r JPtiMic Sale. 3n pursuance of in Ordt of th OrpSim Court Columbia county, on Monday, the I0:h day oj Augvtt next it 10 o'clock initio forenoon, Samuel Kisncr Guardian of the Minor children of William Adams late of Madison township, in said county deceased will cxp tosnlo by public vmdue upon hr premises, a ov tMin tract ol land situste in Derry tovc-nrliip. Columbia county aforesaid, adjoining Units of rii;mis A J, urn, and land formerly ot John Adams now Pctei Mooher & others contain ing about S6S Acres, morn or lew, about So acies of which ii cleared land; but no buildings thereon lnta the estate ol aid deceased, situato in the township of flurry in) ceuniy aiorcsaiu. J VCOn EYERLY, Gtrk rnilla May 57th, 1848 J ay nt a Expectorant, T is undoubi dly inn moat ta'uable, (at it it dcidedl the mnt popular) medicine if in kind, ever htrodured in thin 5iai8 Tt) demand for it h e nen consent nd increasing, from ins lui.e it was twst nflmeJ for sa'e here to the present Hues numerous testimonials ol i' preat worts mid usefulness, rom ciy Man) el our cii.ze. rtiiht be produced, nine uwi wn, aatisiy all, that it is a speedy fnrefcr Uourl-tj, Colds. Influenza, Asthma Hosrenrs, fepmnir of BliW. and ill kind: rf Pulmonary iffnciitme Eanzot ()t.) IWg mis. ' AND rL.V.VEI COMPL.MNT- u CUKE XO PAY IK Javne, A',.. 8ih South Thiid Street i w I'lmg m ci.Hrmueethm hit C ARM IN'. AIIVvHALMM Mil! cure Diarrhni. Ch-nv, Crampr. Griping Pains, Cholera Morbus. Suir.rnr Oi.mplaini. and other de. ta'.int.vt, ot (he vStomach and Bowels, in r.n!-ii -noe eases out of hundred, and in less (hoi-, h If the lime it can be elided bv 8iiy other mean. Ittspxiremeiy plearnnt, and children are lord ol ii. Ii id equally as effectual f, ndults a children, and when the direction are loliowe.l, and a cure it not effected, tht- money win be cheerfully returned prjfti 25 -nd 50 cents a bolide. The above Medicinejire for lilt at the torn ui , , JOHN R. MOYER. Bloomsbufif. A n 7TB - a The subscriber offeri for tale bis MOUSE & LOT, 7" . a I 'It V dinatad on the corner of Main and East-streeu in flloomsburg, Columbia Couuty, Pa. It ii vrel calculated for the loca'.ion for a Public ilouie o Store.being Feel front on Mainstreet, mil fat on East-street, and ihe road lesdina to ihe Uloomsburg Rail sd lion Company a Furnaces, llua Lot iewell cal euUtid fur buildinii upon East-street s well aa on Main, and beinc, mtustnd in the centre ot Ihe iron Region of Columbia County, is well wormy Ue at:ention of tho canitaliaU. For anv informiuiou ronnectina the conditions, er.quite of H JJ2AULB3 KAhLER- B!eomburj, Docenibei 20 CANCERS, WARTS, CORNS, &c OUU MOTTO, NOT TO BEOUTDONIs T1IU aubaeriber Informs tho public; that he is nr ruMiTlItN(: F.STAI1I.ISIIMENT hlelocurii all kinda of Canuera and eradicate I Warta and Corns with very little pain and in a; I?V SniltCC V Sill VCI'lllOril. ahoittlme. He rofura to several iei,ectablo cili-1 TI1R u n cl e tn l y tiH (J haviui! taken the shop tens in nis neiguuotnood, sucu aa oaiuuel lieas,' William Kile end others, (hut had been aucccful in several inxtancoa, and is not humbugging as is too frequently the cane raats certain cure in any pay. fry Warts, 4c, on cattle and other animals are ilso cured by tbe subscriber who reiides in Mount I'leamut township on the main rotd lusJiii j from Millvilleto Hloomburs.abont I miles fvm Fred erick Miller's Tavern where psraons ire Invited to can. JOHN ALE. May 30, 1846 1-8 ITS COURSE IS OSWARD. formerly occupied by Marwlial riilverlhorn, most respecilully informs the publiu that ir ;Xnii5 "."ey i-.e.d I. , .. the above branch of g caie he undertakes or uo busmeas and will at all limea be ready to do worn a nine oetter aim cnenprr inau any t other eitablishmenl in the place, and they hope by strict attention to business to merit i larg portion of the public patronage All kinds uf country produce tKcn in exchange for work & the ready not rcfuedi ISAC SAXTEE, MARSHAL SILVERTIIOUN. nioomsburg Feb, 21,184641 LADIEE BONNfiTS, HEAD DRESS' &t. Sic. A silendid assortmeat of Lsaies' Bonnets $L. l'dfti Urom, Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, 5cc er cheap, at the Lighl-Si'reel New ciure by A. B. KNABB Co. I3IPORTAXT X ,WS LATES7 ARRIVAL BY THE AL13RIGIIT AT & MENGAL. J HE OP GOODS AT THE Arcade TTI'ST revived at the Arcade Store, in addition J to thefoimerdtoclc, a largo and extensive a. DRY (500D3, GROCERIES, HARD W4RE AND CROCKERY, cornprisir.g ahno.il cveiy article that may be wanted .uno- ior Lauw and Loutlemen's Dresses or for larumes Uso All of which will be sold at the Un Usual low prices for which tho Store is so famous. 'WANTED ALL kinds cf Lumber and Count7 Produce 411 bA utilise I UI VJrtJOUH f ALUiUGHTA MLNGAL. May 30 I4ST OF TRAVERSE JURORS, flugutt Termjor 1840 "Bloom R'jfna K Hopkins Samuel Boon ' Lriarcrexk John Frtas vett) Jjaepii hevera Uaniel CoX Johr; Ufltf jL'hn bu-iner Fiahiiijcreek-Zicanah Roi Abrahaa Robbing firepnwood Jacob Cool ilenilockJamea Roat Samuel Biucler 7 I. I, 1 f aniao urrhe Liberty Robert Montgomery Frederirls Bnie oho Mi. ore Mahoning Michnel Sanderg Simel RhafiVi iidison J.hn Billheim sn. hsic Demot aiiffloi .1u:h'in Ritteohouse Joha Cree- sy jr. John Brown Montour George II Williii Mouni.leaKnt jeph Long Peter Oman jr. Aaron Keatcr O-i.-io-e Godfrey Kline Aarin Render U lanugcreeK John Uer Jons Roe Busarioaf R.iberi Campbell William S .Vdiidfnhalt Valley-Joseph Maus Jacob D. Mm Ben jainiu Mcxaliann Arcade AVE just received by the Rail RnaJ snd are no opeinns, a spltinuid axa.iriment of Spring and Summer NEW GOODS, wuicq, luvmg doc i) selected Willi great care, liic can and will sell as low, it not a little lower '.ban they can be puruhated eltowlaru in the coon '. Among their assortment may be found ii iho DRY GOODS LINE, A splendid assortment of new and fashinnabl mills ot new tigures, uingtiams; a new slylu ol cross ovei lienge aud other Uurageni fancy ant! Il icK and whito Lawns, Gingham Lawns, Delano of all colors and quality, hlack and blue black dtcas AUk blaoK silk Serge AHapacca, d.imj.W summer i'lirta, damask book Muslin, puree twist and steel beads and rings ot assorted colors, htdius mid utn uemeiukiu gloves, muhair IWovt's and rmta, white cambric Handkerchiefs; ladies silk points, black naiidunna and nai siik amiKerclnelt. cotton tldiidtercniets ol every description, while and fan. -y silk Handkerchiefs, thawUof all kinds, in shun ootton and Linen Uo idn of every description for Ladies' weir, bilk. Cotton and Worsted Hose for men and women Ladies shell combs. ZJroaJcluthi of all colors and quali's, Snttincttn Caasimeies, fancy summer Candimerei, a i nuarter cnat Tweed, Ksnkins, Checks, black Sattin and nher summer Vestmgs of evuiy description: fjnev Scarfs si d CrHvats of all qualities, hlouchej ami unbleached Mucins, Umbrellas an Parasols, Let horn and palm Icafliata. A quantity of carpet nig. Grocorics. Lump and brown (Sugar. Molasses. Coffee. Tcs of all kinds, Gintror; Alspice Peppcr.N ltmes &C Bar Xosp, Candlei.coarse ond fineiSalt, spenn and usa uu,an assortment ol the nest quality of LIQUORS, orannjiuin, rtum, wines, cfc. pu'cnssed e pressly to aupply Tavern keepers, who are partic ularly requested to call and examine quality anil prices Dciore purchasing elsowncre. A splendid assortment ot QUEENSWARE, by the Tea Sot or piece to suit customers. HARDWARE,' Consisting in part of knives and forks, butts and icrewsj gimulca, augurs, chissels, saws, tea and ither keltlua, 4c- &c and an assortment uf TIN WARE. Also an assortment of HATS AND CAPS. In fact thrv can furnish their customcMvpith ev ery article usuaMy kept in country store, and WinR letemilnrd to do numncas ni'ht, they csn and will iiako tt the interest ol the people tc trade win nem 'jJLwber and al! kinds of coun ry produce taken in payment for litmus- Ap.il ll-61tf LIST OF GRAND JURORS, For August Tern 1840. Cattawiiiai Charlea Harttnati Ceri're Brjimin Hughes Levi Aikmsn y Dorry Wiilum S, Ciark Thomas Uobiior Samuel K:jh-I Fishingrtreek CuDiel Emhh Gamutl Criv. ling arn. Greenwood Wi'liam Albertioa jHi?k8on-Jac('b Turner .ibeity Leonard Stinernan Robert Hutler Mahoning G. Vv'.Shawa William Leieen. fine B. P. Alwood William Cook Dan. i'd Ramsay JWidison James ilcn Mifflin Marshall G. Kinney Daniel Hine- bold Montour Peter Rupert Orange William Whi'.e Peter Achentach 3'oanngcreek AJam Gable &3 ceived aud for sale at the Mew Hiore. L. 11. RLTrRT. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE fie Entate of ISAAC KLME late ofOr ange township, deceased NOTICE is hereby given thet letters of idminis'ration on the above mentioned El ite hae this dsy been granted lo ihe aub eti'-ers. AM persnns indebted to said tn nin are hereby notified lo mke immcdi ite payment, and all ihnoa having claims sr quested to present them properly ami.tM icaied, to MARY KLINE, Administratrix, HIRAM R KLINE, Adcninisirntoi, Orange township, May 20, 1846 6wG liUSTJXG POH'UER. jLVF KoKs of Rlnatln; Powder ot tlie bunt quality, just received by WM. McKELVV & Co December 5 Tin & SBieei J3S3J SSAOTffifflffffilE. fH!IE eubicriber ronpectfully informs the public B that he has opened a xliop, on Alain-Ktrcet nearly opposite Claj ton's Tavern, in IJIoomsburg, whore he intends carrying on the above business. in all iti various branches. TIN WARE. of every description, will be kept on hand for sale it WHOLESALE or RETAIL. SHEET IRON Manufactured into anv form required, STOVE PIPES, if all iiz"s kept constantly on hand. Stoves finish -d to order. Uoir.j determined to do businens in the right vsy, he reqests all to call upon him before they mrchase elsewhere, as he will furnith all articles in his line as cheap as they can be purchased in tue county. D. J. RIEC. Sfptember 20, 1S45 ly2! Chair Manufactory THE subscriber continues to carry on he CHAIR MA N UFA C TO RING business at the old stand of B- Si S. Iagpn Such, where he will be readv at all limes to furnish Fancy & WindaorChaiis. Set tees, Boston Rocking Chairs Si?., of every lescription, winch mav be called for, nt short notice and on the most reasonable terms. He will also execute Hoiipp, fiien Si Ornamental Painting, and Hou?e Papering, m a superior manner, From Ins experience in the business, and lis facilities of manufacturing the various articles of his line, he flatters himself that he shall be able lo furnish as good work, ind upon as reasonable terms as can be lone in theeountrv, all of which he w ill lispo.e of for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE N. B. Orders from a distance will be strictly ar.d punctually aliendpd to. ' B HAGENBUCH ClOitreat has been the deuiund tor l oiger O Olosaoninn or All Healing Ualsam, end it bat civen such cenoral satisfaction to those who Iibv. used it and become acquainted with its viitnes that it now stand pre-vmiuont as a remedy in DUcmes of tho Lumrs, end the testimony w hich liss neen fivnn liv lii fCrplil nprjnn. u-hn hftVA l.cn ruriid bv ' it is altogether voluntary mi their pal t. They have (iven it inthe hope that all whomay Cad themHclveti MAKULI YARD- THE business will be continued by tbe subscriber at the old stand; where he had at all limes. MONUMENTS, TOMB- TABLES, in need of ihis remedy moy apply fur it without de- TOMBSTONES, HEAR Til- ieJ lh rt!w fjom (ho ,ev v. i jft in vi i f & ' ftt I ... JJIMUS, MJ1IS l Vlin 1 LVrShimcall, Pastor or St Jude's Kpiscopal t ree CTOVrc UtTTI T A''C Church. jlrS.hssnot only used 'ho medicine AiY ' iUU.lj , ' ..' himself but has witnessed its efTccls in several very or any oiner worK in ins nne. tie is i, in cas,rg f lYmwe, The letter will show hi. also prepared to lurniai WIIMDUW lAI b opinion or its virtues, and SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEPS, Dear Sir: believing it to bebut an act of com etc either of Ma.ble, Lime or any kind of mon humanity to those suffering under the various ' . . . I L I V.I.I.. II f stone that can be procured in this vicinity (f'J'IIaving had considerable experience Foreign Sub- BO-MAKE WAY FOR TIIEdj New Slope. ccondSupply ol Springd'oct! A Superior article of Ko'.'l scd 2 JJATK UKEL, by thi a.rel or Half Duiul, at iP LjthttftcotKa f tore. A D MLVIS TRA TOR' S NO TICE. The Estate f OCR LOCK BOMltOY. late vj Bloom township, deceated. TO TICK is hereby gion that Icttors cf sdmin M istrntion on the above mentioned Ketnte have hccni'Mntcd to thesuliMcribeni livinrr in Dloom ll'lTPtict, 'n. All fr.rB.ins Iriiiphtiil In anirl nclafn ere hereby notified to m.iko immediate payment, anJ ail hno having claims are requested to pre scut the properly authenticated to JACOB W. BOM BOY, THOU A3 BO M BOY, ddiniF.istfQtoti, hy, 4 1840 t U THE subscribers take thin method of inform inj llioir friend J and tb0 public zenerallv .1 i .i. , . ' iiibi mev are iiuw oui'inuK inn ncnonu sunn V ol Spring Goods, to which they would most resncci- iuuv invite tne auention ot t'.iosc wm are in want I .New and Chi'ap uoods, connsting in part of Cloth, Cassirneres,Sattinetsfy P'estlngt f '.merican, French and English Fabrics. Coating and Pantaloons Stuffs, ve?y superior article of Tweed Cloths nod Cassi- m-sres, Angola tyassimeres. Urilnngi; Uamboons 4e. rc Cottnn 'antaloon Stulfs of every vaiietv and of die moat desirable styles. PRINTS! PRINTS 1! comp'ising eve7 variety of style and prices from 6 1 to SO cents. DRESS GOODS. New style of French Lawns, a splendid article of new stylo V.oulaiie dejane and summer I'ushmere miliums fee SHALW9, imongit which may be tound s handsome article of Uerages Picknie; Mouslane and 1 hibet Shawls WHITE GOODS. Barred, striped and plain JacoueU and t.'umbiir Muslins, Lace, Muslins, book, mull and fcwi.-..- Muslir, Bishop Lawn, curtain Muslin, &c. Brown und Bleached Muslins from to 12J cents per yard, bleached and un bleached Tjble Diaper, cotton Osmabury, Ac. Together with a full assortment of Qr.ctrif, Spices, Hurdwaoe and Cut lery, Queen ware, Drugs, Boots and Sh es. ml in fact every article utuilly kept in Country Stores. Ti e public generally are invited to call and ex amine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. Thnnkful for psst favors, they (latter themselves !y strict attrition to business to merit the patron igo of a generous public. A B. KNABB & Co M.io 23. ' in the btiainrss, he pledges bis work to be executed in as handsome n style as can be furnished from ftnv yard either in the city or country; and on aa reasonable terms EPIIRAIM ARMSTRONG Bloomsburg, Nov. 3, 1843. !- 28 J. IP VAXDERSLICE. eEGS leave to inform the public, that he is prepared to attend to all the oper ations in dentistry, auch as removing The Tartar and other 1 1 ances. From Ihe teeth, rendering them clean, and the gums and breath sweet and healthy. The cavities t Decayed Teeth Will be dressed out and filled with Gold or other loil; of the finest quality, as the case may require, which will generally prevent their aching or further decay, am! render them useful for years; and in man cases during life. Teeth and Stumps of Teelh Which have become ucelese or troubleeonn will be extracted in the most careful man tier, wiih the latest and best improved io sirumcnts. Porceliain Teeth, Ofilie beat quality and latest improvement,! will be inserted on pivot, or (in connection with Dr. Vallerebaaip, with whom he is in pjternship in plate work) on Gold plate from a single tooth to a whole set, to look as well as the natural, and warranted mswer an tne useiui ana ornamental pur poses proposed by the art. In short.every operation belonging to the profession, will ba peformed in the best nanner, with choisest material, and at th Hhortcet notice He therefore hones, b strict attention to business, to obtain a share of public patronage. Any pcrsoi, or pei sons winning any ol the above operation periormeu, are reupecttuiiy requested to L'ive lorn a mil. M n Tl. ....II" I I . e is. o i ne uuriiic are nereov n inrmec that we the subscriber have entered into pectal Parineiship relating only lo plat worR as it is more convenient lor e.ieh t( srienc, (tend lo the other branches of the on bis own account. A. VALLERCHAMP. J. II. VANDERSMCE. Mount Pleasant, Nov 8ih. 1845 3m. dificonesof Couchs, Colds, Hoarseness, Consump lion, Asthma, fa. to point Ihcm to a sale, speed) and radical remedy, 1 lako pleasure in beaiing ni tchtimonv to your invaluable medicine called OIohb onianorAII Healing Bulsam. Of its cflieacy I can speak first from my own expeuencc. beinj; Buljectfrom exposure more or U.sb to the vieissi tudes of our climate to frequent attacks of Influen za, lloarsencss.&c., I have always found it to slfoid iilmoBt instantaneous, and alwayB liy nersevcranci in its use, effectual relief. To a iiarticular fiiend of mine sulli rine severely uncer At-thma, ond who had dcsnaiicd ol obtaining relief from any humai source, unon inv rccommendatinn was induced lo aive the Olosaonian a trial and h pronounced the effect produced upon him a pcrfcet chaim offoiding him immediate and almost instantaneous reuei, in another instance I recommended it to a female friend far advanced in Consumption. After the use of the first bottle her cough was entirely removed and her appetite and strength restored to sjch o decree as to astonish all who snw tier- w un a lonir cherished oi.d firmly established prejudice a gainst the thousand and one specifics put forth in '.hese days as sovereign panaceas for all disease, 1 issurovou that nothing short of my firm conviction uf ihe claims of your medicine to an origin so re . nectablo, and to the effects of it as herein certified loth by my own experience anu ousirvanon, i ould not have been induced thus to come forward as a witness in its behalf. 1 havo tho honor to be, sir, respectfullv yours, R. C: SllIMLALL. Have you a Cough, which is troublesome and has not yielded to anv of the leincdies u Inch you have Ufed ? Is it Bl ended with pain li tho side, shortness of breath. nigut sweats? Do you Raise Blood when vou congh and find your strength gradually railing 1 You will find that these symptoms if not properly attended to will terminsto in consumption nut crath. Arc you irouuieu wuu mai uuireuing complaint Asthma, a hich deprives you of your rest at night and ren ders life burthensome. Here is the Remedy, Remember the name and place where it is to bi obtained and do not be put off with any oihri. I' has produced a cure in nsdespcrate cases as ynuri- may appear to be, and doubtless will put to flij-lj i in a speedy manner those distressing symptom? which till your mind with gloomy forebodings ol he future. lis Healing Properties LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining, in the Post tfli e, at CiHs wissa, on ihe quarter ending, Jj;,i 30th, 1816. Milioo Hoone-Ziba Bird-Jacob ('li- vill jr.-Mhalis Evnes Mr. Fry-jhii (5omn-Jobn Gulinp.-M!colni Gjinn Simuel llueuins-Jrtiiies F. Unvnes- I-rtC Ilendi ick-Charles Kilo-Daniel KechnerDaniel Kniii -J(iepliKoi(ie -Abrainljillie-Ausi o Pius-Juhn Srbr -Ileimao Van Vltck S-Jnuae Wtikel Ihnry Yohe Cfichsrioe Yetter. PAUL K.HALDY P.M. Scqucstraor'sSaieT By virtue of a writ of seq-icairiion to ne directed will be exposed lo public sale, at the Court House iri Danville, on Saturday, the firm day "Avguit, next, at one o'clock, P. m. The defendants hie estate in the undivided one seventh part of one hundred acres of land, situate in honing township. Columbia county. Where on is erected a T3TV STONE HOUSE, WiM FRAME BARN S?UJ no oilier out bm d ns. t)oni8o acres of the land is cleared and an npple orchard on Ihe same. Said land ad joining lands of Dr Magill, Montour Iron Company, A. Montgomeiy and John Sech lers heirs, and is subject to tne devise and bequests of Issahelle Frazor. widow under the will of Daniel Fiszor, spii. deceased. Seized tHker, in execution and to be sold as 'he property of Genre W. !(i!lm IRA A D ERR, Sequestrator, Danville, July I), 1840. lo not deceive. The short dry cough is quickly iveicome and easy unci healthy expci titration liko; In place, rspitting of blood is m, mediately check- d. Js'ieht sweats yvilb piin in Ihe side unci '.'beat. lebility and difliculty of bieatdnE yield in o sbori line. A still i yvith all its ureatltul acenmpnitimeuts if nt once reheveil. ironchiiH and in fact nil I ho Is-rnses of the throat and I ungs give w ay before his remedy yvheu nil other means have failed. Pe'sons may nltempt In deceive you with sonic thcr remedy, pronriiincii.tr, it to be equally asgooil tit rcinemtcr life is at stoke, tbercl'oio Be not Deceived. The above medicine for sale by the following leenti. r P. Lutz. Tt'onmsburg. W. f Waller &. Co Jerv.ick; li- & J, Lazarus, Ornngcville ; I.' vi Hi- el, Jersevtown ; Derr dj' MclJridc, U bite Hall ; S. Daldy, Caltawissa. CmU Public Sale. In pursuance of anOrderof ihe Orphan's Court of Columbia county, on Saturday, the st day of August next, it 10 o'clock, A. M.John Ddierieh, Ad ministrator, Sin. of John Bowyer, late of Montour township, in said coumv, deceas ed, will be exposed lo sale bv Public Ven. due, upon the premises, a certain Tract of Land, situate in Montour. Columbia coumv adjoining lands of John Richards, and Pe. lei Pleacber on iho East, John Deiterirh; ind Joseph Fry on the North, Georgelleff. ly on tho west, and Joseph Mouaer on the south, containing W ACE'CS md allowances, a great portion of which is leared land in a good slate of culnvaion, here is on the premises a two stirv frame 'louse, a Bank Barn a stream of water nas- ses ihrough the farm a good spring covered with a stone spring house near the door of die duelling house a number out houses, good applo orchard with choice fruit. On ijte premises is also a sufficient quantity of first rate meadow for the farm, late the Es ate of said deceased, situate in the town ship of Montour and county aforesaid JACOB EYERLY, Clerk. Danville May 27 1840. THE Public aro hereby respectfully informer that we have lately entered into Copartnership in .i . - i u...:MA.. . .i. o -:..i. ci r . tne anove oiisuicss ni uiu uucn cuou, ionueriv oc cupied by Mows Coffinan, on Main-street, below the new store, where vc intend to carry cn the above named buotness in all its brnnches. W' pledze ourselves that work done at this sIiod shal be executed in as neat and workmanlike manner. and on as reasonable terms, as can be done at anv other shop in this place. We therefore hope by strict attention to business, to merit and receive a due proportion of public patronage. M. tWFMAN, S. BKOBS1" April26, 1846. iv. ii, aijur,iru none at tne re- duced price of One Dollar. Small profits and quick return our motto. Public Sale. N pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on Saturday, the first day of August next, : 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Marshall Shoe maker and John Christian, Administrators &c. o , Jacob Wellivcr, late of Madison lownship, in sai ... .1 L.t ...ill kA AV,i..un,l tn ann k.. P. .1.1! Vendue upon the premises; a certain Tract of Land and a,lki"di :k in hi hkl hc "III situate in Madison township, Columbia county . 1 .; . ' r Dy strict attention to business he hopes to re ceiveasharo ofpublie patronage. JJLI BROWN. April 25, 1515. ly 1 Cabinet Ware House. rT3 V-1E subicribe would respectfully infoim the R public, that he lias taken the sh tp lately oc cupied by Samuel Lilly, near the upper end ol Uloomsburg, where he is carrying on the ill all its various branches, and where he w ill be happy o wait upon all those who may favor him with their custom. His Furniture is warranted to be made of good matciial und durable, and he in- ndjkeenini! on hand Sidebourds. Secretaries, Bureaus, Wardrobes. Curd Tuhks, Dining Tables. Breukfast Tubtes, Cupboards, Stand, Wash S tn n ds, Bedsteads, Dough-trotighs, Coffins, S,-c. Centre of Gravity. A NEW TAILORING 2STAEL&p:iElTT. THE snbscribers respectfully inform tire rili. zcor of Uloomsburg and vicinity, that tiny have lo ea'cd themselves in Thornton's ft,w t-hrp, in Main, two dmrs LiluU: the Corucr if Main rn.d Mur.cl slnei: in bloom-sbiug, where they will al ways be f, iii.d on haul, ready to accorrn.odato those who may favor tin nt with a rail. Their work will be (lonein Ihe ItiKst and most hit row.l siylc for neatness and elegance in ihe business r rum their long expem nre in the busiiii-uK. il, flattei themselves that their yvoik will be done an oeat as can be done elsewhere. Allwoili inini.io.l in their care warranted to fit. C'UTT! f.' J"ne en theshoitcst Iiotiffi and warrauud lo fit it pnu criv madeun. ELLIS & VAN BUSK IRK. May 2, lS1(i - .'if N R.roC.Mliy PRODPCr, attLemaike trice, will bo taken in exchange for work containing 4 AeB'es. or theieab.nifs adjoining landi of John Hcndershot. V'ulrntine Christian, John Uillliimcr, John Richard and John Christian. Upon the premises there is a LOG ItDLSt;, One and one bait's mica high, A Loo iiitv, TT-r-uAll kinds of Lumt-er. Grain md erfwvS ASMALL APPLE O.iCIIARD, Produce taken in Exchange Coodii. mm " telm$ asm ior and about 80 acres of cleared land, iho lemaining ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, On the Es'nte of PETER RJCCS lute of lHoomdiurg, deccas TVTO l'ICi; i-J hereby given that Lett luinialraioii on the above sea. Iters of A' n;enlioned L'st.ili V7IXTB07 OhAZlj UBT rccive4 at ths NEW STORE LB 2Ui5T. Kty M n3i t is well timbered with Pino and Oak. There have been granted to Iho subscriber. All person.- i.t a stream of warer running through tho property, I indebted lo said estate are hcif by notiiiul to main rsniihlenfrnuiiiur a saw mill, late the estate of nod iimmediatc pnymeiit, and all those having cltiiim- 'deceai ed, situate in Madison township in said coun-jure rcqucaUd to present them properly uutlicntica- tv aforesaid. JACOB EYERLY, Ckrh Donvillc, Vay 10, 1616 w7 ted, to JOHN K, GUOTZ, AdmV Juno C, 1S1G-Cwr i'lclty FcallioisMalica rincliii d SD as this holds pood in almost every re.pet the subscriber would again infoim hisliicn' and ihe piib.'i: generally, (hat iie is slill living un occupying the ui.u MAIM), op Alam-sinel, be tweeo the t-fflcc of C. K-Buekalew ond (In- J.-luik smith shop ul Mosee Ci-flmnn, at w hich place be may be found upnn the fiat of poeriy, prrpared to diaw out the tlntud of rflliclicn' J!e has hist eeeived tho Pe Latent Mule i:T Iunhiima for XVIWXU mid SCMll:lt, and with ilum he A I . I 1 I . 1 - 1 - . callus pieoeo m accommoiiale his liii r,ris, custo mers aud the public generally with good bubstar.. tial tasty fits or no (barge m de. ' J). KL PLliT, TAIiiOR,' will he. found upon a Shingle muck up above the door. Admission free of all expense. He would also inform his friends that Wheat, Uyc, Cats, Corn and Potatoes will be token in ex'. change for work done at his shop, and a little cf '.ho pewter dincium, once in a while, trill not coma amiss. Call and give him a trial. BERNARD RUPERT. April 'iti, 18401 ENOCH HOWELL. TAILOR. RESPECTFULLY, informs the pubhVfhat ha Ila Removed his Shp to Epylown, where be ywll shva- sbe ready, es hen tcfore, to nuke any kind of clothing, nt the shortest r.nlice mil in the text aud moot tiiHhlonablc style. 1 nm his lonij experience in the busincse, he flatKr. himrelf that he shill continue to give general set isfaction ond thereby hopes to receive a share ollho public patronage. (jj''aiticn'xr attention psul to cutting. All kinds of country produce taken in payment oj wcrk. Lspylowih May 0, 1616.-1