The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, August 08, 1846, Image 2

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    nd propstty but drive into csptivity, mot Then is so much good" sound sense in
humble thau death iisolf your nd the following article, which wo tsk
children, from the Hiltimore Sun, tint we can-
It is jotir military rulers who have ".not hlj trnfeirinn tt to our columns
duml you to this deploiabln rendition, it
it mess tyrants. nd tt.rir corrupt and cru.
cl mlirt gorged with the people's treasure
by whom you are thus oppressed and im
i..ri,iud some f hoiu have boldly ad.
vooitj a umnarrhial government, ami
nouli pUce a European Prince upon the
throne if Mexico We come to obuin rep
eraiiun fortrpcsied wrongs and injuries,
come . to obtain indemnity for the past and
security ttt Ihe (mure we come to
overthrow the tyrants who have d.airoyed
j our librrtica but we come to make no war
cpon the people of Mexico, nor upjit any
form "Of free government they amy chouse
to select for themselves.
li ii our wish to see you lihereted from
despoils, to diive back the lavage Chilian
ches to prevent ib rerewsl of Ibeir aiaaulie
and to compell them to reaiore to you from
optivity, 3 our long loat wives and children
Your religion your aliara and churclies.ihe
property of your churehea and citizens, the
emblems "I ' ur fti.h and is ministers shall
b'rt protected and remain inviolate. Hon
diet's of our army, and hundred! of thous.
and of our people are roembersof theCaih Church. In every Stale and nearly
every city and village of our Union, Cath.
cliff Churches exist, and the Priests per-
form the.r holy funotiona in peace and se
curity undei the sacred guarantee of our
We noma amonff the o;oole of Mexico
- - - tj m
gi friends and republican bretboien, and al
who receive os a auch eball ie proteotad
Vhilat all who are aeduced into the army ol
your Dictator, shall be treated aa enemies.
Wo shall want from you nothing but food
for our array end for this you eball alwaya
be in cash the full alue' It ia the
aeitled policy of your tyranli to deceive yon
in trgatd to the policy aod character of our
Government and people.
Theae tyianta fear the example of our
free institution and constantly endeavor to
misrepresent our purpoae and inspire you
with hatred for your republican bretberen
of the American Union. Give ua but thr
opportunity to undeceive you,- and you will
nrin learn that all the) representations of
Psredes were false and were only made to
;',i.,i ttnii m nniM'in tie establishment
luuwvo j u v
of despotic Government,
' In your struggle for liberty, with tin
Bnanish Monarchy thousand of our oouo
try matt risked their lives & shed their blood
jn your defence. UnrownCouimodore the gal
lam Porter maintained in triumph your flag
upon the ocean and our government was the
first to acknowledge your indepedence,
'With pride and pleasure ws enrolled yout
name on the liat of independent Republic
nd sincerely desired that you might in
peace and prosperity enjoy all the blesjing
of free government.
Success on the patl of your tyrants a
gninil the army of the Union ia impossible
bat if 'hey succeed, it would only be to en
able them to fill yur lowna with their aol.
diers, eating out your substance, and har.
lasting you with siill'more grevtotts taxation
Already they have abolished the liberty of
the Press, as the Erst step towards the in
trodm tinn of ihaiMonarchy, which it is Ihsir
real purpose to proclaim and establish'
Mexicans, we must treat as enemies snd
o"rtl row the tyrants, who whilst they
have wronged and insulted us, have depriv
ed oti of your liberty but ihe Mexican pen
'pie, who remain neutral (luring the contest,
hall be protected sgninsl their military des
pots, by thsRepublicanArmy of theUnion
Z. Taylor
Brevet Mj Genii U S. A. Comd'g'
Iuttntion if an Extraordinary Scurf ,
Shawl.' A acatf shrw has been submit
ted to ihe editor of the London Times, the
invention of Mtssrs Graham & Smith, cf
'Ludjate roet, (Late Everipginn & Crai.
ham ) Four colors are so constructed as
to fold into 20 different effecuii either col,
or can be worn alnne. and two together,
three, or all four-according to the caprice
til iim weurcr. an, nuucn iicii, ui ram
. f.i - TJ..I i .r o-
. Jry, ia the enterprising manufacturer who
accomplished the weaving, in one piece, ol
a scientific production of far greater
merit ihan anything which has appeared in
Uie Fii-'octi exposition of manufdcturee.
Tun SrAsiEH Schooner op Was
"Habasero, atrived at New A'ork on
Sunday. She hring important des
daichee for the U S. Government, and
sleo for the Spmi.-li Minister, relative
to Mexican njjairg. So saya the Nv
Vork Son, whose nevti rej-crter lisiled
trie rend.
We hope n will b read with eilcniion,
by a certain would bo psuic nuk rn
Dinvi'li who h aomelhinn to do v i It
i tie Danville Djmocmi, ss ve h-ve no
1 i . b , ths', should he p'sctice
opnn its prttcepis, ne coikioci
Ur more to the benefit of the Iron Mi'
his io his ne tlibo' hood, tti he wi l
oy his wttkly tneanA gltss ma'hamsi
nurled at the head of G'Ote M. T)iU;
nd the Domucrtiic par y.
'Piling Up tin Jigonyi'Bttmng
Tht Panic ' The thermoruetei at flu d
gtees, w should think very serious admo
nition to keep eool, poltlicslly, as will aa
phyticallyj yet there are some whone very
element ii exciieiuetu, and who, ret klea ol
the sensott Bnd the risk of a covp dc $oleil.
acize upon every occasion wbicti pnemits
nself, as a 'god-send for the prolng4tion
of an esisiance which is lus made to re
lemMe that of a 'galvaniaad corps.' Ther
re others who, supposing Hut nolhiiin
lion of the exireme mnsorns to which
ley ars by habit and harknled political -
aociation inseparably allied, can impart auc-
eras to sntcrprisu or even fertility to the
aod, walk all their livts thrnuph a country
blooming like the rose, and see nothing but
desolation 'from Dan to Beershebn.' An
m nnrinnation of theru accorJme to their
own writings, would present a mistrib
... r. -
mortal ith lugubiioue aapecl dank will.
tenra, arrayed in ssck'-lotli Si ashes, mourn
ing over the sins of legislators, the fully ol
the people and their incapacity for aelf-gov
ernrneot. Ur like the witcnes in Aracoein
stalking round a political caldror; flingh((
... a I . t
in the choice ingredients, and brewing i
panio according io the menaure of their mon
trous incantations. This is part of a sys
tem that my be excused where it ia actu
illy referrible to ignoranceibut ia unprdon
ab'e in those with whom u is a premedita
ted design to promote the very consequence
ihey predict, and which- failing to realize
would be (atal disappointment
We have before us several papers which
contain ankles denouncing the - new tariff
bill in good set phrase; others show then
hostility 'ike to the popular inieiesis b;
foretelling disaster discharge of hands
reduction ef prices depreciation of wages
WaLini of merchants chrashtnc of genei'al desolation, uner iulir"end
national annihilation. ' But, having survi
ved the 'utter ruin' of this unfortunate roun
try now some six or eight tiuifs, we are be to get used to it, and this 'piling up
of the agony' a most expressive phrase
for the occasion haa loat something uf the
itate effect that it formerly produced. Ad
milted to a peep buhiud the scenes, when
ihe 'manigtfre' have been nappinc, we have
seen something of ihe ropea and pulleys,
the tricks and traps, the preparation of gaud
and tinsel, the sabl 'trappings a id the aunt
of woe,' and all that aort of thing by which
the pit is electrified, anil the boxes 'greatly
moved.' Another portion of the newspaper
machinery in refcience, besides its own
small effort, sets to woik and collects a hor
rible train of lamentations from every ponai
ble source, and emerges forth into the iiiiiIh'
of ihe community with almost irresitliblt
utTecl. These things are doleful ih the rx
iromftt and woe be to that man who doea nut
join the cry of 'woet' And thus a panic is
Now, let us say to our readers frankly
and honestly, yield not your judgment. your
good common sense, your manly indepen
dunce to luch influences ss these. Cast
them from you with tht energy of uund
ind indomitable resolution, which is tht
vory jewel of the American character.
Lock upon these who would urg you to
such a cotirne of conduct as wo.ild favm
eventual diaaater, as the enemiea of joui
iru" interest ; let no guise of disimerran d
friendship beguile you of your propriety.
Trust not that man who w hile he professes
to be actuated by a piramouni regard for
your interet.i, ia daiiy suggeating eome
naw phrme of evil and oppression aa a ne
cessary reault or a justifiable procedure un
der the measure which he denounces. And
be assured that the press which lends itself
4S a facility for the accomplishment of such
ends, is faithless a'iki to the interests of the
merchant, the inamifuc.urer and the produ
cer. (Vficcl upon the coneequti.c.a whinl,
rimy flow from such a course in anuthei
point of view. Scpeculaiion thrives upon
the fluctuations of confidence and what is
co well adapted to effect thia object aa the
predictions with ulcch a portion of the
press ia teeming nuv.1 . is fnr ought we
know to the contrary a pan of the scheme
and panic the base means to s baser end,
tf prices no be reduced xad tie agei of
Ubor forced down at once, the speculator;
tosy come into the market with safety! lit
nay lavishly employ his capital al the ex
pense of those very men, who lisve been
moulded to his purpose by the foolish, wan
ton or knavjah animadversions and vaticnw
lions of the press.
We have already stated our parsons! ob
jections in the bill as it passed' wheleve
there is room for modification and aoisuJ
neni, and we contend that ii had better
nave bee done at tht preaent session ol
Oongiess better lor all parties. There
would have been less objection on thr pari
of the ultra opponents of the bill, snd Ci-n
seqently it would have had a better oppor
luniiy for a fair tnsl in practical operatiou.-
Out becauae we cannot have our views and
opinions adopted snd fully carried out by
Uongresx, shall we turn snd rend ourselvtss?
If our readers ars displeraed with lite bill,
can we advise them to avenge upon them
selves and their individual interest a real
ir imaginary wrong? It would be an insult
to then common sense, snd we therefoie
urge a different policy. Aye, eve though
we were aaaured that the iueanr . waa to
ire as destructive io American interests as
its roost resolute opponents can possibly
Mope It will prove, wa would say sund up
liar.fully sgiinl it, stri vss against its most
oernicious effects until it is repealed. As ii
is, wu believe that with the due exercise o
imenran genius, prudence ami courage, the
aill, should it be in practical effect for i
length of time sufficient io lest its qualities
will prove its most resolute opponents to be
ihe wert ol prophets.
.f striking and honorable exception to
he practice of which we have been apeak'
me, is exhibited by ti e N. Y, Tribune, per
hspi the mosts'.renuoiia advocate in the
country of the tariff of 1842, as it has bern
the moat earncat and persevering adveisiir)
o thai of 1846. In some remarks oi
Thursday upon the subject, the editor
while expressing au honest dissent, dis-
oretly observes of the bill, 'us the law of ths
land it is henceforth to be obeyed by a
We ahall indeed siriiffglv fnr essential
chsngea in it al the earliest practicable mo
ment.' And that ia the tiue spirit in whicl
io act. lie has the following further re
marks which we extract aa suitable to th
subject in connection with our own;
But let none engaged in any branch
Industry say they cannot get on lilt they
have tried. Let economy, skill calculation
iiid Ysnkee ingenuity be taxed to the ul
most be for o o givss up. . Lsvo Despair
to imbeciles; let us resolve that we won
fall do n ii I we are absolutely put down
Many branches of manufacturing industry
will be onaffucitd, except sympathetically
Some others have made great iinprovtmen
and eaineil much stieni'il) since 1142, and
can eixiid blows that would then have pars
IvZ'dthem, We ahull most of us lin
somehow until our time comes, under t ) ic
or any tariff. Grnsa will g-ow and wilei
run aa uual frugal, sharp-sighted met
will acquire property, while indulmt. prod
i"il, bad Cdlculatoia will lose what Tails
ihem, and live in destitution, as formerly
Manufacturing end mechanical arts will still
be prosecuted, of en with success, anil tht
:nnt of those w ho are able and willing to
work effectively will find woik to do
some rate. Let us all try our best to have
things move on as favorably ss ihuujjli thi
vie! churn e had not been made. If wi
are brought to a dead halt, so be it, but le
no man lie Uown in ttie lurrow, anil aa
veiy thing must go to wreck because Mc
IvBj's bill has passed.'
The English Offer op Meeia
HON The statement tf Sir KoEEHl
Peel, in his great speech of the 13-1
if June lasi, that Great liriiain had of
fioed her meditation between this coun
iy and Mexico, dens not apptar Io br
loonded on fait. No such iffi r,
ne su'horizil to ey, haa jet lien
midf, I; Mr. PACKENHAM has rccr-iv-
ed ins iucI ins to this offer In
hs. not j el preserved then), Mid we arr
nrlineil to believe thai he has neither
ooi rrceivid ihriti at ail, or t-lee
he has cui Cralvd to defer their present
Ammunition. The New Or lean
CVui ii r r.f ihe 17 h says, that since llie
commencement of the war with Mexico
there have been prepared and shipped
from the aisenal si St. Lou:t 170 tuns
of fixed ammunition.
The stramahip lltbunia, fthich ir-
1 'l'd at Huston on ih't 3J instant, brings
the news that the Oregon Tnsiy lias
bctn rslified by the Iiriiish Oovirn
tncnl. '
The vote in the Senate, ordering the
PsrifiTlo a third reading, ueing a lie, it
devolved upon the VicePresideiil to gjve
the csstiriK vute, Afore giving it Mr.
Uillis lose and said;
The Senate being equally divided on
his important question, I may be indulged
in bi it-fly stating the principal reason for
ths vote I am required by the constitution
io iii-e.
Excluded from any participation In form
ing ur modifying the bill, I am bound to
sanction or condemn it exactly in the shape
in which it stands. The responsibility is
deeply fell ti belongs, however to the
office aasigned to me by my fellow chit
tensi and will be assumed wish frankness,
and 1 hope not unbecoming firmness. The
oreqwenoes of my decision, either way
nay seriously aff.rci the country. No one
esn entertain, as to that a profounder solicc
lode. But aftei summoning to mv aid tin
brat purposes and best lights that 1 can
comrusnd, ihe consequences be they whai
they may, must be haznded.
The system for nbtaing the reveune ne
ceisaiy to support their government is
established, direciy or indirectly, by th
people of the United States, within the Iim
its, and agreeably to the piescnbed forma of
f flie constitution. Whatever is ascertain
ed io be iheir will on the subject, all should
undoubtedly acquiesce in That there are
known and approved modes by which the it
is exprt-satd cannot be queaiioned; and
the public officer who reada that will with
candor and integrity, may leel asjured that
he conforma to the inetitutiona of his coun
try when he makes it the guide of his ron-
luct. To my mind ample proof lss been
'umished that a majority of the people anil
if ihe Slates desire to change to a great ex
ent, in principle if not fundamentally, the
isiem nererniore puraueo in siseasing ihe
L . . P . .1
-u.iea on imports, that j-ri.y
has iraifeated itself in various ways and is
iilesled by its representatives in the oilier
house of Congress by whom thia bill haa
been approved, snd who.e Votes undenia
bly indicate ihe pnpoler seme in ihe Urge iiion of eighteen out of the twenty
eight States In (his Senate an snnalysis
of the vote befoe me disc lose that while
six Stares (Ohio Virginia JVew Hampshire
Georgia Michigan and MaineJ are equally
divided, eleven (Louisiana Tennsy Ivania
Dcleware Kentucky Massoshuseits New
Jersy Rhode Island Conneiicut Maryland
North (Jarulina and VermnniJ are agains1
it, and eleven f Arkansas Missouri Alabama
Illinois Indiana South Caroina Mia-iiisippi
Aw York Texas Tennessee snd Florida)
are for the change. Peculiarly aiiuMed as
I am in iny relation to the national Lec
ture, these impressive f.iets cannot he over
looked, In a case free from coi.atittiliona)
d'jei't!n. I could noi justifiably counteract
'iy a sort of officii,! veto, the geneial will,
The sniggle to aril wiiliuul abate-ntt-nl
the consult, lions! power of laxa-
nun in such a manner as to looti cr l
'ligh iltHirs on in. ports many of tne pio
IticiiotiS if our own t-oil and labor from
the competition of oilier countries', hits
ein'uied fur more than ibirty yiis.Do
r ing that pel i oil a system i f high lx
ion has prevailed with fluctuations if
mjcok'4 and failure. Lisas iuot ue! v
Ilill SS X P C 1 1 1 L I IliSletlll in on i.o tv s.-
ever, and indeed it would eetm, in
loiiiit inM anct s. ba if the I o " n '-1" ths ad-
vantage of a par licular lax ivjnjy
td, tht s:roier became iho desire fur
its coiitinoaoce, arid even its augment
lion. And ytt il ought to be teninn
rreieo mat ttiis rxnciso i t thti iaxiiit
))wer by which 'li great ms ol'consu-
meis ate made to swell the pre (i s of s
few branches of indu.tiy, wss originally
ntndid to be temporary, to be foui.ii so long as its coniinurnce was ne
cessary to the iiiduairifll inrlejx iii't ncf
and galrty of iIip prnple. Such tvas the
anguagf, the inculcation, (he spirit in
ivhiih il propiiscd and justified by 'rs
earliest rind wist at fritnds. Tiie design
was to foster feeble Hnjanl' inanufae
urts, reprcially snch ss wtie tr-tenti!
o Ihe defence of the country in lime ol
will, in this design the people havt
ptrseveird iiniil with nm-, but noi
weighty i icep'tions, :h saplings have
sl;en deep loot, have become viorou'
ly expat.Jf (J,and power fu'.anri pirpared
to share ihe common lot of human pur-
uits, and pnter with coipfidenre iht
field of free, fair, and universal compe-
The arrival of this period of lime, long
promised, has been snxii-u-ly looked foi
by Isrge and justly respected poitior'
jot our fellow cit.n who detmed
themselves peculiar and almost exctu"
sive sutli rers by the policy of protection
They have sometime perhaps irnpru
enily eodeavoied to anticipate H.
Their numbers at first entitled to in flu
ence only Irnm their piliiolism irid in-
telliencn have gone on griilolly io-
cresHiit; as the system lipeiicd to li-
l'i ui1, snd Ihey now corisiiune tvhal J
m h iuod ty leisteied fu ti to regard
as a derided majority of the people) aod
if Ihe ioion
li undoubtedly true thai this change
f fiosncical arrangt-mni, brought abou
by public opinion, 'which everywhere
ought to guide and influence stales'
men,' should, nevertheless be iharac
teiizetl by moderation, nay, by errup
Ions tenderness fur those iolerts s of
jur ft How ciiiz:ni that are to be stfi c
d by i. Tho li-yislaiure which hi
couraed their inveH-mcni. their educa
tional training, oi their hatms, should
oeasf, fiuslly snd firmly, il tequired,
hut suit soothingly and gently; and
titnco I msy he pardoned (or expus
ing a regret that ccilain p:uviniont
which, in iheir bearing stem io me
irenchsn'i and sudden heyoud Ihe rails
ol Ihe occasion, have been allowed to
remain as parts of this bi I. Were n
in my power Io except lluse provisiors
rom the operation if my vole, I would
Io so; but viewed ss s whole, a mens-
ore to accommodate a vart and intricate
ctjhjfc.i to the prevailing sr-nl!rnei,l of
the American reople, n rciluce ihe boi
dens artificial)' imponi-d upon the la
boring arid productive mstst j, and to
n coi ctlc (liinini'htd it's'r iciion of tr
ivitli ii ciesaetl conn ibutiuns Ironi it,
I c innoi n s at the impression that ihe
jbj i, mot e q-il, mure lemp.-red, a id
;ul lh,n U,0 set i,f 1642, which il u
lUpeictors. 1 rn-l il deals Willi some
pursuits and lesources cf my native
tyomniowealih lees kiniliv than she
mighi well ixjifct, iIoph .if.t relieve me
from my duty, but inly makes iis per
foimsnee personally rtluctant and pain
In aid of these considerations, ade
quale, eihspe, in ilumtalvre to con
trol my vo'f, tin re is another which,
.in ui e io cornea, notning out an mi
foresee n, 6heer, and pressing public ne
,:esiiy could ever induce me to fong
,i forget. In strict concord with lh
Idler and spiiit ol the constitution, tin
Vice Presidenl if the United S'al-s,nnw
callt (I upon io act, is ihe tliiect aen
nirj rrpri senlative ol ihe whole people
In advance, and di pendent upon con
tinenl recultn, it i jiirfccily comp;'
ml to this, his national const iluaucy, it
give lienors, and to receive p'eilg
.L. :. . r
oi nirii i'CU'll.n. UH III 8 Idenlic.i
tilj'ft of a isi ;if of (iitics on import
wh.lner nmy have been the coiitsu r
i I a . .
N'Cxl aiiu c.iHUi inconsistei cy, my owi
honor cn adoiil if no distlainu r ofn,
'Huciions that were lj' tin i ly annouuc
ed, and my own good Inith stands in
violahle In a pledge voluntarily riven
Il by thus acting it be my oii-foriune ii
oflei.d ur.y portion of ilmte nhohonoter
ne wiih their suflrogrt,-, I have only ti
ay o tht id, lo my whole couriiry, th.,i
I pn fer ihe deepest obifurily of pri vats
'ife, with an unwounded conscience, ti
i;lre of official ernintnee, spotted by s
eneo of moral iltlii querry.
Military Movcmeivs. Tronpa for Chi-
huuhua. CapiHin Wasliingioii, ef tin
U, a. Artillery, as he passed by Vicksburg,
hi the 19di inst. funnshf d the editor of she
Snntinel a s'.atement of the force which it,
lesiinei to proceed via SariAntonio dtUex
ir to Chihuahua, and part of which were
on ihiir wj with him. The force will
e ruiiati'.iittd as fulluws: Light Company
4tli jfr;illeiy, 112 men, two companies Clli
Regiment lnfsntiy 200 uiciij squad 2JReg
rneil Drugooii6 150 men; two Rfginicnts
l lmois Iulantry 1E54 men, one Tegimeiii
rkaiiii8 IJ tiisc 777 Uifcti; one Battalion Ar-
Kansas foot 389, one Regiment Texas
noree 777, one Regiment Tixas fool 777
ioia 4,uo men. J hie tone constitutes
an independent command, which will bl
under Jen Boiler- It is destined tostiike
otto the Province of Cl.ihujhua, betwccti
Santa Fe sr.d Gn. Tay lui's position and
it v. ill no doubt intercrpi the retreat of the
truces which will fall back from
Gen; Kearney, at Ganta Fe. It will
Ac the Santa Fe route to Mvxico and
here co-operate wth Oeu, isylor, Its
route is through the most healthy and rich"
si part of Ntr'.htra Mexico.
s.trunujv, .uauxr t, t,8to.
C OMussionzn,
The Office of the 'Cotfiiuu DimccnAT
has been Kemoved into the new Buck
IloiMmif. South side ol Alain-street, s few
doois below .Maiket.
V. D. PA LMER Esq. is authorized to act a
At;ent for the Columbia LtMuciwr,' and re
ceipt all monies fir HuliCrijjtiM and Adwtit-
ng ai n't Agencies in
Philadelphia N. 59 Vine-street.
New Y,.rk " I (iO Nassav-ttreet,
Button " 16 Nate-tUect.
Baltimore S. E. cor. Bull, end CalverMi.
Merchants-Mechanics and Tradesmen nav find
it to their advantage to advertite in this pe jer at
it is the only one vvltiihed at ihe C'tunt frcat
"nd has a greater circulation in the county than
any other paper published within stilimits.
Coliictoh's Orrict Biuwick, Ato. 1, 1646.
Col. II. Webb,
Dear Sir 'J'lie follnwirg shows the
collections at tins nlHce for tin. pr scnl fii-
il year. Also the amount Tonage of Cual
lor the same period, viz.
Amount collected in July is $14350 01
do per last repon 12744 33
W lie le amotint
Amount Cual in July
do per last repott
$27101 29
Whole amount
Yours Respectfully,
Mr. Jriiigan, a whig Senator from Ten
nessee, was instructed by the Legislature of
this State to vote for mud.fica'.iniis and te
duciions of the Tariff ici of 1842. Ilig
vote insured the pansage of McKay's bill
in the Senate, by a irmjority of one even af
ter the resignation of Mr Haywood, Uut
it would not answer Whig purposes lo
have the bill pass the Senate without pntiing
up,in the Vice Piesidunl liie responsibility
of gnintf a casting vote. The Whigs wero
in pressing need of matter to electioneer up.,
on, and they conceived that the peculiar sit.
nation of ihe Tariff bill affoidei! an oppor
tunity for mischief. If the Vice Preaidem
voted against the new Truid bill, they ex
pected him to be denounced throughout the
Union, by hll the millions who wero favoi
ible lo a mndifi'-ation of the act of 1842. In
inch case, they confidently expected him
to he upbraided as treacherous to his parly,
and faithless lo his constitutional trust, If
n the other hand, ho voted in f.ivor of the
new bill, they expected an equally vclte
iienl tide of imligna'.inn would gretl biiii
Irom Pennsylvania, that it would be tin?
iource of diisscntion among the Democracy,
ind would be represented as an act of de
ibeiate hostility ngainst certain imporiant
uteresis of Ins native slate. Li either case
then it was hoped that mischief would re
sult from a casting vote by the Vice Prcsi
lent To effect the object in view, we
ind that Mi. Jarnigiitii clearly instructed
is he wns and pledged to obey those in"
mictions, after voting fnr AYKay's bill at
(liferent stages, walked out of thd Senate
ibout the time when the question came up
on ordering it to a third rending, leaving
the Senate o lie and throwicr? urion ilie
Vice President the responsibility of giving
he casting vote. Imiiiediiiely aftei llint
ohjpcl was effected, Mr. Jarnigan come
back lo his eeat and carried the bill through
by his vole on its final passage. A sena-
ioi, under oath, instructed, and pledged lo
bey instructions, abandons his seat, dtidg
let a vote, in order to hs'p his VV hig friends
n Peimy Ivania to a lojiic for electioneer
hg'.t vvoalluue to tnu lact.noi as a sub-
jet t of complaint, but to exhibit ihe Ihorougli
nd tinscrupuluiis partisanism, of the Whig
eaders in (be senate.
Judge Crier, of Pi.tsburg, has been nmr.
iuaied by the President Judge of the Su
preme Court uf the United Stales, in tU
place of Judge Baldwin, deceased, andcon
firmed by the Senate.
Tht Treasurer of Columbia county last
week paid into the State Treasury about
Eleven thousand dollars, the quota cf State
Tax of this county.
Miat has become nf the W ilkesbsrre
rrnnscrit? We have not received any for
some eika. Are you dead friend Sisty?
Cul. Fage, lias been confirmed by the
Senste, as colkctvr et Philadelphia.