i I lima worn upon the Alter of Cod, eternal Inutility to every fitrui of Tyranny over the Mind of Man." Trnnm Jollcrmm Iff. WEBIEDITOANI) PIWP !SL(M).M!S!UTirC2, COMHUSHA C'llL XT V, fi"A. SATURDAY, SHI'TKMIIEK IS), I S Ki . VoIiiiiio X. A u in hoi sa. orni K of Tin: iikmop iat. 8. mi mik oy M ain, a vpw poors pr LeW M AKKt rl'RKK T. 77i mi VMUl.i 1) HMOCll.ir trill br i i f I :i s ii' i every .vifuniiii morning, ai 'I'll'!) DOLLARS pet annum payable Imf yearly in advance, or Two Dollar fillu ( ents,i I not vaia wit Inn the year 'o subscription will betaken for a shorter perud t'liiii ,. months; nor any discon tinuance permit ted, until all arrearages are dtscharstd H I) I 'ER TI SEMENS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dntarjor the first threeinsertioni, and Twenty-five cents for every subse quent nsertion. ZT"A liberal discoun matte to those who a.'ivi ruse oy the year LETTERS addressed on business, must be post paid From the Noiristown Register and Democrat. THINUS IIAKDLY 10 DE BELIEVED. HY MRS. LYDIA J.NE riMIt-oN. 'Well, 1 declare, this is haidly to be be licved!' exclaimed Mrs, Grimly, as she threw down a letter which she had been pe rusing, and turned toward hei il.ioi'hter, who was leclining on a crimson cushioned lounge, in the most appioved style of dress, nttitude, and cxpressotn. The young Ldv lificd her jewelled band, and raised l.tr jlaepy lidded eyes with enquiring inters as she breathed forth in an affeeteJ (one id inn sic, 'l'ny what have you found, dear mini ma? I am longing for something u chase a way this honible ennui.' 'Ii is hardly to be believed, f repeat, A i na your undo Meek has writ en me, tli.i he intends to send bis daughter Lucy, n spend the winter with us. I ca'.m;i nfisi to receive her, foi she is my sister's chili! but, dear me! what shall ve Jo with tf: rustic creature?' How came your sister to marry a firm er mamma?' 'Why Amina, while pa was n senatot, sister and 1 accompanied him lo Washing ton, one winter, anJ there we met Mr Meek, a young and talented member of con gress. Your aunt was captivated by his fine prison, real eloquence ami open, man ly character; and although she knew that be was only a farmer nt homo, she persisted in becoming his wife So he look herlo his home in the new State ol Oliio,& I have not seen her since; for she soon became a mother, and has several children, so that she wis ron- fined at home, and I have been so very del icate in health, that I never dated to brave such a journey, Hut she used lo write fre quently, and although she alvays professed herself perfectly happy, she gave such de scriptions i her domestie affairs, that I am sure I should have been utterly mUerahh in her si'uaticn. And this daughter ol hers who nrlks the cows, and makes butler anil cheese; and spins yarn, and weaves r loth and bakes bread and washes rloihes, mid snubs floors,- wby she must be a great sloul looking creature like a man, will) sun burnt face, and coarse hands and feet, and voice like a market woman. And then she will be so awkward oh deal.' what shall we do with her!' Why tin, you ielly frighten me; you musl not let her come, certainly, 1 could never introduce such a cousin to society, and certainly I would not forego all pleasure and remain at home with her.' 1 cannot refuse to receive her, dear Ami na but she is so unsophisticated, that we can do with her as we please. If we can make nothing picsentable of her, why we ran keep her out of sight. But it will cost tr.e so rnurh to dress Iter. Of course she will have no clothes fit to be seen.' 'Well, mamma, on second thoughts, we will let her come. She will amuse some of mv leisure moments. If 1 should become interested in her, I should find employment in iparliintr her nolileness and elimie.ie. 11" ... e , she does not interest nie, she will be t fine r jr ridicule.' Ami so the matter stood. Mrs. Grandy was just on the svo of a grand party, lo which she liail imbed Ihn 'misioracv' of the niv. Sim was oc.upied in nnisiung her ariangcmonts anil adding ibo itm niiif grace- to the I .bom of servants niiiupnoisiers.wiicnsno wss stunncilliy the intelligence ibai Mies Lucy Meek w&s in the parlor. l!oml beavrn! whal shall we do?' she cried, addtrssing her daughter who was sauntering by her side, and languidly criti cising the arrangements, -If only she h id staid until after the panv! U'li-it can wt do with her?' 'We must at least proceed lo ihe parlor and Iry to welcome her with civility,' re marked Amina'. 'Sl.e may not be so tin presentable as we have pictured her,' and the high bred mother and daughter descent ed lo the parlor, determining to treat the awkward country gitl with all the conde scending kindness possible. Their surprise was no less overwhelm- ing than agreeable, when Ihey beheld seat ed perfectly at ease, with a book which she had taken from the centre table, a lovely lit- tie girl, fiiir as a lily, with very small hands md a foot peeping from beneath her travel ing dress, as if dtfyinj competition which it might have done with safety. Si no ..inner pcrceiveu :ier mauve, man Bhen,e i,,Pn ,.HllI.au,u xw 80,, nr in RI . - . . . . ! . . , I I prang to meet them, in ihe most .ircctimi-L, to inmncr, and leturned gracefully the em irates and kisses which they beatuwed tip in her wit!) real plcasine. v net) A-nimi, alter si.oM ing i.uey to lte'i,,r's diugl.ier. and lias never been froi. c'.amber.joined bee mother m the saloon she exclaimed 'Oil mamma I could hardly have be litvcd that a young lady educated in the country, could have been so perfectly gen trcl as cousin Zncy is. I love her dearly. -ilreadyi And then her wardrobe why ma, her dresses ere really elegant. So simple and tasteful in style, just like her sweet self, she ha9 never been inured to tiibor, I am certain.' 'Certainly not,' repliwd Mrs. Grand; 'and I am happy to find my sister's laughter ; real lady. I am glad now that she has ai rived before the party. She is such an ei gant contrast to you, Amina. You il We the, rose of the p wterre.and she will rep resent the pure w hite liiy.' When the family met at dinner, Mrs Grandy was almost in despair. The cool tlul sho bad hired expressly to prep ire re fieshmenis for the patty, was talun sud denly and violently ill, and neither maic nor mistress knew bow to compound 01 fashion the quantities of beaten eggs, gralci1 sugars, rffcrveseed cream and buiter-inill.; fiulverizd spices, and elaiified butter; lha formed, with Hour, and yeast, and citrons. iraiigts, raisins am! currants, and confec tionary, a medley ol confusion, in pautrv oid kitchen. 'Do you not understand baking?' asked Lucy of Amina. 'Old indeed no; replied the astonished belle. 'Nor you aunt?' she enquired of Mrs. CJ r.indy , 'My dear, I never learned,' murmured the lad 'It is very etrance,' Lucy said and then die went on ' Well aunt, if you will trust inc, I will produce as line cakes as a tv cook in the city,' 'You are to-) youngs Lury,' cried Mrs, Grandy, 'even if you bad s tnlic l conking ill your life; but you seem so confident, and is I can do no better, you may try.' 'Will you assist me, Amimif 1 will en gage that so far from injuring your lair hands, the slight toil will increase lli ii beauty.' 'But whal can I do?' asked Amina laugh ing. 'Oh, I will direct yon,' replied Lucy, gai ly, and the cousins repaued to the kitchi u where the clatter of culinary operations was enlivened by merry bursts of laughter, and joyous gushes of sweet song. Lucy made her debut at Mrs. Grande's select party, in a tobe of pure, white muslin tier rich brown curls unconlined, except by a fillet of silver gauze, lied just back of the left car, and floating like a soil mist below her graceful waisi. Oilier ornament l),-j wore none, vet amid fine forms, relied in velvets andEalir.s, Hashing with gems, jnd.useil lo follow lumbcnng on the Ohio. fllMms, flfH reoiliers she seemed a spirit a p,lrpr Pp!,Prr) nd whs decidedly Hie belle 'or j,0J.!ch8 of the gay saloons, .p(, j,m i.n Mls8 mm' enquired ric, n, f.,,h nnxhlo Mr.Gohlhy as Mies! (handy arose fiom the pi mo. Oh yes,' she replied, laughing, 'J sing like a wild hint, Inn I do not play, or niak music scientifically. By this time she was the centre of an ex pectanl circle, all eager for li sone; and lto without a shadow of rriihatras'incnl sana the F.ltrick Shepherd 'Mini of the wi Icrness,' to a wild sweet air which the sk lark himself might have paused to hear. was perfectly enchanting, and the fiee, ful soul of native melody; mil '.he manner ir .vhich she gave the line OH to abide ir ihe desert w'th llo.e,' was inimitable. 'What a paragon this elegant liule nsic of yours is,' remarked Mrs. he Grand t Mrs. Grandy, a few days after t'te partv 'So graceful, and then she ha such perfet taste. Why, her dress, person and chane ter, harmonize so entirely, that one almns suppores they came from the sim! fnrtiiini hand, a perfect whole Indeed, you hav reason lo be proud of her, she is such an or nameiit to your family party. She tons c.. our g,.01)1, j . av. m, , ----- o - - a finish, 'Indeed, Mrs. Lo Grand, you pay m niece high compliments, But she is a firm home until she came here a few davs at?.- She lias acquired her accomplishment the school of nat.tre. But she has arqoim accomplishments which put me sadiy t the hlush. Wby the day before my par ty, Madam Es e, whom bad employed It compound my cakes, was taken sick, jus is she had got her ingredient mm wed room in utter ant! inexplicable confusim. 1 wa n de-pair, bin Lucy said that if Aniin; votild assist her, she would m ike all rigb ".t! she ditl, iii'.x an I b 'ke all my cak which wero so much admired. 'Well, now,' ex.'laiined Mr. I, Giand 'I can hardly believe these thing j.'Oible. 'And Miss Mori; is so your e. tod has such pei feci little hands. ' 'Yes,' replid the mint, 'and yo, liould see her nice flmnel sk i's :ioe anil soft; and sh spun th V'ln ao vovo the cloth herseli.' 'I am astonished,' ciied Mr. L (imriil; why she is an Anomaly.' 'She siys not,' replied Mis- Gi;iu .-he insists tlinl nil Ihe gii Is m ,r r neih '10 1 hriod aie t rjiiilly accomp'ished; swnn tier sii)i riors. I am ginning lo b if In r opinion, lbr, in ibis country vlieie the rich lo djy are poor to mor iow, anil vico versa, young ladies sbouh be educated in such a manner as lo graci 1 palace, or make a hovel clean and "oinforlaMe. Amina is improving liei opportunity, aid learning, of Lucy to cook every kind of flesh and fi-h, and lo o make cakes and pasiiy . J.tiry as oires her lhal she will he both hcallhiei mil !i 'ppi'M', 10 ennsi r j 1 1 lit c' 'Well, I drcLie,' ciie, .Mi- L'Granc mh Ii things cm b.irdl he bc'i, veil ' 'And so Miss Meek has refused Mi Goldhy, and gone hoimi to her I aibei 's,' lemaik' d a OJng lady to her beau, 8' Ibey walked beneath ihe soft sun lili if eai ly spring. 'It is veiy .'iti ange.'vvas ihe reply ;'and ;ioor Goldhy is nearly distracted, I nev -r stiiposed ihal be bad so much heait lie sets out in a few days for Europe. Tin young I ,dy must have ,ieen pre-engaged for independenl of Ins wealth, he is a flop young, man.' 'He is so'' sighed the lady.' 'A m! Mis Mrr k only a funnel daughtei ! I ileclare it is hardly to bo believed, that ohe has rejected him.' We will pas over ll.iee jeais, anil listen to ihe conversation of ibis same as its chosen occupant. How ndtcu lady and gentleman-now man orul wife.jlous llieo, in this land, is haughty piiili VeII. lenr , 1 have been infoimed thatiof wealth 01 station. Mow cooleiniit i ' 1 1 Lucy Meek is married lo a j otmg farmer of her own neighborhood , whose hllui of '''hy y however, I In t lie is really ac ''Ve and intelligent youog buckeye; but it is mngulir that she should make such tlie'a choice after having rejected Goldby.' 'Lucy has nnl acted wilhoul rUl-Cior 1 ssstup yon. She is an cxtraotdinar giil. Mis. Grandy blesses her nam daily. She sy that since I hey are re lured, they should be perfectly miser.' ihle, bill for the fpuil lllal Aillio caught of Ii' i cousin Lucy, and (be le- hiii she iHirncd ol her. Dors it not eem wumlerful to see Amina who tvn o proud and ioilolenl, moving about (In oouse in her neat check anron, am inging gaily as she pei foi ins ihe busi 'less ol boiii cook aod house maid- Am' nen she was so haul hear lid, I havi tuo'.vii her lo refuse a levy lo an olj c il charity, when her purse was full ol ;ohl. Now she will Eavc fiom her ne- essities, to minister lo the sick and nee- ly. And both sho and her pareuls tle lare thai they are much happier now. han tiny weie in their dajs of wpalil md inilolcnce. 1 declare, when I look ck, and then turn lo the ptssent, 1 eai. md!y believe what I set.' Ijticy Aleek was mainetl 17 5 rs go. We will now loolt ai the reset) 11? - , 1 1 ondiiion of ihe pirties named above. ucy'i husband, 'he son of a lumber man who took his biide lo a log cahir, anil ommenced housekeeping without a ser- ml to aid her in the house woik bar scnj apid'y from one posl of ho. 101 mi proiit to anotner, until lis is uow overnor of one of the l argest and rich si Slates 111 lh Union. mkI his coun- 1 house is a palace, surrounded by r 1 Mil' ihil ! 1 i en i f his uw n plain ing am , ant ; 11 g, v h lie In it- row 1 nab'i d to 1 n 1 y heailh,r (ise,h'jni i',ainl l,a piness SUt uiiidtil hy bislcvely and btlovtd fain ly. Mr. Giandy , who, after his failure, .'cepti d a cleik's rffice and saLry, now iei forms Ihe ilinies of the place, behind 1 e aci'tninldtii's desk, in the slore of hi' on in law. Miss Amina was maniid 0 ibis gen'leman when he was a clerk n a dry good store in New Y'oik, bul y induslry, economy and siricl hones y in all which be has been aided and .tislained by bis wift he is now a flitii-i-bit g rntichan:, in 1'it isbiu g, I'.,, Mib, 1 li iu'dy 1 tstdt s Willi hr r il u j. ti U r, an die insists Ihal the reverse r.f fiirtiiiit vhich made them so much wisur am! oeiter, and happier, was ctilainly 1.0 0 is foi tune, M-is. 6'randy 's most inl imal? fr iend rui who cotiM not rccoguiz her aflu ier husband's fiilnre, died in a gmrel iwo years aco. iwr 1j. oianu iom nis properly in the great lire in N Yo.k, be came dishcatlcned, and give himself ii to intbriely. One of his sons is an np lenlice, and one a loafct ; of bis Iwi langh'eis, one is a g-iveiness or nurseij nanl in a i it'll ui'it't f.,mil the u'hei s mairitil lo a common sailor, a li ic,in teliigmt kllow, who miy yel bcconn o ad mil al or a king. So liule reason has any one in ibis ie oihliean eoiinliy lo he lilted up by lln mere accident of weal; h or station, Tlo poorest man's child may i rnve al tin Highest honois of Saie. Me who 1 I'lesidenl to 'lay. is a priva'e citizen lo moirow liable lo lose r vrry tloll.,r li possesses, ami be overwhelmed win debt and iniseiy. His child, Ihoogl born while Ins father pie-ides over lln councils 1 1 Ibis w ide land may eveiiUi ally earn his bread as a daily laborer; while 'ho son of Ihe maid M-ivanl, win jeleaned the kitchen ol iIir President' hcusc, may be canied there in Iriumpb, bio appears the litlo 'ai 1 istoct .icy ,' a 1 plud loony clique or paity. Or tic ihtru U anything n.ore ridiculously ah surd, ihun the imnnii.g fine n lali'ies 0 mind or person, 10 a iy paiticular class r 'ocalily. And yel ihpe things m a iraciised, while tliii king minds obseiv he continual molalion ol li e whee1 0 ortune, anil value pvery peron m cord ing so ihe intrinsic wonh of chaiacter while things hardly lo be believed, pas coot inoally before Ihem. J'-NLIUll I KNE1) TIIAVEL- LEU. S jmebody frooi Eogland, enckeny ol 'ourse, b,.f writien a new hoi k of trav Is Bboui Mbe M-rnk ns-' He prof.s- es great candor, and certainly need real indulgence. 15 ing in Washing on, he called on the IVudeM, and was greatly surprised at the rolorcd servant vho conducts visiters lo Mhe prescrce. or laking care of his umbrella for him est il should be slohn. They nevei steal umbrellas in Old England! Ilenc uch kind consideration in servants is inknown there, Hut his account of ihe Jrnul Si-nor of sll ihe JJemoctaeies i he funniest, at least the last thai w mve read or bend of. lie admits Ilia Polk' is a 'remaikable looking man. 'i' forehead massive and prominent, hi features marked and of good outline.' Ilts gcreral appearance, dress and mod of expression indicate .i Lwytr or (lis- -en'ing minister.' We suppose Ihal i. he had worn a band, a black silk petti coal, and while lawn 10 be over it, In would have resembled a 'clergyman 0' (he established church,' Bishop Tillpot perhaps, or Ihe Dean ol Goltlelon. Am wi'h a brass st nr on his breast and a bin mile in h,s hand, he might have fiitht- enrd our traveller as police r fllecr Ai' henrxt is the best. 'Although a ft veats r'go his naine was m known, fvei re is now aware Ihal Mr, Jm.es Polk (why did'nt he say ',,) was a I w. ycr in 1 lie Slate of IVnoess e, hnldiog respectable, but by 110 mentis a con Handing position.' You don'i siy si.' fel every Ameiirao who knew an hipg of his eountr 's poliin s. knew iIm Mr.Poik was a promim n'eadii g mero oer of Congress Ir r about ten uihj do l ing four of which he was Speaker n he lions', and iv al ttwaids (l.ivrr rnor of TdiiirssOP. Il d il,eie do his Jvig'isl.rnan pick up this slang a mnl the Pic-idem's i' 0 is ob seuiity? lie could n-t have undei s'ood our history suffici- idly lo know who had bean ohscuip or who ctnspir onus, and ihet r f jre tbi - tx 'glil sugecs tion could ool haie been r-i ignial. ! got il from some of the vulgar and ran coious partisan j mma's pub';. bed ii he commeiical cities; journals t which qtii'o ino niiioy am iodthted tor iheir enlii r igi.orain't.' ol pollitica ,)hil isoph v. II" says thai the 'Vi:igs' wire high'y indignant a I ibo election 0 .uch an obscure peison, but have since nihmiit' il lo b's Pesii. iiii il an honi with a good grace. Sdunit'ed wi h 1 ood graei! Why, Mi. Tjtiri-', tin yoil expert llril lh y 'tl'd iise 111 ie bi llion? Tney never 'hoo;!il cf such ; thine 'Tairy al .Ii r grown. ' o nil yotT beaid THE LAMES OK V V I' A Mull AS. We copv the lollowli':' graphic sieli h ol lie ladies ol ,1itamoia- mm ,1 h tier ad, iressul to the editor id ii S :. tints Amer can. It is from the pei of In. K. J. Me fJoy, of Nurtiiumb: rlain': The ladies ol this in f lr irriving at Ihe .igff ol a1' .1 il irtv cars, al nost willioiil exci 'piion heroine veiv I' md lubberly; and it they have nitbnio pos essed any rharnis 111 the way of beuun ihey bio all apt lo lake iheir leave, save one ind lha' remains faithful to the l.isl. Al1 Mexican women, of w!i,divtr age, bail iee:h of the must aduiir.ble whiteness ami .1 gulariiy. I have not ocen a enisle e.crp 11011 lo ibis rule much I cmue to Mexico. flic- very embonpoint tf thtie doiinarjclaim a'deii'.'kiti, Ttinlam tthundy. oold, al first sight, satisfy you of iir wely, laughing (Jispnsiiinn. You never fter tbeir houses without being received villi smiles, and many complimentary wish- concerning your health; and are univer ally presented with a eigarrdo just tiiken rorn a pair of lips thai still possess just laiins upon your admiration. This, wheth- r von aie a smoker or not. yon must crin oline before you leave the bouse: and some- imes even I have found them much too short- Bul bewren the cidanimr ,i , lark eyed daughters, I have several times fell my head reel, and mv idem in the uu nost confusion. However, I must iippm. liriato a special paragraph lo the Senionias. I believe il is generally admitted that the nost potent weapon cf the Mexira ladies s their eyes. That they are vert brilliant mil expressive I admit, without hesiniion; ml that ihey excel in tins particular feature most positively deny. I have seen dark yes in old Pennsylvania, ihat as fireclips- d in and intelligence all that I have seen in luxico, as sunshine docs in brightness tha miles of midnight. The features of ihe iee are seldom strikingly handsome, or e- ven rrgular; and the ravages of the smalL pnx have contributed, in no smali degree to ibliierato trails of beauty lha in many in unites would have been universally sc. knowledged. But in figure, I at once yield the palm of Mexico, I have nevei seen la dies, in any of the iwclve States I have et visited, who could sucees-fully compare with the Senioiitas of Matamoi. in this important particular. The v t.re absolutely perfection itself. Bustles, I (eel confi lent, will never find f ivor in the e es of the .Mex icans, since they can only act as a menus of distortion. Though not particularly happy ii their F'.Ie of dress, ihey have that pics 'urrsquo and novel appeal ance which at nice rivits the attention of a sun of tlio North, and sets him to drawing lines of tomparisonjbelwecn llicm and the fair ones ie has h ft behind him. Here agiin they suffer Ti e low necked short dies, widi .rge glaiing pink figures, and a single nar ow lloum e relieved below by a few inches d the white inidcr-drrss rut into points is ot waiting in beauty, and sets off a fine i a 11 re to the utmost advantage. And ii I as "Hither nvomnicndatior: it displays thu iucst turned ancle, and the prettiest foot in he world. Bul with all this, no one ol even noderitc f.iste, can pretend lo say thai the leniorita would be less enchanting if f ;.sh" middy diessed. Nay, I have thought txr.e of them mijLl shine as stars in our Vonliern ball rooms. This is sajing more .or ihem Jihar. most ol my companions ivould dream of on account of ihe almost uspicious darkness of their complexion. COuPOUAL TUIM AiMJ AUNT 'RU DY. 'There arc people.' continued the corpo ral' 'who cin'i even breathe without bl:n. l.'iing a neighbor. 'You judge too severely,' replied my aunt Prii'ly. m 1 one is slandered who Iocs not deserve it.' ' I'll at may be,' retoiled the corporal, 'but I have heard vry slight Ihings said of on. The ficeofmv auol kindled wnh anger. 'Md' she exclaimed M! slight thicrs said of mc! Whal can any ore say i f mi?' They sa,' answe'ed the corporal grave Iv and drawing Ins words 10 keep mv aunt in sii'-pense, 'that ou are no belli r iIijii vou oughl to be.' Pury llaslied from the eves of may aunt. 'Who are ihe wretches?' ' hope they slander no one !if. dors net deunc it, temarked the corporal jeer ingly, as lie left the room. The Ij clings of my aunt mnv well be con eived. She was sonsih'y iifl'eeied. True, she bad foibles. Site was peevish ami frei iul. lint she was rigidly mora! ,,H rirtu us. The purest iee w as not no ' ehasie, I he Pope himself could not ho.i.-i more pie ty (.'onsiious o.' ihe eorrietness rf her .ondiiet, she wa- w ounded al the u maik of il.e eorpnral. Why should her neighbors -I nub r lu r. St:e rould not 1 oi jeetlire. Li t my auol be consult d. A person who cm lue in tins world without sniffling slai dtruiisil.e ii'o stiijiiit or insignificant to