The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 12, 1846, Image 2

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    4'rnvTu ijuovr t
. rt'iiw. i. sf.p run an h u is m
T lie Office of ihe M'i i.iMBiA I)rM"cnAi
has been lie moved imo the new Buck
Untitling, South side ol Mam sneet, few
doota below Mattel.
V. 15. rALMR K 7?.7. w authorized to net us
A 'nt fur the ' l-'otv -Mm Dumoi bat, una rc
iv.'n mmursfir tu!iKnjitiul U'lt Adveriii
in'' ill M A''Stit'e in
P!i;huh)rmi A'..S'J r;ifitrtft.
A.-to VW. " I BO S,ivmu-ftreet.
" 10 Stitfe-slnxt.
HnHlmnrt S. ?.'. dir. . ' Ctiherl-tts.
M,rt-:at-t'htin!cii mid Tradesmen may Jim!
It lo their tiitvmitngtlu udvrrtise in tin
i: is the oti'y one jnitilttlnit at Hit t.oulii)
f .('. h cttuttr cireutullon in the rminly than
:n othc,- pener )ubtihca within uumum-
' :- -i, -.: i ' T' T ff T ?! TT TP. f
OWEN 1). LfclH.
To tito rriiHinrj liusineas is wanted at this Of-
f e. A i B-ti vv- toy 15 or 16 years of ag will re
i' .rfuoutl t.icouragcinent.
Ci.i.icrTon'a Omts Btnwici, '8ept 1, 1S46,
Cor.- IT. Wr.BB,
Dear Sir Tho following shows the coltec
firms at tliis office in tho present fiscal year up to
l including Augnet 31st Uo the quantity of.
roil clcaicd.
Amount of tolls collected in August, $ 14,027 01
Amount jinrlaat report, 27,101 29
V,'h"l!! nmot'm, $11,740 30
Amount ilearcd in August, ' 37,003 tons.
Amour.t ajiicr last report, 70,155
N'linle nmrtunt, 108,058
T:etoctfully yours,
The nominations made by iho Conven
(inn on Monday last, tmy be complained
ofjbysome of our Democratic, friends,
but we hope will bo opposed by none
Such opposition can only breed pure mis'
chief for ihe future, and without the slight
est present benefit to Rny person concerned.
There is a growing and eornen desire for
harmonious and united action among thr
democracy of this courtly; and by the exer
cise of a spirit of magnanimity now, tliir
object will be fully and permanently secur
ed. We know, that it may be said, thai
the nominations are not properly distributed
in regard lo louaiioti. But we think tha
grinning ibis to be so, it has arisen in i
great degree from petsonal pitlVrenres ann
t'tincctions ra'.her-lhan from local fcelinu
'Mis townships of Monteur,MoiintPleasau'
Jain and Mifflin, il will be recollected werr
iacli divided in their voles on tho r.omina-
tion ol Assemblyman and on Ihe questior
of SliPiiff townships far separated united to
gft.her in thoir aciiiMi. 'For member, tlx
contest was close, the recult for a limo doubt
(til and the change of -one township wcuh'
hive phced amtlier name upon the Demo
crni'c ticket. The Convention howevn
I -i ilccidei; and there should he no exul
tation on thu one hand nor defection on tin
vliicr. The Democracy era together oner
tior. in a county organization and union
::!i.j'u!d he ihe wniohword for ihe future.
! '.!:!! We learn that on Gumhy even
l ist ihrt Bum of A Jam Heller, in adi:
'ni ;;nvnsliip, wa struck by lightning ant'
i'.- '.iild.nt with all its coments eonaistinj;
. . . am hav wagons &j. were ttittrtly de
i tr.iveJ. No inv-ureiice.
Tho Wliir County CotventtiM; for th
nomination of randtdates, inteis orCaitn on Monday next. The Delegate clcc
lions take place on Saiurd:i,
V.'e learn lint the Whig Conferees tf iliir
Congressional district compjstd of tin
foiinties of Columbia Luzerne and Wcnin
i'.p met at NVilkesbane nn 71ondav Ins-
-jd put in nomination for Congress CUES
TEA UU I LEIi. ;q. of the iaiier place.
A Camp Meeting, held by the ,1etho-
istrf, couiinenctd yesteiday in M'filn
Wa lioisi, iliia week, at out lie a J ibe
Democratic ticket, lelsuted by ih Demo-
critic Cunnty Convention on MoiiJajr last;
coufl lent thai all the candidates pametl up
on it, will be elected.
A' CaiuwUst, is renominated (or Congrats
'ia vnie in the convrutiou being uuanitooua
li is atill sull-el to ilm concurrent e ol 1m
4rne and Wyoming counties, but w do
ioi apprehend any difficulty from either ol
ihrin. 1 1 ia the uniform usage, throughout
the elate, to give Repp seulatives in Con
gress a second lenni mid it is now tlto duly
of all true Democrats lo turn out and awell
Doctor 7ib' mfrjoriy ae high as possible.
''lie Demorratic majority in ibis Cungre sa
tonal District at the Presidential Vleclior. in
1814 waa 2,003. It ia too murh the lubn
with many cf our Democratic voter lo slay
at home on election diy except when a
President or Governor in lo b s elerted. We
respectfully urge them to turn out this full
:tnd show the noiay .Fedei allele dial Colutr
hia county ia capable at all limes of pro
nounciog a wrihiy condemnation upon the
principles, measures, and men of Federal
of Briarcreek, ia the regular ly nominated
Democratic candidate for Assembly, and
such deserves the cotdnl support of every
Damocial in the coumv We can sy
him too, whalcannolbe said -of nnai men
thol we do not believe he has a peisotitl en
emy in ihe world. Of his fl-alirkation for
a seal in ihe Legislaiuifi they sie, a good
knowledge of public questions, thorough
honesty i and an unspotted character. As a
Democrat he is 'true as eteel a follower
of JefTtimon from convici.'n rather than im
pulset We liusl in see linu receive a large!
msiorilv from voters, whose interests and
opinions he will re.ptesent with iulvlligence
and fidelity.
of Orange, is the Democratic candidate for
Sheriff He received ihe nomination upon
the first vole in the Convention, though sev
eral other candidates were brought b'fore
that body; and it is sullicieni recommenda
tionfor him to have received the voles of
such delegates as Messrs. Billmeyer, Doak.
and others that we might name. He will
roceive a very cordial support in his own
neighborhood, and we trust that ihere will
be, in. regard to hiiti, no defection in any
Dart of the cnuniv,
of Derry, w iho nominee for'Coronrr, He
is well known throughout the county, and
it is unnecessary for ns to say a wnro1 in his
lavor He has heretofore been before the
people, and they, know that he is wjrlhy of
their confidence and suppnrt,
of Limestone, is the Demorratic candidate
for Audtlor. This is an office of moie con
qence lo iho taxpayers of the county by for
than to the nominee himself, and ii sheuW
always belillod by 'good iner. and -trim,'
who will see that ihe county expenses are
regulated by prudence and ecetiomy. 'In
VI r, MuCormiok the Convention have made
i good selection,
The Demoeraiie Couniy Convention
net on iljiiduy last, in Blonmsbuig, and
put in noniinatiou a ticket, stronger and bet
ter ifian which has not-been ulTered for many
vears. Every township iitthe county was
nlly represented. in the Convention, and we
ere pleased with ihe spirit of harmony
hat prevailed during the voting. 'I'he nom
inations give entire satisfaction and will
and must he elected by ihe democracy ol
ihe couniy. The delegates have done their
duty nobly, and il r.ow. remains fur the pen
pie of ihe couniy lo do I heirs This should
ne lon by organization. Lei every mem
ber of the parly come up manfully to ih
battle let there no noldnes on the part of
ny one let there be nohangin bark, re
njombcrtng the motto that 'He t' Jio -r'j not
f rus is against us,' and the second Tues
lay of O:tober will tell to Iho whigs a -lab
not easily io be fnrgoiieu.
Col. Lmjmrtt.
The fjicaprd Jlctukcn. Levy "Nim.
who was recently taken up in Luzerne
iJounty, lot passing counterfeit money, snd
ifterwsrds scaled the II ilkesbarr prioo
"alls, in compmy with his accomplice, Jo
seph Bahl, was retaken on Wfdnfaday a'
Doyiestown, sfier s very hard run. Joseph
Bahl wasinken some lime ago a lew miles
from Uetblchcm, and sent back to Wilkes.
barre. They ate both from 'Lehigh Conn
iy and eld birds.
Strict Jutice. iUe Ex-Mayor of Mi
amiaburg, Ohio, was fined five It liars anil
imprisoned twelvehonrs, fir bejj ; cjigagei)
in a strttt tight,
Deaiociiilio Comity C'oHveution.
Tu'-suiinl to notice of Standing Commit
leea, lha Dauioumtic Dolegstia from the re
spective townships of Columbia tounij
met in county Convention at the house ol
John Clayton in lllootnsburg, on Moody
Sjpiember 7ih, ISIO at noon.
On moti in JOHN DOAK of Br ian reek
wii chtieen 'reait'ent of the Coiiveution
THOMPSON, secretaries.
Upon calling over the townships in alpha
betical order ihe following dclrgatea pre
sented their credentials and took their seals
it Ihe Convention,
Hlonm Ceorge Weaver, Htigli Thomp
son Jriarcre- k John Ooak, Nathan Reely
Heaver Conrad Jireilbeiid'T, -Chiislian
Cuttuwima Sulomsn Helwig , John
Sch nii k
Centre Joseph 'nhe, Hnry fiOmtn
Jerry Willi mi H. M-rr.O.iruelius Cleck
Franklin Joseph i'elter. 'cuben Knittle
Fixh'mzaetk Thoinas I'ealer, John I.z
Grcfivvood Samuel M'-Cariy, Jimrs De
cHiyfA-.Fianklin MrBiide, M. G. Shoe
JacksonDavid Remty, J .inea Yocum
olij,imeoiie John Shearer, D. S Fnlmer
Liberty Martin Billmever, Jlin Hen-
Madison Jacob Demott. Jamee Whippl
Mahoning Valeniine Best, I). N. Kown
Mount ileatunt William J. Ikelei, William
Afii DjvidKhinebotd. Charles Workhei
Olontoir John II. (Juiou, yacoh Lctby
Main (ieorgs Miller, Abraham Klase
Orunpe -Isaac Dewitl, David Herring
Roaringcmk John Yeager, Daniel Keller
Sugarloaf Peter Hess,. James Kile
Valley William BoudemaiicDav'd Blue
The convention being organised on
motion of N. Seely, it was unanimously
Resolved That ihe voting in this con
veniion upon the nomiuat.on of candidates,
in all cases where more than one ate named
shall be tit va voce, according to the prac.
tice in State Com entions, and that the Sec
retaries keep their. rccoisl accordingly.
Resolved That a majority of all the
votes riven shall be necessary in a nomina
tion, and that alt.'r me second vote, in eacn
case, the name of the candidate having ihe
fewest votes shall be dropped, and so on at
each successive time of voting thereafter.
Rcsove.d TliHt the members of this cm
vention will individually, snppoil ihe tlcc
lion of all the' candidates nomunated ihit-
The Convention thfn proreided In the
nomination of a eandids'e forCongress iml
wa, on mmion. uticnimously no inated.
The Convpniinn 1'ien proceeded lo voe
for a candidate for Assembly with the fol
lowing rpsnU
Doak, James Dewitl. Isaac Dewitl, Her
nnp, Hess, Ikeler, Kniitlc, Kile, Lnman.
yazarns, McCr'y. McBiide, Miller. Pohe,
Pesler, Quick, Remlv. Shoemaker. Scely,
Thompson, Weaver, Workheisei, Yeliei Si
Yocum, 24.
Cleckner. Demon, Fnlmer, Helwie, Hen
dricksnn, Kownovpr, Kisller. Klase, Keller
Leihy, Marr.'ffhinebnld, Shuman, Scbruick.
Sheaier, Whipple earer, 2'i-
Whereupon Stewart Pearce having a ina
jority cf the whole number of voles given,
was declared duly nominated as the Demo
cratic cmdidale for Assembly. The name
o William Cole had been withdrawn as a
candidate for Assembly bafore voting
O i motion ihe Convention ihe.n proceed
ed to vole fur a -candidate for Siietttf with
the following result:
Billmeyer, Boudemsn, Doak. Dewitl, Dew ill.
Hendnokson, Hess, Hening.lkeler.Kniitle
Kisller, K ilc, .oman, Leihy, Lairus, Mc-
Ciiriv, McBiide, 'enler, Pohe, (i'liek,
Reinley, Seely, Shoeunlter, Ytite.r and Yo-
mm, 25.
For AMZl BROWN Messrs. Bred-
henJr. Fulmer, Helwiif, Klase, Keller,
Miller, Rbinebohl, fsliuman, Schm'uk
Shearer, Workheiser and Yeager, 12.
Blue, Cleckner, Kownovei and Marr, 4.
Fur JOSEPH SHEEP Messrs. Di-
mott and Whipple, 2.
Thomson and Weaver, 2
Whereupon Benj-tmin Hsyman having a
u rjoiily of all the voles given, w dst larcd
d;e duly nominated Democratic candidate
for Nlieiih"
Before vniing for Sheriff, the name ol
(Veorge Mttars as a candidate for the nomi
nation for that oJltoe was withdrawn.
On proceeding to Ihe nomination of
County Commissioner
On motion, PETER K LINE was uuan-
ircously nominated for that nlRce.
The vol i was then taken for the nomina
tion of a candidate for Coroner; and; COR
MELIUS CLECKNER had 21 voles and
IMStPPM IIP IN Uu, 1R vnlpa.
upon declared duly nominated. for the office
of Coronor.
The convention then proceeded to the
nomination of a candidate for Auditor; and
upon the firsl vote James McCnrmick had
18 voles, James Lake had 18 and 6'hnstim
Wolf had 5 votes. There being no choice
second vote was taken, when James Mc
Cormiek had 23 votes snd James Lake had
18 voles; ant
JAMES McCORMICA' was thrreupon
deelarud -duly nominated lor ihe office ol
courtly Auditor " """
On motion of Capl, Nathan Seely iht
following Resolutions were then unani
mously adopted.
Wcsolved Thai we continue !o havi
thorough confidence in the hoot si
aci'y and firmness of ihe President ol
ihe Uniied Siaies, and of the Governoi
f this Cummoniveslih.
Re.Wt'fJ Thai Ihe veloes by Prrsi
dent Polk of llie River and Harbor hill
and of ihe French Spoliation bill, b)
which over six millions of dollars .wert
saved lo ihe national treasury, and log
rollii g improvident and unjust Irgit-la
ion wtre preveni ml, meet our wain
ipproval as rrrjreseniativts of ihe D
rnocracy of Coliimbii couniy; and tlm
wo deir? cur Representative in Con
gress lo vole against those bill in fo
mre. Uteioved Thai upon tlio sul j ct ol
'he lanlf the j ople i-re in advance ol
tie politicians, and.fiim iti their advora
. y of i qia! rit;hl and iq'ial leiclatioi,:
.nd thai we bold, ih-al in a ccminuniiy
otil ol debi, and favored iv'nh enierpriz ,
industry and republican Ijws, i.o panic
can fl(inib and no ' ruin " can come-
ResoW Thai the (hanks cf ihi
coiiveniioii aie lermeieu iu me ijinio
.if the Coluirihii Democrat and .Djm villi
Ioielliftencer, lor their independent ad
vocacy of piinciple anil common sense,
iniid abounding clamor, mipn prtsenla
uon and abue upon ihis subj'T'.,
Re.f 'AW --Thai 'Federalism will fois'
upon ihi rountry, ils tj .nk inter
oal in'ptovt'inents ii."law and ruder"
lesifainU upon the r'glil of sulliagp
nj smtiunlin tpolution In II its hordes
of cot poraiions its bankrupi luvs iis
bloati d credit and tleht nysU'in Mdis
iiibn'ions of 1 1) f public money its doc
linisnf eonsnl daiion i's hosiiliiy to
"Xtf ralinjj ihe union ils loose rnnsluic-
ions of ihe ronstiiution i:s devi-tion
to wealih. and its high laiifT fX:iction,
hoot the i same lime: anil that will bt
when 'lie piinciplt s of Jeffei son sie f w
Hoiten aii'l panics become lbs Itvi rs ol
public opinion.
RioW Thai .Tolm Mi Reynoldi.
and Valentine Hi si be llie congn iona
confents of this Ci-uniy .inonneeil with
confuees fiom Luzerne ar.d Wyoming
pounlirs io select a Democratic camli
da'e for Congress lo he suppoiled l
ihe Democracy of Ihis Congressinna
district at ihe ensuing election , and 1 1
:hey are instructed lo supporl lion. O
D- Leib.
llexofved Thai ihn five following
genllemen c o n 1 i i n I o Ihe I)emocr&l:c
tanding rommiitee for I hp niMiing year,
to w'i; Chailes (onner, Geoige Mirk,
IsaacS Munrnp, William lltntie an'
William J. Ikeler.
'Thu Convei lion, then, upon motion
simoiii neo.
i - a
T We have hetrd of remarks being
made concerning llie age of the Jlemocratic
csniidale (or Assembly. Now by ennatiin.
lionnl pinvisinn, al the age of 21 a citizen
is eligible lo a seal in ihe Assembly. T!ip
age of 25 is fixed fo State Senatnia and for
Reptesenlaiives in Congress. Mr 'Pearce
is about 20; and has iherelore been quali
fied by age for the Assembly for fife jears
pssi, and is now cot'.siitutionally qualified
by age, for a seat in Congress or in the
.State Senate. These ficis ere conclusive
upon tins inrjcct.
Mr. Ml f.une. 'l'io New Yoik Expres-i
of Saturday, elalcs ibat our late Minidier lo
England arrived al the Ciiy Hotel on Sattir
day morning. I he J.xpress also stales,
that he will he wailed upon by ti c mem
bers of the Chamber of Commticp, and by
the Common Council, with cnnyi ilulatinns
upon iho happy success of his mission, and
with expressions of good will and good
w'mhes for himself. A dinner, we under-
stanil, will also tie lenileieu In in, wiiicu, we
trust he will accept.
Verms Settled with Sunta dnitft -at
The New Yonl Tnbune lias llie fol
lowing letter fiom Havana:
Special Correspondence of ilia Tiibuns.
IJA'VA.n'A, August Idh, 181(5.
You are probably awsre thai Smia
Anna and Almonte embarked on twin!
the KngMsh steamer Aiab for 'V'traDinz
in consequence of their having retained
inloimauon of a pronunciamento in
their favor. Some oilier di loma'ists
mil Generals of ihe same s'ampdpparied
he sirne day in ihe packet for the same
lilaci by agieement between Sani a An
t and ceriain agenis cf ihe ami
American Governments. The arrange
menl iSiid io be as.lMlows; 'The M x
ica.t Federal Government ol 1824 io be
re established under ihe gurantee of the
Untied Stales; so liiat, in ease of fiilon
pronunciamen'os, the United Slates
Oovmimenmhall have a rigbl loiniei
lere in support ol iheConsliiuiionalGov--rnmeni.
The Rio f'rande lo be the
boundary line and the Californias lo b
lrgsniz-d as a distinrl terriiory, undei
ihe roieclion of the United Hiales, hul
no! governed by Americans until ihe
inhabitants shall lliin.k lit lo annex ihem
( Ives, to favor which purpose Ihe coun
i v will be allowed lo rsiry ' on a free wiih both republics, and admit
colonists from all countries, and all re
igions and creeds. AM ibis seems in
Ipetl verv incredible loo much for
Mexicans lo cede, and loo liulu to satis
("v (he cravini: maw of vour rxiender
of the erea of fieedom. Veremos'
can onlv sav that I have Ihe inieMi
gpnce'fiom very re-peciible aulhoiity
The tnrual Message of.Mr. Abeene
TIIV, ihe newly elected provisinal Gov
ernor of the Colony, contiiins a vast a
nifinnl of information relative to ihe
ihe progress of llie improvement and of Orreon D s'atts that
here aF8 now over "ix thousand Amer
cms in ihe territory, and peihaps.more
than one thousand on their way thither
'This n umner will dotiblless be greatly
increased, since ihe gnvrrmen! is tff
tively foirned and will open a new
source for the stream of Emigration; lb
far west' will. find a new locality; anil
llie frpi'itter may rbtain himself a home
where, lor a spson, al least, there wil
he no rianeer of liis btinii too much
Ii is said thai a brisk commerce iia
prong up with i he Sand wich Island,.
mil thai Hade is sttsdily on ihe increatt
There aio six gi isl mills in the ten itorj
The population oi Oregon city is ovi
five bundled souls, and contains about
eighty houns, two chutches, two black
smith shops, four tailor shops, a liatlei
..hop, a tannery, three hoe shops, two
silversmiths, four s'ores, two fijtirinfi
ind two saw mills, a lulb machine,
post cilice, through which lrtins ?n
onveyed 30 miles for 15 Cf nls.anil last
y. but not ihe less important, a semi
nioihlv paper, called The Spectator
The city is already incot porali d and iht
Spcclutut in his dfsire lor improve
inenls; adiegses the 'vaimer',' thus
'CJent'enien dig up the stumps, gradi
be streets, tax dons, prohibit lions, and
-idvenise in the paper.'
Of course none should besiiale in fol
'owir.g Mich leasonable advicr, pBrliru
tarly the rlause relative lo advriiising-'
Governor Aherneihy was formerly ol
New Yoik, his Message is a well writ
len docunieni, and evinces so ability
ipon l is pail lo extend over the new
erritory thai fostering care, so essential
to ils eailv legislation, anil the develop-
ment of its resources. Peter II. 1W-
betl, one of the olilesl setlleas of Mis-
souii, h's been appointed Curuii Judge
The Secitlary of the Irriiioiy, John E.
f foi mer.y of Kenlckv .
CHgtint'c Increase of ht Comuirrte
of ihe Lakei. The Cleveland Piain
Dealer, io an at tide on the 'Lki Coun
ty,' says thai its trade and commerce
in a few years will nearly itpial iho
commerce of the Atlantic. At the pu s
ent momenl il exhibits evidence of gi
gantic increase, It is known thai lha
first sleaniboal which rechedM.irkiiHVr
was in 1819, snd in 126 s'esu boais
n-ivigstid L-ke ilifhigao, List year
ilieiewm 38 vessels natignting ll a
L.kes above the Falls, amounting In
70,000 tons. In the same year iIitu
wete on Lke Ontario 7 steamboats, 8
large piopellers, and 100 brigs and
ehonnti'. The lonage is estimated at
3000. In 1815 not Uss 1,500 O0O
bairels of flour pasd over the L'kes,
and 250,000 passengers. Al ihe pres
ent lime, the commeire of ihe Likes
may be fait ly estima ed a' 1?100,000,000
per annum. This ia an evidenco of
i Ital thai commerce will be herealier.
Extensive Forgery n St. L'v's.
A person of good address introduced
himself, by means of a forged letter, to
a merchenl ol St. nui. The lei ter
purported lo be from a firm of high
Blinding in llie East, and spoke of Iho
beirer as a spei u'aior in wheat The
s vir.dler informal his new srr'jainl8nce
that in order to make the purchase he in
lended il would be nrcessary for him lo
cash a r.erlificate of deposit which ho
held for $5000 againft the Hank ol Uti
ca, N. Y. The meichanl pruff. i red to
assis; him in making sale of the certifi
cate, and for that purpose I hey visjipd
wo or three brokers t'lgetbei; Ihe dis
c.iunl wa withnul difliculty ffTected at
small per cent, a r', $2500 of the money
was paid, and the balance, at the rt quest
of the supposed wheal buyer, was placed
io the credit of his friend, the merchant
o be drawn and sent lo him in conveni.
onl remittances, and to so ch points up
:he upper rivers as he might hereafter
tired. Slioitly after the iransaclion,
he wheal dealer disappeared, and il was
not I org uflrr thai the certificate was a
cettainet) to be a forgery. Il was for
uinaio for Ihe bio.ker ibat be ascertained
ihe forgery so soon asihe did, for upon
ihe verv day he received the intelligence
me mercti ml was about io remit ttio
balance of ihe five thousand.
Spurious Coin.- TheEdi'orof lha
Charleston Couiies s;iys a new counter
feil coin of the Mexican dollnr has ap
peared in thai city. Jt is said to be a
veiy ingenious contrivance. 'The inte
lior is made up ol copper, or a composi
tion of metals, over which is soldered
i thin p'ale of pure silver, so neatly put
on as to deceive the most experienced.
We are unable. on comparison, 'o adviso
our readers how lo lell the difference be
tween ihe gooil and the spurious coin
xcepl by the latter being lighter, and
he impi essioos of llie die clearer and
more tiisiinct.
Swear Nut. Yesteulay; a man nam-
ed .wascalledloiliesiar.d in tho
Court of Common Please, lo testify to
certain farts within bis knowledge
and when the JS ble was handed io him
he refused to swear. IK was asked if ho
swore with the uplifted hand, and he
Slid no. He was then aked il bo
woultl iifSini,hul he declined In do hli
mil ssitl that be was commanded lo
swear not at all neither by Ihe lleav
ns, lor il was Gods throne nor by
he earth, for it was God's footstool
mil he hid nothing lo do with Ihe eatth
snd therefore he would neither vote nor
swear, but if Ihey desired lo hear ull
he knew about ihe mailer, I:p would tell
ihem the whole iiinh. Finding it
impossible to tret him to bicak his
esoluiion, Hie Counsel, after consult j-
ion; agreed lo ifl him off. He was a
neliever in IhtSecondAdvenl doclrinns.
Can ght at .A large quantity ot spu
rious Mexican coin is circulated oTtr the
United Stales. About two weeks ago, Ely
Hartwrll, master ul the American schoon
er, belonging lo Lynn, Mass., al New Oi
leans, ,'rom Oalveaion 'Texas was arrested
for bringing into the Stale a quantity of
nunierfeii Mexican dollars, with tha in
tention of passing ibetn When taken into
ustody. four packnges were fonnd on hint
imiaitiing 9200, all false. $113 more of
the tame kind were fourd concealed in his