Cmn-iil R r .-'uiiM t'i Mexico. Tt N Yoik I'miru r ,iys il has advicur nmi Wuliit:inii, 'through a scouree fully ntn!i-il id c!i!i 1,'uri',' that the initial im r n IhI.hi in nearly ill the ilepa't lien's of Mexii-i', fur combining together i' overthrow ihe e & ia 1 1 it )f administration in Oiiil country, having fur its object ihn res tor aiion to power ol Suit Amm: Tin 'Courier slates that our government has luil (or several weeks, lull detaila nf the Move ments. A plan fur a new m J nt i uir i ion i sail o luve buna drawn up by Santa Anna himself, uiul by In edhercnis circulated in Mexico. The Courier sniieipates the en tire iiceess of the pr-'jict. 7'ho Washington Union, noticing the statement of ilie Courier, says: We dentil il our dmy 10 state, in the inoxt positive terms, thai our government has no sort i f connection wiih any scheme of Santa Anna for the ravolution of Mexico or fur any a rl of purpose Some three Hindus i some adventurer was in Waali ingtun, who wished to obtain their counte nance and nij in schemes or other connected with Santa Anna. They declined all sort of connection, co-operation, or puiicipa tion in any ( (Tort for the puspose The gov riwnpni nf ilii cnuntrv declines all such intrigues or birgaina. They have made war openly in the face of the world. They mean to prosecute il with all thrir vigoi. They mean to force ;lexico to do us jus tice at the point of the sword. Thi. the" is their design this is their plan" out! it i worthy of a bold, high mir.dcd, and ener getic people" The new iaiiiT bill wa u ceived in the Senate on the Gilt tnd made the special or cer of the day for Monday nexu and for ev cry succeeding day until disposed of. XFAV CLOTI1IXG ESTABLISHMENT. 0. C. HAULER 'OULD respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, lliat he haa lustre. ceived and oj ened on the corner of Main and East streets in Bloomshurg, the largest, best and cheap est assortment of Ready Made Glotiiing, ever offered in this neighborhood, which be will sell from 10 to 20 per cent, cheaper than the cheap et. Hid stock is got and selected with great care, madeoftho best and 11 fashion' lo materials and in the most workmanlike manner and style, embracing eirery grade, color and priea which will suit either the taste or economy a purchaser, will sell Tweed sack frock A dress coats fromtf 00 to 5 00 Summer and eruton cluth do 'Z 8? to 4 7ft Linel and sineham do 1 25 to 2 00 Buck and French catrinicrc l'ants 3 7b to 4 70 HattineK do 1 75 to 3 25 Drilling and gamhoon do 02 to 2 60 Satin and silk vesta 2 50 to 3 75 Fwanfdtiwn and Marsalt. vests t 50 to 2 50 riesides a good assortment of Stocks, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Shirts; cfc. all of whi h the public are invited lo call anil examine for them selves belnro purchasing elsewhere if I hey viah to get a good bargain and well suited. July 11, 18 16 12tf Sequestrator's Sale. By virtue of a writ of sequestration lo me directed will be exposed to public sale, t the Court IJoufp m Danville, nn Saturday, the first day rf .Intrust, next, at one o'clock, V. m The defendants li(o estate in the undivided one seventh pari of one hundred acres of land, situate in sn honing township. Columbia county. Where .on is erected a V STONE HOUSE, FRAMK BAUN, r&'&'skpJl nnii other nut bnildinfis. buut 8t) acres of the land is cleared and an npple orchard on the same. Said land ad joining lands of Or Majill, Montour Iron Company, A- Mnntgorneiy and John bed lers heirs, anil is subject to tne devise and bequests of I ssabelle ' razor t widow unde the will of Daniel Fi jzor, sen. deceased Seized taker, in execution and to be sold a the propertv of Jeorrre VV. Holland. I R A il DKRR, Sequestrator. Danville. July 9. 1816. Jayne1 s Fxpertorant, Th' undoubt rillv the most valuable, (as ill's decidedU a mot popular) merfirine rf its kind.evei- introduced in this State he demand I r il has been constant and increasing, froiii the lime it was firm oC'eieJ fur sale here u the present lime; numerous Iff liinonials ol its great worth and usefiilneee, irom Tciy manv of our citizens, might be produced. a tri il will satisfy all, that 11 is a speedy core fcr Coughs, Colda, Influenza, Asirima Hnnrsenre, Spitinj of Blood, and all kimN of Pulmonary AtTcctions Bangor plfj Daily If'hig. iJOWEL AXO SU,V.VE1 JIOMJ'L. INT NO CURE NO PAY Dr. Jayre, JVo. 8ih South Third Sireei. is viliing 10 euaraniee thai his CARMIN A lVE BALSAM will cure Dinrrlirm, Cholics, Cramps. Griping Pdine, Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint, ami other de rangements of the Stomach snd Bowels, in ninetj-nine cases onl i)f a hundred, and in less than h -If the lime it can be effected by anv other means. (t is extremely plcasnnt, and children are fnndnfit. It iff erjuallv as effectual for adults as rhildren. ana when tne nirfcnone are followed, and a cure is nni fTcled, ihe nrcney will be cheerfully returned Price 25 -nd 50 cents a botttle. NOTICE S herobv uivcn to the subscribers of .Stuck to the CtiH.twinatt llid't V,mpanj,n Second and 7'Am hxtabitnt nf livo ,IoIIiiih eacn, m re quired In be pai I In lilt; TrenMirer en or before the 1st of Antrm! anil lt ' epiemner it-spi'iinny Hy Older of the Hoard. I). CLARK, Treasurer. July I, 1310 EOOTS AND SII0E3 CIIEAI'KK Til AN EVI2U. T IIE subscriber very re.ipee 1'ully informs the public hat huhds on hand and lacoi.slanl- Iv.Miinufacluring, HOOTS and SHOES ofdll kinds which he will sell at the following low prices. Gentlemen's Wear Morocco or Calf Skin Boots $4 00 Canst JIjoIs 3 25 Coarse or Fine Shoes 1 75 Miner't Shoes $2 to 2 25 Morocco Slippers 8?i t Ladies' Weak. Morocco or Ca f Skin Luce Bonis I 50 Thick S,Ae French Ties I 25 Pumps Spring or Frenvh 1 12 i Other kinds of Slippers 75 cents o 100 JV. U. I he above aie all of, my own M aimtaeture mil are wrrnnted to stand. I h;ivc aUo on hand. a large stock ol JVASTERN MADE HOOTS AND SHOES, which I will sell at small ptcfiH. Country Merchants and others who buy I y tin dozen, aie invited to call and examine my good:-. ;is I will sell to such al a luru reduction. n-Mtemembsr the place at the A't'lV IWO'l and MIUE STOIiE, lower end of Maiu-atrect. Uloonuliurg. July 4 1810 PUBLIC SALE. X pursuance dan rider of the Orphan' Court of Columbia county, on Thursday (he 13M day cf.lvgmt iext at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, Caleb Thomat. idministrator, &c. of Samuel Moore, late of Mid- ison township in said conn y deceased, will expose a sale by I'ubhe Vendue upon thu primisca, a cer ain TRACT OK LAM) situated in said town- hip, 1 miles from Uloomsburn the county seat and 7 miles from Danville, adjoining lands of John steiuer John Heller and others containing trict measure. M.SO Q certain Mcsiuae and Tiact vl ',and adjoining the above containing US Acres 46 I'crche, and allowance on which aro ended a Jtrfs. I.'C. HOUSE. &&&SS IARfJE ORCHARD, iWj. of the best of fruit la'e the estate of said deceased. JACOB EYEULY Clerk D,invil!e June 27 1 8-16. 10tn (Tj'The Democrat and Argiifi, Eastnn will give the above ihree millions and fmward their bill lo Caleb 'I'homas, Esn. Jereytown or to this office for payment. GKORGE G. WALLEK, Atlorney nt Law, HLoMsEt'ito, Columbia Cou.vtv, Pa Office on Market a few doors above Main blrcet 9.f OREGON QUESTION SETTLED I Gf'N. ARISTA DEFEATED ! ! ! GEN TAYLOR IN MAWflHOUJiS' Would now bo thu most interesting topics o1 conversation, had not JOH. II, iTSOVEi: complied lk EV" STOICE nn t!ie s0Ulh west corner of Market fc.unre and moved into ii with a large and general assortment ol f) R U ( S-I E DICINES-DV E ST IJFFS I'AIN rS-OII.S. WINDOW GLASS U riY-Cf)NFEC TION ARIES TOYS, he. ta At. but such being the f;:i l, the other onestions are en lirely lost sight uf and he is ranidly disnosinc ol 11." ft'ic 11 at reduced puces. In uddiiioii tu his other business he ha' on hand in exteiiMveiis,iiitmenlol HEADY WADE CLOTHING ; of every description, which he is selling as low at thev can he purchad in the county. He invites all to give him a cnli as he is deter inined to sell on the most reasonable terms; war er no war ! J-itio 30.- 10 N piirsonnce ef an older of the Orphan's Ou'i of ('nluml'id county on Saturday the lath day of Ju'y next nt ten o'clock in the forenoon Joviah Fur'nm. Adminiatiator, &c. of Peter Valk late of Fishing creek township in said county deceased, will ex pose to sain by roblic venduo upon Ihe premise!-. a certain TI1.1CT OF C.t.Mt situate in Fish- inccreek township in said county, adjoining land. oft'dward ,VcHcnry- Philip Apdema,i Uanic: .Smith Joseph Tulmsr and otheis, containing aouu: L20C?sES 07 Li-lTD 5 about 50 crs f which U cleared. There is o.i the premifej a Frame Ifnusc one and one half str riei high a Frame Harn and an Annlft Orrharit. Utn the estito of ffiy&SS said deceased situated in ihe town ship of Fishingereek and county aforesaid, JACOB EYERI.Y, Clerk. j DanviHo May 13, IS tQ 10 N OTIC E. THE United Klstet and Meiico are now itW'ai and thousands of fieemen are volunteering their svrvices, to subi u the stubborn spirit of Mexico liul the subshriber being one of those, whose ser vices would not be accepted on account of his infir mities ho hs rvnlul a lomn 011 Main Street, ncailv ipposito Albright iV MoucU store, as a 15 A II 15 K II S II 0 P. onl ai'inoJ himself with razors and shears, to wak ipi,n those who are so foitunate as to lis accepted liy the government before their depa'ture.lle will also hold himsell in readiness lo serve those who tire fur slay ina al home. Razors Shear andcis- Jiirs, repaired and put in order at short notice and warranted. JOS I AS F. BELL. Wloomsburg, June 2 IMG Public ak1 0 In puruancs of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on Thursday the second day of July next, it 10 o'clock in trie foienoon. JOHN HEA LER. Administrator, of A LIRA II AM DEALER, late of Fislnngcrepli township. in said county, deceased, will expose to sale by l'jblic Vendue, upon the premises a certain lot or piece of land, situate in the township of iiuhingcreek, in Columbia county, bounded as follows, viz beginning -it a post thence south fifiy four degrees net heventy perches 10 corner thence north tliirtysix di grees easi sixteen perches 10 a black oak comer thence north lifty i'o 11 r degrees wedi seventy perches to a post oroer ihvnce sooth ihinj-six degrees ast sixteen perchea lo the place of begin ning, containing f Acres, strict meaiure, iitjoining lands of J.ihn iSpayd and lands ol John Haaiinn, &c. late the estate of said deceased situate in the township of Fishingcreek and county afore aiu. JACOB F.YERLY, ( Itrb Danville, May 27, I8I6.7 (ft The above siln stands adjourned to Thurs day the 23d day of July ins-, two o'clock in the af ternoon at the same place. 10 UN IJEjALER, Jldrmn'stratore. July 2; 1816. Fiom the Norridgework (Me J Journal. We publish the (olio wing, as among the nany evidences which we aie coiiBtantlv receiving of (he incressinz popularity of Dr. Javnu's Expectorant. We have no intercut m 'puniog it any further than we have lesite 1 1 promote (he health and happiness il our fel.owcieature!, who are wasiing a- way with those complaints, for which this nedicinn is an ahsolure remedy. And in tailing the attention of the public to 1;, we eel that we are 111 the faithful discharge ol itir duty. New Portland, Nov 4, 1812. Mr. Pratt, Sir; I wish you to send me 'I hollies of Jayne'a Expectorant, ami in this 'onneciion, J would say, that I deem 11 an nvaluable medicine, and an article that 110 lamily should be without for a single day. have U9cd it lor two years in my family, nd have always found it a quuk and effi lent remedy for lijthtne of ihe limps, pro luced by long protracted colds, which pro. luce the short hacking rough, ihe prrnioui- or nl ( which it ao Irequem v leiininaies in this rlirnate. If properly nd seasonably aduiini tered, it will erTectu illy break up the most violent feveis, so requently coiiseqiicnl upon them. I would oust cheerfully r- commend tins mo icine to he public in all cases of lint Latin e, as in valuable JOHN II. WEBSTER. CIIO LICS and FRETTING of IN FiTS. Evr ry mother should have Jayne's Car minanve. It is Die very thing they need or their children, as it immediately cures the .hoi ic. and alia) e all irritation of the atom ich and bowels. The above Atdicine are for sale &' the s'.oie of JOHN R. MOYER. BJ.iormburo. Public a3e In pursuance of ar.Ordcr of ihe Orphans' Court ol Columbia county, on Saturday , the 1st day of August next. at 10 o'clock. A. M Jiihn D. iterich, Ad ministrator, & of John Bnwyer, late of Montour township, in said ciioniy, deceas ed, will be exposed lo s:de hy AiShc Ven due, upon ihe ireinises, a certain Tract ol Land, situate in Montour. Columbia muntj aitj-iining lands- of John RxharH-i. and Pt lei Plecher on ihe IJa,i, John Dei'enrh and Joaejih Fry on the North. GeorgeHeff. ly on thu wesi, and Joseph M tuaer on the outh, containing Acres i ml all'i'vanre . a crei p-nilon of wlor-h ii deared und in a good ship of cnlnva.i,in, here ison ilia preni'-es a two ftiry fiaiwe tiouse, a Ink IJarn a stream of water pas ses through ihe farm . good spring covered with a etono spring house near ihe door of ihe dwelling house a number out houses, i good apple orctiard with choice fruit. On he premises is a'.so a sufficient quantity of first rate meadow for ihe farm, late the Es tate of said dxceased. situate in the town hip of Montour and county aforesaid. JACOB EYEULY. Clerk. Danville May 'il 1810. liLANKS ! ! BLANKS ! ! FOR SALE i.T THIS Ot'FICH. HO ! TOIIOIIECJON ! Mew djfOOtlS. IBilJej Sc iTlondenlinll MAVG just received und are now opening a splendid assortment of new, cheap and fh- o.iable SPKINO AND SUMMER COODS, selected with great chre as to price and quality, comprising Superfine. Cloths and Cassimeres, Tweed Cloth and Fancy Cassimeres for Gentle.mci's wear, Velvet, SMin and Fancy J'estings. Indies' Dree Good, suth as Cashmeres. I)e Laines.Ralzorincs, Lawns, Crape de Lames, Ginghams, 6Vr,i coes, Muslins, eye yc and Ftraidfy SrawBonnels Trimming" In fact a general and well selecteu asaortmen1 of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, HARDWARE, QUEEN&WARE&H0LL0W WARE All of which they are anxious to sell cheao for Cash or in exchange for Country Produce ecner allv. May 30 finliaiii L;urus, OF new and beautiful patterns, jut received i the Aew .Store. L B RUPERT. May 30 15 4 51 tO LATEST ARRIVAL FK03I MEXICO, if HE WAR OF EXTERMINATION AGAINST I1IOH PRICES, Carried io Africa. 1 rWlWE subscrihor takes occasion to announce H to old natrons, and as many new ones as wish to buv cheaper than ever or any where else, truihs has iust oDened at his old stand in Mnin- street, a totally NEIV AND FASHIONABLE ASSORTMENT OF Dry ocei'KCS Comprising a full and careful selection of Ginghami. Mouslin do Lams, Bernges, I ranch Lawns and Prints, mull, cambric and barred YfuS' lina, Pongee, Wilk and Cambric Handkerchiefs and f:hawi3. Cloths, Cassimeres. Tweeds. Sitin and faoer Ve9t- ings, Fantilonn Stuffs, Gambroons, Sum met Cloths, Cravat.i, Stocks, Ties, 4tc. &c. ike. AUo A Variety nf Groceries, Liquors, Queeniiware and Hardware. To an examination of which the subscriber ra spectfully invitPt the attention of purchasers and others lelore ttiecting eUewlicre.aa huteels agdurttl that he can satisfy the moat fatidioui ar.d econo- Tiica!. . GEORGE WEAVER. May 2S, 1846. 6 Elocnisburg S310KKD MEAT. M4Tfona POUND:" of Shoulder. Itm 83 3 Ham and bnlB Mtut juoi received at the Arcade Storo. ALuKlCtl I a Jlli.TiUib. itay 30 rjafif BARRELS No 1 and 2 of first quality Jsi j" received v the A RCA UE Store. ALBRIGHT .Tiay 7 ii MEN GAL. LAST NOTICE. LTi pernor" knowing thetrsrtvra indebted t' th Enta-o nf JAUUB t'AKIi, deceased late f Madison Totrnah'p, are hereby notified that tin !eis thei' accounts are settled before the 16th tn' they will bo placed h the hands of a Justice foi cn!,vtion, and all pertions having chims aro u luested to present tharn immediitely, as we sn nzious to hava the buainc's dossed.- F.LIZA DC Til PAHR.t Irninistre'r-r, WASHING TD.V rARH'.Administra'or. 03T htfiwecn and Jarseytown, or tha 7th of June inf., a POCKET NOOK. enrtaining nineteJT dollars in bank note t". fivos.ono of them onthe Wst Bitnch, and th--other on the i'usquehsnn Bann.the remainder in smalt nolea with omo orders in it, in whirh my name ia ma.itior.ed, and the name of Henry Rusnel written in the book. Any person who will mflkakiiowA to lh IMilir of tha Columbia Demo crat whero it may bo had, shall receive the abova re ward. IIE.MtVFOX. Juno 13 IS 15. CheapGoods GEORGE J. PFC-UTS, .STORMS the public that he hos located hnr- soil in LIGHTSTREET, mid tender hia Profession d services to may call upon him. June 20, 1S16 Utf all who CIIAIILKS KAIIIaHIt, JUSTICE OF THE l'EACE, AND OAVIiYAACi:S5, BLOOMSBURO, COL. CO., Office, cornor of East and Muiii-stmts. The Subscribers being determined noi 10 be outdone by their neighbors, either in price or workmanship, have put down il.e price of orse Shoeing irom due, 10 if .vv. DOLLAR, believing they cn save ihem- lelve by so doing. SANTEE at SILT Lit I MU.n. July 1, 1840. ADMINISTRA TOR' S NO TICE. The Estate of OUR LOCK liOMHOY, late of Bloom township, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that loiters of admin istratlon on the above mentioned Estate lave been cranted to thesubseribers.livingin Bloom townskin. All persons indebted to said estate ire. hcieby nolineit to miiKe lmnienitiio payir.eui Old all those having claims are requested lo pre t . sent them properly authenticated to . ........ ,.s.tns-w J A t lHS W. 15U VIUVM, THOMAS BOM BOY, .iilt'Jt'srafor. July, 4 181ft-0Il LIST OF l.KTTERS. Remaining in'the l'ost-office atBloonr,sburg Pa. June 30th, 1840 John I). iSeckwith-John Clemell-Jati' Chainberlin-ilAs Ann Dole-Anabrol U-v- aod-Jacob Eckerd-Jese Ilollcnsbcad- IJivid KeetTe-Clurles Michael-Joseph K. Moore-Lewis U. Obourn-Fiancis Reede- Win. Swaney-Jackson feorms-Ptter buner -John Wanich-James Walker, J, It. MOYER F. M. LIST OF LETTERS., Remaining in the Post office, si Call wissa, on ihe quarter ending, June 30h, 1816. Milton Boone-Ziba Bird-Jacob CL vill jr.-Mahalia Evtien Mr. Fry-7lm Gniun-John Guling-Ma'colm Gjinn Samuel IltinninJ-Jrniej F- Ilaynes-I-cac Ilendi ick-Ch arlen Kiln-Daniel Kelchner-Daniel KnilHe-Jo'ephKniltle -AbraniLllie-Aust n Pros-John Si'ler -Herman Van Vleck 2-Jesse Weike' Usury Yohe Catharine Yelier. PAUL K.BALUV P.M. Wails and Spikes. P KEG8 of iS'ails and Wpikesjint received and for aale at the New -Store of li. U. KLI LIU . June fith 1'AKE OHCE TH AT I have purchased of Peter Kerne a WAGGON and have left the same in his posse sion dii'ing vny pleasure and forbid any person takin i from him by purchase or otherwise w th out my consent. JOSHUA SAVAGE. Sugarloaf, June 30, 1S4B-10 ADMNIR r3 A TOR'S A'OTICE' The Estate of ISAAC KL1SE hit of Or ange township, deceased NOTICE is hereby Biven that letters of administration onthe above mentioned Es tate have ihis day been granted to the sub--ictiber. All persona indebted to ssid es late sr hereby noiifiud to nuke iinmeili ate payment, and all ilmse having claims are requested lor reoeni ihem properly aumen ticaied, to MARY KLINE. A 'minis'ntriir, HIRAM R KLINE. Vdministratoi, Oranga ton ship, May 25. 1816-63 N pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia cou.-'y, on Saturday, tht fimt day of August nr?J at 13 o'clock in the forenoon, Marshall Mine- maker and John Christian, AJminutiatora Sec. el Jacob VVelliver late of MaJison township, in a.iii county, ducoased will be exposed to sale by Hubli, Vendue upon the premises; a certain Trnct ot Lane situate in Madison towiwilip, Columbia cuuntj containing or tliC'Sibou's adjoining lands of John Hendershot Vah ntiuo Christian, Jahn hillhinier, John KicharJ and John Christian. Upoti the prcmiioa there is b l.OC, KOUSK. fi'ili One sr.! one halt's otict. high, r.i ASMALI. A PPL". DftCII.tRO. and about sues of cleared land, th itflii'ni-i oin s well limbered w'rh Pin snd Dili. J )i-'( ij airesin ofvaror rimiiintt 'hiough tha propi-r'v, eapabloot'riniriiii? a savi mill, bitr the es-tal-i cf am' 1,-rr a.-eil, situate in .MaJison t"wniliipm saw cr-'.m- :y efo'esaid. JACCB r.YKRLY, Her Dar.ville, W:y 20, ltfl 8 '7 MMEDIATK implovroent will be i'ven to YSjmore or less, a:;Oiit o -.,ea of whi-h ia cleared Common Laborers Carpenters t-ut uo buings threo ! the t'.'i ' and MlaiOtlS. to work up-i tho Ci.ttu-ri.ta bridge. Apply immediately to Cattawisil, May, IS Hi CAUTION. All persr.s ars cautioned airninst j urihu certain due bill for the sum nt len tlollais, 1 1. to Charles llixi n, slid sikiicJ by ihe aul f i id having received no consideration lor ihu m.ii . shall relusc to psy it. J. M. FOWI f , Juno 2018-10. A M fM) ft JO Y virtue of a lieias f icias to me dircclvd will beeipuikcd to puLil. J rule al theUouit iiuujc, in Danville, on Saturday the Wth day of July next. at I o'clock V M. The following property fto -vil). A certain tract of land siluate on Montour Rid'o partlv in Liberty township Columbia Coun ty, and partly in Noithumberluiid County, Boun ded on ilia west by tmet warranted in the n nine i f Abraham Kinizing, on the ncith ly Sunontbr and Rohjswi, on the esst by Iracls wairanled iu tl.o name of of Robert Kvins and Willian lioosuin and on the soulh by Leuiai a aud others, conUi n. ing about 43 Acres This tract is warranted and surveyed in ihe natno of John Banail jr. an excellent vain of fossdiferoU l ironoro lfl inches in thickness runs thrush this tract of laud und ia only .niiloi'iom iheSuiquehail a river and canal, and is 5 miles limn Danville si d 8 from NorlhuiiibeihinJ, Sl iced taken in execu tion and to be cold aa die pioptny of bmniKl t'reigh. IRAM DER ch.T, ShlT. OlTce Danville June 15 IS SO NEW ARRIVAL OF A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF AKD PAXCYJCOODS. f.B' A jiwt received at her old stand in Main. H. Itreet, an assortment ot Millinery and fau cy Goods, consisting in part of STRAW AND SILK BONNETS, Fashionable Ribbons of all kinds. Bonnet Velvet of all colors and quali'u. Summer Artificial Floices rf ai kinds. and almost cveiy thing oNs in her line that mav Ho callid for; all of which will be sold vciy low. 'l.i dies are requested to call bcfaiii purchasing else, where. May 0, 13453 IYI2W TAILOULYG E?5TA5J LiI13I KT. The subscribers respectfully inform the public that t!ey havo commenced the TAILORING BUSINESS in Bloomsburg, in the Sibling, lately occupicJbv fclnoch Howell in Market street where they intend carrying it on in all its various biamhea. Jln-ins had some exporience in the business, they fl'Ucr themselves that they shallbe able to do all tiie woik intrusted to them in at fa.ihionahle and workman like manner, and as expeditiously; as run be dom- m any otacr snap in the county. 1 hey, tiieuloo.-, nk a sha'e of public patronage: at Icwi, ihv wiih to te tried. D. WIL30.V, A. T. LVjJLAiS'D. April 4, l8;18-3 ly0 '"'rhiiSH arrival""" a r THE HE eupaf-riber haa just ie'cireJ in addition to his former stock, a completeasuirtment of EL5t JR. V-M -Kjr 0 V. K M suitable for Spring and Summer use, comis!;: iu part of Mods' in deLiin. Frsnch L'tvnj, Ii irpgo Gingham Ltwns, Fancy Pritil.a of al Pa'leriia and puces G.iinhroon, Tweed", Summer Cloihs; Fancy Csfiinei e, Guiion S rips, 'JV.jpi l,"r w 11 irr(;.Zf'pRr Worked, Th bei, Plain !i bhadid. Mouslin da l.aine Shart Is, Whines Stock?, Pnj;ee and Can h'if! Hiin.lkerciiiefs, Coitletl and Giaa CI ih S'liri.,., a l.'rn AorinuTl of Florence I r h I & w r-iv Ii MiiMij.Uil.'hons, Si !c U.I C.o!h,-IIoieiy,Pi : r o I l'nrci 'li'i, Soil Shades &p. &c In fiict evry tr.inr; that may ha renuire 1 f r I.a lioa' or liMOilaineri's spring or umiiin' we ir, all of vhirh he v ; 1 1 fell ii low av , y can l.a purcha.-itl n '.he county :!' Coljtnhia. All kinds of Lumber auJto.;ritry VJucc n cjtchatu; fur CooJ . L. 13. ULTLRT. April 2.11 3" ti pursuanco of an Ordor of the Orp'utis Court (. Colunibiacouiity.on Monday, tie ICA day rf Avgust er.' I 9 o'rlo k in the forensnn, e'amuel 'i'lardisn of the Minor !iild:en .-.' tVilham A.!.im late cf Ma bur. 'o'viu'liip. in said ourity drees-T will appose to aale by public vndt;'- cpon 11. nreniises, a "prta'n t'"t cf land sit'Hte in H?.-iv Mwnjhip. t.-'olumb a county aforea iij. adi innv. lar.J of Thjinas Adams, snd land J'.v nt John Adaru.-t new Peter Mother & o;het ioi.tsiii-.. ;g sltout I3I Acaes saio .e,e.i-'ev,,si!ua.a in.tne rownmip ci iAr.-y.oi. county d'u.'osa.J. JCOB E.YLKLY, Cuk Panville May ilh, Hlg 127 1