1 he Su't'rr. ury Toll lias pmrJ liolli h. yes i.l Concuss, unit lief 11 signed b) lie Piesident. 'JJiince f the t i my. -The follow i 'ft r Irmii il.r , mp v io ihe editors i'f Hit S'cw Orleans Delia, indicant lliat (cn. Ta'or is shout no'hinit for il nit i ior w Hi an txjifciHtioii ol fur ihti fighting: M atamoiias, July 6, 18d6. At length the Munolony of lliocari f i!o in bioken- We have irceived rir den io 'lute td Is j t r c j riory lo nici- ini foi wards lo Cain u wo. All is life . . . . nr 'mill trliviiv hi fbinn lo ilnv. e am IVdiiirg fui llie tttamhosi Hi 1 1 j iclite ilncli two mu m c 1. 1 1 1 i I y txpect I jirive, w 1 1 1 1 1 we Mill tnihsik on board cif lier nd proceed fifteen miles above s re. tthcie we will be tliscitihai kt i) ind wii unul the Ecu in mm a liiinadr ciim op, v hen w e will bfi maritiri fnvid. The "ill Infantry U. S. A., f oni m a 1 1 I o I by Cip'. N'li-fi, is eu.baik- ii'js lor the ciine (Us'iiiaHun.The Mcani boats Aid, B a II ir'' Tiny, are herr ; fi 1 1 'In tei prise, C .srt io it S brains lii lui.ll II. 1 ha vn now DO iloiihl bu. wh.i wo will veiy soon lie in C .umgo. Vn spent the 'Juiious Itl.' nin'l glo t j ( ,u!y. The invade (Cols. Walioi. toil Mni k's Ren'incnir-) were pamilcil ami it viewed ly Genu. Taylor ant! Smilli. GeirT. said lo us that we would move fiiwrnd to Motitery wiili llit lea-t possible delay; soil ih;it if we did not have bi.o liti 'crack at ihe enemy,' ii wou'J be becauso they out travelled us as be was determined io 'go ahesd,' and be hoped and In lit veil that we would, not be detained any nioif. Yoor, truly. S We hove a little later intelligence from i lie urniy. The steaciship Faeh ion arrived at New Orleans from fit 2 is on the 25 b u!l. She bi ings verbal leporls i h h I there wan a general move im-nt of the troops up la - Rio Grande. Gen, Taylor remained at Mstamoras sentling troops forward os fist as lit ine at.s of H jiijoriing tlieni would al low. Advic.s hid airived of the taking cl Carnai g ) without filing a sho, Wh n the U. S. troops air ived at that plscr, Camjibal was on Ihe opposite fi.le ol Hie river S Juin but r IT red no refi In nee. Gen. Tuylor !:1 receive. I advices h scouts that there were only about 300 troops in Monleiey, The general impi Fusion was thai then would bu no resistance otTereied lo I lit U. S. troops this fide ol that City on ec taunt ot the quietude of the tneuiy. The impiession is also gNitiing t, r o u t in the army thai negutijtiur.s for peaei are in progress. Il wis said that P.imKs vvas sfrjid ti leave the capital on arcouut ofupectt' ai'emp's at rrvoluiion in bis absence. There was a repoit t'lal Mr. IjUUis den, of (be JPiflajune, iog"iln r wiih hi iBrty, bad been cu" off by the Imli.io lu' it was not gtneial'y cretli'ed. Tlic voluiilet is weie still njff'-iii )i di.nilaja, but otherwise trjuytd gooi' lieslib. 7 Ti:'.r?vf; c i-f. w -Xj w-r,T i J M AliR I EI) -On thn 30lh nil. ly 1li" R"V. Wil'iam J. Eynr.Mr, (5ideo.n Krum, io Mi. ?x.va Cathakink CliOJILY, bi lb of Montour tcwn.lnp. Bv R"V 1) S. TobiJ, on the 2 I ins' Mr. RecEEN Yost of Sf O .ir,S.- uyl kill Co. ii Miss Elizabeth Johnson. cf Rjm inereek. On Tlni'sday morning Au '.'ist fith by R' v. Snnuisl T. Lord, Mr. Wn. mam Cahson, to Miss Maisy GlLhOY both of Iroudale. On the 6'S iist. by Rev. II. Fn k Mr. Philip Habtman of H ick bom t-j Miss MaIIY HAUTMAX.of E'py'owo i - iiirnn- jarrrztrtzvK LIED. I" "bis place on ibf 3bi ul MakyE NEALjifd 3 yprs 7 mr 'J9 day, daiii-Merof Mr. William Nea WINDOW PAPER, "TnyriDE nd Narrow, bM J and plain, of V uew ,!;.; uU leceivcJ at the New -r J l, V. KLTLii'J. -J5 1 M'ssMie alc. IS porsiiMice of an orilri oftliu Orphans, (-'niiri ol C'.il'iiubia I'lPiimy, on SiiturJtt! t.'ie lo din oJ'JIit!!. next, it 10 oVlm k iii ihe loieiioon, M,irstinll S I tot' in u k r Mini JhIiii (Jluitiinii, Adniiiiot ntnrs 4'r ''f Jai,ol Welliver lme of Mad iin low iirliip. in id iniiii'y, ileeeiiKiil will he expom il lo i.ile by I'nb ii! Vendue iijMin ihe piemlni'ii; a eerliun Tr.iel ol ('iiiil miat in l.iliiui lowi.nliip, VuloilioiH I'liumy coiitaiiiii g Acaes, or ibereubmits Hiljoiniii) lunds of John 1 1 n -ilerKluu Valeoiiiie Chrisuaii, Julin H.lllu nierJobii A'xharil and John L'hripihiii lljiuii ihe ptijinisfs there is a 1 ii . : ti. . i .... t. ii i ...! ... t . : 1 . 9 .'J llie ill l O 11' J IIUIILI UIKH. U5. S.MLL AI'l'Mi UliCUAKI), ml aliixii aries of eleartd land, ihe ie- in ait i ii jKin ia Hell limbered wiili Pins him! O ik. 1 lieie is a stream of wver iimninii hrniijjb ihe pioptriy, capable of iniiiinii; vuv null, hie the estaie ni imij iteeeaseo, 'Unfile in M j.l, sou louiiihip in saiJ county ll.OCO.ll.l ' JACOII KYRIILY. Clerk. Dm v , Alay 20, 1610 1 Will Wl T1 -SMffT. Ill S3 ii EI 1 1'T UA X &5 3 DAT US. 7'u (lie f ec and itdepaidait Elector i f Columbia L unty. Frllow eiiizens At Ihe so ki'Diioi. yf my fi icnos i Im ve bc.n lootiuiJ lo -L r ui self as a Candidate r the OJjlce if SheriS. it the ensuing general Election, ShouM ( be ho lot tunaie an to be elected, 1 jlrdgp mysif to pr rlor.n the duties ol am tlnce wn Hi JeiiiVt linii.ani' y ami lllpal lldli y. AMZ.V HROWN. RoaringTeek, August 8. 1 fS 4 o. To the Free mil Iii.lepciidcnt Electors of. Lvlumuia County, Fellow ("itukss at the acii itaiinns if my Irieudd 1 have been ii.ductd io odVr ii) self rs a Candidate for the Office of Sheriff t the ensuing general Election. Should I lie bo fortunate us to be elected, I pledge n self to perform ihe duties of gaol olliee with liJeiuy, humanity ami impartiality. Franklin tnwnsliip Aug. 8. 1840. Vu l e Independent Elictors if Co lunihia County. FALLOW ClTJZE.vs Tl.e K.ih'Clibei, it ihe hdIii'iI 'I'O i ol nian v fn. u 'f an lo.inct s Ins to entn n of bei a Cand dalef r the JJlce if EhvriS. .1 ibfl eosu ng dection. If elecd be iled(;es himself to act wilhslil.'t Ii leliiy mil nrinriialiiy in the txecu'ion ot the lulics of said "Hire. SAMUEL KRESSLER, jG-pylown, Anit'i"! 8, Irt 10. 7 o the free Indt pendent Etecwrs of Co lumbia ciiirj. Fli.L 'W (,'t ruEXs. liy the solicitation if n iMimlier of my Ineiul 1 have been in lured to itflVr mvvclf as a iMiub.lHie lor thi ilfiee of SHERIFF of Columbia county m he next gener-.il E'eetion. Should be so fortunate as r rreeive a mrjoruy of yui voir I pledge ir.ysef to peilorm llio iluiiee if sail, rllice to the best of my ability, witb lumaiilly. I'ENJ VMIN II.VYMAN. Orange towi.hhip Jul) J -1 1 81 0. To the 1'ice and Indeju'iident E tclon ij Culamhia County, Frllow citizen At the solicitations ol nv fiieiids 1 tuvu been induced )u olui uysell as a Candidate fur the Office of Sheriff, it the ensiiii.u general Lleciinii. Suould I ih so lortunaw In reiMive t iiiHoruv ( our biilVragJs1 1 pU'diii! oivnelf lo perlorn l.ii U.HIes ol sun min e wiui uoe iiv, bu ninny dial liliparl'ali'V. 1' l I. Ui. lUK Litierty lownshin. July 21, 1810 We are auihonsed in iinnnuiii'u SILAS J. SFACKUOUSi:. f Oiance. as a eaudidaie for t'.e i to.-e o Sil ElilFF, at tbu fi'iliing U. luhef tit t ion. We are iniihoii-ed in announce JOS.' 'll SI IE El' if M .dtnii twnbi. as a rand'ubite f' he iilfirn of SHEUll'F, al the appioarl iti rirrllnn, (PTAWISSA FERRY. Tlieu'isihei bte. ad'),'ll a large N t'.VV Tl.AT o Ii i r i.llirr P.'1 '.. 'lie I'riv m-ar thftiridiie.anil snw iirrna'fJ Uhtos miyiliint! from a foot .n- i.Mici'r l.) a six lior -e tcira, at rt Juceil .rices., am it short notice. S77HY MAKCEiUM TWO APPRENTICES To .hfi HEACKSMl 1'HlMCt liUSl- NE-SS are wanted imuieili a elv hy ihe sub' scnbi rs. Aetivo Uds 1 0 ot 17 years ob .vill receive good tiiCLuraeiueni upon ap- plication io COFFIN L DROBST. Kvg. 1-1010, SIIKKIFF SAILS' U"P V virtue nf Sundry writs of Vend. Kx. I l) 1) mo uircctcU, will In exjioaed to I'ulillC ouie mi. Monday Ihe 17 th day cf JliigutU next ut 1 o'elovk, M. the folluwing property lo wit. A certain lot of L-miiiid situalo in the Town of OranijHville, Ciiliiiidiia county, coiiluiiiing one fi.tirili of an u.Trt in. ou or lea U.iuudi d ill iron liy Main Kttffl of hiiiJ Town, mid lou of Damet 1'iiriiwnlil, K, (!. Iti. k.'in and ill liuira of Jacob Sliopinaker dt'ceascd, win" inin ix erected a frame li.MHc uii.l 1'iiiii'r liui uiih upitrtenauueii icuej tiiki'ii in uvcciilioii and to b aold as the iioju'riy uf Kjib'"'111 1'uckcr. ALSO A certain lot of eronnd hiiuale in Madison town- illii, tjolumliiii euuiity, ciintainiii lil'li'cn acren mere orlena. Houiulr.l l.y lamia of Ivhslls Smilli duceaacd and Ann Nmlh, wlicre.nl la elected tiaiui) liouse and a Ir.iini! hu n, with the aierte- nanei'S, also one other lot of ground Hiluatu ua a l'res,iid, roiitaioinu lliirlv live acres more or lesa H.nindud hy laiuUof John F. 'err, Ann Smith, John 1. Lvcs and .lirdiu yinitli, drceaatd P'fin ed taken in execution and to tc auld ua the prop erty of JIuli Smith. -ALSO- A certain tract of hnil aituate In Uriarcrerk lownshlii (Jolnruliia county, contniuinjr one hun drrd and Iwriity aeiea. umre orluds, about 95 acre ol'whirli la cleiinu l.in.l, Liuiu.d'il by the turnoike Icadiin; lioni iVmirk to 'I'owjndi and laud uf William hidings on llm west, and luuds of John l.nckarl, Jori.'ili Low, Al-xniil.'r l.nckart and oth e a, whereon iriiretttd live dwelling houses, oni barn and one stable, with the ui)ert.'iiantea. ii'i. d t .k.'ri in exeeutioo and to be cold as tin property of John Hhullii. ALSO A certain lot of land situate in Deny township Columbia county containing one hundred ami twenty acres moie or Icsh, about 1 UU aeres o1 wliicli is cleared laud, adjoining lands of .Stephen Kills, .1 Jincs Johnson, Charles Mchee lino I oil it Oleiiu wllere(ti u erected a log houe, a lof barn, two shops, and an apple orchard with th. luperlcnnncea. rieized tiik. n in execution and ti. ie bold as the prupcrlv ol J hun mehauan in the liind.i ol Juliua.i JU I.J.Igehis udtui;iistiator. ALSO A certain lot of ground siiuate in fBttawi.-,sn ownfliip, Coliinibia county adjoining William Midvelvy and ntliei, lvinir on Water Htirel. seiz- d taken in execution and lobe sold as the propel ly Gearc Waters. -ALSO-llv virtue of a Levari facias The follow ing described lluililintf. an) lot of ground of John Wilnon. to wit; a certain one storv ind a half puhlic building, situate in the township of Hemlock. the county of Colum bia, in the Stale ol Pcnnsvlvania, on the southern side of ihe road leading from IJIonni to Jcrsevinun, near the Hot khom t ivprn. containing fioiit 20 feet on the road aforesaid, am) in depth 25 feel, mid ihe lot r piece of giottnrl or ceriiledge,' ap'erlP nnni to the same building, bounded on the wesi, bv Daniel NeyliHii, on the son ih ly land of John McRevnolds. and on the east by lanils of ratiia'i Rees, seized taken in xecniinn and to be sold as the pioperty of John Wi'aun. I RAM PERU, Sheriff. Sheriff s Office Danville July 22 1810. NO TICE IS HElUUiY CIl'EX, ') all IciiJtees, creditors and other persons in le rested in the estates of the respective de cedents and minors, tlnu the ailuiioisialiou and guardian accounts of the said estates have been liled in Ihe olliee of the leister of thn county of On. In iriliia, uinl will he presented for confirmation nod illowanee to the Orphan's ('oiH to be held at: Danville lu and for the county aforesaid on Wednesday, the 19i day cf.'lugust, icxt.al 2 o'clock, P. Af. 1 The fulfil aecounl of Samuel Meniras ad- niui tratir uf ihe c-lalu of Jolin Koliinull, lute of i'neslone township, ilectastd. 2 The ace. unit of ifuiry Miller, administrator if l In: eM.iie of J,cob KodenU rer lulu of lioar- iCci'i'fk toviiAliijj ileeeased. I) TI.e account of .Samuel W. I.owrv, admims al.'r of the ealale of Elizabeth Lowry lute of Der- ry to'.vuslup ileceased. 4 I he urcounl of John lit ecc, l.xecutor nnd I'liebc Mather, executrix of tho last will andteatii- mnit of liohert Alather lute of Ciieeuwood town shio deceased. j 'J'lie aecouut of Tlinmas Ceufield and Jacol S'nler, ex. . mors of ihe last w ill and lestamenl ol obn II. 'I. field lute ol Derrv low liship deceased 0 The account of Samuel Aleh . k aduiiiiist a- !.r ot the estate ot John Urirlil late ol lilooui town ,liin deteasi d. 7 The first and final account of Joseph lirohst ijmini.-'lialor dehonis non with ihe will annexed ol die e. tate of Tiedeiii k Loremun laic of Cattawtsat tinviisbip ilcceaacd. 8 'I In: account of Jane Titmnn the sumvinf. adnnnist,-;,!i)r wiih llio will annexed of the est it. of Abraham Titman late of Urecnwoud towiioliil d. ceas. d. S) The second account of John Crow n jr. ad mhiMrutor of tin- cMa'e of Chillies Millci lulu ol if Mifflin township deeeised I.) The a. e iunt of 1J. D. Drown executor ot Mic I mt will and testament of 11 nam IUniliUs la'.. ol Mitllio towii.-lui) dercakC.I. II Thea. cnunt of Keu'-en r.tbriner, udiiiin .liator of the etale of Klixabelh Wagoner lale ol llourinccifi k t.iu'ii. hip deceased. 1" The iieeounl of Keuben rahiinyer. admin Ntrstoruf the ol.ite of Jonnthaii Kiinvlalo of Hour uigeieen lownsllip decease. t;l The a' count of John R. ,Vocr, administta t ? of the estate of Josiah McCluic late of U Loom lown-hin ileceased 1 1 The account of Obed Kvcrctt, iidmiuistratoi .1' the estate of lionj.unin Do.imj lute of Dloon lovvniliio Upeewspd Ij The, account if Samuel Vorks, idniinitia lor dabone" nnn with the will annexed of the estate of General Duuicl Mun''imery Uto of Mahoning 'owinhm deceased 16 The ficoount of John Donty. cd niniitrntor Aitli the will annexed of the eMute of William (Iurvev late of l.ibeiti lowtithin dceensed 17 The a.-coiinl of fjoorge W. Jforria, actio fi jecntor and JTliiahelh Monxs, Executrix of th last will and testament of Lacker Mouia late of Hemlock township deceased. CHARLES CONNER, Register. V mm r.a'a Oi.nci:, Vunv'.'dr, July 10, ISiG. 5 PaOCLAlIATIOlT, Wtt'IIKJIKAS, the lion. Josr.ru II. Asniosr 7 V I'n'sidontof Ihe (Jourt of Oyer snd Ter miner and lienenl Jail Delivery, Ctuitl, of tuarte .Senmona of thn Pcace.and Court of Coinmnnriciir utid (Irpluum' Court in the cighlh judieial disine' cmiiposrd of llio counties of Norlhiiiuiierbiui' Union, Columbia and ,yromim; and tho Hoi Samuel Oukt and A'Vnieii ll,Mu. K R(Olirl. Associute Judees in Columbia rounlv .huvi iasued their pr-eepl beariii date the Vftlh ilay ol Apnl, in the year of our Lord ons thousand ciybt hundred ano forty -six. and toniedirccted.foi uuiamg Jl Court nf Oyer and Trr miner, and lien eral Jail 'Jkfiutry, General Quarter Semian o the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphan' Court. L DAiWILLB, in ihe County of Columbia on the third Monday of Aug aext, tiug ihe I7thj Jay) and to eontii uo one week i iNotico is therefore hereby given to tne Coroner, Ihe Justlcts of the Peace, and con studio nf the said county of Columbia, tha' they h then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions and other remenihratices.to do those thlugi which lo their olliccs appertain to he done. And those that ate bound hy recogni zriuces, to prosecute against the prisoners that aie or may ho in the Jail of said county of Columbia, are, to be then and there to prosecute ayuiiut them a shall be just, Jurors are requested tube juinc lual in their attendance, agreeably to their liolice. Dated at Danville, tho '24th day of July in the vcar of our Lord one thousand enrbi hundred and foty.six and in the li'Jth year of Ihe f udepcudencu of the tinted tstatca of America IUAM DCKK Sheriff, Sirrr's Oirrcr, Dtuivillo July 'ii 1843. EOOTS AND SHOES CHEAPER THAN EVER. fTf HH suhseriber very respec rully informs the public hat he has on hand and is coi.stant- Iv.Mauulueturinir. HOOTS and SHOKS f all kinds which he will sell at tho follow ing low pi icea. Gentlemen's Weak. Moroccn or Calf Shin Hoots $! 00 Cowse Hoots a 25 Coarse or Fine Shoes 1 75 Miner' Shoes 82 to 2 25 Morocco Slippers 871 Ladies' We An. Morocco or ('af Skin Luce Loots 1 50 t hirk SM French Ties 1 25 Pumps Springs or French 1 12j Other kinds of Slippers 75 cents o 100 IV. Ii. I he above aie all ol,mv own Manufacture and are wrruntud to stand. I have also on hand. a larfic stock of Eastern made Hoots and Shoes, which I will sell at small profits. Country Merchants and others who buy dy the h)7.en,ae invited to call and examine my goods, us (will sell to nuch at a large reduction. Qfj-Renienilr the place at tha A7j' W HOOT hind SliQE STORE, bwer end of Main-street. &looinburg. W RUSSELL July 4 1S1C GEORGE G. WALLER, Attorney at Law, Hi."omsi!Uko, Columbia County, Pa. Office on Market a few doors above Main Street 9tf ORKOOS QCESVJOy SEW LED! OEN7. ARISTA DEFEATED ! ! ! ;EX 'W9Y1.0R IX M.'TQMOI.'jS Would no,v be thn moat iuterealing lojiitJ of onvu.nation, had not j9ttx ii, mn'iui compl.!ten nn . I IMt fj 0,1 1111 est eurner of Varkcl .'ijuure nu. I moved into II ith a large and generul usourt incut of DHIMIS-M P.DICIN ES-DV ESTUFES - I I S-0 1 1.8- W ) N ) ) W ( ; I, A S S I VTI Y-CONP EC'I lONAIME.S TOYS, &c Sic. .ye. but sudi deim the fact, the other ipiestiunaare en iielv lost sil.t of and he is raindly disposing of lis flock at reduced prices. In nihil' ion tohis other business ho hat) on hand tn extensive assortment of READY IHAIW PL0 . IIIXG ; f every description, which he is selling ,iu low as hev can be pun hased in tho county. HeinvOeH all to cive Inm a cull as be is deter- n in cd to sell on the uiObt loasouable terms; war cl no w ar ! Juno 30.- 10 LIST OK CAUSES. FOR TRIAL AT AUGUST TERM 1811 1. James Ilialt iValchiu va, Chrioliu una Malch- 2. Uebotiio Minniei hv her next friend Frondi- Uein. va. iiram Minnier. 3. Joseph Lemon va. Georue Lomnn. 4. John M.'l alletal vu Joseph l.emon f Tobias Shirt, et al v Thorns Mooihead Ct a d Dr Thomas Fitch vn Thouins lludbaid i t u 7 Thomas S Hubbard et al v George M.,in via 8 Thomas Wlackhuusr va Vaniah l.'.'fseit tl 9 t'ltetiez.'r (ireenoiiRh vs t,'nleb I'isli. r it al 10 Samuel Conner vfc John Achni' aih 11 Samuel ffiitidinanvsUwfn P l.ieb et nl 1 1 .Samuel 6hdman v Owen Li l.irb et al 13 Samuel Shadman vsDwen 1) Liul ctul 14 William Del.u.fr vs llenrvMiller IS Thomas H C ukei etui vs George, Fcister IT, George Cortell vh Putri.i Meibi .t IV John nirh'lwhrr vs Mdiolas Arihert 1 Heninmiti "hews niinr vs Miithiffs Klim 19 Jfienh K Ldear va Jacob Iteidleimiu 20 William Turner vs Lui.iol Montgomery admr t,i ul 21 Nntbrin Hooeh v Joseph Cole Kf i 22 ttillimn Unwell vb I!ev Mnrmodi.ta Peaice'th;'' he can natUfy ihe newt Uliduui und eeouo 3 Dnvld Hunter etui Vb A li VVilUoi uudAa- thun 'eflch 54 iVenry i!Jndn etolwDi.tiel fonnanhorg i- 1TE77 OTOPL7J OF DRY' GOODS, OROCERIES,&c Jusf received al the New Store, and for sale cheaper than ever I. a AUPEflr Aug. 1-1810. MARKETS! IJASKETSi! 'travelling, Mirket an I Siicbel li.tskoli- jusi received at the New Store. L. Ii. RUPERT. Aug. 1 . CROCKERY WAKE, Of the latest style, just received at thi New Store. L. If. RUPERT. MACKEREL, TTL'4'T received at tha new store a new anpplt fjl ot Ircsh inackerel. L. U. KLPKKP. Aug 1. CARPETING. A new supply of elegant carpeting just reeeiv. ed at the new store. L. 11. RUPERT. Aug 1. hHD WARG, fROVf a colTee mill i0 a file, just receded at ; me .New Sloro. L. U. KL'l'liKT. SALT. 71 00 f Dairy Halt, just rccieved at the CLOCKS. A L ARM and Common, new style just received and lor sale cheap at the new ttorc. L. IJ RUPERT. Aug I. IIO! FOROHEGON J New oods. IIcHcy &. ITScuilcnhall AVR iust received and are now onetime a is Ja spieuJid assortment of new, cheat) and f&sh- tit :M I . . ' . . J . 0.1 a bio SPRING AND SU.M.MHR GOODS, elected with great chro aa to prico and quality, comprising Superfine Cloths and Caisimeres, Tweed Llolh and fancy Cassiiueres for Gentlemen's iveur f'cluel, Satin and Fancy Festings. Lidies' Drpus Goodrt, muh as Cashmeres. Dp. Lainei.Bahorines, Lawns, Crape de Euines, Ginghams, Cad cocs, Muslins, eye fyc. and Braid $ StruwBonnels Trimming In fact a general and well selected assaitiuen1 of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, HARDWARE. QUEEN bV A R E& H O LL0 W WARE ) All of which they are anxious lo sell ehean for -ash or in cxthanye for Countrv allv. " May 30 Caiiihasn Lawns, OF new and kautiful patterna, just received a, the New Store. L U RUPERT. Mav 30 A , ai io LATEST ARRIVAL rmm msuxico. SHE IF.M OF EXTERMIXJTIOy AGAINST MICH PRICES, Carried into Africa. -rn r mew fiswffs fiTfE sndcriber takes occasion to announce ft to old patrons, and as many new ones h. wish to buy cheaper ihrm ever or any where else h-jiiio lua just opened at hu olJ ataud in Mum drcel, a totally AEIF JND FdSIllOSJDLE ASSORTMENT OP ry ffiiGds 'Jomprisitii; a lull and careful selection of Gingham Mnuslin de I.ams bera"es, I' renrti bawus and I'nuts.ii.ull, caii.'jric and barred Mus lins, l'oneee, Silk nnd Cambiic llimdkeri hiefb and Shawls. Cloths. Cassimeren. 'I'we.'da. Siiia and fancy Vest ings, l'antad.n S'uff, G:iindi.ons. Sum mer Cloihs. Cravta, Stotks, Tk, Vc, &C. etc. Ji'si),i Variety af Groceries, Liquors, Quonswaro and To an cXHiiiiiiati.in of whit Ii t!ie fcuhsendur re- 'pectfully iriviipa ihe attention o purehastia an.., nine's ueiore st iueimg cisewi eie.iit. ur in i' n-sii.-iu mica!. GE0UGE WEAVER. BI. omsnirg, May -6, i. Ab, H CILllijLKSTlt. IH CK ALE W Attorney at Lau OJJice lioutU mte of ,lJuil-.i OelOU Ma, kef ?;;WII,L A I TEN I) COURTS IN I'llE C(jUNTIE3 UP COLbULV AND LUZERNE. ClIAULEJi KA11LKIJ, JUSTICE OF THE J'EACE, AM) IJLOO.VISKURO, COL CO., Uilicc, corner of Unat and Maiiirstrcets, A n assortment of lI()J)tV WAKE such as Ket lea, I'ots. oileia, Tea Ksttleu, piuora, Cake Griddles, Slc AWo Large and sin-ill VVaKon Iloxus, from the Liaiivilio i'agle VVoika, just roceived and for sule by HEPLEV & ..1 EN DEN HALL O December X0 Tne Ruiscribera being delrroiincd not to b? outdone by their neiDhh.irs, ruher in ,irii-e or tvnrkinauehip. ':ve pui down the iiiie of ore Slinetoi; from date, to ONE IJOLLMt, belicrinj they can eavo them salves by so dninir. SANTEE & SILVERTIION. July 1, 1840. LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining in ihe Post-office Mlllooaishurg, P. June 30:h, 1840 John D. iJeckwiil.-Johii Clemel!-Jau (Iiaruberlin-Wis, Ann Dole-Anibrol Ev. 'sod-Jacob Eckerd-Jesse Ilolle nshead Davirl Keeire-Charle Michael-Joseph U. Moore-Leww R. Obourn-Ftancis Reed Win. Swaney-Jsckson Sorms-Peter Suner -John Wartich-Jarnea Walker, J. R. MOYER P. M. m NOT I C E. " THE UniteJ State and Mexico are now atVVar and thousands of freemen are volunteering their services, to sulx ue the stubborn spirit uf Mexico but the subsbriber being one ol those, whose sei. vices would not be accepted on account of hia infir mities he has rented a room 011 Main Ktreet.neurly opposite Albright it Meuuls store, a a BARBERSHOP. and armed himself with razors and shears, to wait upon those who arc so Ltiuirate as to bs accepted hy the gnvernuient before their d.'imiture.He will also hold himself in readiness to serve lhi.se vt hn prefer staying at home. liazora yheats andS'uis. sora, repaired ind put in bide, al bhort notice and warranted. JOSIAS F.DELL. Cloomsburg, Juno 2 1646 The warm weather. The suaden eliHngfi3 of ihe weather, du ring this season of the year, exhibit u moet baneful e fleet on the human sysiem, dehili tatiiig and prosirattug it. Tin stomach and bowels become deranged, giving timely no" tice to all, who are inclined 10 give alien lion to tho warning voice ol nature. At. such times 'Jiyuo's Oaiminative' never fails io a fiord immediate relief, checking ihe disease and restoring ihe patient to vij otous health, Mothers eannoi be too cbu nous with their children during this month and the month following, and in the earliest stages of ihia suramr disease, whether iroui teething, oppressive heal or other cau ses tney should al once resort :o this never (ailing remedy. Hundreds of cenificatu liom rcspectahl" persons in this city are 1 possession of ihe proprietor ready to exhib it to all who may desire to see them at hia iTice, No. 8 youth Third street, 'pilsdel iJhia, LIFE! LIFE!! LIFE!!! 'All that a man hadi will he give for hi life," so we find recorded in the nioet nnl uid best nf hooks, but as vrc see ihonsatid it in" around us with Consumption Croup Cough Asthma Uronohitis Spitting U':a6 sod other 'ulinooary arTentions we .t !4 to douiit ihe correctnesss of tha abo"a sertiou especially sinco it is so we'i know a that a cerium remedy 10. .y be obtained hii h al ways ariesta those c'isea. Dr JAYNE'S EXi'ECTO!A;v " ,?r er fails to yive relief, and cures f' r evry oilier means hav failed. This run he r tul has been proved in thousand of ir.sianc-s, wiicie ii ha- f tlected radical euros, ahe' ! e jiaiiei.l Ind been given up by all his Ir iids nil pbjsictans. The ahnve Aeilicine are for fslu tt the s'.ore of J0IINR. MOVER, Hlonmfbura. ESTABLISHMENT. 0. C. KdULER TJOl.'LD roHpeclfully inform lii.i frinndi. and y ttie public generally, lliat he has pilre. eelved and ojened on thn corner of Main rr.d Eat atreets in liloomshurg, lite largest, best and cheap, sat askurliiKiilof Head? Made Glothino, ever otTored in I his neighborhood, w hich he will sell from 10 to "0 per cent, cheaper than (he cheap ust. Hia tioek in Kotand selecicd with tjieat care, inu.lti of tho best and 11 01 fashiona' lo niHterinla ind in the most workmanlike rummer snd ttvle. .mbraeine; eery grade, color and price which will i.jit eiihtr the taiiu or economy purchase;. w ill sell Tinted xark frnclt J dm eoatufrvmfS P0 to 5 On Summer imrl crulim chlh do 2 iii fn . Limn and gtnghum dm 1 S3 v i! ui Buck titid Fruict ciutimere l'im!s 8 7; to 4 7(3 $titttney do Drilling and gumhitm Ju 'ilut and f ilk Wit 1 't Ui 'A 5 f 'i to s f.a a 3 -,i : z . ci ' ' "l 'VritS, i li oi t in, 1, e'di ll'iin. tratLvxva ana M.:r: m t':. Itesi.l-s a good ao. ;.'iei t ol iiniiOKercinets, l.iilo: ,i - dB public, arc'invo iBtri'rn i viiiir JUK.l.cl.Hir CIPi'n ut'i K IL U VlPli Q I 1 At il airsA ImrrV'iin and Hull Uni injf " H1'"" ""Koiii noil nvil aUltVUi July II, 1S1C ISt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers