The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 04, 1846, Image 4
f T 11 H Al( LAA IV 1 With swtttcst flowert enrich' J, 'From tarioui gitrJtn culfd with etire." from theouthern Patriot rAI.0-Al.TO AND RESACA. A NEW SONG FJR TUE FOURTH OF Jt'LV 18 1G Now whila our cupi are flowing With mvmotifls born to bloom Anil filial limit's ate throwing Their wieithi o'er vtlor'a tomb V l.ile lips exulting shout the praise Of heroes or llio p m that alood. Triumphant 'mid uUl Bunkor'n blaze And proud in Eulaw'a Geld of blood Be not forgot the gallant train Thai lifts your name in Mexic war One cup for Palo-.fllto drain One mighty cheer for tlesaca! Tor Taylor 'Rough and Ready,'' True son of truest sires: For May who evvifl and steady Trod down La Vega' fires; Tor all who in thai day o( attiffl, Jninuin'd in pride the stripes and s'.ats, The dead," who won immoriM life, And tbey who for other wars iFur thesB, who with their victory, New wieaths to grace our laurel bring A heilili that drums the goblet dry, A rheer that makes the welkin ring! Nor, though even now we falter With thoughts of those who died, And at our f-siive altar, Grow silent in our pride, Yet in the heart's most holy deep, Fond memory shrines the happy brave, A lio in the anus of battle sleep Uy I'alo's wood and Bravo's wave; Nor in our future deeds forgot. Shall silent thought forbear to bring, Her tributo to thai sacred spol, W here Ringgold's gallant soul taok wing. Fill to our country's glory W here'er her flag is borne: Nor in her failing story, Let future ages mourn! -Nor let the envious foreign foe, Rejoice that faction checks her speed, Arrests her in the indignant blow, And saddens o'er the avenging deed Full high though fmm the chrystal wave, Your cup and from the grape be mine; The marriage rites that link the brave To fame will turn each draft to wine. W. G. S. Mackerel ft .Superior srtile of io. 1 and 2 IHA ..hl hytheltarrcl or Half Hi, MM CK : ii'anel, at in. (.'Iilu'i Lirjul-Streel new .Store, A. B. KN ABB Si Co. LIST OF TRAVERSE JURORS, August Termor 1810. Bloom Rufun K Hopkins Samuel Boon Briarereek John Freas Kerry Joseph Levers Daniel Cox John . IJerr John Sinmer Fishinecreek Zacariah Ross Abraham Bobbins Greenwood Jacob Coo! Hemlock James Roat Samuel Brugler v aniaii ueese Liberty Robert Montgomery Frederick Mue John 'Moore I.Ialnjtiiiit,' - Michael Sanders Samel Shaffer .f!i-,;r, John Billheim sen. Isaac Demon Wihl i .Vic haul Ritienhouse John Cree- sy j-. John Brown Muntotir Gee rge II Willits Mountpleasant Joseph Long Peter Oman jr. Aaron ivester Orange Godfrey Kline ilarin Bender Roartnccretk Jolin Bear Jonas Roe Suearloaf Robert Campbell William S. ytenuentull Valley Joseph Mauo Jacob B. Mus Ben jatuiii Moiahann LIST OF GRAND JURORS, For August Term 1910. Callawissa Charles llarlman Centre Benjamin Hughes Levi Ai'mrur u Derry Willum S, Clark Thomas Kobiion Samuel Russel Fishingcreek Daniel Smith Sa.T.uo! Criv ling sen. Greenwood William Albcrisoh Jackson Jacob Turner .iberty Lcnnsn! Sfneman Robert Tliiiler .Mahon.nfT-G. W. Shawn W,,an, f,ejrrn- finij B. P. Alwood William Cook Dan- lei Ramsay ladison James en Milflin-MarshallG. Kinney Daniel Montour Peter Rupert ' Orange William While Pelor Athcnbath :I?oa:iiicreek Adam Cble j U JPrimtc I'he subscriber nAVr? for sale his HOUSE & LOT, liiuuled on tin' corner of Miiiu mul Hast-streets hi lloomsburii, Columbiu County, I'n. Ilisvicl calculate! lor llio location for t Public House o Storc.lii'inj (G Ftt ffont on Muinstrrtf, ii 1 i I fcft 8,1 East-street, and the read trailing to the. IlloomH.iurii I! nil Mil lion Company' Furnaces. I Iiih Lot iswcll cal culated lor building upon Mast-street as well an on Mam, and being situaled in the centre ul the Iron Kecion of Columbia ''ouuly, is well worthy the Ht:eiitiou of the cmitfilirits. For any information respecting (lie conditions, uilquite of . .1 . rT IT I. T nil. Bleomsburg, Cecenibei 20 IMPORTANT X WS LUTES! ARRIVAL BY THE HtatI GSoad ALBRIGHT & MENGAL, AT THE i AVE juat received by the Kail Road and arc no ft opening, a splendid assortment ol Spring and Summer NEW GOO)S, which, having been selected with great care, tln; can and will sell as low, if not tt little lower, lhan they can be purchased elsewhere in the coun ty. Among their assortment may be found ii, the DRY GOODS LINE, A splendid assortment of new and fashinnalilc Frinu of new figures, Ginghams; anew stvlu ol cross ovci Borage aud other Berage.; fancy and Mack and white Lawns, (iingham Lawns, Delano.- of all color and qualify, black and hltie black dies: Silks; black silk Serge Allapacca, damask suinmei VkirW, damask book Muslin, purse twist and steel head and rings ol assorted colors, ladies anil gi.u demons kid gloves, molinir Gloves and mils, whiti cambric Handkerchiefs; ladies silk points, black bandanna and flag silk andkerchicf, -.cotton Handkerchiefs of every description, while and fun '.it. if ii i ; i. fc-'l , r ii i . cysiiH. iiuiiuucrcnif is, nuwisoi an Kinus, in sliori Cotton anil Linen Goods of every description for Ladies' wear, silk, Cotton and Worsted lloso foi men and women Ladies shell combs. .Broadcloths of all colors and quality, Sattinetts Cassimeics, fancy summer ('assimcres, s x quarter coat I weed, I anUius, Miectt.s, black Kallin ami other summer Vesting of every description; fancy Scarls ai il bruvuts ol all qualities, blenched aiul unbleached Muslins, Umbrellas am' Parasols, r.c horn and palm leaf Hats. A quantity of carpet ing. Groceries, T 1 I . . . t m rr n i. iimp aim mown i-ugar, Molasses, t;nuce, j ens of all kinds, Ginger; Alspicn I'epper.N jtineg c. Oar Soap, Gandles.coarse and fine Salt, sperm uui! lish Oil, an assortment of the best quality of LIQUORS, Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wines, Ac. pu' ha?eil e pressly to supply Tavern keepers, who are pnrlie ulurly requested to rail and examine, quality ami prices before purchasing elsewhere. A splendid assortment of QUEENS WARE, by the Tea Set or picco to suit customers. HARDWARE," Consisting in part of knives and fork?, butts am! screws; ginililes, augurs, chissel'i, taws, tea and other kettles, dj c. &c. and an assortment of TIN WARE. Also an assortment of HATS AND CAPS. In fact they can furnish their customers with ev ery aiticle usually kept in countiy store, and luii;i! determined to do business riht, they can and wil inuke it the interest of the people t& trade will them QJ Lumber and allkhuh of coun Iry produce taken in payment for U 00(1-1. 11 51 tf CHEAP CONFECTIONARY AND VARIETY ESTABLISHMENT. TI1R subscriber bos just received a fresh ut ply of 1 t oriit'ciiouarv, &r. consisting ot Candies r.f various hinds. And ol-u Bunch ci'sins of a avpfior qimliiy , Bordeaux Prima, JLtigihh Currants, Figs, Fresli fhunua aiut I.emunt, Herring, Sweet and If'ntcr Crack ers, Fnglish It'alnulH, Filler Is, Amniute, Cream Nulu, Ptu Ruts. &.e. soaps; Smoking, Lump; t avcmlith and Iloncv ic 1 oliacco, Spanish, ball Spanish and com mon Hegars. jIIbo An aesortmetit of (mm. Worsted nm) Cotton Suspi miers; Kazor Plrop ; ILnsli and Combs of all -; LI.Kkiiib' Tine, Tuiifi?; Needle and Tins A.e. Hur.tir.g and other ( buttons, liookn and Fves rtneus aim j-encil I'oiiits 1'cicusiion ( ops Ateel hem, 1 biml le.-i .Vekiies- while mid black Cable I ords abate and -e6il SliiilUultoj, fcitrup vest and snspendir linttci s SSalin Stockswatch (innnls Necklaces Mitt-. alrr- .knitiine ?ceilles-.rrii,Hiiprs y all Limls n TiOOKS AN!) STATIONARY, All nf which arc to be had cheap ut the none of Main and Lust-streets. O. ('. HAULER. Tllornisbnrg; April l"c 181(5. Si '.VV ar.d Sllf.r It i i i f C.l:lril ni.,1 I. . . .1.. ... .1 just re .v. oi.ii.ui i;ic .M w Mi.rc. 1.. U.Ull'LV.T CANCERS, WARTS, CORNS, kc TIM', iiibsi riber informs the nublie. that be is ilil.. I,, .11 i;,, if ii. lino to cur til ktliils ol (.am ris ninl rn,ln uln Wsrts and Corns willi veiy ,tt,e pain snd in illoit time, lie refers to several reimivtahlo citi- ziMi-i lit Ins neighooi hood, such as Samuel Hess, UMimin Kii.. ,.V, i mi. , it , i , . J 1 1 1 ut i it Kilo ami others, that has been suecesslul ill several instance., audi- not huuibu,(ing as is loo frequently tlio case aiming qum ks." lie wur., ruatscvrtaiii euro in any cse he undertakes or no I'SV. I OTHarts, Ac. on cattle ,ml other animals are Iso cured by the subscriber who reside in .Mount rieasmit township on the main road leading front Millvilleto Hloninshiirg, about I J miles from Fred erick Miller's Tuvuru where persons are invited to call. JOHN ALE. May .10, 1816 lyfi LADIEE BONNflTS, HEAD DUESS' ite.ifec. splendid assortment of Louies' fennels, Head L)ress,.rlifi ial Flowers, Ribbons, &c very cheap, at the Ligbt-Sreet New Sore by A. B. KNABB io. NOTICi. S hereby given that the copartnership heretofore existing under the linn rf Ilrobst and Hnntee l hssolved and the acecounts of said lirfli hue been assigned to the subscriber, who alone, is authorized to collect the swine. ISAAC SAN TEE. March 13 1810, BLASTING POWDER. lii'Un of ISI:iif ins I'oudei ul the best quality, just received by WM. McKELVY & Co Do cember 5 DIIAULKS It. JtFCKALEW Altoruey at Law. Office South side of Jlain-sl, beow Market C7"WILL AT TEND COURTS IN III 10 COUNTIES OF COLUMBIA VNI) LUZERNE. Tim & Sheei TilR eubjcriber respectfully informs the public that he has opened a shop, on Mnin-rtreet, nearly opposite Clayton's Tavern, in llloomsburtr, where he intends carrying on tho above business, in all its vurious branches. TIN WARE, nf every description, will be kept on band for sale at WJIOLKSALK or KETA1L. SHEET IKON Manufactured into anv form required, STOVE IMPES, of nil sizes kept constantly on hand. Stoves finish cd to order. llcir.g determined to do business in the riht way, bo reqests all to call upon him before they purchase elsewhere, as be will fuinilh all aitieb s in his line as cheap as they can Lc purchuscd in tlio county. D. J. IIIEU. September 20, 18451)02 Chair ETannftictory THE Bubacriber continues to carry on the CHAIR jlfANUFACTOIXC, biisinesH at the old stand of B- h f. Ilflfri bneh, where be will be ready at nil lime' to furnish Fancy (Si WindsorClmirs. Set lees, Boston RorkintJ Chnirs A', of evorv p.TTiniiun, which may oe ciilleu lor, ai short notice and on the most reaonnl If terms. He will nlco execute House, Sirni Ortinmetitnl Painting, and House Faperint;. 'n a superior tnannrr, from bis experience in the buinps am his lariiniP!" of ritannlaetiirinij tlte various irticles nf hi? line, he flatters himsel' tb;ii lie shall be able to furnish as good work and upon ns reasonable terms as can br done in the country, all of wlnrh be will dispose of for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE N. B- Orders from a distance will br strictly at.d punctual! V attended to. ' IJ UAUEIMHUCII. Tax T eta Last year Columbii County, on four weeks niitice, eollecied and on id over into die Stilo Treasury THE HOLE amount of liei State Tax, and received hs a roni- pei.sation for her promptness, a deduction of 5 per eent. amnuniinc to SfiPl 00. The same offer is again rena wed, ,ind Coltimbi: (.ouuly may this year claim a deduction ol um do The same necessity for promptness and energy exist now as then. Tho honor ol our tyoiiimonwenlili is at stake, and nothirp but energetie action on the part t.f Tax Col lectors and Tax Payers can save the State from disgrace, The Tux Collectors of tl several townships in Columbia county fur tne year imo are hereby rentiestrd to pro- eeed forthwith anil collect and pnv over info die County Treasury, on or nefma the uvenly fifih day of July next, the whole a- uinni t el Mate 1 ux charged in their ictjiec live Dtip'ieatr s. By order of ihe Corrrriissinners, E. MEN BEN HALL, Clerk. C('MVI'S-r.NK.ny OfI ICE, ) Danville, My 26 B4ij. N. B.Thoe (ollertrra for t ears IS 13 mil 1811, who are mill in arrears, are here, by notified; that unless the whole amount ol their Diii'ifatcB is settled off, on or before he 1st day of July next, they will be pro eeileil against according tola And the Cnllertors for the yeir 1313 are. requested to settle op the arrears of their Dupliemes by the 23th day ol July next. The low rale of Taxes kid this year fur C.ilinly pur pnscs anu ine exira expenses, wh eh the . . , . . I nnnlV U III neccs.nrilv incur 11 l,o,l,!. my mil neccs.nrilv incur in luiihlimr ttfi.lantt roiwlni-a il I .a.. 1 1. , I .. . - ., d' ' " ii i v ni eessarv llial te I axes Hue Irom lurmet Uurs be iminc OUR MOTTO, NOT TO BEOUTDONn ' . ... ' IH'.lV.IV'.lll 1 HSU I.T I . IH,I"I1 11 1 l i Uy Saillt C X. Silv'l'lll I II. 'l l'll,' l...-,..,l ,i... ..i. r . i I i .. i ? i wi i formerly ocenpifiJ by Mum ha hiveithnrn, ' .i f . ., , m"Hl . rcspcclfiilly inform Hie (iiibln: llial l'ipy inlPiid to Carry on the above blanch of btipiilPiiS and will at all linieg be ruatlv to tlo work n lilliri hnllpr ami fhitmnr ibun inv ,1(,r pui-.tjlishiiienl in llm nlaee. ami thev . i ' lioiio by strict atteiiliun to busincas to .merit urge portion of the public patronaK! All kinds of country proilucu taken in eichange for work & the ready not refused ISA0 SAN TEE, MARSHAL SILVERTI10UN. Bloomsburg Feb, 21,1846 41 DISSOLUTION. THE ropartnerrahip heretofore existing under the firm of Armstrong & Htigea. in & 11 tig is by t he one iMitt nir business, a bv inulua lone cultinir cod se ii l d ibsol vo J E. ARMSTRONG. 1. II U CUES. Nov. 1 1815. MAItKLE YARD THE business will be continued y the subscriber at the old 6tand; where may be had at all times. MONUMENTS, TOME-TAELEs, TOMB-STONES, HEAR Til- JAMBS, MANTLESJ'AINT STONES, MULL EES, &c. or any other work in his line. He is also prepared to furnish WINDOW CAPS and SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEPS &c. either of Ma.ble, Lime or any kind ol stone that can be procured in this vicinity CjT Having had considerable experience in the bUHinrss, ne pledges his work be executed in as handsome a style as cat be furnished from anv yard either in the city or country; and on as reasonable terms EPH KAIM AUMSTIiOMi Bloomsburg, Nov. 3, 1813. ly 28 J. If YANDEHSLKE, fT LAo leave to inlorm the public, tha yithe is piep ired to attend to all the oper ation? in dentistry, such a3 removing The Tartar and other Foreign Sub stances. From the teeth, rendering them clean, am the gums and breath sweet and healthy. The cavities uf Decayed 'Teeth Will be dressed out and filled with Col or other toil; ol the linest quality, as tin case may require, which will generalU prevent their aching or further decay, am rentier tuent useiul lur years: aiul in nnn cases during lile Teeth and Stumps of Teeth Which have become useless or tronhlesomt will be extracted in the most careful man ner, with the lateel aud best improved in siruincnu. Porceliain Teeth, Ofihe best quality and latest improvement vill be insened on pivot, or (in conncctioi '.villi JJr. Valiercliaiiip, witn whom he is in internship in plate, work) on Cold plate. from a single tooth to a whole set, to lot is wen as the natural, and warranted Ii niswer all the useful and ornamental pur :io6c proposed by the art. In shi)rt,every operation belonging to tin prim ssion, will ha pelormed in the bf nanner. with choisesl material, and at tin shortest notice1 Ha therefore holies, b strict attention to business, to obtain ihari r i r . ii puoiic patronage, any person or pei- ions wishing any ol tho above operations pcrlormetl, ate respectfully requested tt give him a call. N. B The public are hereby h fnrmet' that we the subscribers have enterrti into i special Parmciship relating only to plair work as il is more convenient for each Ir litem! to the other branches of the stienc on his own account. A. VALLEBCflA.MP. J. H. VANDEKSLICR. Mount Pleasant, Nov 8th. 18153111. ii;iacksi2i'tl.insi:i(allliiiipa( Tiin Public aro hereby rspcctfullv informed that wo have lately entered into C'oparlnershin in tlio above business at the Urick hop, formerly oc cupied by Moses (,' oilman, on Main-street, below the new store, where we intend to cany on the above named business in nil its; branches. We pb-dgc cu'-;ehes that work done at this shoo shall be executed in as neat and workmanlike maiiuci. and on as reasonable terms, as can be done at an other shop in thw place. SVe lb, ii 1',,e hupe by stric t alteiition to busine-is, to luciil und receive u due propoition of public pa'.-ouai;e, M. -t)lT M N, S B ROUST- April 2.r, IPlfi. iV. Ji. SHOE ISO done at. the. re lured price of One Doll ID. .Swr, fritits and qu'uk return our tuolto. 1ST icecivtd at the NKW S'l'()i-; L B KUl'EliT. MaV 30 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, On the Estate of PETER ElUCS. late of Blonnisliiirg. deceased. ' 1 I '' '"I no e I""; ,,;'!" Rr:,".t,i; '" ,,,,! 'u'riber. All persons :f, L. -....1..,, ,,i. iMllluoiCtM l.SI.l ,c : """ '".ne,i 1,. tnnHe.rot.stnnt reailiiie.-H . terrv all who ni nlv IV01. inrii, , li.T,. I. it V ,111 .of no. t. , . . . 1 : . ' - " iaims - . - ine reiui -te,l to present ihim properly authrrclicn- to .OilN K, (Ji:OTZ, Atlm'r dune e I 1 H r,7 COURSE IS OS WARD. P - n r V an IBS O great has been the demand lor folueri- kN U iisaonian or A I tealiiiL' Ualsam, ami it lias given such general satisfaction to those who have used It and become acquainted with its vntnes tint' it now stand pre-eminent as a remedy in IH; eases, of the Luntts, and the testimony w hich has been E'w by uitlerent persons who have been cured n . . ' .. . ' - . y. ii ill in iiujil llllll Hi Y ii i j in.iy turn im iinnM ,- in need uf lliii ruuiedy may ujply tor it williout dt1- lay. Head the following letter received f join the He Mr Shimeall, I'ustor uf St dude's episcopal Fiei ('liurch. .1rS, has not o.ilv used ho niediciue hlinse t but has witnessed its etlecls in wveral very trying cases i( disease. The letter will show hii opinion of its virtues. Dear .Sir : liehcvins it to be but an act t com mon humanity to those siilh rin under the vurium diseases of (Jonahs, Colds, Hoarseness, ('onstunp lion, Asthma, ic. to point them to a sale, speedy nnd radical remedy, I lake pleasure in lieiiini! im owiiniuiiv to your inva ualile meiucineealu il uiosa- onian or All Healing lialsam. Of its cllieacv can speak first from my own expeiiencc. Ueiiif; subject from exposure moj eorl. ss to the vieissi tmli-H ol our c iniale to Ircouent attacks ol li.tlin n- za, HoarsenCKs,A:e., I have always found it to alliiid almost instantaneous, and always by pe;seeranei in its use, effectual relief. To a particular fiienil of mine sulli-rin;' severely uincr Asthma, and who had despaiied u oblnining relief from any human source, upon my recommendation was induced to L-ive the Olosaoniaq a tnal anil lie pronounced ill effect produced upon him a perfect chaim affording him immediate and almost instantaneous relief, In inioibcr instance I recommended it to a b -male friend far atU anccd in (Jonsnniptior.. Afier the un of the first bottle her coiiub was entirely remove. and her nppetito ami flreiif-th restond to sjeh u degree as to astonish all w ho saw her- ilh n l.mrr ehrnshed hinilv cfclablished preiuiln e a- i;:iinst the thousand and one specifics put forth in 'hese days s sovrrenn panaceas lur all iliaea: is-urevou that nothing short of my firm ennviction of the claims of your medicine to nn origin so re -tuble. and to the ell'ects of it as herein certified ,,iili bv inv own exnerienee and obsi rvation. I .'oubl not have been imlueed thus to come forward is a witness in ils behalf. 1 have the honor In be dr, respeclfiillv yous, I!. L': SllIMLALL. Have you a Cough, i Inch is troublesome and has not yielded to any f Ibe leinedies hicll vou have uscil Is II al- eiided with pain il the bide, shortness of breath, liyiit sweats! Do you liaise Blood ivhcn you rough and find your slrcnslh gradually failing 1 oil will liiid Hint these symptoms il nl iiMMieilv attended to will tenninalo in consumption mil rralb. Arc you troubled with that dlatiessinp complaint Asthma, . , -r .. . ..:.l.. 1 w II 1 1-11 ilcprivesyou oi your icot ui infill auu ien- eis hie buithcnsome. Here i' Hie Wcmedy. Remember the name and place where il is to In btaiiie.. and do not be put nil" with any otbei. 1 lias iiroduced a cine in asdesperate cases as yours may appear lo be, and dnubiless will put to lliubi u a speedy manner those itistressing symptom w in-i ti l vour mi uu wiui uioomy ioicoouni"s oi i , . . - . I. . . : . he future. Its Healing Properties !o not deceive. I be short dry cough is quickl iveiconic and easy and healthy expo (oration lake ts place. Spitting ol blood is immediately i hi ck- N iglit sweats with pain in Ihe side and :bi'-t. lebilily anil difficulty of b-cntiiiig jield in o shmi line. Aslm i v itn all its ilrc.iillul aecoinpaiiinicnb at mice relieved. Jjiomhitis and in tai l all ibt Isseases of tho throat aud J 111141 "SP n:1 before his remedy when all other menus have failed. rcsons may attempt lo deceive you uilh sonu ither remedy, pioiiouni ii g it to be equally us good ujt remember life is at stake, therefore Be not Deceived. The above medicine fm sale by the following ujeuls. I'. Lutz, Ti'oomsnur;. W. L. aller & Co (crwiek ; L' & .1, l.'iziiriis, OianRcville ; Levi el, Jcrsevtown ; Dcrr iV MeDiide, bite Hall ; S. Ualdv. (Jattawissa. (nu l Cabinet XVare House PjplIUi sub.vcribo would respectfully infonn the jj public, tuallie nas taKcn tuc sli ip lately oe unied by .Samuel Lillv, near (ho tipper end ol Illuomsburrr, where he is carrying on the all its various branches, and where he will 1 ;iniiy o wait iii-oii an inosc vtim ma nn or mm willi their custom. His f'uriiituio is waiianlcd to be made of good inaleiial and durable, and he in tend ' keeping oil hand Stilt boards. Secretaries, Bureaus, Wardrobes. Curd 'Tables, Dining Tables. Breahfast Tulles, Cupboards, SI an its, 11 'ash SI a itd., Beds leads, D'liiglftrouhs, Coffins, & c. unci an no. us in worn 111 n. c- ,n 1, wine), ne wpj sal! Upon bs rciisimable terms us tiny can ice puuhaM-i! iiu the county. J liy stud attention to business he hopes to le- . I . 11 I :. .1 . . r , , 1 1 1 . ceive a,iac ol pu.'lic patroime. LLI LLOWX. Apil '.'5, ISIS. ly 1 CATAW FCC 12 Id Y. refill' sulhcribers inform the public hat Ihe IJ. have establjjhed a LLIiiiV at the old ciost edt, nrar .iiuige luiprrt nriil rorur d a lurf ,V ,. l l.l.fl I I, I .,.,, I,,,r , - ,()tm, - n. i'c.d asMManls they will Lc ii, a ..(,, - , I'l.liMl.y lo a MA HOI S . . ' - ' I.Otli- l:d tla.m, te'.'1'lH. wilhout delay, and sori.iblt ro.x & iv:i7.. April lS-r.'J " IS .I WAR! tVAli! AND 3- Wm. ElcKcIvy 5c Co. A I'J just received and no.v openinj, one ihe fi nest and nvst exleusive Muck , i.iod.-i ever tiroughl ( 'uluuibi.i eoiintv. Thei . iss.iriir.eut coiimsIs in pait of the follov. in: LA LIES' WEAIL tlirecrfs Brrrge Xenrfi. IJa'znriiien, 1)? vre.l and p'ain " Lainet' Lawns? Print of at eai'-ilies. pal trim and jn iers, Si Ii, Berate anil Cut tun Shnws, ' sorttes, Kid and Si k ("'lorry, Side and Cotton Ihine, Purkvt Ifandker chirf.1 tfaW klml.i n,l u'n(n r;, thing e'ne that .mliis mat mini or, including a large assortment of BRAID AND STRAW BONNETS of a superior quality. (JENTLEM EN'S WEAR. Cloths, Cassimc's, Oregon f 'assimers; a new nrti- ele, rantiiloon stuli;, Tw is, (iambroous; iner cloths, satin and fancy Vesting, cravats, scarfs; ties and various oilier articles. ' Gentlemen end Ladies LOOTS und SHOES of eveiy description. GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. Molasse?, Loaf nnd Drown Surs, Apices. Mackerel, eoarse and hue ' liuin, Wines, (Jin, (. (.VlVee, Teas, Salt, Drandv, CROCKERY WAi;E, Assortment includes every article and that may be called for; quality HARDWARE. Spades, Shovels; Forks; Hops;; Hand; Vill Woed an.l cross cut Saws; Piles: UMtt; Screws; Locks, Knives and I'o.ks, Uultons; Duckies; ic. WAGGON TIRE, Of all iz Round, nr ami Dind Iron. Cast Sit el, and a g .-neral assoi Itiitnl of hollow w'aiu:. All of which will bo sold n liillo ! .u-.-r than tlo lowest; nnd all kinds uf LL'.MLlL.' and I'liO Dl.'CIJ taken in pnvinent. Mry 3U 0 Centre of Gravity. A NEW TAILOHJNCS 33 ZT A3L GIH1E IT T . Till'', subscribers respectfully inl'i.-im the ehi. .ens of liloonisbtng and vu inih , llmi tl,,.v )1;,vo i. ea'ul themselves in Thoniton'H .i w Vhop, in .!(!, tir ini.rii Liluw the Vi.i hir 1, ' ,1, .,,' , Market sinelx, in L'l"o,'nsl.ui: uliere they will al ways be found on hand, rcwly b nccommi'dnlo those who may lavor thein with n e. 'j'.jP work will he doni in Ibe laiest and most approved stle for neatness and elegance in the businc. from their long experience in tho l ii-iiie.-s. they llallei themselves that llieir woik will ,e done a.-i neal as can be done elsewhere. All woik ii.taistej ill their ca:o warranted to lit. CCJT'MXf.' tbeshoitest uoiicc and .vairautcd to lit il properly made up ELLIS k VAN BUS KIRK. Mav 2, lKKi-M A 'li.CUl..TKV IMIOULCH, nt lb c rnuike price, will be taken h exekmye lor work Vn It y rest I Iivi'ji .Tfukcn rinc::iitl A ND as this holds good i:i nlmiist evi :y n-p"et ia. 'be subscribe r would nenin iuimni I'isliieii1 uui the pul !i' ciiii rally, that iie is i,! Uur-x en occupying the OLD STAMl Minii-sluel, bo tween the cilice of Ii-Luekaicw anil the J!J( 1; smilh slmji of Moses (Mlmr.n, at nhicb lace l.o may Id' found upon ibe seat of pmem-, inen.ued lo liiaw out the thread of litllii lioir Ho I. ,1 o.i l ived the lie l.iittnl Style tf M-'.t-hUiUH for -riil.N.V ul SU.tlMI.H, and uiih tin in he. -lands pli dg-ed to accommooale his fib mis, h:ho mers and the public generally v ill, glJt,j m,)..;,,,. tial fits or no chnigc in -de. ' It. Iil.T'LKT, 'J'ALiOi;,' will he found upon i Shingh Rtmk up above Ihe door. Ad-niss'wn free ef all r.rpemc. He would also inform his friends that VI,r-,,t live. Outs, Corn and Potatoes iii . ;,,. n hanu'e tor woik ilone at his shoo, ai d h hitle , f he j ru-trr tf,iirlim, once in a while, will not coii.o muss. Cail and eive him a trial. .'ERNARD RUPERT. April So, l sit; 1 ENOCH HOWELL. TA1LOK. RCsPCfTI-'LLLY, informs ihe ho Has Eemoved his Shop to Bypylnni, where he will nh.vpys be ready, as hi reloforc, to make any kind of clothing, i.t the shortest nolieo Hid in the best and most fashionable slv lo. 1'n in his lone experience in ihe bu.-incss, he flalter hinisolf that he i hall coiitiiiuc to ciie L'ene.:il k-.i faction and tin reby hoj-es to receive a share oflLo itlblic palroii.ige. (r'i'Y'ai tit ular a'teiition p.-.iJ to cutting. Al! kinds uf countiy product taken in pai iiunt 'o.i voik. Ipy town, May 9, I-10. 113 na s tmrnt if HOLLOW such as Kct Ii s, l'i ts. yiuili is, 'Ji a hi tiles, nilers. Cake tiriddlis, iVc- Al-n Large nnd mall V.'Hpgrn Poms, ficpi the l'anvillc 2.'ni-!o H oiks, iu.-l m reived iiud le i sii'e by IIEI LEY & JJENL'EiMlALL. IVecinbcr '(1 state of MICHAEL WHITEN 1GBT We of Hemlock township, deceencd. L IJ IT.'S Testamentary n the Lflntr of I'.i. J el.ael LitiiiigLt, l.ste.of II n,loik township t. ohm.Lia county, i!rc ano. I renpinMcd lo the siibierilci, usidinp in Mudison tr writ hip, in .-aid rcunty, ly the l episltr r.f raid rtunly ; nlj persons having rlnirr.s or i!r inand.i aeriinft ll.p of Tfslalor. me rrqiir Mfd lo n.ukc ihim krivri n iihout il lav, and all peisriis iniir I tid ii,;,i le Hie ii .-juircd lo make a n.enl friil.M iih to JON LLK H Al'.l). :, Jcf MirhaeiWhitcnihi r. llrndr, k t( w si. i ,, dccV I Madison township, May 9, 15tf,Cvt3