thra n Jt mijnnprjve lYn opportunity. Tlii first da.iih i:i parish may also be tli o last. N y, weep not my r3ter, be cause I nuy g nexi, Tho lima at best is blunt, ami I must wotk while the day lasts 1 diJ nut answer. My heart was lull unit I turned awiy. Tint diy my brother as cended his pulpit to conduct the funeral sei vices, an.) in litem ho did make ofhrr lift a lesson lo sll present, bill when ha d dressed himself particularly lo ihe young, ihe middle nged, und the old. his eye kin dled, and his cheek glowed, as he varied the subject to jiresenl the 'king of terrors' in a different hjjht lo each. Then he turn rd to the mourners. ?nd who were thnjl Hu own aged father, Ihe companion for in my years of her who was before them in Mr Bhroud. Hi own brothers and sisters and the littlo ones of the third generation whose childish memories hid not even yei forgotten her dying blessing. lie essayed to sneak, but in vain. The flush faded from his cheek till he was deadly pule. A guilt he nliempled lo adddrcss us, ind again in vain. He raised his hand, and buried liia .ico in the folds of his whie hindker chief. I also coTered my eyes, and there wisadi?p stillness through the assembly At that moment I thought more o( the liv in it lit nil r,r ilie dead: am then tliero wag a rush among the congregation, like ihe eud dm bursting forth of a mighty lorrftnt, 1 rain tl my eyes, but could see no one in the pulpit. The nexi instant it was fill ed. 1 also pressed forward, ami unimpe ded ascended the 6teps for all stood back tli at I might pass. I reached him as he lay upon ihe seat where he hid falen, and; the handkerchief, which was still pressed to his lips, was wet with blood. They bore bim down, ind through ihe aisle; and when he passed the coffin, he raised his head, and gazed a moment upon that calm pale face. Then rastiug upon all around, a farewell glance, ho sunk gently back, and closed his eyes. A few evenings after, I was sitting bj hi bed-sida. The bright glow of a selling sun penetrated ihe while curtains of his win t'ow., and fell with softened lustre upon his fare. The shadows of the contiguous foliage were dancing upon the curtains, the lloor; and the snowy drapery of his bed; and as he looked faintly up, he murmured, 'It is a beautiful world; but the other is glorious, '0 very glorious! and my mother is there, "and Endirnt. See.' they are beckoaing to me, and smiling joyfully.' Mother, dear mother, and Endicoll I am coming!' His voice and looks expressed gush enn nixiinn of the realitv nf what, he flaw, thai 1 also looked up to see those beautiful epir its. My glance of disappointment recalled Jiin; and he smiled as he said, I think n was a dream, but it will be realiiy soon 1)3 not go,' eiid he, as I arose to call for oihert. 'Do not fear, sister. The bands are very loose, and the spirit will go gently and perhaps even before you could retuin. I re-seated myself, and pressing hi wasted hand in mine, I watched, As through his breasi the wave cf life Heaved gently to and Iro.' A few moments more, and I was alone with ihe dead. We buried Winthroo by the side of En dicott W., and the old pastor was soon laid besine them. Years hive passed since then, and I st 1 vo lo visit ttioe three graves. But oihei fee lingi mingle with ihcse which once pos sessed mv soul. 1 hear those whose Ingl vocations was once deemed a sure guaran tec for their puiiiy. either basely calumnia ted, or lerriblv condemned. Their moral- i:y is questioned, their sincerity double) their usefulness denied, and their preten sions scoffed at. it maybe that unholy hands aru sometimes laid upon the ark, and that changes of times forbid such extensive usefulness as was in the power of ihe cler gymen of Now EnglanJ in former days Dot when ihrrc comes a muttering cry 'Down wiih the priesthood!' and a denia if ihe good which they have effected, my soul repels the insinuation, as though i were blasphemy, I think of iho first three- pastors of our village, and I reverence the office and its labors, 'If I but remember only Thai such as these have lived and dial. S t s A N N 1 . A !o! in b't. Louis gave each of rerruils from tlmt ciiy a wedge cf chew ing tobacco befon 1'ieir depiriure.thcy hv inj given him assurance dial Bt. I.oui would 'nave ',. of the honors of the war This then may be called the quid pro quo .7q-c? nf the d'iicrrt':;. lien. Gaines, ii !s said, is about C!) years ol a;:', (un.Sent it, tl'.'Ut 01, ai.d fic-n, 'J'aylyr CO. l3 mi i ja ;d sj is2 Jti. THUTM WMHUIT I K 4 ft S.tTClllh1 JlhVi, IHUJ DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR t ? A .7 L C OMMISSIO WILLIAM H. FOSTER, jr. Itcinoval. The Office of the 'Coixmuu Dkmocrat' has been Removed into iho new IJiick lioilding, South side of Main street, a few doors below .Maikel. V. D. PALMER. nij. i avtwri:rd h ml ax A"tnt fur the '('oirMine Ui.moirat,' und re ceipt ull won it J'ir Hubicryitioii und Advert-!,' me at hi Ai'tnat in Philadelphia jV. fit) Pint-sheet. iew York " 100 Xtsmti-itrett. Boston " 10 Ktiite-strrtt. Baltimore S. E. cor. Bait, and Culvert-eta. Mmhantt-Mec.kinia und Tradesmen muyjlnd it to their advantage to athvrthe in ths pnier, 74 it is the only one piibltufird ut trie louni) .-i;ai. -nd ha a greater c'.rvdallm in Ihe cuiinty than ani uthcr puptr published within itHuiiitx. The Musis. We have heretofore had ample orcflsinn lo complain of the hregulariiy of iho uuiks. but never to the extent that we are cursed with the present summer, Th'y ore now arrieJ in Packet Boa' s, and we undcrslsud thai mail bags for ihe different offn-es on he route are made up al Danville, and from such a making up, good Lord soon leliver us Almost every day a portion ol u Bloomsburg mail is sent up Ihe river, while (he bag for ihis place is filled wilh packages which should be sent any where 'iut here, and to cap the whole, either thro' arelessness of the boatman or some other ausp, the Bloomsburg bag is carried past eaving in its stead a vay mail for some other office, This course is insufferable, nd we have wailed ns long for a eoireetion as our good naiure will admit. We hope, therefore, that the Contractors will see thai the evil is rectified, and that the Post Mas ter at Danville, will not depend upon a buy o assort the rx ail, or at lensi, have one who is somewhat acquainted wilh the locution of the po9t office:', and wall the mail loules, io perforin that duly, 4(h of July. We learn from Orangeville, that the Cjmrnillee of Arrangement are preparing for a noble celebration of this Anniversary. I h I s is as it should ho and we have ron fulence in the ronimiuce, that everv tbim' I bo done up in good nyle, and for the lccommodalion & ronvenienen of all v;h nay attend. It is apparent from all that lias reached us, ihrt a large collection o people from the surrounding eonn'ry ill b ircsenl to join in the festivities of the day Push on the column ' We are requested In mention, that th' Sunday schools of Espeyiown and Light street, will celebrate the 4ih i.f July, in n ,'rove upon the farm of Jacob Melii k Eq bout one mile north of Espeytown. Th 'leignooring scnoois ore reqiiesicu to in ihe celebration. Unpleasant. 'Vo wait in the Pojt-Offici in the day of Publication under ihe expev tal'nn of receiving important news, for a hour after the usual time of anii al of th mail, and then to be told, ilm it ha I gom past and an empty Sag left in iis stead. A Samivil W tiler would say, this is unpleas ant, werry. Julin M. Reed. E-q. ol Philadelphia, lint- been appointed, by the Governor, Attort;e General in the place of John K. Kaiu , E.-q ippointfd Judge cf ihe UniiedStatcs Couri The Lfgislatiire ol New Hampshirf lave passed a law districting the State fur die election of members of Con(.'ies3. It is reported ihat ihe u holt if the Cit f Si, Johns, Newfoundland, except two store.", had been homed down on the ) nslaiil, and thai fifty soldiers were kilh blowing up a house to anesi iho fire Eigiieen vessels were also burnt io ilie liar bor. Miliary Appointments. TUb National ntelligenrer ol yrsterday eiv: 'h is im derstood thai ilie President of the Uaiu States, on haturihiy j?t nominated to th Senate Brevet M j ir General Z ichary Tay ior, io no jjiijor iicnerai in no: Army, tin Icr a laic act of Ccngrrep.and also William 0. Butler, of Kcniui ky, lo be a .Ljor (Jen eral cf Vnlutitf f is u:.d r the Fupple ii. eniary act of Cr irr ts mi-kirg proviioi. fu such pppointuittit,' ). Mexico, it is ev Fr,vn intelligence from Mexico, it is idem that iho movements against the gov- ernment of Paretics are incrcsing in force aiid boldness. Al Tampiro, several parlies are openly opposed lo his administration, anil aie only wailing for to unite upon some geniral plan, to overthrow him. The bravo Aiista, who has displayed decidedly more taring and skill than any other .1exican Jeneral, has been superseded in the com. ind of the Norih, and General Mrjia ap- poinied in his place. Gen. Tylor will teach thai rei'oubtahle Mexican thai in Ihe field whete Arista failed, there are no lau- els for him to pluck. The authorities of Tampieo had divided nlo iwo parlies one parly wilh the mili- ry and Gen Anastasius Tapiod at it head, is in favor of Ft deration and Geneial Santa Anna the oilier w as for arming the eople in favor of Federation without Santa Anna. A lliinl parly was about rai-iog but none had come to any understanding, I though a revolution was daily expected. j When the blockade was declared, there! were twelve vessels of various naiions ly ing in the port of Tampieo three were Biitisli. three French, two Snaniib, three American, and one Biemen. The author- ie weie about prohibiting the American vessels to take in their cat goes, but Cap- tiin Saunders, of the !o'ip(,(-war St. Ma ry's, hearing of this, wrote a letter to ti e uthorities, staling that in case any Ameri-: an vessels were detained, no properly al II should leave the port. This piompt rc ion had the desired effect, anu the order was niihdrawn fhe fort at Tampieo, a mud affair, had been washed away by a freshet a few day( previous to the OiS. The three gun bonis lately buill si New Voik for ihe Mexican service were lyiue n :ho river above Tampieo. There were but thirteen hundred troojv a Tampieo on the C.h, about eighty ol hee were runaway negroes from New Or- cans and Havana; these constitute the hole amount of Ihe Mexican forces from Tampieo lo the Rio Grande. Lata accounts Iron) the army bring lln nfoi mation ihat the detach nent of re,'ii,ai- ttid voluniccis under Col. Wilson had lakt-i the lown of Reonoea, without cpposiiion It was thought ill it the navigation of tin Kio (Jrando was practicable to Camargo; i so, that town ioold be tho next in iho or !cr uf conquest. From ibis point (Cainar- d) preparations would be i2iado fur pene- rating the interior. Intelligence had teaehed Malamnras ol ho death of Ge:t L is said he lied of a f:ver. Alter the battles of 8 I ml Ddi of .May, it was ihotighi he whs ki i d in one or the other of thes-e aelious. He was iho commander of the Mexican di- on that captured Captain Thorulon't commaiHl. 'J'here was no certain knowledge in lit America!) camp as lo the position of tin Mexican army, but il was generally s; oosed lo bo at Monterey; It was also con- i lenily asserted ihat Generals Arista am; Anipudii had both left ihe urmy for tin capital the laltei charging At'lsU with luv int betrayed the am y, am! Arista chargii-f mpudia with cowardice. PEE PRLSEN TAT10.V0F niANK!? J 0 GEN. TAYLOR. The Commiiee appointed by theL"g islaiure of Louisiaoa to p'escnt the re-o hitions and thanks nf the G-.nrral enibly to (Jen, Ty!or, arrivul at M -t- moras on Slii instJoi,in(l were prcsenici! io Ihe brave old chieftain at 11 o'clock the fame day, by Col. Zibuzin, one ol the aids of Gov. Johnson, On ht-ing presenl' d lo tho general , his staff tvhr were inviteil to be present on lh occi sioo, Mr. Zcliarie, Chairman of lb Commi'lee said General, I have the high boner ol preeiilinn lo you tlm resolutions and vote of thank, and ilicnct 3)projrialint i Hv-ird, which were una.iimuunly p,id cil by ihe S aM1 rf Louisiana, to voo, vour brave (fiiceis, and iho army undn t our command, for the gallantry (lis .iLyed by them in the Initio of the S h ind !)'h of May. I am no nraior, geo- ra', but my own heart and the heart of every Louisianian approve of the heouliful Bentimcnis of these resolution In behalf uf the State of Louisiana I r h a i k ) cii ami your brave army, f.r the additional lut-lie which those victories have shed upon Ainerican arms.' To which Iho general briefly end with much enioii'):i I'phc l: 'My heart feels ton deeply and pciim bl v the I'.ijjh honor that lus bs.en eon MEXICO. Ifcirod upon me, my offkni and men, to responil to yiur expressions ofgnl-iThe responil to yiur expressions ol gr; Hude am! thank, I always felt a-sur- ed that ihe patriotic .atQ of Lni'ini would bo amoLihe first lo rush i Ih- issistmre of our tittle army in tioin of need 1 well knew, as did also my officers and men, that ihe was a gal lant, brave and noble State i h d I chi valry, noble daring and ardent patriot ism were her hith attributes. IIr vol tinteers have readily abandoned their nomcs and business, to assist us in Ihe hour cf danger. We feel a deep deb; ol gratitude to them and to you. Tho generous and timely BCtion ol tho legislature of Louisiana will nevei he for&o'len by u; its name will he 'mbjlmed in ourheaits as a cheiihed memorial. W'e foel thai we have only lone ourduty ;y et we cani.ot bin feel I igl y gnl fj.'d lo have gained tha approba tion of our icllow ciliz.:ns. Togeihai with the love of country, which is com mon to us all, it is Hut approbation which cheers and animates the soldier in the hour of battle. Gentleman, I am unaccustomed lo public speaking; 1 hereiore, in the name of my tfficers and men, thank you anu the peiriotic Slate which you represent fjr Ihe hon r conferred upon us.' Al the condition of his reply, Ihe General invited ihe committee and all present to a splendid collation which he had ordered lo be prepared for the oc:asiop, and lo which ample jus;ice wjs done. Numerous loasis were druuk-Mr Zacharie give 'Old Rough andlLady long life to him.' Mr. Carriin gave 'Gen. Taylor Ampudia has at least discovered ihat lie ww a Tailor who understood well how to lake his mcrsures and ih it the. officets and army under his command tiad shown to the Mexicana and lo the tvorld that they peifidly umle t stood ih art of makino; breaches.' Dr. Asbtl Smith gavo Ameiican Indi jtciMlcnec It was proclaimed ato' oainlained !iy the In roes oT '7G. I was confirmed upon tho plain ifClial mette in M l 'LO Ii was agiin assnl ed and maintained in IS JG at Ihe bat lie of San iciolo, and in 1S1G will bt horotighly estt.blished throughout tin vhole extent of Mexico.' Pi'jv. Mr. Cienshaw, Chajilain of I he Andrew Jackson Regiment, give tin o! lowing; 'The Chorcli and Stale- May they oever tie united. We will pi ay loi the one and ftht for iho o' Viifi ladies and voluntcns olL misiana itnl Alabama wero severally loi.-lid. 'Ihe nexi day the committee were in viled lo a dinner given by the cllicec if the ai my at the head (piailers o! Gen. Arista, io M (anions. Col. Tt 'ig j .resided. G ti. Taylor wis present. A splendid hind of Mo-ic performed oc casional y on Ihe gallery , in I hundred of the cilizens of Mitoioras lhiongnd i he Piazi to li.'ten lo tha exulting and j lyous swains. Governor Henderson, of TrXas, and suite, (oilfiller with! Sniilh, Gen erals, Ifnni, John ton, Cook, Lurleson. .nd otheis' tveio also present. Th' i'estnily was kepi up until :niili.i!i,a' d right meinly did ihe wine spuklo n round the board, intermingled with toasts and songs, This was the fns; lime since the bailies of ihe S h and 'J h of May, Ihat the tflicers Ind me' together as a body upon a convivial oe casion, and you may depend ihe shots il'.rectcd by ihcni were as c II-. dud o -they were a month previous a 1 1 1 i o u , 1 1 there were not so rm.iy killed or wouo ilod. ,h'vu Iap Kta fm an ,'lnn'slic The Wdshing'on Union, in alludmi; to the rumor that f7nn. .rista hid sen! proprvils lo Gen. Taylor for an armis lie5 aod that he had established his bead rpni tarsal Monterey, says. 'Wi hout undertaking to ronirailicl this statement in a positive manner, we can only say, thai ihe last despa'ches from GenPay lor lend no countenance ( 'he report. They say no'hing of thi. proposition for on annisiie,nor do they state that Gen. .7ista is utaiinned a .L'on'ery. On ihe contrajy, ihcy pre sen' .7riva as :-sire on mis sice .i mi- Irrey. Nor do they extend Ins foicn lo 1 5,000 troops.' Cait. Walkcr lie will mil Accept. New Haven Rpg'ster saye: 'A gentle- man from Corpus Uiristi, who is intimate ly acq tiaiiicd with Capi Walker, leils u ihat he will not sreept any post in the or- any ilwt his tact lies io lighting M, xican iy insiinci; and ihat the dccipline of th regular anny would destroy his usefn'ness As a seoul, or skirmisher, he has do l a su perior, hut as a sjldier automaton, to he moved by others, peihaps his inferiors in spirit, or knowle lye of horJer warfare, he wou'd never submit lo ii. 1 1 a may feel complimented by this act of die Goveruieni hut his adventurous spirit will never brook die trammels of iho regular camp.' A SOLDIER PREACHER. The correspondent of the Delis, wiiting rom Matamoias, says; Ycsteiday, a Captain from your neigl Imi hood preached lo a portion of iho Army. I'he soul-siiriing eloquence of a soldier, proclaimint; the greal tiulhs of the Gospel. and ioctilcaiing the soldierly virtues of sub- rdination and obedicnco, almost persuaded ns tlul the (lays of the Roundheads had re. turned, when prayeis wero a part of ihe icic on ihe field of battle. No. King can exceed ihe elevated patr'n lism of this wor thy man. He says he heard that an Amer ar ny was in distress, surrounded b enemies on our own soil. Two sleepless nights attested his anxiety. Ho arose wid the conviction that preacher though he was the time for fighting hud come; ihat his duty as a good citizen and true Christian called him io the field. Within forty-eighi hours he was on his way to the. Rio Grande wilh a command who will yel do impor tant service in the present war. How no- bl, how patriotic is this conduct, compared wuh ihat of many preachers of the Word who busy themselves in denouncing a par licip.iiion in any war as biuful and uuho ly.' FROM YUCATAN. Ciinpeaehy papers to ihe Gib inst. have ieen received. The Yucatan Congress was still in sessions, but expected lo adjourn in t'no '20ih iust They were discuss'iii" he proper' of a separation from AA xico wilh the greatest caniesiiiess, and ttu (,'en ral impression was ihat before they ai, journed, Yucatan would be declared hide- iciident. The U. S. brig S. oners arrive! ii Campeachy on ihe 4 th instant and tin Lawrence on the C'.h. the latier from Rio 'Jiande after a live dajs passage. All we in board, Cen. Gaines Cuurt Mrliah d. Thf Wishinpton correspondetit of the Newark ($. J ) Advertiser says the President has nrib'ied Geo. Gaines lo he Irieil by (Joiiri Martial, on charges glowing out cf his id- cent movement al ihe South iti calling inn ervice volunteers to prosecute the war m ainsl .Mexico, and thai he is now nnCir nrrcst awiiiling the orgucizution and con vening nf ihe Couri. !i is also state I in an r.rch iiio papei hal Cnionel tia'.es, of the U. S iirmv, has lieen ordered to the Rio fJratielc, as a mem er of a Genrrid Court .lariiul, io i-y Col, Whistler, of thu infaiurv, and Captain riiornnm, of the dngoons, under arrest by irdcrol'Gen Taylor. Officers of the last War. The Wash- inif.nn Union iiuhiishes at litis lime, as an inleresiini; remit, iscetice. a lisl of ihe gener il (.lFicers nf ihe army of the United States ii 1813. extracted Im-ii the n-gi-ter cf that ,ear. Death has l.iid a pnwiifiil hand up oil these lejilers of ihe last war, lor cut ol twenty two general officers then in frr vicc, but one, ('General Cass.) is now liv 1 111- Major Generals Ilci.ry Leaiborn. rhomas Picknty, Jni;C8 Wilkinson. Wade llamplmi Morgan Lewis W. IL Harrison lirigudir Gcnrrah, Jo-epli Illooii- li HJas. Winchr.-ter William Hull Thorn- is Flnurnoy Thomas II. Gushing John Chandler .Ldm I Lovd 'Pli'imas Pniker George Iz,ird Wm II- Winder Duncan tlcAnhtir, Lewis ('aRs I'ei.j imin Howaid David R. Williams Jacob Drown Leunan' tyovin"ion. WUltarij Muvcme'Ui. Orders were re cited at IS i . Louis on die 10;h inslanl from ihe War Depatimeni for an additional thou sand men to ijo lo Santa Fe, under Col 1i:ai:m:v. This new requisition is said tc oavn given great satifaciion The St Louis Republican of the I lib innt. says; We learn dial five companies, had nrriv ed al Fort Leavens word) on list Sunday, Hily iwo of which had been miistered into srrvice. They wero encamped on ihe prai iic, where they weie lo drill. The other ((.mpaniej weie to he inspded and ui-iercd into servire u.iMor.Jv Vutriolic Gtrmans in T, .c;tt .? nong ilia many pleasing inenb-n's of patriotism exhibited in the 'wai excile .nenl,' the conduct of n largo iiuu.Ur f Gor man emigraiUs in Tex is deseives .lariicular notice. Upon the arrival d Galveston of the news that Gn. Taylor wished reinforcemjniH,one Inmdied aiul lil'y dm man emigrants, w'ln lia l b -en to tin: coiiti'iy hut three iverks, nrgm z- ,1 tin iii-elves into two companies, and'cd for CI -ii. Taylors head ipnrttis. A. 0. 'J'n pic. Ct vnnenduble Desjntli Ji, L'ctit. W. I. Jvnory, accompanied by Lieuts. Warren; and Pe. k, of ihe cops cf Tt- oj;r9jihical Eogii.eers, airivel htra on last S iturday, al noon, from Wash- ogton city, on their way lo join Col. arnej expedition to Smta Fe. On Monday, al noon, they were prepared o embark for Fori L':avenwoi th, bv iigin thu intciim puichased a carr! altering the same to make il suitable for lie conveyance of their luslrume its, hired ten men ns assistants, puichased twenty horses and mules, procured tha necessary slores, compared instruments made tho necessary aslronomic il objer- vaiions, and arranged every thing prep- ra'y to an inirnediale deparlure. This energy on the part of our olii ceis ol Ihe Topographical corps, argues well for he performance of tho duties assigned hem by Government ; and their sever- il departments is so well known, that nothing need be said in commendation. Our not ihwesitrti esp ililie r, we doubt iol, will be conducted wilh thesimo vig or which I as n aiked cpera'icns on the lio Grande. !7. Lou's llevilte. Hi'iSlcr'.cu. Wa have been inform- sil sivs ine.'umnsasinieiiii'encer oi too Gth in staiil, Ihat ihere is on enusiry from the Hnlish Government among the wil d tubes of indians on our fion- tier, endeavor inj, it is said, lo excilo them to hostilities against Ihe people! on the fion'.if.i. We hl-o learn, from l reliable source, that dOO Delewara atid S.mvnee Indians crossed Red liiv er, above Fort Towsoa, and went into Texas, Their move men's caused con siderable anxiety, as their intentions ind desiination were unknown. fl-'a think ihe tloiy is tallicr an impiobubla me. .In t'J:prrpn.ds Prc-eni to Mr. Dal las. A hickory cane, cut at liiell'Tini i;p; was shown us, says the Puii-idel-, 1 1 1 i ,i Ledger, which is in'eir.led as a present io V ice Pio idnnl I1 is oighly polished, beautifully mounted with gold, and contains a lock if Gen Jar I; fun's ha;r.This piesent is the spot)., iineousgifl nf a gentleman o(N i.-hviila ILnry W, Taylor, who, when a boy in Philadelphia .had a lasting favor ron I'cncd upon him through the geneio-i-ly cf Mr. DjIIjs Trie present, under hese cii cums'annes. would no doubt he highly appreciated. Unfn lun de. Toe w ifo cf one of he LonisviMo voluntcrrs was ntuch pposcd to his li avii g honi", and to a votd the i.f a latewP, he left 'mine without bidding her good by. Soon alter bio: Inard of his depii'iiie, Hid dru)it d dead 00 lh- 11,01'. Gen. Tayl is Ftfrii. Gen. Tayh r, is aj-pi ai s by ihe following fiom the Cm iiiiii in a fair way of reaping ther harves's than those of war, Direct ly in the rear of Newport, on the estate or Gen. Tay lor, we noticed yesterday afternoon a wheat field of several hun dred acres, will pruhibly be ready for the sickle in ihe coming ten days. The son has already tinged it with a rich ;o!den hue, and as ihe Lne is genl'y indulating, the appearance rf Iho field when bowing under ihe ii.fluenco of the) breeze ii beautiful exceedingly. Tha berry is largo and well filled, and Ihe whole field gives token of agloiius pta misc. Marshal Turenne. when ordered toFlan ders. raid 'I go lea'ing mote enemies in Fiance than shall iiml in danders' .Marshal Turren, when ordered lo Mexi co, ciid 'I won't go, because I shall havo a lire, in front from ihe Mexicans, and anoih" er in mv rear from Washington.