The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 19, 1846, Image 2

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    cuu'.uiiiA m:.M'Ji i:r.
.v.TW.M ;:. in.
Jrr'wul i'j 'Santa Jnua'm Vera Cn:
yww'.ii vf California by thcV,
S iVn K rces-Lms rf the V. S.
hr'a Tt it.ilon.
The follow inn If Hi r fiom n esteem
td fritii.l.U'arlied to tlx1 nj'M.lron, n'vc
llic jmlK'Jm of thi mt-lmrho'y fl'i:
i:.fiu7 ou Wkv . i m an ijjirrr at-
facfiut to the -lb tnc SyrwiroM.'
,i w at "Anhi Z.t-rff ","
" Cn i: dated
A r VbT S!G h IS 16.
1 avail myt'f l the ,:,"K ot
U. S, cutter L-ftJic, o Rive yuu an ink
ing of wlil i " '"f
Sjiit j An.m m lived hereon ihe 1G h
jntOnt, fiom Havana, in the llid
merchant mcjmhtp Amh, accompanied
hy hi" holy ! f''e,,,, Almonte,
lie was well received on hi Ijndmn '
Vera Cruz, h"' onr counts iy not vcr)
rnthusiaMic. M l- i"r'R 10 M' xiro'
Thr ii"h ihv Ki'il'ifh KjtMilron ft
tinned line, wo ivei inhumed som.
,;: since that Coin. S!oat, command
;( ih- U. S. ruval forces in the Pacifir
hid a 1: f n u'S( shic.n of California. Thi
,i what m i eh I have bMi expected.
I . cp re i lo irf.-rm you of the loss
!';,,- tunful U. S. brin Tn-xton, hy al
" 6iL..;i on 'hf b-sl vessel or her class it
ourfemre, Cap. K. W. Carpender.
The Trux'on failed from here in tin
caily part "oi" ihii month for 'Iampico
On the v hil e standing into the
harbor of Tuepan, 120 milea norih ol
Ven Ctu", a Muall Mexican coaslinp
vcrl wns discovered, and soon after
made a pits'! cl, ;p Carpender enRag
t he c.ip'ain of this vessel to pilot him in
lo a sife anchci.igs hut in doing so ran
the Trux'on on a rref where she
was scon in a vjry pcr'.loui situation.
Copt. Carpcndcr then despatched Ueti'.
Heriyman lo the epuadron for the assis
tmce of a steamer. The boat in which
this officer left was after four days hard
pulling, picked up by the S'. Mary's ofi
VtraCnz. A soon as our Lummo
dore was in formed of ;he fad he sen l
the Princeton to Tupon.
While the brig, was on the reef, filter
dep.ruirc of '. Dtiryman, two Mexi
can costing vessels appeared in the offi-rp
Ihe?" were captured by a boat's crew in
charge cf L- liushmd Hunter, but this
gentleman was orn iht violence
cf the gale blowing at the time to reach
ihe wreck with his prizes and was
therefore compelled lo make fur lhi
. place, wbeiM he arrived several days ago.
On the arrival of the Piincelon at Ihe
Truxton, she was funn.l abandoned, and
s'lipped o! all lift'H a: tides by the Mtx
A ll !g of truce waj sent on shcro Iron
the Piincton, by whom it was ascertain
to that Cap'. Carpender. his officers and
crew, who were with him, landed at
Tu.span on li e I7ib, and wtre very hos
pitably received an;! treated by ihe In-'laiitants-
On ihe 19tl they started on
foot for Tiinpico, intending to cffei
thenihclves as prisoners of war; since
then we have no further accounts ol
'ihcm. On the return of the flagof iruci
to 'he Princeton, iho commander of that
-vejffcl li tiling there Wis no pofsihili'y of
saving the Tnix'on, aet I'.rr on fire, and
1: 3d burnt to the water's edge when
lh IV: cttnn 1 o k her departure.
The lollowina is a list of the fiijer-nttai-lu
d to ih; Tiuxton, who have gout
Cnc.ri.Aiidvr, A. W. JT ender; Ac
tin; M.ster, Isaac. N. Rnceland; Puss
pd M .i..hi)inen, John P. Buikhead.
George 15. Di.-scl, Puisuer, Ccoree P.
(uUrr; Ai-is'anl Surgeon, John S.Mes-f-rsnii:!':
Mi'l-hipman, S.meon S. 7.if
felt; Captain's Clei!;, I!. Wilkinson;
tog' tlicr with cboul fifiy petty tflicrr-,
cinl seanipn.
Liruts Hunter and Uer.yman are in
bo-id Ih" S'. Miry'.-'.
The U. S. fcleam culler Lpgre aniv
rre a few days since wilh chpa'c he
fir Tom. Conner: The day following
n flig of true was sent into Vra Ciuz
liom the (Jumbei land.
Young Oc. mi LAFAYirrr, the son
of Gi:oh:k, wii clt'eteil lo "he Cliamlu-i
o( Uepu'Jes by villus of his glorioo
name. Six mnibers ( ihe Ifayetie
i onnexioii hvo now soa's in Ihe l'"r etich
Chamber of Depuii;,
f.1l I'.ti lid .1 'lD
A P. M O !' 0 T C U lJ A T ION.
('ami- 15i:lksm oipoi'e lluiii.i.
Aiicu.' 9 h, 1 H Hi
Pi:.uLi:iHiKU llyihe ariival at this
plure i f the Hipaini i 'II n Iliirli'i1,1 we
have leceived Minf I. I'M- inielligence
li om ihsi pluce, ln uinf news
liool the ilefunrl MeKirm nmy. The
ieiv from n'l is moeh the nme ss IImvp
licfnrf sent yon. J-'vny body, dfliceis.
nhliei, enizns, ro of llifl opinior
ihal there is now going on n spciet nr
gilijtion h?iwren ihp two (7i)vernme nt
mil ihii hosiiliiies mui soon eeap, i
indeed thv did no' Irrmnnte in the
hnliinnl t if lor y of ihi llsae de Ii
ma, I hsvo kIipi dy sdvis-d yon of "he
nii on Ihe Mexico of Ihe renownei
Com. A. S. iMi K n.tP. Inis gnlie
man, nfer he left n, wirt U) Miinmo
ns, whpre he hid lung inlMView will
Gen. Taylor and il i said lint the nex
lay he proceeded, under strong ero'i
mi Jahipjiii, frjin which plice he was In
idilressihe Mex;cin cov,,rniiient.
Il is so s'ated,(l know not how tntly.)
'hat Unit Government nnl snl iwoCom
nisioners lo Gen. Tylnr. They held
iheir Mailt' in ihe General's quTiers,
left the c i y the same day lo nveitAe
Com. MrKenzie if pisMlilp. No'hing
has as yet iran-pirnl a nun- nature o.
ik, a ni c u i ii n r a Tn Lr- I'tri'
" ' '
wisely kep his own council in kBj,,ffiru , I0 0, ' mc, n. ws here, bin
Trie 6cotiv! item of news refers to the
Mexican army, i nere .re sam io " -
1100 mem under oaira-j... ei. anout ru
miles above Reynnsp, and thai Ibis
ihe enure number thai can a- rallied,
who were in the anions or Ihe o h aid
.0 1 h ol May las'. Theie is aNn a parly
of H'olunlarios,' ahoui SOOs'rong, who
ire encampeil abou: 8 mils higher up.
Pjicse are 'nevi homiiit s,' having never
"null powder.
There 8re also a party of c.ivah y, a
linut 250 in number, who are iiineranl,
hut who are supposed In bp witching
thi! U. Iroops al R?yniia. They hav-
been beveral limes by Ihe troops at ilisl
lace, hut scamper like rais when hey
seen a live 1 anUe. 1 U'ti is the ro'ai, ss
far as I can leu i n, of I lie I roups in Nor
ihern Mexico.
As ihe course ihe government is pur-
'iiing towards M 'j. Gf-n. Giine, has
raispd a considt l alilrt 'iriO'!'' a.iiong lln
southern poriion of ihe vnluuu-e is. Iwitl
rfdiln a htlU inridenl uh lh nil! kliOW
ouhat the enen y thought of bis
Whili olli baiallinn -was encamped t
bo mouth of IJikZis Si. J go, I became
acqiiiinied wilh a Mtxicmi who hul
been in the Iwo 'gieat bailies,' bul who
was laken prisoner, and wlrj is now hi
woik for Uncle Sim ai ?-,'" per mnnib
n I fie Q urler-masur's D'jiailmcni
asked him on cne occasion, what Ihcv
hough of Gen. Taylor? lie lepiied
'Good, fiist-raip general, but had oui
General rlone his do y, i hey cuM h ive
ul him ciTfiom his, and no'
hul the ariival ol" tin: mountid men or-
lered by your Mew Oi leans Gi in r,d,
(Gaines,) would have saved him. We
were dumumled '. hen wc heanl Iba1
lie bod the law iulo hit' rw-n bun!.., iind
irdered oul suc'i a large body of civahy
We ixjiecled then on us wi h lhesme
kind of a nuk is ihe rest of you vol-
intecrs maile. I heard a hsiiiigu!-hed
iTicer say tlial ynu could tide through
Mexico with kind ol fore, I'j! ns
ood lur k would have il, your own gov-
ininer:! irfused to receive this Urge art-
liiion to liieir ormv lirrr, and thei
!uckeil up courage rnd at nurc cm
nciiccd t'i f rtify MoVary. I was
iriiorif-r when ihese news leaehrd rin ,
r-iul I did not off-ct io or deny
he pleasjre of healing this. I mid
rour American C ip'ain Ogden, and I
low tell you, thai il rin se mouoied men.
ad com on, you would have beeen dis.
chaiged hefoiu now. 'Your goveromenl
aow see this, and ihej are almnl in rour
martial General Gaines for bis prornpti-
(ii Ir anil pair i iiism '
Now I am not piejiarnl to nay lhal all
i his m an's i ea oiling is cornel, bur I
lo vt rv iiiuch lear that lien, o.ihim is
to he n ado Ihe scape boat of the vdrnin
idt ration, in ihe egregious mita1te i
committed in lo rrcrive bis n
(vii-itii'iis fur the ix regiinenti! of piciu
l':d 11. Cll-
Tne Mexican I'ave ccn one chaig'1
Juf civahy ho splendid and gluriuin, yei
o !i-n!i iicisvb and iiiinnni lo ihem-
elvp, that thi pp"cie of ferce ii worse
headed by them tlun sny oih- r.
A fur (len. f lines himself, I predict
hat he will coma out ol his p 'i ecinioii
niiXilcheil. li is almol idolised by
ihi inhern and w hi-in vnhinieers, snd
am he lo lb it udm nisn ntuui (h it wonhl
ll e' pu- i-fuiiHiii on him for an act ol
levn'e-d )!iirioi ism fur which he i now
in l.e ti i d.
I paw ihiri pnor Mexican s-verrl limes
vlule l Ih (is it,: he seems lo know
Miniethinn of ihe hinlicy of ihft Uniieil
S'ihh' Me lold m lint he was once
.iniioned is seniiy h Imp (lin. Awpti
Ik's lent, when hi- In-urd lhal (iffl'ei
iy lo uno'her, '(I -iieral Jx kson ton.'
fl-nera'; d ni'lul 0 lines i ejl goodGen.
i al: (-Kin ral Tvl ir . rever heard ol
.... j
I ml r think he ha fnir.d out gome
'liing of -f I I II .ii ' by i his lime.
I s'ill :iink we wil' not he able to
raise fi;''i', hut that v o will be discharg
I'd in les ihin iIm'ip ft i o n i fi ; still, it is
Hue, Gen 'lVylor kei p .sending us up
ihe river, And ('he liillimore bti'Hion)
ire onlfied to ink np Ihe line of marr!
mi Monday nex', fur .CVnargo. It is
my inteniion lo see tin' halls of Monle
jf , ;VP( ljfe j rpurn i)l(lJ
I . ...
k.r.'e'nhi,. ' us t on call !. ll is ve I V
lumois we have by lhouaniN. I sein
vmi no hinn hu: wliat is gem rjlly be.
;,ieve,, ,y our t.fiWi. Even ihe pis
0 ,,, tJU I I.ichce' give four
, .ierCf(, f.l0lie!. What I have written
h , I i ve it io you fur
thf y all agiee in
vhai ) mi I hii
jilease wilh it
vhal ) mi I h in it ll woilh. Ira us you
7 uurs, &c,
,E.F,.R' .
I'y an f xpress jiisl par-sed heie from
M.iiainoras to Poinl Isabel, I learn that
his morning Gen. Taj lor wis lo have
m T i ?.I..l4morMs hir Cnru go, where lie
Will tslaUlMi lnslieail fin u lri s: In leii .
iiljinii 2200 nen in Mii.niioias am
Knii 1 3 1 own c ji siie.
G Ii. Tayloi'.i head no i-'ris for the
ot St lit will be ul ('aoi.ii -giijGtfn.Walley
ii II J uosa ; Gee. Twigg, a! Ma'amums
s our ba tal'inii is tininfoi med like
reg'ilais, we Will, il is Said, CoiiFliinte
he Hdvinced giMid nl tin nnry.
i liwdjjs, iheuUii'-, we will be
.irl, ill.ltcll.
6g Ri f H ft
JTPJ V virtue lit" n vi m!, ex. to me iHre.-to-;, xviK
g JP In: i-xtuwil In i.'nlii- s;7l'.- a i-
ii. 'j l) cr, in i,niiiii',!i-.:i,
SaturJeylhe "tilh of Sr;i! u'
The undivided one hall nl" i-.-.
prniind :.i!n-.le.l in C.itlaw irisa lew n!,i;i,
rr I f 1 (i
i Inl i nl
( 'llilllllMil
(DOiity, ne.i.'.eil i:i I! e ein'iiil Ian ol .-viid lown.
ns iiuuit'er-i illv K i. inl liliv-.e.i ii, ami in m--
se-.-ior il' .I.i.mIi (,'r''i:h and .limatltau Kii.sIiik i.
iiilji.iiiiiiS I'll of Filer Sinee.- u:;d iV.iu'.in m.
.M..iii :-(iett id' s oil luv.n, nl.eieiin is .-"('led
ii-.tmc lioii.-e a-id -i t . t ? I -. nod -lone lii.n-ksmiMi slioi.
Si l.ed t.ilen iii exeinlion anil to lie ixil'.l as I lie
, rojierly n! Fi Oieis Mi;(ii;il!i.
A l.iV;,
Tjp V virtue of n v. rt of li.l i"i-i:is, nl t'li: ssun
li.oeaiid p iiee. l!ii- lidleuhi!; j-rnj r i v ,
lit I o'eloel., I'. .M.tlie I'ollovvin,; piopeily,
AH die ill fend int-: jotererl i- tlirer hits nl
ground .--ili.iitv in llie toun nl CiilluwisMi. (.'(,
county. I lit- I'n t liiii.i.'lrd fv l.he .viiMjue;iiiiin.
livir, ni.ii lot of Willi, mi Meivilvy and die ' 'iillr
.i s .i I;, iilje I'diiijiMiiv. and iVi.iitiiiii i n Wulei
-liret nf said town 'I l:e i'.IIiiT two lots f, -online ol
.lain - tieet of s.ii.! Inv ii, I n: ihi I on llie r n-t In
illlel nl of llefi'lllhlll', Oil l!w. liOlllj I V nl of ,ll-
eph li:ir..l, r.iiil nil llie we.-t ! i y Wulei street.
ul:"icn:i i:-. erected il I.i rc Iwo stnry
wiji the iipp'irteiuinc'M.
.Veiled Kiid lul.cll ill rxeculinn as llie l inpeilv
.ifl!iv;rj;c Waters.
PIT) V virtue nHi writ of erd. rv, lo me dirrctn!
05 will lie r)iHist-il In Oilli nlo al ..he (.'mill
linoe. ill D.iinille, nil Moll, I, IV I 111- !.''Oh diiV ol
-ept udiei in-1 . ,il IU i'i-k, A. iM., the follow ill!!
oioju-r'y tn-.vil:
A i-ei l.nii one half Inl of jitnuiid eiluale
:n Xiirtii D.invi'li'. f 'n inoli'ia r.iuiil . , c n ;.iir.l nf
iweniv iiioi and one liall li I in fumt. ainl uli nil
lllil Ivi ' in leinilli, iuloinhi: I'li.neli she. I on ( lit'
'at, lot n. , lip. id I iy j nl-. li Midi r on llie ii'iitli, an
illey on llie vu- t mul li'il.ert Vouiv on ihe smith
w In-run i:- ereted a small
Dwiiiihi.Mi ijoi sj:
mil V.IISt'lWTKIt hltfH', with li.:-ppuile
nun '.
Neied laken in v - n I i -n . .and lo lie i.n'.il as 1 1 if
llie pmpeilv ol.liO'l'-s Imill ile...
1 1: m di:i;i: .Vori,
t-'i-i.ii,r's ( i I'lei , JJi'iivil!-,-Ai-
2!i Isl'!.
'l'!ii-Silli.';,ei has ,,,.. aln-eMIW I I. AT'
o III o'lr-r i!..ats, al Ihe Fi ii v near lliel! i id'e.and
now pn and In em- ii iliim; I mm a l'i"t pa-
ell-.-.i-r In a M lini'-e lead, at rcdin eo puce-',
i th irl iint.i i .
S''.tjy 'I ARi'i'F'l'M,
'muTH v i rmiv r i .n
S in IJI.Il' HEVTK.nilKU i tM'(i.
The OiTh e of the (Nm miiia Di mim rai
has been liemoved into ihe new llnrk
ISmhling, Souih side ol Main airetl, a few
loora below Market.
V. . PA t,Mi:ll I'Uij. is autlmrhf d U, nc ns
inl fur Ihe ' Cuixm hi Dr.nim-iivr,' mill re-
'iit all momcx Juf faifomiitiuii uiiu auvcriiif
hi1' il his A 'amies in
J'iiiluihljihia .V.. fit) I'iiic-xtreit.
JV-w Yirc " r,t) Ximiti-ttrtrt.
IhaUm " Hi Nuk-ylml.
liiitlimitre S. E, car. Hull, and Calnrth.
Mureltuiitii-Neriitiiiict mid Trad'uncn mtiijiiul
it Id (idriuitagrln aihrrli.r m I his ,tarr.(i.
it i'v the imli one. piililislnd at Ihe I'diutj S-'eat
'uk Iiui a greater cirruluHnii iu Ihe ct.iiulij than
any nther paper jiublithtil u ilhin ulillmds-
To the Piinling ImsinPhs i.i wiiiilrU nl 1 1 1 T .- Of
Cicc An nctive tiny 15 n' 10 vcarsof nje will re
ceive gund encouragemi'iit.
Colonel Emitus Hill oI'Liizcrnff enmity has hrcn
nppninlcil Supervisor on the North 'lir.uidi Cuilid
in t h o ''jet1 of Tlioirmn Smith resigned-
I i our e litorial noiicc nf the rimJidilcs
upon the ticket last week, we omiiled m
"peak of llie nouiimiion fir County Com
missioner. .Yo perceived ihe blun
der when strt'kirjr nfTour pnprnand regn ia l
itrs pe.'iallv in view of the fact that wc had
noticed nl! ihe nthrrcindidatrs. Hul a croil
word, when il is deferred is never too late:
md ve have lo pay, that Pi;n:n Ki.isr. of
l-'ranklin township will make n pond fhun-
missintu'f, and dint his iiuaiiiuions noui
inaiiou I v the County Covf niinn ia jjuar-
aniy of his limes run! rnpacitv for thai rffi
i e In; has m iiio an esrnlleni ,nditnr-irn'
i' l,e will attend lo the
i interests nf ihe county and discharge; hjs
hiies with correctness and fidiliiy.
jrpWn s'i-iII ivf) nor nltrniion ncx1
w ei k lo the ecvrral arlirles ihal liae pp
prarri) in llifi Danvilhi Uimnrral in rehu'mii
to the attrnip's ofScnalor F,vans to have I il
m ul lion Hihnillcd free of iluty nr lo havr
duiics remitted on impnrta'ions in 'de.
The proofs thicken daily that this rntintry
is tii,i j; lo ilcstruciion under Deinocr jtii
Leyi-iatinn. Vitness thf folloH-infr slaic
uier.i nf i'iisiness dune on ihe Philadelphia
ami AViuhiin l ailroarl (fee just published
The r.innutii of reeeijes nit that road dutinp
tl e rnoiiih of AuupI 181(5. it will be seen
oe nii'y about duvli'r wlut ;hey were for
Angus'. K-tjj tml the increase in enal
transport! d only 31 .128?. lonr.i ! Will
such I 'C.s iitarinj; ihem in ihe ho e Low hi
prrinrly liilictilntix is ihi- Ihl' ci v nl 'iijii.'
oil up for the purp m- i if niakii,,: pn'itii';,l
"apilal !
I'he fniln.viiij! i a coinpaiativ Malemenl i. ,(.
Iilisiness on the Philadelphia and In adin;; ruilro.ul
during August Hi 1, H-I'i and If Hi :
Hit I8I0
Month t inline -AunUl. End. Auu :il
'I'ravel ki,7i:.- ::s I l.c.ot 1:9
Finn Omuls :i.;r,:i 10 I Is't. .;i
" Coal r.'j tii.o "J l n;z:iH ;u
l;s irei iptri .Oil f.l)
Tr t;.s M.,ii 7 -iii 7 .-:)
Fnd im :t
1.7.-1:: I .'i.7
'.0.0 if .ft
l'.NUC't 71
i:t fio
7f-:i :;:i
7'i.!l'.l7 Ct) 127,1 i:t 3 "JI,:M'i S'7
Am oiiil of ciiid Irniisportcd in the month of An
.:nst Hit, .".. 1 1 - tons do ytniis! H-l."), He',!)'.;!
'oils do ll:gu-t IS IB, 1117 '-(111 Ions
The 1 eirr sh nr" I nion of the ilih
y. (Jn Si'tnday week, an inifies1
on li'lle ( tl, dm. liter nf M, Stephen
McCall.i, of this I j o i o t Hi 1 1 , iijii d Ik uvecn
.i uimi jeaif, carjie io neruealll oy cat.
O .1 A l l .1 I .
illj; the belt if? of a Very poisonous plant
,, . . .. .
eaneil ; lll!.slad 7 1 r r Several lay
,Ol actltf Silllirires she (lied fiom I,P . r.
I. , , .
;icct.s tf the oiu.
if ii Kiin is tih: "iuiin." i
The following ttatuiiicui ol IJ x porls nf soinr
articles nf on. dure linn' ibe porinf N. York
lor ihe fnai eight mouths of I B I it, is fiom
hcNew York Viihune, a leading Whig
nevs)aper; and iheie is ido given iln
aininiiil for corresponding uiniitlm nl IBIfj
in a parallel column. There lias been a vHt
increase, as will be tern' in Hie exportations
jf arir ulliirtl prndin e: the ie. nil antiei a -ed
by the advocate nf reduced linlftax
itinn, I'rum the rtidl nl ihe rurnlaws
and the proxpective rcduciioiu uf our lanll
f I8l'i, This fact is worth more ih.m
volumes of decani nion a nil ram lioui pull
tii'iain and (Icrnaarngnes
Statement of certain exports .from l!n
purl of Mew York fr the fust lilu
months d.181.r) . 1 8 10-
is 15
1H 10
.40 C07
flour - barreU
17.0 :IH1
i' 1,7 01
4! i o71
Meal ImrrelH
Corn I. U lielii
Hotter keys
Tidlow cnsliu
I'nik l.arrel.s
In ihe aluve staiemen I ru nt the Triliinu
11 npimarji ileal I'.eKi lo Wheal the heaviest
incronse is 111 the arlie.e nf Indian .('orn;
most of which 'las (j(.iic niEoatK.' iuviteil
there by a demand lot cheap lool,& by li e
removal of land' n sinciiona. The lm
amount of Indian corn exported in 1810
from this cuiinify was bl'2 210 hushe's; but
now in 18 1(5 about the s,i:ne ainmini of ihal
ariirlu is exported 111 a pernul of eighl
iiionihs, finut the purl nf New Yoik alone!
Intl. an Coin ie not i;rown in England
except as an omri-i ental plani in their gar
dens, nor is il produced, fur exportation in
much extent in any cou-nry bul in ours, In
bis article weean enjoy vjry neaaly a mo
nopoly of the English iiiaiket.' (Mr.
Fulilin; .'I pp. Cong, (iluie 1810;;. 100 1 J
The matkel for luia aiiiclo abroad, ia o.
petiiiig rapidly, and will go nn extending
vastly in future. I i Apiil 1810 Sir ttoberi
Pee! said in Parliament,.'! believe thai a
orcat revolution is taking place in Itelanil
ly tin' introduction of meal in a do of liidi.iii
corn; and lhal there been crealed a new
i iste for a belter and mote generous de
scription of food. We find Iroui ihe ex
ample cf workmen on railways, who are
subsnliuj fur the liisi time on an article of
foieign produce, on which ihey had never
before been aceus uiued lo live, thai lliey
are ubls to work much longer, are much
ueiur lliati when they subsisted on that
watery !ood llie pouio. (Cheers. j No e
withstanding the prejudices which have ex
isted against this meal, hul which arc iu the
course of ren.ov.,1, thtre is an immense de
mand lur ihe publication pninlitio out thi
way in which me meal van ::c council miu
dressed iii the most approved manner in
Ireland '
vjo anoiiicr occasion, lie sail': ! pro
pose tin refute lha an arlicle of giam which
I believe iniylil be applied 10 Ihe f.itlcni.'ij?
nf faille shall hereafier he .imported dun
dre, It is an article of immense impor
tance rnaizcnr iiulian ci.m. I;
.his country its utility n- human food is 100
inucli disrei'aidi-ri.' V.'e said a lew winks
too, ih at one reason wbv a lower .'arilf is
ircper now fur Ill's roii'itry, iliaii in 18P2
or 181!; wi.s because forek'n counirics had
iei!inid or abolished their duties upon 0111
pinduiiioiis. The truih is ha', iitnler low
tariffs ihe inarkeid of liic world are v i.i-; 1
o)ined lo our productions, and (fpei-hill;
to the producls of uurieohure, ihe yre it urn.
jiaranioiiui interest of me United Siales.
We will only add, upon ibis subject, tht
following artii-lc from ibc N Y. Tribune ol
September 11 1810, in n 'inl to the pres
ent suite nf ihe ei'porlii business al iew
'The movsmeiit of p-oducc forward lu
lorfi'Ml pints is O'dnrr on very huh-cU'i and
ueriiy tveiy descriptiou i.-; i.-iiproi-iiij n
pin es In catcjrory are I'lou'i Wheal
Com. i; ,e., Oat,,, 'i l;, lii ef, I. ml, Ashe.
Pi kleii Mcaia, M.ial, Rt c Flour, Lead, itc
I he iiii; rovenii nis io l-'ouir froui the low -ei
point i neatly 75 cel. s; Corn 15 lo 11
i ems. V. hi at 5 to 10 cents, I'y refeienci
io our daily maikei repm's, it will be seen
ilul l!ie punthabcs of Floor and Grain have
been very i jje sinro the :is Bleaitishij
cave a Irish impetus lo r.'ipmen8, and lino
shippers have ben i.!le m pty much bcttc i
prices. W 1 1 It i ii ihree (I i a nut Itss thai
12111)00 bushcl.t Wheat, Cum a:,d l!v.
have been liken fur exp-u ', about one Im;i
being o hut, 'i'his of the market
iiiiisi lie hij;hiv (jrutify ii i to ilm Wrpir-r-prodiieets,
ihe tiiire(i.iie nl such an iidvai ct
as has hi en upt in iiceil, t ilciil.ited on i'n
u hole liim k ol theenniiiiy and on ;he i-iiin
ine iriis in: kir o mi nnjiniise'
, . . . .
is,iine ie,.n;l eis ol tiir oppn-jte pnr'v in t,,i
' r e"" ,:U"' " P-'""' "''hmhJ? tamlalales
i'! mi the liin,iciat,e 'i'ii ki t. If ihi y lire inclined
to Mm fceaol . nr candidal, s: into lar-. r ncij n iti '
I"'"' 'iM oll,eiwi--r fit we lone eeiinnlv
no ol je, line TIhv will find U haul Kink and
I onr j :i .
r K I C F. S OF OR A I N A N I ) F . 01' !!,
'I'he following statement eoneeily ix'nh.
Us ihe stnw of ihe Philadelphia Market in
regard lo jrnir flour or. the 23d June ni'd
on the I Mi Sept- I S 1ft. We quote from
he Philadelphia Pubhr Iiedirnr in which
die pi ices current are published dailvtHiid it
ill be Hi'i-ri thai thf I'ainnrs piiithn-e bears
1 better price than it did three months ngn
in the eitv market, Tins resuhs no donhi
mm die heavy cxporiatinns made in supply
he im'ip icing demand iu fori4('i enuiiirie
I t Auierican productions; consequent upon
die reduciion u( corn lawn and tar 11" laws;
those contrivances by which the children of
'iii and hunger, were taxed 10 benefit a
selfish anil heattless aristocracy.
l'liilaiklphHt Market 1816.
June 2U Fr.01.11 ano Mkal, Flour ii
very dull; we hear ol email sales of (moil
brands at $3 81, of common to fair at ttlij,
scraped $3j; fresh ground and extra faun
lv Hour hi li; 1 h $li Rye Flour is held at
2i Penna. Corn Meal $2, I'randy wino
.in mh
Cir.MsJJ'hrat Poinn. ki 80 ets; white
'Jo els, llye. is held nl 58 a 00 els. Corn,
.015 for while, 52 for Penna. ll it Southern
n u el 5 ellow,anil5jlor!'t-una. luund yellow
Outs It 1 e,
W'aiskkv.-IDI a 2(ht.
September 1 1. Fi.nru and Mkal
I'he demand for .Flour cnniinues. with con
siderable 'firmness in pricis, We now
quote Sales at 1 23 lo tf 1 31 for good fresh
around; f.l 91 to 1 12 for old Mock; and
extra family flour nl ,;Ii) a 4. There is a
little doing in , live Flour and ('orn Meal
the former is selling at $-2.?, and ihe lalter
is held at $2- a ?2 f r Amna. and S2.J for
Chain, Wheal has advanced, and largo
sails lire making al 81) cents a 01 cents fur
Southern and 1) 3 r; for while. 'I'he hist
sale of Rye was at 0.1c Onrn has slihtlv
improved, poud.Souilii-rn yellow 53 a 5'Ji!
and 59 a COc fnr Penna. and w hite 53 a 51c
Oa's are steady al 33 c for good Southern.
WmsKKV-21! a 22 1!.
'I'ho Whigs of thu Cuimly al their County dm-
volition at Cillaivisvi on M in 1 iy last nominalej
llio followiii'5 Ticket :
A ssnniMy Fviiac how
Sheriff-David Clark
CouiK.i.-it-ioiier hovd 'J'liomas
Coroner-TlioiMas Flack
ludiioi iallin, jr
ll is a ticket easily beaten.
The Lwnip county Deniiieratic Cnnvenlion met
cn Tuesday last and place I in nomination the f
Iniviug ticket :
Issi'iiiWy fieorgc Fen tennai her, Dr. ?s'alli);i
For i'rolhnnotiiry Samuel P. (,'n!oiic;-i
For Coniniissioner Ira j'ronsoii
For .liiditor tilas i.iinli.u-li
For Coroner John Jvera
A catuac.l has been discovered on thi
i iver Si. Louis, where it falls into i he
Weslcrti cxlremily of Like Superior,
ivhich has never been described by any
Geographer. Ii is said i o be second to
Niagra. The volume of water is very
great, and ihn pr-i pe ndtrul ar lie;jht of
llie i'al! one hundred and fifty ft el.
Cini.r.s and Fkvkrs ll'rl ghls Lid',m
Vegetable Villi are nun nf i lie best, if not
lie very hesi medicine in llie world, lor ihe
tire of liiieriiiiitent Fever, because the v
excel all others tr. ridditi" too lody of those
morbid fevers, bul of every malady inci-
leni to man. I our oi live of said IndianVcrr.
lablc Pills, laken every t:i;hi on (joins; lo
ieil, will in a shori time make a person a
peifect cine nf the most ohsiinaie case i f
hills aim lever at the same time tbo dores-
tie oia'ans will be restored lo a liealihv
tone ami looo I so completely purified
if. at fevers soil n'ue or disease in any form
will be absolutely impossible.
( a)liun' should be reiuembeteil that
Mr I'dward C'oh: of Philadchlhia Mr..lo!,n
DiXlon of hasp, n jV and Mcssi. liroiv-
iiin it Ih'oihers of Philadelphii nre not a.
eenis of nnrs and as ihev nurchasa n.i
Wiialn's l:idii;i)Ycgeia!ilc Pills alourofii.?o
wc eaiinol gnaranite as getiuiuu i.iiy imidi.
cine they have for sale:
Aiieii; f.'j Rloomflnirg, fiearjje Weaver,
For oilier Ayentdsee advciiscinent in anoiit.
er i rdu'ii'i
MARK! EI). On W'ednesdiv e Ifhh
inst. by the .'ev. II Funk, Mr. Nok'.ian F.
Doax, io Miss lkfiutA DiTrKiiu, both of
l!y the R.-v I). S Tobia', on the lTth
inst, ,1r. Jaoh IIi:iMr,-.cii, lo Miss Mauv
s lii i nv. ol Mahoniiijf.
fT'JOM the p-Kinr c nrar Idomn.hnr or. tha
' nif.lil of the Hch in. si. two
T-,.'CfP I';it ;i(l)f J ne n re.I s'icr
1 f t1' Wlt'l tWO V.hi'l" Snnts lip'lll him
Hiiil vvni,l,i wnti a 'out 'ilil! ll i
atS2!?i other a Mack
Hi ii'er and wiui'J
w.-iali ol..u 2.70 Tiny weie j.uix ha: c.l iii Unlit.
mulon township. Lnzerno county Anv n(.r!.ii
inL inl'nrmuion where tfev may Ie fnmid sli.dl
he rcasonahlv rewarded fur lleii tmnhle
I.i'hWK'K F UK; HT
IWiKinv-I.'Ur, iSej-temljcr I!)