The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 04, 1846, Image 3
TJi-itas S h"i!i of .i'iiin jlofi, i 71 up C .niii'y I n horn a)poinleilSii)t'r 1 on 1 id N..riti audi Cmia', in iliu jiluoN of n R. Mallit, resigned. M. I'. .1 n1! vi 1, ' (. Ins .Seen up;). li'ii rl PoM M'Sier, hi Herwick in llie ;lacr (if S. Mansfield, Ivq. rrxine.l. The N.intiiokel Warder av a child wit" burn in thai uwn or, Monday last, wiihum perfect heads, united lo a well fnrnicil ho ly, 'l'he prodigy survived lis binh but a fn iniiiiucs. Volunteers are recommended not to dike black horses wiili them id Texan, a experi nice has proved lhal horses of lhal color i!o not livo long or last well in thai ctinaie Louisiana Volunteers ''lie proporiion ol voters who volunteered for service in the Mi-ximn eampaign, is ot fu rtti , rquiva lml In 11. 00 rnfii from Ihe Slate ol New York, 700,000 Irom the entire Union. 7 'lie number actually sent iolo ihe fit-Id Louisiana is in the proporiion of one to five and Hiree liulu ol hen vofiog popn Ulion equtvoleni to 00.000 men from Abw Y'ork or the enormous aggregate of 505,000 lor ihe union, developing a degree of mii tsry slreiiijilt in the U public thai may te I surprise it' friends a ml siaiHo its enemies Tin Sunday School Advocate, edited by Rev, I). P. Kidder, of New Yoik, ha reached ihe prodigious circulation of eighty thousands copies. We suppose llns is the 1 irgest cnculalioii of any periudical in llu Wdlld. John B'Dcc!., E?q. Ins left tho Lycom ing G'izette- A wise Mm will speak well of his neigh bor, lovo his wile, and pay lor his newspa jitr. A resolution has been offered in the jr,ishiuglon City Council lo prescnl swoule to Capi. May and Lieutenant Tleasoniun, ('natives of .Vashington,; for their gallant eoniluct in ihe battles of he 8. It and 'Jib of May. Nominations. We learn from Wash ington that ilie President lias nominated Thomas L. Ibmer, of Ohio, and Gen. 'at tctsoti of Philadelphia, as Brigadier Geiior els of Volunteers, under ihe law recently passed by Congress. M ARRIED On lh 2Sth ul'. bv ti e Rev. Ilenrv Funk, Mr. Damei S. Smith, ofUrppn wood township 10 Mfi Taeitha Cuvmm, of illianicburg. On the 11 inft, by v. D J- WJ ler, iMr. Jacoh Mkntz, cf Po'urill. Yt. 10 M'j Li.izArtrni I'ennmav. datiw'ittr of Mr. ohn Pen nrna 11 of lhi place. 1 wm- m auMjn: v1 Tho Suhseribers beini' deirrminrd not In b? outtlone bv their neighbors, either in joire or workmanship, have put down ihf priep of orse fclioeini Irom uate, 10 u.M'. DOLLAR, believing Ihey can save Ihem oslves by so doin. SANTE12 Si SILVEKTIION. Julv 1, 1810. ji n ministry mn s xo tice. Ihe Estate nf GV11LOCK JiOMBOl late of IJlooin township, decerned. "IVTOTICR is hereby civon that letters of ndmin iHtration on tho ahove mentinneil Kfliite have heen granted to tliCRuh-ierihers.hvingin l!loom towns'iip. All persons lmlehted to sm.l estate ar hetehy notified to make immediate, payment and all those, having claims are requested to pre sent thorn properly authenliented In JACOB W. BOM BOY, 'IIIOMAS BOM BOY. .Mininislrutors. Jnlr, 4 ISiO 0 vll LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining in the Post-r.ffiee aiBloomiburg Pa. June 30iti, 181(5 John P. IJ'e.kwilh-John Clemell-Jane Chambrrlin-Ats Ann Dole- oihr"! Ev )and-J:4eiil) Eekerd-Jesse Iloilensbead- Divid Kei (Te-Oharles Michael-Joseph K Moore-Lswis R. Ohonrn-Fianr'n Reede Wm. Swaney-Jaekson Sonn-Peler Siiner -John Wanich-Janips Waller. J 1L MOVER P. M LIST OF LETTERS. Romaininn in Ihe Post office, at Call wissa. on ihe ouarter ending, June 30th. 1816. Milton D'jone-Ziba Birtl-Jirob Cli vill jr.-Mahalia Evncs Mr. Fry -John Gniun-John Gnlinp-Mtflcnlm Gjinn- Sarr.utl IIni!oin-Jrtmes F. Ilaynes Lucre Ilpndi irh-C h ar leu Kiln-IJanie Ktlnl.iirr-Diniel Knii'le-Jo-ephKnilile -Aliram Lillie-.A uU i Pioc-Juhn SiMt -Herman Van Vleck 2-I"fe Wtikf Ihnry Yobe. Crihar'ne Ye'ier. PAUL U.UALDY P.M. IO.ANKS!! BLANKS ! ! FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. BOOTS AND SHOES ft T ' A CIIEAI'F.R than ever. rSl"f "nl'ierilier very repee rnllv informs 1 in li jiHlihe Inil he has on hand and i- col stunt lv.Miiuuf'aeliirins. HOOTS ami hUOHS of all kinds which ho will wll ut the lollowin low pr'uej. C entlkmkn's Wkak. Morocco or Culf Skin loots t i 00 f'oase Il 'o's :i 23 Coare or Fine Shoes 1 75 Miner's Shoes $1 to 2 25 Morocco Slippers 67 Ladies' Weak. Morocco or Ca'f Skin Luce Boots 1 50 Thick Soe French Tics 1 50 'rincinc Springs or French 1 50 Other kinds of Slippers 75 ffiif lo 1 00 N. 1). 'l'he almvo are. all of mv ow n Manufaelure and are wrrrrnled lo stand. I huvo also on hand a lury;e stoi k of Eastebn made Hoots and Shoes, which I will sell at small prolils. Country Merchants ami others who htiy l y tm do7..'ti,nie invited to call and examine my e,oodf, as 1 w ill sell to such nt a lartjc reduction. (TT Kememl er ihe place at ihe Aft It' flOUl ami IWE STUliE, lower end of Mum-street. ZiloonialiurL'. W RUSSEL July i IS10 PUBLIC SALE. N pursuance tf an crder nf the Oiphuu's Court ol Columbia cuuntv, on Thursday the 13 dcy cf August iexl at 10 o'clock, ho forenoon, Cukb lluimu administrator, c.c. of t-MinucI Moore, lute of jVad- on township in snid coun y deceased, will expose to sale by Public Vendue iijoii ill ' pe mine, a cer- iiin Til ACT OK LAM) situated in said town- bin, 7 miles from IJIooumliuni t liu cuuniy seat anil 1 miles from Danville, adjoining lamia of John Meiner John Heller and others containing triet measure. LSO- A certain Messuage anil Tncl cf and adjoining the above containing 119 A ci t s ag rejc.11, ami allowance on whi--h are ended a J-r-v J.ocj HOlf.i;, mm '-"amh C.V,i lh'4 t: it nod a kJKfe.i LAUGH OliCHA IM), j f the best nf fruit ia'e Ihcci-lntc of said dci rased JACoii eyerly cu-ih Amvillo June 27 1$ 10. lilts CV'J'he Democrat and Aruus, Kastnn will piv the above three inscitiniig and I'm wind their hill lo 'aleli Thomas, Esq. Jcrcytovn ur to llns ollicc for payment. GEORGE J. PFOUTS,, BNFOnMS the public dial ho has bca'.cJ him cell in LIGHTSTREET, and lendera his Pruft- ion d services to all who may call upon him. June 20, IS IC-Olf GEORGE G. WALLER, Attorney at Law, JlrOMSBUKG, COLUMI'.I V CoL'STV, Pa. Office on Market a feus doors above Main Street 9.f OREGOS QUL'SVOX SFTYLFD: GEN. ARISTA DEFEA TED ! ! I GEN 'Wll'LOR IN MAWlUOll.lS Would now ho tho mott interesting toriits of conversation, hail not enmplMrd his K'V STOI!! 0,1 '!e Foulh west corner ol A'aiket tSouare and moved into il with a large and general assortment of f) R U ( J S-M E I) I C 1 1 I : S-D V ESTPF FS - PAL'TS-OiLN-V INDOW (il.AMS ; UT'I Y-f'OiNFECTION ARIES 'IOYS, tte. kc. ut such being tho fact, the other (motions are en tiniv lOil sigia hi uiiu he is rapimy uit-poMiig ol his stock at reduced prices. In addition tolns oilier business he has on hand 111 extensive assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING ; f every dcsc.i iption, which he is selliu;; as low ni ihev run lie purchased in the county. Jle invites all to give him a call as he is deter nined to sell on ihe most lejsonuble lorim -, war c no war ! JuneoO.- 10 PUBLIC SALE. EN pnrsuanee cf an order of the OrphiiuV Cour' of (Jnlmnbia ceuntv on Suinduy the 25A day cf Ju'y next at tenn'clork in the forenoon Joih I'.innai, Adininistrnlor, iVe.. of l'cter Valk Ule of Fishing crre lownship in said county deceased, will ex ioe to sale by t'ubiic Vendue iiion die prcniise, . a certain Hi lt r OF CIA V sitmtte in Fih iMcrreek lo-.Mi Inp In said county, adjninlris larnlr cf f.'divard ;UcIlenry- I'hilip Apdeinii l).inic.i .S'milil Joseph Fulmtr and odmii, u ntainir.i about 120 i.S?tSS CP Li.lTD : nboul 50 a-r('J ol which 13 c'eaieJ. There is or the prcun.-e a I ranie House aivl one liall slo- li i nil a Fiamc Ilarn and an l-.jliii f l t r '.I'l'ie v'iri.aro, non wic cslitc n. -ViU rvjsaid deceased situated in tho town A ... I- t .!.. . ship ot Fl.sliiiijjere.'li an 1 county iifiresaid. JACOH EYl'.RLY, Clerk. Dativillo May 13, 181()-I0 N OTIC E. 'I'll IJ I'niteil States and Mexico ore now olW'ui and ihoiisnmls uf ficcincn me vohinleerin thcii iviviees, to snln lie the stiihliorn spirit of Mexico lint ihe miliHliriher I eiim onu of Iho ie, whesn ser vices would mil he accepted on ureoiiul ol his inl'ir inilies he has renlwl 0 room on .Main Street, ncaily ippokile A tin tit i Mendel store, aa a 11 A U H R S II 0 P. ind armed himself with razora andheAia, to wait ipon those who are so foitunate. as to bs accepted iy the Kveini,ieiit before tlitir depaiture.llo will also hold him.,( If in readiness to serve those who jirefer stuvim; at homi'. I'aiars Shears aml-Sci. sors, repa'oeJ and put in urdur at slmrt notice and wariuntcd. josias f.hell. ;hionishurt', June 2 IP 10 PuRiflSc SaBe. In purMianrfl nf an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia rotiniv, on Thursday the nccond day of July next, it 10 o'clock in the foirnunn. JOHN HEA LER. Administrator, fcu. of AliRAlIA.M lll'ALER, lale of I'l-h nigcrr rk lu.vnship, hi said rounty, dneeased, will expose In sale by l'.ihlie Vendue, upon the premises a eertain lol or piece ol laud, gituaiu in the mwnship of Fishiuuereek, in Columbia inuniy, houndi 1! as follows, viz beoiuninu 11 a niui inence sonin nay innr l't!re,n nst brveniy prrrhes in eorner thence oiiriii iniriy six m orees eat nxieen tierclies 11 a b'aek oak coiner thenee north fifty- lour degrees vvesiseveoiy prrrheii to a pus orner iiivneo Kootti iinriysix deerees nst ctxiet:i prrehes lo the place of begin uin, coniainiojj A sine! ineaiu"e, riljiniimir lands ol J din Spayd oud lands of John Cisii'in, Sia. la'.t the esiaie ol'said deceased situate in the uiwiiahip of Fidhingureek and county aforo aid. JCOH EYEKLY, llcrk Danville, May 27, 1810. 7 From the Norridgework (Me.j J iiiriul. We publish the lollowing, as ihe nany evidenceH which we aie condiantlv receiving of die iuereasiiu popularity of Dr. J ivne's Kxpectorani. We have no mieres' n 'piiflni(' it any further than we have n bs'ie 1.1 promote ihe health and liiippiuefs d our IcLow-rreatures, w ho are warning wnv wiili those cnuiiilaint?, lor wbicli this nediciriR is nn absolure remedy. And in filing the addition of the piili'ic !n i;, we eel thai we are in ihe faiiliful din-lnrije ' mr duty. New Purilatul, N'ov d. 1812 Mr. Prall, Sir: I visi you to tend me : bullies of Jay lie's Expectorant, and in this connection, would sav, that I deem il an invaluable iiifilieii e, and an ariicle that no laiiiiiy should be without for a finite day. I have used it for two years in ipv ' faroilv, ok! have always found il a quick and elli ienl renietlv for lightness ol the luns, pro duepd by long prolracled colds, whirh pro. luce the fhoti hacking couuli, ihe irf uioni or ol which it sn Ireqiieni y tt-tiiiinaies in this climaie. If pinpeilv mil pcai.onably administered, it will t ll'crtu illy break up llie most violent It-v 1 5 , so reqtK iitly cniiFi quent upon ihem. I w ould nosi cheerfully romiiirtnl llns me licine lo he public in ull cabis of lli.-l nature, a,s in valuable johx it. wnnTn?. CllOLICS and FRETTING of IS F.rrs. Evfry mniher nhould have Jayne'a Car iniiiHiive. 11 1 Ihe very ihiuii ihev need for their children, an it iiiuiiediaieU rtir?s thr holic. and alia) s all irritation of the siom if ti and bowel. The above dicine are for pale m Ihe s'.ore of JOHN R. MOVER, Bloonisbtirg. CITAULKS KAIILK!!, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AM) . YRYAftTEK, PiLOOMSRL'RC, COL CO., OIH -e, corner of L'asl and Main-.trcels. In purs'iim-p of anOrdcr nf the Orphan' Court ol Colombia county, on Saturday . the. sl day of August next it 1 0 o'clock , A . M J dm D-llcrieh, Ail niioislrainr, fee. of John Bowyer, lain ii Montour township, in naid eounlv, (leceas. I, will be exposed to gale by Public Yen lur, upon ihe premises, a eer'ain Tract ol Land, Mimic in Montour, ('oluiiibia run ut j a !j"i'iiiio lands of John Richard, and IV n rie.u-her ml the East, John D. Kitrii.h: and JosHph I'ry on tht North. (Jeorfrelleir ly o'i ihe wc.-l, and J.iaeoh M nuer 011 the louih, contaiiiiiirr W3 Acres md a'.lo-.vanepa, a great ptittion of n liich is deared land in a good slate of cultivation, diere is nn tho premise a lvo atiry frame house, a lisnk liarn 1 mrearn of water pan- sen through the farm a pnod sprinrr covered -vi-.l, a alone ,pria house nea U,e door of , ' he .U-ell,,,,; house a riuinber out houses, 1 oood apple orchard with choice fruit. On he pti:inies is also a niflicieni quantity of fust r ile meadow for '.he finn, lata lite Es- u-e of Fatd i1eeca.-(l. sjiusle in ihe town- .bin of M.mionr e,.,,,,,,. ,.,e0 .i,l JAGOH EYERI.Y, Clerk. Eativillfi Mac 27 131(1. no : roxijoriEaoitf ! Mew dwoods. ElefJcy Sc tuknh.ill R'TTAYE just raceivcd and are now opening Efi vjdeudid atnortment of new, cheap and fh 0 lulda SPRING AND RUMMER OOODS, uelcctcd with grunt chio aa to pric and ipialily, coniprisnig Superfine Cot hi and Cassimeres, Tiuced Cloth and Fancy Cassimeres for Gentlemen's wear. Velvet, Satin and Fancy Vesting. Ln!ie' DreM flood, sur.h S Cashmeres, De Laines. Rahorines. Lawns, Crape de Laines, Gingh'uni, Cd.i coes, Muslins, $c eye. and Braid 4' St raw Bonnets Trimming In fict general and well teletteu a,":'tnietil of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, HARDWARE, QUEENsYvARESJIOLLOW WARE All nf h!ch ihey are anxious to ell ehfao for Cash or in exchange for Coiiutiy Produce gi-ner-ullv. May 30 itighami Lawns, OF r:ew and hfauliful paltcrus, juft received u, the Now .Vtore. L U RUI'F.RT. Muv 30 4 51 19 & LATEST ARRIVAL if HE IV A 11 OF EXrERMINJITOX AGAINST HIGH PRICES, Carried into Afr ica. rsn'G Milispri'ier Inkei occi-ion ti nnn.TJnrs H to old patrons, uiid 8 many new ones ns r-h to lew c!ii aiei' than ever nr any where else, ihaliie h is ji-it opened ut hi old in M lin-blrcL-t, a totally NEIV dND FASHIONABLE ASSORTMENT OF ComprisiiiR a full arid careful scli-r l fori of Ginhain: Mouslin dn I. aim, llerages, French l.nwcs and I' oil, cambric and hai red Mus Lns, Pnngep, Hi ik atid C'ani'.'rio Ilandkcichiefs and t-hau's. Clpths, ('.itsinieres. Twecifs. S-j lin nnd faney Vctit- ing'i, Pantaloon S'ijII'i, (jambroon', Sum mer ('bi.ths, 1,'raval.', Stocks, Ties, Ac. Ac. Ac. Aho -A Variety cf Ciroccric , Liquors, Qucsnswiiro and Hardware. To nn of which ll.o su'escriber rc- ipec'.ftdly iii-iles ihe ulli-nlion of pircb,.iois and nhers beloic m lorn 115 elsewhere, u he feels as-nrfel liat be ecu ealisfy llio mot faslidioui and ecuno- rncal. GEOUGE WEAVER. Blnemburg, May Sd, 1810. (3 54frf!f7 l'OFNDs nf Shoulder, j&Ptjr-ii7 Ili "d Siio jtioat just received -it the Arcade .toio. ALURIGH 1 ti MENGAL. il.'av 30 ftri TIARHKLS No 1 and 5 of first quality a3 IM.ACKIKEL jt received at t he aKCADU tiorc ALBRIGHT L MEN GAL. 3ay 7 LAST NOTICE. ALT. pcMnna knowing ilip-n-rlvrg imlebte,! lo thiEstaferf JACOII PAHR, icemed I or if Madison Township, are brebv nntil'ed that un less their nc.cotinta ara snttb-d the 15'.h inst hey will be placed in the hands of a Justice f 1 collection, and all persons having c.hinis are le pieled to present 1'iein ir.viiedi.itjly, a vie are tiixious (o nnve the busine cl ised. KLI3AIM-' f'JI PARIl.ililminntrarriT. washing pom pauh, AdmioistiBtnr. jX OST bteween Cjttav'isw and Jersey-town, or. HLi the 7th of June inst, a P O C K L T BOOK. . . T' T" f u' ",' n"nk , n"M, T .fives, ono of them on ihe W est fiianch, and the olh,r 0II HnUnn HanK.thn remainder in small notes with f.VM nrdemn it. in which mv name is mentioned, and tho name of Henry Ruawljajje of a ficncou public. written in the boolt. Anv pe'soii who will mnk known to tho Editor of ths Columbia Demtv .cat it m.xy be hd, shall receive the abov re- Ward, June 13 IS1G, IIENT.V FOX. Hails and Spikes. J) KKliS uf NaiU and piksjmt teeeived jiSJJP and for sale ut (he. New Sunn ol 1 II. KU'KI.T. June fith TAKE iNOIICE THVI' I have imrchas.l of I'rler Kerru a WAGIJON and have left the same in his po-e ; "ton during my pleasure and lorbid any iierson lukiiii: it liom him by purch-isc ur otherwise u'lh out my consent. JOSHUA sva(;e. Sugarlouf, June 30, IS 10 10 AD.VIMSrHATOK'S A'OTK'n? Tte Estate of ISAAC KU.SE late utVr ange township, deceased NOTICE is hereby given ihat leiiera of adniiuisiraiinn on the above mentioned Es tate have this day been granted in ihe sub sriibera. All persons imlelned lo said es lale are hereby notified to tmlii1 imoiedi alo pa ment, and all lhne It., vimjj r laims are requested to prt-sonl ttictti proptily authen ticuted, to MARY KLINE. Admiui-tntrix, IliRAM K KLINE. Ydminisirair.r, Orange 1011 sliip, May 20. ISIG GwO 7T U 4 fX pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on Saturday, the firs! clay nf August next, it 10 o'clock in tlis forenoon, f.!arhal Shoe maker hiii) John Cluis'ian, Adminb.!iatni9 .See. ot hiC'ib Wellivnr, late of Mudion ixwnsbip, in -ountv, deceased vill bo e.uosfJ to sula by l'nblii Vendue upon the promise!.; a ceitsin Tract of J, ami dilute 111 Madiauii towiurnp, f oluui'jiu eoumv eoiitauung Acres or thcreabjuts adjoining lands of John Hcndershoi Valentine Christian, John Uiilhiincr, John Hiel'.urO and John C'hribiian. L'pon the premises llicre is u j--fl LOG IIOL'SU, fljJi 'i'lA One and one half s!rie.i high, fattM A Loa Bin. C?iv!.1 ASMALT, AI'PLK ORCHARD, and aboulSI) acres nf cleired land, the- imnaining pari is well timbered with Pino arid-Oak. 'J'here i a stream of warer running tlironh the property. capahlcuf running a sa-v null, late tha eit.jte of s,id deceu.scd, situate in Madison township in suid coun ty ulorcsaid. JACCR EYERLY, Clerk Danville, Vay 20, 1316 9vv7 T.MMEDIATr! imploynient will be Riven lo 75 ('(:uiiio:i L:ilwrur, t urjifit tors and 3 USD IIS, to woilc upjii the UjUawisia Uride. Apply iminedia.elv t" i'KICK, HAIililAN 4 EA::D. Caltawissi, M iy, is-n N AT'PRF.NTirR. rm 1 ib.. irrsiAr: A smart active Lad 1 5 or I j ears are. h 1 can come well lecomniendeil, will receive tr-icd en- courasoment, unon immediate apnlicitton to P. I!i:p-M' nioorAsbuig, ;1'ty 2o C7MAKK WAY FOR TIIEjJ I.IGHT-STRKKT ' c z c n tl S t: p p 3 y o i p : in s-: ice ti fjillv su'ism'-ers oiKe tins mcttinu 01 iniorm. YX 111 their tiicnus and te-o pm.iio e.-iciallv, .hat, they , ire now opr ninir liiq ecnm si:ptilv ol prinz Uooiis, 10 which iney v.-ouiu mosi rejcct. f 1 1 ! I v invite the attention of thor.n win me in wam of Xcw and Cheap G'ods, consisting in pait of Cloth, I 'nssimere.s, Suttinetsfy Vesting .,f unerican, French and English fabrics. Coaling and Funtcil'ions Stuffs, 1 e-y superior article of T'.veed Cloth aid Ccia:- n-.rc, Angola ('.miinerei. Drilling; CSiCihooii; .Sir. fa. Colt n I'tv.d ibo:i Stii3 01 ever, V4,,e'.j ai,d of d.e mu:-t dcsiraVte sty!e. TRIMS! PRINTS!! cr-priiinr; iv varUty of uv!e and f-rires fien 10 i tents. DRESS GOODS. New t'ylf of Frcn-'h Lawns, a jplendij nrtirle ei new if ty to Vauljiisds lane and miuiiei 4'asiniitres Cinchans !tf. 8IIALWS, imocir't which miv he found a haidvnp n-''i-; et ticiajei fjciiinc; .Mou-fine and I'Litiet i.Jjh-,s Will I E GOODS. fUrrwJ, atr:-J and pls-n Jsccnels and t.'an'.vh Muslins, I, a e. !'uihn, book, tr.nll and Mus.'r, Btshr-ji Lawn, e rrnri Mn!m, s;.. B'tiwn and Bleached Muslin fr,yn H t c.enii p-r yard, bleic'vid and vn- bleiohed T,bio Diaper, e..i!,i0ti (h-inaburv, Ac. Together with a full a ortni'nt of Gfceri, tyiov. Hirdioiirc nnd Cut lary, Queenswarr, Drugs, EmIs and .SA es, and in faet nvery article Usnilly kept m Coun'rj Stores. The public generally are invited to call and ex amine their stock before purcha-inii cl-evvhue. Thankful f-r put favors, they (latter lhemIve by strict alteuioii to business to inciil the pairon- 1). KNACU it Co ZZf .-.'.11 kinds of Lnmtur, Gtain and Produce taken in Lxchange lor Coodi. I CAUTIO.V. All I erinni arc cautioned against pun haiii :; ceilain due bill for the sum (it len ibilbos, a;, -10 (.'bail' s lJixi n, and ic,nidby the miIim i iI er, na llio inu received 1111 ( oribiderution tor tlio t...uc. t shall refuse to pay it. J. M. l'OU'l.J R. June S0-1S10. hcriffi&ttict RllY' virtue of a tiuas ficias r to me directed Ji? will beexposkcd to puM'c ulv at thclJuurt houic, in Dunvilic, 011 Saturday the Uh day of July next. ut I o'clock ' M. The folluwing proj.-erly (b u). A certain tract of land njiuata mj Montni,r Ki.Ijjo partly in Lit orty lowndiip f 'ilutnlnu Conri ul pailly in Nnithuiiiberland County. L'uu;i dedon ihe west bv tract warranted in thn'ii uiucof Abraham KitOzing, on ihe imiIU by f-iiuonlr.r and Uobiwi, on the east l.y tracts wananicd in tint name of of Hubert Kvms and A illi.m lionsom and 011 Ihe junta by Lemai a au J oluurs, conlui n in about SM As.Bes. fins t-f.ct is warranted nnd surveyed in Ihe riumu 'f John Lamm jr. an excellent vain ol fii silifurooa iron ore r, in,:lR.j in thlrUiu-'S runs thi'.ujh His tract of land and is only .milcfiom iheSu-ipiehnn 1 mer and canal, and is S milej 1'ium Liaamle m d 'i imm Northuiiibei land. Seized taken in i xcu, linn and lu Le mid as the property i.f h,aiii:tl Ureiyli. 1IJAM DVAl UrZ fcli IT. O.Tlro Dunville June 10 iklil. OF A FRESH ASSORTMENT 0? AMD PAXCYjGbODS. jfTJAS just r.crivrd at her old stand in Main, U a. street, an naioi tment f .Millinery ataJ I'an y Gooda. e.iiijinting in part of STRAW AM) SILK BONN. ITS, leahiunahle Ribbons 'fa'lkin l Bonnet I'cret cfaHcoiors and quality. ou,,,m::r .-in.jiaal Fhnccas if , am,-. "'nost CV"'V thin-olsnir. her ne Bn.y bo civ low. I,s.,!;,,,,,,!,,, ,,v oa-s i rcrniost,-,! l3 Cil i,,. where. oia puiciiasiiij cUc- Ma 0, IS 10 -3 :7STA II Lit 131 E."VT. T he ri-3peetfu!'y iufori.i tho pu'.lia S tl.ty have coioniunced the TAILORING BUSINESS in Bloonibii,-g, in the u; 1. ' i nt;, late'-,- mrtipicd bv Unoch Howell in Market street wheie tbev intend currying it on in nil it; various branches., had son.a exjii ricuee in the business, they C iiter Llicin'oives that shallbe nble to do nil ihwr,r'-c mtrlHUd to tlitiu in as fnhionuLle and troima:i. ike nittiin'a, and as e.vpeJiliousI; ; i-..n be ijonu ,11 any other ah"p in the cnluiiy. 'I hey, therdoi, j-k a chare of public pairouuje, ut le-isi, they wi.-J' lo bi tried. I). Wir.sriV, A.T. LVLL..D. April I. 1 3-lrt ytySO A I' THE 1 S?'C;5 :l sup-filer I i,i-t re-eivp 1 In add in ta his firuicr slock, a ciiriiplUusorrinent of ? -;li'n:-!(i 1 ait uf fjr vipriri ac.d t'unnner uie, coiitL.iuij; i Ni mi nil il de I j i ns, F l'"oeli L i vvr, s, !' in (jni;haiii JawiiS, F.i,C I'litiHc! ,.! 'rftiri, and rjMCrs f i a il l)t uiio s, Tv!(is( Suirirner Cloths; Euicy Cat'-nieie-., ('oMt-n S rij , Tntif lli,-1- ill' I n ec'-.Z-per Win -led. Tli.het, Pliin & Slmilcil Mo'.isliu da J.-iiop Shaw If. Wftinn", Stool-:, Pooee ml Gau nt'? L'ainikfrcl.U, Curded fiul G-is Cktih Sinris,. Also, i t A'-O' i o.cnt nf Fl'Menrp i'irsi.l b.f'V B. nine's, RiMum-, Si I!: O.I ('.ii. li.Iir'sieiy.Pari.'ti'. Pi-ret i.-, Sou Si.a-J.. Lc. eT. In (Vt r -r-y ihirg that nitiy l-o reinire ! fv I s. lie-.' or (i:ii.,r:Vk sprio; or aummer wt-ar. sit of vh'vb i. o wi'i K;i s i l,-,- r, tLoy can ba purcl.iucj n the cunt" of Colombia. An i;itid'i r aiidCo uit'' 'roJiite n cuLin .... G.'nJs. L. B. UlTEKT. A -ii -'-l yw n po'fiunce of an O-ler of the Oru'ianii Court C -li'm;a county, on Man .'-iy, the 10, A day vj August next at I C o'. lock in the f irenoon, Sani-iel Fisner i.'jsidian o'' lb" Miiior elnldien of William Adams Ia'e ol Madison towushiji. in said county deeeaej v-1 1 1 rrpuiii to sale by public Vfndue iifioii Hnemis."!, a cc-lain tract of land situate in Deny town'hip. Co!umb: coun'y nforc.s.i l. a 'i diiinif aiv's "f I h":oia Ailama, tni l.-.nd fc, rn. -ly rf J.ibn Ailuus n;w re'.er ..itsher a olhcis contain, inj about mure oi .-a, u -oiii .0 aces 01 wiu.-ii is ejcarcj land,- I ut no buildiii..-, thereon b'te the. eMalc of taid iletc.Hcd.ailuate in lliu Uwnsldp of JJ, rry unj ...iiiioc Ht'ort stiid. J GOH EYERLY, C'.oli Dmi- i'dc May 27th, lS Jij