The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, August 22, 1846, Image 1

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    AW fl ill
Pitii iniftrfr fff M
X, 1 "' i&j .
J I r s w-wi tin tltt V'.fcr of :!.' elor'til htstlllty ti every fir ni Tra-niiy over thi Mtui of Mau.' nioinw Jailer,,,,
YoliiiEic A.
Number 18,
.4 ,
Sourn eiDK of Main, a fkw docks be
low Markkt-stkeet.
pu'iliihnl every Saturday morning, at
J iK) f)()Li.ii(S per annum payable
Ian J yearly in advance, or J wo Dollars
tijtii Lent s,r not paid with in theyeur
So subscription will betaken for a shorter
period than .via' month! nor ami viscon
tiiinnnce permit 'led, until all arrearages
are. discharged.
jnrKHTISIJMEXS not exceeding a
S'l'tare will bp. conspicuously inserted at
One Dollar for the first threeinsertions.
an I ivc.nfy-fice cents for every subse
quent nserlion. lCT"-4 liberal discoun
ma le, to those, who a-lv rtise by the year
LE " "F.RS addressed on business,)
be post paid.
Thk Votk in thk Slnatk on tiik Tar
iff I' ill I lie IuIIowiim' ihe vote in
lh Senate on the Tn(t lull.
Yea Messrs. Allen Ahlev Alchins-in
Adieiinn Btigby Benton Breeee Callowi
Cass Chalmers Colquitt Dickinson I)i
Fairfield llar.opgun JIuiistnr. Jarnigan
Lewis McDullio Pennybaikcr A'usk St ni
pie Sevier Speight Turney Wesieott Yulei
Nays Messrs. Archer Bairow Berrien
Cameron Cilley J. M. Clayton 7'homas
Clay ion, Corwin Crittenden Divis Daymn
Evana Greene Lluniingion Johnson of I, i ,
Johnion of Md., Mangum Miller More
head N ilea Pearee Phelps Simons Stur
geon Upham Wcbsier Woodbridge-"27.
The Vote in tiiij Senate on the Tar
liT of 1H12. Above we publish the vole
in the Senate n the new Tariff bill. Some
of nor readers may be curious to know ho
the vote stood on the 7':iriff of 1812. We
ace trdingly publish i;
Yeas Messrs. Itirrow Bites Biyard
Buchanan Chnaie C nrad Criifis Criitcn
den Dayton Evans 1 1 m. i i n ijlm , Mi Iff
Motehead Phelps Porter Simmons Bmiit.
ol Indiana Spragtie Sturgeon I'idinridji
Whiie Williams, Womlbrnlgo and ff'righl
Nayi Messrs. Allen .Qfchrr Btgby
Bunion Berrien Calhoun Clayton Ciuiti
beri Fulton Henderson Graham King I. tin
Mangum Merrick Presinn Jiive Seiver
Smith of Conn , Tappan Walker Woodbu
ry and Yiuing 23.
The names in italic who voted lei are
Democrats. 7'he names marked the sanv
way unoiitf the nays are Whigs.
Ilemai kahle Coincidence in the Tariff
Vote. li is remarkable that one vole car
ried ihe Tanir of 18'M; one vote t'ie Tanfl
of one vole earne I tin TanfTof 1812
and In one vole in the Senate the Tanlf :i!
1810 liae beitome a lnv,
,i comparison of the rales of duties upor
gome of the :iru'le m aciii illy j):iid uiidt-i
the taiifTof 1812. ami to he levied nn iln
same by the tai ill " lo come into pperation
December In, 1810, is given in the Wash
mg'on Union;
Luxuries. IS 12 1810
Wines ChaiPnaisn 12 3d
.... I u
Borgundy, 0
Mailt-ria, 5
Ca-pf s Wihon Capn.i, 23
Turkey, 23
Glafs Pohslied plate, 23 by 14
inches, 27
Gloves Gentlemen's real kid, 22
Indies', 21
Centtemeii'a rial French
tuck 13
Braces India rubber, coaling 17
each and abo' o 30
Paper Billttdoux, or lan7 note 30
Gilt 25
Pastes Balsams, cosmetics at.d
petfucres 25
Silks Pocket hdkf's made frorx.
fine f ilk '
Silkvelnts 20
Urocado fiik fur dicsc 14
i-'lanr.e'is Archer's U jslirinking.
coMing CO cents 23
3 b
Silk and wool fljunele. rot
ing $1 the squ-ire V"rd,
Hair curled for irallieaaes
Saruinea, and other fish prepa
red in oil
Furniture of cedar wood, satin
wood, $-c.
Gems Pearls and precious
Bloncs when sel
limitation thereof
Cameos and imitations there
of, ar.d on mosiae,
Jewelry Composed of gold, ail
vrr or planus.
Irtichs of general use 5-c.
11 3
10 2(
12 2t
20 40
30 41
7 30
7 j 3D
71 30
20 30
Wines Sicily, .Maderia (low
priced. 4!) 3u
Spices Pimento 12(1 40
Ginger 3 41
Cassu CI 40
Carpeting Tieble r.giain 73 30
Ingrain 3G 30
Iron Bar or boll iron 73 3u
Nail or pike rods 03 3i
Cut or wrought ir m spikes 1G3 3d
I Hoop iron 1 10 30j
Blacksmiths' hammers and
aledges 63 30
7ron chains oilier than ih.iin
cables 101 30
Wrought for ships, loenmo
lives and steam engines, 63 30
Smothing-irous, hafers and
taihus' prisi'ing do. CO 30
Wood scrc Go 2(
Coal Oy o.i
Jlass Plain, moulded, oi prfs-
std iiimbles 137 3(
Gloves Yellow sheep called
11 an, (wagoners and
reaping gloves ' 90
Imii.iiion bock !j
W'onit n's imitation kid 70
ilraces. India rubber costing 5
Irancs. or 'J'i cis. the dozen. G'-
'apor Jedium, Imdscap, &c. C3
Sugar, commonly called brown .
sugar, ' 61
Vinegai, 'l
Salt. 70
loihs of ool Broadcloths,
rasimeies coaling, ' ami
p.dhig. .' .' 40
1, iw tUniiels, botkiug, and.
Itaizi'S, 38
Silks. Calcutta and other, si'.'k
pocket luni'kercliit Is, coe,i
ing in I ,i it i it $1 50 for ilia
piece of 7, and weighing
eight ounces, . 50
Jlittr, c jKiiog C3 75, and
twelve ounces 60
Black gro de ti.ip, or tiiffeia
siik, for dresses, whelghing
1 ounce to the yard and
costing in England or France
32 cents. ' ' ' 47 25
Black crapes, lowpriccd . . GO- 25
Pius Called pound or mixed
pins, . . r3
t lveis Coiio'n . 30 3u
Jjrticles of general uie -e.. IS 12 IS10
Stiiniiigs cosiing G cents per
J aid, 05 30
Colion prints, or calicoes, costing
12 C'S. the running yard, 53 25
UouellaliiO de Lame--Colt'o
wor.-ited, 21 inclits wide,
ens i;.g 12 ce.itB, 50 25
Cotton worsted Urinaria and si
paeea clolh, cos'ing 18 CIs.
the square yard 60 25
Iiinteed oil 11 20
Cables and enrdags, tarred, HO 25
Unmanuf.ciureJ ticn.p. 3d 30
Won', cohiec, uuuunufacluied, 3 2l.'
Chain cables, h7 St!
Anchors, 62 2'.-
Ativi'e, 45 30
Plcxlco Message frcua the Frcsldent.
7o the Senate and limine f rpreen
I invite your attention to the proprie
5ly of making an s-ppropri;'ion to pro
5' vide lur any wh-rh il rue)
be necessary lo inak'i in ailvanto foi iheires, rnt y id ihern of a lac?l chi-raptpr,'
3 'J purpote of fcining aiicut difiiculiic wittdit is;, nil to toitcetvr, ii it e!)all br
he Mexican RHpuhlip.Ii is my desire
lerminale, ns it originally was lo avoid,
he fxistinn war with Mexico, lor
)pncpju;-t and honorable to bo'h ladies,
Ii io prubable that thp chief obi!Bele
in be mrnuiuntpi! in BCPomidisliini' ihis
lesirable ol jc', will be ihe adjostmenl
if a boundary bclwpei' Ihe two Ilepiib-
lire, which .'hall p'ove caiisfactoey and
convenienl to both, and nch as neither
will hereaher rppenl. I t 'he sdju.
ment of ibis boiind ny, we mibt to pay
i fair iqoivnleU for any cunccseior
hich may be made by M' Xico.
Under Ihe riictimiiancni, and consdd
rin the romiiliPHt'd question lo he srl
It d by iiPjioiia noo with I0e ilVt-xicsn
v public, 1 lter It impnrlani thai
stun of money should be put under iht
control of ihe Ex entive.lo he advancer
f need be, lo the Goveinmeut tj f ihn
lo'ilic immedi tit ly af'er ihe ralifica
ion of a treaty. It nntbl be inconve
nient for ihe Mexican Government b
wait lor ihe whole sum, the payment ol
which incy be Hipulaitd by ibis tiea.l)
oniil ii could be ratified by our Senate,
ol an o:,n ii''(jn lo carry it into tf-
ci made by Congiefj. .
lndttd, the iiecoMiy fur iheir dt-Iaj
iiil'it defeat l)ie idj'd liog"lher. J lit
sbursi meni of this money wouM, ol
nuise, be accruoied for nol ' as serie
eivice wionty, but like oihtr expt-ndi-
oie. J wo 1 lecetlbiiis Joi frVi C i a pro
filing tx st.i, in past hisioi dining Hit
iminisw anon of Mr. Jtllei!oii, it
Inch 1 would call your title n t on. Oi
he .'5 it of Febuary, 1S03, an act wa
lapsed apironaliii two millions of dub
us -or the purpo.e of deliayfng an
A'l oi'i !,. i.,f n41ii".j whipti .
it incurred in ihe interccurso behvtei
i lie LM.iied Stales and f irein nations
o bo-applit-d umler the dinption of Iln
Fie-idenl of the United Stales, wh
h.ill. c-ue an accouni thcieol io be Ui'
nloit Coni 1 1" as'pooti as ma) be;ain
j:i ihe' 13ih of ,ebii.iy,.IS0t), an ap
n opi utiou was ol the same aio
ii the eame ierin". In iitrhcr cj-t
..vs li.e iiviiiey aciually drawn iioin iht
fica'sury ; and I should hoji a ruli n
his 1 1 s-ijt ct nutihi be sitmiat on Ho
iiiiseol ticcitiioo, iilihoiigh the piojjii
, lion may prove to be ii.di-p' nib!e ii
iccompl'shing lhi. objeri. I won't!
deieloie n co r niciul t!e pa-i.-ne ol
iaw appropri-iliiig t'VO nnilona of dol
rs; to be ,!;.cid ai the disposal tf tin lor the purpose 1 hive inui
. .n.: u ... t;
C'lerl. io pieveni an mi? p; n tr hpiui,!'
i my dmy lo Mate tha', anxious I iiii;
o leiiniiiale the ex .-tins' wir with iln
hast pt,s-ible delay; il will continue It--'ic
pioseruted w.lli ihe u!mo'i vigor Un-
tl a treaty ol peace shall b S gned h
I' c panics, sod ra1 fieil Ijj ihe McX.cai
Hi l.ubl.p, Jami:s K- Poi.k.
Th y' read an.! rrft.'iti
to il.i.' C.iiiitiniic" on Finaoci', and Out
the.S-oalp, at al)' tit half j)-s' 12 o'cloik
resumed ihe coiiidt ruiou td Uxeudiit
Ta the Unit e f He, ic;epaf ve:
I have fuiidrrtd the bill rnMlkt'.'At
id rjukii i t.; f r tie in'
orovfioetii of cenain hmbr-r'antl livers'
ii; ;). erne which i's inipoi hnc' tie
ma-ids, ami lop.' return the same to llv
IljUe of Ri-prt per taiivej in which ii n
liginaifd. With my otjfCtioii? to i:s
!,f comic i; a law. The proposes lc ihe Uftiteu 5iaie into a ninnaraii) 1 0
ipi rpriite one million 'hree hundred guard against the assumption ol all pow.
and sevcnty.f ighl thoumml four hu:i. its which eno;ach upon ihe res-rvpd
cred and fifty dollars 10 ba applied lo.soveteignty of if.e S'res, and which
more thsn forty distinct and pppcratojca.ivqu-M-iiy lend to cot. sol da'ion. is
objtc s of improvement. Oil txsmi-
niog its provisions, and the vanity cl1
nlii rls r.f 1 mm om roenl u liirh it pro CIS
' J I
to sanctioned ar.d become a law, whaMhis subject, experience has .! i.mirri
practical ronsliiuiional restraint
a herealttr be imposed upon the most t
landed sysu-m of iniei rial improvement
by the frdeaal governmenl in all parti-
ol the Union. Ihe concii'ution
iioi, in my judgmeni, conferred upon
Ihe federal government within iheSialec
or lo sppropiiaie money liom the t re as-
uiy for lhal purpoie. That lhi bill as
sumes for the fedei a) govern merit th
righl to exeicisn ihis power, cannot, I
till' k be doubted. The approved cour-e of
the jovernmeni,and Ihe deliberately tx
iiresif d jutlgment of the people, have
denied ihe exislrnce of mjcI) a powei
nndei the consiitutioo. Svrral of my
pit tltcesjors h9ve denied it exii-tenct
m Hie most solemn forms.
The nnieial pioposiiion that the fed
eial governroenl does nol p!ess this
jiowtr is so well settled, and has for a
considerable period been so generally
irquieseed in, that il is not deemed
necessity lo ii-ilerale the srgunents by
which ii is sustained. Noi do I deem
I necessary, after ihe full and elaborate
oiscum ens tvi.KD nave i;en puce or-
-J:..... .-!l-L- . I- l L
lore ihe com.try on tins suOj.'cl, lo no
note .nan ante me geneni cor.Mafra:;pri.lion coninfd j ,hj bi, 0r8 ,0C3
ion much have satislietl n.e at .(Me u.. -
const iiuuooaliiy and inexpediency ' u
hp ext reme -of such a power.
It is not qui'i toiipd llial Ihe federal
overnment is one ci lim'led powe.
power i as such, and such only as
ire expressly granted1 irj llie coriS'ilu
Hon, or are properly incident lo Ihe ex
;fes-ly grantetl powers, ami" necessary
to J heir j x ecu l ion. In dt t pi mining wheth
t a given pvwer has been granted, a
'ourid rol-' f rnpttruction hag been 1 ; ?
lojin by M. .Mtitison. Thot rule is,
hat 'whenever a qurstion arises ccu-
cpi'iiinga p.n 1 cnlar power, the fi t'
nn-t;oti i w lie' he." the power be tx
nesseil in the corsiitution. If it be tin
j'lPilioo isdtcidi d. If it b", nol ex
ops'CiI, ihe nt xt irquity niul b ,
vhethrr it is nopetly n incideiit lc an
xprrs'fil, and ur c 6su y to i"
xecuiion.' L is not preit iitlied Ilia
Oei e is any t x ;m ess t1 a'' in the curis' 1
uliOii couft'i ii n on Congress t!,fl pow.
r in q'lrsti )!). Is il iheo an ii.cioenta
iovver, iit-cssiry and ptop- r Icrtheex
(u'ion ol ai'v ol me j;ra:i!pd powi'i-, i
ts ct nfi It ntly 1 fi. mtd,may be tH- ntnily
xtpoted wi'h'jui the aid of ;) in
ciileiit. 'A p wtr to h I'.c ih.'i.ia
Mist rot hecx tr:s-'l for end whlc!
nake il a priocipnl, 01 Kohsianrve pow
r, independent oi ihe p'turi;.--! powr r
0 wliicn i'
Jin I r.C il en 1.
lough it n-' : y be iig.-r-'cd by
crif as wnvenient, or iht i s t-xet-
'i-e ivuiild Lilvn ie liirf .iilili? we,,l.
i.u-l In- ui'ce&ary ur.d pr.per to th
-xepii'ion ol il.: pi.i cip-ii express' d
jjowt-r to w liicn it is s.i i cnittit, acd
.vi'h'ut which h-iCh princpil power
s.i 11 not hf' r.riied iu'o efi,-c. The whole
liarne ol ll. f-iieral coniiilution provif
hti the govern meet wl;ci emits
was iniendcd 10 be one, of litri'ed ai,d
pecified powtrs. A ro-i !t nciion ol
he cooSt.tJMOii so broad ts tin' by
.liirh die power io qie-iir-ii ii ilefeu-
led, tentis in ; 1 " r r f p!it !y to a cor.sjl;
Ihtio.i t'f powpi i't g-.'Vt rn uier.t imtn-
led by its i'tumeis to bn thus iiiiuted 11.
its pu 'horny, ''lbs obvious leodencj
jciu iiisviub'o 11011 01 a ccnsolidalioi.
of Ihe Slates into one soverngnly wuuui
bo lo tisiisform ihe rtjj'jblicso sys'em ol
the ilu y i.f a l ihe- jruo IriTir.s t,f oai
political sys't rn. the powt r ir
cities' ion IS liOl l.TOPC: I V an Incident to
1 I '
an) t f 'he granted peters, I am fiiHyUrni at poinie rm nor toast po.-spssir.g
latisfied, but :f there who t'oub',8 oipcotn.acroial iiiip-riaiue, nJ nrt
can ted ihe wisdom of ihs rtie thai all the
x - jfunclionarios of the federal izovernmei.
xnouiii aDiain Irom ihe exercis" of all
qoeslionable or doubtful pr.weis. If an
enlarginenl of the powers of ihe fedora
iovernment should be deemed proper,
ii is siter ancJ wiser to appal to the
Males anil Ihe people in the mode pres-
ciihed by the constitution for the gtan
deeiied, ihan io
asurno ita excise
without an amendment of the.consiitution
V CongreM does uot posess Pie genera'
power to consiiucl wotki of internal
improvement within the Suies, or in
impropriate money from i ho ireasurj
for that purpose, what ii there to ex
empt some, at least, of the objVcls o'
ippropiiation included in llftis bill fron
be operation of Ihe general rub ? Thie
)ill assumes the existence of the power;
in some of its provisions agseris th
principle, ihe Congress may exercises ii
is fully os though the appropriation
which il proposes were applicable to
the construction of roads and canals. Il
there be a distinction in principle, it is
01 Prreive(! . and should be clearlv de
Some of Ihe objects of appro-
jtfi ,ieir character, and lie within the
limits of a eingle Slate; art thoogh, ii
.1.1 ' ( ..!.
ine language 01 the Dill, Ihey pre called
haibois,. they are not connected with
loie'gn commercp, nor are they places
of refuge or shelter for our navy, 01
coinmercul marine on Ihe ocean 01
like shores. To call Ihe mouth of a
creek, or a shallow in lei on our coas', a
harbor cannot confer the authority w
'xpend the public money in it i n.
power coeval with Ihe consliiulion, 1
establishing light houses, beacons, buoys
tod pteis n our ocean and like shotes,
for ihe pin pose ol rendering naiignoi
a'e and eay; and of afj.rdn g prolec
lion and abetter lor our navj End o'hn
hipping. 'I'he.-e are s'.fegiiin til p'tcei!
ui t xisting channels of niiviga i-.ii. Altei
he long acquiescence ol tio g' vern
neot ihio' all the pr ceed Bd.niuis
rations, I arn noi tii-posad to questioi
it tlis utb ic t-u l onty lc i.nkd .'pj l'o
jriahuhk for such purj:ocs.
V.'lien we adi'uiice a step bejo-J this
;:oint, and in addinon lo iliu tf-tahiihindii.
iiul tuppori, by aproprii'.iuas k nn the
feasor) , of ligl:l-.",o:ise, boncoi-.s bu.y
:iei9 ?r.J oibef raproeKieii' wi'd.ia tot
));, ioltis, and harbora on our nrean am
i:e coae'3 inimediiiiel r(,n.,t . ird 1 . h oto
ori-ign ciiii iiierct', ai.a u;r.,o. io u, nn
,iri)veiueril in ihe uneriof at p .in:, ti.tioii-itt-ied
w lib foreign coiii.iierc-j. a;,.! where
r,ey are nol netted ff .i't ".tcitou ui.d
eriif!11. oi oi.r (Uiy to! fj.l.Cui' . ,1 In"'
rue, tt.c CslK.-uiiy hi - t :n ; : ' -. a inc
Lieyoiiu which approj fi.,'i .r i;.a-y i. it bi
.oj'je by the 1. J c r I 'i'-.f,i -
One of oiy preti'n't ..'.. '..' fv i
evil con ol li e ty.i-sii f -poet'
o b- reiiu-J by if),S i'.l
h : . tr 1 . j 1 ci o. d"
; t . - i . 'rX,itl.lil
.-i I' tui'ii.iu
-ir!ieiy ee.hb
, ,,.a
' it.ii a u.'.l Veh'.cl
ii'ie ihls h,! bv o"-h;,r "'
H S ot tli-S I'm-, .4
V I'iH f ' f ei ,'V
a. 1. L' (' i.t i' A. .
I I i I' 'I t hi hiS Sli.M I
.,,( :i C "- -a- o iiiiKi':ve IS a
1,10,1 1., tut VS abaah ri'Sf.' bis & ti
na same "sei B'b e i.iat th.a r; ieuo'
a as not a? siosfaciory as could bs dcauc.
,:i J that much exbarrasi may be ciiit
0 he executive ddoaiin.eiii in ns eX'-i'u,in'
.') approjiriaiioiiS f, r remote nod not wtl
oi'.li-ri.'.ooU obj'-eis.' Phis res'rit ('.on, 1
u ioon fjuud, m suVjtjct io b vde0,
Jul rendered comparatively UJtlta 1
checking ihe system of impramentt
whioit 11 dcBins I to arresi, in conSi
qnence of ihe laei.iiy wiili vviiieh puns o,
eif.ry and delivery o:ay be esiai)im'.tJ b
law upon the upper waterj, :id in soa.
instances, almoel at tha bead sp;i; js cfl
some of tho nusi uitimpi rtani lifour ri "er
- jplacrt of refuse nd ialiy by our nutf
ind oilier shipping. Many of the pons tf
eniry an J delivery now auihonzrd by law,
so far as foreign eommerce la cor.cerr.f d,
ejiaia only in ihe statute-books. No eti
ry of foreign goods is ever made, and no
luiies are ever collected al them. No ex.
pons of American product! bound for for
eign countries, ever cleai from them. To
issume that iheir existence in the tiue
jook as poij of eniry or delivery warrant
'.xpeiiiliiurea 011 the waters leading to them,
rt hich would otherwise unauihornd,wtuld
be to assert the proposition, lhal the law.
making power may engraft new piovisione
on the constitution. II the restriction be h
mund one, it can only apply lo ihe bays,
eis, and rivers connected with or leading
10 such ports an actually have foreign pom.
ncrcej pons at which foreign impoitalioni
irrive in bulk, paying iheduties chared by
aw, and from which exports are made t,j
foreign countries. t will be ( iuud by ap
I'lyiug tho restriction thus understood to tha
ijill under coneideration, that it contains ap
propriaiiom foi more than twenty objieia of
nienial improvement, called in Ihe Inllhar-
bori, at places which have never besn de
clared by law either porta of euiry 01 dehv
ery, and al which, as eppears fiom the r
curds of liie traasury, there has nsver been
an arrival of loreign merchandisp, hud Irotn
which time has never bten a vessel clear
ed for a furi'ijjn countiy. U ill be fuund
hat many of iheie works ar new, ar.d al
places for the improvement uf which appra
)ristioiia pre now for the first lime propos
ed. Ii will be found, also, that 1I10 bill con
tains appropriation) for rims upon whiutJ
ihere noton'y exists no foreign cummerc
but upon which there has not buen esiab
lished even a paper pun of entry, and for
ihe inouiiis of creeks, denoitiiiiitied harbors
improved cn bonelit only the pariiculir
Il will bs found, 100, to contain aj pit piit
. ions the expenditure of which vtill only
nave ihe t fleet of improving one place at
he expei, ?ie of ilia local na;url aiha nagog
f another in Its vicinity, Should this bill
Hi:om a law ili 8 same principli w).ich n-thorizt-s
tha impropriations which 11 ,ropn
aes to tnke, would also 1 Ut'un a -3 umilaf
tppiopriationi for tho improvement of ill
ml, ei bays, inlets, and crtt-k which riny
nh eqoal fMpr.tty b calied hrb'.rs, auii
of il the rivera, iri'por'.ant or uriimper am
m nery part of Ida Uni-w. To fitusion
ine bill wiili mch pr.vUim.s would bs in
Miacadj the p. iac ple that the f dcral g-it
irur.ftnl p-imam He poer '.0 expend il,
.Mittlia monry in a gtaie.-bl ststern of ititt-r
nal iir'profen.eiiiH, limited in its extent only
ny tha ever varying discretion of atn;ceiv
Congresses and successive Executives. It
'voi.ld be iatdue and remove ihe hmiii"
tions end restrictioni of powei which ilia
i-oiistiiu'.ioi) has wisely provided 10 limit
il t ajiiioriiy and action of the federal go'
trriid.eui 10 h few well defin,! and specified
tt-j-cts. Beld,'s ihei-e ojeciions, d e ortc-ur-al
.vi.3 which must flow from ihe ex'.V-
vie), on ihe part of ii.a f.dera! i."ivtrnme'it,
f .be p .ivt r araer.ed in i.'s bili, impnesit
viv n'irr.l lib a jfate eiie tf say duiy in
tviri; ,i;e.-ft f,o,n 'be ciunirv, as fjr ss my
; it i.i ;r.i,.ii.iii acti'ja t4.y cub.j iu to &j
Is r.ot or'y !siils tn eo.tsslidjiinn c,f
viwer ir. 'it federal government, at the tx
..e;.se ol pi lighiul audiority of the S.alss.
n't its 1 t'.itiVIs tendsney is to embrace no.
i-c.s 't t: e ej:p T.dfutet f .ha oablio mo-
y, which ars lot a' in their c!iarac;er,bcn"
rS'UCjj biiiftw at ihs experts of ths com
11011 treasury of the h.ola II m ill eticn-
i Ce.iiional fetdipga si.d prrjjdices Calcu-
tied 13 diriUib the batmony of ilia Union,
1 ii! destroy the harmony whiih should
ire vni! in ottr legislaiivs oounciis.
Ii ilt proiiti'n Ci.i.ihiniiitniu (if lopa!
eciional i.itereMs, s mrj Pitonji nUtn
initeJ, to carry propositions for appropri
una cf itiblit'' money which pouid not of
'ipinselves, end stn-tdi'-p alone succeed, and
anno' :'-il to lead 10 wia.lul mid tXirivaija::t
h mtiet produce a disreptiiRb.'8 Bcrsmb
u the pu.itp money, by i!:- fonflici whic'i
a i"i'pparsble from fui h a svttent between
ex' .r, ,'