T1IK CAUL ANJI) ..F 1 , A ... u .1 1 r f l . arva - With sweetest flmxtrt tnrich'd, 'From various gardens eutrdwith tare." From Blackwood's Afagstino. UOPB. If Hope Is 4ca,!, why seek to lie ! For what besides hat life la give 1 Love, Lite end Youth, and beauty loo, If Hope be dead, say I w hit are you! Lo'-e without Hope ! it cannot bo; There in a vessel on yon sea, Becalmed and sailles ns Despair, And know 'tin hopeless Love Costs there. Life w ithout Ipe 0 that it not 'J'o live; but dy ly day to lot, V.'ith feelings cold and passions dead: To wander o'er the w orld, and tread Upon itt beauties ; and to gaze, Quite vacant, o'or it flowery mate. Oh! think if this he Life! then say, " Who live when Hop hath fled away." Vouth with Hope ! An endless night, Trees which have felt the eold spring's blight The lightning's flash, and the thunder's strife Vet pine away a weary life, Which older would haveiunk and died Beneath the atrokea their youth deGed. But cursed with length of daya are left Te rail at youth of Hope bereft. And beauty, too, when Hope la gone, Has lost the ray in which it ehone; And seen without this borrowed light, Has loBt the beam that made it bright. Now what avail the ailken hair, The gentle smile, the gentle air, The beaming eye, and glance refind Faint semblance of the purer mind As gold dust sparkling in the sun, Joints wheie the richer ttiata run, Alas ! they now just stem lo be Bestowed to mock at Misery ; They speak of days long, long gone by, Thon point to cold reality, And with a death-like amile they say: ' Oh ! whit are we when Hope's away .! Thus Love, Life end Beauty too, H hen seen without Hope's brightening hue, All sigh in Misery's saddest tone, 41 Why seek to live if Hope be gone V From the Fennsylvanian. SONGS OF TOIL. ' Up and at tjiom' Wellington. Toiler, sco the day is breaking, Man from chains and bondage waking OlT tho badge of slavery shaking, Will be free Look and eec your flag unfurlod Givo tho watchword to the world Depots lo the ground be huri'd On foi liberty Up and at them;' ever onward, Keep your heart ond purpose sunwird. Ask for nothing but tin right, Yield ye not to haughty might, Firm and constant in tho fight Ever be Progress, progiess bo the word, Let that magic sound be heard. Till the world's d?cp heart is atiri'd Answcririgly llp and at them;' ever onward, Keep your heart and purpose sunward. JIan with sunburnt hand and brow, Men from anvil, forge and plough, fiec the day-star rising now Clear and bright From its beams old customs flying, Chains and whips and tot lures dying, Man with brother man is vieing In the Tight Up and at them;' ever onward, Keep your heart and purpose aunward. Stoop not fiom yoor high career, Bend ye not to coward fear, Trust to every coming-year Earnestly Tlroadcr flows the stream of life, Clearer seen above llie stiife la that Dow with promise.' rife To the Ircc 'Up and at them;' ever onward, Keep your heart and purpose sunward, I.eava the past nor look behind, Trust the majesty of mind, Woik yo for thy fellow kind Look ahead- See the smiling, hear the singing, Toil iu recumpen U bringing, Labor-craft to life it spiingin? From the dead Uo and at them;' ever onward, Keep your heart and purpose sunward. brother tellers, round ui ever Bean tho tide of life's deep river Onward, o.iwara ceasing never In Us fljw Work we then with mil bj etrort riTH and patiksce puie ond long Love ami tbctk to which belong Life's riuh glow-"-Up arvl at them;' ever onward, Keep your heart and puipueeaunwaiiJ. Hail wr all from every clime Brother in this march of time, Kindred voices in the chime To glad our way No desponding at our lot, Toil has rflany a rosy spot, By the Wealthy ones forgot, To cheer our day . Up and at them;' ever onward, Cusp your heart and purpose aunword. b. U. A HO! rOIU)KECON ! New dwOOllS. llrflfy & HSciHlciiliall AVE hut received and are now opening a splendid assortment of new, cheap and fash- i mbl SI'RINO AND SUM MUX GOODS, selected with great chre as to price and quality, comprising Super fint Cloths and Cassimeres, Tweed Cloth and Fancy Cassimeres furl Gentlemen' $ wear. I'elvet, Sutin and Fancy Vesting. Indies' Dress Good-, such n Caihme.rei.De Lttinti.HalzorinesJ.awni, Crape de Lainei, Ginghams, Cu,. coti, Muslins, 4"C- ) and Braid 4' Straw Bonnss 4' Trimming In fact a general and well solected assortment of DRY GOODS, GKOCEMrcs AND LIQUORS, HARDWARE, QUEENLY A RE&HOLLOW WARE All of which I hey are anxious lo sell cheao for Lash or in exchange for Country FroJtice genet ilv. Msy SO war: war: AD Wm. BZcXCclvy fit Co. TT3"A VR just received and no opening, one 0M. trie largest and mod extensive block i Goods ever Drought into Columbia county. Thei assortment consists in part of :he following: LADIES' WEAR, Bnegei, litrege Searft, linzorinet, Fig' uredand p'oin d" Lames' Lawns, Prints of al qualities, paterns and prices, SilkJJerage and Cotton Shawls, Para' sokttes, Kid and Side Gloves, SMc and Cotton Hose, Pocket Handker chiefs of all kinds and almost r.t, thins t'se thai Ladies mau wisii or, including a argt assortment of BRAID AND STRAW BONNETS of a superior quality. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. -o-.l r. - uiouis.assiniors, wregon C'assimcri.; a new erti cle, 1'antaloon Btufl's, Tweeds, Gambrooiis: sum mer cloths, satin and fancy Vesting, cravats cans; lies and various other articles. Gentlemen and Ladies BOOTS and BIIOES ot eveiy description. GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. Molasses, i.oal and Brown Sugars, Coffee, Teas. .-pices, wiacKerci, coarse and line Salt, Brandy l.'n.n Vl'inM H. J.. ' Mil., ...v, vim, mfc. CROCKERY WARE, Adsortmrnt includes overt article and qimlin HARDWARE. pades, Shovels; Forks; Hoe; Am; Hand; Vill VV ocd anj cross cut Saws; Filos: Bulla; berews; lockH, Knives and Fo.ks, Buttons; Buckles; J;c. WAGGON TIRE, Of !l sizes, RounJ, Bar end BjucI Iron Cast Sleel, and a general .oitmtiit ol HOLLOW UV2RE. All of which will be sold a little lower than the lowest; and all kinds of I. I'M BE H and Plt- UULE taken in payment. M7 306 EXOCH HOWELL. TAILOR, KCSPECTFL'LLY, informs the publicihot hi Has Removed his Shtip to Espylown where lie will always be rcadv, as heretofore, to make any kind ol clothing, at the shortest notice via iu the best and inoht fashionable style. Frjin his long experience in the business, ho flatter- himsell that he shall continue to rrive genera sat isfaetion and thereby hopes to receive a flJUre oflhe public pitronnge. (Q"l 'articular attention paid to cutting. All kinds of country produce taken in Dsvmen! foi work. E6pytown, May 9, 1846. tfij Wails and Spikes. TlJ " KEGS of Nails and Npikesmst received aiiu ior bom si ino.ew jimo nt I" D. RUPERT. Burthen NOTICE 8 horeby given to the subscribers of Stock to the Catiauritta Bridge Comnani.thata Ownd mi Third Instalment of five dollars each, n re quired to be paid to the Treasurer rn or before ihc 1st of August and latof September respectively By Order of the Board, D. CLARK, Treumre-r. July 1, 1843 Ginghnni Lawns, OF r.cw and beautiful patterns, just received at the New .Store. L D RUPERT. May 30 SMOKED MEAT. lffiiHf.ei'b. POUNDS of Shoulder. Hani and Side Itttat just received M too Arcado Store. ALUUIUIiT & MENGAL. i'sy 80 iiakz) ware, STIKOM a coflee mill to a file, just rce-veu at j the New btore. L. fl. KCI'EKT. A& Private The stibieriber offers for nalc li Quisled on tho corner of Main and test-streets in flloonwhiirjr, Columbia County, Fa. It I wel alcuUted for the loca'ion lor a ruuiic nouse o Store.bcing 110 Fet front on Ma'urstreet, Sill 12 fat on Fatt-e.tr eel, and the road leading to the IlloomsSnrg Rail Jsd lion Coinpany'a Furnaces. This Lot iswoll cal ouluted for building upon Kaat-slrcot as well an on fmn. and beine situated in the centre of the Iron Kegion of Columbia County, is well worthy tho mention of the capitalists. F..r .iw information respecting tho conditions, e"e0t J.1RLW KAI.LER- Blconwburg, Dooembet 20 IMPORTANT N VS LJITES7 AlUiIV.1L BY THE Hail H&oas! ALBRIGHT & MKNGAL. AT 'I'll E A - -rT3 AVE just received liy the Rail Road and are no opening, a splendid assortment or Snrinc: and Summer NEW GOODS, which, having been selected with great care, they cm and will acll as low, it not a littlo lower than they can be purchased elsewhere in the coun tv. A mon e their assortment may be found in (he DRY GOODS LINE, A solendid assortment of neiv and fashionable Prinisofnew fiiurcs, Ginirhams; a new etvlt, of cross ovei Bersge aud other Ccragcs; fancy end bliidt and white Lawns, Gingham Lawns, Delanos if all colors and quality, hlack and blue black dress Vilks; black silk serge Allapacca, damask summer VI irts, damask book Muslin, purso twist and steel tioads and rings of assorted colors, ladies and gtn '.lemenskid gloves, mohair Gloves and mils, white ambric Handkerchief; ladies silk points, hlack :.n(liinnii and ildC silk aildkcrcbiefs, cotton Handkerchiefs of every description, white and fan cv silk Handkerchiefs, Shawls of all kinds, in shori Cotton andLiuon Goods of every description for Ladies' wear, bilk, Cotton and Worsted Hose loi ,nen and women Ladies' shell combs. jfiroadcUths of all colors sod quality , 5attinetts Cassimeies, fancy summer Cassimeres, s x quarter ,;nat Tweed. Nankins, Checks, black Pattin and other summer Vesting of eveiy description: fancy jirarfs ai A Cravats of all qualities, bleached aud unbleached Muslins, Lmhrellas an" 1 aranols, Leg horn and palm leaf Hats. A quantity of carjicf Groceries. Lump and brown Suijar, Molasses, Coffee, Teas of all kind-i, Ginger; Alspice Pcpper.N itmeg Ac. Bar f onp, Candles.coaM and fine Salt, sperm and fish Oil, an assortment ot the tiest quality ol LIQUORS, flrandv. Gin. Rum. U incs, Ac. rurrliased m nresslv to supnlv Tavern keepers, who are partic ularly" requested to cull and examine quality und prices before purchasing elsewhere. A splendid assortment of QUEENS WARE, hy the Tea Set or piece to suit customers. HARDWARE,' Confining in part of knives nnd forks, butts and screws; cimlles, augurs, chissels, saws, tea am other kettles, ic &c. and an assortment of TIN WARE. Also an assortment of II ATS AND CATS. In fact they can furnish thrir customers with ev. cry article usually kept in countiv store, and Winy determined to do business rifclit, they ran and will make it the interest of the people tt trade will them (tjL.umber and ai! kinds of coun fry produce taken in payment 'or Goads. Ap.il 11 oltf ni.vfl snr.r.n snici. just re ccived and for sale at the New Store. ADAVINIS r ATOR'S NOTICE-- The Estate of 1SA.1C KLINE late ofOr- ange township, deccusea NOTICE ia hereby given that letters ol adiniiiiiiration on the above mentioned E l ii 19 have this day been granted lo the eub ctibere. All peiamis indebted to said es tate are hereby nodded to make immedi ate payment, and all those hsvina claims are requested to present ibctn properly authon ncaied, lo MARY KLINE. Administratrix, 111 RAM It KLINE, Administrator Orange township, May2iJ, 1810 6tv6, .1DMINISTRA TOR' S NO TICE. 'I he Estate of GVRLOCK ROM ROY, late vf Bloom township, deceased. "T2.TOTICE is hereby givon that Idlers of admin 1 tI istration on tho above mentioned Estate have boeii granted to thesubacribers,livingin Iilootn l.iwrmhiD. Ail persons indebted to said estate in Ulomn id estate payment, arid nil tnose uaviny twuin oio ivucaicu iu yiv. sent them tr.'j''y nuthenticated to THC.V1AS BOMBOY. 't Administrators. July, 4 18J4-CHT1 j CANCERS, WARTS, CORNS, kc TUB subscriber informs the public, that he ia able to cur all kinds of Cancers and eradicule Warts and Corns with very llttie pniu and in a ahoit time. He relers to several rospectulmi citi zens in his neighborhood, such as Hamuel Hess, Willium Kile and others, that has been succesolul in several iuKtiiucee. and is not humbugging as iu loo frequently the case among quacks. He war- auucortaiu cure in any case he umlertakes ur no pay. (jjWarts, 4c. on cattle and othor animals are also cured by the subscriber who icaidvs in Mount I'luassnt townsliip on the main rosd leading trmn Millvilleto Ulooinburg, about I J miles from Fred erick Miller s lavorn whore puiHous are invited to call. JOHN ALE. May JO, 18l6-ly6 LiOIEE BONNfiTS, UEW DUESS' ttf (Jit!. s"lendid assortment of Ladies' Bonnets. VI Head Dress, Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, &c very cheap, at the Light-Sheet New Sore by A. U. KIN AUIS c,- IO. IILAST1SG POIVDEU. B 9 9 cC" f ni;stlii8 Vow tlfii of the bost quality, just received by WW. Merit LV X &. Uo December 6 Tin & Sheet fHiIE subicriber rcsjiectfully informs the public jj that ha has opened a shop, on Main-street, nearly opposite Clayton s 1 avcrn, in Hloomsburg where he intends carrying on the above business. in all its various branches. TIN WARE, f every description, will be kept on hand for sale at WHOLESALE or RETAIL. SHEET IRON Manufactured into any form required, STOVE PIPES, of all sizes kept constantly on hanr Stoves finish cd to order. Boir.g determined to do business in the right way, ho reqests all to call upon him before they purchase elsewhere, as he will fumith all articles in his line as cheap as they can be purchased in tho county. D. J r.IEU. September 20, IS 15 ly52 Chair Manufactory THE pubarriber continues to carry the CHAIR JlfANUFACTORINO business at the old stand of B- & f. IIi;pn btich, where lie will bfl ready at all limp? to furnish Fancy & Windsor (haim. Set tees, Boston Rooking Chairs &?, of ev.ry Ipscrtption, winch inav be called for, short notice and on the most reasonable terms. He will also execute House, Sign & Oruainent:il Painting, and House Papering in a superior manner, From Ins experience in the business, am ins laeilitip? ol manulaciiirin? the variolic srtirilee of bis line, he flatters himself thai lie shall In able to furnish as rood work nnd upon as reasonable terms as can be Ion" in On) country, all of whii-lt lis w ill dispose of for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE N. R. Orders from a distance will be strictly ar.d punctual! V attended in. 15. IIACJENUUCII. K7-MAKE WAY FOR TIlEi ijoiit-strket Mew fStoa'e. ccondSuppIy ol.Spring:ood rrnilK subscribers take this method of inform H their friends and the public ?enernlli' 'hat tliey are now opcnniR thc second sunnlv tirins Goods, to which thev would most respect t'nllv invite the attention of those whT arc in want of icw and Cheap Goods, comisting in pait of Clot is, Cassirneres, SitttinetsSf Vesting .( American. French and English Fabrics. Coaling and Pantaloons Stuffs, i ve'T superior article of Tweed Cloths and Cassi meres, Angola Cassirneres. Drilling3: Gamboon Ac. ac. iotton I antnloon Mutuol every variety and ot ine most desira.iie styles. PRINTS! PRINTS ! ! c.impiisinn every variety of style and prices from tif io -j cenrs. DRESS GOODS. 3iew style of e rencti J.awns, a splendid a'liclo cfi new style Moulane de lane and summer (Tathmeres C my hums Ac SHALWS, imongst which may be round a handsome article of Dcragei 1'ickniCi Mouslane and 'i'hibet Shawls WHITE GOODS. Barred, striped and plain Jaconets ar.d I 'ambric Muslins, '-aco, Muslins, book, mull and Bwins .Vluslir, liisiiop j.awn, curtain Aliiolin, &c. Bravn and Bleached Muslins fl0m 6i to 111 cents rer yard, bleached and mi- bleached Table Diaper, cotton Usrimbury, fcc. Together with a full assortment of Grrcerict, Spices, Hardwatie and Cut lery, Queenicnre, Drugs, BmIx and Sh .es, and in fact every article usuilly kept in Country 5iores. T c public rencrslly are invited to coll and ex amine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for pait favors, they flattnr themsplvcp i'y mr ii i aiicuuuii w uuniurss 10 meru uie patron age of a generous public j A. B. KNARB Si Co i M.w 23. ffirZ?rA kinds of Lumber, Grain and 5f.j-l'f2ia Produce taken in Exchaiico ;:Cr gMJSgr C:0K1B. UST .vt2 a May 31 the :'EW STOkC L B RUPERT. OUR UOTTU.NOT TO BEOUTDONE .Vf.II nLACKSMITIIINC JlSTAHLISlIMr.NT I!y San Iff & Silvcrlliorn. THE uiiderijin(l having luken ihu shop formerly occujiit'il by Marclial ilveiiliurn. iimsi rcsneiuiully informs the public that they intend lo carry on the above branch ol busmen and will at all times be rrstU lo do work a little better and cheaper iban any other eaiiiblislitnenl in the place, aml the) hope by strict Mien turn to business to .utri. i large portion of the public patrmiMge All kinds of country proiluce tHH.cn in mclunge for work & ibe ready nol refuser) l!SA U) SAM lSli, MARSHAL iSll.VKRTlIOUN. Dloomnburtf Feb, 21.181041 MAKIUJjJ YAIM). TIIK business will be continued by tin subscriber at the old slmid; where ma) be had al all timeg. AWnUAlKN I S, 7 l)Mli- IVlULkS, TOMBS TONES, HEAR Til JJ1MBS, MANTL ES. PAIN T STONES, MULL EES, Sic. or any other work in bis line. lie ia also prepared to lurnisi WINDOW CAP? and SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEPS &c either of Ma. Lie, Lime or any kind ol stone that can be procured in this vicinity. fj Having had considerable experienci iu the business, ne pledgee bis work u be executed in aa handsome a Mvle ae cat be furniBbeJ Irom snv yard either in tlu city or countrv; and on aa reasonable term EPHRA1M ARMSTRONG BloomBburg, Nov. 3, 1843. ly 28 J. IP VANDEKSLKK, EGS leave to inform the public, that ne i prepared io altera! to all the oner alions in dentistry, such aa removing me iariar and other foreign Sub stances. from the teeth, rendering them clean, and die gumg and breath eweu and healthy The. cavities vf Decayed Teeth ill be dressed out and filled with Gold on t oiuer ion; oi ine nnesi quality, as the use may require, w Inch will cmerallv prevent their aching or fnrtl.rr decay, and render them useful lor jeatsy and in manv cases during Iife Teeth and Stumps of Teeth Which have become useless or troublesome will be extracted in the must careful man nci, nun me iuiubi auu Best impryved in- liniments. Porcetiain Teeth, Ol'ibe best quality and latest improvement, will be inserted on pivot, or (in connection with Dr. Vallcn hamp, with whom he is in internship in plate work) on Gold plate, from a single lootli to a whole set, to lend, is well as the natural, and warranted tc answer all the useful and ornamental nur poses proposed by the art. In short.every operation belonging lo the profession, will b peformeil in the bcsi oanner. wnn cuoiscst material, and al the shortest notice- lie therefore hopes, bv alrlnl Qt!onli,n t liiiairiAn.. ... . I., t . ,,.-....,,,.,, , vusnirha, io uniain a eliare ol public patronage. Any persm, ()r pi suns f,iBinnK any in me aoove operations performed, aro respectfully requested to liive mm a call. in. Ii i he public are herebv Ir former1 tnai we inn subscribers have enterec! into a special I'drtneiship relating only to plate ,. ,o ,,,lc iMiiirenieni ior tsch to Httenti to Hie other branches of the scienc, ou his own account. A. VALLERCflA.MP. J. H. VANDKKSLlt'R. M n tin t Pleasant , Nov 8ih. ISI5 :? m . BlacksmithiiiEabliMhiiiciii JHr. I iiblic aro hereby rsprctfully informed that wo have lately entered into CorartnrrJ.in ,i 1 i : .. .1.. ,, . , . ' : r lutni.ovc i.uMocBM u i ine uhck iiiop, tormcrly oc cupied by Moses Coftiaan, on Main-street. Ilna- the new store, where we intend tn ennv n iu bove named business in all its branciW V pledjrc ourselves that work done at ibis hhop shall lie executed in as neat and workmanliko msnnor and on as reasonable terms, as can be done at anv jther shop in tins place. We therefore hopo by triet attention to buoiiicxs, to merit and receive 'a due proportion ol public patronage. M. C OFF MA N, S BROBST" April 15. 1SIR. N. B. SHOE ISO done ot the re- luccd price of One Dnlfnr. Smal profits and quick return uur motto. Centre of Gravity. A NEW TAILORIftTft ESTABLSI2ME1TT. ' THE snbscribcrs respectfully inform the citi- lens of Blno.'iisburg and vicinity, that they have lo ca'ed themselves in Thornton's New fchon. in Mam, turn duor lelmv the Corner of Main and Market streets, in Hloomsburg, where they will al ways be found on hand, readv to ncromnnwtr.i.. those who inav lavor them wiih n r,.ll Tl..,;. work will be donein the latest and most annrnv1 style lor neatness and elegance in the business. i1" I' rorn their long experience in the buin.m ii. tlatter thcmr,vfs that their work will be done as neat as can be done elsewhere. All woik intrusted in Ilieir caie warranted to lit. CtJTT! G d(,n on the shot test notice and arrantcd to fit il properly made up KLLIS & VAN BUSKJRK. Mav 2, lS4fi- ;f N 'B.COUNTKY PRODL'CK. at the mi.ka price, will be taken in exchange lot word Hie Cheap Ligl.l-fc tn ct New ,ii.r A. H. KNABB Co. CXJJJRD. Oltri-at has been the demand for Eolnei's Ulosmoiien or All Healing Italum, and ii has nen such general satisfai tion to those who have used it aud become acquainted will) ils virtues that t now stand pre-eminent as a remedy in Mi-eases ol the l,um;s, and the testimony which has been trivcn by uili'irriit person viho have been cured by t is altogether voluntary . n their l int. J bey have ; iven it in the hope that all w ho may find themselves in reed of this remedy may apply lor it without de lay. head thc following letter recHvrd Ijom the Hcv Ifr tiliimeall, 1'aslor of !t Jude's r'pinenpal Free Church. .1rb. has not only used he medicine himself but has witnessed its effects in soveial very trying cases of disease. The letter will show his ptiiiin of Us virtues. Lear Sir : Believing it to be but an act of com mon humanity to those suffering under the various diseases of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Conmmp- ,ion, Asthma, oc to point Ihein to a sale, speedy aud radical remedy, I lake pleasure in bearing my testimony to your invaluable medicine called Olosa oniau or All Healing Dulsam. (If its tfilcaey I can speak first from my own cxpeiience. lieing subject from exposure more or Uss to the vicissi tudes of our climate to Irequent attacks of Infliien ia, lloarseiicss.iScc., I have aiwuy found ilio sll'oid dhnost instaiitaneoii,an alwsss by persi veninco in its use, ftfectual relief. To a particular friend of mine suffering severely unier Atthma, and who had despaiied ol obtaining relief from any human source, npou my recommendation was induced lo ijivo tho Olosaonian a tiial and ho pronounced the elfect produced upon him a perfect cliann affording him immediate and almost instantaneous relief, In another instance I recommended it to a femnlo friend far advanced in Consumption. After the use of the first bottle her cough was entirely removed and her appetite ond strength restored to sjih a degree ui to astonish all who saw her- With a Ions; cherished ai.d firmly established prejudice a gainst the thousand and one specifics put forth in these days as sovereign panacea for ail disease, I assure you that nothing short of my firm conviction of the claims of your medicine to an origin so to .pectaUe.and to'thc effects ol it as herein csrtificdj both by my own experience and obstrvation, I could not have been induced thus to corr.o forward as a witnoss in iu behalf. 1 havo the honor to be, sir, respect: tfullv vcurs, R, C: bHI.MLALu Have you a Cou i. which is troublesome and ha-i not yielded to any ot the lemedies v hich you have uttd 1 Is it at tended with pain ii the side, chorines of breath, night sweats'! Do you Rui'e Blond when you rough and find your strength gradually failing ? You will find that these, symptoms if not propeily attended to will terminate in consumption and erath. Are you troubled with that distressing complaint Asthma, which deprives you of your rest at night and ren ders lii'u burthniioomc. Here is the Remedy. Remember the namo ond place where it ia to be obtained and do not be put otTith any other. It has produced a cure in a desperate cased as yours may appt.ir to bo, and doubtless will put to flight in a speedy mannc: thoc distressing symptoms which fill your mind with gloomy fuiebodings of ihc future. lis Healing properties do not deceive. The short dry cough is quickly overcome and easy and healthy expei toration takes ils place, fcpiltin;; of blood is immediately check ed. IS' ight sweats with pain in the side and ihedt, debility and difficulty of breal.ing yield in a shoit time. Astm.i with all its dreadful accompaniments ia at onco relieved. ZJiom hitis and in fact all thn Isseascs of the throat and I lines give wsv before this remedy when all other means have failed. Pe'sons may attempt to deceive vou with soma other remedy, pronouneii.g it to be equally as good but remember life is at stukc, therefore De nol Deceived. The above medicine for sale by (he following agents. E. P. I.oti, D'ocmshurg. W. J Ver A Co Berwick ; E' it J, l.azaius, Orangeville ; Levi Hi iel, Jerseytown ; Dcrr 4 McBride, White Hall ; ; Baldy, Callawissa. 6m:t Cabinet V7aro House. riSHU subscribe would rcppvctfully inform the Jj public, that ho has taken the sh ip latelv cc copied hy i'amnel Lilly, near the upper end of Bloomsburg, where ho is carrying on tho in all its various branches, and where he will be happy o wait upon all those who niay favor him with their custom. His Kurnituie it, wai runted to be made of gocnl mateiial and durable, and he iu- lendi keeping on hand Sideboards, Secretaries, Bureaus. Wardrobes. Curd Tables, Dining Tables. Breakfast Tubks, ' Cupboards. Stands, Jl-'a&h Stands, Bedsteads, Dough-lrovghs, Coffins, ce. and all kinds of work in his line, which he wm sell "I' as reasonable torms as ihey can be purchased ,hc co,inly' ".v strict attention lo Lusmess be hopes to re- ceive ,sn:"B t,J public patronage Ell BROWN. April 2S, 1345. lyl ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICC, On the Esf aft of PETER BIGCS, late of Bloomsburg, deceased. TJuriCE is hereby given that Letters e Ad r.iinirtrai. n on the above mentioned Es'ate lia'-e been printed to the rubscrihrr. All jersons indclJed to s.iid estate are beieby notifi. d tc ms'; i i'Vjeiliuin payment, ond all these l.avir.p elsin.s ,' ted lr prf-rrt thrm preperly sj'.htr.t: )':;'.' K, v-i,Ci, r J.me 6, 1346 Pp.-7 COURSE IS i Ayf ,0lt5 T M S3