Oliver OMsrliool i ,fg Ie0r (0 ' S (i.)Z ti t)f J uy 20,1 u,es I '.'lnvi.. ,intl)iRQ jn reference to llir " inon '., 1 1 K'cciion of (n'(Tic!iMnen -n ll. : Sum. Wtni riy llm Whig. "( Columbia Couu'y to die k'uggrsiiju? W (.'mil off, ! n-otilJ respeetifolly sogrren to U'h ).inie the piopiiety now, in this ciint i'f sfftira, thai ih.iPB representatives ii Canreis from Pennsylvania who hive mood tip manfully on ill Pennsylvsni questions, during this session, ha!l be re-elpcifd hy the united voles of built parties, f xcppt where the represents liv(B shall decline re-election, or in pledged to give wiy to mother equally Mfe mm. 1 hi- wculd be but jnetce to those who he done thrir duty man- fullyj it would be noble reward" to them, alike honorable to them ami to trieir poliiical op,men!s, who thus tva:? p ny objections. I ask ihr can candid and dispassionate co isideraiion of both puties, t.) this object. It wou'd be a proud spectacle lo see Pennsylva ni at length united, and moving in one sol id Macedonian phalanx upon th great qneslion, and thai spectacle would strike terror into the enemies of her prosperity who ne w laugh and jeer at her itupidi'y and fidt-liiy." TI I TARIFF. O.i Monday last, Mr. Webster, lia inn concluded a speech agiinst the Bi Mr. M. Clayton moved itg cammii tal to the Committee on Finances, and after considers! discussion it was so re fere.l, with instructions to discrimina'e in favor of the raw material, and againsi British manufactures, and al the same time to increase the revenue, so as lo provide more adequate means for the support of the government. It was de cided in the affirmative by ihe following vo'e: YeasMessrs, Archer, Barrow, Ber lien, Cameron, Cilly, . M. Clayton, Thos. Clayton, Corwin, Crittenden, Davis-, Dayton, Evans (7ree.ie, Hunting ton, Jarnagin, Johnson, of L?: Johnson, of Md; Magnum, Miller, Morchead, Ktlss, Pearee, 7JlieIps, Simmons, S ur geon. Upham, Webster, Wood bridge 23. N-iys Messrs. Allen, Ashley, A ch fson, .tflhcrlon, Bii:by, ZrYnio.,Bree. , Biigh', Cdhouo, Cms Clnlmars; Col q iii, D cki.son, D.x, F.iii fi-l-1, Hsniu gin Houston, Lewis, McDjffi, Penny picker, R.ik, Sample. Svirr, Sjieigln, Turney, Westcol', Ytilee 27. Washington. July 28-3 o'clock, P.M. The finance Committee reported back the TanlT bill (his morning to the Sena',e widioul amendinen',(t asked lobe iliecharg rd & they were discharged accordingly. Mr. Jarnigan voting vea. On nioiion of Mr. Webster, the Oih tec lion, was ihcn stricken out by a vote o! 28 to 26 Messrs Benton and Jainagin voting yea. An amendment was offered by ?ev crdy Johnson for recommitment lo a se lect commute?, with instructions to amend by inserting a clause making a discrimina tion in favor of raw materials which wan ujecled by the casting vole of the Tice President the vole being 27 lo 27, Jjrr.i gin being absent. Some further amendments were offerer: by Mr. Hammond snd rejected, discrimi nating in favor of iron and cnal The quesiiuti being taken o.i ordering tl,e bill to be engro6ed lor a third reading it was decided in the affirmative by the casting voie of the Vice President the vote of the Senate being 27 lo 27, and Mr. Jarnagin being absent. Mr. Dallas gave his reasona at length He had, he said, a treat responsibility to to aseume, but after calling to bis aid the best lighta wilhin hie control, he was pre pared to meet the emergency and the haz ard. To his mind, ample procf had been fur nished that the majority of the pesple are in favor of a change in the mode of asers sing the dutiea on foreign imports. Six S'.atea are in favor of the bill, and eleven are against it; of these opposed to the bill. Pennsylvania is the only Democratic 5aie. He spoke for nearly half an hour and con eluded with the remark (bathe would pre fer the greatest obscurity of private life to political elevation, required by the perpe (ration of an act which his conscience would not approve. A motion was then made to postpone the vole on third reading until December next, sna on this lr. T lies was speaking WIlCli this despatch closed J. Wahjsoton, 4j, P. M. The motim to postpone baa been defeat- id, snd (ho bill finally pns sod, 23 lo 27 Mr, Jjrnigin voting in the affirmative At lie Dili stvtinn is stricken nut, the bill has ') be returned in the ll.iue whriu it will prulnhly pass lo morrow iiiucnded. J. M AA'UU:i). Hy tie A'ev. ). Tobias hi he vi.Vh nlr 1 r. Phtkh iVukiit VIiss i'aciikl IIctton boili of Ueammea. II w. .. J.' W. . ..I1IMI1.. . DIED In Hemlock township nn 'he 20'h ins'. Look Puhskl, aied 16 son of Mr. John Puisel. 7 o Ihe free Independent Electors of Co I umb in county. Fellow Citizens. By the solisitaiion ol n Dumber of my friend I have been in duced to offer myself as a candidate for (ftp office of SHERIFF of Co'umbia roomy al ihe next general Election. Should he so fortunate as to receive a rrninrny of your votes I pledge mysef to perform the duties of sau. oflire to (he best of my Hbility, will Humanity. BENJAMIN HJfYMAN. Orange township July 231 1818. To Ihe Free and Independent Eeclor$ of. Columbia County, Fellow citizens At the solicitations of my friends I have been induced jo ofl'ei myself as a Candidate tor the Office of Sheriff, at the ensnir.K general ejection. Siiould I be so fortunate ss lo recaive i m h inriiy ol your suffrages, I pledge myself to perform the amies ol said office wuh fidelity, hu inanity and impartiality. FUEDEKICK BLUE. Liberty township, July 24, 1810 We are authorised to announce SILAS J. SPACKHOUSK, f Orange, as a candidate for the office ol SHLR1FF, at the coining October dec ion. We are authorised to announce JOSU SHEEP if Madison township, ns a candidate for he office of SHERIFF, el the approach rig election. CTTAWISSA FERRY. The SuW'ibei has added a largoN E VV FLAT. to his other Duals, at tint Ferry near thel!ridf;e,anrl is now prepared to itoks anything from a fool pas senger to a six horse tenm, at reducud pricw, and at short notice. S7WCY MARGEUM TWO APPRENTICES To (he BLACKSVHTmvifJ BUSI N1'"SS are wir.ted inimrdis elv by iliesnh senbere. A.-iivh Hds 15 or 1G years old will receive good encouragement upon ap plication to COFFMAN k BROBSr. An?. 1-18J0 A 1TEV7 S"J??L?3 OF DRY GOODS, GROCEUIHS.ic- Jn receivcj jit he. New Store, atd for h!o cheaper lian ever. L 15 iUPEt I Aug. 1-1810. DAS K E IS ! BASKETS! Travelling, M irlt and S.trhrl Baskets just received at the New Smre. L. B. KUPEP.T. Aug. 1, CROCKERY WARE. Of the laieai siyie, jus! received at tht New Store. L. P. RUPERT. WINDOW PAPER, "tS7ll)c; and Narro-v shnd. d and plnin, of o new style juat rec ived at the New Store. h. a. uui'iiin-. Aug. 1. HAKD WARE, TIROAI a coffee mill to a file, just reco-'ved at ' th New Store. L. B. KUPEKT. SALT. IOO Mcks f Dairy Salt, just reeieved at the 4ew Store L, B. liLVERT. MACKEREL TTL'ST received at the new atore a new iipplv f3 of fresh mackerel U. KL'IT.KT. Aug 1. CARPETING. new supply of f legant carpeting just rcceiv. ed al the new store. L. B. RUPERT. Aug 1. CLOCKS. ALARM and Common, new ityle just received and for sale cheap al the new atore. L. B RUPERT. Aug t. A splendid orticle of FANCY and WINDSOR CHAIR end RUCKING CHAIRS for sale t the Lightstreet New Store. AM OS li. KNABL DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER SHIP. THE Copartnership heretofore cai.'ting under the linn of A. It. KAItH A- f'tt. was ihia slutf iliCitlVafl hr mtllllal fiuikunt All i.stiui j l,aAing cluim- against, or indebted to the late lim'lnst will and tetai..ent of Isachor Moirie lale of are requested to settle with the substiiber; by whom tha business will in future be conducted. AMOS B. KN'.BB. Ligl.tstrcct; fuly C, 184ii. SIIKRIFF SAIsS. V viitue uf Sundry wrila of Vend. Kx. BP me (lltrclcd, will lio exjioned to I'ulilic bnk on, Monday the 7th day of Jlugust, next nl I o'clock, V, M, llm Mliming properly lo WH, A coituin lot of ground silunfc In tlin 'I'mvn of ')raiijvie, Cnliiiiiliia, counly, contuiliiiiu one f.iurlli of nn acre morii or lctu D.iunded in fron tiy Af it i is street of mid Town, and loti of Daniel rornwald, K. O. Kicketla and lh Imirs nf Jscob hiikir dertiiiiiMi, u linteon is srected a filn nous iiid roller slion with the ipprtnaacii seized Inken In exncuti.in and to b sold as the properly of Ephraim Ptrkur. ALSO A pnrtnin lot of eroond silualo in Mm!ion town ihip, Cnlumbia county, containing fiftnen acren mere orlciia. Uoumlod by lands of hlialia Hnillh necoasrd anu Ann Kinith, whereon is elected iramu nouiio and a trnmo ba n, with the appcrle nances, also one other l.,t ol proiind ulualo an ('"resaid, conlHining thirty live acre more or Houiidou by lainlsot Jolin F. JJetr. Ann iMmth lohn P. hv and ilishtt Smith, decoastd avh d taken in exeriitinn and to be sold as the prop orty ul Hugh biiutli. ALSO- A cerlnin tract nf land titunlo in Uriarcretk township Columbia county, containing one bun dred and twenty acies, more orlem, about U5 acrca of which la cleared laud, Hounded by the turnpike lending fiom fiorwick to Towanda and land of William Iddinge on the went, and land of John Lock art. Jowph Low, Ahlandur f.ockart and oil) e. a. whereon is erected five dwelling houses, om Darn anu orio liable, with the appertunancea. ?Soiied taken in executing unil to bo sold as the property of John Slmllci. A LSO- A certain lot of land situate in Denv townahiu Columbia county containing one hundred and wenty acres more or lean, about 100 acres ol which is cleared land, adjoining lands of Stephen i'.iiis, james jonuson. Char let McK.ee and lohn Glenn whereon ia erected a log house, a lot barn, two shops, and an apple orchard with tht ippertenancea. Seized taki u in execution and to lm Hold as the property ol Jhon Buchanan in the hands of Johnataa Lodge his administrator. ALSO A certain lot of ground situate in Cattawinaa township, Columbia county adjoining William victieivy and othei, lying on Water street. seiz- d taken in execution and to be sold as the propcity George Waters. -ALSO-By virtue of a Levari facias The follow ing desrribed Building an I lot of ground of ohn WiiHon, to wit; s certain one storv md a half public building, silualo in the ownship of flemiock.the counly of Colum bia, in the Slate of Pennsylvania, on the '"Uthern side of the road leadiee from Blontn lo Jerspytnwn, near the Bmkhorn nvern, containing front 20 .'eel on the ro:id loresanl, and in depth 25 feet, and the lot r piece of (Timinil or ccrti'edtje, aprerte- nml to the ssme building, hounded on the est. bv Daniel Nevhaii. on the goiiih bv land of John McReynolds, and on the easi by lands of Vaniab Rees. seiz"d laken in expcntinn and in be sold as ihe pioperty of onu wi.8on. IRAf DEUR. Sheriff. Sheriff's Officf. ) Danville July 22 1816. S NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, SIO all lerJtces, cre.titors and other persons in tcrejied in the estates of the cedents imd minors, that Iho adminiainlion and guardian accounts of thq slid .mates have heen filed in the office of the Register nf ihn county nf (Jo. Inmbia.nnd will presented for confirmi't;,m !owance lo Ihn Orphan's Court to hn l .1.1 . Danvillo in and for the county afores.iid on Wednesday, the IO day nfAugu.it, next, at 2 o'clock, V. ,f. 1 The final account of Samuel .Mongas ad. nun trairr ot me etate of John Koi.eimlt, late of! .lmostone township, deceased. 2 The account of tlenry MiCer, (..Viiiuirat ii .f the estate of Jacob Rodcnberger late of Ki.ar iigercck tonmhip deceased. 3 'I ho account of Samuel W. I.owrv. adminis- falnr of the estate r.f Elizabeth Lowry late of Der- ry towr:r nip Uocea'e.l. 4 J be account of John Recce. Executor and Phebe Mather, cxecilirix of Hie last will and testa- mcnt of Robert Mather late of G.eenwood town hio decea.-ed. 5 The account of Thomas Ecnfield and Jacob Sitler, executors of ihe las.t will and testament ol John Ber field late of Dcrry township deceased o i l.e account of oumuel Meleck, ndmimt a. tor of the estate of John Bright late ol liloom towri- snio (leceised. 7 The first and final account of JoeeDh Probst. administrator debonis non with the will annexed ol ihe ostateof Fredciick Loreman late of Cattawisa:. township deceased. 8 I he account of Jane Titmnn iho survivine administrator with ihn will annexed of the etat f Auraham J itinan lain of Greenwood townsbh. deceas. d. 9 The fecond account of John Crown jr. ad 'iiinistratnr of the cMve of C'hailts Willu Ute o( of MifTlin township deceased. 10 The account of K. B. Brown exscutnr nf in last will and testament of Hiram Rivnolda lait of Mifflin township deceasedt 11 J r.e account of Reuben Fahrinrer. admin istrator of the estate of Elizabeth Wagoner late of uoarmgereek towiuhip deceased. 13 The scount of Reuben Fahringer, admin strator of the estate of Jonathan Kline late of Roar ingcreek township dcceaccd. 13 The a' count of John R. itoyer, adminiatia tor of the ea'ate of Josiah McCluio late of Bloom townshio deceased 11 The account of Obed Everett, administrator of the estato of Benjamin boon late of Bloom townihip deceased. 15 The account f Samuel V'orks, administia- tor dahonc non with tho will annexed of the tslulr ofCenewl Daniel Montgomery lato of Mahoning towm.hip deceased 16 The account of John Douty, administrator with the will annexed ol the estate of W illiam Harvey Irte of Liberty township deceased 17 J ho account of George VV. ilorris, acting, P. Tflltnr an1 ' lldt Vl AlVlfit Pvatnlriv nf tU. Hemlock township deceased. CHARLES CONNER, Jlegisler. Rinisrrn's Ojtrict,? Djnvlik, July 16, 1818. J NOTICE B liorflliy ;ncn I., tlic nulminbcrs of iSlock to tin 1 Ci'ltqwma Uridine. C'orowriy.lriiita .VervmrI Jim iniia tiurnlmeiil ol livo dollnra each, u re- iinred to be paid to the Treasurer en or before tin 1st or August anil hit nf September reapectively uy iiucr ol ilia JJ.mnl, ). CLARK, Treasurer. July I, I iM8 BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAPER Til AN EVER. fTHlHE subscriber very reHwf (fully informs the PI puuncfhat hehas on hand and lacoi.atant- iv.iaiiuiaciurini, nwr j j anil KSIUKSX of all kinds whicli he will sell at thu fullowinv low prices. .... utmujiins UAK. Unrnrrnnr Calf Ski,, ,?. C, an Hwor Fine Shn,, V l.W. Shnp 9 , o . , Xfnmnrn SSnnrrM I ' v w i. i Morocco or Ca f Shin Lace Boot 1 50 I hick Me trench lies 25 n c..: r-....i . Other kind of Slippers 75 cents lo I 001 S. li. The above are all of.my own Manufacturej mo aic wrrnoieu iu hiuiiu. i nave also on nanu large stock of Eastern made Boots and Shoes, which I will null at small profit. ('Ountry Merchants and others who buv bv the lozen, aie invited to call and examine my Kooda.l is l will acll to such at a large reduction. fTrKemcmber the place at the NEW BOOTl md SHOE STORE, lowor end of Main-atreet. loomsburg. W RUSSELL July 4 1846 PUBLIC SALE. I N pursuance cfan crder of the Orphan's Court of Columbia county, on Thursday the I3M day of August nt at 10 o'clock, io the forenoon, Caleb Thomai administrator, &c. of Samuel Moore, late of Aad- man township in said coun y deceased, will ejposi to sale ny I'uljlic Vendue upon thu prtmiaes, a cer tain TRACT OF LAM) situated in said town- hip, 7 miles from Bloomsburg the county scat and miles from Danville, adjoining lamia ol John Meiner John Hellor and others containing trict measure. ALSO m . . m m i I 11 iciiiir.i j.t.)w(H8r riiiu llfla ri anu a.ijoiinng me anove containing . i HQ Acres 4-G IVi rhr.. hu hiiw-u uii win' ii aiu uin ii:u a Jaw. liousr.. ?& i l'd i tin it ii h7$J&& LAnGr(KCIIABD. of the best oj fi uit iu'e the pittite of said deceased JACOIJ EYERLY C'crk Danville June 27 1P46. lots (rjThe Hemocrat and A reus, Eastnn w ill nive thn Hhnve three in.eitinrta ami f,,rw.it tl,n,. k;n t, Caleb 'I'hnmas, Esq. Jcrseytown or to this offico or payment. GEORGE G. WALLER, Attorney at Law, lil-COMSBUKG, CnLtMEIA CoU.N'TY, Pa. f)ffte.e on Market a few doors above Main Street 9if OREGON QL'L'Sl'IOy SETTLED! RN. ARISTA DEFEATED ! ! ! GEN TAYLOR IN MA IV? 1 ORaS ! Woa!J iio v be t'ie most intercatiuz topir.a of conversation, had nut (.mi lttd his ?VI.;Vr ST()1 o" Ibe south vest corner (it Market Square ami moved into It with a lurge and generai assortment cf D R U : S-M E I ) I C I N E S-D V ST U F FS - PAIN TS-OILS-U INDOW GLASS JU 1"! Y-f : O F EOT 1 1 ) N A R I Eh TOYS, tie. Sic. & e. but such being the fact, the other quCFtinns are en tirelv lost sight of and he is rapidiy disposing of his ato.'K at reduced prices. In addition tohis other business he has on ban ! in extensive assortment of BEADY WADE CLOTHING; if every description, which he is selling aa low it hev ran bo purchased in the county. He invites all to give him a call as he in deter nined to sell on (be most reasonable loriua; war or no war ! June 30V 10 LIST 'OF" 'CAUSES.'"" FOR TRIAL AT AUGUST TERM 164P, 1. James Hiatt .Vatchin vs. Chtihtia nna Match- in. 2. Deborso Minnierhy her next friend Franci' Dean, v. iram Minnier. 3. Josnph Lemon vs. Geirge Lemon. 4. John McCall etal vs Joseph Lemon 5 Tobias Shirti et al vg Thomas Moo; head eta! 6 Dr Thomas Fitch vi Thomas S Hubbatd et a! 7 Thomas 8 Hubbard et al va George Aaus et a! 8 Thomss b'tackhaoss vs Vanish Reese at at 9 bc neior Greencugh g Caleb Fisher et al 10 Samuel Conner v John Aehent-aeb. 11 Samuel Snadman va Owen D Lieb et al 1 1 Samuel Shadman v Owen D l.ieb et al 13 Samnel Shadman vs Owen D Liel etal 11 William Dolougvs llenry.Miller 15 Thomas B C Waket etl vs Oeorgc Feister 16 Georpc Corrcll vs Patrick Herbert 17 John C.iristypher va Nicholas iVibert 18 Henjamin Jhewa admr vg Mathioa Kline 19 Jacob K b.lRrrr vs Jncob Beidlemau 20 Willinm Turner vs Daniel Montgomery admr to cl 21 Ncthon liach v Joseph Cnlc 22 Willinm Howell vs Rev Mormaduke Peaice 23 Dnvid Hunter ctol va A B WilUon andNa- thin leach 24 Henry tfenders et ol vs Dd.vicl fponenterg JE flaw HO! TOR OIlEGOiV ! rww i jtT7 -nj 1W Ifr Ktflt v V Wi:1-till .ill AK jimt received and arc now opening n spien.iid aasortineiit ol new, choap and lash- o.irtl.lo SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, elected wjih great chre aa to price and quality I'fimnrj.in. Superfine Ciothi and Caitimeres, Twee Cloth and Fancy Cassimerei for uenueme $ wear, rivet, oMm and tanr.y Lidies' Dress Goods, such as vasfimf.res,J)e Lainet.liulzorinesJ.nwns n a - r rape ae J.aines, Gingham, Cttti coe.M. Aluxlin. A'. .C,. ,. ... ' lrad 5- Straw flonnets S Trimmine I ' ' In tact a EPiiera .ml u,.ll ..!,... ..,..,..,.,.,t I ,. " "u u" LlOTTflPQ Man,,, ,V? HK, sa i a, a, rv WlAf A I) Te f y . I Awvil J U I1(J W WAR a aii r.i ,k:.u i . , . 7. "'""K8 uountry J'roduco eoncr m Ciilllinill LniVIlS, OF new and beautiful the New Store. ' , L B RUPERT. May 30 LATEST ARRIVAL FROM MEXICO. fHE WAR OF EXTERMINA TION AGAINST HIGH PRICES, Carried into Africa. New ami HE subscriber takes occasion to announce IO UIU pUWOIIH, HI1U 39 IUUOJ llt!W OHUS HS wish tohuv c leaner than ever or nv whore i se . -. . r -. : . i . - ihafhn has just opened at hu old stand in Msin 5lrcet' a,oU"y I rviir a'r r? a enm .v n n r n ASSORTMENT OF -"rnr,rltin? a iuii ana careiui selection ol liinghams i.iousiin ut: i.juim, ueiagrs, r rencu J.awiis and I rints.niull, carnl'ric and barred Mua hns. r.)iir;eo. Silk and Cambric Handkcrchiefa and Shawls, loths, C.is:,imeiP.s. Tweeds. Satin and fancy Vest mgs, runtulnon &'.ulls, Uanihruons, Sum.' mer Cloths, CravaLv, Stocks, J its, &.c. &.C. iScc. Also A Variety nf Groceries, Liquors, Queens ware and Hardware. fn an examination of which ihn subre.ihpr re 'spectfullv invites the attention of niirchaketw 8n.' o'l.p.s b.'l'ore selecting 1 1,-p'Al.erc.iis lie feels asjiurd that he can autisfy the most fastidiout and ccono- GEO 1(0 E WEWER Bloomsburg, May 23, 1S46. C S 33 OK EI) JURAT. frtfXarjitf POUNDS of siionldtr. just received M the Arcade tStoro. ' ALP.KIUH I & nlrjiNti Ah. .1ay 30 BARRELS No 1 and 2 of firat quality 1& 3ICKIC!KL. j'wt ieeeie.l a- ihe ARCAUB Siorn. AI.OKIOIIT Si MEN 1AL. .Vay 7 LAST N O T I C lv 1 I.t, persons knwini; thenn.'lrfs indnbtcl tc thaEstnfe of JAf'Oll I'ARR, deceased late il.Madison Township, are hereby notified that tin era their accounts are scttb d hcf.iro the 15th inst hey will be plr'l in the hands of a Justice for olicction, snd all peisons having cliiinsarc i piented to present them immediately, as we are mxious to have the business closed. EUZAUETH PARKMdminiMratru. WASHINGTON PARR, Administrator. 03T liteween Cgt'awissa and Jersejtnwn, cp the 7th of June inst, a I P O C K E. t B O O K. I ontainuig nineteen dolla-s in bank notes two fives, one of them on the West Bianch, and the other on the 'usquehnniii Bans;, the remainder in small notes with eomu orders in it, in which my name ia montioncd, and the name of Henry Kussel written in the hook. Any person who will make known to the Editor of th.i Columbia Llem.w crnt where it may be had, shall receive the al.jve War.l. HENRI TUX. Jut. 13 181(3. C'lLlRlsKS IJ. irC'K ALKW Attorney at Law, Jffir.H botitl Slttr nl dluill l. UlIU Market 1 7-WII.L ATTKin COURTS IN PMU COUNTIES OF COLUMBIA AND LUZERNE, CIIAKLES K A II LEI?, JUSTICK OF THE PEACE, Al) ovi;vAiti:t:, BLOOMSHUIKJ, COL CO., Office, corner of Uat and Main-stresls. A n assortment of HOLLOW WA I?E & such as Ket lea, I'ota. ioilcis, Te.i Ketllia, Ipiuors, Cuke Griddles, Ac- Alo Largo and .nill W angon Hoxea, from the Danville i'oa'e lllir LKY A AJENDENHALL. Deceinbee ..I tu r.a...:i.... (..: i. . . " ern.ineo not "I' P. pu down lie ' V9 from da,e, ,u ONG I I 1 1 I I . I . A 1 h.. .a ... il . . - u.,0,8 ,e Vdn gave meiH SANTEE Si SILVERTHON. July 1, 1846. LIST OF LETTERS. Itemaining ia the Poet-otrice BtHloomeburg, t'a. June iJUtii, iii.ii' John I). UeckwiHi-Joi.;: Clemell-J . in 'Jhaniberlin-iS Ann Dole-oihro T.v. hand-Jacob Eclterd-Jesso Hollensl.ead- i)avid KeefTe-Charles Michael-Joienh I; Vloorc-Lewis R. Obourn-Franm Keede VVm. Swaney-Jackson Snrms-Peter Siiner -John VVantch-James Walkpr, J. R. MOYEjt P. M. T I C E. THE United Statcc end Mexico are now atWar ind thousands of freemen aro volunteering ihcir servicea, to sub. lie the Btul.bora spirit of Mcaico but the auu8briber being one of those, who ser vicea would nut be accepted on account of his infii- mities he haj rented a room on Main Strcet.nearly opposite Aiungni a mengelt store, as a BARBtiRSUOP. and armed himself with razors and shears, it wait upon those who aro so foitunato a to bs utceptfd by thu government before their depaiture.He will also hold himself in readiness to ere th&su wlm prefer staying at home. Uaiors K.ear ai.d.N:m. sors, repaired and put in order at short notice and warranted. JOSIAS F.BELL, flloomsburg, June 2 151o HIE WARM WEATIIEIl Tha itiodHU chingea of the weather, Iu ring this aeaaon of Ine year, exhihit a most baneful efl'ect on ti e hti.nsn eyaiem, dcbilt ialiii(f and prosiraticg it. Thn std'iiach a, id bowels become derange tt. giving tumly n. nee to all, who are inclined to gne aiteu lion lo ihe warning voice nf nature. At siith times 'Jjjne's Uaiunnaiivt;' .fVrt fails to afTord immediate relief, clierkmif the disease and restoring the patient to vig otous health. Mothem eannot Le luo eau- tiotis wiih their nluldren during this monili inn ine innr.ii) iolloing, and in itie cailieat stages of this summer disease, whether rom teething, oppressive heat or other rati c they should at once resort ;o this never lading leinedy. Hundrvda of eenirlca.ta f'om respectable peraona in this city are in possession of the proprietor ready lo exhih. it to ail who may desire to shh them at hm -iFicc, No. b Snuili Third sireel, Jhi!adeN i'hia, LIFE ! LIFE!! LIFE .' ! I All that a man haih will he giva for hi life,' so we find recorded in Ihe mo", im ier.t md hesl of books, but as we see llmnsandai Kii g aronud us wiih (Jonsuinpiion (.'ni.) f'oiigh As'hma nronohnia Spiumg lib. .J and other Vlnionary alTeclions we aie led io doubt the correctness of the aboe nn (eriion pspechlly since il is so well known ihat a certain remedy may be obtained bu.h always srrrsis (hoso (lisease. I)r JAYNE'S EXPECTORAN I' nev er fills to ive relief, and cures afu.r every ither means have failed. This can he and lias been proved in thousand of instances, u bore it has i fTecied udical cijree,f!Br tha istient had been given up by all his Irieudj nil physicians. The al.fvp .1rdicine are for sale at he s'.oie of 101 IN R. MOVKR, El'iomsbucg. I'.S I'ARLI.'jH.MRN ! O. C. KAIlLEIt "gTS'OULU reipertfully inform his fiien-U a:i 1 V'V Ihe public generally, that he has iust re- ?i!ved and n(eucd on the corner of Main and Kat treeu iu Blooinsburg, Ihe large,!, best and che ip st sJS 'rimenl of Read? Made Gi.otking. ever offered in this neighborhood, which he will Bell from 10 to 20 per cent cheaper than ihe cheap est. Hisbtock is got and selected with great care, made of the best and n ojt fashiona'le material and in the most workmanlike mannor and style, embracing every grade, color and price which will suit eitb.fr the taste or economy nt purchase;. I will sell Twnl'ackf. ockJrd. etseoafsfromM 0(1 in S CO Summer and crntun cloth do 2 R7 f0 7a L inen and gingham do 1 tfl to 2 00 Buck and F reach castitnert Pants 3 7m u 4 7fi Xuttincl do 1 75 lo 3 25 Drilling and gamhoon do 62 to 2 60 Satin and tilk vctti 2 50 3 75 '"tcaneH. and Afarmle rests 1 so to 2 60 lleaiiles a ;;uytf a yorlment (.1 'tocks, ('ratals. Ihin lkcrcbieft. Cllars. SI,i-. .t f rc-llho public arc invited local! md examine fr.r ihrm. lulvd t.l.trA rn, r.huuin ..la.... I :r .1 ,. . get a goo 1 bargain and well suitej. July 11, ISie IStf