coLnmiA Di:.MOtn.T. AUGUST 13. 1SH 1. LA.TKU KKO.VT11I0 ARMY. OkFICC or TUB PlCAYU.NK. S.tu'ulay, Au. 1. 13 lb 10, A,M '1 ho In i Cui re nini id arrived at iht .cV.rrtrk this morning, n vends) frrn 'i2' Saturn, wi'h Capt. Gen. 1) slut's cor. pany of Alabama Volon Ireas, 'aIio !!,-,ve been ordered to New Oil'aan to ba mustered out of service according to inU unions fiom the Wai )f paiiment. Six ether companies A f.iii Alibams, nil the Lonisian.1 Volun- i i i nut of i'ei vico by the same author ihoiity. Colt. Peyton endFeaihersion'i o'Cf n rr not nrojjniz'il by the Depiitsu'iit as bung in the service a Ell. When the Pi m pre n sarin 1 e f , most ol (ho icgo'iar troops had H'ine to Cam'H' wleie it i probable all rt by thi time ' Ji.Uo Pen. Taylor has been detainer! on fecc.'iiii t cf the withdrawal 'of so rm ny volune?r3 from the army, to make new implements iraidiiv,' the disposi tion of the remaining one, he has join ed the regular army ere this a'Cannaf go. The Texan troop were about taking up their march for Mier. Several fma artillery compsnie had arrived (rem the staboaid before the Eirpessario li ft, Gen. Smith had proceeded with the 3d anil 4 h P.c n'ment of U. S. lifiiitry up to C,iin.iigt, c.iR'.nifcncing with hi rank as Col. in the ni my. " It will be re collected that (Jen. Smith las bten ap poir.ted Col. in t it e new Regiment ol Mourned R.fl men, ami it is upen his cemrnision as siirh thu he now act. GjV. Iltnderaon waa lying darjjT- tusly ill alMaUmoras at the latest dates; veiy litilo hop, if any, was cnieitainsd of his recovery. Xs'o in. ws had been received cf the where about of the Mexican army. Let ters had been ' receive;! at Malamoras from the Cily of Mex;eo, vhieh stated thai Paiedes w to leave that city to join the army. The 20, h ultimo wa the day assigned by these letters for hi depailuie for the seal of war. Brig. Gen Himcr was to be left in command at Malamoras, where a regi ment of volunteers was to be etationed tnd the forts garrisoned by artillery. More extensive hospital had been ordered, to be erected at Point Isabel lor the accommodation of a Urge number of tick. Akntzmj The Matamoras tlf-ville mentions vnt incide nl connected with the history of Moniorey, in N.uevcL'-on which is not generally known. Tin streets oi Ihil city were paved b A merican prisoncis, taken by the forc' of Gen. ArrtiloniJo from Min'.-i ur for tunate erpediWun of !SlC,and cuncntpi! with their blood. These men, who lud nobly periled their lives to obh-in tho independence of Mexico, '.vera la ken ptifcOnei.', and after being k-pl at bird hbor in the streets of Monterey for momiifi, were tahon cut and hm rl?l uf lt. j; 1 w I l VIC Thpff. v hut one survivor of tho expedition, the ccnior prrprietor cf the Revillc, horn whirh we obtain tho Senator Siirp'e, of Illinois, csys ihr correfpondent uf the 'werk Adverti itr, iii to La appnin'i'd Governor of 0 eoii'Iiri:ciy,ot) the- prrivalof the pri p 1 r tin.-' fi r making caul aj pointtni n which will br 8fler the ciiacirnvnl ot ihe law i,r entabl eliment tht-ra 'jl a Tt'iiiioiial GTverrment. Lj'c'i icf T!'i' d r iiiu!:.Lne 0 C . ro' it a , c 1: 1 S I ore . T I ; e s : r n m e 1 R 1 n -dor, Cap!. Duila?, bound from St. Loo-i-i tcPortL' ave.owoi ih.wi'h a carjjo of a ijmii j. r ; y 1 v of Coveinnienl utoifi. and tcvi rl suial !f r lots cf fi c i,;hi ,i 1 iir k a Finn f wiion seven r.i.hs abovo ou ville, a:.d j'tsl at the mo'.ith of Latnire rivr, i.r.-I e'i'ik i!,'.r M iir-mrd 'a t ly to " fcix if.rhesi cf her ho;!ir ! c r I; . The Loat and car,"0 11 is lhon! t nil proe a to'-' ''. Hip hiti-r k( io rros-t iy I 1 g . c'f.rM-'1, j: of ecu'M. i. tured. m ; -vr, h. .: n.i . r.-: 'I f tun:.cj I.. 1 'A'-s col-' o-j lit rt ACS I t'l'i, ' . . With r- ,-' -A ru, -.VI. ,t hi :' Ti '' tlut;':s '-' lilt; tr?s -tV-J. Yt(io TmijJ'lht Xtw .V.'a Thi' stockholder of thy an1 Ocea.i Mills meet to mori o w. to uk mea-uits for the inn ea of their capital stock, so an to ut Ilia mills into immii te op ration. Thi'ft! mil's luvu now reeeivtd and iel l 1 nt'.it lv nil their urn- hineiy, and in 1 lew, weeks wi'l he prepared for the nmnifactores of rlu'l me size of the nulla having been made tari r than wb pi i'nally designed; in ronpequence of this del, and the neces aity at the present -"time of providing some woi king c 9 pi t h 1 besides "that in vested in building and machinery, an inrrpfl'P nf pupiia! in requisite. Wo have rnnda nome inquiry as t the Competition whirl these mill.- wi! encounter from the I!m;!ih niannf.c 'tire under the new U, and fnd tht the po ds thry will cianufcuro com Kiihin 4 strut! fraction as much in En land s they do h't. The Lnli!li mnuficiures woik in a portion of Kl India cotton, w hioh cotit only lull mi;cli as Amei irin cotton, 81,, I by ihu means somtiirne undei fell ut i.i fuel, ftbrics uul 'he quiliiy of t ha cloih ii 'hese cases is so interior that even lh Chinese and Brazdiaoa ivler lo pny tin enhanced price of ?inei iiMii g'Knl, x cept when they are deceived by th im itation ol American po.jilf, which cotru f 'he Englinhmen diii'. With a fairly Irvifil S3 per cent, doty we believe lhefe mi'U will do a bettei buiiu'is than l!m n.ivialion m'ereM generally, especially as the domestic rnmpoimoii vi!l jirobably be modi I et- nmed for seveial years to comr. Tin machinery has ell tho latest improve ments, and inlal'iT.I and expi-rieiiced ents have been appointed to ajpeiin iend the nunufjciu'C. It may ccnfMeniiy he tHimed tha' uiidtr good nrianaement IliOiij mil cannot be prostrated unlejj h1; the threat, manufacturing ami mechanical iritt resN of the couriny are fns! luired, so that the people c jh nol afloril to purchase thi ir good, ami nven then they may bt ived,fv;r shuulil i h s t time ever arrive, lb pr ce ol Nliui will be so low that the loom and th "pinille here can compMe with tj lioii 111 the supply of the fiumerous raiton with vhon cotton cluthstare rapidly h' - cominn mnre and more in ur. Ntw bury port Herald, rfuguit 5. Pli ESI DENT FOLK'S FIRST VE IV. The President ha? veloed tho rivei and bailor bill pasi-il l y C mgi p'u, "p propriating belweeu uuv and two ioiI lioiu of dollars to the iir.piove n cnt 0' rivei, liaibor?, &c. Tha 1 1 r e i i c 1 . 1 vilhhoids liis hinaUiic on conHT'it'ori 1 giounds. Thete rim I '.hrr ft i'on objections lo heavy -sp iidil.;io- nt ihif time ooi cf the Uni ed Slii Tiiu. y Uiidt r the tai'.U tiiil jn-t p i5ird, ail such spprcpj i3tioiif n oat hi; .'iics'id, i; for r.o othtr uacoo than for the want r I publis fjnds la tr.jiend in that way ill ir.onrj thai now c 01:10 io'-i tl.t Pr e esur y v.'ill he wanted lor oiVr i:-i, ind while M 'Kay's views 10 : lai.on in he larifT are sustained, tncit tint Pie.-idi lit Pullt V viiMva, in relitinn to impiovcm nis by llieCenti il G .vun incnt wil! like u:ie juvsi!. Prtsulen Polk, Gen. J c-!ii, h.isiakcn lio pcailiou againsl any such a; pi nj.-i laiion. during hit) admiiii-itatinn, and we tiu-' he will adliiie to it an flnidy at did iIh oi,ijoiiiy inijolh lIi.U!0i,f Cm u ii lavor of .1 meie rt vni'00 inriir. It we ire lo have lijthi d'liiea and a cheap ivv, let us Imve ii in eo"d f , 1 1 1 1 - without the creatinri of a iD'ioinl d,;,ii by unpi incipled Congre.Moniil I rollers. The furdur erecM'in of fc;!.ii,i mills, snlhrafite fuinafe, a-d (, r improvemenis; have been g r ; i f,,r the present, by :he action 1 Co- by ih'S fearless al of '.lift ni, 1',.- pio)OM-d in provt r.i o's by i,l C-f,r, r.nveinmenl hi", e Lfcewlce hfyrt vc'o r Wetvilini.l.nM . ft;V(. ,1',, jji;;i Iom ul, 'lt. . ,. ' 1 " " " '"i'-H" 111 ,, it in!'. incer. : .hiLtoncn-t fJT Cu.-.furuut - 1 'l''rA ll;nt 011 .D g the ;uiv'.j.a i I (J;,.l i;K- rj -...... . , 1, 11 . - 1 ,tv"pi ' i '.Li-, i (t r.w. . I):. 1 tl.t :: U I;.-; I ,T, liUCT I !' .-, I-,, r-!( 1 u ..'1 l.;0 i.iliiijr i t i.ew Viiil., ii.jf v 1 1 a ::,i lit n :.', a l;di ol 1', ';r. 'l , v i,.v 1 hi id uin roiiui.iBM.m-. but Icilirif in i,"o:i 1 1 V , 1 r i If 1 1 r, t , dtf . , j r. T- Sun """ i'i'u.t .-i .i;;v j. Mil: PENNSYLVANIA DELE OA- T10N. 1, i a well-known tact, that, whh a sin- jle lniiirabU t'Xi'epurn1, evpry Peinocratic ri'presentative in Gonnreaj frmn I'enivyl- vnifi-i vntetl m luL'oi i i me lunr ij iai;. 1'hta I'inireHW is dictiiii'il iililia by public luly and llitttr insirnciinn, hikI we have ruaaim in know ihat, but fur their sacred regard lo ttm latuT, tt'ey cmihl tie iornr. hJ imnrenai.ina of iaraiiiiiunt in our Suit interems. Ttie oiiiniona of the Legislature were, however, couched in phraseology ton plain lo be mistaken, and deeming them obligatory, our repreaeuia lives implicitly obeyed ihem, In ihisihey have il acrvct!. aiM receiveu. itie omuji .s i all liouiii ,ible men. V til, imw, ui.'.ni of these gentlemen ,ve mean, mil hi be miatinilcriiiino' J mai'V nl xUnDemocfti'ic p ntiini of the Pennsy' 1 111a delfK'iUon v ill, ul Itie coming eleeiioii lie , n 1 1'j 1 1 n lew 1,11 ,r"-c, u,,.i. tin. ,ni. Will our erclueir e Whig I'ari"fT fiinuU, pi.r I'X'.-ellptK'e, honur any one of ihte Hiaiin iliiishpil I) 'inner at with tlieir eutTr ie? I'hey luve (bine nl! 'I;:it i-ou'd h'i expected i.l'itmm lo ensi ii.i llie Tariff of 1812, 11 wan, end have in y been prevenied Iron, accuriiijj iiiipnrtant rnnei ssiona In the Iron jnd Cod intrreMj, by itieir ill-consideret1 iiirj'ru uiiiiia, and unw, when lliey eiliioit in aeeonnl of thfir sic wardhip, wo 1 1 a 1 i ee whethsr the Whi Taiilutea are ready 10 cheer and ausuin them. They allege that ihe Tariff question is the Aaion'c rod, dflvntiting, sw.illowing, and d -guiting all die minor ones, mid, if they are sincere in lb. s assertion, they cannot esoap support ing those who hiive heen found fid in the hour cf trial Will ihey do it, nr will thej jive Ute lijf lo 'heir prctesjional We slial tce. reniuijlvrunuii. A wealthy peiiile.nian of New York dis- lingiiinhed fnr his voluntary benevolence includes amongst hi liberal donations ('tew if which nipet the public eye) $35,000 for ihe erection of a library build ng for the Princeton Theidogienl Seminary; E-3,300 in ateieotypo one woik for ihe Presbyteii Doard of Publication, ami J i 000 fur :innih-i'Ij-i?l j 000 fur one Mi-tcion CI', on Ii ii Aew Ymk, and oevrral ten lliontniin! J to wards other: S2 000 for 0 mii,Moiiar 'ontrihu'.iiiii, &.C. 'V'rn geiii!eiiia:i litil ihiiilv tint 'charitv brfioa r.t hoine,' am! fun laryi'SS is nmailv In glowed on donies ic object. So he at ikes ;i pmpcr n wel m a eeiieroiis ue id lis weal;h.--tffo f ransirip'. Whsi'. an niiminrul, ineotn eivabiy rroi.k ed liver inns; be the P.10 did Norlt? At ifiiee;, i ho i'j ci h d it ttiih ihe adunei of Gen '1'ayl 'i's fnree as f.r ,i (.V.ii.'rg. wri'.ts '1 tl.ii'd; mote ihnu one p'lv.ia h oi a hn;,'l i:i :ii..kint; lhi rive;. Fi i:n ap u ei ;,in.-e, 11 I. mu htrn d.n.e by a comr.iitui of ra iiS'lmrn, eerew-iiiimi n .i s.phonainei each going on Ilia 0 -li-liook. Siohn" MxiitMoies iiiiinin airos nwjiiir't line, 11 -1 lama horn i-n.-oii, in! 1 hud,, anil Oi'.' M-a-..'.t of their ; rodyedon the iiv-r if :l noiv i- l.ii'ka like a il n.b'u how-,n,! v ! i v h .ai',.i.s uuke iu f-.t'.i n ihe ends of ml of r,M c" Wi. men's ly vz f ', !t i:cr In ah found it women luvi (IiHii.1-; in afi i un'iies they f. m m sa'V'1 of there, h'i! it is u:ily in the bi-c o (I plcnij hat th')' coc.eeivp tlie idea ofein'.; ii th'T.- dwtllit,4 wiih lhti;i. Thi col ir.iioti of J'owtrs amci'ij i!im p'-ii-nun , in.lipttea i revolution In ad t !, " i i It ia a dplca' l a'Ot o u hi, 1; n i - n to i n j makes Ms wiy i h.-oc 'h H ,1 'll ,'tlie ivhoae i yi'S Wtjle tJlient '!.,, is i m n-e c f iIip !;r a ti ilu a f .! i: : V 1 3 t l lip soul is nwMiMiti!. T (si who have l iiVtdled in I ho. ' r U ,1 ,i ; cy , -can t stify that a io::. !ice n 'r tho u- low, a honey sot ! ''r;t)i)i i!n t;oc. ol lo a ct-ttni;p, i c a' wa . tl li'jod orat.i he tl i'i 1 lit ' r- 1 r.e Inn. I i. hich cuin- vafea n.-WBM, fH li0, c;0pifl a,,mM ,h( ''Pi1' cj,".tif Ihepocr, or the wai.'.s oi cV.r ;V:?.j Jc:i:ii;! if L:i Charge i"her.i:,v (Jiieaoa Hi f 1 nnt.iins the fuiloiv it'C iU:n:iiei:iif! .vein; lit hum 'ay (il hi fauioua ehai'j cf ilia L-xicaii iui't'ij ' Haui'i; hatl tl.f ilpr.r.ire o'i a loi.g cnii ier:.:;'ioii with C.iii' S,y : e finally; td h;t:i In L'ie i,a a ilt'tcripiioii of his 1 o,n f lli'l ',ie n,i-!.i at the exact par ticw!;.,-a. I'lie galUin l.pui. t.vinu d lt I, iCt hi 1 :d--; or,g Iwj: ! 1 vidi ijny i-.iiiiijtt h it I 1 v,!i ijHy c.ioiidc: i.ii'-i .mil nf 1 r r aer itaiioo W iy ymi i t.e, tl-.e fm-i i 8,y 0! the hoy a woidj ,'i a ve ihell lives to h.,i e ,.; .. li.e 1 .ni e ;o i elisre,.' ih. - n', nii.v 1 wca ri? .! ;v one in ci tun" i .p ,.,.1. . . r,.., .1 1 ... ' tl r. , 1 1 , 1 , 1 1- - 1 1 r, 11 ,, ,7 1 1 1 , .- r ., .!,. ,1 ...v ...... I..':,..,;' . cfoiue, n I,, ic w e im 1 P'i'-i It . hi) I i.z. d , 1 I " ' . a .v -v , ii i, 1 1 o i in e Otrs u.'i'l ni- t'lpl rocu o 'ti tie pc-.-, i:.J ;'.; t'l ibv.t fs Lid Lii i i yj: .u :.c i is Jt "Til ITCH w , fHUL-r tfKiJI " St ri'ilDJY, .11 a VST 15, 8W. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR COMMISSIONER, AVILLIAM Fi FOSTEIi, jr. Elctnoval. I he OiTk e of the 'ChU'Jidia Di m chat isa hem Removed into ihe new ldnlv Hndilii't;. Si'iitli siile of Maiu airtei, a few hiuia beloiv Maiket. V. B. PALMER uutlwrizrd to n;t as Agent fur the t'oicniiiA L!tciuT, end re- ci'tyt all im-nitu f-r buLcrijdion 01. d AdeerlifV III" Ul li'f AfliCKH i)l J'luliMjiltla jV,. CO Pint-street. Few Wrk " ltiu yi...?nn-ttn,il. D.xtun " 10 Ue-:t.ut. Luhimnre f!. E. Hull, cud Cvlrcrl.rtx. fjtrchauli-Nechunirs antl Tati'.w:cn lhcyfnd itti- tiicir tii'.rnntuutti) udrtilitt in 7171- , , , 1 1 ,1 ,, ii nd has a t:rtv.Ur tucvLiun if) tie 0 ux.'V ti.uit. iwj other publithid within Jill-mils. JUST AS WE EXPECTED! x ' yiie Whig organ newpaper fur tho eouniv the Danville Democrat ir.dicalea 'he delerininalion of Unit pai ;y, liof'tn voti 111 favor of the reeection of any Dtmo eraiic cV.inwreaiiiiinn, fr..m iliis state, who lias voied Hi'iinsi die inodif.eatioii of ihe Tariff act of IS-12. The prnpoiiio:i id Oliver Cli'.school ihniiyh ihe U, S. (Jazeiti in that efT d, is d-'linutieeil, or hi leasl 1 if policy denied, II is clear ihat the U T.iff are for I'auty f:ri and always, A cones pondt'iil ii the Danville Democrat, cut 8 i,f 1 re 1011 for n t supporting the rc-t-lectioi of (lie Cungressin in frmn thi di:;,net, tha he does not make speeches, is well vn'.e rnd goes oil in tepiuliate, in h-h.df nl ,11 'iv ho are truly Whims' tliu proior.i-M o Gidchnol.' The Ediiur (d tho Dum-i-i-rat gives hid sariction to the aiihle of hit i'ones;ion,ient. i 1 tlor lollovt in J l uiijioie We refer t: a ( t.miuiiiiit aiinn of 'a Inn Wlii,;' 111 another column, lully endorsine his st liloi't 103 im to ll',0 cnnite llie Win'- nl tins instric: nu''in to i.n.e in n'-'ar.j the CinieiesM'Jinil L'leeliun next fill;' am hn ilitn (jtuues an article from die Wdl;c liaire Adu)ca:e in t'tippori of the sune u' ol onlicv. All llns is iiifl as we ex We arc m;i flstonishtd or .;di necieu. nam. We have all ulonj,' asr-ened, W hij,' leaders in this r toon Mere by a p u rn .'pint of ya.-t'uunhin, lloit lln a cluatcd in iluir erilir'S u-lalive lo ihe 'Tar, I!'. l!cn 1 1'ir proof nf our a.;.itriioi .' We I ;. nut pause it-s.dy inail'j die aeeiis.ilioi'.- il ii t-sia'oli.din! lies on i driiirt! or t qnivucaliol .' U ,J I vi hai nil eali'iilaif tl to i:Mnni?ll one, is, lino die Editor of the Dcmocrii;, in ano'.h, r ui Hide, 11 the b.noH i.n:i,li-r of I-is p-'pfi. make mi eainttt Kpp.-l lo 'our 1) .'iinn'iato. 1. , riii' friend -,' to join wiuiilm Wi.ii t ;T.;r t.- 0 r: in .1 the. i.'r I lblu;ain( sh ,r,. ti, e-.v, fa is'.a'.t! 111 ..lo proper ,iu-, l!iroi.:;'i our I'Mfl n lu) n-cm: li nn Isnlo leill ; iTarl.-.' Vho my mi . ,.f c,, JM,,,,, npj.ear to I.) ihh: 'we, tho whi, m ill ilfM'C'lid to reel i ve you pcr Dt ;m , ..rj in 1.1 -our ranks' hH a t-i ! f.nvr 1; you tie Mie ii; hut hit our juriy in'ett ;'. me 0! nore cnnsi'q 4eti"e line, any lie: ,-'.u w, iIUMt TPifu o;,,lv d.thdie l!:PK.!,j-.(,n , f (,,'V ff,r 'Ooniiri es ho ;i! :,,.t g v illow '''' "':.t f-il-'i'l iiivi-i;:rs 1 t wnli ii,i,'..Ve v, ill oiiiy add, ns n! ,.i',,r 1, . 1 : . , , '.os mi i j.-i-i, k: -.;'r.iri i.-oi.i i-.n f t , 1 1 n r 1 1 atl.ile in ihe D.invii'e De110cr.1l Ju'v il.', 1310. it i-, a.; follows; Vi.e tardi hill is ttill im no in the II.. 1.. ',1 of u i CM-iil.i'ivr;. TJ( IVni,ay!v.iriM dcl' i.' 'U"ii in (ho'eresj, A ,', U'ftig Ifld .Oi 03,i,lltilr vuilljlilil) aj;;:i:il the repeal of the present act, ;,nd a cuicht i f then hit ii'cdit iuhject.' 1. s-pu-.T.ej oil We are glad tu ohscrve the ii.di.-atior.' oi Inruoicy an ri:,-j t!;e Dei'ioerii-y i f il.i couiliy. T) ( re ;::e 10: clifie fe-f i'i1--. 0 lion am! die (h t'e, tin ! ,i .: ' -13 of peil- tnl.sai, I. n t i:io;e firtnlv Ic.'e hei the party of prior ipl' Tl-e l ioltoce id die oj-pnsii,;; parly will he quiet inept ra . 1 v - fr iiii.:hic-f. H e recoller t the various ,i::ir.e;i it has asiiri'.i-il and ihe v.irinl pdiaiet f aloi-k il has adopled iilii,i ll.e la.Ml' J(i year.'. Il cm mi' her hi.ij il toi v not dinjsuise ii p,-( (d ji e!. ps ,i;,t,ot i one coi:i;iiiu;d ierieu of 1 liat jra of s',;! 11,!b 'uV'i: Kii ,:s pret-CiM ji;irpr,e is ihft H' f qtiuemeii; 1 f po a. c r and 1. a tin!. 1 '' a. in ii t).c;i, hais ! r uo - .tUiXi lt I'Wf-t-.f.l !. . . :. .1 ll ..t- ,T l, . . ;' ''n ''Ie '''"OH'Ciiny (,;' Cnli.n , . . , I. .. - . . I . - , . , i la are '-tu-icr l'' ut 1 'S Mi'tie;. nor eoiiiieij lo I ilii.J j.hi,u;i !' i' ili;- ;!.. ..f t ilic :vorvc I!iui9)lvai tvoi'i ?a-i-s:icUnjett. O ie cf the iiio-i iio)oi l.uil teature u: he tj.neiican ) Men ('ve 11-c ihiH ex iiici,ion in i's ei-i 1 1 ct ei -p,) i', l h ni it e si'pi'Hiion of tin CV .v ei moem 1 n hi iilijiKiii'i phinbliftiioenl-. Tin state and llie ihoictiaie i--'y ji I' a td fiom each ii' hei ; ai d ill a I C, w l no w, wa 1 a stihj- (" , ol n j m inj in r '1 at I. e 1 a. 1 he C a into e. h ,c I, 1 h j i." M-oiiniTt in ihu I j 1 1 n 1 1 1 is rao'-il. m,o liuuced, llie I' .vi'i iiiii'-ic ; tioj iik", as Mich, no put i 1 rontUic' 1 , ior are they j f c i I ' y tin.' r - i - is fav..r any ivioio tli.ui s' i 't t1 i'i l ou'rol. Miy this divorce ot Cnnic Hid S a'e, he t nilorin S cue ears b foi e lie chut' r of lb- h Cmd Emk of th united Stati expT j ' ' a k 1 r 1 1 i I ' , Ji'-ice and j ; r o 1 1 .1 f ' -1 ' rniiMiirnced bpiiveea It ami : e uiliMn 1m' 1 8 lion 1 f die GuV rn ill el, I 10 whiihi iscie;d 'j;i. Tlif chanc'i r mu n mi It a n f that si 1 ti-ii'e are known tJ aH. ''It Waa then; with thai hull -ind .Hi. CI omi hair :ut lam Hint ( is in .nl Pieai lent Jack-nn Mid Ida iiiun. dlalp tw- Ci-nor, that an eoiiie divine ol the Gov "inineiit Iroin jj.ii!;-.', ivn piocdai'iipd. That j 11 lllPa.-iKf nl policy h.' SniC- hern ophe',1, iluoi.'-h io,id hi I .",ioiij; 'v',1 repoit, by th- piity of pro;r jc aim principle, the leceni l,a-li cf an id en ib!iht;ij; a con.-titmiotsal 'i'feasn iy, allord a cause for cooizratulatioi: and pride. SijSsi mli..!'y, so fir 5 tlo Geriei'id Government is roneni nc-J, a -ound arid ui.fl ictuatioi cnironcy is s'i divoif'j ol i)i;i,; ano.'jia't- i mca-ure that liaa si i iijled w-pi fi 'ic ippoii ion ami .in nici i'eil ch'tc iy, i ubli.'hi-d, wo iru-i, an u n;j iiici.1 I'ea'orc of our national ml cy. Wo now, propose another Di. orre;more iiiiiihle in i'.a tdmrai u r, and loon! in i bji Tiealinn but wo '.hink, e'cd im jmrt .01 vr.h ci;ln-r of the foiee,iii:;, in i: ii.fiiu nee upon ihe interest and thatiny of our 1.111 S.ite. ve prnpo-e, im; Div-niCK ol 1'r.NS-vi.vAM.v it. i: .Mas;.cho.-k-it ! i! iihio (if the land of i'mri Irom t)n thlidlloill (d I,llil. ioiiiie-1 and tl - cnrtc of I' at '.I ni lrii.ii, 'ship. Whu nave e ever reaped from thi tiiiniu,,;,! Co. nt ctioii, bu; ii jury and in-idl ? The re- -nil of our foolish pr!iii'iship wiih Mas. !""',l""'s the TartT. ..ay to mi;hiki op, i:i die f.,c', thai hp, ,,re g n iucu wit 1 1 1 l'(r i',ut!'.siiii iron and tod; mid are bcrelr of Mmpnihy I'rmn ah-oad onth.-i I' e il'llietiori! In, thu recent a.'jiietll.Clit ol tlu I iir.lf, w q weie ollerei! ten In t.veniy ; r -;l.lhlr,t.r (J.nicfl i,p0!, (,- rl.,10 pro.- iliiftions )uii wire giver, and iwrn speeiiic ''Ulira, (,n ccinlition cf l-giM-irg to the 1 1' 0 . I o i nil i 1' n ' ' - p r , , ,r ,i , .,,.1 .J 1 1, .,,.1 ..1 1 H not spfpa'ly ? :i'. ciii.- tis- r.nt, ' mil tin) iiii-r.-a- t; of ihi'.iea t i ,'i n'ti upon ".vine?, jeivtlrv. and si'k.s, mo-l H: e.. :h i'I-it i; ,,. i,.. .i 1 1 ;.i l -n i!.' -is il is.' i !i I lI'.lOIIV, W j i lilt- M- iTC'd; ij-i ,11 iv.ii nil' n - - li ', o! .I eci'isi.iicsji on t!u- one I .,;, ! I dly I,h oihr;; y,i M ho.' .'i.-i ,,0 ,!.;?J dp.ith-.iiii.2 we i'ii.i-i , it with Mime i-nd iieidiecs mui j-li-i'y ! I '.Ia any oin' i.n ajiiip if Mwirhii.-ctts h.,l heeii ( , r : I a icicniii-n of du'i, tin. n eoti,.u ' iv noli II (! ,0 Is, ,tii she v. ( 1, (I h ve f ,-ii. ci tl In r-i If for lie coal .- 1 1 1 i hoi in;, 1, n "I !', in i ;u.i? I'i r o i,r ;;irl,uv -., i. ,'. ,, .1 ijHi!'. any cnii i-it n 1 t I;.!-, b. t e '. i,.'i die ,' fl-i.i.i.Mi d f uri i..;;i c ' il'n I'i '!'. It i a ( oiii.iT. ion im.i can on! hii ci! pint' liiiini:.. ,, ip.i.-.-i.n-f in m. It h.,, .ih fatly t .-ii i 1 : 11 ilnwn ih- dniii .i ii mi nui i i iliiii;ni;p, rind i'aii only lipre.l'.fr ili-lmi im 1 1! 11 :.i lo inert 'is'., il.t ;n. the wai;i: i:ois!nc hill 'The Whi:' prims urn out in full icy L'aitisl 1! e tu-w IA ure'-Iinu-e bill; ('?iiti!n,r loe;' iiH -n A.l.ii;i,i'raliti!i I'iC.i. u.-e incod lie .inuctiie to il.e intr-ri ei the country 7'lity had better ted iheir re.idtcn, that thi lull, on i:j passage in il.e Cenatp, neeivr,! thu vote) of ll.-.vii W t3 TtR of Maasa- Jn.-ru.-a, W:i.-liam Archer i f Virenda, tod Je!!.j P;:aaji:.N of Gtmtri.i, all !t.;,.! i'J Whi;p in the Scna;e, r.iJ .igh ;,, fav, wuh their pii.iy. '! HE SECOND VE TO i.p 1 ns'i.cnt hi, vetoed the pre neb 'ol.i.ioui Ui,', 3MJ i!,s (!(fe!,(! ojtlay y ihe x-o'.c-inuieiil of five millions of do!- hill'. 1 heft! phonos mu ; In 111 1 liiiv vi -i.-j ohl. -,,l ,...;, .1 .1... ' ,'ivnraLie e 1 '. . 1 1 .1 oi'.eriMi, d;r ihe litst tune, at i!;e ciesci.l ,1" '"oii. I hose vvha wi 1: to ... , . , tili.Jt Tula l.d !,(' oiiiio to in rei', in 10 lia1 (ia:;i!ii -n:i! ...i.t 1 . . 1 1 rt fei 10 Ihe fofccli ,'Ji :,'.: r l) ul ii: u! York, n.i 1 i.rditln :1 i.i it .1 Coren si.i!.:,l' 8" C!o' p. in which oi.! jut is utalcd wid, i d..J Ciil .or. RLT'TS OP THE L JN 1. 1 1 V LV.V.'. Prom a sia'cmeni ircpiiii! lor t',n t-.-e6i. a the l.)i pailiiicnl (if Slate, it hiim-i dial JS'JOl pi'isona Ii.ivh b!it.i;Iy, hnn i!.,, !.,,r N'd IVimi the payment nf iluir thins, iii d.r il'i; li.inKiujit law and iheie .re 4 403 1 j ,ili. ali.ins mid ;n'odii'h'. O.dy 703 apjoi, atmin. in ull, liaiu been itfused by iho "iir a 1 lo ivlm'e air'-iimt of ,!i !,:s r'uriod m a ,iu' I'V llankiiip's, u I ir, is J 1 10 031.- iili'i ! i'.nd llie u I o!u a 111111. 11 1 ol :io;nr y .onrt i ileiei) only . i- l!i (il 7 o07- So th, so m city 1 iehi i!no,ii,il, two tun. dud ;,i:d nineiy one ji.-'iuli-tnen. ircfi! in f'll'.r Itmidrtd inilli'jtis rf lUiiLns mine. than, hi ij wtre (il'lc tn piiij ! ! ai.d ad ihia im i.eiiMi f 1 1 nt has Ijcmi wiped out by li t) 1! Olkllipl 1,1 W. The no re cos a nf pro eectliny in tin Sii caats, is ova' Lit f :.; '( if tluWurs, bell i; SCli'.SW! We h r.-o neic the icsnhs of one Whi' ui i a . u 1 f ; in .he ! p t r 1 1 i ; out id" lour hundred millions) " ol't'oillar 1 1 iidi tin- ihdi.ev ai'i of 4.orcus en-ilii avem. Add lo ii is one mi!. tired millions (r (I. Vs on kjipiichiioi s iiiideieriiniit'd, th h 3 iiiircliirn. d, pom, and miM'i ihino s, M i ue have Jit?. t'llUldre.i :ii Him cfdnllsrs, a sum aufiieicnt to ps'y i'ic debt nl all ihu ;ale and sit; port ihu (Icr.i r.d (l iven mem fn- s c.ti l ii'ls IV,; have loo. nl: 'i ( Ip,- -,o dio Eh ction in I I'.). li'--i : in tiiCno !-:.!l of wi ii,' snnr.'i than iLi.'l'j tkousjiid -, d. t-j.'y aril dir"i'ily ir.ii ri a'.i-il in the i ii.cets tf tho Whijr party. They h It no d.-iiht a Ccrco ze.d, and hib.'ied arduoti'dy to irai.i-fcr iliu rcills ( I' Cln'.'f riilliC ill Into I'ie hand of l-'cii-erali.Ji!l. And ll.PV received lio ir 1 1 .1 r 1 ;:i ll e '' iidtrnp1 hd, w hieh .Mr. Ci.y i:0 iri 1 1": a .r ci , u tin a :n ii,c t h :,a 1 'Hi; int'i-uri's,' and Which he lab-. red "ii'ee-i fully to j a-i at die extra se-sion in II1 11. And for whom was ihU mea-.i'i-i nr.u.d . (.'!.' Moi lor ;l e ii :,;l i it i, i i i I, i t! ., ui.f.irtuiuH tr.idt ..'ni.oi. for ihe.-e t'. o Slate iiii'n! tfi,i l.m.s' uert.' s i. fi ; r .'it. it was iineiidotl for spictthjvrv. d.t: vt ry ch'Sj nji.oi wl,(im coin ction l.i'.ia ;!i,ni 0 Oh itu'i-". in tfiii and tin v it l.'-'. The ih aVi in i, f.,ii(.j. Moik-, t! r. opt ratnrs in i-v. lir.. ;;'; j,,,,!;-,, rl.;. .Ii; n ('I !.' '.I'.tM.s i spiii. I m ii-rn vt rrf I , (J'.er one I'ldii n ' ;i id ll'MJ t 3 h. n- frs. :!l!' t, e ',l,e olliei'd .-tiitpn-.i ul. ! bten f.-1 ci-d bv Iv.v lio::i j'i-t oi iocs ;o oi im ihe fpt-ntlihrilt and ci'iila'or i i : . v e I. uit firovtr r h'ui and pr'pwie ! to r ::i 1 IIH'.V a n) llllii;!, nt ; ci 11. j ind tr an!. Cur nrL'l.b r i i ihe Daiiv.i!.: Ie.i.'.-ril denounees the ! .:e net fi.thblisl.inj i!;e ; sti tin im, al Trciftiiy. Ho n.u.-l ;( r..'...d? tie i.'n mini of i' ch .racier urn! opt r i'.'i-u;,or hv j),u 1 1'li' d ill hi'J inlvop.-.PV t 1 pfo.C: . don. poi the di.-cr: .ind i; ihe i 1 1 I jic 1 1! t' 1 1 1 7'n 1 : 1 1 r y r; .on't t t 1!), IS til ". lh.,:L3- i ran J' tni.t j I'M ,- 1.1".' n'.lve o d 1; . r ccr- 1 i! 1 V H wd.. . in-.' 1 11 ' jh '.ste he'"' si 'e ,r ,1 . f" it to poo; 1 :ty ;l,il I . 1 .vn e I..' ill tl i. ii'id- l'on w idi ,0 e;. :: . , 1 ii , i'h-i'I I vc th: !,' i- I c 0. d T , 1 1 r" l" . i ' 1 V O 1 I :'(.. I' '' Mi! f ' f. t ol .' ' I ' " ,,.c.v..'.h n p'.iua. pou.o ,v.t M i ,; u m,, !i a "'.a'e. -il.o'v ihe imp i n r lo p..y tl.o .!,.!;,' ''i:l'! ndl M'H at a pre lit. I'u rti.f.r,! y tp-c-r:- -i '' '''' hdy, 1 1 :he rtirifney i f the eiti.-'.i'tij, - :i'r'. " 'core a iie-.'-.tiii.: inrdiiini, that i poinp-.raii' lv t;r llue'tiaiii-u in a.iovu:!, i ' Hi' I ,: a l'll"'i fj-ll pnei -tit', We iiVnid l a j iiCHOtiS a r.t I 1 .,(, 1 n -lioli-j i 1 ll'-d, d e j; ., (i, id 1 1 t 1 f f l!'.,'in: .nd il.e h .,,It -, '.. jt ;h .t I'.i.l.i v .,! , t i- he :,!.; ri. ;.i. ., ! .:U'u-n li- n o-,, t : ;-;', ri '. v aid it 1 .id : , .j ii-pri .-i..n, S t :..! pi!--, a .-in tiid he a J.'tr'ioi 1 1 j. ci u t tit li 1 u'i'ic ;:: ii.itut'iy, i"..t w iil.i-iit i,:i 1:1 t',., tea ii g cm 1 1 ,1 ry it is im t f si'.'e in n , n; i ;!,, U) On the 3 !i inst. Mr. Aiddns in, . f V,i.(. liouri, was t !.. cluh 11 Mi l lha yj h hd'nl, pi aker pi j tan of die St-iate of the Cni't A o;.ocB, lo.lll '.lueses 01 l.,lior;3 in J 0; c Monday last tintil the fiih' .'docd.iv id' f 'einher nest, the appropri.i'ii'n 1 'ii I.'..';'. 000, for i,i-t'iii?ii u a j 1 ace w o!i Jli x ico i-s i'e leant! in ihe S; natp, hv .Mr. I'.t vis, Wiiu from .M js.a; i.i..-;..!', fickiM ' 1 r upon the M.hjert, f.c ihat ex pre .irp.o. .1 urn ir.e i:uur ci at n.riiiiicr.t n n.-:. J ' i' vnh I.t ili.,1 I C W s eiiiiiiT .. d :;) hi. u.rse. by the Wldj .Ma;or.-', the rtrpnii mility ol the n.-ttnuaurp 1 i th C ll .if 5-'exiio list upon ticir "icvr m Slait; Elt'i'duT.s ; 1; r: Wist, hive ml.eii i'u vi liiiin a lew 0, Lou ever received c r .. , a not .'i' " if it'it's it, .1 .,ev 01 ineni oy ' lu-i'iit retiirp fit. 1:1 a e c.1,1 uirive at wie resii!;. Jifuvsler lo iidix 1 : r. i r n . 'l'91 I- h'j;' isi;l is lo recnie :h , n- , i .' " ' I M iiiij'.tf io U: