. Johnson, in the town of Orantrenile.
Sogarloaf lotvuship, at the hutiie ol Iv
Valley lownship, at the house ritW oc
cupied by John Fox, in said township.
At which lime and place are lo be elect
ed by the frucman of the county olCuluin
Oue Pcrsn,
for Canal Commiionor,
One Person,
lor Congress.
One I'erson,
for Aseinbly,
One Person,
for Sheriff,
One Person,
for Coroner,
Ofic Person,
for Commissioner of Columbia county,
One Person,
for Auditor,
In pursuance of tin act of the Assembly
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en
titled 'An acl relating lo '.he elections of this
Commonwealth' passed the 2d day of Jul)
A. D. 1639.
Notice is herein trimi
Thai every person, except justices of
the peace who shall hold any nfliee of ap
pointment of profit or trust under the gov.
crmicnt of the United States or of this Shir
or of any city nt incorp"raied (!i-uiei.
whether a en'iimis'nned nllieer or o'hei
wise a subordinate officer or agent, who is
or shall be employed under the lejii laltve,
exeeut've or juduiary department of this
Slate nt of the United Stales, or of any city
or incorporated district. and also every meni
lier of Congress, and of the Stale Legisla
ture, and of the select or common council
of any incorporated district, is, by law, in
capable of holding or exercising at ihe same
time, the office or appointment of .I initio.
Inspector, or Clerk, of this Commonwealth
and that no inspector, Judge nr oilier offi
cer of ai,y such election, fcha'.l he eligible to
any office lo be then voted for.'
AMI the said Act of Assembly, entitled fmni volnif or lo restrain the freedom ol
'rn Ai l relating to the elections of this choice. such person on rinon lion -hll he
Commonwealth,' passed July 2il; 1839 fur fined in any sum not exeeedn u live Immi
iher provides as follow to wil; Idred i! .'Hars, and be impnsn?d loraiiv linn
That the Inspector and Judges chosen as noi less than mj nor mom than nelw
bforesa'ul shall meet at ihe respective places 'nionihs. And fit i-IihII be t-hon to thi
appointed for holding the election in the eouit here the rod ul mcli ollVnee shall
district lo which thay respectively b"long. ' ), hail ihal the . r on so olfendma was a
hffore 9 oclork in lite rnnrninc; on the 'l i reMtlenl of the city ward iJisirict or town
Tuesday of Ottnber ship where ihe said offence a i oirmuin .
in each and every year, and each of said in-Umi not entnltd to vote therein, then vn
spectois, shall appoint one deik, who shall
be a qualified voter of such district.
In case ihe person who shall have re. ,1;M, 0I1R ,011Mlll dtdlars. ami be impnsnn
ceived ilm neeotid liighcst number of theied mil less than six moiitlis nor muic thai
votes for Inspector shall not attend on ihe
tUy uf any election ihe person who (hall
have received ihe sccur.J highest number ol
votf9 for Judge at ihe next preceding elec-
lion aliall ocl as inspcclot in place, nml
in rune ttifl person who ahull have received
llio highest number of votes lor In-Hpt'i-ior
shall mil attend, ihe person elected
b Juiljji shall appoint mi I iik ppctor in hi
place, hiii in case the person elected
Jllto,e Hill I Hot HlU'lul ilii-n the liispccioi
who receive tint Inflict number of voles
shall Hppoim h Julian in hi place, and it
any vacuiey shall continue III the boiinl fin
l ie space of miii I our ader the lime fixed
by law for the opening uf the el"ciion. tin
qualified voleis of the township, ward ni
Unmet lor winch Mich ofheer shall have
been elected, present at the place of election
shall elect one of llieit number to till such
Ml shall he ihn duly of said assessor re
spec;ively, lo attend at the plat o of hohli'ie
every general, special, or township rleciion
during the whole time the said ileciioi in
Kepi open for the purpose of giving inforun
iioti oilier matters in relaiion to the asses.
menl of voters as the Haul inspectors 01
J'Ip; or eitlirr of tj,e(i, shall (ro.n time i
,jme squire.
v l"'r,,,n bo permuted to vote at
any election as almesaiU other than a while
fieenian of the go of iweiiiy-niie years or
more, w ho shall have resided in this slate
al least one year, and in the election district
where he offers lo vote at least ten days i in
mediately pieced ng such election, and viih
in I wo pod a Hate or county l;x
which shall have been aisesstd at least ten
days before election. Hut a citizen of ihe
United JStaies who lud previously been a
tiuaiiiieu voter oi this state ana icnoven
iher from and returned, and who shall Save
resided in the elerliou district end paid t in-
es as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vole, af
ter residing in this s'ate six month, I'n
videi', Tint the while freemen citizens of
die United States, between the ages ol
twenty-one and twenty-two, and havmu re
sided in this state 0,K YEAR, and in the
election district TL2N DAYS, a aforesaid
shall be entitled to vote, although they shall
not have paid taxes.
'iti peisnn shall be admitted to vote
whoso name is not contained in the list of
taxable inhabitants furnished by the com
'iiKsioners as aforesaid unless. Eirsl he
(iroduces a receipt for the pijineut within
wo years, of a state or county lax, assess
ed atireeahly lo the constitution, and give
s itisl'ac'.ory evidence, l iiher on his on
oath or allirmuiioe, or an oath ud allinna-
ion of another, tlut ho has paid such tax
or on failure to produce a receipt, shah
nake oath lo t'ie pjymeril thcreaf, Sec
ond if he claims a r'ghl to vole by being nn
lector between tlie ages of tweiiiy one niu'
iwe iiy-two years, he shall depose on oiih
ir p fR .-motion, that tin has resided in the
state ul least one year, next before his a;
plication, and make such proof of tesideuce
in trie district as is required by ibis act, end
ilm he does verily believe, from the ac
counts given him, that he is of the aga a-
fori.d, and give such other evidence ac
is required by this act. V hereupon tl,i
name of the person so admitted to vote,
iliall be inserted in the alphabetical list b
ilio inspectors, and a note made opposite
thereto by wiitiog the word tax1 if he
be admitted lo vote by reason of having
paid a tax, or the word 'age' if he should be
idmitled to vote on account of his Hge, ami
hi ciiher casi1, the reason of such vnie shal
he called out lo li e cleiks who shall make
the like mtes kept by them.
In all eases where the name of the per
son claiming to vole is not found on ihe fi-o
'urnished by the commissioners and asses
oirs, or his right to vote whether found
thereon or not is objected to by any qualifi
ed citizen, it sh; II be the duty of the in
spectors lo examine such poison on oath as
.0 his qualifications, an 'J il lie claims to hate
resided within ihe statu for one year or
more. Ins oath shall le Millii'irnl iironi
hereof, bnl he shal! make roof by ;ii easi
me com peienl wiines', who shil he
iialilied elector, that he has icsidt d within
the district for more than tin days nexl im
mediatel) proceeding said election, ami dImi
nitisclf swear that his bonafide residence in
piirsmnce of his lawful calling, is within
the district and that he did not remove into
said district, for ihe purpose of voting
'livery person qualified as aforesaid, and
who shall make (J tin proof if n q"ired of I, is
residence and pavnur, l of rxec, ae sifoie.
,d. shall be admntedlo vote.,, the dislric,
ill which he shail reside.
'It any person shall prevent or attempt
or prevent any t llicer ol an elections m.der
Ins act from holding such eh c i i n t, f , o r use or
threaten any violincc lo any oflicer or shall
interrupt or improperly interfere unit
in the execution of his duly, or shall block
up or attempt lo Muck up ihe window oi
the avenue lo any window u lit re the suite
may he bidden or sh-ill riotously disturb the
peace at such election, or shall use or prac
tice any intimidating threats, force or iii
lenco w lib design? to influence i.mlulv oi
overawe any election, or lo prevent him
conviction, be shall be ffiiteimd to
fine not le.-s than one hur.ilnd mr
two years.
'li any person or persons shall make anv '
het or waiter upon ihe roulitif any eieciioi.l
wiiluii, Ihii Luiiiinuiiwcal.h or shall cll'u
In malo any such bet or wager, oillinr b
veibal proclamation thereof or by any writ
ten or printed advertisements, challenge or
wgoi, up in con fiction thereof he or they
shall forfeit And pay three ti.rjcs the autoum
io bet or offered to be bet.
'If any person shall vote at mori than
me election district or oihorwiie fraudu
lently vote more than oneo on the same diy
or shall fraudulently fold and deliver lo the
inspectors two liekeis together with the in.
cut lo illegally voin or shall vole the sarin
it il any shall ml vise nr pioeure toother so,
hi do, he or ihey so offi-niling shall on eon
vieiion he liiied in any sum noi less than
lifty nor more ihin livo hundred, dollars,
md bo imprisoned for any term not less
tli 'ii three nor mom than twelve monihs,
If any person noi qualified lo vote in
this commonwealth n'rceably lo law fex-
e;t the sons ol q u tl i u d citizens) shall ap
pear al any pbtce of election lor Hie purpose
of issuing tickets, or of influencing the citi
zens qtialilied lo vote, he shall on conviction
I'or.'eit and pay any sum not exceeding one
hundred dollars f u every such oflence and
be unprisonod for my term not exceeding
ilirce months.
The Judgeu am to make their retnrns for
the county of Co umhia hi 'he Court House
in Danville on Friday the 10 h day ol'Octo
ber, A. 1). 1810.
Cud sate 'I e Common wealth
I RAM i F, It.'; Sheriff.
m:niFF s Un ici:; Dniville,
Se()ieml)er, 19-1810.
ORE TROOfVI-.TIic Cry is still Tlicv
Coiili !' Kvcry m til liiinys tiiliii(.;.s of llieir
slice, ss. r rum h.ast to lint remutest West Iruni
f'.iiiinl:! on the North, to Mexico and the IV'iMt In-
Jii's no all unaninious in their praise.
Ufa medicine o uuiversully known and esteemed
Weight's Indian Vegetable Pills.
it i hardly naceswiry to speak in detail. At no
period of its history has ihe rcititalion "filial med
icine Klooil higher, nod we may say that no repu
taliiii is likely Id he more enduring. Adapted to
ul 1 constitutions, to eveiy form of disease, uinl t,
all climates, W'rilit's Indian Vegetable fills are,
ah.ivti every other medicine, lilted lor the use ol
man under whatever circumstances he may ho phi.
ci-tj. At sea or on land, nt home or ubioad, in sum.
mcr's heat und winter's cold, with a common re.
train lo mo cuiiuitions ol liealtli; uml iviani 'yltt
iiulian Vegi'talilo l'ills at hand, there i-'M f-cust '
lor heiui; sit-ii, unices the coiiatitutiou ho utterly j.
,1s oiirolijccr is lo state where the centime med
icine can lie obtained, rather linn to give it an ex
tended uolito which our limits I'm hid wo i-li.ili
merely suhjoin one or two of the numerous lesli
iil'iuials thai have ji,st tunc to hand. Hundreds
of the sain'! kind mighl he added; hut vvc art) sure
lllfi public will save us ihe troulilt: ol' uiiaiiliig
(I.x tract of a letter fnim Ilcriidiidin Mississippi
'To V. Wright Vour Pills huvegiven uuivci-ulii-l
action, und uie justly very populai. I can
ell lioin '30 to ill) dozen aniiuilly it 1 could be sim-
i ours, VV m. IIi'.Mir .Ioiinsox, Agcnl. '
It i til tt here 'o he reiiiiukeil I hit Ihi: ineditiiic
nas hi en but recently introduced into .li-.Hsiij,i.
( ICslract of a letter Ciom Jersey Shmc, I'con )
'I he Imliuii Vegetable I'ills cvell t veiyihing of
hi! kinil ever tillei-'il to Ihe public ill this see iunnl
.he ciiunti'y, iiotwilhslaiKling llic eoniliiin d 1 1 it of
nine lew unjn ineiil,cl Imncciia.les lo out lliein
S, Wl NCIIh.sThli Sox.
The following highly respecublo stoir
cfpers luvu been i.jipoinitd agents lor the
sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Tills in
Columbia Cun:nj ;
II. 1'. Ualdy-Panvife
Sieven I'a'dy ChI an iss.i
Cyrus IS irton Kspyiowu
Hrown tt Craesy M I'll abug
Ahiaham Miller l!cr ick
(i. II. Fowler liriaiereik
Win f'tvvciihoven Orangtulle
(Jeoioe Masieis MiUillo
Levi licisel Jrrseyiuon
Levers it Sons Columbia Fxi hangi'
Uoberi .McCay. 'V ashiiigiimvillu
(ico'ge Weaver Hloomsburg
I ighl Sired Iron Co Light S icet
Low Si Thompson Lime Kulje
11. (.'. Frcas lltiarcreek
Flias W'erlinau Uoharsbnrg
K 1. Welliver Greenwood
F. & J, l.aarut Oraii(;enllo
Hugh .Mc W riiaius Moorsiburg
The popnlariiy of V IJUMIT'S M).. W.Vr
H r,l!liK I'll.l.S has proved a sluing bail to un
ii':nc iplul wins il by lb".' hope el' gain; ul
hliiit to jialm t If a spuiinus uilielet li ll.e uiisUs
peeling. J'o i!i h at Ihe wiektd designs of such men
WTt !'Z ?'u i:u: u ' V,'
;i; rtii .mi d
:.fii !-(;. A
Till'. TiU
i ? I :7.uC ;
1 LAIiLl. til'
'.lli.A, i.nj I.
Vi:li i-i'ii I I I.i.- ;'. fii.-y
inl't r. the ei:l ,m iL'ii'iil :n ,1 reniiuic l
!iii.. .; rn.i..-s h.oe ihe wait
I .. MC 'J'l'7ti; Ul'' U AK.MT uiiilii
li p lal t I of tai h hex .
I 'Hiees i!i oe,l ext lutivelv lo the s i!i' ol W iiehi':
li:il:.iu V. . lahle Tills, w )(.!li.ile ami leiinl.
A at f si hi t I Inlioli Ipliliii .S t,ie, own It itieel.
.New V nk anil HI'I Tit iiioiil stinl, liu.tou,
-I', 19 is'l'j
House and Lot Tor Sale
II H "Mih.-t lib' r t.fl'cis foi sale bis
. xxousr;
Vi Sif'irt -r i ii rui'c Limn
'l-i I ' 1 1 . ' li .-in;i.
153 AMI LOT.
aiuuled in the fhmilshinu village fit l.ijjh'.-lirrt, in
Hlrem lo rihip. It is t mini Miu iimn lor u'lVibir,
beiet; in ihp imtni'ih.itc viriiniy of tfvrral Furna
ces. The properly will he sold en rra -.I'tnible
leni,.-; If, 11 C'L'I'Jl li UHT
Lililslri el, ."-ej tember 1 'J '
fty 1ST received ul the NCW S'M::
L U KlT'EU r.
M..V :jo
mj i: it rv a it i ii v i in.
We tiro auihonzed lo announco
as a candid ilc for the oflice ol Shcrill al iIk general t'leciuiii'
''otc F.lectorn of Cat umhia County.
Fellow Citizkkm: Anlm ,,t;,-ii-,i;,, i
my lllemls 1 liavo brit n illiluiud i oiler
juii us a uiiiiuiudie mr in e t'lln e o
...if i. i . .. i . ...
al the ensuing election. Should I Se so for
lunate at lo receive a m; i,uiiv i,f tour ni.
rages, I pledge myself to peiform liie duiita
.1 .... I .11! . .. ..... 1
ui B'liu uiuce with ii leiny
Epe)town, Sept. 12, 1810.
We arc oulhoiiscd to uimounce
of Centre townshio. ns a ,mi:,l. r. o,., .,o-,.... m
wl. .... . .. '.' "
uurm ui me ensuiiiji October election.
W'e are auihoriscd to announco
J A CO 15 LYi :U.
of CaltawirtsH. ns n ,. .,.,i;.i .... f.,r tl, ..M'.,-o
ilfat th ensuing Octobt r election.
To the gnod citizen' of the County f Co
lumbia. it-..: i . i ! . i t , .
ihiviut; neen soncneu tiy a niiutiier ol tlie voteis
ul the county of Columbia, the undersigned once
more oilers lumsell us u
Candidate for the Office of Sheriff,
al the next annual election, houlil he he so for-
lunate us to receive a imjority of your suffrages
ue pledges himself to execute the duties of lliu of
lice with fidelity.
,1aIioniiiir. August 22.
To the Free und Independent Elector
(f Col urn bia Cmi n .
OlvillL'to the llivehl solieilaliiiii nl ii i V nninei.
oua Irieiid.s, I lutve been iinluceil lo oiler myself us a
Cundidute fur the Office if Sheriff
if Columbia County. Should my fellow cilizen.
iy their sull'ragej oiacc mc in said i llice, I pledge
myself to perform the duties of the a.tmu wuh bu
munity ami imparlialily .
Vo the Independent Electors if Co
liiiiibia Cufffty,
Fellow Citizens The sub'ciibet,
it tlie solicilahoii of many friends, a n -loinicts
Ins in tt n I ion of being, a
Cand duefvr the office of ShcriS-
at the ensuing election. If elected In
pledges himself lo act wilhslriel fidelity
and impai liali'y Hi ll.e ixccti ion ol the
dotics ol baid olficp.
i'-p) town, Aogusi S, lfsfli.
7 'o Ihe free Imlt pendent UltOors of Co
linnbin eoioi'y.
Fri.i.ow CrnKNs. Ily the solisitatioi
of a cumber of mv friend 1 have been in
duced to offer mvself as a cai'ilidate for Ho
illico of S1I F.lvl I''F of Coliimbi a couniy m
die next general Election. Should he si
fortunate as lo receive a majority of your
volts I pledge mysef lo pcifonn the dutio
if sail, oflice to the best of my ability, with
'ui inanity.
15 i:j.m IN 1 1.7V MAN
Orange township July 2)11 I H 1 (.
si ltl'lll'OH .'MW CO.yi'l !'.. t hi;.
;i.,)().lsf;i.i;i;, r.,.
riiii i!i ami ;ro n
.WIND or.itcil bmiseliin '''"orn-hurc. len
ders his iirofessieli.'il n'rvic1'9 'o ihe public
Ilc may be consulted nl nil lin es rtt Ids i die i
William Kobison's. oppocite Doeblci's Hotel.
August 2(1, 18 Hi 18
ESkMi's::: tha i:vi:k.
rBllll'' ub'-ciilit lias jti-1 received a new ,nj..
I ply ft
Hvy tiritvvr'H's, r.
.electi d with ere. t cue limn lie' lii -l lou iii m.irlii-l
lor the lull Irrt e,consi:tlinK "t the .1 fashimial'li
(Jintrhnm Liwns. lie I, ants, d tni'lianis.
and Trill's.
Cloths, Cas,imeie.s, Vtsliugs, Sir.
Alcoii fii-h i'ip!y tf
of the newest style for fill. AL-o a new lot of
11 tjniiuj oil" still lower than lliose otheis which
pun liai-ets say v.ero p.isiuveiy Hie clic,ipel in Hit
couniy. l.i.OiiOi; WliAVEIJ.
A ()il.OW WAIU'!
fvi. such as Ki t les, r,i... fioileis, Tea Kettles.
Spiders, I ake firi.ldlcs, Ac- AV-o Large inn!
small Wsitsmi Hdum, lioin ihe Ihuulle .'agli
Wtiiks. j'isi received nud fur a!o by
December "ll
rr.xri ,,,t uri r miii
cciud und fir s dc al the New Store.
L. D. KlT.'ltT.
R AVM justopensd u M''W M'I'OKi: in I-:
Ifl I'ytowil, niiosili! Ihe ChiiiiI llasin, vi lion
l ...... ..
1 on. r to iilOJtt WHO w oil li! III. 1 t lll,,
i gam-ral nml well ncleclml .issorlmoat of 1 I,' If.
t'lIftXIHSK. including
Dry Goods, Groceries,
liarawarc, Quccns
warc, Shoes, &c.
oiilsll the usual variety kept in rounlrv
vuol which ihev will s.ll ,.!,.. t .
satisfuctorv terms fo, "s"'
on;7 respectfully soliei.H s,,. (- (,
(V.V7IN and lA'MIirii ,..:, ,..
token at the Market finis.
Ugust 1810. lbly
1MB subscriber ..(I'crs for sale his IVm silua
ti ll III ( ireenii',.. ,i i,,,. ,. t. : .. i i ,
, .. , , , i,ii, i.ojinniiiit coun
ty, en Ihe road leadm,, f,,,,,, ,,ms,Uf . l(J iWi.
Villi', rilllltnriitin uLi w
' ni'UUi
" S() "f It. lean, h.,,,1 , j .
ol cullMiitiui). I i,i,n il,,. ,. ,, .
'luo st,,l'J' House,
'liS'l-l S'lml l)Mf ()-cll:,e,l
U ".-'-tiv' ml a never I iilme !,;,. .-JiL . .
I U ater, and tint uhnle l,ni uuil ..r'-,.
MII III! hiliu 00 redsoiialiltl tlTUIU.
... , . , ' "aieieo. ll
I.rcenwoud, August 10, IM-I(j-I7tf
1JISSOLUT10.V OF ('( ) p" I? i' m fi" r
Till; (
his dav disJvn ;.. "
. ; i . ' " ,,u "o persons
ba.Uns cliuv camnst. or i.l..l,i..,l n... i. ... -.
.... .Ts o se.tie win, mo su'iscriber; by whom
.... ..... ,,, u, ,,,n. 0 eillKln..!,,,!
T. , , AMOS JJ. Iv.N
Llghlstrcel; fuly fl, 1810,
LKM nml fmnuion, new ,ye just received
. and lor sale cheap al i, new s,ore.
snlcntlid rticle ol'l'.Wnv ,,.i hmv
U.A.U rmd KCKLXO cIlUK.,
the Lightstieetew Store.
new supply of decant carpeting jm t rm.j,-.
I'd al the new store.
L. 11. lil' PERT.
Ausr. I
7"IDR and Narrow, shaded and pliiin, of a
new sljlcjusl received ,,1 ,0 ,.lv ,s(r(.
L. It. i;i;i'j;i,r.
Auk. I
tl the TI. S!IKI:T H.'tir n,i vi-iii-i-
I'U- iness is wanted iminedialclv bv id,, sub.
Cllher. (iood uaiiCS mid eon.a-.i I ,.,,. I...
vill he fc-iven. i, i (.,,.,,.
IJIiionis'iiiiej, Sepieniher 1 -J
snpeiior lot, just re-eiveil nod fr sale veiv
cheap, by
Scplemhnr 12
hex wivi.oi: is M,tv.noi,is
Would now be the miint inleiclinu topics ni
oiivci alion, had not
josa .'v s:. ,t:vB' :
oinpl -ted I.i JO V STOI I' u the smith
west comer nt 'arl,et S.pniu- nn, mm, J i ji
with a large and (;cueriil a.-soiiuuml of
TOYS, itc. Air. ,-e.
but such being the fact, tl iher .iic-lion. aie eu-
r i rl v h'sl siht ofam' he j., rapidly ili .pn.-im; ol
his slock at reduced prices.
In addition to his oilier biiMiie;.:. he h.r. on h iml
in extensive as airlmenl of
KbUUY yr)l CL 1UV(J ;
of every description, vthich he i.- ,cllin;; as low it
ihev t an be pun b.i. , d in I he eoiinlv.
lie ii.viles all to five him n cull a- he is delei
nine I lo -ell on the tnot le.i. oiia! le terms; war cr
no ar !
.1 u 1 1 u ;;d.-
I'liK (.ii
N I) as tins hold., eond h, uln ,
I I I I I V II': I ''I
the -ii'i-ei iber would ;i t. i li inloiin hi:. Ini di'
md ihe public C lierallv, III . I iie .-.till livim- nn
icciipvinii ' be Dl.D TAN . ,v. .Mam-Mri 1 1. In
Iween tlie ellb f C. U liu, kalew nn,l the i:n 1
-ri 1 1 r 1 1 shop of Moses ( 'idVin.iii, :: which place in
in iv hi1 found ii on l'...e si al povi ;iv. niniu
lo diaw out the ihrcid of ntl'ii tioir jlehas jn'
received ihe file lMtint St,!? i f r,.)ilon foi
SPUING ufl fsi;l.'li:i, and wuh l,t m In
lands pled'ci lo accemmo le hi . fi j nds, i usio
ners and the public ucneialo oh ,J pUbsau-
fal last v tils or no t haiL-f in n.
11. KI'I'r.liT, TAI.dii:.1 wo I,, lonml ,,,,.
i tbinsle sun k up shove th, ,!um
. ld )issiiin free of ' ,y ,e
lie would abo inform I. .n, .,. Is ll .it W heal
l!e. Oats, Corn dlltl Potato... ,Ml! Pe I ,Len ine.
dilutee for wmk di ne at his flo p, nml n hlilet l
he uii.r din, Uim. once in a while, ill not i nun
mils..!. I ul 1 and cite him it tu.,1.
w . . . v 1 wo. e : oe 01 ili.oi lone 1 10 ni , 1 i,n 1 O- I 11 1
Snpeiior srlide el ,o. and'J 11 t K.I.. . ,-. 1. ... .. 1. .. ., , 1
im . , ,i . - - - - - - -
i Rl't's lv Ihe lluircl or llu'l luml, al!
be Clieup Lights -t New .S,c.
A. 15. lS AlIB Si Co,
ciiaiij:s it.i iukkalj: iv
.AlloriK v al li,
"Jice South utile, uf Jjutu-i,!, Ltd"
Ii 7"W,L ATT EN ) COlJjri S I M
I YA 1X I It,
OHlce, comer of Lust qnd Main-streets.
AKorm y a I Lsnv,
Mio.mshl'iio, Columbia Counts'. I'a.
Office on Market a few doors ubovc Aluin
Strtcl 9 f
The ,S,,b seribers Umr,., .1 . . ,
, , . , ilIIIIIIICU lldl
lo b- outdone by their ... ij-hbors. erlu r n.
-.Mumansiiip. have put down ,1 e
fncc of Ale fr()m J (i ut
IM),(AK, be levmu ih,.i. ..... .
" mm them
selves b) so ili)M(r.
July l, imo.
The subscriber informs the public tln.t hatin.r
procud anew II ,t, al the abole IVirv he v be
jeady at .1 times , ,,lke the n,
to h h,.. e .cam, ut V.U ecu fo, oue horse,-..
SO u mis lor or horses . ' l,me e. ','5 cenlsa load
lee, ,i rl'N,J'rUt"y ri",silU ll,B ""w
n.( WILLIAM KliO.MLf;.
Is In rt by f'i' cn to all I'm ;...f. i i ...
"'ft Coun House suhsenpiiuM ul) ,'.,
iho money is now wanted, mid thai i,eV
if rrtpiestcu to pay , ICf,erl 'IVp.i
"rcrot the building eommutee r to .M.,,,,,,
Mipcn.LwIlcctor, ten pf, eem ,i,:llll(lv
tb amount of theii sbs,.r,p,iulli eom
neiicemirnn the CuM of June a J.
Ily order of the huihl,,.,, r...,mi,tr(,
I.. H. liL'I'Elv I', TreHbiirei'
Auo. 20 1810.
Is hereby given thai I have bonj-hi f
Daiiieliejiler, one lot of ,,
- - , .,, ii 4
tl coin on the jjroiiiul. 4 tons f lf)V) j
lack of oats, thousand nhinoli s hiuI
horse and have left the same in Ins pos, s
ion norma my pleasure, oj nhjch i,e ,i,hs
it: will i.i U u nolo e. 1
i:y riiEi joii uso.v
An? 10, 18K!.
). C. K, ilil Eli,
nTDl'l.l) rc,,.(Cnllv inform his friends ,
Ihe public eeiieriillv. ibut l,e I.
encl and o cued on the corner i f M i, it, ni J ;, t
-nceU in lil.toiiisliurg, the jit...-l, 1 e,i Ulll cl.c, -'
est a.-sortmciit ol
I!i: ai'v Vi kww C1.0 i um;,
ct ei etVcicd m this ncii;hborhooil. In, bl,,. Vdl
-ell ir,.m III to CO pen eel. cheaper lUuil I,
'-t. 1 1 nisi, i, I; is c,,,! ainl -eleil, d will, meal can-.
made ol ilie Let a,., ,.,i r..,i.i i ; , ,
mil in Ihe nio-l vvoikm mlil.e leannei and --li le,
cinl'iaeiie; creiy made, i o.,r ami pii, , whiili udi
nil cilliii ihe'c or tconomv nv ei;r, I
mils.. I
'i'.n, (.,, ', fn.ct. , ilins nml-- ''(,;,-') 0(1 o ;, on
s . In I
I.lilf'l llntl rillg'iiim tit,
Hv.'U ami I'ninh aisinen- I'twh
ii!liin I th,
1 !.'.ri in ( 0
:i 'in 1,1 I , ii
1 lo in :i
I., fo
- .''( f. :: 'io
Prillhn' nml i-amlfim tin
uin nml .silk iks.v
'iran:d, wn und Mor i,
I .'itl Id 'i .a)
oe-ines a co. il assorlmi nl ol I .. c.... ...
Ilaiulkeu hil ls, Collars. Shuts: .Ve nil ,,f ,. t,;. ,.'
die public are iuviied loc.ll Hi:d . x:,,,,,,,,. , ,
adtes piui hamic; H.-i wheie if h,y v j, 1(J
41 1 a mio'l baruain nml well suited
Inly I 1, I8I0 I VJlf
Jus' recti vol at the ew Store, ai.d I.
sale cheaper hau ever.
Aug. 1-I8IG.
TraVt llliii, Altrkei slid Saieln l ft.J . ia
pisi rcceind at the Niew Si,,re
An? I
Ol li e l iii .it sty le, just rpcfu t .l 1 i,rt
Ww Store ' L. ll KLTEKJ-.
Call .if u e pn thi El.., u here e,l
the Aiw Factory if Emlh-hi. int." h.
Til 0 31 PS OX ic HICKS."
IIE -tlhsi riber.- have 1 pel, id n l"t I 7 '! Hli I
on the oad leadinu hi in M o, 1, 1 i..,.i ,
neat ihe Mcthoih.-t f Imn h, l;lo,.i, ... i.,u c, h .
i t comity, whi te they mtetid I ,,,,l tu;,,
waif ol' Ihe In si maleriai; the laicst a, I ,,,! .. ..
,'toved ( iillerns and lini.-herl ill the ei If. I tiiie-
ioi;miell 11.1 I'ol., ot ui V.. ri 1 tl. 10; 1 i be:.iti.
cty vancty iiii l.ln . ol all ..i., . ; and a 'ntiev , ,
other uttichsteo iniii eions lo iin-ii:,,,; i, (net 1 -
''inds and every vat elv ulnilimm It ,,nit,i :
ir V "'hn ni'tv fa. nr tin m voh a rah. A up '.
kt pt t i,n-t,inll en h'inJ whnli fill le cnM ...
...1..1. . .1. ... . . , 1 . . 1 . ,
.,,',, n no 1 1, to. 1. 1,. .ionn 1.
,v .,,,,1 ,,;.. , ... t, r. ,. . ,t ., .,. ; '
I their shop. ' ' 1
uiom.b jig, s, p.eii,L -i i, is:q.,i(