The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 12, 1846, Image 3

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    Outrage vpnn Unman EighLX
Mr. Row, ii (Irolon, Mim , having ob-
uinrd a laK .livoice fiom hi- wile,
m llio tround lhat (Lev could nol
live immilv toother, m.r.ird . M.
m , , , .
' '""' "MII "llll.ll 111 1,1 IIIIW CIIIM IUI !
,, , . , .
hlv living. I he church of which both
Ala 1 . am . I I. .... ... . r - ... ... . .
Air. R and his ne w wife are ntenv
"-r, h ut a trial on this nuller, ami a
j..y i.rdiiingUiNhfd divine l-cid.lh.l;,hrre ,U1,,m, yerllj m ,;; tbM b,
although. Mr. Row obtained a legil di
vorcf , and had pet feet right by all hu
in in law nol heinfc in accordance wi'h
I In law of God that law promulgated
by the great head of the church, whic"
is, thai :here can he no divoice in the
eye of (lo I, except for the crime of a
ilultcry hrrefore, that Mr. and Mrs.
K iw aie now living in open adultery,
an I therefore a.-e unworthy of the fel
lowship of I ho chuich and they exclude
or rxrorniminicale them from it body.
Dreadful Explosion vj Fire Dam -On
the after noon ol Wednesday last, at the col
liery woi keil by Mr- Ceo Rich, on the
Weal Hmnch of tho Mi. Carbon mad,
known as Lewis Vein, an explosion of gas
took place, which was most dieaslrous in
iis result. Il was followed bv what is
k inwn to minors as choke damp, by which
oighl men were overpowered. So violent
wan it that lor a long lime no assistance
ronld he extended to them successfully, and
Mx. Rich, ihe owner who entered for thi--pnrpoi3,
was near fulling a victim to hie
philaiithropby. At last they weie extricated
six of ihcin perfectly insensible one.
John Tiley, dead, and long after yet anotl.
er who though in longer than any of tin
rest was yet lecnvered. Mr. Rice lnnisel'
was for a long lime in a atate of unconsci.
ousncas and delirium; but i, we learn, re.
covering as are all who were taken from tin
abaft alive. J'he scene we learn from om
who was present was of heartful interest
ihe prostration of the sufferers the disinav
nf die spectators and the agony of the fam
ilies of iho injured men presented one ol
those scenes persona who do not live in mi
riing districts can Lrm no adequate idea of
Tho suffereis were attended we learn by
Dr. Chichester and received every attention
from himself and from other humane genth
man of this borough, who lepaiied to the
ecene of tho accident t the first intelligence
of i s occurrence. tiier Journal.
The singular Disclosures of Crime at
says that, since the iaclosurc9 of crime
made upon a supposed death bed by a dis
tinguished PhysieUn ofRumeo, the siuileme
have left tl.e branch Universaiy. The Pres
in relation to the case says,
It is true that certain confessions have
hi eu made on what was tl;0 ghl to be a
.deaihbed, by a physician of that place, iro
plicating citizens that have long baen regar
did as persons of high moral worth ii
transactions of the blackestcharacter. Tin
fierson making the confessiors has stood
high as a citizen and skilful practitioner an"
mulct ihe garb of religion and morality,
stealing-die garb of heaven lo aerve the dev.
i! in, 'he has been guilitj of a auccession. oi
the busest crimes.
In the conception and execution of hit
villanies he seems to have been most expen
and accomplished; and when he supposed
lie could buy heaven by a confession of lii
own infamy an'l the ruin of the reputation
of Ins victim, he hesitated not at the price
but freely and unnecessarily made conies
eion in relation toothers, that the cause ol
virtue and truth did nol and never could re
quire. 'Sonic of his offences were committed
ncveral ycaia since, uid his victim had deep
ly repented and made all due confessions,
and none but a selfish, craven-hearted cow
ard, driven on by fear, would attempt to
barter the feelings and happiness of the in
uocent, and tear his victim from the place
itr subsequent life of piety and virtue had
justly entitled her lo occupy for the vain
hope of lnppiiiesj in heaven. Virtue and
relii'ioti do not require, and heaven cannot
approve of audi baseness
Making IfimieH Useful. A.eliidcnt, in
Western Keserve College, who has been
there m various stages of education for 0
years, has supported himself by grafting.'gambling places rtey occupy ihe oppe.
, 1 ., . j 'rooms of ihe chief corners of manv pimci-
iiiccu atinr, and otherwise introducing.'"'""" 1 .. .. . ,, .
.... , . . -)n streets and have their bars as ihe iifux
choice fruits, and has, in fact, fv"ll'"nn'Z'jgpen,illgSB f vi!h places. w) U
cd and luxuriated all the town round. That ,il(-jUjh pot least licenn"ns:ies abounds as
man wid make himself a living any'rommon accompaniineiit of ih' loregoing
. . , . 1 ....... t hi AAvtteina bpkwardn certainly.
anu not be uencnoen uoon c iari' lor aseis-
1 1 '
.ckanaaJ. Accordir.g to the LittleKock
GtZ, the new Legislature at Arkansas
divides politically' as fal'ows; Senate
Vhrg S; Dernocrals 0. Houie Whiga,
18; Democrat, 50. Joint ballot, Whigs.
21; Domocrats, L9.
Looking info the Future. Xn Italian
journal relaies the following incident as lnv
"'R I n le 1 y ore n t r ei'
' Inured by luting rMi the WaiHlfiing
J'w-' Rn ''iunt of llaiinaniudi ha
placet! in ilie Savings-bank a sum of 100
- ,
fliiiiiis. of which he Ikih disposed bv bequest
, ,, . 1 ' ,
a fullo p' V lien dm accumulated inter.
est and prineip il shall hive produced iwclvt
millions of florins, (which will happen ii
employed in building- 1 church for ilie se r
vice of the Reformed Religion; a second. I'm
founding a Normal School, for the iiiMrue.
lion of teachers nm! village notaries; a third
for '.In; ercciion of a hospital; two m or.-, lot
a mod, Nfr in and a school of agriculture
one more, for constructing a railroad to tin
neighboring alone quarried, mid for an sildi
lion to the wages of the wuiking people ol
ihe town, one of the embellishment of tier
iiianstadt, two for such woika of chariiy a
1'ie spirit of that time may think worthies!
and lastly, one million to be enjoyed b
rU( persons as can eslabish their descen
Ira id tho founder.
Deserters. At the seige of Fort Urowi
the Mexicans, fearing that ihe American;
would burn the town, resolved nol to fin
on the fori. Two soldiers deseiicd to tlx
enemy: one was an Irishman, the other a
British deserter, both inle.ltgenl men, who
knew the amount of ammunition in tin- fr
and advised lle Mexicans to bombaid tin
fort, which they did, with shut and shells
which could not be returned, as lit le pow
Jerwas i fi,&m ibis way they sustained tin
heavy firing for veveul days, and our met
might have been deslroved or taken had no
the battle." of :he 8ih and 'Jih of May reliev
ed them. The lascals who gave the Mcx
icana ihe information were also engaged ec
lively in (he bombardment, and one of then
issistcd in pointing a gun.
Is IT I'ossnii.E A woman, seventy
veara of ag, ifsidmg in Ku'likmc nonj
V. T. lately piesen'ed her hu.-biin
with three children, two hoys and a gii
She rud nol hid a (h I I (or twenty yeait
previous. Boston Pant.
Vermont Election. The II pre
enlalivcs elec1, so far, stands Whig 05.
Uemocral Ltberiy 10. The Stiiati
vill be at leas! two third Vh;.
The Canadian saya lhai a run look plan
r. Ihe Cny Hank ol Quebec the day pre vi
rid peison presented a check for a small sun
to which he received the reply ol -no lunils
I his he look to mean not that the drawn
if the cheek had no money in the bank bn
hat the bank itself was 'Imd up.' 7"hi
rumor spread and occasioned a compled
mob of the hodeis of small notes; tins iln
wealthier citizens endeavoured to counter
'Ct in the usual way while some running
hopkeepeis took the notes in payment a
js Gd each no doubt lay ing the odd six
jienee two or lhrec limes over on the
The bank was" kept open an hour and 1
lalf beyond ihe usual lime ol closing hj
wliiih lime ihe follj was pretty well ex
The Smithsonian Institute The lie
jents oflliii Institution assembled it Washi
ngton on Monday last. After a provis
donal and temporaty otgainz itinn by call-
in the President of the United Slates lo ihr
:hair and appointing ihe lion. Mr. Hugh,
SecrcUiv pro tern, ihe Regents spenl the
remainder nf the si ting first, in a reading
if the law constituting the Institition then
m a free interchange of views a general
oirve y of ihe powers end duties devolved
on them and of those of the officers created
by Iho law. Caleb Cushing our late Minis
ler to China and Francis Markoe Fs-q. of
the Slate Depailmcnt are two principal can
hies for Secrelarv. The appointment of
Caleb Cushing would give universal satis
faction throughout the country and in Fu
Progress of Iitmlim A w ritrr in the
Courier gtvi s a d irk picture of the retro
orade of virtue in Boston, 'lo ilie 2d
aid' he says 'the overseer and assessor
loht me there were over 'J00 drinking pla
cos many ol them kept by a low and worth
less characters It is computed ilial Irum
600 to 800 rwm bowling alleys are in oper
lion to the rum of many youths to say noth
ing of the boys educating lor ihe House 01
As lo ihe billiard roum am
uuoiuh i --
l . -tI. L
A wtetch.- man in uauioiore nas
prost-euied his own daughter, a young girl.
sixteen years of age. for larceny, 7'his is
the fifth time that he bia bioughl such a
charge against her, on euch flimsy evidence
;hat die magistrate- ha always discharged
We clip the following amuilng paragraph from
(ho lVniiKy Ivauiaii,
' I'lio H'higii (ifColiimliia county, in this State,
luvo twiin lo orj.oiiie their forces preparatory tu
tho fu cHiupaiii, in the hope of carrying thm
alrailv lleinocrulic county, and vt perceive lliat
siiuie iT8eviring genlleiiniii lias started 11 new
'lieme In t'ltwt prpeunl Inolmn. Until or tneac
culcrprisea will iloubilcsa Huccced b,iut the same
fXjThomus Smith, Knq. of Luzerne county, ha
rtwigui'd the Supervi.Horsliip of thu North Urnlicli
We lecorninerul our readers to peruse (lie speech
of Hon Thorn Uciilou on ihe IVusiJcnt'i veto ol
die French iipoliHiion bill. The upeedi is puldih-
ed iu lull in tin) Appendix to the (.'
Ololii! for 1 8 Hi, rniiiiiieiiciiig at page S9H. A flood
of light is thrown over the history und cluracler nf
these cluiuia, and they am hIiowii to luvn neither
law noi eipiity to mistain them. U Ii it little was
left of lliexo claiina uf'er the l'residenl'a veto and
the arguments of Mr Dix and olhers, is uttej!y dc-
inolinlied hy lliia speech of Senator Itenloo. It ii
literally a process nf tomahawking ihu they undei:
gout ihe hands of ihe Missouri ginut.
Affi Oi leans. Thus far this season haa
been remarkable healthy. No evidence ol
yellow fever has exist d.
(Jrorge Banenft. The piesenl Secre
ary of die Navy is making ucive piepara
iiui.s l.i leave lor Furope as Minisier lo ihe
Couri of bi Janu s A viry clever young
gentleman fmin Huston now in Kurope may
become his Secreiary ol Legal. on.
Salem County. .New JeiB'y, raises aur-
)lus jiruiluce, over the quantity construed
amounting to if 7 1 1 401. The extent nf ihe
Co.inty is only three hundred square miles
and the number of ihe inhabitants 10 021.
Iiread Stuff. The hut news from
ugla:id has had a very favorable effect on
dour and grain, and an advance of lib pei
cent, has taken place. Very large order
lor Indian corn aie said 10 have been sent
tut from England to this conntiy. Cider
10 the same purport have also been sent to
he .Mediterranean. They are intended foi
he supply of lielaiid.
The American Hoard of Missions has
bout ou3 hundred miiioii establishments a
prominent points of influence throughout
he globe, and its receipts lor the past y3.11
riave exceeded 200,000.
Tall Corn A writer u; Camargo, Mex
en, says he saw a halfacie uf corn at thai
lace, the shortest stalk uf which, with coin
ipon it was not less Ihan eighteen leet
liit'b! How much more he does not say.
1)1 KD On Sunday evening last in
Briar c cek Lewis Skitii aged 23 years.
On Sunday the 30ih uliI)iR"THV,consnr'
of Jaci.h liitn nbcniler deceasid eaed 8'J
years fi rnonihs snd 13 days.
On monday cv niug the 3 1 st nit in Or-
uigeville J'trtit Stiner in the VJjiIi veai
f his age.
lilisine.-is is iv noted iiuinediately by ihe huI-
ilier. (mod wayes utid constant cinnlnvnient
willbegivin. U. J. KlCIi-
lllooins'jurg, Srpirnilier 12
snppiior lot, juat revived and for sale very
cheap, by
ilenilier li
Sheriff Sale
V vittuc of a writ uf vend ox to mo directed,
will bo exposed lo public nale at the house
f Jacob Dyer, in Oaitawissa. on
V aturdaythe 2fit lay of September 16-16
t 1 o'clock, 1'. M. the following property, vii
AH the defendants interest in three lots nl
round situate in tho town of Cattawissa, Col um-
iia county, the first hounded by the Susquehanna
ivcr, mid lot of illiatu Mclvelvy and the Oatta.
wissn Itridno Company, oud frniitiny on Water
iJttcet of said town The oilier two lots fronting on
.'lAiiii street of said town, bou dud on the east bv
iilhei lot of defendant, on tin: north hy hit uf Jo
seph llayltursl, snd on the west by Walei street,
wheieon is erected a larijo two slorv
ttV frame house
lis I-'rainc .Stable
w ith the nppiirtenimces.
Seized and taken in execution as the properij
of (icur'K U'atert.
Snv.tin' Oinri;, Dmwllu
Acg '.Ii IdtC.
The Suhsr-ihri has added alarae.NEW FLAT,
lo hi other Boats, at the Ferrv near theBridge.and
is nmv nrenared to cross anytime from a foot pas
ener loa six horao team, at reduced prices, ana
at short notice.
LA.K.M and Common, new 6tvlciuit received
j r . ... . l.. . t . -
bU lur ioiuu 01 a new ttore.
A filend.d article of FAM-Y end WI.JjaOR
CHAIH tnd r;D(JKl.a CIlAIhS for select'
ue Lkhtsticct New Store.
- M 'L 1 1 1 . .. .t
s 11 1: 11 1 11 ( n 1 1) in;s
We are authorized id announce
as a candidate foi ihe office ol Sheriff at the
ensuing general election:
To the Flttturs of Columbia County
Fellow Citizens: At the solicitation 01
my Irieinis I bave been inouctd lo idler my
idl as a candidate lor ilie otlite ol
hi ihe ensuing election. Should I be so for
lunate ai to receive a majority ofyouraul
rhges, I pledge myself lo peilorm ilie dune
ol stud otlico with ti'Jelity
Win. AtcMlCHAEL.
Uteenwood Aug 29 1310.
We arc authoiiaed lo anncunco
of I entrc township, as s candida'e for the office ot
Shcnir ut the ensuing October election.
H'o are authorised to announce
of Catlawinsa, as a candidate for the office of She
ilfat tho ensuing Oclobtr election.
To the good citizens of the County of Co
lumbia. Having been solicited by a number of iho voteiv
uf die county of Columbia, the uuduraigned once
more olfora hiinsulf as a
Candidal t for Ihe Office Sheriff t
at the next annual election. Should he he so fir.
tuimle as to receive a majority of your suffrages,
ue pledges himself to execute the duties of the of
lice with fidelity.
ylahoning. August 2i!.
Tu Ihe Free and Independent Electri
of Columbia Cuunly.
Owing to ihe urgent scdicinuioii ol my numci
us friends, I huve been induced to oiler myself us u
('undid ute for the Office of Sheriff
if Columbia County. Should my fellow citizens
iy their suffrage nlace rue in said ollicu, 1 pledge
myself to perforin the duties of the suuiu with hu
manity and impartiality,
Vo t e Independent Electors i f Co
tunibia County,
Vkllow Citizens The aubscribei,
it Ha- uuliul itiou ol many friends, an
lountts Ins initriiiuii of being a
Cand. date fur the efftee of SheriS.
jt the ensuing election. If elected h
pledges hinoelf lo act withslricl fidelity
.n.l ,orjiii,liii " iho ..... .. . I -
lutics oi S.111I olnce.
L'-pylmvn, AogusiS, 1 8-1 G.
Vo the free Independent Electors of Co
lumbia county .
Fkm.ow Citizi-'.ns. By the solisiialior
il a iMiniher of my frieiul I have heen in
lucrd in nlfer mvself as a candidate for tfn
illice nf Sll ERIFF of Culumhia pnnnty at
lie next general Election. Should he si
'nrtiinate as lo receive a majority of your
nic .1 I pledge niysef to perform the tluiiif
f sail, office to the hesi of my ability, with
uinaiiiiy .
Orange township July 23 I 1 8 1 0 .
;looms13L'HG, pa.
l'hysiciii and SuPffi 11,
AVLNG located himself iu '"""insburg, len
ders his professional servii-e8 'o tin p,jc
He mav tic consulted at all lin es nl his 1 (lie ,
Williim Kobison's, opposite DocMcr'u Hotel.
August 20, I S4G 1 8
New iximils
finllE Subscriber has just received a new stip-
JSl I'ty 01
Dry r;ols, (-roccrits, Ac.
selected wilh gret t care from the first lots in maiket
lor the fall trrie, consisting nf ihe mot fashionable
ty lea of
Ginghant Lawns, Do Lanes, Ginghams,
and rrints.
Cloths, Casiinieies, Veslings, te.
Also a fresh aupply of
HATS JlM) C.i'S,
)f the newest style for fall. Al o a n..v Jot of
All going off still lower than those others which
purchasers buy were positively the cheapest in the
ounty. ouuiiUL WEAVER.
August 22.
A n assortment Of HOLLOW WARE
j5V aucb as Ket let, Hots, toilets, l ea Kettles.
Spiders, Cake Griddles, &q- Also Large and
small Waggon Rotes, from the Danville agl:
Works, just received and tor sale by
Deccme 20
CSr lKud Hit: .'"ill I
Ctivcd and fur sale at the Now Htore.
L. 13, BL'PiRT.
HAVK just oponsd a N V. W STOKE in Eh
. PYtowii, oppoiilo Ilie Canal Itnsin. when
hy offer 10 those who want te HUV CIIKAI"
a (?enerul and well selected asaortrncnt of IKIi
CHAN DISK iiaoludiaasjr
Dry Goods, Groceries
Hardware, Queens
ware, Shoes, &c.
and all the usual variety keut 1(1 cminfrif at a 1
All of which ihev will well chea
saiitfWttiry tcrini for '
They respectfully solicit a share of nuMie
onage. '
GUlNand LUMBER tvil Le
taken at the Market Prices.
August 10-10. 18ly
rTHHE subacriber effera for sale his
1. led ill Greenwocd townshiu. Columhin conn.
, en me roau leading troui Dloornsburg to Ml-
ue, tuiiiiiininn about
llut I Cf o it cleared lurid, un.l iii ?...! iui
i . uiii.ouun. unon ilie uieiniMi are
Two Story House,
KA Kooil Annie Ori-linrrt M;
. . a.Ol 11, ( f: 1
v.x 1 1
and a never failina tinrints
i Water, and the whole farm well Wulcit'il. fr
will be sold 011 reasonable terms.
Ureenwood, August 16, 1S1R I7if
TUB ('npartnershiu lieretofora eiiaiinn ,,n.U
he firm of A 11 K' 1 Itlt X 1af 1 urna
ha.iing claim- against, or indebted to the luteflim
;n un, UIUUI.CU UV IIIUIUBI COIISeill. All lll'ranna
ore reijueHlea In settle with the suhscriber; by whom
uio uuninuss win m imure no conducted.
AM 0.1 13. K.WBB.
Lightstreet; uly C, 1310.
liLANKS ! ! BLANKS ! !
TIIE subscriber very respeerully informs the
M public thai he has on bund mid iacoi.stant
ly Manufacturing, HOOTS and SHOES
of all kinds which he will sell at the following low
Gentlemen's Weak.
Morocco or Calf Skin Boots H 00
Coarse or Fine Shoes 1 75
Miner's Shoes $2 to 2 25
Morocco Slippers 87.
Ladies' Weak.
Morocco or Cu'f Skin Luce Boots 1 GO
Thick Sale French Ties 1 2b
Pumps Springs or Frem h 1 12.!
Other kinds of Slippers 75 cents to 1 OH
N. Li. The above aie nil uf.tnv own Manufacture
ind are wrrunted to stand. I htive also 011 hand
1 large atm k of
Kasteiin made Hoots and Shoes,
which I will sell at small profits.
Country Merchants and others who buy by the
dozen, ate invited lo call and examine my goods
is 1 will sell to such at a large reduction.
(JjRenieinler the place at the SEW IiOO'1
md XJIOE STOKE, lower end of Main-strcet.
July 4 1846
Would now be the most interesting topics of
I'onvorsation, nad nut
.10 11 A' is. iiovi;ir
competed his MOW STORE"" t'"1 ""tl
west corner of Market Pquare and moved into il
with a large and general assortment of
TOYS, Sic. rtc. -e.
but such being tbo fjet, the other questions are en
lircly lost sight of and lie is rapidly disposing ol
his stock at reduced prices.
In addition to his other business he has on hand
in extensive assortment of
of every description, which ho is selling as low 31
thev can be purchased in the county.
He invites sll to give him a call as he in deter
mined to sell 011 the most reasonable tonus; war 01
in war :
June J0.-
I'rttty roallu rs .'Iahon rincCiid
NU ss this holds good in slrnoi.t every ieKp"c
the suhtcriPcr would ngsin inform his mem'
111U lhe public eenerallv. that he is still living am
occupying the 1)1, D bTAND, on Main-nrci I. bi
tween Ihe office of C. R-Buckalcw and the Jllacl.
imilh shop of Moses Cnffnian, at which place h
nay b found upon the (est nf poteriv, prepsrot
to dnw out the thread of affliction- Ho has ius'
rceived the fht Latent i.tule of Fosftiont foi
SPRINC and SUMMCIi, and with them he
stands pledeo to sccomm"i!ate his"fiitnds, rusto-.
ners and the public generally with grrd autstan
:ial taetv fiU or no tharg m te.
D. RLTPERT, TAILOR," will U found upc
1 Shingle stuck up above the door.
JMisinonfrce of all erptne
Ha would alto inform his friends that Wheat
Rye, Oats, Corn and Hots.toes will be taken in ex.
change frtr ork done ai his sh.ip, and hule cf
'.he pciLft'r dintlitm, once in a while, will not cone
amiss. Call and give htm a trisl,
April 23, 1S4C I
Altoriu'v al liativ.
Office iiouth side of Main st. beow
i)ti KVEl'AA'CVK.
Drflee, comer of Bsst and Main-streeia.
Attorney at Law,
Hlcomsburo, Columbia Corj.rry, Pa.
Office on Market a few doors above Main
Street 8if
The Subscribers being deiermined not
o hi outdone by, )tir neighbors, e.iher in
prioe or woikmrwihip, have put down the
Km. k ?T.-S,,.weiuB fron' da,e 10 ONE
U JLLAK, believing iliey car, save iheuw
aelves by so iluinjj.
July 1, 1813.
The subscriber informs th n,,i,ii.. .1.... i....-
procured a new flat. tl lhe Ir 'Z Z '
ready st all times to take ftrrristi tha -; n. a.A. . . .
.oasixhorsateam, f0 eemsTo.'om.h
30 cen.s fu, four horses sr." lime at 26 cents a load,
lie re. ry , a directly opposite the new ilfeihodisi
Huie Kidge. Aug. 201846.
Is hereby pi-en to all ihose indebied up
on the Court House subscripiiori list, ihat
ihe mnncy is now wanted, and thai ihv
are rtqueMfd In pay 0 L B Rupcri Treas
urer .f ihe building' commntee or to Manin
uuperi, Oullecuir, len per ecnt monihly up.
on the amount of theii subscription, cum.
meneemg on ija (irsl 0f Jll(je (ast
IJy order of ihe building committee
L. R RUFERT, Treasure,.
Aug. 29 1810.
Is hereby given thai I have bonohi nf
Daniel Zirtler, one 1m of ieai. four acrni
of corn on the ground, 4 tons of hay, I
sta:k of nais, 2 thousand sKineles snd l
horse and have left ihe same in his nofa-
linn dnrin? my pleasure, of which ihe pub-
ue win in he notice.
Aug 29, 1810.
O. C. K.'iULER
OL'l.D respectfully inform Ins friends and
the public generally, lliat he
i-ived and 01 ened on the corner of M,in ,.,! l- .t
Greets iu Bloomsbuig, Ihe largest, best and cLeap.
Jst afHortment of
Re Any Mack Clothing,
vrr nflored In this neighborhood, which he tvlll
ell from 10 to 20 per rent, clieaner than lhe rbi .,,.
est. H is stock is got and selected with great care,
mane 01 itio nest and 11 o.t tualuona' Ic mateiiala
md in the most workmanlike manner and slvle
embracing every grade, color and price which will
mil euiur llic taste or economy nt purchases.
will sell
Timed sack f rock S, drrm coats from$H 00 to .1 00
Sitmmcr and r.rnlim cloth do 2 87 to 75
l-itirn und xivgkum do 1 2f to 2 00
iiitrc ana Irench cummcre Funh 3 7b w 4 7C
"tliHtt do 1 75 tu 3 25
Drilling and gamhoun do 62 to 2 60
atin and silk veils 2 60 to 3 76
" luamdiiwn and Marsale vests 1 to to 2 50
Besides a good assortment of Stocks, Cravats,
Handkerchief. Cnllsra, Whirls; Jc. all of which
ihe public are invited local! and examine foi them,
iclvra belore purchasing elsewhere if ihry wish to
get a good bargain and well suited.
July 11, I81G-I2lf
Jusf received at the New Store, ar.d fur
salo cheaper ,han ever.
Aug. 1 1810.
Travelling, Market ami Suchel Basketa
lust received at the New Store.
Aug. 1.
Ol lhe latest style, just received at ilia
New Store. L. U. RUPER'l'.
Cull before purchusing Ehathtre ot
the Xeu Factory of Earlhenuuic,'" by
THE subscribers bave opened a POTTr.HV
on the oad leading from Miiin to Third st.
near the Methodist Church, Bloenist urg, Ci luin.
ni county, where they intend to oiaiitfatture
vgrecf the best materialt the latest ard mot n;.
proved patterns and nihed in the vcr hrst man.
itr; auclt sa Pots of a!:Jcc-ript:or.e; Ii i.eacftv.
ny variety and Jugs ot all size. ; and a variety if
mher articles torj nuictrous to tDer.liori; in hut all
'tinds and every variety which tniv be wanted hy
my w ho may fuvor them with a call. A supply
kept ronnantly on hand vh;rh will b" sold bv
wlmhsale or retail s little chespei than the cheap,
est for rah or etui try produce. A ro dry Pius
Wooilt'iKnt in cjcljange for work it ilclivtred at
their shop.
Lioii,ib-irj, Septeuilr S, ISlbVZO,